February 2022 Newsletter

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Pastor Stephen Farr

February 2022 Newsletter Words of Life

Inside this issue: Pastor’s Letter


Church Member Feature


Continued Articles


Treasurer’s Corner


Youth Events




Listening Is Love In Action




Updates / Events/ Small Groups


The official newsletter of the Pendleton Adventist Church is published the last week of each month.

• Stephen Farr, Pastor ................. Cell 360.477.7362 Office 541.276.0882 Email stephen.farr@uccemail.org

• Craig Kellogg, Co-Head Elder .......... 541.377.6290 • Glenn Holbrook Head Deacon ........ 541.310-1230 • Martha Dutterer, Head Deaconess . 541.310.8625 • Rhonda Iverson, Clerk ..................... 541.969.0340 • Ronda Beers, Treasurer .................. 541.276.1049 • Sandra Easley, Church Secretary ..... 541.215.5664 • Lynn Beier, Prison Ministries .......... 541.240.1740 • Church Website ..... www/pendletonadventist.org • Church Email ..... pendletonadventist@gmail.com All material published in the newsletter must be submitted by the 20th of each month. There is no guarantee submitted material will be added to the newsletter.

Do you remember being a little child and hardly having a care in the world? I remember when I was a little boy. I had a big imagination. I thought I was going to explore and do everything. Nothing was impossible. I thought I was going to be a doctor, a dentist, a singer, a movie star and maybe someday I would go to the moon or maybe I would be the first man on Mars. One day while watching my dad preach a sermon, I imagined I would one day grow up to be just like Him, “someday I will be a world evangelist,” I said to myself. Sometimes my dad would play his guitar and sing praises to God. When I was still little enough, He would hold me on his lap and play and sing. It was even better when we would gather with the youth from the church around a campfire. As I looked around the campfire, I could see the joy in the eyes of everyone singing praises to God. “Someday I am going to play the guitar and sing just like you dad,” I would say to myself. Do you remember the first time you realized that the world is broken? Do you remember the moment when your eyes were opened to the fact that our world is filled with sin? I can remember the moment when I felt like the perfect world, I lived in suddenly had a shadow cast over it. I was a little boy and we were moving away from my childhood home. As we drove down the long gravel road, I looked out the back window and watched the perfect world I lived in disappear. From that moment forward I began to feel the shadows deepen. I began to see that the world we live in and the life we live here is tainted with sin. When I was a teenager, my mom put me in public school because she couldn’t home school us anymore and she couldn’t afford a Christian education either. My parents divorced when I was twelve. Shortly after going into public school I discovered rock and roll music. One of the bands I liked was Aerosmith. Some of you who read this will know the band and others young or old will merely scratch their head. One of their songs is called, “Hole in my Soul.” The Bible tells us that, “God is Love” but as I grew older, I started to wonder why I couldn’t feel or see God’s love in the people around me. The people at Church didn’t seem to have it and neither did the people in the world. I started to feel like there was a hole in my heart and I started trying to find things to fill the hole. But nothing seemed to fit and all of the things I tried only made the hole bigger and my feelings of hopelessness and despair worsened. I finally realized that the hole in my soul, the hole in my heart was in the shape of a cross. Everything changed for me when I was locked up in jail. The loneliness and despair I felt had driven me into deep alcoholism. I got two DUI’s in less than four months and found myself sentenced to five consecutive years suspend a day in the county jail. The only reason they suspend one day of each year’s sentence is because any sentence more than a year has to be served in prison. They have to drop one day of every 365 in order to keep you in county jail. I was lying in my jail cell reading a book my dad sent me called “The purpose driven life,” When I read these words for the first time. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; Continued on page 3...

