Fall 2016
Forest Park Na ture Center
vents Holiday E
Peoria Park District
Peoria Pla yHouse Children’s Museum
Registration Opens August 29
THE POWER POWER OF OF PARKS PARKS THE THE POWER OF PARKS Do you know the power of your local parks and recreation? Yes, they provide beautiful green spaces and fun programs, but Do you know the power of your local parks and recreation? Yes, they provide beautiful green spaces and fun programs, but they do so much more and the benefits are immense. Learn more at and watch the video. they do so much more and the benefits are immense. Learn more at and watch the video.
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Do you know the power of your local parks and recreation? Yes, they provide beautiful green spaces and fun programs, but they do so much more and the benefits are immense. Learn more at and watch the video.
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Sources: Centers for Disease Control, Environmental Protection Agency, American Planning Association
• • •
aspectofofevery everycommunity. community. aspect Parks are the most powerful aspect of every community. #PowerOfParks #PowerOfParks
Center, located at 1125 W. Lake Avenue, unless otherwise noted. Fall Board Meeting Dates: 9/14, 9/28, 10/12, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 12/7, 12/14 Meetings are open to the public. Contact the Board Secretary at 681-2801 or visit for agendas. Advisory Committee information is on page 78.
#PowerOfParks Timothy J. Cassidy President
Jacqueline J. Petty Vice President
Kelly A. Cummings Trustee
Robert L. Johnson, Sr. Trustee
Warren E. Rayford Trustee
Matthew P. Ryan Trustee
Nancy L. Snowden Trustee
Emily G. Cahill Executive Director
Table of Contents 50 Rock............................................................ 79-81 Advisory Committees........................................... 78 African American Hall of Fame............................. 50 After School Programs.......................................... 51 AquaPlex...................................................... 40-43 Art ..................................................................... 65 Auditions ............................................................. 66 Badminton ........................................................... 70 Basketball................................................. 51, 72, 76 Bicycle Safety Town........................................... 31 Bicycling.......................................................... 31, 86 Birthday Parties............................................... 91-93 Board of Trustees......................... inside front cover Book Court and Sale............................................. 58 Bow Making ......................................................... 77 Boxing................................................................... 51 Breakfast with Santa............................................. 48 Cake Decorating................................................... 76 Calls from Santa...................................................... 8 Camping.......................................................... 28-29 Camps................................................................... 35 Camp Wokanda............................................ 28-29 Candlelight Walks................................................. 20 Candy Cane Hunts.................................................. 8 Canoeing.............................................................. 28 Cheerleading........................................................ 62 Chinquapin....................................................... 3, 28 Classic Movies...................................................... 79 Coaching Information..................................... 73, 85 Community Children’s Theatre............................. 66 Community Recreation Classes....................... 76-77 Computers............................................................ 53 Concerts......................................................... 10, 23 Cooking Classes.............................................. 77, 80 Critter Christmas.................................................. 17 Crochet................................................................. 76 Dance (youth).................................................. 60-62 Dance (adult)............................................. 63-64, 81 Dodgeball............................................................. 74 Dog Parks.............................................................. 83 Drama.............................................................. 66-67 ELITE................................................................ 56-57 Fall French Market................................................ 20 Fitness (adult)................................................. 50, 59 Flag Football ........................................................ 38 FootGolf.......................................................... 33, 79 Forest Park Nature Center............................ 22-26 Foundation, Peoria Park District........................... 54 Franciscan Rec Complex................................ 48-49 Garage Sale..................................................... 48, 53 Garden Classes..................................................... 21 Gateway Building.................................................. 88 GED Program....................................................... 54 Golf ............................................................. 32-34 Guitar Lessons...................................................... 68
Halloween Programs....................17, 20, 21, 24, 25, ......................................................... 48, 52, 53 Hayrides and Hotdogs.......................................... 31 Health Fair............................................................ 52 HOI Special Recreation Association...................... 55 Hiking/Walks........................... 21, 24-25, 27, 29, 86 Historical Reenactments....................................... 30 Hockey............................................................. 46-47 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonder................ 20 Holiday Events..................................................... 8-9 Holiday Shop & Stroll............................................ 23 Home School Programs AquaPlex............................................................ 41 Forest Park Nature Center................................. 26 Peoria Zoo.......................................................... 18 Horseback Riding.................................................. 79 Horseshoe League................................................ 74 Howl-Zoo-Ween................................................... 17 Ice Skating Lessons............................................... 45 Knitting................................................................. 76 Kwanzaa Display................................................... 20 Lakeview Recreation Center .............................. 70 Latin Dance and Hip/Hop..................................... 59 Letters from Santa.................................................. 8 Little Pint Sports................................................... 73 Logan Recreation Center.................................... 53 Luthy Botanical Garden................................ 20-21 Magic.................................................................... 76 Mah Jongg ........................................................... 79 Map of Facilities................................................... 87 Marinas................................................................ 78 Moonlight Coalition.............................................. 54 Motor Mites......................................................... 48 Music............................................................... 68-69 Nature Art Show................................................... 25 Noble Center..................................................... 58 OSF at the RiverPlex............................................. 37 Owens Center............................................... 44-47 Painting........................................................... 29, 65 Park Police............................................................ 78 Park Troupe Mirage.............................................. 64 Pee Wee Sports.................................................... 73 Peoria Park District Foundation............................ 54 Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum........... 11-14 Peoria POPS Orchestra.................................... 64-68 Peoria RiverFront.............................................. 10 Peoria Wilds......................................................... 23 Peoria Zoo.................................................... 15-19 Personal Training............................................ 36, 81 Photography......................................................... 77 Piano Classes........................................................ 69 Pickleball........................................................ 48, 70 Pilates................................................................... 59 Pioneer Days......................................................... 30 PNC Worldwide Day of Play...........inside back cover
Poinsettia Show.................................................... 20 Policies & Information.......................................... 94 Preschool Splash .................................................. 40 Proctor Recreation Center............................ 50-52 Proctor’s Playhouse ............................................. 51 Refund Policy........................................................ 94 Registration..................................................... 94-96 Rentals............................................................. 88-90 RiverFront............................................................. 10 RiverPlex...................................................... 35-39 Rock Climbing Wall............................................... 35 Rock Island Greenway.......................................... 86 Running/Races......................................... 10, 17, 74 Scholarships.......................................................... 94 Scout Programs...................................22, 26, 28, 40 Seniors 50+................................................ 50, 79-81 Shelter Rentals (at parks)..................................... 90 Skate with Santa................................................... 44 Sommer Park................................................ 30-31 Soccer................................................................... 71 Songs from the Woods......................................... 23 Spanish/English Classes........................................ 53 Sports Auction and Card Show............................. 75 Sports Performance Training................................ 39 Swim Lessons.................................................. 40-43 Synchronized Skating............................................ 45 Tai Ji ..................................................................... 76 Talent Show......................................................... 52 Tawny Oaks....................................................... 27 Teams Course....................................................... 30 TEC ..................................................................... 67 Tot Time................................................................ 12 Trails ..................................................................... 86 Travel............................................................... 82-83 Trunk-or-Treat....................................................... 52 Turkey Trot............................................................ 74 Vagabond Tours............................................... 82-83 Visual Arts............................................................ 65 Volleyball ................................................. 38, 48, 51 Volunteerism................................................... 84-85 Weddings......................................................... 88-89 Weight Loss.......................................................... 35 Yoga ..................................................................... 59 Youth Outreach............................................... 56-57 ZooBrew and Wine Too!....................................... 19 Zoo Run Run......................................................... 17 Zumba .................................................................. 59
September 10, 2016 Find details on the inside back cover!
Out looking for Pokémon®? Besides hunting in our parks, you’ll find PokéStops® at Peoria Zoo, Glen Oak Park’s Centennial Playground and Adventure Grove, Glen Oak Amphitheatre, Luthy Botanical Garden, Lakeview Park, Donovan Park, Kellogg Golf Course, RiverPlex, Forest Park Nature Center, Grandview Drive and along the Rock Island Greenway. Plus, Franciscan Rec Complex, RiverPlex, Forest Park Nature Center, and the Noble Center are gyms!
2016 Fall Playbook • Table of Contents
Table of Contents by Age TOTS & PRESCHOOLERS Autumn Kitchen (3-5)........................................49 Basketball Camp (4-6).......................................51 Calls From Santa (2-10).......................................8 Candy Cane Hunts (3-10).....................................8 Dance/Tumbling (4+)....................................60-62 Explosion Cheer Team (4-16).............................62 Fall Into Science (3-5)........................................49 Golf Lessons (2-6)..............................................32 Halloween Party (1-12)......................................48 Happy Feet (2-6) ...............................................71 Hockey (3-8)......................................................46 Ice Skating Lessons (3-6): ..................................45 Letters From Santa..............................................8 Little Pint All Star Sports (3-4)...........................73 Little Pint Soccer (3-4).......................................73 Motor Mites Gym (1-5).....................................48 Pee Wee Baseball (5-6)......................................73 Pee Wee Flag Footbal (5-6)...............................73 Pee Wee Soccer (5-6)........................................73 Pint Sized Picasso (3-5)......................................49 Preschool Party (2-5) ........................................26 Preschool Splash (1-5).......................................40 Proctor’s Playhouse (1-5)..................................51 Shining Stars (3-6).............................................66 Soccer (2-6).......................................................71 Swim Lessons (6 mos.-7 yrs)..............................41 Tot Time (1-3)....................................................13 Trunk-or-Treat (1-14).........................................52 Zoo Tots (2-4).....................................................18 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL After School Program (6-14)..............................51 Art Classes (6-14)...............................................65 Art Studio (6-12)................................................65 Auditions (8-18).................................................66 Basketball (4-15).................................... 51, 72, 76 Boxing (10-18)...................................................51 Boy Scout Merit Badge Day...............................26 Bugs ‘n Bats (8+)................................................21 Calls From Santa (2-10).......................................8 Candy Cane Hunts (3-10).....................................8 Dance Classes (6-16)....................................60-62 Dance Team (8-13)............................................62 Double Dutch ....................................................51 Drawing, Writing, and Discovering Nature Together (grades 4-6)................................26 Explosion Cheer Team (4-16).............................62 Golf Lessons (7+)...............................................32 Guitar (9+).........................................................68 Halloween Party (1-12)......................................48 Harry Potter’s Herbology (6+)...........................21 Hockey (5-13)....................................................46 Holiday Party (6-14)...........................................52 Home School Classes: AquaPlex (5-16).........................................41 Forest Park Nature Center (6-12)..............26 Peoria Zoo (ages 5-13)...............................18 Ice Skating Lessons (7+).....................................45 Kids’ Compass Workshop (8-12)........................26 Kids in the Kitchen (4-9)....................................77 Magic (8-16) .....................................................76 Piano (5-13).......................................................69 Primitive Survival (11+).....................................26 Reverse Science Fair (grade school)..................26 Spiders, Oh My! (5-10)......................................25 Swim Lessons (7-15).....................................41-43 Synchronized Skating ........................................45
Theatre Education for Children.........................67 Tree ID Walks (8+)........................................21, 24 Trunk-or-Treat (1-14).........................................52 Volleyball Basics (8-12)......................................51 Winter Break Camp (5-12).................................35 Winter Nature Art Series (5-10)........................26 YOUNG ADULT - ADULT Alexander Technique (16+)................................77 Art Studio (13+).................................................65 Auditions (8-18).................................................66 Barre Fitness (13+)............................................49 Boxing (10-18)...................................................51 Cake Decorating (12+).......................................76 Crochet (9+).......................................................76 Dance (15+)..................................................63-64 Digital Photography (16+)..................................77 GED Classes.......................................................54 Good Eats from the Garden (12+).....................21 Hawk Watch (14+).............................................27 Holiday Bows.....................................................77 Ice Skating Lessons (7+).....................................45 Knitting (9+).......................................................76 Latin Dance and Hip/Hop for Exercise...............59 Magic (8+) .........................................................76 Pilates (16+).......................................................59 Proctor Center Talent Showcase........................52 Restoration Workdays (14+) .............................23 Singing Woods Hike (10+)..................................27 Sports Performance Training.............................39 Storytelling Workshop (15+)..............................29 Swim Lessons (16+)...........................................43 Synchronized Skating.........................................45 Tai Ji (ages 16+)..................................................76 Volleyball Leagues (15-18).................................39 Volunteerism (14+).......................................84-85 Warbler Walks (10+)..........................................27 WERQ (13+).......................................................49 Yoga (13+)..........................................................59 Zumba-various (16+).........................................59 ADULTS ONLY: 18+ Badminton.........................................................70 Cooking Classes.................................................77 Dodgeball League..............................................74 Golf Lessons/Clinics/Tourneys......................32-33 Healthy Natural Expressions..............................52 Hockey League...................................................47 Home Staging....................................................76 Horseshoe League.............................................74 Ice Skating Lessons ...........................................45 Job Hunt at Logan..............................................53 Painting Class.....................................................29 Personal Training...............................................36 Pickleball..................................................... 48, 70 Pre- and Post-Natal Fitness................................49 Seed Exchange...................................................25 South Side Chess Club.......................................50 South Side Walking Club....................................53 Spanish/English Classes.....................................53 Swimming Lessons............................................43 Volleyball Leagues.............................................38 Volleyball, Open ...............................................48 Running/Races............................................10, 17 Wreath-Making.................................................21 ZooBrew and Wine Too!....................................19
FAMILY PROGRAMS Animal Encounters ...........................................25 Behind the Scenes Zoo Tours.............................18 Book Sale ..........................................................58 Breakfast at the Zoo..........................................18 Breakfast with Santa..........................................48 Campfire Stories................................................29 Candlelight Walks..............................................20 Chinquapin.................................................... 3, 28 Christmas on the Ghost Front...........................30 Civil War Winter Quarters.................................30 Community Garage Sale..............................48, 53 Community Health Fair.....................................52 Constellation Hike.............................................27 Costume Swap and Create................................12 Creatures of the Night.......................................24 Critter Christmas...............................................17 Eagles on the Illinois River.................................25 Fall Fairy Art Party.............................................29 Fall Festival........................................................53 Fall Foliage Walk................................................24 Fall French Market.............................................20 Fall Ice Skating Spectacular................................46 Fine Art Fair.......................................................10 Full Moon Paddle..............................................29 Garden Walks....................................................21 GirlTrek..............................................................52 Grandparents Day.............................................17 Hayrides and Hotdogs.......................................31 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders...........20 Holiday Shop and Stroll.....................................23 Howl-Zoo-Ween................................................17 I Spy Hike...........................................................25 Illinois River Sweep............................................24 Kids’ Shop Away for the Holiday........................23 Kwanzaa Display................................................20 Letters from Santa...............................................8 Logan Center Fall Open House..........................53 Logan Center Holiday Party...............................53 Marshmallow Peep Dioramas...........................31 Mommy and Me Fitness....................................49 Morning Bird Hikes............................................24 Nature Art Show................................................25 Nature Photography Contest.............................25 Oktoberfest.......................................................10 Old Time Folk & Country Jam............................24 Peoria POPS Concert.........................................68 Photo Scavenger Hunt.......................................24 Pioneer Days......................................................30 PNC Worldwide Day of Play....... inside back cover Poinsettia Show.................................................20 Pumpkin Bash....................................................17 River Spirit Flute Circle......................................24 Robinson Park Trail Hike....................................29 Santa’s Woodland Workshop............................29 Songs from the Woods......................................23 Sports Auction and Card Show..........................75 Star Wars Movie Night........................................3 Turkey Trot.........................................................74 Winter Wonder Walk.........................................25 ADULTS: 50+ 50 Rock Section............................................79-81 PC’s Cafe............................................................50 Look for this symbol throughout the’s next to events that need volunteers! • t •
VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Special Events
Music and Storytelling Festival at Camp Wokanda (pg. 28) October 7, gates open at 6 pm • October 8, gates open at 5 pm Join us in the beautiful, wooded setting of Camp Wokanda, for a family friendly weekend full of the nation’s best musicians, songwriters, and storytellers! $7 per day, or $10 for a weekend pass - Ages 4 and under free!
Musician Tom Kastle
The Way Down Wanderers
Storyteller Tracey Brownell
Folk Artist Mike Anderson
Live Music Friday Night - Featuring Tom Kastle, Turas, and The Way Down Wanderers. Gates open at 6 pm. Ghost Stories Storytelling Competition Saturday Night - Amateur and Experienced storytellers are welcome to participate in this competition - you could win cash and cabin rental prizes! Advanced registration is required for the competition by Thursday, October 6. Email for details. Ghost Stories Concert at 7:30 pm Saturday Night - Featuring performances by Musician Tom Kastle, Storyteller Tracey Brownell, Folk Artist Mike Anderson, and more!
Visit for a full line-up of activities and performers.
Star Wars Movie Night at Glen Oak Amphitheatre Saturday, September 24 • $5/person Activities at 6 pm • Star Wars: The Force Awakens at dusk
Join us for a family-friendly evening of games and activities based on Star Wars. Costumes are encouraged! We’ll end the evening with an outdoor showing of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
2016 Fall Playbook • Chinquapin/Star Wars Movie Night
4 • t •
20 Open Pickleball, p. 48
27 Open Pickleball, p. 48
19 South Side Walking Club, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Mah Jongg, p. 79
26 South Side Walking Club, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Mah Jongg, p. 79
18 Oktoberfest, p. 10 Das Bier Run, p. 10 Open Badminton, p. 70
25 Pioneer Day, p. 30 Fine Art Fair, p. 10 Auditions for Bugsy Malone, p. 66 Bill Staines in concert, p. 23 Monarch Migration, p. 25 Open Badminton, p. 70 Old Time Folk & Country Jam, p. 24
13 Pickleball Clinic, p. 48 Classic Movie, p. 79 Open Pickleball, p. 48
12 South Side Walking Club, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Mah Jongg, p. 79
11 Grandparents Day, p. 17 Open Badminton, p. 70 Old Time Folk & Country Jam, p. 24
6 Open Pickleball, p. 48
5 Labor Day Picnic, p. 10 South Side Walking Club, p. 53 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Mah Jongg, p. 79
28 Park Board Meeting, inside front cover Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79
21 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79
14 Park Board Meeting, inside front cover Pickleball Clinic, p. 48 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79
7 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79
Monday-Friday, p. 40
4 Open Badminton, p. 70
Adults 18+, p. 59 • Adults 50+, p. 81
Preschool Splash
29 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48
22 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48
15 Seed Collection Workday, p. 27 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48
8 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48
1 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48
Drop In Events - No Registration Necessary
Ongoing Fitness Classes
September 2016
30 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 70
23 Fall Spectacular, p. 46 Motor Mites, p. 48
16 Oktoberfest, p. 10 Motor Mites, p. 48
9 Campfire Stories, p. 29 Logan Center Fall Open House, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48
2 Peoria Blues Heritage Music Festival, p. 10
October 1 Bird Hike, p. 24 Hawk Watch, p. 27 Walk to Remember, p. 38 Tot Time, p. 13
24 Fine Art Fair, p. 10 Community Garage Sale, p. 48 French Market, p. 20 Auditions for Bugsy Malone, p. 66 Warbler Walk, p. 27 Walk for the Mind, p. 38 Tot Time, p. 13
17 Oktoberfest, p. 10 South Side Stroll, p. 52 Illinois River Sweep, p. 24 River Spirit Flute Circle, p. 24 Warbler Walk, p. 27 Tot Time, p. 13
10 PNC Worldwide Day of Play, inside back cover Tree ID Walk, p. 24 Warbler Walk, p. 27 Goodwill’s Forward March and Run, p. 10 Peoria Mother of Twins Clothing and Equipment Sale, p. 38 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48
3 Photo Scavenger Hunt, p. 24 Bird Hike, p. 24 Peoria Blues Heritage Music Festival, p. 10 Tot Time, p. 13
2016 Fall Playbook • Drop-In Calendar
3 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 South Side Walking Club, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Mah Jongg, p. 79
10 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 South Side Walking Club, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Mah Jongg, p. 79
17 Book Sale, p. 58 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 South Side Walking Club, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70
24 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 South Side Walking Club, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Mah Jongg, p. 79
31 Trunk-or-Treat, p. 52 Fall Festival, p. 53 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 South Side Walking Club, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Mah Jongg, p. 79 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70
9 Bark in the Park, p. 10 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70 Old Time Folk & Country Jam, p. 24
16 Book Sale, p. 58 Fall Foliage Walk, p. 24 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70
23 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70 Old Time Folk & Country Jam, p. 24
30 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70
Adults 18+, p. 59 • Adults 50+, p. 81
26 Park Board Meeting, inside front cover Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Art Studio, p. 65
19 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79
12 Park Board Meeting, inside front cover Community Health Fair, p. 52 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79
5 South Side Chess Club, p. 50 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79
Ongoing Fitness Classes
25 Robinson Park Trail Hike, p. 29 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
18 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
11 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Classic Movie, p. 79
4 Open Pickleball, p. 48
27 Hayrides and Hotdogs, p. 31 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
20 Hayrides and Hotdogs, p. 31 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
13 Hayrides and Hotdogs, p. 31 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
6 Hayrides and Hotdogs, p. 31 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
Drop In Events - No Registration Necessary
2 Fall Foliage Walk, p. 24 Open Badminton, p. 70
October 2016 FRIDAY
Monday-Friday, p. 40
29 Pumpkin Bash, p. 17 Tot Time, p. 13 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
22 Ben Bedford in concert, p. 23 Seed Collection, p. 24 Zombie Run, p. 10 Tot Time, p. 13 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Singing Woods Hike, p. 27
15 Book Sale, p. 58 River Spirit Flute Circle, p. 24 Tot Time, p. 13 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Seed Collection Workday, p. 27 Hawk Watch, p. 27
8 Chinquapin, p. 5 Howl-Zoo-Ween, p. 17 Hawk Watch, p. 27 Peoria Undy Colon Run/ Walk, p. 10 Tot Time, p. 13 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
Preschool Splash
28 Halloween Party, p. 48 Motor Mites, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70
21 Midwest Fencing Tournament, p. 38 Motor Mites, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70
14 Creatures of the Night, p. 24 Motor Mites, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70
7 Chinquapin, p. 5 Chinquapin Field Trip Day, p. 28 Howl-Zoo-Ween, p. 17 Motor Mites, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70
6 • t •
7 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Mah Jongg, p. 79
14 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Mah Jongg, p. 79
21 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Mah Jongg, p. 79 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 Open Pickleball, p. 70
28 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Mah Jongg, p. 79 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 Open Pickleball, p. 70
6 Sports Auction and Card Show, p. 75 I Spy Hike, p. 25 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70
13 Animal Encounter, p. 25 Junior Volleyball Tryouts, p. 39 Open Badminton, p. 70 Old Time Folk & Country Jam, p. 24
20 Civil War Winter Quarters, p. 30 Animal Encounter, p. 25 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
27 Animal Encounter, p. 25 Turkey Trot, p. 74 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70 Old Time Folk & Country Jam, p. 24 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
Monday-Friday, p. 40
Preschool Splash
Adults 18+, p. 59 • Adults 50+, p. 81
23 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Mah Jongg, p. 79 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Art Studio, p. 65 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 30 Spiders, Oh My!, p. 25 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 Art Studio, p. 65
22 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 29 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
16 Park Board Meeting, inside front cover Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79
9 Park Board Meeting, inside front cover Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Art Studio, p. 65
8 Classic Movie, p. 79 Motor Mites, p. 48
15 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48
2 Park Board Meeting, inside front cover South Side Chess Club, p. 50 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Art Studio, p. 65
1 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
25 Green Friday Sale, p. 22 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Yule Like Peoria, p. 8 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
December 2 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Holiday Shop and Stroll, p. 23 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
December 1 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
18 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Constellation Hike, p. 27 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70
11 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 70
4 Native Seed Exchange, p. 25 Constellation Hike, p. 27 Motor Mites, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70
17 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48
10 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48
3 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
Drop In Events - No Registration Necessary
Ongoing Fitness Classes
November 2016
December 3 Critter Christmas, p. 17 Jingle Bell Run, p. 38 Breakfast with Santa, p. 48 Candy Cane Hunts, p. 8 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Tot Time, p. 13 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
26 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Digging for Dax, p. 38 Tot Time, p. 13 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
19 Civil War Winter Quarters, p. 30 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Honeysuckle Removal, p. 24 Nature Art Show Open House, p. 25 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 Tot Time, p. 13 Poinsettia Show, p. 20
12 Talent Show, p. 52 River Spirit Flute Circle, p. 24 Curtis and Loretta in concert, p. 23 Tot Time, p. 13
5 Healthy Natural Expressions, p. 52 Pedal for Parkinson’s, p. 38 Tot Time, p. 13 Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders, p. 20
2016 Fall Playbook • Drop-In Calendar
5 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 Mah Jongg, p. 79
12 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 Mah Jongg, p. 79
19 Logan Center Holiday Party, p. 53 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 Mah Jongg, p. 79 26 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Kwanzaa Display, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 Mah Jongg, p. 79
4 Community Garage Sale, p. 53 Animal Encounter, p. 25 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
11 Bugsy Malone, p. 66 Animal Encounter, p. 25 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70 Old Time Folk & Country Jam, p. 24 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
18 Kids’ Shop Away for the Holiday, p. 23 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Badminton, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
21 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
28 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Kwanzaa Display, p. 20 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
27 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Kwanzaa Display, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
14 Park Board Meeting, inside front cover Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Art Studio, p. 65 Mah Jongg, p. 79 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
7 Park Board Meeting, inside front cover South Side Chess Club, p. 50 Proctor’s Playhouse, p. 51 Job Hunt at Logan, p. 53 Open Computer Usage, p. 53 Tot Time, p. 13 Motor Mites, p. 48 Mah Jongg, p. 79 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25 Art Studio, p. 65
20 Proctor Center Holiday Party, p. 52 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
13 Classic Movie, p. 79 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
6 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
Adults 18+, p. 59 • Adults 50+, p. 81
Ongoing Fitness Classes
31 Tot Time, p. 13 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Kwanzaa Display, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
30 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Kwanzaa Display, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
Monday-Friday, p. 40
24 Tot Time, p. 13 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
23 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
17 Skate with Santa, p. 44 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 River Spirit Flute Circle, p. 24 Tot Time, p. 13 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
16 Christmas Sale, p. 22 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Holiday Shop and Stroll, p. 23 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
SATURDAY 10 Christmas on the Ghost Front, p. 30 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Bugsy Malone, p. 66 Holiday Shop and Stroll, p. 23 Peoria POPS Concert, p. 68 Tot Time, p. 13 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
FRIDAY 9 Bugsy Malone, p. 66 Candlelight Walk, p. 20 Holiday Shop and Stroll, p. 23 Motor Mites, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Open Pickleball, p. 70 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
Preschool Splash
29 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Kwanzaa Display, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
22 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
15 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
8 Bugsy Malone, p. 66 Motor Mites, p. 48 Open Volleyball, p. 48 Open Pickleball, p. 48 Poinsettia Show, p. 20 Nature Art Show and Sale, p. 25
Drop In Events - No Registration Necessary
December 2016
Winter Holiday Special Events
Billie McKenzie, Coordinator • 681-2854 •
Candy Cane Hunts NORTHTRAIL PARK December 3 • Noon Ages 3-10: CODE 72682 Fee-R/NR: $5
VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
December 3 • 2 pm Ages 3-10: CODE 72686 Fee-R/NR: $5
Santa is scheduled to make a delivery of candy canes at Northtrail Park and Glen Oak Park! Join the hunt to find out if he’s really coming. There are hunt areas for 3-5 year olds and 6-10 year olds. Parents must accompany their children. Register by November 30.
Letters from Santa Llamadas de Santa
Your child, grandchild, neighbor or friend can receive a special letter from the jolly old man. Santa can tell them how good they’ve been, comment on their great grades or remind them to spend a little more time picking up their toys. There is a $4 fee for this program. Send in the form below, or look for more detailed flyers beginning November 2 at Peoria Park District facilities and online at Return your form by December 5.
Letters from Santa
Calls from Santa Sunday, 12/11 • FREE
(for ages 2-10 only please)
VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Give your child the chance to personally convey his or her wish list to Santa Claus this season with a call from the jolly old man or one of his helpers. Registered children can expect their call between 1 and 3 pm. Flyers with details will be available at Peoria Park District facilities by November 2.
Please fill out this form and return with $4 cash or check by December 5 to: Peoria Park District • 1125 W Lake Ave • Peoria, IL 61614 This form allows Santa to personalize the letter to each individual. Name ________________________________________ Nickname _____________________________________ Age __________________________________________ Behavior to compliment _________________________ Behavior to improve _____________________________ Favorite food __________________________________ Sibling names __________________________________ Pets’ name(s) __________________________________
25th Annual Yule Like Peoria “Holiday Walk-A-Bout” Friday, November 25 6:00 pm Courthouse Lighting 6:30-9:00 pm Walk-A-Bout Start your evening with the lighting of the lights at Peoria County Courthouse Plaza, then stroll through a wonderland of decorations and activities. Enjoy entertainment–from choirs to magic acts to dancing to everything in between–at more than 30 participating businesses from the RiverFront to Monroe Street. There will also be refreshments at several locations. This PACE event is sponsored in part by the Peoria Park District. • t •
Drop-In Events Breakfast with Santa - p. 48 December 3 at Franciscan Rec Complex Enjoy breakfast, games and fun!
Candlelight Walks - p. 20
Fridays and Saturdays, November 18-December 23, at Luthy Botanical Garden View the Poinsettia Show at night under the warm glow of candles.
Christmas on the Ghost Front - p. 30 December 10 at Sommer Park A reenactment of December 1944 during WWII.
Critter Christmas - p. 17
December 3 at Peoria Zoo Watch the animals at the Zoo get their presents!
Holiday Poinsettia Show - p. 20
November 18-December 31 at Luthy Botanical Garden View hundreds of poinsettias in our Conservatory and shop our unique ornaments.
Holiday Shop and Stroll - p. 23
December 2, 9, 10 and 16 at Forest Park Nature Center Experience a luminary-lit nighttime stroll, enjoy music and goodies, and shop the Nature Art Show and Sale.
Kids’ ‘Shop Away for the Holiday’! - p. 23 December 18 at Forest Park Nature Center Parents can relax while staff helps children do their own Christmas shopping.
Kwanzaa Display - p. 20
December 26-31 at Luthy Botanical Garden Come learn the about Mishumaa Saba and Zawadi.
Logan Center Holiday Party - p. 53
December 19 at Logan Center Play games, enjoy refreshments, and make holiday crafts!
Peoria POPS “Holiday Extravaganza” Concert - p. 68 December 10 at Five Points Washington
Proctor Center Holiday Party - p. 52 December 15 at Proctor Center Create projects, enjoy refreshments and have fun!
Skate with Santa - p. 44
December 17 at Owens Center Ice skate with Santa during this special open skate.
Advanced Registration Needed Holiday Bows Class - p. 77
November 10 at Lakeview Rec Center November 16 at Franciscan Rec Complex Learn how to make beautiful bows.
Santa’s Woodland Workshop - p. 29
December 3 and 4 at Camp Wokanda Each “elf” can pick out three quality, hand-crafted gifts to construct and take home.
Winter Break Camp - p. 35
Cooking Classes
Carb Smart Holiday Survival - p. 77 December 14 at Hy-Vee
Good Eats from the Winter Garden: Healthier Holidays - p. 21 November 15 at Luthy Botanical Garden
Healthy Holiday Cooking - p. 77 November 14 at Hy-Vee
December 23, 26-30, and January 2-6 at RiverPlex Kids will swim and play while school is out!
Holiday Eating with Diabetes - p. 80
Wreath-Making Class - p. 21
Kids in the Kitchen! Holiday Party - p. 77
December 11 at Luthy Botanical Garden Create a wreath out of foliage.
