1927-1928 Catalog of the State Normal School of Nebraska - Peru

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204. Spanis h 4-Gontinuation of Spanish 3. Second sernest hours attendance; four hours credi't. er, four 305. Spanish Literature Cont inued-Review of pronunciat· tax, everyday idi,o ms, and methods for tea.c hers. Required fo/~n, s~n­ major. First quarter a:ld summer school ; four h ours attend an Panish hours cr edH. ce, two 306. Spanish Literatur e Continued-S econd quarter ; four hour 8 attendance, two hours credit. 307. Spanish L iter ature Continued-Business and social correspondence. Second semester; four hours attendance, fo ur hours credi ~.

Spanish Major-24 hours (three years of college work above Latin entrance requirement.) S1>anis h Minor-16 hours (two year.s of college work above Latin entrance requirement.)

GEOGRAPHY Mr. Cla.yburn Students wishing to •take a Major in Geogr aphy for the A. B. degree should complete courses 101, 309, 211, and eight hours electives. Students taking a Minor in Geography for the A. B. degree should take Geography 101, and eight hours elective. Students graduating from the two year course and taking a Major or Minor in Geography should include Geography 101. 101. General Geograp hy-An introductory sfody of the mutual rela.tions between man and the elements of the natural environment. The course aims to develop a clear conception of environmental elements such as climate, land• forms, soils, mineral deposiots, and native vegetation, and to show the vaTious adjustments of people to them, selected regions being ta.ken as the units of study. First semester, four hours attendance, four hours credit. 202. Primary Geography-Home and W·orld Geography. The selection and adaption of subjects and materials suitable for the fir;it four grades. Third quarter, four hours attendance, two hours credit 8 202ai. The Technique of Teaching Elementary Ge~g raphy-De: with class room procedure in the teaching of elementary geograp. Y· Topics: basis for the selection of material, elementary ~el~ work,;::~ troducing simple maps and diagrams, using pictures m ]leu of . n . . . l um•t s, express10es field, picture proJects, home geograp h y, regiona exercises, informal tests, games, and other drill devices, .and sou~he of material. Designed particularly for s tudents pr eparing fo~ urs 0 Elementary Grades. Fourth quarter; four hours attendance, two credit.

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