QB Magazine, February 2018

Page 45

SUDOKU CHALLENGE Sudoku rules: Each row, column and block must contain one of the numbers from 1 to 9. No number may appear more than once in any row, column or block. When you’ve filled the entire grid, the puzzle is solved.

NUMBER LADDER Can you climb the ladder and find the missing numbers? Puzzle Choice www.puzzlechoice. com is the source of this Number Ladder.

Sudoku puzzle provided by www.sudokuoftheday.com visit them and get a new Sudoku every day!



Summer Unjumble the words relating to Summer. Then unjumble the red letters to answer the clue. Clue: A summer treat? H E B C A P N I C M A G K A P R E L V A T R D F N R E I S I N S H F I G D I O A L H Y I P N C I C


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