FEIR AppendicesA-D

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NEAR-TERM PLUS PROJECT TRAFFIC CONDITIONS The near-term plus project peak hour traffic volumes were used to analyze the projected operating conditions with the addition of the proposed near-term campus growth. The results of the near-term plus project analysis, presented in Table 7, indicate that poor operating conditions (LOS E or F) are projected at six of the study intersections during at least one of the analyzed peak hours. The intersections projected to operate at poor LOS (LOS E or F) under near-term plus project conditions during one or both of the analyzed peak periods include the following:

Bellflower Boulevard & 7th Street – LOS E during the a.m. peak hour and LOS F during the p.m. peak hour

Pacific Coast Highway & 7th Street – LOS F during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours

Studebaker Road & SR-22 Westbound Ramps – LOS E during the p.m. peak hour

Bellflower Boulevard & Los Coyotes Diagonal – LOS E during the p.m. peak hour

Pacific Coast Highway & 2nd Street – LOS F during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours

The remaining study intersections are projected to operate at LOS D or better during both peak periods under near-term base conditions.

PROJECT IMPACTS As shown in Table 7, the increase in the V/C ratio at intersections projected to operate at LOS E or F under near-term plus project conditions is less than 0.02. Therefore, based on the City of Long Beach significant impact criteria, impacts would be less than significant under near-term (Year 2012-13) conditions.


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