Proteun Agreement

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Substitute teachers shall be provided with paid professional development each year in accordance with Article 8-34. The substitute teacher evaluation training shall be part of a substitute teacher’s professional development, when applicable.

8-6.4 Any teacher employed in at least a three-fifths (3/5) part-time teaching position, inclusive of travel time, shall be afforded any and all of the benefits and rights of full-time teachers excepting that the salary shall be prorated. 8-7

Substitute Teachers It is the intent of the Parties to allow the Board full flexibility in the hiring of substitute teachers.

In every instance of a teacher absence, in every instance where a vacancy exists and in every instance when a teacher is away from his/her assignment (i.e. attending a workshop, professional development session, committee meeting, etc.) the Board shall employ a substitute teacher. Substitute teachers shall be offered substitute teaching assignments in accordance with the following priority order: 1. 2. 3.

Certification match (i.e. Social Studies certified substitute teacher assigned to cover the classes of an absent Social Studies teacher). Level match (i.e. secondary certified substitute teacher assigned to cover the class of an absent secondary teacher). Teacher match (i.e. any certified substitute teacher assigned to cover the class of an absent teacher).

The Board shall employ, as a minimum, that number of LTS and LTSP equal to the average number of LTS and LTSP needed on a daily basis during the preceding year. The number of LTS and LTSP needed on a daily basis shall be determined by the parties no later than June 1st of each year. Any teacher whose name appears on any Recall Seniority List prior to September 1, 1995 shall not waive his/her recall seniority rights to be recalled as a per-diem substitute teacher, long-term substitute teacher, long-term substitute teacher in-pool or as a probationary/regular teacher when said position(s) become available. Any teacher hired on September 1, 1995, or thereafter, as a per diem substitute teacher, long-term substitute teacher or long-term substitute teacher in-pool whose name does not appear on the 1994-95 Recall Seniority List or any previous Recall Seniority List shall be eligible to serve as a per-diem substitute teacher, long-term substitute teacher or long-term substitute teacher in-pool and be eligible for all the rights and privileges of said teaching positions(s) except that said teacher shall not be eligible for placement on any Recall Seniority List unless said teacher receives a layoff notice as a probationary regular teacher. Any teacher whose name appears on a Recall Seniority list shall be hired in seniority order as a LTS or LTSP prior to any teacher not on a Recall Seniority list. Should the number of LTS and LTSP needed on a daily basis be insufficient to cover the classes of teachers absent or away from their assignment, the priority order of assigning additional substitute teachers is as follows: A. B.

In seniority order, a teacher whose name appears on a Recall Seniority list and who has not been recalled as an R, LTS or LTSP. A per-diem substitute teacher. The Board shall determine the compensation provided to a per-diem substitute teacher and it shall not be a condition addressed by this Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The Superintendent of Schools and/or his/her designee and the Union President and/or his/her designee shall meet on a monthly basis to review all data pertinent to compliance with Article 8-7.


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