November 9 at Hy-Vee
December 10 at Hy-Vee
2016 Fall Playbook • Holiday Events
Peoria RiverFront
CEFCU Center Stage: 200 NE Water St • RiverFront Office: 689-3019 Erin Feis • August 26-28
The Peoria Park District and the St. Patrick Society of Peoria are pleased to welcome back the annual Irish Festival, Erin Feis for its 20th year on the RiverFront. 2016 also marks the 37 year anniversary of Erin Feis in Peoria! It’s a safe bet this year’s festival will be a celebration you won’t want to miss! This 3-day event showcases Irish heritage through song, dance, food, drink, cultural exhibits and much more. Don’t miss the talented Irish bands and musicians on multiple stages, vendor marketplace, and much more! So put on your favorite green outfit and head down to the RiverFront – where everyone is a little bit Irish! For more information, please visit @Peoria_RiverFront_Events @PeoriaRFevents @peoriaRFevents VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
2 Peoria Blues Heritage Music Festival
3 Peoria Blues Heritage Music Festival
5 Labor Day Picnic
9 Landing Concert
10 Goodwill’s Forward March and Run
16 Oktoberfest
17 Oktoberfest
18 Oktoberfest Das Bier Run
24 Fine Art Fair
25 Fine Art Fair
Oktoberfest (9/16-9/18)
The Peoria Park District and the German American Central Society are pleased to welcome back the annual German Festival, Oktoberfest for its 21st anniversary! This 3-day event showcases German heritage through song, dance, food, drink, cultural exhibits and much more. Don’t miss the talented German bands and musicians on multiple stages, vendors, and much more! Put on your authentic lederhosen and head down to the RiverFront for a true cultural experience. For more information, please visit
Das Bier Run (9/18)
Head on down to the RiverFront for the 5th annual Das Bier Run on Sunday, September 18! Registering for this 5k race will get you admission to Oktoberfest for Sunday and a commemorative stein. There will be a costume contest and walkers are welcome. Grab some friends, run your race and enjoy a nice cold beer and a brat to reward yourself. We’ll see you on the RiverFront! For more information and to register, please visit:
Fine Art Fair (9/24-9/25)
It’s like having a national art collection right in your own backyard as the Peoria Art Guild Fine Art Fair brings the works of over 150 national artists to the Peoria Riverfront the last weekend in September. As one of the oldest outdoor juried art fairs in the country, the Fine Art Fair gives everyone the rare opportunity to meet and talk with nationally-recognized artists, sample some of the city’s finest cuisine, and listen to some of Peoria’s best musical performers. And for the kids, they can have their own art adventure at the Kids Art Fair. Visit for more information.
Saturday, 10/1
PEORIA UNDY COLON RUN/WALK Saturday, 10/8 UndyNEW?pg=entry&fr_id=2405
Sunday, 10/9 bark-in-the-park/profile/general-info
Saturday, 10/22 • t •
Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum 2218 N Prospect Rd • 323-6900 •
AT A GLANCE The Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum provides children with the tools and inspiration they need to be explorers and creators of the world. The PlayHouse features six exhibits on three floors. Young visitors can splash in the water table, mold kinetic sand, navigate the chicken coop climber, and more. Older children will enjoy playing with balls and air tubes in the Motion Commotion exhibit and creating carpentry and art projects in Real Tools. DIRECTOR Rebecca Shulman Herz: FALL HOURS, STARTING AUGUST 27 Monday 9 am-4 pm Tuesday (members only) 9 am-12 pm Wednesday 9 am-4 pm Thursday 9 am-6 pm Friday-Saturday 9 am-4 pm Sunday 12 pm-5 pm THE MUSEUM IS CLOSED MONDAY, AUGUST 22 THROUGH FRIDAY, AUGUST 26. Closed 8/22-8/26, 11/24 and 12/25. ADMISSION FEES Children under 1 Ages 1-64 Seniors 65+
Free $8 $7
The PlayHouse is proud to participate in the Blue Star program, offering free museum admission to Military ID holders and their immediate families from Memorial Day (May 30) through Labor Day (September 5).
GIFT SHOP Looking for the perfect birthday present? Visit the Peoria STOREia at the PlayHouse! We have large and small toys that encourage imagination, creativity, and play! RENTALS The PlayHouse is available to rent for private parties and events. Call 323-6895 or see pg. 88-89 for more information. @Peoria_playhouse @PeoriaPlayHouse
Come Play! Show this coupon when you visit the PlayHouse and receive one free admission ($8 value) per family. No reproductions. Limit one coupon per family per visit. Coupon good August 27-December 31, 2016.
PlayHouse Exhibits The PlayHouse features six exhibits and a wide variety of programs for children of all ages. The exhibits draw on Peoria and Central Illinois, celebrating the past, present, and future of our community. Sand Porch Dig, build, scoop, pound, and sculpt with moldable kinetic sand in our enclosed porch. Motion Commotion Send balls through air tubes, shoot them from air cannons, balance them on air currents, and more in this exhibit that explores momentum, gravity, speed, force and distance. Family Farm Pick vegetables, gather eggs, and milk a cow, and then sell your goods at the farmer’s market or make a delicious meal in the farmhouse kitchen. By Your River Gently Flowing, Illinois Learn about the ecosystem of the Illinois River by playing with boats, finding the animals hidden under rocks, and listening to animal sounds. Or experiment with water wheels, water pipes and dams to change the flow of the water. Peoria, Then and Now Explore a dentist office, diner, and day care in “Tot Town.” Then drive a train and perform in our theater area. In the SciLab, become a scientist and learn about corn-based products and heartbeats, examine the world through microscopes, or build with MagnaTiles. All Construction Great and Small Dress as a construction worker to manipulate a loader and dump truck, and build with bricks and rocks. Then walk on the musical bridge to play a song. Leave time for the “Real Tools” area, where children can learn to use hammers, saws, drills, and other tools, and make their own inventions to take home.
BIRTHDAY PARTIES See pg. 91-93 VOLUNTEERS See pg. 84-85
2016 Fall Playbook • Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum
Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum 2218 N Prospect Rd • 323-6900 •
Saturday, October 15 • 1-3 pm • Free with Museum Admission Halloween is fast approaching! What kind of costume will you wear? 1.
Drop off gently used costumes at the Peoria PlayHouse or the Peoria Riverfront Museum anytime during each museum’s open hours, from September 1 through October 9. In exchange, you will receive a “Costume Swap Voucher,” which is good for a free costume at the swap!
2. Bring your voucher to the PlayHouse on October 15 beginning at 10 am, and choose a “new to you” costume from the costume swap collection. 3. Accessorize! Does your costume need something else – a hat, a sword, or a prop of some sort? Beginning at 1 pm on October 15, work with PlayHouse staff to create your accessory!
This fall, join us on our visits to the Peoria Riverfront Museum! The two museums are collaborating to explore landscapes and outdoor spaces. At the PlayHouse, experience the work of artist-in-residence Joshua Cox. Josh’s project, “To ask for a map is to say, tell me a story,” engages visitors in the sounds and stories of Glen Oak Park. At the Peoria Riverfront Museum, view landscape paintings by Harold Gregor, and then enjoy a film celebrating the 100th anniversary of our country’s National Park system. Museum Exchange Weekends September 24-25 and October 15-16 Use your PlayHouse membership card to visit the Peoria Riverfront Museum, or your Peoria Riverfront Museum membership card to visit the PlayHouse on September 24-25 and October 15-16. On these two weekends both museums will offer related programming; visit and for more information.
When your child develops an interest or hobby, how do you help him or her become successful in this area? What are the benefits of nurturing excellence in an interest such as music or athletics - even if it doesn’t become a career goal? In November, the PlayHouse is partnering with the Peoria Symphony Orchestra to present a panel, moderated by Maestro George Stelluto, addressing these questions. For more information, visit the PlayHouse website or call (309) 323-6900. The panel discussion features three world class achievers: • Richard Hirschl, professional cellist with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and head of strings at Roosevelt University in Chicago. • Elsayed Emara, member of the Egyptian National fencing team and US Fencing Coaches Association; head coach at Peoria Fencing Academy. • Dr. Lamont Barlow, a Urologist trained at Harvard and Columbia who also served as associate principal Bassoon for the New England Philharmonic while in Boston. As a 16 year-old at Interlochen, he was featured on NPR’s From the Top, and he continues to play and enter competitions as a medical resident in New York City.
Become a PlayHouse Member!
Memberships start at $85 and admit a family to the museum free of charge for a full year. See page 14.
12 • t •
PlayHouse Programs The Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum provides children with the tools and inspiration they need to be explorers and creators of the world. PlayHouse programs support the museum’s mission by encouraging children and families to explore new things, and to create in an open-ended, innovative way. PlayHouse programs are described below. For specific dates and details please visit, or call or stop by the museum to request a full program brochure.
Paws to Read
Tot Time During this program for children up to 3 years of age and their grown-ups, children develop language, small motor skills, and social skills while engaging with stories, music, and hands-on exploration. Programs are repeated Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 am, so choose the day which is best for you! Tot Time is free with museum admission. This program is made possible by PNC.
Children will partner with a special dog friend to read their favorite books out loud! Participating children will receive a certificate from their canine partners! Sept 24 • Fondulac Library • 1 pm Oct 22 • Barnes & Noble • 1 pm Nov 19 • Washington Library • 11 am Dec 3 • Dunlap Library • 11 am
Celebrate Peoria Join us to explore and celebrate the many cultures that make up the dynamic fabric of our community. This season’s Celebrate Peoria programs include the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the Mexican Day of the Dead, Kwanzaa, and the Hindu festival of Makar Sankranti. Celebrate Peoria is free with museum admission. Family Workshops We invite children ages 4-10 years of age, and grownups of any age, to join us in exploration and hands-on making. Family workshops are offered on selected Saturday afternoons from 1-3 pm. $10 for members/$20 nonmembers (Fee is for one child and one adult, and includes museum admission). Kid Workshops These workshops engage children ages 8-14 years old in creative thinking and hands-on making, allowing parents to enroll their older child in this program while exploring the Museum with younger children. Offered on selected Saturday afternoons from 1-3 pm. $5 for members/$10 nonmembers (fee includes museum admission). Adult Maker Nights On selected Saturday evenings we invite adults to invent, innovate and build. Led by local engineers, artists, and makers, participants enjoy food, wine, and beer while they work together to find new ways to meet the evening’s challenge. School Visits The PlayHouse collaborates with a team of 12 teachers each year to ensure that school offerings are powerful and useful. School groups have a menu of options to choose from, including visits that support chaperones in guiding a learning-focused museum visit, and field trips that engage children in identifying individual areas of interest and learning more about those topics. And more... The PlayHouse also offers drop-in experiences through Open Studio and Real Tools, programs for schools, homeschool students, and scouts, summer camps, birthday parties, and more!
Pet First Aid Class
September 24 • 9 am-12 pm Prepare yourself for a pet emergency! Offered by the Peoria Humane Society and the American Red Cross, this class will teach: • CPR & First Aid Breathing • Relief of Choking • Symptoms & Care for Common Ailments and Emergencies • Instructions for a Pet First Aid Kit
Education Center • 2600 NE Perry Ave.
Call 672-2447 to register!
2016 Fall Playbook • Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum
Family Membership: $85 Unlimited visits for up to two adult cardholders and their children under the age of 18.
Adult #1______________________________ Adult #2______________________________
Grandparent Membership: $85 Unlimited visits for up to two grandparents and their grandchildren under the age of 18.
Home phone___________________________
Address_____________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP________________________________________________________________ Business phone_______________________
Email__________________________________ Number of children under 18 ___________ Child’s/Children’s Names ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
Birth Date ____/____/____ ____/____/____ ____/____/____ ____/____/____
Premium Membership: $125 A Family or Grandparent Membership, PLUS five one-time entry guest passes to the PlayHouse and reciprocal admission to over 200 children’s museums across the country through Gift Membership (optional) the Association of Children’s Museums. I am purchasing this membership as a gift for the person(s) indicated above. My information is: Both adult cardholders must reside at the same address.
Name______________________________ Email ___________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP________________________________________________________________
RETURN TO: Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum 2218 N. Prospect Road Peoria, IL 61603
Phone___________________________ Please send the gift membership cards to me rather than directly to the membership recipients listed. Credit Card charge $__________
Check for $________ (payable to Peoria Park District)
Visa Mastercard Discover Amex Card #________________________________
Expiration Date ______/______
Signature _____________________________
14 • t •
BECOME A PEORIA ZOO MEMBER TODAY TO VISIT PEORIA ZOO FOR FREE! Looking for a perfect gift for your friends and loved ones? Buy a Peoria Zoo Membership as a birthday, anniversary or holiday gift today! Your gift of a membership will last one year from the date of purchase. Gift purchases may be made by mail, phone or at the Zoo front desk!
Join our Pride and watch our animals grow!
Go to or call 309-681-3500 for category details:
Adult #1______________________________ Adult #2______________________________
Individual • $40 Joint • $60 Family • $85 Grandparent • $85 Family Plus • $110 Grandparent Plus • $110 Zoo Booster • $150 Zoo Benefactor • $300 Zoo Patron • $500 Pride of the Zoo • $1000
City, State, ZIP________________________________________________________________
RETURN TO: Peoria Zoological Society 2320 N. Prospect Road Peoria, IL 61603-2193
Home phone___________________________
Email__________________________________ # children under 18 ________ Gift Membership (optional) I am purchasing this membership as a gift for the person(s) indicated above. My information is: Name______________________________ Occasion ______________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP________________________________________________________________ Please send the gift membership cards to me rather Phone___________________________ than directly to the membership recipients listed. Credit Card charge $__________
My employer will match this gift. Company_____________________
Business phone_______________________
Check for $________ (payable to PZS)
Visa Mastercard Discover Amex Card #________________________________
Expiration Date ______/______
2016 Fall Playbook • Peoria Zoo
Peoria Zoo
2320 N. Prospect Rd. • 686-3365 •
Have Your Child’s Next Birthday Party at Peoria Zoo
AT A GLANCE Peoria Zoo exhibits animals from around the world: giraffe and lions from Africa; tigers and takin from Asia; spider monkeys and snakes from South America; and so much more. The Australia Walk-About even allows you to get eye-to-eye with an emu while you stroll through their home. Now is the perfect time to “Get into Peoria Zoo!”
10:00 am-5:00 pm 4:30 pm
LODGE HOURS (May-September)
Sun-Fri Saturdays
Deluxe Shower Package ($225): Choose from our Treetop or Tropics classroom. Deluxe package includes your chosen classroom for 2 hours, invitations, ½ sheet cake, plates, cups, forks, punch, and admission into the Zoo for 15 people. Additional guests are $9/adult and $6/child. Also, we provide optional decorations and games to use for your shower! A $50 non-refundable deposit is required at time of booking party; the remainder of the balance must be paid 1 week before shower.
Wedding, Reception and Fundraiser Rentals
10:00 am-4:00 pm 10:00 am-3:00 pm
Adults 13+ Children 2-12 years Seniors/Active Military
Baby Showers
Zooper Shower Package ($200*): Each Zooper shower includes the Tropics Classroom for 1.5 hours, invitations, ½ sheet cake, plates, cups, forks, and punch. Also, we provide optional decorations and games to use for your shower! (DOES NOT INCLUDE ZOO ADMISSION) *Price is for up to 25 guests, any additional guests will be $2/person. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required at time of booking party; the remainder of the balance must be paid 1 week before shower.
DIRECTOR Yvonne Strode: HOURS Daily Last Admission
Lions and Tigers and Zebras, oh my! Treat your birthday party guests to the fun of Peoria Zoo. Or, have the Zoo come to you with a visit from the ZooMobile! See ZooMobile information on page 16 and all our birthday party options on page 91.
$9.00 $6.00 $8.00
BIRTHDAY PARTIES See pg. 91-93 RENT THE ZOO See pg. 88-89
Check It Out! Consider having your wedding next door at Luthy Botanical Garden and your reception in the Zambezi River Lodge. See pages 88-89 or call for details.
A very unique wedding and reception venue is at Peoria Zoo. Our spacious room, the Zambezi River Lodge, looks out over the lush green vegetation of Africa!. Rhinos, giraffe, zebras, lions, mandrills and other wildlife, native to the African plains, graze peacefully while you celebrate your special day. You will have to try to remember you are in Peoria. Call (309) 681-3519 to arrange a tour today. Top 10 Reasons to have your next event at VOLUNTEER AT THE ZOO the Peoria Zoo: Peoria Zoo is growing and we could use 10. Climate controlled space available you as a volunteer! Interested in learning 9. Large selection of caterers about animals? Want to share that 8. Lions, monkeys & zebras knowledge with others? Then the Zoo is 7. Indoor space located on the banks of the the place for you. Our volunteers assist in Zambezi River a variety of ways from helping at special 6. Aid in planning your perfect event events to animal handling to working 5. State-of-the-art sound system directly with the Keepers! We promise 4. Rhinoceros and giraffe a unique volunteering experience. 3. A setting like no other in Central Illinois Volunteer applications can be found online, at 2. Great rental rates VOLUNTEER! the Noble Center, and 1. Everybody loves the Zoo! pgs. 84-85 the Barton Pavilion.
Visit the Peoria Zoo’s Safari Gift Shop in the Barton Pavilion
Ever have a hard time finding that perfect gift? Check out the Peoria Zoo gift shop! New items are arriving all the time, from clothes to stuffed animals to home décor. If that hard-to-buy-for person is a true animal lover, think about our Adopt An Animal program. From meerkats to lions to cockroaches, there is an animal for everyone at every price, and all the money goes to the care for the animals at the Zoo. Prices start at $50 and include: • Certificate of adoption • Fact sheets on your animal • Zoo Tales Newsletter • Name on our adopt board
Starting at $250 you also receive: • An Animal gift • A personal introduction to your animal for up to 10 people
You can adopt an animal by visiting Peoria Zoo or calling (309) 681-3500. Visit • t •
VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Drop-In Special Events at Peoria Zoo
Zoo Run Run
August 27 • 8 am 5K Start Time 5K and 1 Mile Cost: $30 Youth ¼ Mile Run Cost: $15 The 38th Annual Zoo Run Run is a fun and healthy way to show your support of Peoria Zoo! The event consists of a Youth ¼ Mile Run for ages 12 and under, a 1 mile walk for all ages, as well as a 5K Grand Prix Race that winds through the Zoo and Glen Oak Park. Registration forms are available at Peoria Zoo or try out our NEW online registration option at
Friday, 10/7 and Saturday, 10/8 • 5:30-8:30 pm Cost: $6 per person Calling all ghosts and ghouls! Join us for our annual Howl-Zoo-Ween event. With a Trick-or-Treat Trail through Africa!, magic shows, a costume contest at 7 pm each night and so much more, come out and enjoy this family friendly event.
Grandparents Day
September 11 • 11:00 am-2:00 pm Cost: regular Zoo admission applies Bring your Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, or Papa out to the Zoo. Spend time learning all about the importance of families in the animal world while spending time with your own family!
Pumpkin Bash
October 29 • 10:00 am-12:00 pm Cost: regular Zoo admission applies Enjoy a mini trick-ortreat trail, games, crafts, and spooky decorations! Even learn about bat conservation and what you can do to help this timeless Halloween icon.
Lines are scary - buy tickets ahead of time and get in faster!
Howl-Zoo-Ween is sponsored by: Allen Road
Keep the Howl-Zoo-Ween fun going at Luthy Botanical Garden’s
”Hogwarts Garden of Botanical Wonders” October 6-November 6 • see page 21
Critter Christmas Saturday, December 3
9:00 am-11:00 am Member Cost: $9/adult, $6/child Non-member Cost: $18/adult, $12/child Enjoy Christmas Zoo style! Enjoy a light breakfast and crafts in our lodge from 9-11 am before heading out into the Zoo. Starting at 10 am our animals get gifts here at the Zoo. Everyone from meerkats to lions to tigers will receive special treats throughout the day. Special thanks to the Ol’ Dairy Barn Christmas Tree Farms in Trivoli for the Christmas trees. Buy tickets ahead of time and skip the line!
2016 Fall Playbook • Peoria Zoo
Peoria Zoo
2320 N. Prospect Rd. • 686-3365 • Events and Tours at Peoria Zoo Advanced Registration Required Home Educator Classes Ages 5-13 • 10-11:30 am
Cost: $6/member, $12/nonmember Science has never been more exciting, with up-close animal encounters, tours, experiments and more. Each month is a new topic and helps to meet state standards. Parents are welcome but not required. Min/Max: 10/30.
Behind the Scenes Tours September 24 and October 22 9-10 am
Cost: $24/person (includes Zoo admission) How much do rhinos weigh? Where do giraffes sleep? All this and more will be answered during our behind the scenes tours. This hour long tour will take you into areas the public doesn’t normally get to experience, and you can learn more about the animals and the care that is required to keep these animals happy and healthy at Peoria Zoo.
Tu: 8/30 (informal)
Down on the Farm
W: 9/14 (formal)
Dinner or Diner (food chain)
Tu: 9/27 (informal)
Tu: 10/25 (informal)
Animals That Go Bump in the Night
W: 11/9 (formal)
Tu: 11/22 (informal)
Domesticated vs Wild
Whether a school group, a church group or a group from work, we have programs to make your visit to the Zoo more enjoyable. Don’t forget, teachers, all programs meet State Standards! Please call (309) 681-3559 for questions or to make reservations for any of the programs below.
W: 12/7 (formal)
What’s Going On at the Zoo
Ed-Zoo-Cational Adventure
Tu: 12/20 (informal)
Zoo Tots Ages 2-4 • 10-10:50 am
Cost: $7/member, $15/nonmember (for each parent/child pair) Join us as we explore the animal world through books, up-close animal encounters, crafts and more! Parents must attend. Min/Max: 5/15. Day-Date
Sa: 9/10 or Th: 9/15
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Sa: 10/15 or Th: 10/20
Ten Little Ducks
Breakfast with the... 9-10 am
Member Cost: $9/adult, $6/child Non-member Cost: $18/adult, $12/child Our popular series is back, with new breakfast opportunities. Join us for a light breakfast while learning about the animal of the day. Then head down to their exhibit and see the featured animal enjoy their breakfast too! This is perfect for the entire family. Enjoy breakfast and then head out and see the rest of the Zoo. Min/Max: 5/25. Day-Date
Sa: 9/17 or Su: 9/18
Breakfast with the Monkeys
Sa: 10/29 or Su: 10/30
Breakfast with the Spooky Animals
Group Events and Tours
Please call for pricing. These 45-minute programs enhance any visit to the Zoo. With many topics to choose from, give your group a chance to meet some animals up close!
Zoo Adventure Combo
Please call for pricing. Come with us as we take you on a tour through the Zoo. Our Zoo Adventure Combo includes a 45 minute class on a topic of your choice with live animals, as well as a personal guide through the Zoo to tell you about the animals and answer your questions. This programs lasts approximately 1.5 hours.
Not able to visit the Zoo? Have the Zoo come to you! Birds, snakes, tarantulas and more can be invited to your next birthday party, scout meeting, or celebration! Prices start at $110 within Peoria City Limits and are adjusted for distance and participants.
Zoo Snooze
Cost: $34/person, minimum of 20 Ever had a giraffe peeking in your bedroom window? You can now when you spend the night at Peoria Zoo! Get a chance to sleep in Africa!, enjoy nocturnal tours, meet animals up close, and find out what the Zoo is like at night. Your group’s adventure begins at 7 pm and ends the next morning at 9 am. Snack and breakfast are provided as well as admission into the Zoo the next day! This program is great for scouts, church groups and so many others! Must be 5 or older to participate; one chaperone required for every 5 children. Offered throughout the summer and fall, schedule yours by calling (309) 681-3559. • t •
Thursday, October 20
This wildly popular event is returning to the Zoo again in October. Guests sample a wide variety of beer and wine during this fun fall evening. Drink tastings, appetizers from local restaurants, live music, and dessert make this an unforgettable event.
Tickets go on sale September 1st!
For more information, please call (309) 681-3500 or visit
The Jon Buckley Memorial Garden
Victims of tragedy leave many loved ones behind. This garden stands as a reminder of not only the tragedies that have happened but also of the love that still exists in this community. Located behind the RiverPlex, the heart-shaped garden is filled with beautiful flowers and is surrounded by bricks dedicated in honor of lost family members.
Interested in honoring a loved one at the Memorial Garden? Contact the Peoria Park District at (309) 682-1200. Memorial Bricks: $50 each • Memorial Bench: $1500 each
2016 Fall Playbook • Peoria Zoo
Luthy Botanical Garden
2520 N. Prospect Rd. (corner of Prospect & Gift) • 686-3362 AT A GLANCE Luthy Botanical Garden encompasses 5.5 acres of landscaped displays and theme gardens that give you ideas for your own gardening endeavors. The Garden also offers a place to escape the rush of everyday life and enjoy a relaxing time in one of Peoria’s beautiful places. Make sure to visit the Rose Garden, and venture off the sidewalk to see hidden treasures at the far corners of the Garden. Enjoy the vibrant collection of tropical plants, orchids and succulents inside the Conservatory. MANAGER Bob Streitmatter: HOURS Daily 10 am-5 pm The Garden is closed on 11/24, 12/25 and 1/1/17. There is no admission fee, though donations are appreciated. GARDEN RENTALS AND WEDDINGS pg. 88-89 VOLUNTEER AT THE GARDEN Volunteers are needed VOLUNTEER! year-round, and pgs. 84-85 gardening experience isn’t necessary!
We’re open on Labor Day (September 5).
Garden Services
Please call or visit our website for details on all our garden services: • Wedding, Event and Photography Rentals • Garden Classes and Educational Programs • Horticultural Presentations & Tours • Commemorative Rose Bush • Luthy’s Landscape Consultation Service
Garden Drop-In Events
Admission Is Free, though Donations Are Appreciated
Fall French Market in the Park
Saturday, September 24 • 9 am-3 pm (rain date Sunday, September 25)
It’s an authentic French Market experience right here in the heartland, complete with crepes, antiques, croissants, herbs, vintage finds and furniture, flowers, and more. A creative community of artists, craftsmen, foodies and collectors come together in this local effort to bring the charm and excitement of a French Flea Market to the Midwest, all set in the beautiful Luthy Botanical Garden in Glen Oak Park, an area where history and tradition goes back for generations. For more information, follow Luthy Botanical Garden and Market on Moss on Facebook, or call (309) 696-1164.
October 6-November 6
Experience the magic of Hogwarts as we once again embrace the theme of Harry Potter for the Chrysanthemum Show. Bring the kids to enjoy a spectacular showing of magical plants, wizardly delights, and even spot “Harry and Hermione!” Packed with hundreds of mums, this event makes a great escape from the fall chill in the air and offers a peaceful respite before the holiday season begins. And don’t forget to sign kids up for Harry Potter’s Herbology! Check out the details on page 21.
Want more Halloween fun? Check out Howl-Zoo-Ween at Peoria Zoo!
Friday, 10/7 and Saturday, 10/8 • 5:30-8:30 pm Cost: $6 per person
Calling all ghosts and ghouls! With a Trick-or-Treat Trail through Africa!, magic shows, a costume contest at 7 pm each night and so much more, come out and enjoy this family friendly event. Enter at the Zoo’s Barton Pavilion. See page 15 for more details.
Holiday Poinsettia Show November 18-December 31
The holiday season would not be complete without a visit to our Conservatory, where our tropical collection blends with hundreds of poinsettias to create a wonderland unmatched anywhere in Peoria! Come visit us to pick out a special gift and get into the holiday spirit. our gift shop will be open again during the holidays, with a big selection of unique ornaments, decorations and more.
Candlelight Walks Fridays and Saturdays, November 18-December 23 • 6-9 pm
Continue a holiday tradition or start a new one. Come visit our Poinsettia Show at night under the warm glow of hundreds of candles while enjoying live performances of holiday music.
Kwanzaa Display December 26-31
Come learn the significance of Mishumaa Saba and Zawadi at Luthy Botanical Garden’s Kwanzaa display. Kwanzaa is an African American holiday that celebrates family, community, and culture. Learn about this wonderful cultural holiday and see our display of African plants while you enjoy the beautiful holiday surroundings of the Poinsettia Show. • t •
Garden Classes and Tours Register for the classes below by calling 681-3502 or emailing
Autumn Garden Walks with an Exuberant Gardener
Harry Potter’s Herbology
Sa: 10/8 • 10-11 am • Ages 6+ Fee: $8/M, $10/NM Su: 9/18, 10/16 and 11/13 • 1-2 pm Professors Dogwoodbreath, Snorbit, and Bob Streitmatter’s fun and exciting tour will take you through the Botanical Garden Scratch Bottom have prepared a brand and showcase some of the great plants and new curriculum and are ready to enlighten trees in the collection. We will spotlight the and educate our local wizard population - although we will allow a muggle or two trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials that bring beauty and interest to the fall garden. to join us as well! This class is full of scary plants, magical creatures, and wizardly You can enjoy the Garden in all its beauty and maybe get some ideas of your own. No good times. Dressing in wizard gear is need to register for these particular tours - encouraged, and we can guarantee you’ll be using that wand many times! Bring a clear, just meet at the Garden entrance. clean two-liter bottle with the top removed to take home a frighteningly feisty plant of Tree ID and Leaf Collection your own! Su: 9/18 and 9/25 • 1-2 pm Ages: 8+ • $2 Calling all students! Come out to the Bugs ‘n Bats...Creepy Garden Helpers Garden for this new fall class. This is a great A Project Class! way to welcome fall - a walk in the park Sa: 10/15 • Ages 8+ • 9-11 am while enjoying the majestic beauty of trees. Register by 10/10 We can help you with the basics of tree $18/members, $20/non-members identification and/or help you to complete Learn about some of the cool, yet creepy, your leaf collection. While walking through creatures that help out in the Garden in Luthy Botanical Garden and Glen Oak Park, this class. We will explore the symbiosis of leaf collecting will be permitted under the plants with animals and insects, and build supervision of staff. Please bring/recycle an a bat house to take old magazine to press your leaves. home (materials provided).
Good Eats from the (Fall) Garden: Chilies and Chocolate!
Tu: 9/27 • Ages 12+ • 5-6 pm Register by 9/22 $10/members, $12/non-members The third class of our 4-part culinary series. It celebrates seasonal garden produce and healthy recipes. In Mayan and Aztec cultures, chocolate and peppers were always served together. We will explore the world of chocolate and the diversity of peppers, focusing on using all those harvested in late summer, right before frost. It is hosted by OSF Dietetic Interns and Luthy Botanical Garden. There will be samples and tasting!
Good Eats from the (Winter) Garden: Healthier Holidays!
Tu: 11/15 • Ages 12+ • 5-6 pm Register by 11/10 $10/members, $12/non-members This class is the fourth part of a culinary series, celebrating seasonal garden produce and healthy recipes. We will cover produce from the late fall/winter garden, with a focus on healthy holiday meals, using potatoes, squash, root crops, and kale. It is hosted by OSF Dietetic Interns and Luthy Botanical Garden. There will be samples and tasting!
Sa: 11/26 • 9-11 am Register by 11/21 Fee: $15/M, $19/NM Create your very own Winter Wreath, using the foliage and textures of the season (i.e. evergreens, juniper, pine cones and dried hydrangea flowers, etc). Your wreath will be the perfect seasonal complement to a front door, window or fireplace mantel. We will provide all the supplies and greenery, just bring pruners and gloves.
Wedding Rentals Do your wedding dreams include a natural garden backdrop for your ceremony or reception? Or, are you looking for a beautiful venue for photos? Luthy Botanical Garden can make those dreams a reality. Select one of six areas for your needs: • Conservatory, an indoor venue for up to 75 people • Woodland Garden • Crab Apple Cove • Wildlife Garden • The Learning Circle • The Rose Garden Some areas are able to accommodate up to 300 people. Call 681-3507 for details, or stop by the Garden weekdays for more information.
