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Pregnancy Loss
Pregnancy Loss: the pain after an abortion
The women who we meet here at PA who had an abortion tell us that their spirit is wounded. They are overwhelmed with guilt and so the sensitivity of others is essential for a woman to continue tending to the needs of her soul. The grief response and impact associated with a termination is not well recognised but for the woman who had a termination it is a very personal loss. Nevertheless, there will be no burial and no space to grieve. Many women live their lives after their abortions behind a wall, locked up with their secret.
Stepping out of the dark is the first step in the healing journey. Recognizing the pain, feeling it and reacting to what was happening at the time of the abortion is essential. Your emotions will not harm you unless you ignore them. Grief crowds the heart, it is imposing and demands to be felt. Nevertheless, grief is not an evil force that’s only there to cause pain. Expressing your grief tells a story, your story and how deeply you care about someone.
When you are ready to come in and touch your grief, our compassionate counsellors here will walk with you, you don’t have to do this on your own. We are only a phone call away. 9328 2929.

Therefore, I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her.
There I will give her back her vineyards, and Transform her Valley of Troubles into a Door of Hope
There she will sing with joy as in days long ag in her youth, after I had freed her from captivity
Then you will lay down in peace and safety, unafraid; And I will bind you to me forever with chains of righteousness and justice, love and mercy.
I will betroth you to me in faitfulness and love, and you will really know me then as you never have before
Hosea 2:16-22