Family Feature… The Amazing & Infamous

Jim & Becky Robinson Jim – I was born at a very early age, a long, long time ago in Pendleton at St. Anthony Hospital, delivered by Dr. John B. Easton, who also delivered my 2 brothers & sister. Years later he also delivered Becky's & my two children, Kari & Det. Jim attended school at St. Joseph's Academy in Pendleton, thru the 8th grade then transferring to Pendleton High School, graduating with Magna Cum Nothing Honors in 1961. He attended Oregon State University from 1961-1965 earning a B.S. degree in Business Administration & Accounting. He worked for Arthur Andersen & Co., a major national accounting firm in Portland, OR, until 1968. He returned to Pendleton and went to work for Fleetwood Enterprises Inc, (a fortune 500 corporation), who had just opened a plant in Pendleton. Fleetwood was the number one manufacturer of mobile homes, & recreational vehicles in the country. Jim retired from Fleetwood in 2000, after 32 years. At the time of his retirement, he was NW Regional Manager of Materials over two plants, LaGrande and Pendleton. Becky was raised in Irrigon OR and attended school there until her family moved to Stanfield for her first two years of high school, later moving to Hermiston where she graduated from HHS in 1963. Becky moved to Pendleton in 1968 with her two boys. She was employed at Hamley's & then took a job at Art Caldwell's Truck Sales. There, she was nicknamed 'Tokyo Rose' because of her husky voice over the intercom when calling people to the office. She eventually went to work for Fleetwood for better wages. She worked there until Dec. 1971. Jim & Becky met in May of 1969, dating 2 ½ years, getting married in Dec, of 1971. That's when Becky gave up one career in pursuit of a new career, that of a Domestic Engineer. What is a Domestic Engineer you ask? It's a best friend, companion, mother, doctor, lawyer who listens to arguments & a judge who makes rulings over these arguments. A counselor, who can listen & then speak with the wisdom of 'Proverbs”. A cook, maid, seamstress, taxi driver, taking the kids wherever they need to go. An accountant who balances the budget when the budget looks like the national debt. A mechanic who can fix anything from flat tires, changing the oil, fixing the vacuum or the computer. A gardener who mows, trims, waters, rakes, only to do it all over again. The washing lady who's seen 3 sets of washers & dryers wash themselves into oblivion. Ironing lady, dishwasher, & of course, the cook. A personal valet who coordinates our plaids, stripes & solids & makes sure our socks match. A dentist who makes sure we brush & floss every day. A grocery shopper who knows where everything is in the store & knows what is the cheapest. During the years that Kari & Det were at HJA, Becky wore many hats. She joined the office staff as secretary in 1992, working with Rudy Rittenbach & Syd Stewart. They were kind enough to teach her how to use a computer, in return she donated her time to help in the office. She worked at HJA for 8 years, and in that time would also serve as co-treasurer with Delbert Griffin Jr. In the 8 years she worked there she worked for 4 different principles, Rudy, Bob Uhrig, Don Bryan, & Marlene Porter. She joined Pathfinders & loved working with Delbert & Vonnie Griffin as girl's director, & was chief cook & bottle washer, cooking many meals in the 'Chuck Wagon'! (The Pathfinder's meals on wheels.) She cooked hot lunches at HJA once a week. Soon the word spread, the food was so good that people from Harris Pine Mills were coming to Harris for lunch! At one point, Becky, with the help of Freida Bruner, Elma Hendrickson, & Margaret Shepard, were serving 120 people. She loved being Home & School Leader while Kari & Det were at HJA, and played the piano for the school choir. She loved working at HJA with all the kids, 'her kids'! Retiring in 2000 was bittersweet, leaving 'her Page 2

Pendleton Adventist Church Newsletter, February 2022

Continued from page 2, Robinson Family….

