Queensland Council of Social Service Annual Report 2014-15

Page 10


July 2014

August 2014

September 2014

New 12 month National Partnership

Essential Services Team presented

QCOSS’ Indigenous Professional

Agreement on Homelessness signed.

at the Parliamentary Committee

Support Unit (IPSU) facilitated two

investigating legislation to introduce

regional forums in the Northern

Queensland Government confirmed

electricity price deregulation in South

Peninsula Area and Torres Strait

pre-payment meter customers in

East Queensland in 2015.

attended by Aboriginal and Torres

remote communities are eligible for the Electricity Rebate.

Strait Islander early childhood QCOSS CEO announced as one of


15 Queensland Plan Ambassadors and appointed to the Queensland

IPSU’s Men of Steel met over two

Government’s WaterQ Strategic

days to encourage more men to get

Advisory Committee.

involved in early childhood education.

Home for Good - a community -

Positive changes for the electricity

driven project tackling homelessness

industry announced by the

- launched in Gympie, Bundaberg,

government as a result of QCOSS’

Moreton Bay, the Sunshine and

advocacy work.

Fraser Coasts. Funding secured for a pilot project – the Indigenous Remote Support Coordination (IRSC) program – with Department of Education and Training to understand how best to undertake training and professional development support for early childhood educators in discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


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