Check It Out! Consider having your wedding at Luthy Botanical Garden and your reception next door in the Zambezi River Lodge. See pages 88-89 or call for details.
2016 Fall Playbook • Luthy Botanical Garden
Forest Park Nature Center
5809 N Forest Park Drive, Peoria Heights • 686-3360
AT A GLANCE This rugged 540-acre park is designated as an Illinois State Nature Preserve. The Nature Center’s seven miles of hiking trails traverse bluff forestland and open woodland interspersed with hill prairie openings holding uncommon prairie plant species such as bottlebrush grass, pussytoes and golden alexander. Chipmunks, squirrels and white-tailed deer are common inhabitants. More than 100 woodland bird species commonly use the park as migrants, winter visitors or yearround residents. The Nature Center’s bird feeding station is always busy with both resident and migratory birds. MANAGER Kristi Shoemaker RENT THE NATURE CENTER pg. 88-89 BIRTHDAYS AT FPNC pg. 91-93 HOURS Nature Center: Mon-Sat 9 am-5 pm Sunday 1-5 pm Trails: Dawn to Dusk, year round Open year round with wheelchair accessible trails.
Forest Park Memberships
Help support Forest Park Nature Center by becoming a C.O.R.E. (Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Enthusiasts) member. Memberships start at $20 and include a 1-year subscription to Tracks and Trails, a 10% discount in the Trailhead Nature Store, reduced fees for classes and concerts, plus membership privileges at over 130 nature centers in North America. Please note, dogs are not allowed at Forest Park Nature Center due to its status as an Illnois State Nature Preserve. Dogs are welcome at other Peoria Park District Parks, as well as our dog parks (see page 81).
Forest Park employs naturalists that are available to speak to your group on a range of subjects, including Bird Life of Central Illinois, Ecology of the Illinois River Bluffs, Native Wildflowers and Trees of Illinois, local outdoor recreational areas, Non-Toxic Alternatives for Body & Home, and more. Call the Nature Center for details and to book a presentation.
Groups That Meet at FPNC Central Illinois Herpetological Society Public meetings on the first Thursday of every month at 7 pm. Come share or learn about the fascinating world of amphibians and reptiles. Contact CIHS at 682-6208 for more information.
Heart of Illinois Sierra Club
The local chapter of the Sierra Club holds public meetings on the third Wednesday of each month from September through May at 7 pm. There is usually a guest speaker followed by discussion. For further information contact David Pittman at, 676-5237.
Peoria Audubon Society
Peoria Audubon holds public meetings and presentations in the Nature Center on the second Wednesday of each month from September through May at 7 pm. Visit for details.
Educational Programs
Forest Park Nature Center offers many ways for students to learn about the natural world. Call for a detailed brochure on any of the following: Field Trips: Our environmental education staff is available to lead your classroom, scout troop, or other organization on a field trip through the forests and prairies of Forest Park. These tours last up to 1.5 hours and start at $55 for up to 30 people. Mini-Naturalist Programs: These are geared to encourage the natural curiosity of preschoolers ages 3-5. This 1.5-hour program takes place at the Moose Shelter at Detweiller Park in April, May, September, and October and is just $2.50/student ($40 minimum). Traveling Naturalists: Our naturalists are available to present 45-minute interpretive programs for your classroom, garden club, scout group, or other civic organization. Fees start at $60. Girl Scout Badge Workshops: Girl Scouts can complete badge requirements for Brownie Hiker, Brownie Bugs, Junior Animal Habitats, Cadette Night Owl, and Cadette Trees at Forest Park. Fees are $75 for Cadette Night Owl (2 hours) and $55 for all other workshops (1.5 hours). Call to schedule a workshop for your troop.
Trailhead Nature Store
Our nature store is stocked with a wide variety of eco-friendly and nature-related products and is an exceptional resource for the environmentally conscious consumer. The Trailhead offers a full line of premium birdseed, houses and feeders; organic cotton, hemp, and recycled clothing; nature books and field guides; non-toxic cleaning and bath & body products; and Fair Trade and organic items. All purchases directly support the Nature Center and help maintain the Forest Park Nature Preserve.
October: Fair Trade Month Promotional Sale
Receive 10% off of all Fair Trade items in the Trailhead Nature Store during the month of October! We carry a variety of Fair Trade items, such as coffee, tea, cocoa, handcrafted instruments, gourd decor, handmade finger puppets, jewelry, accessories, and more.
November 25: “Green” Friday Sale
You’ve heard of Black Friday...but what about “Green” Friday? Visit the Trailhead Nature Store and save 10% off all regularly priced items. CORE members get an additional 10% off. Don’t forget to check out our clearance section! We value our customers and strive to provide reasonable prices. Every cent spent is a cent toward a better Nature Center.
December 16: Annual Christmas Sale
December 16 ONLY! All visitors receive 10% off all purchases, and CORE members receive 20% off of all purchases. The sale continues into our evening Shop & Stroll event from 6-8:30 pm.
22 • t •
Songs from the Woods Concert Series All concerts begin at 7 pm. $10/adult, $9/ages 12 and under, $8/CORE members. The woods ring with music at our monthly concert series featuring some of the best singer-songwriters and folk musicians! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 • BILL STAINES For more than forty years, Bill has traveled across North America. Singing mostly his own songs, he has become one of the most popular and durable singers on the folk music scene today. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 • BEN BEDFORD Ben Bedford delivers intriguing sketches of America, its individuals, their victories and their struggles. Poignant, but never sentimental, Bedford’s portrait-like songs capture the vitality of his characters and draw the listener deep into the narratives. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 • CURTIS AND LORETTA Acoustic folk music duo Curtis and Loretta have been acclaimed across the country for their exquisite harmonies, incisive songwriting, and skill on an array of instruments, including Celtic harp, mandocello, mandolin, guitar, clawhammer banjo, and ukulele.
Holiday Shop and S troll Fridays: 12/2, 12/9, 12/16 and Saturday: 12/10 • 6-8:30 pm Free, though donations appreciated This one-of-a-kind event has become a holiday tradition in central Illinois. Experience a nighttime stroll on a forest path lit with luminaries; enjoy live holiday music, storytelling and caroling, hot wassail and goodies; view and/or purchase unique naturerelated artwork from the Nature Art Show & Sale; and shop for eco-friendly, organic, and Fair Trade items at the Trailhead Nature Store. Plan time to catch your breath and experience an evening guaranteed to get you in the spirit! Perfect for all ages.
Peoria Wilds Ecological Restoration Workdays Join these restoration VOLUNTEER! workdays and meet new pgs. 84-85 people, learn about native (and non-native) flora and fauna, have some fun, and get some exercise! Bring gloves and water and dress appropriately for an outdoor experience. Check out the Peoria Wilds website,, or call Kristi Shoemaker at 686-3360 for further information. Forest Park Nature Preserve Hummingbird Garden Workday, 9/14 from 10-11 am Saturdays from 10 am-12 pm: 10/22, 11/19 Ages 14+ (minors must have guardian signed waiver) Meet at the Nature Center. Contact Kristi Shoemaker at 686-3360 or kshoemaker@ Springdale Cemetery Savanna Saturdays at 1 pm: 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/15, 10/29, 11/5, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10 Wednesdays at 9 am: 9/7, 10/26, 11/2, 11/23, 12/7, 12/21 Meet at Springdale Cemetery office on Prospect Rd. Contact steward Mike Rucker at 692-0621 or Rocky Glen Hill Prairie Area Su: 9/11, 10/9, 11/6, 12/4 • 9 am-12 pm Meet in the parking lot at Jimmy’s Bar, 2801 W. Farmington Rd. in West Peoria. Contact steward David Pittman for more information at 676-5237 or Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult.
Forest Park Nature Center and the Trailhead Nature Store Present…
Kids’ ‘Shop Away for the Holiday’! December 18 • 1:30-4:30 pm Bring the kids to the Nature Center to do their Christmas shopping! We will have a variety of items from which they can choose, with prices ranging from around $1 and up. Parents, relax and enjoy a cup of hot coffee or tea while we help your little ones pick out and wrap presents for their loved ones, inspiring them to get into the true spirit of the season… and support their local nature center at the same time! Please note, parents will be asked to fill out a form telling us about the gift recipient(s). Please contact Christina at the Nature Center at (309) 686-3360 if you would like a copy of this form ahead of time!
Tawny Oaks Saturdays from 9-11 am: 8/6, 10/1, 10/29 Meet at Tawny Oaks, 715 W. Singing Woods Rd. Contact Tawny Oaks at (309) 418-7051. Tawny Oaks Seed Collection Workdays Th: 9/15 and Sa: 10/15 • 10 am-12 pm Ages 10+ (minors must have guardian signed waiver) Help collect prairie seeds for future use at Tawny Oaks and other local sites. Supplies are provided. Please dress for the weather and bring water. Tawny Oaks is located at 715 W. Singing Woods Road in Edelstein.
Check It Out! Find more Tawny Oaks programming on page 27.
2016 Fall Playbook • Forest Park Nature Center
Forest Park Nature Center
5809 N Forest Park Drive, Peoria Heights • 686-3360
Drop-In Walks and Programs at FPNC
Unless otherwise indicated, donations are requested for all walks and programs.
Yoga with Jean Sloan
Every Monday • 5:30-6:45 pm This beginning class will combine gentle postures, breathing practices and relaxation with an emphasis on self-acceptance and discovery. Wear comfortable clothing, bring a mat, and refrain from eating a large meal prior to class. Some mats are available for use. For more information contact Jean at 678-8099. Age: 13+ Fee: $10 drop-in fee; packages also available.
Illinois River Sweep
Sa: 9/17 • Registration: 8-9 am Sweep Hours: 9 am-12 pm VOLUNTEER! Meet at Forest Park Nature pgs. 84-85 Center for this annual Illinois River clean up day. The clean up has grown since its inception in 1999 and attracts hundreds of volunteers all along the shores of the river from Chicago to Grafton. Gloves and trash bags will be provided. Call 6863360 for more information.
Old Time Folk & Country Jam
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month 3:30-5:00 pm • All ages Dust off that guitar, fiddle, banjo or other acoustic instrument and bring it down to the Nature Center for a jam session. Meet other musicians and learn some new songs. River Spirit Flute Circle Sa: 9/17, 10/15, 11/12, 12/17, 1/21 Music lovers of all ages are encouraged to 1-2 pm • All ages come, listen and enjoy. Listen to Native American flute music, or try your hand at playing this beautiful Tree ID Walks wooden instrument. All levels are welcome, Sa: 8/27, 9/10 • 1:30 pm • All ages and the circle is open to the public. No Need help identifying trees? This walk is previous musical experience is necessary. for anyone who would like to learn tree Randy Starnes, a local flute maker, is the identification. Don’t let the trees “leaf” leader of the group and will have flutes you “stumped” this fall! Please note, due for you to borrow or purchase. Bring your to the fact that Forest Park is a dedicated own flute if you have one. Contact Bonnie state nature preserve, leaf collecting is not Cox at for more allowed on the premises. information.
NEW! Photo Scavenger Hunt
Sa: 9/3 • All ages Hunt must be completed from 10 am-4 pm Bring your digital camera or phone and head out onto the trails! Each participant will receive a list of challenges to compete in this fun, nature-themed scavenger hunt that can be done in a group or individually. Complete as many challenges as you can, and when you’re done, show your photos to the naturalist back at the Nature Center.
NEW! Monarch Migration through Illinois presented by the Monarch Butterfly Task Force
Su: 9/25 • 1:30 pm • All ages Learn up-to-date information about the status of monarchs in Illinois, as these spectacular butterflies begin their annual fall migration. Members of the local Monarch Task Force will discuss current trends in monarch migration and share ways that homeowners and gardeners can use both native and cultivated plants to alleviate the plight of the monarchs.
Morning Bird Hikes
Sa: 9/3, 10/1 • 7:30-8:30 am • All ages The early bird may get the worm, but the early rising bird watcher gets to see the best assortment of our feathered friends! Please bring your own binoculars (we have a few pairs to lend out). All levels of experience are welcome!
Fall Foliage Walks
Sa: 10/2 and 10/16 • 1:30 pm All ages Experience the scent of autumn, the crunch of leaves underfoot, and the tapestry of fall colors on these guided tours.
Creatures of the Night
F: 10/14 • 6:30-8:30 pm $4/child, $2/adult (call early to purchase your tickets and avoid the line!) Summon your courage and prepare to enter the dark forest on a walk through trails filled with the eerie sounds that come from the creatures of the night! This fun event for all ages includes presentations on nocturnal animals every half hour from 6:30-8:00 pm, a trick-or-treat trail, a campfire with nature-inspired stories, seasonal refreshments, crafts, and other activities. Dress for the weather; costumes welcome. Flashlights are encouraged for this self-guided hike.
Habitat Restoration Workdays
Sa: 10/22 • Seed Collection Sa: 11/19 • Honeysuckle Removal 10 am-12 pm • Ages 14+ (all minors must have guardian sign waiver) Help us maintain Forest Park’s ecological integrity at these habitat restoration workdays. There will be a short talk before work begins explaining what we are doing and why it needs to be done! Please dress for the weather and bring VOLUNTEER! water. Gloves and tools are pgs. 84-85 provided. • t •
Drop-In Walks and Programs at FPNC cont. Spiders, Oh My!
Sa: 10/30 • 1:30 pm • Best for ages 5-10 Spiders may look sort of spooky, but they are actually more helpful than they are scary! Drop in to learn about our eight-legged friends and make a spider-themed craft to take home.
Native Seed Exchange
F: 11/4 • 3-5 pm • Ages 18+ Join us as plant enthusiasts get together to trade NATIVE plant seeds from their gardens. There will be a short presentation about seed saving followed by the swap. Participants are encouraged to document the species and locality of the seeds they bring in. Would you like to help gather seeds? We’ll be at Tawny Oaks in September and October to do just that. See page 27.
I Spy Hike
Animal Encounters
1:30-2 pm • All ages Su: 11/13 and 12/4 - Snakes Su: 11/20 and 12/11 - Turtles Su: 11/27 and 1/8/17 - Insects and Spiders Feel the smooth scales of a snake slide through your hand, hear the hiss of a giant cockroach, and see a tarantula up close and personal. This short program will give you a new respect for some “critters” who definitely don’t fit into the cute, furry, cuddly mold, but are nonetheless some of nature’s greatest creatures.
Eagles on the Illinois River
Winter Wonder Walk
Sa: 1/14/17 • 9:30 am Watch the wonderful world of winter unfold on this naturalist-guided tour. We will explore animal tracks in the snow and what characteristics animals have to cope with the season. Dress warm!
5th Annual Reverse Science Fair
M: 1/16/17 • $4/child, $3/CORE members Ages: Grade School • 10 am-2 pm You bring the kids, and we will set up the experiments. This science fair has a series of interactive, nature-themed displays.
Sa: 1/7/17 • 10 am Each year hundreds of Bald Eagles overwinter in the Illinois River Valley. We dedicate this day to the appreciation of these incredible birds of prey as the Peoria Audubon Society and Forest Park Nature Center offer a presentation and tours to view Bald Eagles along the river!
Su: 11/6 • 1:30-2:30 pm • All ages Think you’ve seen it all? Join us for an “I Spy” hike through the park and find out what’s hidden along the trails. A great hike for those who want to train their eyes to see more of what’s wild at Forest Park.
Art Shows at Forest Park Nature Center Nature Photography Contest and Show
Celebrate the beauty of nature by joining in this fall photography contest. Categories include Wildlife, Nature Landscape/ Scene, Close-up Flora, Digitally Altered and Youth (15 and under). Prizes for first and second place winners in each division. All photographs must have a nature theme. Entry Fee: $3 per submission. Call 686-3360 for details and an entry form. Dates to remember: • Entries due: 10/23 • Judging/Open House: 10/28, 7-9 pm • Photos on display: 10/28-11/10
Nature Art Show Open House
Sa: 11/19 • 2-4 pm Meet the artists, enjoy a seasonal beverage, and tour the wonderful artwork of these creative and talented folks!
Nature Art Show and Sale
11/19-12/31 Mon-Sat: 9 am-5 pm • Sundays: 1-5 pm This art show features a diversity of media and unique artwork all created by talented local artists. It is a great way to support local artists and find original nature-related photographs, paintings, woodcarvings, handmade jewelry, and more. Enjoy the wood-burning stove, hot drinks, and the rustic charm of the Nature Center!
2016 Fall Playbook • Forest Park Nature Center
Forest Park Nature Center
5809 N Forest Park Drive, Peoria Heights • 686-3360
Classes and Programs at FPNC Advanced Registration Required NEW! From Generation to Generation: Primitive Survival Learn what it takes to find your way out and Drawing, Writing, and Discovering survive in the outdoors! The first class will Nature Together Spend time creating in nature with a special young person in your life. As participants enjoy the outdoors together, they will construct lasting memories by helping each other draw and write about their experiences. Instructors are local author Deborah Ruddell and artist/The Hive Art Studio owner Jody Tockes. Supplies and a starter journal will be provided. Please bring a sack lunch. Age: Children in grades 4-6 plus an adult Fee: $10/person, $8/CORE member
cover survival basics including orienteering, shelter building, water purification, etc. The second class will focus on identifying edible plants, how to make a wilderness knife, wilderness first aid, and other advanced skills. This class will take place by Davis Lake at Camp Wokanda. Age: 11+ (age 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult) Time: 1-4 pm Fee: $10/class, $8/class for CORE members Code
Sa: 10/1
The Basics
Sa: 9/24
10 am-12:30 pm
Sa: 10/29
Advanced Skills
Boy Scout Merit Badge Day-Forestry
Preschool Party
Bring your little one to the Nature Center for a “party” filled with fun and learning designed just for them! Each session features a nature-themed activity and a craft, and if the weather permits, a walk outside. Age: 2-5 Time: 10-11 am Fee: $7 (parents should attend at no fee) Code
M: 9/26
Turtle Power!
M: 10/24
Looking at Leaves
Sa: 10/29
Looking at Leaves
M: 11/21
Terrific Turkeys
Sa: 11/26
Terrific Turkeys
M: 12/19
Owl Pellets
Boy Scouts are invited to come to Forest Park Nature Center this Columbus Day to earn their Forestry Badges. Our resident Merit Badge Counselor will be on hand to guide Scouts through their forestry education! All requirements for this merit badge will be met by the end of the session. Please bring your blue card to be signed. Must register before October 3 by calling Forest Park at 686-3360. Date: Monday, October 10 Time: 2-5 pm Fee: $10/scout
Home School Nature Classes
This series of programs is for children who want to learn about Illinois’ natural world. These sessions will vary in topic and structure, and children will participate in hands-on activities aimed at increasing their knowledge and interest in each topic. Dress appropriately for outside field trips. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Age: 6-12 Time: 10-11:30 am Fee: $7/class/child (parents should attend at no fee) Code
Th: 10/6
Nocturnal Animals
Th: 11/3
Compass Adventures
Th: 12/1
Snow Science
Th: 1/5
Mammals in Winter
Winter Nature Art Series
Looking for a way to get the kids out of the house during winter break? Help cure your children’s boredom while also releasing their inner creativity with our new Winter Nature Arts Series! Age: 5-10 Fee: $7, $6/CORE members Time: 10-11 am Code
Tu: 12/20 Penquin Bottles
Tu: 12/27 Animal Snowflakes
NEW! Kids’ Compass Workshop
Learn how to find your way in the woods using a compass and a simple map! Kids will play compass games and use their newfound knowledge to complete a treasure hunt. Age: 8-12 Fee: $7, $6/CORE members Code
F: 12/30
9:30-11:30 am
Boy Scout Merit Badge DayMammal Study
Boy Scouts are invited to Forest Park Nature Center to earn a partial Merit Badge in Mammal Study. Our resident Merit Badge Counselors will guide Scouts through their education! Most requirements for this merit badge will be met by the end of the session. Please bring your blue card, and cards can be brought back to be signed when final requirements have been met. Must register before December 31 by calling Forest Park at 686-3360. Date: Saturday, January 7 Time: 2-5 pm Fee: $10/scout • t •
Tawny Oaks
715 W Singing Woods Rd, Edelstein • 418-7051 AT A GLANCE Tawny Oaks is the newest environmental facility of the Peoria Park District. It is located next to Singing Woods, a 700 acre Illinois Nature Preserve. The mission of Tawny Oaks is “focus the community on the rich biological heritage of Central Illinois and engage people in its protection and restoration.” The property contains a prairie restoration, ½ mile of handicap accessible trail, picnic area and visitor center with restrooms. It also serves as the trailhead for our trail system into Singing Woods Nature Preserve (which is currently under development). Visitor Center Hours: June 1-October 29, 2016 Wednesday-Saturday 10 am-4 pm Sunday-Tuesday closed Contact Forest Park Nature Center for more information on Tawny Oaks.
Prairie Wildflower Walk
Sa: 8/27 • 10 am Donations Requested The 10 acre prairie planting at Tawny Oaks is loaded with wonderful species of wildflowers. Join us for a naturalist guided walk, and learn more about our native prairie plants and how we took an old pasture and restored it to prairie.
Native Plant Sale
Saturday, August 27 • 9 am-4 pm Late summer is an excellent time to plant native wildflowers. It gives time for roots to grow before winter, and fall rain means that you don’t need to water the plants as often. Pleasant Prairie Nursery will be at Tawny Oaks with a wonderful variety of native species to help you start your prairie garden. Get a jump start on next year’s garden by fall planting!
Ecological Restoration Workdays
Sa: 9/3, 10/1, and 10/29 • 9 am • Age: 14+ Exotic plants are a major VOLUNTEER! ecological problem pgs. 84-85 throughout Illinois and indeed, throughout the continent, and Tawny Oaks is no different. If it’s not one thing, it’s another so why not volunteer this summer to help us remove bush honeysuckle, multiflora rose, autumn olive and sweet clover in our wood edges and prairie restoration? Meet us in the parking lot and we’ll provide the tools and you bring the sweat (and gloves, hat, boots, drinking water and of course, some friends) and we’ll give ‘em a run for their money. Autumn workdays will focus more on invasive native plants like sugar maple and elms in our woodlands and ephemeral pond, but we’ll make sure not to give the exotics a respite then either!
Hawk Watch
Sa: 10/1, 10/8, and 10/15 • 1-3 pm Age: 14+ Join us out in the prairie as we sit and look up to the sky to spy migrating raptors overhead. Early autumn is a traditional time for hawk migration in central Illinois and we’ll scan the skies for red-tailed, broadwinged and sharp-shinned hawks, eagles and other birds of prey. Situated on top of the Illinois River bluffs, Tawny Oaks is an ideal spot for soaring birds, so bring along a lawn chair or blanket, binoculars and a soft drink or water as hawk watching can be some mighty dry work. If you lack binoculars we will have some on hand to lend and of course, all levels of experience are welcome.
Singing Woods Hike
Mid-Morning Warbler Walks
Sa: 9/10, 9/17 and 9/24 • 9-11 am Age: 10+ • Donations Requested While springtime birding can be ALARMingly early, we’ll start at a more reasonable hour on our fall walks. Southbound migrants are largely silent and in a more muted plumage so we’ll have our work cut out for us as we won’t have the flashy colors or vibrant songs to help us identify them. We’ll set a leisurely pace along some level paths in hope of finding wood warblers and additional songbirds during Illinois’ “other” migration. Bring along some binoculars if you have them and maybe a few friends as more eyes are better when trying to spot these quiet, tiny birds. If you lack binoculars we will have some on hand to lend and of course, all levels of experience are welcome.
Sa: 10/22 • 9 am Age: 10+ • Donations Requested Since Tawny Oaks is the gateway to Singing Woods Nature Preserve, why don’t we take a walk down one of our newest trails into one of Illinois’ finest stands of oak-hickory forests and visit a couple glacial drift hill prairies? Our topography here is steep and the hiking challenging, to put it mildly, so wear sturdy shoes and durable clothes. Don’t forget to bring along some water and especially bug repellent because gnats, mosquitos and ticks can be troublesome at times. We’ll meet at the parking lot to begin our hike and you should allow a couple hours for our return.
Seed Collection Workdays
Th: 9/15 and Sa: 10/15 • 10 am Age: 10+ VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85 The Tawny Oaks prairie is like an ark of biodiversity. Join us as we collect the seed from this treasure trove of native flora. Learn more about how to collect native plant seed and prepare it for planting. We use the seed from Tawny Oaks in prairie restorations throughout the Park District. We also share seeds at Forest Park Nature Center’s Seed Exchange on November 4.
Constellation Hike
F: 11/4 and 11/18 • 9 pm • All ages Bundle up for this guided hike through the autumn woods! Learn about the visible fall constellations and other features of the night sky.
2016 Fall Playbook • Tawny Oaks
Camp Wokanda
620 Boy Scout Rd, Chillicothe • 579-2157 AT A GLANCE Camp Wokanda is a 276-acre woodland setting that includes a lake, trails, dining hall, cabins, program buildings and tent camping. Wokanda is reserved for rental groups and program participants. Just 20 minutes from downtown Peoria, Wokanda offers a variety of naturalist tours, environmental education and rental options for groups interested in secluded gatherings in a natural setting. CAMP WOKANDA MANAGER Jacob Mol: BIRTHDAYS See pg. 91-93 EVENT RENTALS See pg. 88-89
Camping Accommodations Ridge Cabins (capacity: 20/cabin) Camp style buildings with wood floors, bunkbeds, electricity, wood stoves, outdoor fire-ring and outhouses. Rentals include access to Camp Wokanda’s restroom and shower facility. $80/weekend night; $135/weekend; $70/weekday Valley Cabins (capacity: 12/cabin) Four cabins in main valley, similar to our Ridge Cabins, but with concrete floors. Rentals include access to Wokanda’s restroom and shower facility. $60/weekend night; $95/weekend; $45/weeknight Group Tent Sites (capacity: 10/site) Tent sites are located throughout the camp to accommodate groups of various sizes. They are available with hand washing facilities and privies. Other single tent sites available upon request. $20/night Adirondacks (capacity: 4/unit) Three lean-tos in a remote part of camp. $40/weekend; $20/night Firewood is available with cabin rentals for $20 for a half bin or $40 for a full bin. Downed and dead wood can be used by registered campers free of charge. Canoes are available by reservation as staffing permits. Rental includes paddles and personal flotation devices. $10/per canoe for a 2-hour rental
VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Music and Storytelling Festival
October 7-8, 2016
Friday: Gates open at 6 pm Saturday: Gates open at 5 pm $7/day or $10/weekend Children 4 & under are free
See the lineup of events and performers on page 3!
Join us for a two day event of music, arts, food, dance, storytelling, vendors, and more! Don’t miss this opportunity to see some of the nation’s best musicians and storytellers.
Find out more at
Chinquapin School Field Trip Day
October 7 • 9:30 am-1:30 pm • ADVANCED REGISTRATION REQUIRED $4/student (chaperones and bus drivers are free) Join us for our annual Music and Storytelling Festival! Schools and homeschoolers throughout Central Illinois are invited to participate in a day of programs featuring some of the best Storytellers and Folk Musicians in the country. Your classes will have an opportunity to see several different performances. This year’s performers are Musician and Tall Ship Captain Tom Kastle, Storyteller Tracey Brownell, “The Dulcimer Guy” Mike Anderson, Chillicothe Library Storytellers, and the Forest Park Nature Center with ‘Tails’ about animals! Our theme for this year’s Field Trip is ‘Fairy Tales’ so we encourage you to dress up as your favorite characters! Bring a sack lunch.
Group Programs New for 2016! NATURE LAB
An environmental classroom FREE for educators! Please contact us about using this facility for your field trip, homeschool group, or other educational opportunity.
Scout Badges
Pair one of the following badges with our overnight accommodations and you will be sure to make memories that will last a lifetime. Brownie Girl Scout Badges: Hiker, Bugs, Senses. Cost: $10 per scout (10 minimum) Junior Girl Scout Badges: Camper, Naturalist, Gardener, Artist, Animal Habitats Cost: $10 per scout (10 minimum)
Cub Scouts Badges: Naturalist, Forester Cost: $10 per scout (10 minimum) Boy Scout Merit Badges: Bird Study, Environmental Science, Fish & Wildlife, Insect Study, Nature, Weather, Mammal Study, Plant Study, Wildlife Survival, Reptile and Amphibian Study, Art Cost: $15 per scout (10 minimum) Advance registration is required and may only be scheduled according to staff availability. Call us or e-mail for details. • t •
Drop-In Programs at Camp Wokanda
Camping Specials
Campfire Stories
Sa: 9/3 • 7-9 pm Free, donations appreciated Join nationally known storyteller, Tracey Brownell, for an evening of stories and toasting marshmallows by the campfire. Aspiring storytellers and musicians are welcome to participate!
25% OFF Lodging Rentals for all Grandparents! With discount, camping starts as low as $15 per night.
Robinson Park Trail Hike
Tu: 10/25 • 9:30 am Free, donations appreciated Join us for a Naturalist led trail hike on the Illinois River Bluff Trail. Bring a sack lunch and water for this trip! Meet at the lower parking lot of Camp Wokanda. We will hike to Robinson Park and then return to Camp Wokanda.
25% OFF lodging rentals for all veterans! With discount, camping starts as low as $15 per night. Call (309) 579-2157 to reserve a cabin.
Registration Required Programs
To register for the programs below please call (309) 579-2157 or email Storytelling Workshop
Sa: 9/3 • 3-5 pm • $30/person Ages 15+ Join nationally known storyteller, Tracey Brownell, for our first Storytelling Workshop! We will focus on perfecting the basics of voice, posture, gesture, and recreating stories to make them your own. There will be group exercises and relaxation techniques. Each participant will have an opportunity to perform. Refreshments will be provided. This workshop will be energetic, playful and fun! It is the perfect opportunity for beginning and experienced storytellers and educators who are eager to engage their audience. Space is limited.
Full Moon Paddle and Campfire Dinner
F: 9/16 • 6-9 pm • $15/person, $50/family max Join us for an evening on the Lake! Canoes, paddles, PFD’s, and campfire dinner are provided. Space is limited.
Fall Painting Class
Sa: 10/15 • 12-3 pm • $15 Join us for an outdoor painting class, where we will capture the beauty of Camp Wokanda’s Davis Lake during the colors of Autumn. All materials are provided and our instructor will guide and teach techniques to help you capture a scenic painting with acrylics. Bring your easel if you have one, please. Space is limited.
NEW! Fall Fairy Art Party
Sa: 11/5 • 2-4 pm • $7/child, $2/adult Learn all about the magic of Fall with fun stories, crafts, and tasty harvest treats. We will even have a very special fairy guest! Be sure to wear your fairy attire!
Santa’s Woodland Workshop $8/elf, $2/parent helper Session 1: Saturday, 12/3 • 10 am-12:30 pm Session 2: Saturday, 12/3 • 2-4:30 pm Session 3: Sunday, 12/4 • 1-3:30 pm
All ages are welcome to be one of Santa’s helpers at this workshop! Each “elf” can pick out three quality, handcrafted gifts to construct and take home. A variety of nature projects for all ages will be available. We will have hot cocoa, treats and a visit with Santa. Parents are encouraged to stay and help little ones. Space is limited sign up for a session today!
