Hope & Life June 2021

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Hope & Life June 2021

The biannual newsletter of Pregnancy Assistance Inc.

Floor Leadership


Person in Charge (PiC) Lisette Jas

About Us Message from the Chair


Deputy Person in Charge (DPiC) Carmel Randazzo

The Knights of the Southern Cross


We make a living in what we get



We make a life by what we give


Pregnancy Loss


Day of the Unborn Child


The Joy of Generosity


Support us to Support Others


Our Lady of Guadalupe Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton

Board Chair Deputy Chair Secretary Treasurer Board Member Board Member

Laura Craig Vacant Sarah Paverd-Joyce Ralph Bergmann Thomas Seeber Veronica O’Brien

Thank You

Contact Pregnancy Assistance Inc. Elizabeth’s House 195 Lord Street, East Perth 6004 T 9328 2929 E info@pregnancyassistance.org.au Visiting Hours Mon - Fri 10am - 3pm Phone Hours Mon - Fri 9am - 3.30pm You are welcome to visit us in this quiet

oasis in the city. Mass is celebrated here and the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in our Chapel. If you would like to celebrate with us or spend an hour with Our Lord in adoration please contact Carmel or Lisette on 9328 2929.

After hours by appointment


About Us Who are we and what do we do? Pregnancy Assistance Inc. is an independent Catholic organisation initiated by Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey in 1996. We provide compassionate care and emotional, practical and informative support to women in need throughout their pregnancy and post birth. We also offer counselling for women and men impacted by pregnancy loss (miscarriage, still birth and abortion). Our services are extended to all people irrespective of religion, race, demographic or personal values. Our free and confidential services include: • Pregnancy testing • Pregnancy care consultation • Professional counselling • Post abortion care & grief counselling • Accommodation assistance • Practical support – bassinets, baths, nappies & clothes, maternity clothes • Financial assistance • Advocacy & support services referral Who knocks on our door? Anyone effected by pregnancy who is in need of support! We provide assistance to pregnant women who are distressed due to one or more of the following; • Unexpected pregnancy • Abortion concerns • Financial hardship • Domestic violence • Homelessness • Relationship breakdown • Mental health • Grief/loss • Drug addiction

Our Centre (lovingly nicknamed Elizabeth’s House) in East Perth is open for appointment (telephone or face to face) and allows for pop-ins. Individuals are also welcome to metaphorically ‘knock on our door’ by contacting us via e-mail or Facebook. What method do we use when talking about abortion? We utilise Heartbeat International’s L.O.V.E. approach when pregnant women come to us in distress over whether to keep, adopt out or abort their baby. Pregnancy Assistance was founded on Christian values and offers its services as an alternative to abortion. We believe our counselling approach allows the woman to focus on her own needs. We try to awaken a vision in her for a healthy life for herself and her baby. We share information about options she needs to consider to make a life-giving decision. However, under no circumstances do we believe we have the right to impose upon a woman’s decision. We will continue to support and welcome back individuals who have made choices that differ with the personal values of Pregnancy Assistance’s volunteer base. Who supports us? God supports the operations of Pregnancy Assistance by providing the right resources at the right time. And you are part of that providence! Pregnancy Assistance operates through the generosity of its supporters and we thank you. Your support gives Hope and Life, so please (if you haven’t already) donate and get involved. We especially thank the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth for providing our rental costs.

Message from the Chair At Pregnancy Assistance we have the honor of walking with women during difficult seasons of their life. For a lot of women, the difficulties, and obstacles they face can feel overwhelming when they discover they are unexpectedly pregnant. For others they may already have been dealing with addiction issues, homelessness, relationship breakdown, mental health concerns or domestic violence prior to the pregnancy, which can make a pregnancy feel overwhelming and impossible. The counselling service at Pregnancy Assistance walks with women throughout their pregnancy journey and helps them find HOPE for the future. “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air...but only for one second without hope.” Hal Lindsey At Pregnancy Assistance we are always reminded of the amazing generosity of our supporters. Thank you for empowering us to continue providing our services to the Perth community. God Bless, Laura Craig Chair


Hope and Life

The Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross WA have generously sponsored the development of a new website for Pregnancy Assistance. The website is a valuable form of outreach into the wider community for PA, and it is important to keep the functionality and content up to date in our fast-paced world. The Order has actively supported the Catholic community in WA for nearly 100 years, and plan to celebrate their 100th Anniversary in 2022. Over the years, Order projects have included aged care and education initiatives, to name a few. Pregnancy Assistance has received support from the Knights previously for training and events, and we are once again very grateful for the generosity of the Order. The Knights have several active branches throughout WA, and the State Council oversees a grant scheme that supports Catholic projects. Interested groups can get in touch via their website: kscwa.org.au

Hope and Life


We make a living in what we get Hello, my name is Isabella and I have been donating various goods to Pregnancy Assistance for the last eighteen months alongside my best friend Bailey. I would like to share a little insight about us both. I am a registered nurse with specialty experience in caring for people with neurological disorders and mental illnesses.

Bailey is currently completing a Bachelor of Education Degree, whilst tutoring school aged children and working as a support worker for children with disabilities. Bailey and I have always had a passion in assisting those less fortunate to ourselves, even immersing ourselves in overseas volunteering opportunities in Laos and South Africa Pregnancy Assistance is a wonderful non for-profit organisation that caters to the needs of struggling new mothers. As we have all faced hardships during COVID-19, this current period can place additional financial stresses to expectant and new mothers. As Bailey and I shared a beautiful Christmas and New Year celebration with our families, we both appreciated how fortunate and blessed we were to have financial stability and good health for ourselves and our family members, thus this being the driving force in wanting to assist others.

