Journal 125

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re a s l o ho c s e t re. u Sta t u f our


! g n o r t s s r a e y 5 2 1 n o s n Congratulatio

state ch year sland ea children n Queen ucate 440,000 00 dedicated ,0 ed s 30 ol an scho e th or m oy pl and em . rs he ac te t them. st withou us ld be lo e at serio We wou s hools ar sc e at ment ha ately, st Govern Unfortun e the Federal m them fro ey us on e risk beca d stripping m at iv pr the starte ng it to and givi sector. lled the policy ca Under a t Benchmark en lm ro ), public En ent (EBA Adjustm in Queensland n educatio se millions of to lo stands ing each in fund dollars year. to t afford We can’ . happen let this ncern to your co e Express n Minist Educatio l ra de ime Fe Kemp, Pr d Dr David hn Howard an Jo ber of Minister ral Mem de Fe your ent. Parliam


hip, professional e for your members ic st ju ge wa d an ns ildren, Rights, fair conditio for Queensland’s ch n io at uc ed ic bl pu and quality unwavering teaching standards e nation’s people – th r fo ity ar lid so d equality an the public and social justice, debates but also in ur yo in y el er m t no sed values I have witnes years. the QTU over many of ns tio ac d an ts statemen present during values in your

gth of those en d recognise the stren an st pa ur yo ute sal torious future. I am proud to will guide you to a vic y the nt de nfi co am struggles, and I ionism of both our the traditional isolat ite sp de d, an ion rat ion – today’s AEU – I NSW Teachers Fede national teachers’ un g As a friend from the on str a ild bu to U. partner in the quest and loyalty of the QT respective unions, a Up attest to the strength n ca d an rs de lea ur yo taennt, d S a sid Pre worked with many of TU AC as U, the QC sident and, through cratic ur leaders as AEU Pre yo th wi rk d ambition for a demo wo to are e sh eg It was a privil e all reinforced the ov ab t bu , me d ate and educ privilege that inspired d democracy. for peace, equality an rk, wo and just world of are escalating, but my l unrest and conflict cia so . d an l ua eq un ion base we all share is growing more by the heart of the un ed ap Tragically the world sh en be s ha le wer of working peop confidence in the po y, superannuation. conditions, equal pa d an s ge wa t jus ry; ina and st 125 years is extraord ools, teacher housing The legacy of the pa ote education, safe sch rem , on uncil of ati uc Co d ed lan us ns no Indige role in the Quee education standards, top of this, a central on d An . ins ga d. er ong oth d to defen education funding am acy to be proud of an lidarity – indeed a leg so d itte mm co by from Unions, backed and on social justice ucation, on equality ed c bli the pu on s, o ion ainst those wh fear attacks on un s will be a bulwark ag ist Watching the repeated tiv ac U QT of ion . tarianism t today’s generat collectivism and egali afar, I am confident tha men to knowledge, wo d an n me ion un of shared commitment seen off ; Campbell ies were successfully lic po e tiv uc str de ir d the and John Howard an Joh Bjelke-Petersen . ise ew lik be ll bott wi Newman and Tony Ab

by Authorised


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retary, Que

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John Batt

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The Q educa


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Improve conditio through improve m Read thi in the s ne your sc ar hool

U viva! 1889 - 2014 : Viva QT

Sharan Burrow

ernational Trade Union General Secretary, Int


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Messa picture

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