2016 Fall Playbook • Camp Wokanda
Sommer Park
6329 Koerner Rd, Edwards • 691-8423
AT A GLANCE Sommer Park consists of 320 acres and is a use-by-reservation facility featuring weddings, receptions, shelter rentals, environmental education and living history programs in a rustic, peaceful setting. MANAGER Tom Miller PROGRAM COORDINATORS/ ACTIVITY DIRECTORS We can arrange a special program for your clients. Consider hikes on our scenic trails, canoeing, or fishing. We also offer pioneer history or genealogy at our homestead, cemetery, or one-room schoolhouse, along with a campfire or hayrack ride. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS & SCOUTS Sommer Park offers many historical and environmental interpretive programs. All classes emphasize a hands-on approach to learning. The park is ideal for outdoor learning opportunities for Adventure Outdoor Canoe (with a cookout) or the 1850’s Illinois Pioneer Homestead Program. Let us help your Boy or Girl Scouts earn those fun and exciting conservation or environmental badges. SHELTER RENTALS See our website for photographs and pricing: BIRTHDAY PARTIES See pg. 91-93 WEDDINGS AND RENTALS See pg. 88-89
Pioneer Days 2016
25th Anniversary of the Pioneer Homestead
VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Last Sunday of the Month • 1-4 pm • $3/person age 4+ Come experience firsthand the daily life of rural Peorians in the mid 19th century! Activities may include hand dipping candles, blacksmithing, school lessons, woodworking, chores, pioneer cemetery tours, hayrides and livestock care. This is a wonderful opportunity for scout and youth groups to learn history. August 28 - Koerner Family Cemetery Walk September 25 - 1850’s Transportation October 30 - Autumn Play Party
Civil War Winter Quarters
pgs. 84-85 Saturday, 11/19 • 10:00 am-4:00 pm Sunday, 11/20 • 10:00 am-3:00 pm $5/vehicle History comes to life at Sommer Park as Civil War soldiers construct winter quarters and prepare for their winter encampment. Living Historians in authentic uniforms will use period tools and construction methods to build handmade wooden shelters to protect themselves from the approaching winter weather. Activities include mail call, drill and daily camp life.
Christmas on the Ghost Front
Saturday, 12/10 • 10:00 am-4:00 pm or CentrailIllinoisWw2Reenactors It’s December 1944 and Christmas is coming. A detachment of American troops have settled into a small Belgian farmhouse not far from the German border. The men have replaced a veteran combat division at a quiet sector of the line to await a spring offensive. Little do they know that the largest battle in U.S. Military history is only a few short days away. An exciting event to highlight how soldiers braved the cold weather during WW II.
Sommer Park Teams Course
Call Sommer Park for reservations and pricing Any group of people that must function well together can benefit from this unique opportunity. The Sommer Park Teams Course is a series of 12 initiatives strategically laid out in a woodland setting. This series of puzzles, obstacles, and challenges, by their design, will demand communication, cooperation, and trust. At its very basic, a teams course is fun. But it also allows for high quality, structured, and purposeful learning.
30 • t •
Hayrides and Hotdogs
Thursdays in October: October 6, 13, 20 and 27 5:00-7:00 pm $6/age 11+ • $4/age 3-10 ($25 max/family in same household)
VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Come on out and have an old-fashioned good time. For a small fee you get so much: hot dogs for roasting, chips, carrots, our famous baked beans, marshmallows, and drinks. Vegetarian hotdogs, beans and non-pork marshmallows are available. Hayrack ride, mid-1800s Autumn Play Party activities (sack races, fortune telling) are included, and children and adult costumes are strongly encouraged.
Marshmallow Peep Diorama Contest For classrooms and individuals!
Marshmallow Peeps aren’t just for Easter! Use the pumpkin, ghost, and cat Peeps to make a diorama of a famous event or an autumn or Halloween scene. It can be a historic or current event, or even a scene from a scary movie. Possible ideas include “Silence of the Peeps,” or “Nightmare on Peep Street.” You get the idea! All characters in the diorama must be played by Halloween Peeps. Two ways to enter: Make one as a family/individual or have a classroom make one as a group. Dioramas will be on display at Hayrides and Hotdogs every Thursday in October. Park guests will judge the entries and winners and prizes will be announced on Thursday, October 27. Contact Sommer Park for entry forms or visit the Sommer Park page at Entry forms and dioramas are due by Tuesday, October 4 at Sommer Park.
Northmoor Observatory
5805 N Knoxville Ave (in Donovan Park) • Reach for the stars! Join the Peoria Astronomical Society at Northmoor Observatory for free public viewing from dusk to 11:00 pm every cloudless Saturday through October 15, 2016. Cancellations due to weather will be posted online at and on the Peoria Astronomical Society’s Facebook page:
Bicycle Safety Town
6518 N Sheridan Rd • 682-6684 Open daily dawn to dusk, except during bicycle safety education class (for closures, visit www. This one of a kind learning track, complete with traffic and road signs, provides a great place for younger riders to learn the rules of the road or a safe arena for older, more experienced riders to have fun. The facility has a picnic shelter, a covered bleacher area, family restroom, as well as a paved path which links to the Rock Island Greenway. All bicyclists (toddlers, children, and adults) MUST wear properly fitted helmets. Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/roller blades, and motorized equipment are prohibited from the track. Bicycle Safety Town is also available for private shelter rentals at $25/hour.
2016 Fall Playbook • Sommer Park
Peoria Park District Golf
Golf Learning Center: 7815 N Radnor Rd • 690-7162 •
Golf Lessons and Clinics Adult Outdoor Lessons
Five classes at the Golf Learning Center covering everything from driving to putting. Bring a 5-iron to your first class. Rental clubs available. Age: 18+ Min/Max: 8-12 Fee-R/NR: $55/$60
Code Day-Date
T: 9/6-10/4
5:15-6:15 pm
W: 9/7-10/5
5:15-6:15 pm
Th: 9/8-10/6
5:15-6:15 pm
Adult Golf Clinic: Driving
Improve ball control and direction. Bring a driver and 3 or 5 wood. Age: 18+ Min/Max: 8-12 Fee-R/NR: $13
Sa: 9/10
2:15-3:15 pm
NEW! Scoring Clinics
Learn how to chip, pitch and hit your sand shots closer than ever before! Hit your shots the correct distance. Each participant will estabilsh a short game handicap, which can help determine weak areas where improvements can be made. Age: 18+ Min/Max: 4-6 Fee-R/NR: $55/$60
Su: 9/11, 9/18
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Su: 9/11, 9/18
1:00-4:00 pm
Beginners Golf - Women Only
Planting Seeds to Encourage a Lifetime of Golfifing Growth
Curriculum and instruction designed and implemented by Mary Swanson, LPGA/US Kids Certified Coach and Jeff Roche, 2015 Central Illinois PGA Teacher of the Year. Swanson and Roche coach the Bradley Women’s and Men’s Golf teams as well as provide year long improvement programs for all ages through Braves Golf Academy. All classes are at the Golf Learning Center. Please register for Growing Golfers through OR make payments to: Mary Swanson, 1501 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61625. For more information or questions please email or call (203) 668-0005. Growing Golfers Holiday Break Camp Join us for a holiday camp! Our sessions include an athletically based warmup, rhymes for retention of golf fundamentals (Seedlings and Sprouts) and fun games to engrain technique. The US Kids class will be age appropriate games and drills for kids who have participated in the US Kids Level I or II classes at the Peoria Park District or have received permission from the instructor (must be at least kindergarten-junior high). Each golfer will receive a camp gift for attending and a healthy snack will be served each session. Equipment is provided, and we will be indoors unless we get an unusually mild weather pattern. December 27, 28 and 29 (snow date is December 30) Program
2-3 (plus adult)
9:00-9:45 am
Min 3/Max 12
10:15-11:15 am
Min 3/Max 16
11:45 am-12:24 pm
Min 3/Max 16
2:00-3:00 pm
Min 3/Max 16
US Kids Supervised Practice Group
Growing Golfers Winter Lesson Series Your child will learn the basics of putting and chipping, gain a familiarity with golf course terms, and learn course etiquette. Some full swing will also be introduced. Help your child learn the FUNdamentals in an interactive group environment. Equipment is provided and we will be indoors at the Golf Learning Center unless we get an unusually mild weather pattern.
New to the game and need the basics? You’ll get five one-hour beginner lessons. Bring 3 Week Class: January 7, 14, and 21 (snow day February 4) your clubs to the Golf Learning Center. Program Age Time Cost Rental clubs available. 2-3 (plus adult) 4:15-4:45 pm $35 Age: 18+ Min/Max: 8-12 Fee-R/NR: $55/$60 Seedlings
Sa: 10/8-10/29
12:30-1:30 pm
Golf Family Lessons
Families are invited to learn together in four one-hour lessons at the Golf Learning Center. Bring bag, four clubs and a putter. Children must register with adult. Rental clubs available. Age: 7+ Min/Max: 8-12 Adult Fee-R/NR: $55/$60 Child Fee-R/NR: $40/$45
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:45-10:45 am
Min/Max Min 3/Max 6
5 Week Class: January 7, 14, 21, and Feburary 4, 11 (snow date February 18) Sprouts
3:15-4:00 pm
Min 3/Max 8
2:15-3:00 pm
Min 3/Max 8
1:00-2:00 pm
Min 3/Max 8
US Kids Supervised Practice Group
Thank You to our 2016 Scorecard, Tee Sign and Tournament Sponsors!
Dustin Martin, PGA Kyle Meger, PGA Earl Swanson, PGA Call 690-7162 to book a private golf lesson with a PGA pro. Please note, range balls are not included in the price of private lessons. • t •
No Pressure Golf at Madison Golf Course
Every Saturday and Sunday after 1 pm • •
Adult 9 holes............................................ $ 9.00 Adult 18 holes ......................................... $11.00 Junior (17 & under) up to 18 holes........... $ 5.00 Family of 4 Special: 9 holes (walking) ...... $21.00 Soccer Ball Rental ...............................$3.00/ball
Daily Special
Available All Day Starting September 6! Kellogg: $32.00 Newman: $26.00 Madison: $23.00 Includes green fee and 1/2 car rental.
Saturday, September 10 The Chapman* Madison Golf Course Saturday, Sept. 24-Sunday, Sept. 25 Greater Peoria Fall Classic Newman and Kellogg Golf Courses
Tees set for every age and ability level One junior plays free with every paid or season ticket holding adult/senior when you play together Adults 18+ can play up to 18 holes for the price of 9
Online Tee Reservations
Tee Reservations Are Available Online At • •
• •
No reservation fee. Reservations can be made online up to 6 days in advance; reservations are taken in person up to 7 days in advance. Online reservations are accepted until 2 hours prior to tee time. Online reservations are available for Newman, Madison and Kellogg 18.
PlayCards are available for purchase at the Golf Learning Center and are redeemable for green fees and golf car rentals. A 10% bonus is added to the card at the time of purchase. Golf gift cards are redeemable for all golf purchases and are available at any PPD golf location and online at
2016 Golf Car Fees
9 holes (per person) 18 holes (per person) Pull Cart rental
$ 8.00 $12.00 $ 3.00
Golf Tournament Information Saturday, October 8 Select-a-Fest* Newman Golf Course
Saturday, November 5 Turkey Shoot Kellogg Golf Course
NEW! PPD Tournament Sweepstakes
Who is eligible? Ages 12+ How can you enter to win? Participate in Peoria Park District tournaments. Every tournament you enter gets you in the drawing. The more tournaments you enter the more chances you have to win. The tournaments with a * by the name are worth 5 times the entries. 1 Tournament = 1 Entry in the Drawing 1 Star Tournament = 5 Entries in the Drawing Overview of the Sweepstakes: At the end of the season, there will be 3 different drawings (male, female, and junior). The grand prize for each group will be a 2017 Peoria Park District Golf Season Ticket. Other great prizes will be drawn after the grand prize drawing.
Entry forms are available at Entry forms are also available at Peoria Park District Golf pro shops. Season tickets may be used for tournament green fees unless otherwise noted.
NEW! Peoria Journal Star Cup
Who is eligible? Ages 18+ How can you win? The winners will be decided based on a point system. There will be a male and a female champion of the Peoria Journal Star Cup (the players with the most cumulative points for the season). What is the point system? A player’s points will be based on gift card winnings in all Peoria Park District tournaments. $1 = 1 point Ex: If you win your flight and receive a $100 gift card, you will also win 100 points toward the cup. What is the tiebreaker? If necessary, a tiebreaker will be decided by the number of total tournaments entered. Ex: If there is a tie on the total number of points and one participant played in 13 tournaments and the other played in 12, the participant who played in 13 tournaments will be the winner.
Cup Presentation and Drawing: The cup presentation and the sweepstakes drawing will take place at the chili lunch after the Turkey Shoot (11/5/16) at the Golf Learning Center. $5 at the door will get you a bowl of chili and a drink ticket. You do not have to be present to win.
2016 Fall Playbook • Golf
Peoria Park District Golf
Golf Learning Center: 7815 N Radnor Rd • 690-7162 •
Golf Learning Center & Academy The Golf Learning Center & Academy includes both indoor and outdoor practice facilities, allowing golfers to practice the game year-round. At the Golf Learning Center, enjoy: • Indoor putting green & hitting stations • Outdoor all-weather tees • Practice sand bunkers • 9-hole, par 3 Skills Course
• Club fittings • Heated outdoor hitting stations • Putting and chipping greens • Lessons available year-round
Skills Course - 9 Holes ADULTS: $5.00 JUNIORS: $3.00
Juniors play free with every paid adult round RANGE BALL PRICES when you play together. Small: $6.00 Medium: $8.50 Large: $10.50 Extra Large: $12.50 Money saving punch card prices: 10 medium buckets for $76.50 10 large buckets for $94.50 10 extra large buckets for $112.50
Peoria Park District Golf Courses Golf Courses • Kellogg Golf Course - 18 Hole
7716 Radnor Road • 309-691-0293 Kellogg Golf Course features bent grass fairways and greens and redesigned bunkers. This 6,399 yard course is best for low to medium handicap golfers.
Green Fees
Daily Specials
ADULTS: DAILY SPECIALS 18 Hole Walk: $28.00 • 18 Hole Ride: $40.00 Every day beginning at 12 pm (green fees and 1/2 car): $32.00 SENIORS/JR. ADULT:* 18 Hole Walk: $25.00 • 18-Hole Ride: $37.00 TWILIGHT Beginning at 3 pm every day: $21.00 9 Hole Walk*: $21.00 • 9 Hole Ride*: $29.00 JUNIORS**: $8.00
• Newman Golf Course - 18 Hole
2021 W. Nebraska Avenue • 309-674-1663 Challenging steep terrain, moderate ravines, deep bunkers and numerous mature trees make this scenic, irrigated, 6,497 yard, 18 hole course popular with low to medium handicap golfers.
ADULTS: DAILY SPECIALS 18 Hole Walk: $22.00 • 18 Hole Ride: $34.00 Every day beginning at 12 pm (green fees and 1/2 car): $26.00 SENIORS/JR. ADULT:* 18 Hole Walk: $20.00 • 18 Hole Ride: $32.00 TWILIGHT Beginning at 3 pm every day: $16.50 9 Hole Walk*: $16.50 • 9 Hole Ride*: $24.50 JUNIORS**: $6.00
• Madison Golf Course - 18 Hole
ADULTS: DAILY SPECIALS 18 Hole Walk: $19.00 • 18 Hole Ride: $31.00 Every day beginning at 12 pm (green 2735 W. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive fees and 1/2 car): $23.00 309-673-7161 SENIORS/JR. ADULT:* This 5,332 yard, 18 hole course offers a convenient 18 Hole Walk: $17.00 • 18 Hole Ride: $29.00 TWILIGHT location, level terrain and very few hazards, making it a Beginning at 3 pm every day: $14.25 favorite of senior golfers. 9 Hole Walk*: $14.25 • 9 Hole Ride*: $22.25 JUNIORS: $5.00
• Detweiller Golf Course - 9 Hole (18 holes permitted)
8412 N. Galena Road • 309-692-7518 A 1,758 yard, 9 hole scenic river course. Detweiller is a favorite of junior golfers and novice players.
ADULTS: 9 Hole Walk: $13.00 • 9 Hole Ride: $21.00
TWILIGHT Beginning at 3 pm every day: $9.75
SENIORS/JR. ADULT:* 9 Hole Walk: $10.50 • 9 Hole Ride: $18.50 JUNIORS (12-17): $5.00
• Kellogg Executive 9 - 9 Hole
7716 Radnor Road • 309-691-0293 Kellogg offers a 2,744 yard, 9 hole executive course, recommended for all players wanting to improve their game and enjoy family fun.
ADULTS: 9 Hole Walk: $15.50 • 9 Hole Ride: $23.50
TWILIGHT Beginning at 3 pm every day: $11.50
SENIORS/JR. ADULT:* 9 Hole Walk: $14.00 • 9 Hole Ride: $22.00 JUNIORS**: $5.00
*Rate is valid M-F anytime and after 1 pm on weekends and holidays. ** Rate is valid for ages 12-17 on weekdays before 4 pm & after 6 pm and on weekends after 12 pm.
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RiverPlex Recreation & Wellness Center 600 NE Water St. • 282-1700 •
RiverPlex Memberships
All RiverPlex memberships include:
Fitness Center • AquaPlex • Elevated 1/8 Mile Indoor Track • Group Exercise Classes • Members Gym • Locker Rooms, Steam Room and Sauna • Climbing Wall AT A GLANCE The RiverPlex Recreation and Wellness Center is the culmination of a partnership between the Peoria Park District and OSF Saint Francis Medical Center. It is designed to offer a unique, holistic approach to recreation and wellness, fitness and preventative health care services and a host of leisure programs. It includes the Exergame Zone, indoor cycling studio, indoor family aquatic center, climbing wall, 1/8 mile elevated running track, arena, aerobic/dance studio, 15,900 sq. ft. fitness floor, massage area, steam rooms and sauna, kitchen, and classrooms. SUPERVISOR Sue Wheeler HOURS Mon-Fri Sat-Sun 9/5 11/24 12/24 12/25 12/31 1/1/16
5 am-10 pm 7 am-7 pm 6 am-6 pm 6 am-12 pm 7 am-2 pm Closed 7 am-4 pm 7 am-4 pm
Find weather-related closings at
BIRTHDAYS See pg. 91-93 RENT THE RIVERPLEX See pg. 88-89 Whether it’s a weekly 15 minute sports massage after a fitness class, a Runners Therapy postrace, or a therapeutic session for a specific ache, pain, or injury, our licensed massage therapists can help you ReNew your muscles and have you feeling ready for more. Schedule an appointment today and discover the ReNew experience. Special pricing for RiverPlex members. Call now to schedule your appointment: (309) 829-2004.
Every new RiverPlex member receives:
Healthy Start Program • Bod Pod or Personal Wellness Profile
Members also receive reduced prices on:
Kidz Korner • Day Camp • Swim Lessons • Personal Training • Towel Service Ready to become a member? Come meet our staff and take a tour! Stop in or call 691-1542.
RiverPlex Use by Non-Members
Drop in for the Day: Pay a daily fee for full access to the facility. You’ll enjoy everything full members do for just $11/day for adults. Drop in for Classes: Buy a single class or 10-visit pass for $50 and participate in any one of our 100+ fitness and aquatic exercise classes each week. Register for Swim Lessons or Rec Programs: The RiverPlex offers dozens of Learn-To-Swim classes, along with camps and special events. Swim lessons are on pages 40-43.
Rock Climbing Wall Free For Members During Open Climb Hours Cost For Non-Members is $5.00 Try our 30-foot climbing wall! It features multiple routes and can accommodate all skill levels and ages. Open Climb Hours
subject to change - see
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays: 4-9 pm (age 16+ only from 7-9 pm) Saturdays: 11 am-3 pm
Winter Break Camp
Weekdays, December 23-January 6 • Ages 5-12 6:45 am-5:30 pm
Have a blast during your winter break from school! Our professional staff provides a wide variety of activities including games, sport activities, holiday arts and crafts, playtime in the AquaPlex and more! Bring your own lunch and we will provide an afternoon snack and drink. Don’t forget your suit and towel! Member/Resident Cost: $30/day, $297/entire camp Non-Resident Cost: $34/day, $336/entire camp ENTIRE CAMP CODE: 74500
Follow Camp on Facebook!
F: 12/23
M: 12/26
Tu: 12/27
W: 12/28
Th: 12/29
F: 12/30
M: 1/2
Tu: 1/3
W: 1/4
Th: 1/5
F: 1/6
2016 Fall Playbook • RiverPlex
RiverPlex Recreation & Wellness Center 600 NE Water St. • 282-1700 •
Training Programs
Contact Justin Bolkema at (309) 282-1506 or for more information on these programs, or sign up at the RiverPlex Front Desk.
Standard Pricing for all RiverPlex Training Programs Unless otherwise noted, pricing for training programs is: 6 sessions – $69/members, $99/non-members 10 sessions - $115/members, $165/non-members 12 sessions – $125/members, $180/non-members 16 sessions – $160/members, $240/non-members
Women with Weights 101
9/14-10/7 • Wednesdays at 6 pm and Fridays at 5:30 am Members $50/Non-members $65 • Warm-Up, Weight Training, Core/Cardio, and Cool-Down/ Educational session. • Focus on building lean muscle necessary for weight loss/toning. • Learn weight training techniques, exercises and equipment. • Learn how to incorporate weight training into your current workout regimen.
Women with Weights 102
10/12-11/4 • Wednesdays at 6 pm and Fridays at 5:30 am Members $50/Non-members $65 Learn how to better strengthen your core: abdomen, lower back, hips and pelvic floor muscles. A large number of women suffer from bladder control issues while exercising, lower back pain, and more. Attend this class and learn how to develop a strength workout in the weight room that’s right for you!
Cardio Core
10/24-12/8 (no class on Thanksgiving) Mondays at 5:30 pm and Thursdays at 5:30 am This class is exactly what it sounds like - one full hour of a cardio and core combination that will melt calories, tone your muscles, and crank up your metabolism throughout the day using bodyweight/low impact exercises, the fitness floor, the training studio, outdoors, and a variety of training modalities. This class will be intense no matter your fitness level.
BurnZone Strength/Power
9/12-10/20 • Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:15 am, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 pm This classes utilizes your heart rate to promote optimal strength development using sets, repetitions, and adequate recovery to build lean muscle mass. Purchase of a RiverPlex Heart Rate Monitor from the OSF Marketplace is required. • Cardio Power Intervals • Full Body Strength • Lean Muscle Mass
BurnZone Extreme
11/7/16-1/12/17 (9 weeks) • Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:15 am, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 pm (no workout on Thanksgiving) Purchase of a RiverPlex Heart Rate Monitor from the OSF Marketplace is required. • Maintain strength • Continue to build lean muscle mass • Utilizing your heart rate to maximize calorie burn • Cardio Extreme Metabolic Conditioning
• Maximize Calorie Burn • Sync With Your Smartphone • Challenge Your Friends • EFFORT REWARDED
Reset Your Health. Reset Your Life. NOW IS THE TIME! Kickoff for RiverPlex Reset, our competitive weight loss program, is January 21! This program runs January 21-April 8. Attend an information meeting to have all your questions answered: Tuesday, November 29 at 4:30 pm Friday, December 2 at 12 pm Wednesday, December 7 at 6 pm $595/RiverPlex members, $645/non-members Sign up by 12/23 for a discount! $495/members, $545/non-members Includes group training, nutrition coaching, Bod Pod sessions, and more. Call 2821543 to sign up today! Find out more at
NEW Fitness Classes at FRC
RiverPlex also offers classes at Franciscan Recreation Complex. Register in advance to receive a discount, or drop in for $10 a class. See FRC on pages 48-49 for complete class descriptions. *No class the week of Thanksgiving. Barre Fitness - Age: 13+ Mommy and Me Fitness Code
Fee - M/R/NR
Fee - M/R/NR
M: 9/12-10/17
9:45-10:35 am
Tu: 9/13-10/18
10-10:50 am
W: 9/14-10/19
9:45-10:35 am
Th: 9/15-10/20
10-10:50 am
M, W: 9/12-10/19
9:45-10:35 am
Tu, Th: 9/13-10/20
10-10:50 am
M: 10/24-12/5*
9:45-10:35 am
Tu: 10/25-12/6*
10-10:50 am
W: 10/26-12/7*
9:45-10:35 am
Th: 10/27-12/8*
10-10:50 am
M, W: 10/24-12/7*
9:45-10:35 am
Tu, Th: 10/25-12/8
10-10:50 am
Pre- and Post-Natal Fitness
WERQ - Age: 13+
Fee - M/R/NR
Fee - M/R/NR
W: 9/14-10/19
10-10:50 am
Tu: 9/13-10/18
4-4:50 pm
W: 10/26-12/7*
10-10:50 am
F: 9/16-10/21
10:30-11:20 am $30/$50/$60
Tu, F: 9/13-10/21
4-4:50 pm
Tu: 10/25-12/6*
4-4:50 pm
F: 10/28-12/9*
10:30-11:20 am $30/$50/$60
Tu, F: 10/25-12/9*
4-4:50 pm
Check It Out! Find more drop-in fitness classes on page 59.
OSF Wellness Services at the RiverPlex Medical Exercise/SilverSneakers® Program This medically based wellness program offers a wide range of exercise and education classes that can enrich your overall health. Whether you have a chronic health condition requiring medical supervision or simply want to have fun taking care of your body, our health professionals can help. We offer more than 60 land and water exercise classes as well as weekly wellness education. A physician’s consent is required. Fitness for Parkinson’s disease Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease? The focus of this medically supervised class is to improve flexibility, endurance, balance, strength, and overall well-being. Classes accommodate all fitness levels and a physician’s consent is required. Group Warm and Cool Water Classes Warm water classes are designed to help you decrease pain and stiffness, improve range of motion, and strengthen muscles. The water eliminates pressure from joints and allows freedom to maximize the intensity of workouts for greater benefit. Multiple Sclerosis Cool Water Classes focus on stretching, strengthening, balance, coordination, increasing circulation and reducing spasticity. You can easily access the pools by using a double handrail stairway or a chair lift. Fitness Coaching Do you need help developing a personalized exercise routine? Meet with an OSF Exercise Specialist to set up your fitness program and set wellness goals. Our specialists dedicate themselves in helping individuals with chronic health conditions.
Sports Nutrition Coaching Are you training for an event, involved in athletics, or simply wanting to know more about exercise and nutrition? Our registered dietitian will guide you towards healthier eating through a personalized sports nutrition coaching plan. Sessions include calorie and nutrient recommendations, meal plans and tips for achieving long-term health and wellness success. The Bod Pod® Have you ever wondered what your body fat percentage is? The Bod Pod® is the most accurate body composition assessment device available to measure lean body mass, body fat percentage and resting metabolic rate. Body composition tells you more about your state of fitness than a scale or your physical appearance. Call 309-282-1600 to schedule your Bod Pod. Weight Management Services If you have made weight loss attempts in the past, only to regain the weight, then it’s time to try something different. Partner with us to get the whole picture of your health and map out the best plan of action to get the weight off for good. You will meet with an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) for a medical evaluation, Bod Pod test (body composition), measurements, and any necessary blood work. Your plan of action could include any of the following: personal nutrition counseling, fitness coaching, Lose it for Life (group class), HMR Program for Weight Management, or surgical weight loss. We’re in it for the long haul. Even after you’ve reached your goal weight, you’ll have support to keep the weight off for good. OSF Surgical Weight Loss Center of Excellence OSF Wellness Services and Peoria Surgical Group work together to guide individuals through weight loss surgery and provide the tools needed to live a new healthy lifestyle. Please call 309-282-1600 for more information about the OSF Wellness Services or visit our website
2016 Fall Playbook • RiverPlex
RiverPlex Recreation & Wellness Center 600 NE Water St. • 282-1700 •
Adult Sports at the RiverPlex
To sign up for RiverPlex Volleyball Leagues, please email Dave Branyan at Emails must include player names, emails and cell phone numbers. Please be sure you receive a confirmation reply. For more information please email or call (309) 360-0111. Adult Co-Ed Volleyball Leagues Session 1 begins September 6 and 7. Game times: 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm, 7:30 pm or 8:30 pm Our leagues are a great place to have fun, meet people and play competitive or recreational volleyball. We run four sessions of Indoor Co-ed Volleyball each year: September-October, November-December, January-February, and March-April.
Adult Women’s Volleyball Leagues Dig it! Women’s 6’s on Sundays 4-7 pm. Approximately 20 teams. A & B divisions. Session 1 begins September 11 Session 2 begins November 6 Session 3 begins January 8, 2017
Arena Flag Football League Season starts January 7, 2017 Join Peoria’s best 6 on 6 Flag Football league! Games are held in the climate controlled RiverPlex Arena on Sundays. Participants must be high school graduates or 18 years of age and not playing on a professional team. League play consists of a 10-week season including playoffs. Team fee is $575. Roster Min/Max is 7-12. Depending on the number of teams entered, season length and team fee may be adjusted. Call Dave at 282-1521 for details.
Events and Programs in the Arena Peoria Mother of Twins Club Fall Clothing and Equipment Sale Saturday, September 10, 2016 8 am-12 pm • $1.00 admission fee Come join us for great deals! Anything your child could possibly need-everything from large equipment, strollers, clothes, toys, bikes, beds, shoes and much more! Cash or credit accepted. For more information about the sale or the Mother of Twins Club please visit 14th Annual Walk for the Mind Saturday, September 24, 2016 7:30 am registration, 9:30 am start On-site raffle and other activities in between and after! The Mark Linder Walk for the Mind is a one mile walk to support brain tumor research and to raise awareness of brain tumors and their impact on those in Central Illinois. Please visit www., contact Mary at (309) 677-9550 or e-mail mail@ for more information. Walk to Remember Saturday, October 1, 2016 10 am registration • 11 am start Please join us for this one mile walk and memorial service along the beautiful Peoria RiverFront, to honor the memory of beloved children who died due to pregnancy loss, stillbirth or infant death. Everyone is invited to come celebrate and remember. For details or to register call (309) 566-8234 or email
Midwest Regional Junior/Cadet/Open Fencing Tournament October 21-23, 2016 The Peoria Fencing Academy will host the Midwest Regional Junior/Cadet/Open Fencing Tournament. You can witness this action for yourself (admission is free) and see the real version of moves you may have previously caught only in films. There won’t be any musketeers leaping from balconies or hanging from chandeliers, but there will be plenty of men and women translating their months and years of practice into precise movement, into gambits of speed and dexterity intended to (metaphorically, at least) skewer their opponents. Come and learn more about this Olympic sport and meet the coaches and athletes that train right here in Peoria. Pedal for Parkinson’s November 5, 2016 • 1 pm-4 pm Pedal for Parkinson’s will combine an afternoon of awareness and education with a fundraising event. Attendees will get sponsors for riding a stationary bike for either 15 or 30 minutes. The funds raised will go to Parkinson’s Action Network, the unified voice of the Parkinson’s community. Included with this event will be a fantastic line up of speakers and a number of Parkinson’s related displays. For more information contact Roger at
Peoria Park District Sports Auction November 6, 2016 • see page 75 Card Show: 10:00 am-3:00 pm Live auction: 2:00 pm Sports card vendors will be set up to buy, sell or trade their sports cards and collectibles. Proceeds benefit Peoria Park District Youth Sports. $1.00 admission, kids 12 and under free. Digging for Dax Volleyball Tournament for Cancer Research November 26, 2016 8:30 am registration • 9 am start 8th Annual Volleyball Tournament to benefit St. Jude in memory of Dax Locke. This is a Mad Hatter format (teams will be formed by pulling names out of a hat so you do not need to enter a team). Open to ALL levels of play. Two divisions. For questions please contact Jingle Bell Run 5k Run/Walk December 3, 2016 • Race starts at 10 am The Arthritis Foundation’s Jingle Bell Run is a fun way to get out, get moving and raise funds and awareness to cure America’s #1 cause of disability! Wear a holiday themed costume. Tie jingle bells to your shoelaces. Show off your ugly Christmas sweater. Complete a 5-kilometer run or walk with your team members, spreading smiles, good cheer and a winning spirit, and be a Champion of Yes! For more information, contact Heidi Pio at or call (309) 863-3507. • t •
Junior Sports Junior Girls and Boys Volleyball Program
This excellent program is the area leader in providing good fundamental volleyball skills to girls and boys in central Illinois. We encourage all potential players to participate. The focus of the Eastside Volleyball Club, Inc. is to increase the level of play of volleyball throughout the area, including an Elite program. Visit or contact Tim at or call (309) 699-8738. After great success in 2016 the Eastside Volleyball club will again partner the with RIVERPLEX SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Up to 2 nights per week the girls will work with their staff pre/post practice developing the sport specific qualities required to reach their full potential. Last year we averaged 3 inch improvements on vertical jump, 3.2 inches on their approach, 10 inches on their broad jump, and a 1.3 second decrease in change of direction time. Staff has elite level schooling, certifications, and experience working with middle school through DI SEC volleyball teams. Not only will you become more powerful, fast, and efficient on the court, but will also significantly reduce your chances for injury. In addition, we provide Mental Strength training to complement the strength training and give athletes that competitive edge. TRYOUTS - November 13 11:30 am-2 pm (15-16 years) • 1:30-4 pm (17-18 years) FALL YOUTH VOLLEYBALL SKILLS CLINIC September 11, 18, 25, October 2, 9, 16 • 12:30-4 pm Eastside VBC will hold the Dig-It League and Fall Clinic for K through 8th grade participants before the IESA kicks off their season. The purpose of these clinics and league is to ”Grow the Game” and give the JHS athletes a “warm-up” to their school season. Visit, contact Tim at, or call 699-8738 for more details. PRIVATE LESSONS Call Tim Vandeschraaf at 309-699-8738 if would like to arrange private lessons with one of our excellent coaches.