school & her kids'! Becky could have become anything she wanted, but by becoming a Domestic Engineer, she became them all. Jim's father, Sonny Robinson, was raised an Adventist and attended Laurelwood Academy. His Dad's mother was Hazel (Harris) Robinson (Clyde Harris's sister) making Clyde & Mary Harris, Jim & Becky's great aunt and uncle. Becky was raised an Adventist. It was Becky's influence and the evangelist Ron Halverson, that got Jim interested in the Adventist faith. It took 20 years but Jim was finally baptized. He had been coming to church for so long, most members thought that he was already a member. Since our retirement in 2000 we have both worked at the Boardman RV Park in Boardman, Jim received the “Tenderfoot of the Year Award” in 2019 from the OR, one of Oregon’s' best kept secrets. We don't Mainstreet cowboys, shown here with the entire Robinson clan!!! work full time at the park, usually from April thru October, several hours per day, meeting many nice RV’ers from all over the country. We have 4 children, Rick, Tony, Kari & Det. 12 grandchildren & 2 great grandchildren. Our immediate family, our church family, & personal friends, are the greatest blessings of our lives. All our activities revolve around them. Submitted by Jim and Becky Robinson Your church family thanks you for being a part of our family, you have blessed us more than you can know! Pastor’s letter continued from page 1….behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). I wasn’t sure if I believed that Jesus really could or would want me. I wasn’t sure I believed that He could fix the hole in my soul or make everything in my life brand new. But I do remember wanting to believe. I remember thinking “I believe God but you need to save me from my unbelief.” It has been almost seventeen years since I gave me life to God. Many people have asked me “what changed your life? They have puzzled at how I went from homeless alcoholic to world evangelist. Every time people ask me, I think of the words to a wonderful hymn called “Wonderful Words of Life.” (First Verse) Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life, Let me more of their beauty see, wonderful words of life; Words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty. (Refrain) Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life, Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. (Second Verse) Christ, the blessed One, gives to all wonderful words of life; Sinner, list to the loving call, wonderful words of life; All so freely given, wooing us to heaven. (Refrain). (Third Verse) Sweetly echo the Gospel call, wonderful words of life; Offer pardon and peace to all, wonderful words of life; Jesus, only Savior, sanctify forever. (Refrain). Yes, friends the thing that changed my life is finding Jesus through the wonderful Words of life contained in the Bible. The only thing that fills the hole in our souls, the only thing that can fill the hole in our hearts that is in the shape of a cross is Jesus. You might be asking yourself; “how do I start a relationship with Jesus?” You may be thinking I wish my relationship with God was what it once was! My answer to both is the same. Join me in praying this simple prayer. The same prayer I prayed many years ago. “Lord, I believe, please save me from my unbelief.” Open your Bible and pray for the Holy Spirit. It won’t be long before the hole in your heart is filled with wonderful words that will change you and give you a brand-new life in Jesus. God bless you one and all, Sincerely Pastor Stephen William Farr Page 3

Pendleton Adventist Church Newsletter, February 2022

Offering Schedule February Feb. 5 Local Church Budget Feb. 12 Adventist Television Ministries Feb. 19 Local Church Budget

Treasurer’s Corner

Feb. 26 Camp MiVoden Development

Saving & Investing Ants labor to save provisions for the winter (Prov. 6:6-8). We are wise to consider their ways when we save money routinely for a specific purpose. The point in saving is to have resources available for our living expenses or needs as opposed to wasting or hoarding what we earn. Managing money requires wisdom, budgeting and discipline. If all we do is save for ourselves, we are pilfering God’s possessions instead of stewarding them. “Money needlessly spent is a double loss. Not only is it gone, but its potential for earnings is also gone. Had we set it aside, it could have been multiplying on earth through savings or in heaven through giving...Saving is a discipline that develops authority over money. Instead of letting money take us wherever our whims incline, we take control.” (Randy C. Alcorn, Money Possessions and Eternity.) Stewards save for family needs and invest in heaven when managing God’s assets. It is not about how much one possesses, but about having a biblical management plan in place, whatever your financial situation happens to be. Saving for family needs should be done wisely. To minimize any loss, spread out the risk (Eccles. 11:1,2). Working at such minimization prior to your wants (Prov. 24:27) and then seeking qualified advice from others (Prov. 15:22) are two successful tools in this model. As needs are met and wealth grows, we must “remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Deut. 8:18). The most secure investment model for God’s steward is to invest in “the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matt. 13:44). There are no recessions, risks, thieves or market downturns. It’s like having a purse or wallet that will never wear out (Luke 12:33). Accepting Christ opens the account and returning tithe and giving offerings are deposits. That is to say, however much we need to take care of our worldly and earthly things here, such as paying the bills, we always must keep our focus on eternal truths. Submitted by Robin Holbrook Page 4

Pendleton Adventist Church Newsletter, February 2022

Pendleton Christian School Events for February: Feb. 17 Feb. 21 Feb. 24 Feb. 28

Ski Day* Anthony Lake Presidents Day NO School Ski Day* Anthony Lake Spirit Week begins

Pathfinder Events for February: Feb. 1 6pm Drill/March: 6:30pm Meeting (Full Dress) Feb. 8 6:30 pm Meeting Feb. 11-13 Camp in Theme Weekend Feb. 15 6pm Drill/March: 6:30pm Meeting Feb. 22 6:30pm Meeting

Church Youth Events for February:

Join us in a night of praise and worship with Toby Mac You are invited to come along on Feb 26th to see Toby Mac in concert at the Toyota Center in Kennewick. This evening will be full of energetic music with a focus on God. If you want to come you can still join us, just ask Pastor Farr where our seats are and he’ll tell you the best place to purchase them. Lastly, the Toyota Center (concert location) does require proof of recent negative Covid test or Covid vaccination card. Contact Pastor Farr to find out more, 360.477.7362, call or text. Concert Details: What: Toby Mac Concert Date: Feb 26th a 7pm Where: Toyota Center Kennewick* Cost: Aprox. $42 per ticket in our section: *If you need transportation let us know. Arrangements and details will be worked out closer to the date.

