Campos do Jordão/SP - 2ª Edição

Page 85

A criação de trutas completa nosso roteiro com restaurantes que oferecem a possibilidade de comer e conhecer de perto esse peixe tão apreciado. A minha dica como chef de cozinha e curioso nato é: explore com calma, descubra os sabores, os temperos, as paisagens, os produtos que a cidade tem para oferecer, e você vai se surpreender com a variedade, a quantidade e principalmente a qualidade da gastronomia que Campos do Jordão tem para oferecer.

also are establishments that can provide good surprises, whether by their location deep in the woods, or thanks to a truly typical “gaúcho” barbecue. The visitor can also enjoy trout hatcheries and jam small plants. Together with its local jams, Campos do Jordão is famous for its chocolate shops where it is possible to buy great products. The main hotels also have excellent restaurants offering contemporary and French cuisine, besides the best awarded wine lists in Brazil. Trout hatcheries are a highlight in the restaurants tour, serving dishes that spoil costumers with their delicate and exquisite creations. My suggestion as an inquisitive chef is simply this: forget being in a hurry and explore it all calmly, getting to know the flavors, condiments, landscapes, and products Campos do Jordão has to offer. You will be surprised by the variety, the amount and above all the quality of our local gastronomy.

Lugarzinho - Canja Label Rouge e La Gália - Pernil de Javali ao Molho de Ervas e farofa de Pinhão

fotos Luiz Gião

{ Lugarzinho – Label Rouge Chicken Soupp - La Gália – Wild Boar Leg with Fine Herbs and Manioc Roast Flour with Pine Nut }

Campos do Jordão 85

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