Whether you are a high school athlete or just want to add variety to your routine and train like an athlete, our Performance Training programs help you reach optimal levels of success. Our equipment, instructors, the exercises used, and drills performed create individualized and specialized sport-specific programs to best serve each individual. Head Coach: Justin Bolkema, MS, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES), USA Weightlifting Level One Sport Performance Coach (USAW1)
RiverPlex Sports Performance Fall Program Starting September 4, 2016 Sundays and Wednesdays at 4:30 pm Training Includes: • • • • • • • •
Pre/Post Testing and Evaluations Assessments and Corrective Exercise Strength Training Power/Plyometrics/Rate of Force Development Speed/Acceleration/Change of Direction Balance/Coordination/Reaction Time Energy System Development Integrated Nutrition and Sport Psychology
Pricing is done by session on a punch card to allow for flexibility around academics and sport training schedules. Training varies depending on in-season, out of season, sport specificity, and training experience. Cost for 6 sessions: $69/members • $99/non-members Cost for 10 sessions: $115/members • $165/non-members Cost for 12 sessions: $125/members • $180/non-members
riverplexsportsperformance • (309) 282-1506
2016 Fall Playbook • RiverPlex
AquaPlex at the RiverPlex
600 NE Water Street • 282-1531
COORDINATOR OF AQUATICS Jordan Schertz: ADMISSION RiverPlex members swim at NO charge. Admission for non-members: Child 2 & under when accompanied by a paid adult Free Child (3-12 years) $5 Adult (13-61 years) $7 Senior (62 & up) $5 Spectator $2 Groups of 15 or more may qualify for special group rates. Call 282-1531 to make reservations.
SPLASH POOL/OPEN SWIM HOURS Enjoy our 2-story waterslide, lazy river, splash equipment and zero-depth pool. Fall Hours: Starting September 6 Mon-Fri 5-8 pm Sat & Sun 12-7 pm LAP POOL HOURS Swim laps in our 25-yard pool or relax in the whirlpool overlooking the river! Lap Swim punch cards good for 10 admissions may be purchased for $50. Fall Hours: Starting September 6 Mon-Fri 5-8 pm Adults only, M-F 8-10 pm Sat & Sun 12-7 pm HOLIDAY OPEN SWIM SCHEDULE 9/5 12-6 pm 11/24 10 am-12 pm 11/25 12-8 pm 12/21-23 12-8 pm 12/24 12-2 pm 12/25 CLOSED 12/28-30 12-8 pm 12/31-1/1 12-4 pm 1/4/16 12-8 pm AQUAPLEX BIRTHDAYS pg. 91-93 PRIVATE RENTALS Held after open hours, your group has exclusive rights to the Aquatic Center! Call 282-1531 for rates.
PLEASE NOTE • Children 10 years and younger must be accompanied by a parent/guardian (age 17+) outside of open swim hours. • During open hours, children 7 and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian (17+) in the pool area. Children 5 and under must be accompanied by an adult in the water at all times. • We do not allow any outside inflatables, which include, but are not limited to, arm wings and rafts of any kind. • The whirlpool is for ages 17 and up. • We reserve the right to use up to 2 lanes of the lap pool during swim lessons at the following times: Tu & Th: 5:30-7:45 pm, M & W: 11 am-12 pm and Sa: 9-11:15 am.
Private Swimming Lessons Available to swimmers of all ages and abilities, private lessons are a great way to get personalized instruction tailored exactly to a swimmer’s individual needs. We will pair you up with one of our qualified instructors and can set up a time that works with your schedule. For more information, contact Jordan at 282-1531 or stop by the pool office. Brownies/Girl Scouts or Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts Bring your troop in for an afternoon of fun at a special rate of $3/child. For an additional $2/child our instructors will help your troop earn their swim badges. Please call 282-1531 for available times.
Preschool Splash Monday-Friday, 10-11:30 am Ages 1-5 • September 12-May 14 $3/person, free for members
Join us for this parent-child program in the leisure pool. Children enjoy the splash features and play stations with a parent or guardian who swims with them.
Water Aerobics
All classes are free to RiverPlex members. Non-members may purchase a 10 pass punch card for $50. Please pick up a water aerobics schedule at the RiverPlex or at Aqua Zumba: Perfect for those looking to make a splash by adding a low-impact, high-energy aquatic exercise to their fitness routine. There is less impact on your joints during an Aqua Zumba class so you can really let loose. Water creates natural resistance, which means every step is more challenging and helps tone your muscles. Senior Fit: A great class set to upbeat music for the mature aerobics fan. Held in the warm water therapy pool, this class is great for those who want strengthening, additional flexibility, and those with joint problems. Tummies and Thighs: This class is designed to work your abs and your thighs (plus your legs and lower back). OSF Arthritis: Join us for a workout in the warm water to improve your joint range of motion and strength - there is easy entrance into the pool. A Physician Consent form is required. Call 282-1605 to register. OSF Multiple Sclerosis: Focus on stretching, joint range of motion, muscle strengthening, balance and coordination in a positive social setting. A Physician Consent form is required. Call 282-1605 to register. Run the Rapids: This class will give you the benefits of running without all the stress on your body. Water shoes recommended. Ai Chi: An end of the week breather! Relax and get a great workout while our instructors lead you through a series of controlled movements and breathing techniques set to serene music. High/Low: A great overall workout and conditioning class that includes a warm-up, cardio and strengthening and cool down.
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YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A RIVERPLEX MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE IN SWIM LESSONS. Fees: M = RiverPlex Members R = Peoria Park District Residents NR = Non-Residents
Exploration 1: Ages 6-24 months
This class is for infants and adults to enjoy together. An instructor will lead the group through a series of developmentally appropriate water activities. Class is held in the warm water pool for added comfort.
Pre-Journey 1: Ages 4-7
This class is for children who have had NO swimming experience or who may be timid in getting into the water.
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
5:00-5:30 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
5:00-5:30 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
5:00-5:30 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
5:00-5:30 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:00-9:40 am
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
6:35-7:05 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
10:30-11:00 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
10:30-11:00 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
10:30-11:00 am
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
7:10-7:40 pm
Sa: 12/3-12/17
10:30-11:00 am
Exploration 2: Ages 24 months-3 years
This class is specifically for toddlers and adults to enjoy and learn together. An instructor will lead the adults through different swim exercises and activities to promote independent swimming for the child. This class is held in the warm water pool for added comfort.
Journey 1: Ages 4-7
This course is for children who are comfortable in the water and have some water experience. This course will focus on floating, kicking, breathing and beginner strokes. Register early - class fills quickly!
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
7:10-7:40 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:45-10:15 am
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:45-10:15 am
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:45-10:15 am
Sa: 9/10-10/1
10:30-11:10 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:45-10:15 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
10:30-11:10 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
10:30-11:10 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
10:30-11:10 am
Voyagers: Age 3
This is an introduction to swimming for toddlers who have attended Exploration 1 and/or Exploration 2 and have been promoted into this class, or are 3 years old at the start of the class. Participants will learn water independence, basic water movement and floats in the warm water pool. Adults are not in the water with children in this class. Register early - class fills quickly!
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
6:35-7:05 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:45-10:15 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:45-10:15 am
Tu: 10/4-10/25
2:30-3:45 pm
Tu: 11/1-11/22
2:30-3:45 pm
Home School Swim Program: Ages 5-16
Your child will receive a swim lesson and also enjoy splash time with other children in our leisure pool. Min/Max: 10-30 Fee: $24/$26/$28
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:45-10:15 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:45-10:15 am
2016 Fall Playbook • AquaPlex
AquaPlex at the RiverPlex 600 NE Water Street • 282-1531 Journey 2: Ages 4-7
Children MUST know how to float, glide and kick by themselves and have basic stroke knowledge. They will learn front crawl breathing, proper back crawl arms and be introduced to breaststroke and butterfly kicking.
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
5:30-6:00 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:45-10:25 am
Journey 3: Ages 4-7
Children should be able to swim one length of the pool and will continue to work on skills from the previous level. Participants will learn breaststroke and start building their endurance. Time will also be given to diving and treading water.
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
6:00-6:30 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:00-9:40 am
Private Swimming Lessons
Learn to Swim With Gus & Goldie!
Discovery 1: Ages 7-14
This class is for kids with little or no experience in the water. They will learn water adjustment, breathing, floating, kicking and basic strokes.
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
6:00-6:30 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
6:00-6:30 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:00-9:40 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:00-9:40 am
Discovery 2: Ages 7-14
Children MUST know how to float, glide and kick by themselves and have basic stroke knowledge. They will learn front crawl breathing, proper back crawl arms and be introduced to breaststroke and butterfly kicking.
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
6:35-7:05 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
10:30-11:10 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
10:30-11:10 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
10:30-11:10 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
10:30-11:10 am
Discovery 3: Ages 7-15
Children should be able to swim one length of the pool and will continue to work on skills from the previous level. Participants will learn breaststroke and start building their endurance. Time will also be given to diving and treading water.
Available to swimmers of all ages and abilities, private lessons are a great way to get personalized instruction tailored exactly to a swimmer’s individual needs. We will pair you with one of our qualified instructors and can set up a time that works with your schedule. Call or stop by the AquaPlex office.
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
5:30-6:00 pm
In addition to our individual lessons, we are now offering: Private lesson punch cards - an easy way to sign up for multiple lessons and save money at the same time! Private sessions - customize a class with your own times and participants!
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
5:30-6:00 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
9:45-10:25 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
9:45-10:25 am
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Challenge Novice: Ages 7-14
This class is for children who know the basic freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. They will add endurance to the above skills. They will also work on the development of these strokes and add elementary backstroke, butterfly and sidestroke.
Tu, Th: 9/8-10/1
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 10/6-10/29
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 11/3-11/26
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 12/8-12/17
7:10-7:40 pm
Sa: 9/12-10/3
10:30-11:10 am
Sa: 10/10-10/31
10:30-11:10 am
Sa: 11/7-11/28
10:30-11:10 am
Sa: 12/5-12/12
10:30-11:10 am
Challenge Advanced: Ages 7-14
For children who know the basic elementary backstroke, butterfly and sidestroke. Development of these strokes will be emphasized as well as turns, competitive starts and safety skills.
Adult Learn to Swim - Beginner: Ages 16+
This class is for adults who are not afraid of the water, but need to learn the basic skills of swimming.
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
7:10-7:40 pm
Adult Learn to Swim - Intermediate: Ages 16+
We will work at improving your front and back crawl strokes, endurance levels and add other strokes as desired. You should be able to swim 100 yards on your front and back.
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
6:35-7:05 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
8:15-8:55 am
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
7:10-7:40 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
7:10-7:40 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
11:15-11:55 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
10:30-11:10 am
Tu: 9/6-9/27
7:45-8:15 pm
Sa: 11/5-11/26
10:30-11:10 am
Tu: 10/4-10/25
7:45-8:15 pm
Sa: 12/3-12/17
10:30-11:10 am
Tu: 11/1-11/22
7:45-8:15 pm
Terrified of Water: Ages 16+
This adult learn to swim lesson is taught in the class section of the lap pool in a small group setting. The instructor will help you to deal with any fears that you may have about the water environment, while teaching you basic swimming skills, such as front and back floats and freestyle stroke.
Challenge Expert: Ages 7-14
In this course, children will continue with what has been introduced in Challenge Advanced. The focus is on developing stroke proficiency and polishing existing techniques over longer distances. Swimmers will also be introduced to a few more advanced aspects of competitive swimming, such as flip turns, streamlining and breathing techniques.
Tu, Th: 9/6-9/29
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-11/29
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu, Th: 12/1-12/20
5:30-6:00 pm
Sa: 9/10-10/1
8:15-8:55 am
Sa: 10/8-10/29
8:15-8:55 am
Sa: 11/5-11/26
8:15-8:55 am
Sa: 12/3-12/17
8:15-8:55 am
Ready to Register? See pages 94-96.
Proudly supporting the Peoria Park District 801 W. Birchwood Morton, IL 309-266-2400
2016 Fall Playbook • AquaPlex
Owens Center
1019 W Lake Ave • 686-3368 • Public Skate Line: 686-3366
AT A GLANCE An indoor ice skating facility featuring two fullsize rinks. Owens offers year-round ice skating lessons for ages 3+ and comprehensive hockey and figure skating programs. MANAGER Doug Silberer: SUMMER PUBLIC SKATE SCHEDULE* through September 30 Mon-Fri 1:00-2:30 pm Fri 7:00-8:45 pm Sat 6:30-8:30 pm FALL PUBLIC SKATE SCHEDULE* beginning October 3 Mon 9:00-11:00 am, 1:00-2:30 pm Tues 1:00-2:30 pm Wed 9:00-11:00 am, 1:00-2:30 pm Thurs 1:00-2:30 pm Fri 9:00-11:00 am, 1:00-2:30 pm, 7:30-9:15 pm Sat 6:45-8:30 pm Sun 2:15-4:00 pm *Schedule subject to change due to special circumstances. Visit or call Owens Center for updates.
PUBLIC SKATE EXCEPTIONS 9/2 No public skate 9/4-9/5 Closed 11/24 Closed 12/17 Skate with Santa public skate 2:30-4:30 pm only 12/19-12/23 Public skate 9:30 am-2:30 pm 12/24 Public skate 11 am-2 pm only 12/25 Closed 12/26-12/30 Public skate 9:30 am-2:30 pm 12/31 No public skate 1/1/17 Closed 1/2-1/6 Public skate 9:30 am-2:30 pm ADMISSION FEES Junior (12 & under) $4.00 Adult (13 & over) $5.00 Senior (65 & over) $4.00 Skate Rental $3.00
How to Register for Owens Center Lessons • MAIL registration form (p. 96) to Owens Center. • Register IN PERSON at Owens Center daily from 9 am to 8 pm. • FAX your registration form (with credit card number) to 681-0610. Ways to Save Family Skate returns October 9!
Every Sunday, families (up to 5 people) can skate for $25 (including skate rentals). Additional skaters pay $4.75 each.
Public Skate Passes
About Our Skating School Clothing
Warm, comfortable clothing with mittens or gloves and protective head gear or hats for young children are recommended. Adults additionally benefit from wrist guards and knee pads.
Get a 10 visit pass for only $32 (Juniors and Seniors) or $42 (Adults). Skate rental is Skates Skate rental is included in the cost of your additional. lessons. Skates should be your shoe size or Group Discounts one size larger. Wear one pair of thin socks. A discounted rate of $4.75/person is Fees & Transfers given to groups of 10-50 who make a Class fees vary and are included on reservation at least one week in advance. the charts on the opposite page. A $5 No passes may be used. A $23.75 nonadministrative fee will be charged for refundable deposit required for groups of any drop or transfer of cIasses OR if you 20 or more. No group reservations during register for a class on the first day it runs. holiday hours. Please note: transfers may not occur after Public Skate Specials a class begins. If a student is no longer Owens also offers discounts for able to attend classes, a credit with a $5 students, skating school participants and administration fee will be assessed from the those with Mustang ticket stubs. time the skating school is notified that the student is unable to attend.
Each class time/level must meet a class minimum in order to run.
Skate with Santa Saturday, 12/17 2:30-4:30 pm
Santa loves the chilly air inside Owens! Come see him for yourself while skating with your family and friends. Regular admission applies.
Special Holiday Hours Regular admission applies.
December 19-23 • 9:30-2:30 pm December 24 • 11 am-2 pm December 26-30 • 9:30-2:30 pm January 2-6 • 9:30 am-2:30 pm
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Ice Skating Lessons Register Through Owens Center
Fall Skating Lessons
Skating Stars
Super Skates
A special 3-level introductory series offered for ages 3-6.
A 10-level course for ages 7+ or younger skaters who have completed Skating Stars.
Adult Levels
A 10-level course for adults to learn with their peers.
Pick a day and time for your lessons. This will be your assigned day and time through the entirety of the session. No make up classes available.
4:30 pm 5:15 pm
4:30 pm 5:15 pm
10:00 am 1:00 pm
10:00 am 1:00 pm
All class times are 45 minutes.
10:00 am 1:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:15 pm
10:00 am 1:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:15 pm
5:15 pm
4:45 pm 5:30 pm
4:45 pm 5:30 pm
5:30 pm
9:00 am 9:45 am
9:00 am 9:45 am
9:00 am
Fee-R/NR: $72/$82
FALL 1 SESSION: September 12-November 5 FALL 2 SESSION: November 7-January 21, 2017 (no class 11/21-11/26, 12/19-12/31)
Just getting started? Try our 4-week lessons for FIRST TIME SKATERS ONLY!
Would you like to try skating, but aren’t ready to commit to our full 8-week classes? Then try our 4-week classes for beginners only. Classes are offered at all regular times (see chart above) and are for all ages (3 years to adult). *No classes December 19-31. FALL 1
M: 10/10-10/31
Tu: 10/11-11/1
W: 10/12-11/2
Th: 10/13-11/3
Sa: 10/15-11/5
M: 12/12-1/16/17
Tu: 12/13-1/17/17
W: 12/14-1/18/17
Th: 12/15-1/19/17
Sa: 12/17-1/21/17
Specialty Classes For skaters who have completed 10 levels of Owens Center Skating School OR are concurrently participating in Level 8 or above.
Jump and Spin Learn the jumps, spins and connecting moves necessary for freestyle tests.
Adult Jump and Spin
Learn jumps, spins and connecting moves. Fall 1: 9/14-11/2 Fall 1: 9/12-11/3 Fall 2: 11/9-1/18/17 Fall 2: 11/7-1/19/17 (no class 11/23, 12/21, or 12/28) (no class 11/21-24, 12/19-22, or 12/26-29) W: 5:15 pm • Fee-R/NR: $72/$82 M: 5:15 pm • W: 4:30 pm • Th: 5:30 pm Fee-R/NR: $72/$82
Power Skating Class
Prepare for an intense on-ice workout! This class helps strengthen the skater’s endurance and speed. Get ready to have some fun while working up a sweat. PREREQUISITE: Freestyle 1 This class corresponds with the monthly freestyle schedule. Sa: 8:15-8:45 am Fee: $50/10 class punch card or $6/walk-on
Freestyle and Developmental Hockey Sessions are available to practice freestyle and hockey skills and/or to receive private instruction. Scheduled times available at the rink and online.
NEW! Adult Fit Introducing exercise in a “cool” new way! This is an on ice class for adults that will focus on strengthening, toning and providing a good cardio workout. Prior skating experience required.
Fall 1: 9/14-11/2 Fall 2: 11/9-1/18/17 (no class 11/23, 12/21, or 12/28) W: 12:15 pm • Fee-R/NR: $72/$82
Booster and Private Lessons
Boosters are great for those skaters beginning to test the ISI levels so they may take part in ISI sanctioned events or advance in group classes. Private Skating Lessons are available at Owens Center. For more information, call Jenni Flores at (309) 686-3368.
Synchronized Skating at Owens Center The River City Gems welcome new skaters each season. All levels are encouraged to participate! Practices are held throughout the week. If you are interested in being on a team, please contact the Coordinator of Skating Development, Jenni Flores, at or the Head Coach of The River City Gems, Shawna Ludy, at
For Heart of Illinois Skating Club information, go to or Like them on Facebook.
2016 Fall Playbook • Owens Center
Owens Center
1019 W Lake Ave • 686-3368 • Public Skate Line: 686-3366
Fall Spectacular
Ice Skating Competition-Exhibition Friday, September 23 at 5:30 pm
All figure skating/group class participants are invited to take part in the Owens Center ISI sanctioned in-house competition-exhibition. It’s a fun experience for skaters, a great way to show off your skills and be seen as a STAR by your families and friends. This competition-exhibition also rewards you for your hard work in skating lessons! Full details are available in the Owens Center lobby. Stop by and pick up an application! Spectators will be admitted free of charge.
Hockey Lessons and Clinics Register Through Owens Center Hockey Clinics
Want to play hockey but don’t know where to start? Our Prep Hockey Clinics for boys and girls, ages 3-13, provide the perfect opportunity to learn to skate along with the basic hockey fundamentals of stick handling, passing and shooting. After these clinics, you’ll be ready to join a hockey team!
Be a Player: Ages 5-13
It’s hockey season once again and what better way to get your player ready than a class focused on the skills of becoming a hockey player? “Be a Player” focuses on stickhandling, passing, shooting, and game situations. PREREQUISITE: Players must have completed Super Skates Level 1 and/or have played one season of PYHA. Players are required to wear full equipment. If you spend $150 or more at our Edge Pro Shop on equipment for the class, you will receive the class for half off the regular price. In order to receive this discounted rate, you must purchase the equipment prior to the start of the class. (5 weeks)
You must have permission from the Hockey Coordinator to take this class. Learn the preliminary fundamentals of hockey while increasing your skating skills. Full equipment is required. An excellent class to take with a regular skating class. Fall 2: 11/7-1/16/17* M, 5:15 pm Fee-R/NR: $72/$82 *no class 11/21, 12/19, 12/26
Fall 1: 9/10-10/8 Sa, 9:00 am Fee-R/NR: $55/57
Hockey 101: Ages 5-10
The season is back in full swing and there is no better way to get some specialized attention on the basic skills of hockey, including skating, stick handling, passing and shooting. This class is for the beginner/intermediate player. You can expect fine tuning of the skills you’ve previously learned and an introduction to game situations. Fall 2: 11/12-1/21/17* Sa, 9:45m Fee-R/NR: $72/$82 *no class 11/26, 12/24, 12/31
Hockey/Private Lessons
Owens Center offers private lesson instruction for hockey players at all skill levels. For more details, call Zac Tortorella at (309) 686-3368.
Chicago Blackhawks Minor Hawks Learn to Play Program
We Keep Your
Child Smiling!
Sa: 9/10-10/8 • 11 am • Ages 3-8 • Fee: $60
Through supporting efforts of the Chicago Blackhawks, the Peoria Park District and Peoria Youth Hockey Association (PYHA), we are excited to bring the Minor Hawks Learn to Play program to Peoria. Loaner equipment and sticks are included during the program and participants will receive a special Blackhawks jersey to keep. In this fiveweek program we will focus on skating, stick handling, passing, shooting and cross ice game play. Participants cannot have more than one year experience in PYHA and must register with USA Hockey. USA Hockey registration for players 6 and under is free; players ages 7 and over must pay $40 to USA Hockey. To be able to register for this program, individuals must bring a printed out copy of their USA Hockey registration. You may register with USA Hockey online at Cost includes rental equipment, Blackhawks jersey and instruction.
Peoria: (309) 690-3368 • Washington: (309) 694-3368 • t •
Hockey at Owens Center
Peoria Youth Hockey Association • • • •
Pre-Season Conditioning Travel & House Leagues Used Equipment Sale Free Skating & Hockey Clinics Visit for more details.
BRADLEY UNIVERSITY 2016-2017 HOME SCHEDULE Friday, 9/16 vs Illinois State Saturday, 9/17 vs Illinois State Friday, 9/30 vs Northwestern Saturday, 10/1 vs Northwestern Friday, 10/21 vs UW Milwaukee Saturday, 10/22 vs UW Milwaukee Wednesday, 11/2 vs RMU Friday, 11/4 vs McKendree Saturday, 11/5 vs McKendree
ROBERT MORRIS UNIVERSITY 2016-2017 HOME SCHEDULE Friday, 10/28 vs Platteville Saturday, 10/29 vs Platteville Wednesday, 11/2 vs Bradley Friday, 11/18 vs Augustana Saturday, 11/19 vs Augustana Friday, 12/9 vs McKendree Saturday, 12/10 vs McKendree Friday, 12/16 vs RMU White Saturday, 12/17 vs RMU White
Peoria Mustangs 2016 Home Schedule Saturday, 9/10 Sunday, 9/11 Saturday, 9/17 Saturday, 10/1 Sunday, 10/2 Saturday, 10/8 Sunday, 10/9 Saturday, 10/15 Sunday, 10/16 Saturday, 10/29 Sunday, 10/30 Saturday, 11/5 Sunday, 11/6 Sunday, 11/20 Saturday, 12/10 Sunday, 12/11
vs Iowa vs Iowa vs Chicago vs Evansville vs Evansville vs Metro vs Metro vs Nashville vs Nashville vs St. Louis vs St. Louis vs Cincinnati vs Cincinnati vs Wisconsin vs St. Louis vs St. Louis
Adult No-Check Hockey League
Attention hockey players ages 18 and up: are you still an enthusiast looking for a way to play? Previous hockey experience is NOT required. NOTE: If you register after September 30, fees increase by $25. Player Fee - R/NR: $230/$240 Goalie Fee - R/NR: $90/$100
Rat Hockey
WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY 2016-2017 HOME SCHEDULE Friday, 9/23 Saturday, 9/24 Friday, 11/4 Saturday, 11/5 Friday, 12/2 Saturday, 12/3
vs Lewis vs Lewis vs RMU vs RMU vs Wheaton vs Wheaton
MACHA Tournament February 10-12, 2017
Play hockey to keep in shape. Call (309) 686-3368 for scheduled times.
Edge the Competition with a Premium Sharpening! Skate Sharpening: $8.00 New Skates & Heavily Rusted Skates: $2.00 additional
Private Hockey Lessons
Owens Center offers private lesson instruction for hockey players at all skill levels. For more details, call Zac Tortorella at (309) 686-3368.
2016 Fall Playbook • Owens Center
Franciscan Recreation Complex
908 Sterling Ave, West Peoria • 677-6705 AT A GLANCE The Franciscan Recreation Complex (FRC) is a multi-purpose recreation center located in West Peoria at the intersection of Heading & Sterling Avenues. FRC features a full-size gymnasium, multi-purpose room with kitchenette, community room, dance studio, soccer field, two baseball fields, and an outdoor playground. FRC and its services are accessible to people with disabilities. MANAGER Val Marek: RENT FRC See pg. 88-89
Special Events
Community Indoor Garage Sale
Saturday, 9/24 • 8 am-1 pm • $20 Register using code 74439
Registration deadline is Wednesday, 9/21
Clean out that basement, attic, garage, and closet! It’s time to get rid of all that ‘stuff’ you no longer want. Rent a table and sell it all. Set up inside our gym for $20 and you’ll receive an eight-foot table in a ten-foot long space.
Halloween Party
Friday, October 28 • 5:30-7:30 pm • Ages 1-12 • $3/child
Halloween is coming soon, so grab your mask or your broom! Don't take your bag on the street; come instead to our place for tricks and treats! Costume contest at 6:30 pm. Carnival games, crafts, Fun on the Run bounce house, and candy all evening. Brought to you by the Peoria Park District, W.P. Residents Association, W.P. Neighborhood Watch, W. P. Township, Fun on the Run, and the City of West Peoria.
BIRTHDAYS AT FRC See pg. 91-93 FRC is closed 9/5, 11/24, 11/25
Check It Out! Many more programs are Check It Out!
held at the FRC! Dance Classes - pg 60-63 Sports - pg 73-74 Knitting/Crochet - pg 76 Cake Decorating - pg 76 Digital Photography - pg 77 Holiday Bows - pg 77 50 Rock Fitness- pg 81
Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, December 3 • 10 am-12 pm • Free
Santa is taking a break from his busy schedule to stop by FRC! Waffles, donuts, pastries, coffee and OJ will be served. Santa will be available for pictures. There will be games and fun for all ages. This event is co-sponsored by the Peoria Park District and the West Peoria Residents Association. Donations gladly accepted.
Drop-In Programs at FRC Motor Mites: Ages 1-5
This open gym for ages 1-5 is a great way to let little ones with lots of energy enjoy the fun of playing freely with scooters, balls, hula hoops, tumbling equipment and more! It’s a great way for children and parents to socialize. Parents must attend. Fee: $3/visit or $25 for a 10-visit pass. WEDNESDAY, 9/7-MONDAY, 10/31 Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:15-11:15 am Fri: 1:00-3:00 pm No Afternoon Motor Mites on 10/28 TUESDAY, 11/1-TUESDAY, 2/28 Mon-Fri: 9:15-11:15 am Fri: 1:00-3:00 pm
Open Volleyball: Ages 18+
Mondays, 7:30-10 pm Thursdays, 8-10 pm (starting 9/1) $3/visit or $25/10 visit punch card
Open Pickleball: Ages 18+
$3/visit or $25/10 visit punch card Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-11:00 am and 5:30-7:30 pm No pickleball on 11/8
FREE Pickleball Clinics: Ages 18+
Tu: 9/13, 1-3 pm • W: 9/14, 5:30-7:30 pm Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the nation and is a combination of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. These clinics, taught by a volunteer instructor, are for folks who are interested in the sport but have never played. • t •
Advanced Registration Programs NEW! Pint Sized Picasso
Calling all pint sized painters! We’ll learn about famous artists and try out their styles. For example, we’ll paint like Michaelangelo while laying on our backs! This fun class is abstract and messy. Age: 3-5 Fee-R/NR: $10/$12 Code
Tu: 9/20
10:00-11:00 am
NEW! Fall Into Science
Little scientists will enjoy hands-on fun experiments. We’ll investigate the inside of a pumpkin, make corn kernels dance, and go on our very own fall leaf hunt. Age: 3-5 Fee-R/NR: $10/$12 Code
Tu: 10/11
10:00-11:00 am
NEW! Autumn Kitchen
Calling all bakers! Come to our kitchen where we will measure, pour, mix and bake our very own batch of chocolate chip pumpkin muffins. Age: 3-5 Fee-R/NR: $10/$12 Code
Th: 11/3
10:00-11:00 am
Get Fit at FRC! Looking for more fitness programs? See page 59.