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Pendleton Adventist Church Newsletter, February 2022


Rhonda D.

Zeke G.

Doris O.

Julie Y.

Elaine W.

Kevin B

Quinn D.

Dana V.

Kimberly K.

David H.

Ryan L.

Laurine K.

Russ K.

Alan M.

Kandace M.

James R.

Todd P.

Amanda S.

Mimi M.

Jacob G.

Mackaleigh L.

Nick B.

Dusty R.

Liam C.

Shelley G.

Dena O. Rudy R.

Chris L.

Dawna S.

Harvey D.

Christy J.

Ed Z.

Becky C.

Erin J.

Bailey C.

Cody K.

Kenny C.

Dysen W.

William D.

Caleb C.

Drake H. Ruth R.

May God bless you all with happiness and peace on your birthday! Page 6

Jeanette B.

Renee M. Gerald G. Isaac G. Jerry K.

Pendleton Adventist Church Newsletter, February 2022

Listening Is Love In Action….. “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.” - David Augsburger, Caring Enough to Hear and Be Heard Jim and Jackie are a work in progress. One of the “love languages” dear to Jackie’s heart is a partnership with active listening. When she feels heard, she feels loved. It took years for Jime to catch on. But he’s figured out she is happiest when she can share her frustrations openly. And he is happiest when she is happy. Jim and Jackie’s discovery is not rocket science. Relationships flourish when communication is honest, active and respectful, when we listen more than we speak. The equation is the same for our world and our church! We are currently saddled with a society where differing views cannot be thoughtfully shared without a violent allergic reaction dutifully portrayed in every newscast. In this current arena, defending a particular point of view has become an obsession, with little patience for another’s perspective. Noted author Stephen R. Covey observes, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” It is not only damaging the civility of our national discourse, but it is diminishing the trust we place in each other within our church. We are spending far more time talking about each other than we are to each other. And that leaves less and less time to collectively fouc on Jesus. The concerns are real, doctrinal integrity, authority and governance within our church structure, loyalty to mission and policy, slippery slopes to worldly values. Most of us share these concerns, but you wouldn’t know it by reading some of what I see daily online. How quick and easy it is to judge another’s views or motives when we haven't taken the time to really listen, to consider the whole picture. The apostle Paul decried the tendency of some believers to compartmentalize, to ally themselves only with a certain leader– Paul, Apollos or Cephas. In reviewing Paul’s words to the Corinthians, you can sense his exasperation: “Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul? It is no different today. The brothers and sisters in your local church, the leaders of your conference, union, division or world church are fallible, as are you and I. When we fail to highlight the best in each other and instead look for the worst, when we fall prey to secondhand slander like “its’ been reported to me” or “everyone I talk to says,” we are playing the devil’s game. Building silo walls or distributing petitions to claim your perspective is the only on God can bless is the very problem Paul encountered two millennia ago. Creating division may be the modus operandi of some politicians, but it is not how God has designed His church or His kingdom. Could the love language of listening, really listening with respect and understanding to Him and to each other, allow the Lord to bring a miracle into our midst? Could it help expel the suspicion and rumor that heighten our distrust? Could it restore relationships that have atrophied from want of loving connections? Could it be the avenue through which the Holy Spirit would move us forward together for the good of our world and His kingdom? Written by Steve Vistaunet Page 7

Pendleton Adventist Church Newsletter, February 2022

February 2022 Pendleton & Pilot Rock Adventist Church













6pm Drill/ March

Arise & Parenting dinner 5:30 pm Meeting 6:30pm

Pathfinders 6:30PM 6




Pathfinders 6:30PM

Arise & Parenting dinner PCS School 5:30 pm Board Meeting Meeting 7pm 6:30pm




6pm Drill/ March Pathfinders 6:30PM 21

No School! 27


Sunset 5:06pm

Women’s Ministry 6:30PM, Fire Station 1 (new station!

