Be My Disciples SE Gr 4

Page 48

With My Family This Week...

Sharing God’s Word

In chapter 3, “The Mystery of God,” your child learned:

Read together the Bible story in Matthew 6:26–31, or read the adaptation of the story on page 31. Talk about how God cares for all creation.

→ We profess our faith in God, the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of all that is visible and invisible. → God is love, truth, faithful, all-knowing, and all good.

We Live as Disciples

→ We respond to God’s loving care, or Divine Providence, by caring for creation and sharing the gifts of creation with those in need.

The Christian home and family is a school of discipleship. Grow in faith together as a family Choose one of the following activities to do as a family, or design a similar activity of your own.

→ When we practice the virtue of trust, we trust God and are trusted by him. For more about related teachings of the Church, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 199–379; and the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, pages 53–55.

→ Invite your child to help you prepare a family meal. Talk about how your family can care for God’s creation. Then choose one thing you will do this week together to care for creation.

→ Invite your child to go food shopping with you. As you walk down the aisles, talk about your family’s blessings and how you might share those blessings with others.

Our Spiritual Journey The Psalms in the Bible reflect the ups and downs of the daily journey of God’s people. Learn several psalm verses and pray them at appropriate times as a family. In this chapter, your child prayed verses of Psalm 8. Read and pray together Psalm 8 on page 45 or from your Bible. Or pray this short prayer each day this week together as a family: O God, our Creator, how great is your name!

For more ideas on ways your family can live as disciples of Jesus, visit 46

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