Ages Code Day-Dates
16+ 16+ 16+ 16+
Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Fridays
6:30 pm 11:00 am 6:30 pm 9:30 am
Vicki Culbertson Jill Feinberg Vicki Culbertson Jill Feinberg
$4.50 drop-in OR $48/12 visit punch card
16+ 16+
Mondays Wednesdays
5:30 pm 5:30 pm
Vicki Culbertson Vicki Culbertson
$4.50 drop-in $4.50 drop-in
13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
73617 73619 73618 73620 73622 73621
M: 9/12-10/17 W: 9/14-10/19 M, W: 9/12-10/19 M: 10/24-12/5* W: 10/26-12/7* M, W: 10/24-12/7*
9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am
$50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99 $50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99
73629 73630
W: 9/14-10/19 W: 10/26-12/7*
10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am
$50/$60 $50/$60
73623 73624 73625 73626 73627 73628
Tu: 9/13-10/18 Th: 9/15-10/20 Tu, Th: 9/13-10/20 Tu: 10/25-12/6* Th: 10/27-12/8* Tu, Th: 10/25-12/8
10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am
$50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99 $50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99
73631 73633 73632 73634 73635 73636
Tu: 9/13-10/18 F: 9/16-10/21 Tu, F: 9/13-10/21 Tu: 10/25-12/6* F: 10/28-12/9* Tu, F: 10/25-12/9*
4-4:50 pm 10:30-11:20 am 4-4:50 pm 4-4:50 pm 10:30-11:20 am 4-4:50 pm
$50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99 $50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99
Reduce stress while toning and stretching. Emphasis is on poses and breathing. Appropriate for all ages and fitness levels. No need to register. Looking to tone your body strength? This class strengthens, conditions, and tones muscles. Pilates is very low impact, but gives great results. (*no class 11/21, 11/23) This 50 minute total body workout uses a fixed ballet barre. Barre training combines the core conditioning of Pilates with the flexibility of Yoga, while increasing stability by using isometric exercies. You will gain muscle tone along with lengthened muscles. No dance background required. (*no class 11/23) This program is designed to help strengthen moms-to-be and new mommy bodies. All exercises performed in this class are safe and effective to prepare moms-tobe for a full term pregnancy and assist in the labor process. This is also a great class for those that are up to 1 year postpartum. Babies are welcome if they are stationary. (*no class 11/22, 11/24) Come get back into your body and work out the kinks in this fun and supportive class designed for parents and their babies age newborn to crawling. In this class you will learn how to perform both cardio and strength exercises appropriate for those that are up to 1 year post partum. Daddies are welcome in thie class, too!
(*no class 11/22, 11/25) WERQ is the fiercely fun dance fitness workout class based on pop, rock, and hip-hop music taught by Certified Fitness Professionals. The warm-up previews the dance steps used in class, and the signature WERQ cool-down includes balance and yoga inspired poses.
13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
2016 Fall Playbook • Franciscan Recreation Complex
Proctor Recreation Center
309 S DuSable • 673-9183
AT A GLANCE This year-round recreation center features two gyms, auditorium, a lounge area, weight room, arts and crafts room, game room, outdoor basketball courts, playground, outdoor swimming pool, water splash pad and a play field area. Proctor Center is an official Safe Haven Site. The aim is to prevent, control and reduce violent crime, drug abuse and gang activity in and around Proctor Center. MANAGER Jonelle McCloud HOURS (starting September 6) Monday-Friday 9 am-9 pm Sat (ages 6-15) 10 am-3 pm Sun Closed Closed 9/5, 11/24-11/25, 12/25-12/26, 12/30, 1/1/17 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES Children (6-18) $30 Adult (19+) $55 Family* $65 *includes ages 6-18 RENT PROCTOR CENTER See pg. 88-89 BIRTHDAYS AT PROCTOR CENTER See pg. 91-93 REGISTRATION FOR PROGRAMS Register at Proctor Center or Noble Center. FRIENDS OF PROCTOR If you’re interested in giving back by volunteering at Proctor, soliciting donations or helping financially, contact us and ask to be a “Friend.” Meetings are held once a month. AFRICAN-AMERICAN HALL OF FAME Stop by and see the tradition and heritage on display and our resource materials. Call 673-2206 for details.
Check It Out! Find more fitness options on page 59.
Adult Programs PC’s Cafe at Proctor - AARP Classes
Ages 50+ • FREE For mature adults looking for a place to enjoy a cup of coffee and engage in interesting conversation. Programs are held in conjunction with AARP. REGISTRATION REQUIRED - please call Proctor Center at 673-9183. Friday, October 7 - iPhone Beyond the Basics 10 am-12 pm Join AARP for a more in-depth class on your iPhone. This class is taking a step further to teach you more than just the basics of your iPhone. Friday, October 21 - Digital Photography for iPhone 10 am-12 pm AARP has identified all the skills you need to take great photos, organize and protect your images, tell powerful visual stories, and safely share your images with family and friends through your iPhone or iPad. Thursday, November 10 - Family Friendly Cooking Class 12:30-2 pm Learn some new recipes for Thanksgiving leftovers.
South Side Chess Club
10/5, 11/2, and 12/7 • 7-8:45 pm • 18+ • $2/class or $20/12 class punch card Play chess, shoot pool, or play dominoes in a fun, safe, and inviting environment while learning how to improve your game or just coming to sit back and relax.
Fitness Room
Get in Shape at Proctor Center!
M-F, 9 am-8:45 pm • Ages 18+ • $2/visit
ZUMBA Sentao
Monday, 10/3-12/5* • 6:30-7:15 pm $2/class or $20/12 class punch card This Latin-inspired dance-fitness class combines fast and slow Latin rhythms that tone and sculpt the body in an aerobic/ fitness fashion. Dance movements are easy to follow steps which target areas such as the gluteals, legs, arms, core, abdominals and heart. Please wear comfortable clothes and gym shoes. *No class 10/31. Instructor: Debracca Hangen.
Latin Dance and Hip/Hop for Exercise
Wednesdays, 10/5-11/30 • 5:45-6:30 pm $2/class or $20/12 class punch card Join us as we “deliver a total-body workout that can improve flexibility and balance while strengthening the back, abdominal, arm, and leg muscles.” Instructor: Aric Faulkner
Thursdays, 10/6-11/17 • 6-6:45 pm $2/class or $20/12 class punch card A challenging series of poses that are held and sequenced to relieve tension, release toxins, decrease stress, restore the body, and open the hips while working on flexibility, strength and balance. Poses can be modified for all levels no matter if you are a first timer or advanced practitioner. Class sizes are capped to ensure personal attention and proper alignment. Be.Refreshed and Be.Recharged. Instructor: Jamila Wilson
Lunch Hour Noon Ball
Mon-Fri • 11:30 am-1:30 pm • $2 Come to Proctor Center and stay in shape by playing basketball or lifting weights over your lunch hour. Pay only $2 and you can play a full court game, take a shower, use the locker rooms and get back to work just in time. Bring an extra pair of shoes and a towel. • t •
Youth Programs
After School Program: Ages 6-14 • Roller Skating: Come skate to Proctor Center is a safe place to stay your favorite music. Skate rental when school gets out. Our structured is free with membership. Monprograms include field trips, homework Fri, 3-4:30 pm and Sat, 12-2 pm. help, basketball, skating, computers, pool tables, ping pong and more! Van • Open Gym Basketball: Bring a transportation available in select areas. few friends and start up a game! Activities are offered Monday-Friday Make sure to bring an extra pair from 2:45-5:45 pm and include the of gym shoes. Mon-Fri, 3:30-6 following: pm and Sat, 12-3 pm. • Homework Help: • Computer Kids: Improve your Mon-Thu, 3-4 pm computer skills, learn to type, • Nutrition: Learn to follow easy engage in educational games and recipes and explore the four basic learn to use the internet in our food groups. Instructor and supplies computer lab. Mon-Fri, 4-6 pm. provided by the University of Illinois VOLUNTEER! Extension. Mon at 4 pm. pgs. 84-85 • Arts & Crafts: Get creative and make something special you can call your Starts September 6 own! Tuesdays, 4-5:30 pm.
$30 per year
NEW! Double Dutch
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9/13-11/3 • 5-6 pm • $10 Double Dutch rope jumping is an excellent way to promote physical fitness, athletic excellence and sportsmanship, and positive recreational activities for all youth. Join us to start Peoria’s own Double Dutch competitive team! Our first performance will be at the Proctor Center Talent Showcase (see page 52).
Volleyball Basics
Wednesdays, 9/7-9/28 • Ages 8-12 $2/visit, or $10 for all 6 weeks • 4:30-5:30 pm Calling all boys and girls ages 8-12! Experience the thrill of knowing the basics of volleyball. Learn the art of spiking, passing, blocking and setting so that you can be ready for the volleyball season! When children develop skills at an early age, it helps with flexibility, balance and eye coordination while also learning the right technique.
Boys Middle School Basketball League
Grades 5-8 • $15 Bring your school team, a travel VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85 team or sign up as an individual for Proctor Center’s Middle School Basketball League. Keep boys playing basketball during the off season. Grade levels are 5-6 and 7-8. Volunteer coaches needed.
Start Date
Monday, 9/26
5-8 pm
‘I Got Game’ Youth Basketball Camp
Ages 4-6 • Fee: $30 This program is for boys and girls who love to play basketball and are not quite old enough to be a part of a league. Learn to dribble, pass, and shoot the basketball at an early age and as participants get older, they will be more confident with their skills to want to join a league. The team sport of basketball also teaches sportsmanship and teamwork. All participants will receive a t-shirt.
Sa: 10/8-10/29
10:15-11 am
Basic Boxing Techniques
Proctor’s Playhouse
Mondays and Wednesdays 10/3-12/14 • 10 am-12 pm Ages 1-5 • $1
Let your kids take an adventure in Proctor’s Playhouse while you socialize with other parents. We have scooters, tricycles and wagons, play mats and skates. Parents must stay with their children.
Ready to Register? Call Proctor Center or see pages 94-96.
Ages 10-18 • $40 (scholarships available) Endurance, Cardio, Power and strength. A boxing workout can give you all of this and more! Workouts include the heavy bag, the speed bag, floor exercises and skipping rope. Learn the fundamentals of boxing from a USA licensed boxing professional. All workouts are designed specifically for each individual. A chance to compete in competitions is also a possibility. *No class 11/24.
Tu, Th: 10/4-10/27
5:30-7:00 pm
Tu, Th: 11/1-12/1*
5:30-7:00 pm
Check It Out! Find more youth basketball options on pages 72 and 76.
2016 Fall Playbook • Proctor Recreation Center
Proctor Recreation Center 309 S DuSable • 673-9183
Proctor Center Community Health Fair Wednesday, October 12 10 am-1 pm • Free
Sign up for Proctor Center’s South Side Stroll on September 17! GirlTrek is a groundbreaking 3-year-old national nonprofit that mobilizes women to live their healthiest, most fulfilled lives through a habit of daily walking. Through grassroots organizing and award-winning social media campaigns, GirlTrek supports thousands of walkers, over 400 neighborhood-based volunteers, and inspires an ever-growing network of 200,000 supporters through social media. GirlTrek’s health movement is fueled by active role models, street organizers, authentic partnerships, and a whole lot of hustle!
Monday, 10/31 • 5-8 pm • Ages 1-14 • FREE
Being and staying healthy is something that we should think about everyday, but sometimes we just don’t know who to talk to or where to go. Well, Proctor Center’s Health Fair is the place to be! Increase your awareness about your health and join us for a fun-filled day.
VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Come celebrate Halloween the fun, safe way at Proctor Center’s Trunk or Treat. We will block off an entire block around Proctor, put cars together, then open the trunks to reveal Halloween-themed decorations. Kids can walk from trunk to trunk to look at the decorations and receive candy and treats. This event provides a controlled and safe family environment for trick-or-treaters ages 1 to 14.
Proctor Center Talent Showcase
NEW! Healthy Natural Expressions Saturday, 11/5 • 10 am-12 pm • FREE
Are you natural? That seems to be a question that many people are asking every day. But what does that mean exactly? For most, it is a question about their hair, but going natural is so much more! Being Natural is a lifestyle. Come out to Proctor Center, enjoy a light brunch and engage in some great discussion about the facts of everything NATURAL! Let experts in the community give their advice about natural hair, natural foods, and natural supplements.
Holiday Party
VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Tuesday, 12/20 • 6-7:30 pm • Ages 6-14 $2, or free for Proctor Center after school program participants Create projects, enjoy refreshments, and have fun at this year’s holiday celebration!
Saturday, 11/12 • 3-5 pm • $5 Acts from the longest running local talent competition in Peoria will entertain you with singing, dancing, rapping and musical instruments. All ages can audition. Trophies will be awarded to winners in each category. Registration Dates: 9/6-10/30 Registration Fee: $5 Audition Date: Saturday, 10/21 (we will assign you a time after registering) • t •
Logan Recreation Center
1414 S Livingston • 676-8179 AT A GLANCE Located on Peoria’s South Side, Logan Center features lighted basketball courts, a soccer field, two picnic pavilions, playground equipment, indoor lounge with cable TV, VCR, DVD, computer availability with Internet access and a multi-purpose indoor recreation area. MANAGER Clara Gonzalez RENT LOGAN CENTER See pg. 88-89 BIRTHDAYS AT LOGAN CENTER See pg. 91-93 SHARE YOUR SKILLS Do you have a skill or talent that you would like to share with others? Share your passion at Logan Center! For more information call Clara at 676-8179.
LOGAN CENTER SPLASH PAD Open through Labor Day Monday through Friday • 11:00 am-7:00 pm • FREE When it’s hot and there isn’t a pool or a good soaking hose to keep you happy and cool, come on over to Logan’s Splash Pad and soak yourself and your friends with the multi-splash units! Make it a complete afternoon and pack a lunch!
Job Hunt at Logan VOLUNTEER! Wednesdays • 12-2 pm • pgs. 84-85 Free Are you looking for a job? You can practice for interviews or use Logan Center’s computers to look for jobs or create a resume. We also welcome people who would like to assist others in their search for a new job. Open Computer Usage Wednesdays • 1-2 pm • Free South Side Walking Club Mondays, 8/22-10/31 • 7-9 am
NEW! Adult Spanish/English Classes Ages 18+ • $20/session Learning a second language may be challenging, but participating in the classes at Logan Center will also be fun and exciting when the instructor is a native speaker! Call (309) 676-8179 to register. Code
M, W: 9/12-10/19 6-7:30 pm
Check It Out! If you enjoy the South Side Walking Club, sign up for Proctor’s GirlTrek see page 52.
Special Events Logan Center Fall Open House Friday, September 9 • 5:30-7 pm See all that Logan Center has to offer and meet the staff. Refreshments provided. Fall Festival Monday, October 31 • 3-7 pm • $2 Stop by Logan Center to enjoy spooky games and snacks to begin the evening inside. We will then go trunk-or-treating as a group in the parking lot. December Community Garage Sale and Give-Away Sunday, December 4 • 2-5 pm $10 to rent a table, $5 if you bring your own Earn some money for the holidays by selling your unwanted items or buy some unique holiday presents for your loved ones. Logan Center Holiday Party Monday, December 19 • 4-7 pm Ages 6-12 • $2, or free for those in the after school program Play games, enjoy refreshments, and make holiday crafts at this year’s Holiday Party.
2016 Fall Playbook • Logan Recreation Center
Moonlight Coalition
Mission Statement
Open enrollment is one of the keys to our success. You can drop in to a class at any of the times listed below without needing to register or pay a fee. In fact, there is no cost at all to attend these classes and all supplies are provided. Join our GED classes taught by Hedy Elliott-Gardner, a certified teacher. Register with Proctor Center at 673-9183.
Proctor Recreation Center Fall Schedule:
September 2016-May 2017 Monday & Wednesday, 5:30-7:30 pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 11 am-1 pm Saturday by appointment only
Logan Recreation Center Fall Schedule:
September 2016-May 2017 Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11 am-1 pm VOLUNTEER!
By focusing on accessible education opportunities in the 61605 region, Moonlight helps to re-emphasize the importance of education and literacy. With a GED, residents who are currently unemployed or underemployed will be able to access higher paying jobs, increasing their economic stability and by association, that of the targeted neighborhood.
What is Moonlight Coalition?
Moonlight Coalition for Adult Learning was originally established in 1994 to provide organized activities for young members of the community to combat juvenile delinquency and prevent crime. Organized sports like basketball were combined with GED instruction as a way to break down barriers for those who thought formal education wasn’t accessible or “cool.” Today, Moonlight focuses on providing easy access to GED education for those seeking to earn their high school diploma. In direct contrast to other programs that only take new students at the beginning of each semester and that are located outside of local communities, Moonlight focuses on providing accessible, open education opportunities, reaching those in need of support in the communities where they live and work. At this time, Moonlight provides GED and adult literacy education to adults ages 17 and over at Proctor Recreation Center and Logan Recreation Center. Moonlight Coalition honors its graduates with a cap and gown graduation ceremony twice a year.
pgs. 84-85
Peoria Park District Foundation
Emily Cahill • 681-2803 •
Your generosity can make a difference! The Peoria Park District Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that supports the work of the Peoria Park District. Home to both the Moonlight Coalition for Adult Learning and the ELITE Youth Outreach programs, the Foundation focuses on enhancing and providing public educational, adult learning, and youth outreach programs and opportunities to the Peoria community, especially those taking place on Peoria Park District property or in connection with Peoria Park District leisure and recreation opportunities. Your tax-deductible donation can help adults earn their GED, students learn respect and the benefits of hard work, or our youngest citizens learn through play. Donate today!
All donations may be made to: Peoria Park District Foundation 1125 West Lake Avenue Peoria, IL 61614 Have questions on how you can make a difference? Please call Emily at 681-2803.
Check It Out! Moonlight Coalition - p. 54 Youth Outreach - p. 56-57 • t •
Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association (HISRA) 8727 N. Pioneer Road • 691-1929 A SAMPLING OF OUR PROGRAMS: For Ages 2+ • Parents Night Out
Providing access to recreation activities for people of all ages with disabilities.
For School-Aged Kids • Inclusion Services For Adults • FOCUS Program (runs Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (18+) • Dances (15+) • Pizza, Bowling and other Social Outings (19+) • Dinner and Games, Dinner and Movies (15+) • Wii Mania and Karaoke (15+) • Inclusion Services Adapted Sports • Peoria Wildcats Wheelchair Basketball Special Olympics (8+) • Basketball
HISRA believes everyone should have access to recreation! HISRA provides a variety of recreation opportunities within our own programming as well as inclusion services throughout the Peoria Park District. If you or your loved one has a disability and is interested in learning more about accessing anything seen here in the Playbook, please contact HISRA at 691-1929. A member of our professional staff will meet with the participant and family to help you find the best recreation options for you. We work with Peoria Park District staff to supplement staff training, provide consultation services and program modification and adaptation when appropriate and reasonable. HISRA provides all inclusion services at no cost to residents of the Peoria Park District. As a cooperative network of four area park districts, HISRA has proudly provided quality recreation programs and inclusion services for more than 25 years. Trained staff members facilitate and supervise all HISRA programs and activities. Training includes disability awareness, program adaptation, leadership, first aid, and much, much more.
Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association
A cooperative extension of the Peoria, Morton, Chillicothe and Washington Park Districts. 8727 N. Pioneer Road, Peoria, IL 61615 (309) 691-1929 • VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
2016 Fall Playbook • HISRA
Youth Outreach & Intervention Department Carl Cannon, Supervisor • 589-5923 •
The original ELITE program was created in 2006 as an 11-week business boot camp for high school sophomores and juniors in three of the four Peoria high schools. The weekly 1-2 hour in-school classes were taught by teams of trained business professionals and community leaders who possessed the moral authority to advise kids on what would and would not work when they were looking to land and keep a job. Although we presented them with soft skills to obtain entry level jobs, that was only the carrot; the real motive was to help build character in young people and help mold them into productive citizens and future leaders. The young people who finish the course and become “ELITE Certified” will get the opportunity to apply for meaningful part-time jobs during the ELITE Job Fair. In the past nine years the ELITE Youth Program has provided a vehicle for more than a thousand young people to get jobs. These provide them with spending money, a healthy occupation of time, and help them build self-confidence with interviewing techniques and resume writing skills for their next job. Interested in helping with the ELITE program? Call 589-5923.
What is ELITE?
Ask any of the hundreds of kids that have gone through the ELITE High School Program and they will tell you, “ELITE is maximum effort.” The ELITE High School Program is a 20-week intensive training program for Peoria area high school students, where they will get certified in communication skills (verbal and non-verbal), resumé writing, interviewing techniques, proper dress, and positive attitude in the workplace as well as in school and at home.
After the tremendous success of the ELITE High School Program, law-enforcement and community leaders sought out ELITE to see if the principles we use in the schools would work at community events that were being disrupted by unruly mob behavior. One of the biggest obstacles would be finding a large enough volunteer base to man those large events. ELITE founder, Carl Cannon, had a light bulb moment. What if he could use ELITE’s concept with men and women, who have “been there and done that” - people that would have the street credibility to deal with this type of behavior. In the fall of 2011, ELITE entered into a pilot program with the U.S. Department of Justice. The original youth training program was adapted for the work release population and offered to those individuals who were eligible and interested in participating in what is now the ELITE RE-ENTRY Program. To date more than 112 individuals have graduated from the program. It is a win-win for both the community and the men and women who are ready to make a fresh start.
All Youth Outreach presentations are age appropriate, with messages for schools as well as community and civic organizations. To date, the message of HOPE through the Youth Outreach Department has been delivered nationwide to more than 500,000 people. To find out more information on fees, and to schedule a program for your school, contact Ernest Starks at (309) 589-5923 or by email at • t •
Gangfree Training
ELITE Youth Outreach and Intervention Program Compliance Officers are now certified to train evidenced-based best practices in gang prevention from grades two through high school. This training is an extension of the ELITE Don’t Start Initiative. The vision of GangFree is to prevent young people from joining gangs, with its mission being to eliminate the base of gang membership by having a generation of young people say “no” to gangs and “yes” to positive lifestyles. Nationwide there are an estimated 31,000 gangs, with a membership of over 850,000. In Peoria there are more than 20 identified gangs with more than 500 identified gang members.
CHARACTER MATTERS The businesses you see listed here form our “Ring of Hope” and support the Character Matters portion of our YOP program. Billboards with each business name/logo and a character value are displayed around the RiverPlex Arena. The revenue from these businesses directly funds our Youth Outreach Program. Call 589-5923 for details.
Peoria Flag and Decorating
ELITE is pro-actively working to decrease and eventually eliminate gang recruitment of our young people. We encourage other agencies and youth programs to call the ELITE office at 589-5923 to schedule your training and to inquire about our fee structure. Keystone Steel & Wire Co.
2016 Fall Playbook • Youth Outreach
Noble Center
1125 W Lake Ave • 688-3667 AT A GLANCE The Bonnie W. Noble Center for Park District Administration houses the recreation and administration departments and is the main point of registration for Peoria Park District activities. The building contains the Book Court, many recreation programs and can host special events in its auditorium as well as multiple classrooms. RENTAL AGENT: Alex Larson: 681-2862 BOOK COURT MANAGER: Mary Ellen Pitstick: 681-2681 RENT THE NOBLE CENTER See pg. 88-89 BIRTHDAYS AT THE NOBLE CENTER See pg. 91-93 Closed 11/11, 11/24-25, 12/23, 12/26, 12/30, 1/2/17.
10% OFF Your Purchase at The Book Court with this coupon. Expires January 4, 2017
(not good at semi-annual sale)
Volunteers are always needed to work in The Book Court pricing books, set up and tear down at The Book Sale, and assisting at The Book Sale. For more information contact Manager Mary Ellen Pitstick at (309) 681-2681 or VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Fitness at the Noble Center Class
Ages Code Day-Dates
16+ 16 16+
Mondays Mondays Mondays
8:30 am 12:00 pm 6:15 pm
Vicki Culbertson Ellen Vosberg Ellen Vosberg
16+ 16+ 16+
Wednesday Wednesdays Wednesdays
8:30 am 12:00 pm 6:15 pm
Vicki Culbertson Tamela Vanosdol Ellen Vosberg
Tu: 9/20-10/18 Tu: 11/1-11/29 Th: 9/22-10/20 Th: 11/3-12/1* (*no class 11/24)
5:30-6:15 pm 5:30-6:15 pm 6:15-7:00 pm 6:15-7:30 pm
Debracca Hangen Debracca Hangen Debracca Hangen Debracca Hangen
Fee: $4.50 drop-in, OR 12 visit-$48 Reduce stress while toning and stretching. Emphasis is on poses and breathing. Appropriate for all ages and fitness levels. No need to register. Minimum of 6 to hold class.
Fee: $34/$39 per session Looking to stregthen and tone your legs and glutes? We combine the awesome toning and strengthening power of Zumba Toning, with the fun fitness-party that only Zumba brings to the dance-floor.
14+ 14+ 14+ 14+
74587 74588 74589 74590
Looking for more fitness programs? See page 59.
The Book Court at the Noble Center Open Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm Donations at Loading Dock: Monday-Friday, 7 am-3 pm The Book Court at the Noble Center is your place to find gently used books and other items at a great price!
Save the Date
Semi-Annual Book Sale: October 15-17, 2016 Thousands of gently used books at great prices!
Saturday, October 15 • 10 am-6 pm • Great Selection Sunday, October 16 • 12-5 pm • 50% off all purchases Monday, October 17 • 12-7 pm • 75% off all purchases
DONATE Donations are accepted Monday-Friday, 7 am-3 pm (no holidays) at the building’s loading dock or anytime at the drop off box at the loading dock. Materials accepted for donation include: • Gently used adult and children’s paperbacks and hardbacks • Audio books • CDs and DVDs • Games, puzzles Please do not drop off encyclopedia sets or large quantities of magazines. If you are not sure, please call ahead at 681-2681 or email • t •
For class descriptions, turn to the facility page in the Playbook. FOREST PARK NATURE CENTER (FPNC): 5809 N Forest Park Dr., Peoria Heights - p. 24 FRANCISCAN REC COMPLEX (FRC): 908 Sterling Ave, West Peoria - p. 48 LAKEVIEW REC CENTER (LRC): 1013 W Lake Ave, Peoria - p. 70 NOBLE CENTER (NC): 1125 W Lake, Peoria - p. 58 OWENS CENTER (OC): 1019 W Lake, Peoria - p. 45 PROCTOR REC CENTER (Proctor): 309 S. DuSable, Peoria - p. 50
We offer over 100 land and water classes a week at Peoria’s Premier Fitness Facility - the RiverPlex! See page 35.
Ages Code Day-Dates
Location Instructor
DROP-IN YOGA Money-saving punch cards are available for all drop-in classes. Please find details on each facility page or from the instructor.
16+ 16+ 14+ 16+ 16+
Mondays Mondays Mondays Mondays Mondays
8:30 am 12:00 pm 5:30-6:45 pm 6:15 pm 6:30 pm
Vicki Culbertson Ellen Vosberg Jean Sloan Ellen Vosberg Vicki Culbertson
$4.50 drop-in $4.50 drop-in $10.00 drop-in $4.50 drop-in $4.50 drop-in
11:00 am
Jill Feinberg
$4.50 drop-in
16+ 16+ 16+ 16+
Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays
8:30 am 12:00 pm 6:15 pm 6:30 pm
Vicki Culbertson Tamela Vanosdol Ellen Vosberg Vicki Culbertson
$4.50 drop-in $4.50 drop-in $4.50 drop-in $4.50 drop-in
Thursdays, 10/6-11/17
6:00-6:45 pm
Jamila Wilson
$2.00 drop-in
9:30 am
Jill Feinberg
$4.50 drop-in
16+ 16+
Mondays Wednesdays
5:30 pm 5:30 pm
Vicki Culbertson Vicki Culbertson
$4.50 drop-in $4.50 drop-in
Mondays, 10/3-12/5* (*no class 10/31)
6:30 pm
Debracca Hangen
$2.00 drop-in
Wednesdays, 10/5-11/30
5:45-6:30 pm
Aric Faulkner
$2.00 drop-in
13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
73617 73619 73618 73620 73622 73621
M: 9/12-10/17 W: 9/14-10/19 M, W: 9/12-10/19 M: 10/24-12/5* W: 10/26-12/7* M, W: 10/24-12/7*
9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am 9:45-10:35 am
$50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99 $50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99
73629 73630
W: 9/14-10/19 W: 10/26-12/7*
10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am
$50/$60 $50/$60
73623 73624 73625 73626 73627 73628
Tu: 9/13-10/18 Th: 9/15-10/20 Tu, Th: 9/13-10/20 Tu: 10/25-12/6* Th: 10/27-12/8* Tu, Th: 10/25-12/8
10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am 10-10:50 am
$50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99 $50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99 $50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99 $50/$60 $50/$60 $90/$99
(*no class 11/21, 11/23)
(*no class 11/23)
(*no class 11/22, 11/24)
13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
73631 73633 73632 73634 73635 73636
Tu: 9/13-10/18 F: 9/16-10/21 Tu, F: 9/13-10/21 Tu: 10/25-12/6* F: 10/28-12/9* Tu, F: 10/25-12/9*
4-4:50 pm 10:30-11:20 am 4-4:50 pm 4-4:50 pm 10:30-11:20 am 4-4:50 pm
13+ 13+ 13+
74517 74518 74519
M: 9/12-10/10 M: 10/17-11/14 M: 11/21-12/19
4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm
Debracca Hangen Debracca Hangen Debracca Hangen
$34/$38 $34/$38 $34/$38
14+ 14+ 14+ 14+
74587 74588 74589 74590
Tu: 9/20-10/18 Tu: 11/1-11/29 Th: 9/22-10/20 Th: 11/3-12/1*
5:30-6:15 pm 5:30-6:15 pm 6:15-7:00 pm 6:15-7:30 pm
Debracca Hangen Debracca Hangen Debracca Hangen Debracca Hangen
$34/$39 $34/$39 $34/$39 $34/$39
13+ 13+
74520 74521
Sa: 9/10-10/18 Sa: 10/15-11/12
7:30-8:15 am 7:30-8:15 am
Debracca Hangen Debracca Hangen
$34/$38 $34/$38
W: 9/14-11/2 W: 11/9-1/18/17*
12:15 pm 12:15 pm
(*no class 11/22, 11/25)
(*no class 11/24)
ADULT FIT prior skating experience required 18+
(*no class 11/23, 12/21 or 12/28)
$72/$82 $72/$82
2016 Fall Playbook • Fitness
Youth Dance
Katie McLuckie, Fine Arts Manager • 688-3667 •
AT A GLANCE These classes are a progressive program of dance instruction. A dance revue will be held each April with costumes for any/all students in the youth dance program. Please note that students in dance lessons do not have to participate in the dance revue. CLASS INFORMATION Ballet - is the study of a specific set of controlled movements and their terminology, designed to develop strength, grace and flexibility. Jazz - combines graceful techniques and fast-paced dancing to create many different expressions in motion. Tap - develops coordination, timing, memory and rhythm skills. Acrobatics - consists of balancing skills such as somersaults, headstands, and cartwheels which increase flexibility and coordination. Students must meet the minimum age requirement by the first day of class. Continuing, intermediate and advanced classes are for students with previous experience or instructor’s approval.
NCC =Noble Center Classroom (upstairs) NCA=Noble Center Auditorium (downstairs) FDS = Betty Merkel Ford Dance Studio at Franciscan Rec Complex Noble Center (in Lakeview Park) 1125 W Lake Ave, Peoria
Franciscan Recreation Complex 908 Sterling Ave, West Peoria
• Broadway Bound Girls: Leotard, tights, ballet and tap shoes Boys: T-shirt, black tights, shorts or jazz pants, ballet and tap shoes • Ballet Girls: Leotard, tights and Ballet shoes Boys: T-shirt, black tights, black shorts or black jazz pants, ballet shoes • Tap Girls: Leotard, tights, T-shirt, jazz pants or shorts and tap shoes Boys: T-shirt, shorts or jazz pants and tap shoes • Jazz Girls: Leotard, tights, T-shirt, jazz pants or shorts and jazz shoes Boys: T-shirt, shorts or jazz pants and jazz shoes • Acrobatics and Tumbling Leotard, unitard, or sweat pants and gym shoes
Dance Birthdays pgs. 91-93
Shoe Exchange We know how fast children grow and how it affects your budget. We’re here to help with a box of pre-used dance shoes in assorted sizes available at the Dance Studio. Our students may exchange a pair of shoes for any one pair in the box or donate any dance shoes in good condition.