Visiting an orphanage in South Africa 4

Hope and Life

We make a life by what we give During uncertain times like this, it offers comfort and peace of mind in knowing others can also feel a sense of relief in having necessities for their young children. We have all been down on our luck through various times in our lives and have required a helping hand. I believe you should pay it forward to those in need, even small gestures of kindness can significantly impact the lives of someone doing it tough. As humans sharing this earth together, we all have a responsibility to look after one another.

Delivering goods to Pregnancy Assistance

We hope this article is able to inspire others to donate to this wonderful organisation. We would like to leave this final message from the Bible. “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

If you are touched by this story and would like to become a regular donor of material items such as baby clothes, nappies, toiletries, bassinets and baby baths or monetary donations please call us on 9328 2929. All our services are free and we rely on donations to be able to continue our work. Hope and Life


Pregnancy Loss: the pain after an abortion The women who we meet here at PA who had an abortion tell us that their spirit is wounded. They are overwhelmed with guilt and so the sensitivity of others is essential for a woman to continue tending to the needs of her soul. The grief response and impact associated with a termination is not well recognised but for the woman who had a termination it is a very personal loss. Nevertheless, there will be no burial and no space to grieve. Many women live their lives after their abortions behind a wall, locked up with their secret. Stepping out of the dark is the first step in the healing journey. Recognizing the pain, feeling it and reacting to what was happening at the time of the abortion is essential. Your emotions will not harm you unless you ignore them. Grief crowds the heart, it is imposing and demands to be felt. Nevertheless, grief is not an evil force that’s only there to cause pain. Expressing your grief tells a story, your story and how deeply you care about someone. When you are ready to come in and touch your grief, our compassionate counsellors here will walk with you, you don’t have to do this on your own. We are only a phone call away. 9328 2929.


Hope and Life

Therefore, I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and Transform her Valley of Troubles into a Door of Hope There she will sing with joy as in days long ag in her youth, after I had freed her from captivity Then you will lay down in peace and safety, unafraid; And I will bind you to me forever with chains of righteousness and justice, love and mercy. I will betroth you to me in faitfulness and love, and you will really know me then as you never have before Hosea 2:16-22

Hope and Life


Day of the Unborn Child

The Day of the Unborn Child On Saturday 20 March Pregnancy Assistance honored the babies who have passed. Bishop Don Sproxton celebrated this most beautiful Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral in Perth. Losing a baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth, termination, or other causes of infant loss is heartbreaking. People tell me their lives are forever altered. Every woman and man deserve to have their pregnancy loss acknowledged. We know that grief does not follow a straight line; grief is erratic and there is no set time frame. It can be a very lonely time as so much of life is changed. The Day of the Unborn Child Mass is a special Mass for all those who have lost a child before birth, and for anyone who wishes to commemorate and honor the unborn. The Feast of the Annunciation is internationally recognized as the Day of the Unborn Child. It marks the day Our Lord Jesus became a tiny unborn Child in His Mother’s womb. During the Mass we had a procession with flowers to remember and honor all the babies who have died before birth. We pray for hope for the women and men who have lost a child, particularly those who have been hurt by abortion. We offer the assurance of God’s infinite love and mercy.


Hope and Life

The Joy of Generosity We thank Bunnings Subiaco for the gift of a heavy duty shelving unit, which was needed to store our beautiful baby bags.

DBS Fencing we appreciate your helping us by repairing our fence.

Since we rely on the goodwill of people to support us, we are very grateful whether it be for monetary support, a helping hand or material donations. We thank you from the bottom of our heart!

Support us to Support Others It is our aim to have the baby room tidy and well stocked. As we rely solely on donations we are always in need of :

Formula Nappies Toiletries for bub Toiletries for mum Wipes Baby baths Bassinets Baby clothes Maternity Clothes The mums-to-be benefit so much from all you donate and so we thank you for your generosity!

Hope and Life


Thank You Thank you for continually supporting us in achieving our principal objectives – “To provide relief of poverty, suffering, distress, misfortune, destitution, or helplessness for pregnant women of all sections of the public irrespective of race, colour or creed.” Pregnancy Assistance Inc. solely relies on private donations. We are an ACNC registered charity, and all monetary donations above $2 are fully tax-deductable. Your generous support gives and changes lives and allows people to taste just how sweet and good hope and life truly is.

Your Donation Makes A Difference

The Archdiocese pays for our rent but for all else we rely entirely on GOD speaking to your heart! Pregnancy Assistance Inc. PO Box 8129 Perth BC WA 6849 T: (08) 9328 2926

Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible Name/Corporation:

Date: Address:


Email: I make the following donation to Pregnancy Assistance Inc. of $ once only


By cheque/money order: made payable and addressed: Pregnancy Assistance Inc. PO Box 8129 Perth BC WA 6849 By Direct payment: Pregancy Assistance Inc. | Westpac | BSB 036014 | Acc 306953 Mastercard


Card Number:


Name on card: 3 digit verification number:


Online: www.pregnancyassist.com.au By including us in your will.



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