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Marcin Czerkasow > Jakub Czyszczoń

This refusal to take control is also important for me in a somewhat broader context, related to the issue of the professionalization of art. It seems that today the artist should be something of an expert in all the activities they engage in – a perfectionist, a specialist. On the other hand, there is a trend towards abandoning the idea of authorship itself, i.e., the idea of a strongly marked subjectivity. Personally, I lean toward the idea of a diffusing the presence of the author in the work. Perhaps good examples here would be abstract expressionism or Duchamp’s ready-mades. All of these things were so unpredictable that today they attest to a certain resistance to the idea of the author being fully in control of the nascent work. MC: And, looking from another angle, one might also mention here the famous Warhol Factory... JC: …taking into account the concept of the mechanized production of artworks. The very term “factory” assumes the notion of a certain type of tool, of thinking about art as a product. What is interesting here is the way repetition is associated with manufacturing and the removal of the author’s subjectivity, its reduction to a signature, its diffusion into multiple, recurring replications.


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