Youth SuperBowl Party 3pm, Easleys House



Pilot Rock– 9:30AM Farr

22 Elder Meeting– 5:30PM Church Board– 6:30PM


Arise & Parenting dinner 5:30 pm Meeting



Pathfinder Camp In Theme Weekend

Pendleton— 9:30 AM Farr



Pilot Rock– Sunset 5:16 PM 11AM Farr

Pendleton– 11AM Guest

Arise & Parenting dinner 5:30 pm Meeting 6:30pm


Pendleton— 11AM Farr

Pilot Rock— 11AM Farr (all Sunset 5:26 PM day)



26 Pendleton— 11AM Farr (all day) Potluck

Sunset 5:36PM

P. Rock— 11AM Guest


1st Day of Spirit Week at PCS

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Pendleton Adventist Church Newsletter, February 2022

UPCOMING EVENTS /MEETINGS Women’s Ministries Meetings: February 7th Women’s Ministry meeting will be at the Pendleton Fire Dept. Station 1 (new station) It will be led by Sandra Easley. March 7th Women’s Ministry meeting will be held at the Fireside room and led by Marci McMurphy and guest speaker. There will be a fresh flower arrangement activity to enjoy as well!!! *Feel free to bring a snack to share with the rest of the ladies, but certainly don’t feel obligated!

Parenting Series Meetings: This series is for anyone who has kids of any age or who might want to have kids in the future! Sign up for the Parenting Small Group on the church’s website, this is a limited 6 week series that is meeting Wednesdays starting Jan 19 from 6:30-8pm ( There will also be a dinner served at 5:30 pm, in the Fireside Room of the Pendleton Adventist Church (downstairs) for those attending the meeting. Meeting will be in the Youth Room right across from the Fireside Room. Free Child Care Available at the church for anyone attending this meeting!

Arise Meetings: Arise meetings are also taking place every Wednesday night with dinner (Fireside Rm) at 5:30pm and the meeting at 6:30pm in the sanctuary. These meetings are supplemental to the Arise Online program so if you can’t make it that's okay. However, it is a great opportunity to expand upon what you’re learning online, to ask questions, and discuss various topics from the class. Free Child care is available for those attending these meetings as well!

Join Pastor Farr in the “Bible in a Year Challenge” and get involved with a small group This is for all those interested in reading and studying the bible cover to cover in 2022! Pastor is encouraging the small groups to do the One Year Bible Reading Challenge beginning in 2022 as the topic for the small groups each week. A very simple, easy to follow, one-year bible reading plan is available from the church or you can find it online on our website and print it. It is Pastor’s hope that it will then be discussed each week during small group! Pastor Farr will also be going live on Instagram daily to share insights from each reading at 5:15 PM. You can find Pastor Farr on Instagram by searching @stephenfarr12. Don’t worry if you’ve missed them, they are being downloaded to the Pendleton Adventist Facebook and YouTube as well so you can watch them at your convenience, meaning you can start the plan anytime!!! Bible Reading Plans will be available in the church foyer, office and online for you to view or print. Again this is very easy to follow and will include scripture from the Old and New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs in each day’s study, so that you can see how the whole bible works cohesively. The bible readings for each day are also listed with each daily Instagram insight from Pastor Farr. If you want to join a small group, you can sign up on the small group page at pendletonadventist.org under the Get Involved tab. A description of each small group along with the number of spaces available per group can be accessed there. Small group leaders please email Sean Ruud at psdacweb@gmail.com and find out what information he needs to list your small group on the Pendleton Adventist Church Website. Pastor Farr is hoping that everyone will be involved in a small group this year. Please consider joining one that already exists or start a new one to make room for more people! Page 9

Pendleton Adventist Church Newsletter, February 2022

Suggestions for the Newsletter? Please share them with Sandra at: This newsletter is published by the Pendleton Adventist Church. Layout & design by Doris Olson. Editor and printing by Sandra Easley.


A big thank you to everyone who contributes to our Newsletter; you are a blessing!

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Pendleton Adventist Church Newsletter, February 2022

Pendleton Adventist Church 1401 SW Goodwin Place Pendleton OR 97801


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