Presence Newsletter 2008 November

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MINISTRY UPDATE Dear Supporters of Presence Ministry, Summer has come to an end; were you a part of Presence’s exciting summer? Presence Ministry has organized many events: two Community Events, seven Christopher Yuan 2008 Life-Transforming events in Southern and Northern California, seven Evangelism and Counselors Trainings and a weekend Youth Summer Camp. Through all these events, Presence reached out to over 4,200 individuals and families. At the events in Southern California alone, 38 people made a decision for Christ, and 39 expressed their desire to learn more about the Christian faith. As the Presence staff work with local churches in the follow-up efforts, many heart-warming stories were related to us about the transformed lives of people at different life stages and with various challenges in life. We remain in awe of God’s life-transforming power! In the parenting ministry department, we featured a Parenting Seminar in September, titled “What Every Parent Must Know About Their Kids and the Computer” Parents who attended this seminar were equipped with knowledge and information to better guide their children in the internet age. Much more ministry opportunities avail us this fall and into 2009. We thank you for being a part of God’s work through Presence. We covert your continued support as we press forward with more ways to connect churches to work together to reach our communities.


事工報告 親愛的活現朋友: 炎熱的夏天,活現也特別地忙錄,不知道你是不 是也參與了我們的活動? 七八月分,活現事工在南北加州一共辦了七場的 袁幼軒生命見證大會、七場的佈道陪談訓練、二場社 區同樂會、以及一個週末的青少年夏令營。透過這些 活動,我們接觸了超過四千二百多個人和家庭。其中 在南加州,有38 個人決志信主,39人表達願意更進 一步認識信仰。當我們的同工與地區教會搭配做跟進 關懷時,發現許多溫馨的故事。雖然許多人來自不同 的年齡層,面對生命中不同的挑戰,但他們的生命都 得到更新與改變,使我們不得不讚嘆 神改變生命的大 能! 九月分,活現事工舉行了一場親職講座:“關於 孩子和電腦,每個父母都該知道的事”。參與的父母 親,都學習到如何在科技時代,提昇自己的電腦知 識,以教育這個世代的孩子。 在今年的秋天及明年,還有許多的服事機會正等 著我們。我們感謝您,與活現一同參與在 神的事工 中。當我們用更多元的方式,與教會聯結,深入社區 的需要時,我們需要您持續的支持與鼓勵。

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