European Excerpt

Page 15

Wooded microcosms inhabited by men and animals the living room where she sat at a table in front of the or characters dominating a stage-like space are the

television set.

oeuvre of Maria Concetta Cassarà’s paintings. The artist

Glancing at programmes, Maria Concetta did

lives in a working-class quarter of Bologna, in north-

not neglect the practice of drawing, although in truth only

central Italy. After a life as a housewife, finding her

her images of women testify to the context of action.

children grown and therefore having more free time for

Often they represent figures dressed in fine evening

herself, Cassarà engaged in various activities, first

clothes and exclusive accessories which, typical of the

above All works are Untitled, 50 x 35 cm, 19.7 x 13.8 ins.

working in a pastry shop and then later on as a

television presenter’s greeting, emerge to assume a

dressmaker. About 10 years ago, already in her sixties,

frontal, central pose. Due to the speed with which

centre Maria Concetta Cassarà at home, 2011, photo: Matteo Cuccodrillo.

she began painting by chance after watching her

television personalities habitually move, appearing and

opposite Untitled, 70 x 50 cm, 27.5 x 19.7 ins.

granddaughter while she drew. From that moment on

then disappearing from the screen, Maria Concetta says

Cassarà dedicated almost every evening, sometimes well

that she is forced to complete such figures with details

into the late hours, to creative accomplishment, wheeling

of her own imagining. As for the rest, a rural topography

a trolley full of sheets of paper, brushes and tempera into

prevails in her representations; there are hills, valleys,

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