The PPD Dance Program is partially funded by a grant from
Broadway Bitsies - Dance and Tumbling for Tots: Ages 2-3
Dance and tumbling class for our youngest Broadway stars! Class covers basic tap, ballet, jazz and tumbling pre-skills to get students ready for formal dance and tumbling classes. Students will hop, jump, sway, sing and tumble with fun music and motions specific to the age and attention span of the young child! Students need dancewear: socks (not tights), ballet shoes and tap shoes.
Tu: 9/20-11/22
2:00-2:50 pm
Mariah Aberle
W: 9/21-11/23
1:00-1:50 pm
Mariah Aberle
W: 9/21-11/23
5:30-6:20 pm
Introduction to Ballet I: Ages 3-5
Learn the fundamentals of dance such as rhythm, coordination and creative movement while you prepare for barre work.
W: 9/21-11/23
2:00-2:50 pm
Mariah Aberle FDS
W: 9/21-11/23
4:30-5:20 pm
Joan Halperin
Location FDS • t •
Introduction to Ballet II: Ages 3-5
This is a continuation of the fundamentals of dance such as rhythm, coordination and creative movement, while you prepare for barre work. PREREQUISITE: INTRODUCTION TO BALLET I.
W: 9/21-11/23
3:00-3:50 pm
Mariah Aberle
Broadway Bound: Ages 3-5 and 6-9
Tap, ballet and jazz will be taught in this combination class learning basic steps to fun music. *No class 10/28 or 11/25. BROADWAY BOUND I: AGES 3-5
M: 9/19-11/21
3:30-4:20 pm
Tu: 9/20-11/22
1:00-1:50 pm
Mariah Aberle
F: 9/23-12/9*
4:00-4:50 pm
Tu: 9/20-11/22
3:00-3:50 pm
Mariah Aberle
F: 9/23-12/9*
5:00-5:50 pm
F: 9/23-12/9*
6:00-6:50 pm
Classical Ballet I: Ages 6-15
This introduction class begins with the fundamentals of dance such as rhythm, coordination, and creative movement. Dancers learn basic ballet terms, positions and barre work as well as simple combinations.
W: 9/21-11/23
6:30-7:20 pm
Joan Halperin
Classical Ballet II: Ages 6-15
Barre and centre floor work will be emphasized. PREREQUISITE: CLASSICAL BALLET I OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR. *No class 11/24.
Th: 9/22-12/1*
4:30-5:20 pm
Joan Halperin
Classical Ballet III: Ages 10-15
Barre and centre floor work for advanced students. PREREQUISITE: CLASSICAL BALLET II OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR. *No class 11/24.
Th: 9/22-12/1*
5:30-6:20 pm
Joan Halperin
Acrobatic & Tumbling - Beginner I: Ages 3-5 and 6-9
Stretches and tumbling exercises for the beginner, including cartwheels, front and back rolls and headstands. Children must remain seated at the mat during individual instruction time. Long hair must be pulled back in bun or pony tail. Short hair should be out of face with a head band. *No class 11/26 AGES 3-5
Sa: 9/24-12/3*
10:00-10:30 am
Sa: 9/24-12/3*
10:30-11:00 am
Sa: 9/24-12/3*
12:00-12:50 pm
AGES 6-9 74545
Acrobatic & Tumbling - Beginner II: Ages 3-5
Continuation of the skills learned, this class will focus on backbends, front and back limbers and round offs. Long hair must be pulled back in bun or pony tail. Short hair should be out of face with a head band. PREREQUISITE: ACROBATIC & TUMBLING BEGINNER I. *No class 11/26. Code
Sa: 9/24-12/3*
11:00-11:50 am
Youth Dance Continues on page 62 2016 Fall Playbook • Dance
Youth Dance
Katie McLuckie, Fine Arts Manager • 688-3667 • Acrobatic & Tumbling - Beginner II and III: Ages 6-9
Additional work to learn backbends, pull ups and front limbers without assistance. Long hair must be pulled back in bun or pony tail. Short hair should be out of face with a head band. PREREQUISITE: BEGINNER I. *No class 11/26. Code
Sa: 9/24-12/3*
1:00-1:50 pm
Acrobatic & Tumbling - Intermediate and Advanced: Ages 6-16
Participants must be able to do backbends and pull-ups, front limbers and pull-ups without assistance. They should be ready for front and back walkovers, hand springs and Arabian limbers. Long hair must be pulled back in bun or pony tail. Short hair should be out of face with a head band. PREREQUISITE: BEGINNER II OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR. *No class 11/26. Code
Sa: 9/24-12/3*
2:00-2:50 pm
Street Jazz-Hip Hop: Ages 9-15
This exciting new dance style can be seen on popular video productions. Used as a great body strengthening technique, dancers will learn the fundamentals of hip-hop. This course emphasizes movement, isolations, stretching, strengthening, and rhythms. Dancers participate in warmups and learn fun routines. *No class 11/11 or 11/25.
F: 9/23-12/9*
7:00-7:50 pm
Rachel Hayes
Cheer and Dance Teams
Katie McLuckie, Fine Arts Manager • 688-3667 • Explosion Teams (Non Competitive): Ages 4-14
Coach: Rachel Hayes Sparkler and Dynamite Teams are designed for beginner cheerleaders who wish to learn and perfect their skills in tumbling, stunting, cheers and pom-style dance. Students will have the opportunity to perform in the community with the Explosion ALL STAR team. Please wear tennis shoes, shorts and a t-shirt. Long hair must be in a ponytail. *No class 11/24. Code
74548 - Sparklers
Age 4-7
Th: 9/22-12/1*
6:00-7:00 pm
Uniform: $25 (code 74549)
74550 - Dynamite
Age 8-14
Th: 9/22-12/1*
6:00-7:00 pm
Uniform: $25 (code 74551)
Explosion ALL STAR Teams (Competitive): Ages 4-12
Coach: Rachel Hayes The ALL STAR team is a great team for hardworking cheerleaders. This team travels locally to competitions and participates in several exhibition performances. Parent meeting at the beginning of the first practice. Fees for competitions and due dates will be discussed. PREREQUISITESparkler/Dynamite Team or instructor consent. Please contact head coach for questions *No class 11/24. Code
74552 - Mini Team
Age 4-7
Th: 9/22-12/1*
7:00-8:00 pm
Uniform: $60 (code 74553)
74554 - Junior Team
Age 7-12
Th: 9/22-12/1*
7:00-8:00 pm
Uniform: $60 (code 74555)
Dance Team (Competitive): Ages 8-13
Coach: Rachel Hayes Have you ever wanted to be on a competitive dance team? Well, here is your chance! Come join the Peoria Park District this spring as we travel and compete in local competitions and exhibitions. Members are required to wear black slip-on jazz shoes and all black clothing to practice. Parent meeting on the first night of practice. Fees and dates for competitions will be discussed. PREREQUISITE: 1 year of dance experience or coach approval. Practices take place in the Fransiscan Rec Complex dance studio. *No class 10/28 or 11/24. Code
Age 8-13
F: 9/23-12/9*
8:00-9:00 pm
Uniform: $35 (code 74557) Competition Fee: $50/$60 (code 74558) • t •
Adult Dance
Katie McLuckie, Fine Arts Manager • 688-3667 • Adult Ballet I & II: Ages 15+
Barre and centre floor work will be emphasized. Dress code: leotard and tights or dance pants plus ballet shoes.
W: 9/21-11/23
7:30-8:20 pm
Joan Halperin
Swing Dancing: Ages 16+
Get an introduction to 6-count swing, including basics, proper frame concepts and turns. You will enjoy dancing to the great big band sounds. The mix of rhythm and sound from today’s hot new bands will make your feet want to move. Must have partner. Fee is per couple.
Su: 9/18-11/6
4:00-4:50 pm
Don Coven
Middle Eastern Belly Dance Intermediate I: Ages 16+
Women of all ages and sizes can enjoy the benefits of this low impact dance. Continue to build on the Foundation Moves and explore choreography. Benefits -increases your sense of space and gracefulness. PREREQUISITE: INSTRUCTOR’S CONSENT. *No class 11/24.
Th: 9/22-12/1*
6:30-7:20 pm
Thais Banu
Middle Eastern Belly Dance Intermediate II: Ages 16+
For students who have taken Intermediate I and are ready for more advanced work. PREREQUISITE: INSTRUCTOR’S CONSENT.
M: 9/19-11/21
6:30-7:20 pm
Thais Banu
Middle Eastern Belly Dance Advanced: Ages 16+
For students who have taken the Intermediate II class. PREREQUISITE: INSTRUCTOR’S CONSENT.
M: 9/19-11/21
7:30-8:20 pm
Thais Banu
74575-Advanced Troupe*
Th: 9/22-12/1*
7:30-9:00 pm
Thais Banu
*for Troupe members only, no class 11/24
Salsa: Ages 16+
Brush up on your club dancing and move to the beat of a fusion of traditional African and Cuban and other Latin-American rhythms. You will learn dance moves influenced by many Cuban dances such as Mambo, Cha Cha, Guaracha, Changuí, Palo Monte, Rumba, Abakuá, Comparsa, Mozambique and integrated swing dances. Singles welcome.
Salsa I
W: 9/21-10/19
7:00-7:50 pm
Ed and Bev Caballero
Salsa I
W: 9/21-10/19
10:00-10:50 am
Ed and Bev Caballero
Salsa II
W: 9/21-10/19
8:00-8:50 pm
Ed and Bev Caballero
Bachata: Ages 14+
Come enjoy the music and learn to do this authentic dance from the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. It is a basic dance sequence in a full 8 count moving within a square. Simple to learn and fun to dance. No partner needed.
Th: 9/22-10/20
10:00-10:50 am
Ed and Bev Caballero
Cha Cha Singles: Ages 14+
The Cha Cha is one of the most popular of the social Latin-American dances. The Cha Cha is a vibrant, flamboyant and playful dance. The Cha Cha requires small steps and lots of hip motion (Cuban motion), as it is danced in 4/4 time. Singles welcome.
Tu: 9/20-10/18
10:00-10:50 am
Ed and Bev Caballero
2016 Fall Playbook • Dance
Adult Dance
Katie McLuckie, Fine Arts Manager • 688-3667 • Class Location Codes: NCC = Noble Center Classroom | FDS = Betty Merkel Ford Dance Studio at FRC | NCA = Noble Center Auditorium Tango: Ages 16+
Classes will emphasize the basic rhythms, steps, and body positioning for mambo, cha cha and rhumba. Must have partner. Fee is per couple.
Su: 9/18-11/6
5:00-5:50 pm
Don Coven
Wedding Dance: Ages 16+
Get ready for that big event by learning the basics of ballroom, Latin, swing and contemporary. Learn how to lead, follow, dip, etc. It’s perfect for anyone going to a wedding. Bring your song on tape or CD. Must have partner; fee is per couple.
Su: 9/18-11/6
6:00-6:50 pm
Don Coven
Ballroom: Ages 16+
Learn the basic steps in waltz, fox trot, swing and cha cha. Dress code: No flip-flops and no tennis shoes. Must wear dance practice attire: slacks, casual dress, leather sole shoes. Must have partner; fee is per couple.
Tu: 9/27-11/15
7:30-8:20 pm
Don Coven
Tu: 9/20-11/8
6:30-7:20 pm
Don Coven
Tap Dance: Ages 16+
Check It Out!
Come tap dance with us!
Tu: 9/20-11/22
4:30-5:20 pm
Don Coven
Tu: 9/20-11/22
5:30-6:20 pm
Don Coven
Find 50 Rock line dancing on page 81.
Peoria Park District Performing Groups
Let one of these great groups entertain at your next function! The Standard Rate (unless otherwise noted) for all groups is $82 for one or $154 for two performances on the same day, plus mileage if out of town. For bookings call 681-2861.
Storyteller Tracey Brownell’s Fairy Wishes $86 for a one hour performance. Park Troupe Mirage Let our exotic troupe of dancers, under the direction of Thais Banu, take you on a journey through the Middle East performing traditional folk dances from the shores of the Southern Mediterranean and the Nile. Available year-round; will need electricity.
Peoria POPS Orchestra Performances indoors or outdoors are possible, weather permitting. Available year-round, evenings and weekends only; fee is negotiable.
Creative Arts in Motion with Tracey Brownell Early childhood specialist Tracey Brownell will customize programs to suit the needs of your preschool classes, home care providers or moms groups. Classes include music and movement, process oriented children’s art and interactive storytelling. Choose 5 weeks of art or a mix of curriculum and end the program with a one hour storytelling performance. Classes are 1.5 hours for 5 weeks. Classes limited to 20 students divided for age appropriate lessons. Additional fee for art supplies. $200 plus mileage if out of town. • t •
Visual Arts
Katie McLuckie, Fine Arts Manager • 688-3667 •
Mixed Media-A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That: Ages 6-12 - Johnathan Walraven This art class explores all media of art. Both 2D and 3D will be explored. Can be messy fun! Code
Tu: 9/20-10/25
6:00-6:50 pm
Creative Clay Building: Ages 6-14 - Johnathan Walraven
Have a blast playing in the mud while learning the basic methods of pottery. You’ll learn how to decorate, glaze and finish pots. Code
Tu: 9/20-10/25
7:00-8:00 pm
Drop-In Art Studio with Johnathon Walraven
The PPD Art Program is partially funded by a grant from
Messy Monsters: Ages 6-9 - Johnathan Walraven
An art class that explores unconventional ways to make art. *No class 11/24. Code
Th: 10/20-12/1*
6:00-6:50 pm
Artist’s Palette: Ages 7-14 - Johnathan Walraven
Young painters will learn to use tempra, watercolor and acrylic paints to create a still-life painting, a figurative painting, and the painting of your wildest dreams! We will explore works by great master painters, then create our own. We’ll cover color mixing, brush use, and combining materials to make one of a kind works. *No class 11/24. Code
Th: 10/20-12/1*
7:00-7:50 pm
Ages 6-12 • Wednesdays • 5:30-6:30 pm Ages 13+ • Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 pm $5/drop-in or $45/10-visit punch card Purchase a punch card at the Noble Center registration desk.
Bridal Paint Party
By Reservation Only on Saturdays and Sundays at Noble Center $20/person (4 minimum, 15 maximum) Schedule some painting fun by making a work of art for the bride-to-be! Each member will be led through the process of creating a small canvas painting with instructor Kristin Gentry and, when all put together, will make one large work of art for the bride to hang in her home! All painting supplies will be provided. To schedule your class call 681-2861 or email
NEW! Pint Sized Picasso at Franciscan Recreation Complex (p. 48)
Calling all pint sized painters! We’ll learn about famous artists and try out their styles. For example, we’ll paint like Michaelangelo while laying on our backs! This fun class is abstract and messy. Age: 3-5 Fee-R/NR: $10/$12 Code
Tu: 9/20
10:00-11:00 am
Kids Birthday Paint Party
Ages 6-13 • Noble Center By Reservation Only on Saturdays and Sundays $15/person (4 minimum, 15 maximum) Paint a masterpiece for your next birthday party! Each member will be led through the process by instructor Kristin Gentry of painting a work of art to be adored for years to come. To schedule your party call 6812861 or email
Check It Out! Find more birthday parties on pages 91-93.
2016 Fall Playbook • Visual Arts
Katie McLuckie, Fine Arts Manager • 688-3667 •
The PPD Drama Program is partially funded by a grant from Illinois Arts Council.
Auditions for Bugsy Malone
Auditions for Community Children’s Theatre’s Bugsy Malone, directed by Chip Joyce, for ages 8-18, are Saturday, September 24 at 10 am and Sunday, September 25 at 1 pm at the Noble Center. Prepare a song to sing (not from this show) and bring your sheet music. Dress in comfortable clothing for dance movement. Performance dates are December 8-11. No fee to audition. Cast members have a $61 registration fee.
ShiningStars: Ages 3-6
ShiningStars is a great way to introduce theatre to children! We are proud to present an exciting dramatic play program for preschoolers that uses fun exercises and games to encourage bravery, confidence, and creativity when communicating with others. In the course of each class, the children will work together as a team to share, listen, and respond. They will gain confidence in their bodies, their voices, and their minds. Each session concludes with a live production where the children work together to create backdrops, costumes, and star in the show! Location: Noble Center Instructor: Carrie Newman Fee-R/NR: $85/$90
Tu: 9/20-11/15
10:30-11:00 am
Tu: 9/20-11/15
5:30-6:00 pm
CCT is proud to announce our 2016 Holiday Musical:
Partially support by a grant from
Directed by Chip Joyce December 8 • 7 pm December 9 • 7 pm December 10 • 1:30 pm and 7 pm December 11 • 1:30 pm - signed for the hearing impaired TICKETS: $15 - Adults • $9 - Children 12 & under and Seniors Available November 14 at Bonnie W. Noble Center 1125 W. Lake Ave. Peoria, IL 61614
A musical full of gangsters played by children. Instead of real bullets they use “splurge guns” that cover the victim in cream. The story tells of the rise of “Bugsy Malone” and the battle for power between “Fat Sam” and “Dandy Dan”. • t •
Theatre Education for Children (TEC)
For 60 years the Peoria Park District has offered Theatre Education for children (TEC) classes to interested students in Peoria Public Schools, District 325 and private schools. Our teachers meet with students at the school once a week and work on basic acting skills and theatre techniques and produce a short play to be presented at their school. The program culminates with the Annual Drama Festival on Saturday, May 6. The student registration fee is $35 per semester and scholarships are provided to any student with financial need. If you are interested in teaching, or would like to find out how to get a program started at your school, call 681-2861. Classes are held after school. Registration is taken at the school office. Classes begin the week of September 19.
NEW! We are now offering a TEC class at the Noble Center! If you do not attend a participating school, sign up to be a member of the Noble Center TEC program. This is the only class that runs in the evenings. Registration Code: 74599 TEC
2016 Participating Schools: Charter Oak Holy Family Kellar Thomas Jefferson Woodrow Wilson
2016 Fall Playbook • Drama
Katie McLuckie, Fine Arts Manager • 688-3667 • Learning to Play Guitar
This easy instruction for beginners will have you playing your favorite songs in no time. You provide your own acoustic guitar. You will also need to purchase Mel Bay’s Easy Guitar Chords for $4.95 at Flores Music. Location: Noble Center Instructor: David Lavalee Min/Max: 3-5 Fee-R/NR: $70/$80
M: 9/19-11/21
5:00-5:55 pm
M: 9/19-11/21
6:00-6:55 pm
M: 9/19-11/21
7:00-7:55 pm
Peoria POPS “Holiday Extravaganza” Concert Saturday, December 10 • 7 pm Tickets are available at Five Points Washington, by calling (309) 444-8222, or by visiting
The PPD Music Program is partially funded by a grant from
Join the POPS!
Harold Greene, Conductor Offering performance enhancement for musicians young and old, the Peoria POPS is conducted by a professional music educator. The group accepts students from Jr. High through adult who want to improve by playing with a full orchestra. The Orchestra specializes in giving those who have not played for awhile a place to perform and bring back those wonderful music skills of their past. Pops also has a Swing Band and a Dixieland Band in which members can participate. POPS provides its members with the opportunity of performing in public at retirement and extended care facilities as well as town festivals, the Illinois State Fair and our ever popular “Holiday Extravaganza”. Membership fee is $30 a year. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings at the Noble Center. We are looking for Jr. High, homeschooled, high school, or adults wanting to play. We would love to boost numbers in all sections, especially the String Section. For details contact POPS President Dick Hawley at (309) 472-3881 or
Park District Youth License Plate Get Licensed to Support Illinois Youth! The sale and subsequent renewals of each plate generate $25 for the PowerPlay! Beyond School Grant Program, which funds youth programs in park and recreation agencies throughout Illinois. The goal of the PowerPlay! program is to increase the number of opportunities designed to show youth the lifelong benefits of fitness, health and nutrition. For more information contact IAPD at 217-523-4554 or
68 • t •
Piano/Keyboard 688-3667
Children’s Very Beginner/Begin Again
Age: 5-13 Many students and parents believe that piano lessons helped improve concentration and hand/eye skills for school and sports. Learn the fun and easy way to play piano from a teacher who is patient and loves to teach everyone the joy of music. If you are a very beginner or want to begin again, you will start by learning the basics of music and piano, how to read Treble and Bass Staffs, time signatures, and develop ear training and performance etiquette by solo and ensemble piano playing. There will be a performance during the last 20 minutes of your session. See registration receipt for supply list and bring all supplies to the first class. *No class 10/18 or 11/22. Location: Don’s Music Land Instructor: Maureen Murphy-Eaton
Tu: 9/20-12/6*
4-4:45 pm
R/NR: $140/$160
Pianos are available to rent at Don’s Music Land
Children and Teens Continuing Students
Age: 5-16 Studies show piano instruction enhances children and teen’s reasoning skills that are necessary for learning math and science. Continuing piano lessons can encourage self confidence, poise and self-discipline. The teacher and students bond as a “music team” during lessons and this carries on at home with the parents during daily practice and during family/friends activities. By learning at your own pace and individually in a group class, you will learn more key and time signatures, tempos, intervals, rests, etc. Bring piano and theory books you are currently using and to broaden your musical education, you will be introduced to additional choices. There will be a performance during the last 20 minutes of your session. See registration receipt for supply list and bring all supplies to the first class. *No class 10/18 or 11/22. Location: Don’s Music Land Instructor: Maureen Murphy-Eaton Age: 5-16
Tu: 9/20-12/6* 4:45-5:30 pm
R/NR: $140/$160
Tu: 9/20-12/6* 5:30-6:15 pm
R/NR: $140/$160
Age: 8-16
Tu: 9/20-12/6*
6:15-7 pm
R/NR: $140/$160
Piano/Keyboard/Technic and Theory Classes Age: 50+ Location: Don’s Music Land
Have you ever said to yourself: “I’ve always wanted to play the piano,” or “I wish I had never quit taking piano lessons.” These comments are quite common. Studies have shown that learning and playing piano will benefit you physically and mentally. As adults, we all need to enrich our lives and our minds! Come join the fun, make new friends, and learn a wonderful life-long hobby. The classes below are for all students: Very Beginners, Begin Again, and Continuing Students. All students are taught in a group setting with each student taught individually. Choose the class time that is best for you! *No class on 10/18 or 11/22. Code
Tu: 9/20-12/6*
1-1:50 pm
Tu: 9/20-12/6*
2-2:50 pm
Tu: 9/20-12/6*
3-3:50 pm
Proud to Support the Peoria Park District
Federally Insured by NCUA
2016 Fall Playbook • Piano
Lakeview Recreation Center 1013 W Lake Ave • 681-2867 or 681-2866
Text LAKEVIEW to (309) 857-0255 to receive updates on Lakeview Recreation Center programs.
Open Gym Schedules: Open Pickleball: Ages 18+
AT A GLANCE Lakeview Recreation Center is a multi-purpose facility located inside Lakeview Park in the center of Peoria. It features a two-court gymnasium, a large multi-purpose room and two smaller community rooms. Scheduled programs, open gyms, birthday parties, community classes, a summer day camp and additional events will be hosted. The facility is accessible to people with disabilities. MANAGERS Nick McDuffee: Matt Suellentrop:
Mondays and Fridays, 9/26-1/30/17* • 9-11 am $3/visit or $25/10-visit punch *No Open Pickleball on 11/25 or 12/26.
Join us for this Latin-inspired fitness class. Zumba consists of easy-to-follow steps which target areas such as the gluteals, legs, arm core, abdominals and heart. Ages: 13+ Instructor: Debracca Hangen Min/Max: 4/15 Fee-R/NR: $34/$38 Code
M: 9/12-10/10
4 pm
M: 10/17-11/14 4 pm
M: 11/21-12/19 4 pm
Open Badminton: Ages 18+
Sundays through 1/24/17* • 9-11 am $5 per visit *No Badminton on 12/25.
Zumba Gold is a class that’s perfect for active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity. The design of the class introduces easy-tofollow Zumba choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. Ages: 13+ Instructor: Debracca Hangen Min/Max: 4/15 Fee-R/NR: $34/$38 Code
Sa: 9/10-10/18
7:30-8:15 am
Sa: 10/15-11/12
7:30-8:15 am
RENTALS AT LAKEVIEW REC CENTER: We feature several opportunities for your group’s next event or outing including a gym with two basketball courts (wood floor) and three carpeted multi-purpose rooms varying in size. Fees vary depending on space, event type and length.
Check It Out!
Ready to register? See pages 94-96.
Find more pickleball on page 74. More more fitness classes on page 59. Find youth sports happening at Lakeview on pages 71-73.
BIRTHDAYS AT LAKEVIEW REC CENTER: Open Gym Party: Package includes 1.5 hours of free time in the gym where kids can play basketball, soccer, football, floor hockey and volleyball. The last ½ hour you will celebrate in a private room with cake and ice cream. Package includes ¼ sheet personalized cake, ice cream, plates, napkins, utensils, drinks and table covering. Fee: $120 for up to 20 guests ($2 for each additional guest) OR $95 to rent just the space.
70 • t •
Matt Suellentrop, Coordinator • 688-3667 • Happy Feet Soccer: Ages 2-6
Happy Feet is a fun “story-time with a soccer ball” program primarily for kids ages 2-5 (one session for ages 4-6 at John Gwynn Park). Each session has a 30-45 minute structured soccer activity including a 15 minute game scenario to showcase soccer skills. Happy Feet is designed to continually use its kid friendly curriculum to ensure kids are having an absolute blast while developing essential physical skills. Each of the league sessions builds on the last and our coaches use portions of the curriculum that are appropriate for both age and skill level. All session are held indoors. Fee-R/NR: $36/$41 Min/Max: 6/12 Mornings - Lakeview Recreation Center Code
Age Day-Date
Tu: 10/4-11/1
9:30-10:00 am
Tu: 10/4/11/1
10:00-10:30 am
Tu: 10/4/11/1
10:30-11:00 am
Tu: 11/8-12/6
9:30-10:00 am
Tu: 11/8-12/6
Evenings - Lakeview Recreation Center Code
W: 10/5-11/2
5:30-6:00 pm
W: 10/5-11/2
6:00-6:30 pm
W: 10/5-11/2
5:30-6:00 pm
10:00-10:30 am
W: 10/5-11/2
6:00-6:30 pm
W: 11/9-12/7
5:30-6:00 pm
Tu: 11/8-12/6
10:30-11:00 am
Th: 10/6-11/3
9:30-10:00 am
W: 11/9-12/7
6:00-6:30 pm
Th: 10/6-11/3
10-10:30 am
W: 11/9-12/7
5:30-6:00 pm
W: 11/9-12/7
6:00-6:30 pm
Th: 10/6-11/3
10:30-11:00 am
Th: 11/10-12/15*
9:30-10 am
Th: 11/10-12/15*
10-10:30 am
Th: 11/10-12/15*
10:30-11:00 am *no class 11/24
NEW Happy Feet Location! John Gwynn Park Ages 2-3 have 30 minutes of Happy Feet instruction. Ages 4-6 have 30 minutes of Happy Feet and 30 minutes of scrimmage.
YOUTH INDOOR SOCCER: AGES 4-5 Looking for a place to have your 4-5 year old play indoor soccer? Sign up for this indoor soccer league played at Lakeview Recreation Center. Sessions run for 45 minutes with two practices and five games. Volunteer coaches are needed; please contact us if you are interested in coaching. Shinguards are recommended for this program. Location: Lakeview Rec Center Fee-R/NR: $30/$35 Code 73772
Day-Date Sa: 10/29-12/17*
Time 9:00-11:00 am
Mornings - RiverPlex
Min/Max: 6/8
pgs. 84-85
*no class 11/26
Try FootGolf with your family and friends! FootGolf is played with a soccer ball on the golf course. Bring your own soccer ball or rent one at the course. See page 33 for more details.
F: 10/7-11/4
9:30-10:00 am
F: 107-11/4
10:00-10:30 am
F: 10/7-11/4
10:30-11:00 am
F: 11/11-12/16*
9:30-10:00 am
F: 11/11-12/16*
10:00-10:30 am
F: 11/11-12/16*
10:30-11:00 am *no class 11/25
W: 9/21-10/19
9:00-9:45 am
W: 9/21-10/19
4:45-5:30 pm
W: 9/21-10/19
5:30-6:30 pm
Little Pint/Pee Wee Soccer
This class will provide an introduction to soccer and the fundamentals of passing, shooting and dribbling. Little Pint: Ages 3-4 Fee-R/NR: $27/$32 Code
M: 10/3-11/7*
4:15-5:00 pm FRC
M: 11/14-12/12
4:15-5:00 pm FRC
W: 10/5-11/2
5:15-6:00 pm FRC
W: 11/16-12/14*
5:15-6 pm
Th: 9/29-10/27
5:45-6:30 pm Lakeview
Sa: 10/8-11/5
8:45-9:30 am
Sa: 11/12-12/17*
8:45-9:30 am
*no class 10/31, 11/23 or 11/26
Pee Wee: Ages 5-6 Fee-R/NR: $30/$35 Code
M: 10/3-11/7*
5:00-6:00 pm
M: 11/14-12/12
5:00-6:00 pm
FRC *no class 10/31
2016 Fall Playbook • Soccer
Nick McDuffee, Coordinator • 688-3667 • Youth Basketball Skills Camp
Boys and girls will learn the basics and improve their skills in this instructional program. Players will learn dribbling, passing, shooting, rebounding, and defense, all while maintaining an emphasis on sportsmanship, teamwork, and fun. Skills will be taught through drills, contests, and games. Third and fourth graders will play on a 10’ hoop. The younger age groups will play with a shorter hoop and smaller ball. Location: Lakeview Recreation Center Fee-R/NR: $30/$35 Min/Max: 5-24 Age: 5 years-4th Grade Code
Youth Basketball Leagues
Fall Leagues at RiverPlex Min/Max: 10-60
Dates: 11/3-12/19
M, W: 10/3-10/26
Practice Days
Skill Evaluation at RiverPlex
PAC Meeting at RiverPlex
5:00-5:45 pm
Co-Ed 5 years - K
M, Th
M: 11/7, 5:30 pm
Co-Ed 1st-2nd
M, Th, Sa
Th: 11/3, 5:30 pm
M: 11/7, 5:30 pm
Boys 3rd - 4th
M, Th, Sa
Th: 11/3, 6:15 pm
M: 11/7, 6:15 pm
M, W: 10/3-10/26
5:45-6:45 pm
M, W: 10/3-10/26
Registration Deadline: 10/21
pgs. 84-85 Youth of all ability levels, from the first time hoopster to the backyard superstar, will learn the skills necessary to enjoy the sport of basketball for life. Under the instruction of volunteer coaches, participants will develop techniques, knowledge and strategy with emphasis on fun, sportsmanship and fair play. • 5 Years-Kindergarten: The 5-year old/kindergarten league will involve 30 minutes of practice time. Children will then be divided into teams and play a game for the final 30 minutes. • Grades 1-4: Practices are one hour at 5:30 or 6:30 pm. • Grades 5-6: Practices are one hour at 7:30 pm. • Grades 1-6: Games are played on Saturday mornings at 9, 10 or 11 am at the RiverPlex. • Parent-Athlete-Coach (PAC) Meetings are mandatory and take place at the RiverPlex.
6:45-7:45 pm
Check It Out!
NEW! Girls Fall Leagues at RiverPlex Min/Max: 10-60
Dates: 11/3-12/19
Registration Deadline: 10/21
Find more youth basketball options on pages 51 and 76.
Practice Days
Skill Evaluation at RiverPlex
PAC Meeting at RiverPlex
Looking for adult basketball programs? See pages 50 and 53.
3rd - 4th
M, Sa
Th: 11/3, 6:15 pm
M: 11/7, 6:15 pm
3rd - 4th
Th, Sa
Th: 11/3, 6:15 pm
M: 11/7, 6:15 pm
5th - 6th
M, Th, Sa
Th: 11/3, 6:15 pm
M: 11/7, 6:15 pm
Sign up early for our Winter Youth Basketball Leagues!
