Know the Lingo of Leather before Buying a Leather Bag While buying a leather garment carrier, a lot of question will surface in your mind. And why not? The market is full of hoax and replica items, doubts and questions are bound to come in mind. But a lit tle bit of awareness and understanding can help you make a smart buy. Because everyone in the market claims 'genuine leather' or 'quality leather' and in that noise, it's important to know whether you are getting ripped off or not. For that, you need to know the lingo of the leather market. Like carat for diamond, a dozen for bananas, there is the grade for leather Hence, let's talk about the grade of the leather. Full-Grain Leather: Clear, supple and clean, the grade-1 leather is consistent in colour and its surface is extra smooth. It has the highest yield of 90%. Grade-2: This kind of leather is less consistent in colour. It is simple imperfect in terms of smoothness and finishing. Its has the yield of 78%. Grade-3 As the number suggests, grade -3 leather is of the cheapest quality. It's blotchy and very inconsistent in colour. Its surface is imperfect and has the yield of 40%. The stiffness is majorly because of the extra coating that is needed to hide the imperfections. These grades are standard and are dependent on the type of the skin. Be it crocodile skin, lambskin, cowhide or ostrich the lingo in the leather industry remains the same. Now that you know the lingo of the leather, it is also very important to know the few other points while buying a leather carrier bag. 1.
While all type of skins contain some natural marks, but a good leather skin will not have any large blemishes when one inspects. Also, a good manufacture will never use leather of bad quality.
2. The smell: The material should smell like leather not like chemical. A leather that has not been treated with azo dye. Azo dye causes skin reactions. 3. Lastly, the feel. The feel of the leather should be soft and not hard. In short, these points can help you make a good decision.