Friends of the Disney Family Cancer Center Event featured in Calabasas Style

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CalabasasAreWomen True Friends of the DFCC Photography by James Doss


alabasas residents Lynette Sikand, Ellen Lynch, Teresa Uribe-McGilvray and Laura Pistotnik have friends and family who have struggled with cancer. Fortunately, they received amazing support and treatment at the Providence Saint Joseph Disney Family Cancer Center.

More than 100 local residents attended this event to raise donations and celebrate the cancer survivors who have received care through the world-renowned oncology specialists at the Disney Family Cancer Center. Rex Hoffman, M.D., director of radiation, and Daniel Copps, M.D., dental oncologist at the DFCC, spoke at the engagement.

As a way to give back and help other cancer patients, these four women formed a committee called the Friends of the Disney Family Cancer Center. In April, in recognition of Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month, they hosted a fundraising event at Casa Del Cielo, home of Lynette and Mark Sikand on Park Vicente in Calabasas. What PDNHV WKLV VHWWLQJ HYHQ PRUH VLJQLĂ€FDQW LV WKDW 0DULD DQG 5LF 8ULEH WKH original homeowners, were instrumental in the development of the Disney Family Cancer Center and hosted several fundraisers more than 37 years ago. Daughter Teresa Uribe-McGilvary and the Friends of the DFCC are proud to honor their legacy in her childhood home.

The Disney Family Cancer Center at Providence Saint Joseph is the ÀUVW DQG RQO\ VWDWH RI WKH DUW FRPSUHKHQVLYH FDQFHU FHQWHU LQ WKH San Fernando Valley. The four-story center offers patients the latest technology in chemotherapy and radiation oncology, as well as integrative medical services including acupuncture, massage, hypnotherapy, gynecologic counseling and hematology/oncology. In addition, the DFCC offers customized rehabilitation treatment for HDFK SDWLHQW WKDW LV VSHFLÀF WR KLV KHU IXQFWLRQDO QHHGV DQG RQJRLQJ quality-of-life goals. Q

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