Lives of the Conjurers

Page 140

    to believe his feats it is necessary to experience them yourself, as the average mortal would not believe what he had accomplished even if stated under oath.

The article goes on to name the prominent Democrats who were present that night. And it describes what they witnessed: The “Prof.” gave his seance in Parlor D of the hotel. All the members sat around the table and he called on them for questions to answer. Commissioner Cosby asked him to tell his mother’s maiden name, and from whom he received his first  check; John McDonald asked him the name of the first place he worked and how much money he had in his pocket; Col. Keogh asked him to tell where he had bought his eyeglasses and how much he had paid for them, and the date and place of his birth. The “Professor” handed around small slips of paper on which the questioners were to write their answers for verification purposes, when he left the room. [emphasis added] He went out and the questioners did as requested. When he returned the slips of paper, carefully folded, were handed to Mr. Wallace, the most skeptical man in the crowd. He was told to distribute the slips among the group. He did so and the “Professor” answered every one of them correctly, telling just who had each particular question and the answer as he went along.

Reese had sought out these influential men, astonished them, and thus made their acquaintance. During the next twenty years, he would profit from having done so. As word spread of his psychic abilities, the well-to-do sought him out for “consultations.” For a hefty fee he would give them both financial and personal advice. He offered tips on stocks, guidance in business affairs, advice on where to drill for oil; and frequently he guessed right. A consultation with Professor Reese became the thing to do. And his own coffers began to fill. His skill at billet reading was the key to this success; for 

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