Wood Architecture - May 2015

Page 81


Timberwise oli ensimmäinen parketinvalmistaja, joka luopui eksoottisista puulajeista eettisin perustein keskittyen tammi- ja saarniparkettien valmistukseen. Tämän myötä Timberwise erikoistui värikäsittelyihin ja sillä on nyt yksi puulattioiden laajimmista värivalikoimista. Joustavan tuotannon ansiosta myös räätälöidyt tuotteet projekteihin ovat mahdollisia. Timberwise-parketin välikerroksessa käytetään suomalaista koivuvaneria, joka takaa lattialle mahdollisimman stabiilin rakenteen minimoiden lattian reagoimisen vaihteleviin olosuhteisiin. Parkettien liimasauma kestää jopa kiehuvassa vedessä, minkä ansiosta parketit kestävät erinomaisesti vaativia olosuhteita ja soveltuvat aina kuivasta, kylmästä pohjolasta maapallon kuumimmille seuduille. Timberwise-parketit soveltuvat hyvin julkisiin kohteisiin. Referenssikohteita löytyy maailmanlaajuisesti mm. Ravintola Bronda, Dubai Mall The Zoo Store sekä eri hotelleja. Avainlippu-merkin saaneiden Timberwise-parkettien kotimaisten raaka-aineiden osuus on aina vähintään kaksi kolmasosaa. Kaikki Timberwisen käyttämä puu tulee EU-alueelta, PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistä. n

INFO: Timberwise Oy info@timberwise.fi +358 (0)2 7636 420 www.timberwise.fi

Timberwise parquets advance the good quality of indoor air in homes Finnish family business Timberwise Oy is the first floor manufacturer of high-quality parquets with the Allergy Label issued by the Finnish Allergy and Asthma Federation.


he Allergy Label certifies that Timberwise parquets are made without color treatments, varnishes, waxes and glues that release emissions which undermine the quality of indoor air in homes. Thanks to the locking tongue-and-groove technique, no glue is needed when installing the parquet. Timberwise parquets are a safe choice for a family with children or allergic people, and they allow you to move in as soon as the new floor has been installed. Because the floor is one of the largest surfaces in the home, Timberwise has made product safety one of its primary quality criteria. To ensure clean breathing air, in creating the sturdy three-layer structure of the parquet, Timber-

wise uses exclusively glues which contain no harmful formaldehydes. In addition to this the surface treatment substances used are as natural as possible. For example the Osmo Color wax oils are vegetable oil based and the varnishes used are UV-hardened with no releases into the indoor air. Timberwise was the first parquet manufacturer to give up on using exotic wood species on ethical grounds and to focus on manufacturing oak and ash parquets. Along with this, Timberwise specialised in colour treatments and is now a forerunner in colour treatments and have one of the largest selections of colours in wooden floors. Thanks to flexible production, they are also able to make customised products.

Finnish birch plywood is being used in the middle layer of the parquet, which guarantees that the structure of the floor is as stable as possible because it minimizes the floor’s reactions to varying circumstances. The glue seam of the structure holds even in the boiling water, due to this Timberwise parquets have excellent endurance in demanding conditions and they are applicable everywhere from the driest, coldest north to the hottest regions of the world. Timberwise parquets are applicable for public spaces too, the references can be found all over the world for example Restaurant Bronda, Dubai Mall The Zoo Store and several hotels. Timberwise parquets have been awarded the Key Flag Symbol and they are made in the town of Loimaa; at least two thirds of the raw materials of Timberwise products are always Finnish. All the wood Timberwise uses comes from PEFC-certified forests in the EU. n PUU 2/15


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