R8 Property AS Annual Report 2018

Page 69

Statement of total comprehensive income 1 January to 31 December All amounts in NOK thousand Note




70 149 13 581 83 730

55 574 476 56 050

10 9, 10 10, 11

17 876 877 24 049 42 803

10 507 488 3 966 14 961

40 927

41 090

Rental income Other operating revenue Total operating income Maintenance and other operating expenses Other property-related expenses Administrative expenses Total operating costs Net income from property management Changes in value from investment properties Operating profit


37 626 78 553

40 670 81 760

Share of profit of a joint venture Interest and other finance income Interest and other finance expense Net realised financials Unrealised changes in value of finacial istruments Net financial items

26 12 12

14 364 1 304 -30 350 -14 682 6 593 -8 088

1 025 -24 309 -23 285 1 573 -21 712

70 465 -9 732 60 733

60 048 -12 106 47 942

Total comprehensive income for the year

60 733

47 942

Profit attributable to: Equity holders of the company Non-controlling interest

58 424 2 308

47 942 -

Total comprehensive income attributable to: Equity holders of the company Non-controlling interest

58 424 2 308

47 942 -

Profit before tax Tax expense Profit for year

Earnings per share: Continuing operations Basic=Diluted (NOK) Basic - Non-authorised increase in capital 21.12.2018 (NOK) Basic - Merger Hagakilen in 2019 (NOK)


25 25 25

46 42 40



Notes 1 through to 27 form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.


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