i-SELL Project Paper - Sample 1

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what they are saying. 83.3% found it was not fit to them, 8.3 % found it useful, and 8.3% have used and liked this strategy.

As for strategies to become more familiar with the sounds in the target language there were 4 strategies examined. They were; 1) the strategy to practice the sound in the target language that are very different from sounds in their own language to become comfortable with them (75% tried and was not fit, 16.7% tried and used again and 8.3% used and liked. 2) the strategy to look for association between the sound of a word or phrase in the new language with the sound of a familiar word (66.7% tried and was not fit, 25% tried and used again and 8.3% used and liked). 3) The strategy to imitate the way native speakers talk (41.7% tried and was not fit, 50% tried and used again and 83% used and liked it). 4) The strategy to ask a native speaker about unfamiliar sounds that they hear (66.7% tried and was not fit, 25% tried and used again and 8.3% used and liked). The respondents also were asked on strategies to prepare to listen to conversation in the target language. Only 8.3% found that the strategy to pay special attention to specific aspects of the target language, for example, the way the speaker pronounces certain sounds was useful and favourable by them. Meanwhile 25% found that they tried and would use again the strategy of predicting what the other person is going to say based on what has been said so far, and 8.3% have tried and used again the strategy of preparing for talks and performances that they will hear in the target language by reading some background materials beforehand. The others found those strategies did not fit for them to be used to prepare them for listening to conversation in the target language.


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