清賞—古今人文藝術專場 Connoisseurship: The Literati Sale

Page 103

| 閑居無事可評論,一柱清香自得聞。|

7 16 A DEHUA RIBBED TRIPOD CENSER 17th Century D: 13.5 cm

NT$ 160,000 – 280,000 HK$ 43,000 – 75,000 US$ 5,500 – 9,600 RMB 35,000 – 61,000 17世紀 德化白 瓷 筒 式 弦 紋 爐 此弦紋三足爐,直口筒腹,下承三足如意紋,造型古樸典雅,形體 莊重敦實,圓渾秀美。其通體飾以弦紋三道,清代德化窯燒製白 瓷,釉色不似明代的白中微微閃紅,而是白中透青。器形端莊,釉 面渾厚滋潤,釉色均勻,為清代德化白瓷佳作。 716

This lot is of cylindrical form supported on carved ruyi -form feet and rising to a lipped rim, finely incised around the center of the body with a leiwen ground between two raised fillets, a third fillet encircling the base.

717 A DEHUA GUI-FORM CENSER 17th Century D: 11 cm

NT$ 160,000 – 280,000 HK$ 43,000 – 75,000 US$ 5,500 – 9,600 RMB 35,000 – 61,000 17世 紀 德 化 白 瓷 簋 式 爐 此為白瓷簋式爐,壁薄質堅,細潤沉靜。圓口,束頸溜肩,圓 鼓腹,腹下漸收,下承圈足。頸肩兩側出一對鳳式戟耳線條屈 曲流轉,簡潔有力。全器古樸自然,具素雅的韻致。 Based on the archaic bronze gui censer with a deep U-shaped body rising to a waisted neck and extending to a slightly swelling belly, carved on the exterior and supported on a round foot, the 717

sides flanked by a pair of C-shaped handles issuing from the mouth a mythical beast, the white body covered with an ivorytinged clear glaze.

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