Winter Leagues at Lakeview Rec Center Dates: 1/18-3/13 Code
Practice Days
PAC Meeting at Lakeview
Co-Ed 5 years - K
M, W
W: 1/18, 5:30 pm
Co-Ed 1st-2nd
M, Sa
W: 1/18, 5:30 pm
Co-Ed 1st-2nd
W, Sa
W: 1/18, 5:30 pm
Boys 3rd-4th
M, Sa
W: 1/18, 6:15 pm
Boys 3rd-4th
W, Sa
W: 1/18, 6:15 pm
NEW! Girls Winter Leagues at Lakeview Rec Center Dates: 1/18-3/13
Practice Days
PAC Meeting at Lakeview
3rd - 4th
M, Sa
W: 1/18, 6:15 pm
3rd - 4th
W, Sa
W: 1/18, 6:15 pm
5th - 6th
M, Sa
W: 1/18, 6:15 pm
$60/$65 • t •
Youth Sports
Matt Suellentrop, Coordinator • 688-3667 • Locations: FRC=Franciscan Recreation Complex • Lakeview=Lakeview Recreation Center This class will provide an introduction to soccer and the fundamentals of passing, shooting and dribbling. Little Pint: Ages 3-4 Fee-R/NR: $27/$32 Code
M: 10/3-11/7*
4:15-5:00 pm FRC
M: 11/14-12/12
4:15-5:00 pm FRC
W: 10/5-11/2
5:15-6:00 pm FRC
W: 11/16-12/14*
5:15-6 pm
Th: 9/29-10/27
5:45-6:30 pm Lakeview
Sa: 10/8-11/5
8:45-9:30 am
Sa: 11/12-12/17*
8:45-9:30 am
*no class 10/31, 11/23 or 11/26
Pee Wee: Ages 5-6 Fee-R/NR: $30/$35 Code
M: 10/3-11/7*
5:00-6:00 pm
M: 11/14-12/12
5:00-6:00 pm
Pee Wee Flag Football
This class will introduce participants to the sport of football in going over passing, catching, flag pulling, and defense while emphasizing sportsmanship and fun. All equipment is furnished. Min/Max: 4-12 Age: 5-6 Fee-R/NR: $30/$35 Code
Sa: 10/8-11/5
10:15-11:15 am
Pee Wee Baseball
This class will provide an introduction to throwing, catching, hitting and baserunning while emphasizing sportsmanship and fun. Participants should bring a glove as only a limited quantity is available. Min/Max: 4-12 Age: 5-6 Fee-R/NR: $30/$35 Code
Sa: 11/12-12/17
10:15-11:15 am
*no class 10/31
Little Pint All Star Sports
This class will provide an introduction to athletics by covering a new sport each week. We use scaled down equipment and cover the basic rules and skills of basketball, football, baseball, floor hockey and soccer. Min/Max: 4-12 Age: 3-4 Fee-R/NR: $27/$32 Code
M: 10/3-11/7*
6:15-7:00 pm
M: 11/14-12/12
6:15-7:00 pm
W: 10/5-11/2
4:30-5:15 pm
W: 11/16-12/14
4:30-5:15 pm
Sa: 11/12-12/17
9:30-10:15 am
Sa: 10/8-11/5
9:30-10:15 am
Th: 9/29-10/27
6:30-7:15 pm
Lakeview *no class 10/31
at Woodruff High School Grades 1-8/Ages 6-15 Are you interested in coaching your child’s youth sports team? It’s sure to be a fun and rewarding time. No experience is needed we’ll provide the training with a FREE ASEP Coaches Clinic. Email Nick at
Many Thanks to our Youth Sports Sponsors! Gold Level:
Little Pint/Pee Wee Soccer
Silver Level:
Join the sport where no one sits on the bench! This is the style of wrestling used in high schools and college. Members practice and wrestle against others their own size and weight. Participants benefit in gaining greater strength, flexibility and greater self confidence and a sense of achievement. Registration: 10/24, 6:30-7:30 pm at Woodruff HS Wrestling Room Mandatory Parent/ Child Meeting: 10/26, 6-7:30 pm First practice: 10/27, 5:30-7:30 pm Practice days: Tues, Wed & Thurs, November-March Fee: $85 for season For more information call 264-6460 or email
2016 Fall Playbook • Youth Sports
Adult Sports
Matt Suellentrop, Coordinator • 688-3667 •
Adult Co-Rec Dodgeball
46th Annual Peoria Turkey Trot
The famous playground game is reborn as an exciting new sport of teamwork, strategy and skill. Co-rec teams of 6 to 10 players (with at least 2 female players) will put it all on the line trying to outlast opponents in an atmosphere of safe, friendly, yet fierce competition. Remember, no head shots allowed! Get your teams together! Registration packets are available at the Noble Center, Franciscan Rec Complex, RiverPlex or online at www.peoriaparks. org. Register now to be a part of the non-stop Dodgeball action! For more information, call Matt at 681-2866. Location: Franciscan Rec Complex Age: 18+ Dates: Sundays, starting 10/16 Time: 6-9 pm Team Fee-R/NR: $75/$80 Registration Deadline: 10/7 Player Fee-R/NR: $10/$15 Registration Code: 73775
Join us rain, shine or snow for Peoria’s oldest running race, a 4-mile run through Detweiller Park. The top two finishers in each division receive a trophy and a turkey, compliments of Kroger. All entrants receive a Turkey Trot t-shirt. A 1/2 mile youth fun-run will take place immediately before the start of the run. Register at the Noble Center or at runsignup. com. Questions? Call Matt at 681-2866 or email VOLUNTEER! pgs. 84-85
Code: 73771 Date/Time: Su: 11/27 • 1 pm Fee: $16 through 11/16 ($14 for IVS members) $18 for runners registered after 11/16 $2 Youth Fun Run (no t-shirt)
Horseshoe League at Bradley Park Thursdays, Mid-May through Mid-September at 6:30 pm The horseshow league at Bradley Park is open to anyone from beginners to experienced pitchers. Join them for 3 games of 40 shoes per game each Thursday evening. The league is a handicap league, which gives everyone a chance to win against the better pitchers. For more information, please email Don at
Pickleball open gyms are held at Lakeview Recreation Center (p. 70) and Franciscan Recreation Complex (p. 48). Pickleball is a cross between tennis and badminton. It is easier on the knees than other court sports and our avid squad of experienced players will teach you the game. Loaner equipment is available.
The Turkey Trot is proudly sponsored by:
Co-Rec Drop In Softball for Seniors
Men and women 50+ can drop in on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:30 am at the Peoria Stadium. The season runs midMay through October. The league uses modified rules to encourage participation. A nominal fee is charged. For details call David Dowell: 673-1119.
Peoria Park District Athletics Now Offers Text Alerts!
To receive text messages about specific programs, including field conditions, closures, rainouts, etc.
Simply text the corresponding keyword below to 309-857-0255.
You will receive text alerts about our programs. You may receive up to five messages per month. Text STOP to cancel. Msg & Data Rates Apply. Terms & Conditions available by email at
Adult Kickball League Franciscan Rec Complex programs Pickleball programs Youth Soccer Adult Soccer Tee Ball Coach Pitch
Minors/Majors Monday Night Softball Tuesday Night Softball Wednesday Night Softball Thursday Night Softball Friday Night Softball Sunday Night Softball
BASKETBALL Youth Basketball League SANDVBALL Adult Sand Volleyball LAKEVIEW Lakeview Rec Center programs • t •
19th Annual
sports auction and card show
to Benefit Youth Sports in Peoria Previous years’ events included items from:
Sunday, November 6
RiverPlex Recreation & Wellness Center Card Show: 10:00 am-3:00 pm • LIVE Auction: 2:00 pm Silent Auction • Raffle Drawing
$1.00 Admission FREE for Kids 12 & Under A “must show” for any sports enthusiast! Sports card vendors will be set up to buy, sell, or trade their sports cards and collectibles. The live auction will begin at 2:00 pm and includes autographed sports memorabilia and season tickets.
For information on attending, donating items or setting up a table, call Scott at 681-2868.
Eddie Lacy Jake Arrieta Shaquille O'Neal Andre Agassi Ferguson Jenkins Drew Brees Nolan Ryan Andrew Luck Carlton Fisk Peyton Manning Jennie Finch Phil Mickelson Arnold Palmer Jim McMahon Adam Wainwright Mike Singletary Andre Dawson Dirk Nowitzki President George H. Bush President Jimmy Carter John Travolta Overnight Stay Gift Cards Walt Disney Park Hopper Passes Peoria Chiefs Tickets Restaurant Gift Cards and much more!
GET YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS NOW! Tickets: $10 - Only 174 Being Sold! Tickets sold at Noble Center or call 681-2868. All proceeds benefit youth sports in Peoria.
TWO WINNERS! Kris Bryant and Yadier Molina Autographed Jerseys First winner gets first choice of jersey. Second winner receives remaining jersey.
2016 Fall Playbook • Sports Auction
Community Recreation
Billie McKenzie, Coordinator • 681-2854 • AT A GLANCE We offer a variety of classes that take place in many locations throughout the Peoria community. Special thanks to the many businesses and agencies that host recreation programs. CLASS LOCATIONS • Franciscan Rec Complex 908 Sterling Ave • Kellar School 6413 N Mt. Hawley Rd • Hult Center for Healthy Living 5215 N. Knoxville • Hy-Vee Club Room 4125 N Sheridan Rd • Lakeview Rec Center 1013 W Lake Ave • Noble Center 1125 W Lake Ave
Beginning Tai Ji
Through its use of movement and exercise, this class will help relieve stress, improve balance and promote good health. The five element form, which will be taught, is based on a free flowing style and offers a great deal of relaxation. Location: Hult Center for Health Education Instructor: Donna Sturm Age: 16+ Fee-R/NR: $30/$35
Classes for Youth
check out Hy-Vee Kids in the Kitchen on the next page
Magic I
Led by professional magician Greg Joyce, you’ll learn how to perform a wide variety of magic with playing cards, money, rope, common items, mindreading and special props made in class. Soon you’ll be amazing your friends and family! All supplies and an instruction handbook are included. Location: Noble Center Instructor: Greg Joyce Age: 8-16 Fee-R/NR: $29/$33
72685 Sa: 10/29-11/19 12:15-2:15 pm
Knitting for All Levels
Students will learn basic knitting stitches such as knit and purl. At the end of the course, students will be able to read a pattern, execute basic stitches and finish a project. Helpful knitting hints will be shared. You will receive a supply list for this course upon registration. Instructor: Mary Hayes Age: 9+ Fee-R/NR: $41/$47
W: 9/7-10/19
6:30-7:30 pm
At Noble Center:
Hooked on Crochet - Beginner
Learn basic crochet stitches such as chain, single crochet and double crochet, and leave with an in-depth knowledge of crochet terms and helpful hints. If you wish to do additional work outside of class, you can create 7 x 9 inch rectangles to donate for a ‘Warm Up America’ afghan. You will receive a supply list for this course upon registration. Instructor: Mary Hayes Age: 9+ Fee-R/NR: $41/$47 Code
At the Noble Center:
72526 Sa: 9/10-10/15
11 am-12:30 pm
At Franciscan Recreation Complex:
Day-Date Sa: 9/10-10/15
Time 9-10:30 am
At Franciscan Rec Center:
Th: 10/20-12/1
4-5:30 PM
Tai Ji-Beyond Beginner
This Tai Ji class is for those who have taken the beginner class and want to continue to learn new forms. In this beyond beginner class you will be taught the forms of qi gong, the five elements and work on first circle. Location: Hult Center for Health Education Instructor: Donna Sturm Age: 16+ Fee-R/NR: $30/$35 Code
M: 9/12-10/24 6:30-7:30 pm
Basketball for Youth
Learn and practice the basic skills of basketball and play a game each class. Lessons emphasize individual skill development in dribbling, passing and cutting and confidence and teamwork in game play. Suitable for beginning and intermediate players. During games, players are matched by height and ability. Bring your own basketball for skill instruction and shooting practice as a limited number of basketballs are available. Must be able to shoot on a regulation 10-foot rim. Location: Kellar School Instructor: Greg Joyce Age: 8-12 Fee-R/NR: $35/$40
W: 10/26-12/4
6:20-8 pm
Home Staging
Prepare your home for sale by learning the different tricks of the trade from an accredited staging professional master. You have 90 seconds to make potential buyers feel he or she could live there. Get the hang of having a staged home for living or selling. Location: Noble Center Age: 18+ Instructor: Colleen McLinden Min/Max: 5-15 Fee-R/NR: $18/$23
Sa: 9/24
1-3:30 pm
Cake Decorating for Beginners
In this beginner’s class you will improve your baking skills and learn recipes for great frosting. Learn to decorate your own cakes with borders, flowers, leaves, side drapes, roses, cartoon designs, script writing and more! And the best part: you take home your own finished cakes! A supply list will be handed out at the first class. Location: Franciscan Rec Complex Instructor: Lisa Williamson Age: 12+ Fee-R/NR: $44/$52
M: 9/26-10/24
6-8:30 pm
M: 11/7-12/5
6-8:30 pm
72573 W: 10/19-11/23 4-5:30 pm
76 • t •
NEW! Food Classes at Hy-Vee
All classes taught by Dietitian Katrina Howard.
Ages 18+ • All Classes are 5:30-6:30 pm Code
W: 9/21
Fall Superfoods - The Fall harvest brings us an abundance of superfoods. Learn how to use these seasonal foods in delicious and healthy dishes.
W: 10/5
DISH Slow Cooker - We have the the perfect answer for your real time dilemmas with this DISH (Dinner is Solved at Hy-Vee) workshop. Think of it as a productive night off as you prepare 6 healthy family sized entrees to take home to bake or freeze. Recipes include Pork Chops and Mushrooms, Orange Chicken, Beef Stew, Chicken Cacciatore, Black Bean Chili, and Italian Sausage Soup.
Tu: 10/25
Woman’s Health - In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month we are doing a class that focuses on women’s health. Learn the best foods to prevent cancer, balance hormones, and fight inflammation. Taste simple and delicious recipes you can make at home to continue your health journey.
M: 11/14
Healthy Holiday Cooking - Holiday entertaining doesn’t have to be stressful, and the recipes don’t have to be rich and decadent to taste great! Join us for a fun and informative class where you will learn a few tips and tricks to making recipes that are perfect for entertaining the healthy way.
W: 12/14
Carb Smart Holiday Survival - Come join us for a cooking class on how to enjoy the holidays without losing control of your blood sugars, from appetizers to the main course, desserts and beverages. Low carb dishes don’t have to be boring!
Kids in the Kitchen! Ages 4-9 • $10/class • All classes are 10-11 am Code
Sa: 9/24
All About Apples - Come make bite sized apple pies, apple cookies, and apple dippers.
Sa: 10/22
Spooky Treats - This month we will make spooky treats for Halloween. Recipes include witches’ broomsticks, mummy pizzas, and jack-o-lantern cookies. Kids are encouraged to come in costume.
Sa: 12/10
Holiday Party - Come make grinch kabobs, pita trees, and hot chocolate mix!
Introduction to Digital Photography
For those who have just gotten a new camera or for those who’ve gotten past the scary parts and want to take the next step. We’ll prepare you for what matters in photography, from a grounding in composition, to the basic foundation of controlling the basic elements of shutter speed, aperture, and ISO to tell the stories you want to tell. We’ll also teach you all the things you can “set and forget”, and get you thinking about the handful of things on your camera that matter. You will leave the class feeling more masterful over the tool in your hands - and you’ll start to see where the magic can happen. Bring your camera and a fully charged battery to every class. Location: Franciscan Rec Complex Instructor: David Vernon Age: 16+ Fee: $28/$32
Sa: 10/1-10/15 10-11:30 am
Be Pain Free and Live Well: Alexander Technique
Back or Neck Pain? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Plantar Fasciitis? Headaches? Insomnia? Stressed out? Many chronic ailments such as these are the result of years of unhealthy and poor habits of movement and posture. As children we all had a natural ease and lightness of movement and posture. The Alexander Technique is a practical method for learning to restore this natural coordination. In this class, the instructor will use hands-on and verbal instruction to gently guide you in everyday movements. You will be amazed how light, free and easy you can feel, as you shed your old unconscious habits of movement. This class is appropriate for all ages in any physical condition. Location: Noble Center Instructor: Westley Howard Age: 16+ Fee-R/NR: $40/$46
72941 Th: 10/6-10/20
Holiday Bows
Think of all the times you wished you could make a bow! Now is your chance to learn. This class will teach you how to make bows for pews, holiday decorations, corsages, craft projects and more. Instructor will hand out diagrams for future projects. Supplies are included. You will take home four completed bows. Instructor: Lisa Williamson Min/Max: 5/14 Fee-R/NR: $25/$30 Code
At Lakeview Rec Center:
Th: 11/10
6-9 pm
At Franciscan Rec Center:
W: 11/16
6-9 pm
Ready to Register? See pages 94-96.
7-8:30 pm
2016 Fall Playbook • Community Recreation
Advisory Committees • •
Timothy J. Cassidy, Park Board President, and Emily G. Cahill, Executive Director of Parks and Recreation, sit on all committees. Meetings are open to the public and held in the Noble Center, located at 1125 W. Lake Ave in Lakeview Park, unless otherwise noted.
Recreation Advisory Committee
Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 5:15 pm. All meeting notices are published a minimum of 48 hours prior to meeting. Committee members are nominated by the Park Board President and must be approved by the Board.
Golf Advisory Ad Hoc Committee
Meetings are held on Mondays at 5:00 pm. All meeting notices are published a minimum of 48 hours prior to meeting. Committee members are appointed by the Park Board President.
Jayson Wiegand, Harbormaster Detweiller Marina: 673-6523
Located at #2 Caroline St, Detweiller Marina offers outdoor boat storage for the winter season, November 1, 2016-May 1, 2017 for $21/foot. There are three public launch ramps, accessible even in high water. Launch fee $7 for any size boat. A 9-acre park is located just to the north of the Marina. Shelter has water, picnic tables and grills for groups, reunions and parties. The fuel dock is open Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm and weekends 11 am-6 pm.
Galena Marina
Located across from Detweiller Park off Galena Road, this facility includes boat ramp, picnic areas with grills, restrooms, parking and open riverfront. It is open dawn to 11:00 pm daily. Free launching.
Park Police Protection of facilities and equipment falls under the responsibilities of the Park Police, which consists of professionally trained police officers operating in a distinct role. The Peoria Park District Police call on security expertise not normally found with regular law enforcement agencies. Park Police also utilize local neighborhood associations aimed at reducing vandalism and criminal activity in parks.
Electronic Fingerprinting
The Peoria Park District Police Department is now accepting appointments for electronic fingerprinting to obtain a concealed carry permit. Cost is $60.
Know Who to Call: SITUATION
Emergency requiring IMMEDIATE attention
673-4521 Police Communications Center; they will dispatch the nearest available officer to a specific location.
For a problem in our parks 686-3359 that does not require an im- Park Police Office. Leave a message and your call will mediate police response be returned at the first opportunity.
Appointments are required and are available on Tuesdays from 9 am-2 pm and on Thursdays from 1-6 pm. To make an appointment, please call the Police Department at 686-3359 during business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm) or leave a voice mail for someone to return your call.
78 • t •
50 Rock
Melinda Huett, Coordinator • 681-2859 •
Horseback Riding Location: Rockin’ P Ranch
AT A GLANCE We offer a variety of classes for ages 50+ that take place in various locations throughout the Peoria community. Special thanks to the many businesses and agencies that host recreation programs. CLASS LOCATIONS • Detweiller Golf Course 8412 N Galena Rd • Don’s Music Land/MusiCenter 7717 N. University #A • First Baptist Church of Peoria 411 W Lake Ave • Franciscan Rec Complex (FRC) 908 Sterling Ave • Hy-Vee 4125 N Sheridan Rd #20 • Lakeview Recreation Center 1013 W Lake Ave • Noble Center 1125 W Lake Ave
50 Rock Adventure
Take a guided trail ride through beautiful McNaughton Park. Experience the joys of the outdoors atop a horse suited just for you. For both experienced and first time riders. We will go through woods, creeks and wide open spaces. A mounting platform can be used to get on your horse. We will leave from the Noble Center. Lunch on your own. Code
F: 9/23
9 am-3 pm
Horseback Riding-Advanced Location: Rockin’ P Ranch
Our advanced class will have a hands on program learning more about the tack, grooming, nutrition, and anatomy. We will also have a longer trail ride through McNaughton Park. A mounting platform may be used to get on your horse. We will leave from the Noble Center. Lunch on your own. Code
F: 10/7
9 am-4 pm
50 Rock FootGolf Location: Detweiller Golf Course
Do you like golf? Do you like soccer? Here is your chance to to try FootGolf. FootGolf is played like golf but using your feet and a soccer ball, and of course a bigger hole.
Tu: 9/6
1 pm
Tu: 10/4
1 pm
50 Rock Learning Classic Movies at the Noble Center Fee: $3 • Each movie starts at 1 pm
Escape for a bit and join us for the movies that entertained you in a simpler time. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and maybe even feel like dancing. Enjoy complimentary popcorn and beverages while you watch. Date
Tu: 9/13
1940’s Our Town
William Holden, Martha Scott
Tu: 10/11
1960’s The Little Shop of Horrors
Jonathan Haze, Jackie Joseph
Tu: 11/8
1950’s Suddenly
Frank Sinatra, Sterling Hayden
Tu: 12/13
1960’s Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
John Call, Leonard Hicks
Piano/Keyboard/Technic and Theory Classes Location: Don’s Music Land
Have you ever said to yourself: “I’ve always wanted to play the piano,” or “I wish I had never quit taking piano lessons.” These comments are quite common. Studies have shown that learning and playing piano will benefit you physically and mentally. As adults, we all need to enrich our lives and our minds! Come join the fun, make new friends, and learn a wonderful life-long hobby. The classes below are for all students: Very Beginners, Begin Again, and Continuing Students. All students are taught in a group setting with each student taught individually. Choose the class time that is best for you! *No class on 10/18 or 11/22. Code
Tu: 9/20-12/6*
1-1:50 pm
Tu: 9/20-12/6*
2-2:50 pm
Tu: 9/20-12/6*
3-3:50 pm
Purchase a 2016 Classic Movies Season Pass for $12!
Mah Jongg Mondays and Wednesdays • 1-3 pm • Noble Center $3/session or $25/10 visit punch card
A fun and challenging table game with 3-4 players per table. It teaches skill, strategy and calculation as you exercise your mental muscles and enjoy some fun with friends learning to play this very old, very popular game that originated in China. New and experienced players welcome. This is American style Mah Jongg and not the computer game. Peggy Whaley will be available to instruct new players.
Check It Out! Find more FootGolf on page 33. Find more piano classes on page 69.
2016 Fall Playbook • 50 Rock
50 Rock
Melinda Huett, Coordinator • 681-2859 •
50 Rock Learning
Community Education
50 Rock is excited to partner with local organizations to provide FREE education sessions for the community.
Alzheimer’s Association September 28 • 1-3 pm • Noble Center • “The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease” This workshop is for anyone who would like to know more about these conditions. November 2 • 1-3 pm • Noble Center • “Caregiver Stress” Providing care for someone with memory loss can be a labor of love, but it can also be exhausing and stressful. This program will introduce participants to the causes, signs and symptoms of stress, and it will provide participants with stress reduction strategies.
AARP - Please RSVP to 1-877-926-8300
September 8 at Noble Center, 11 am-12:30 pm • October 7 at Proctor Center, 10 am-12 pm iPhone Beyond the Basics - Join AARP for a more in-depth class on your iPhone. This class is taking a step further to teach you more than just the basics of your iPhone. October 21 at Proctor Center, 10 am-12 pm • December 15 at Noble Center, 11 am-1 pm Digital Photography for iPhone - AARP has identified all the skills you need to take great photos, organize and protect your images, tell powerful visual stories, and safely share your images with family and friends through your iPhone or iPad. October 4, 5 and 6 at Noble Center, 11 am-12:30 pm each day Finances for 50+ - These sessions will give you a good handle on where you stand financially, plus provide simple, hands-on ways to make measurable progress toward your financial goals. Classes include budget and goal setting, taking charge of credit and debt, and savings and asset protection. October 20 at Noble Center Fraud, Scams and Protecting Your Identity and Shred Fest 11 am-1 pm: Onsite shredding. Paper products only, no business shredding. 1-2:30 pm: Presentation by FBI Agent Gregory Spencer We’re fighting back with the AARP Fraud Watch Network. Join us for a discussion with FBI Special Agent Gregory Spencer on how to spot and avoid identity theft, fraud and scams so you can protect yourself and your family. Family Friendly Cooking Classes! November 10 at Proctor Center, 12:30-2 pm - Thanksgiving Leftovers November 15 at Noble Center, 12:30-2 pm - Appetizers for the Family
NEW! Cooking Classes at Hy-Vee
Katrina Howard, RD, LDN, is the dietitian at the Hy-Vee on Sheridan Road. She is passionate about making nutritious food taste amazing and loves sharing that konwledge. Join us in the upstairs club room to learn about a variety of healthy topics. These cooking classes will be fun, interactive, and come with food samples to give you an idea of how delicious healthy eating can be. Code
W: 9/14
5:30-6:30 pm
Healthy Eating on a Budget
W: 10/12
2-3 pm
Fall Superfoods
W: 11/9
5:30-6:30 pm
Holiday Eating with Diabetes
W: 12/7
2-3 pm
Comfort Food Makeovers
Co-Rec Drop In Softball for Seniors
Men and women 50+ can drop in on Tuesdays & Fridays at 8:30 am at the Peoria Stadium. The season runs mid-May through October. The league uses modified rules to encourage participation. A nominal fee is charged. For details call David Dowell: 673-1119.
Check It Out! Find more adult fitness classes on page 59. Find more 50+ classes at Proctor Center on page 50. • t •
50 Rock Wellness
Fun and Fit Over 50
A wonderful low impact cardio class for men and women age 50+. This class incorporates strengthening, toning, stretching and resistance exercises with bands, balls and weights. Get fit, have fun and make new friends. Punchcards can be used at all locations.
M, W, F (ongoing)
8:00-8:50 am
Nancy Shallenberger & Kendra Parker
$3.50 drop in or $30/10 visit punch card
Franciscan Rec Complex
M, W, F (ongoing)
9:00-9:50 am
Peggy Shadid & Theresa Pearce
$3.50 drop in or $30/10 visit punch card
Noble Center
Core and More
A stronger core strengthens and improves the whole body and makes you move and feel better. Try it - you’ll love this class and feel so much better. This class happens right after Fun & Fit - stay and give it a go!
M, W (ongoing)
8:55-9:25 am
Nancy Shallenberger
$3 drop in or $25/10 visit punch card
Franciscan Rec Complex
M, W (ongoing)
10-10:30 am
Peggy Shadid
$3 drop in or $25/10 visit punch card
Noble Center
50 Rock Walk and More
Simple walking for cardio, exercise bands and light weights for toning, strength and core development. Maximum fun!
Tu, Th (ongoing starting 10/18)
5:00-5:50 pm
Peggy Shadid
$3.50 drop in or $30/10 visit punch card
Lakeview Rec Center
Beginner Line Dance
Learn basic line dance steps using swing, cha-cha and waltz music for great fun and exercise. No partner needed.
M: 8/29-10/17*
9:30-10:30 am
Jerrie Roe
First Baptist Church
Tu: 8/30-10/18
9:30-10:30 am
Jerrie Roe
First Baptist Church
Th: 9/1-10/20**
10:15-11:15 am
Jerrie Roe
First Baptist Church
M: 10/24-12/19
9:30-10:30 am
Jerrie Roe
First Baptist Church
Tu: 10/25-12/20***
9:30-10:30 am
Jerrie Roe
First Baptist Church
Th: 10/27-12/22
10:15-11:15 am
Jerrie Roe
First Baptist Church
*no class 9/5. 10/10 class at Noble Center. **9/29 class at Noble Center. ***11/8 class at Noble Center.
Intermediate Line Dance
Step up the challenge and the fun with intermediate line dance! *9/29 class at Noble Center.
Th: 9/1-10/20*
9:00-10:00 am
Jerrie Roe
First Baptist Church
Th: 10/27-12/22
9:00-10:00 am
Jerrie Roe
First Baptist Church
Yoga for 50+
Join in an ancient practice that harmonizes mind, body and spirit. Yoga reduces stress and improves muscle tone and flexibility. Class is suitable for beginners and experienced participants. *No class 11/24.
Tu, Th: 9/6-10/13
9:00-9:50 am
Nancy Shallenberger
Franciscan Rec Complex
Tu, Th: 11/1-12/22*
9:00-9:50 am
Nancy Shallenberger
Franciscan Rec Complex
Personal Training with Peggy Shadid
Flexible times at Noble Center, Franciscan Rec Complex and Lakeview Recreation Center Certified personal trainer Peggy Shadid will create a fun, safe program designed to meet your personal fitness needs. Choose indoor or outdoor workouts. For individuals or groups of up to 6 people. Call 681-2859 for rates and times.
Tai Chi
The ancient practice of Tai Chi is proven to be one of the most effective exercises to improve health, fitness, and relaxation. It can reduce tension, improve circulation and balance while increasing strength and flexibility. Tai Chi consists of fluid, gentle, and relaxed movements suitable for anyone. *No class 11/8
T, Th: 9/27-10/20
3:15-4:00 pm
Jan Bishop
Noble Center
T, Th: 9/27-10/20
5:30-6:15 pm
Jan Bishop
Noble Center
T, Th: 10/25-11/22*
3:15-4:00 pm
Jan Bishop
Noble Center
T, Th: 10/25-11/22*
5:30-6:15 pm
Jan Bishop
Noble Center
2016 Fall Playbook • 50 Rock
Vagabond Tours
Donna Day, Coordinator • 681-2863 •
AT A GLANCE Leave the planning and driving to us! Vagabond Tours offers wonderful day and extended trips all over the region. Call 681-2863 for a detailed catalog or to be added to our mailing list.
Gambling Trips
Catfish Bend Casino, Burlington, IA 72452 72454
$16 $16
W: 9/14 W: 11/16
The New Rhythm City Casino, Davenport, IA 72428
Th: 9/29
Jackpot Bingo Too, Peru, IL 72415
Th: 10/20
Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field
$112 vs. San Francisco Sa: 9/3 $122 vs. St. Louis Sa: 9/24
St. Louis Cardinals at Busch Stadium 72461
$112 vs. Chicago Cubs W: 9/14
“Million Dollar Quartet,” Circa’ 21 Dinner Theatre, Rock Island, IL $96 $102
W: 10/5 Su: 10/30
Daniel O’Donnell, Moline, IL 72439
Su: 10/23
Tribute to Alan Jackson, Starved Rock Lodge 69940
72419 72420
Sa: 9/10 Th: 10/27
Aurora Premium Outlet Mall 72411
Sa: 9/17
Shopping in St. Charles, MO 72412
Sa: 10/8
Bloomington Resale Shopping $22
Sa: 11/12
Regional Trips
Amish Country Cheese Festival, Arthur, IL 72410
W: 11/9
Sa: 9/3
$116/$58 Th: 9/15
Clark County Mule Festival, Kahoka, MO 69936
Sa: 9/17
China’s First Emperor and His Terra Cotta Warriors, Chicago 69947
F: 9/23
“Mansions and Millionaires,” the McCormickville Walking Tour, Chicago 72460
$28 $28
Arlington International Racecourse
Concerts/Shows 67966 67965
Springfield Resale Shopping
Sporting Events 69920 69922
Shopping Trips
Moonlight Tasting Cruise: Wine, Beer or Whiskey, Spirit of Peoria Riverboat 72457
F: 10/7
Spirit of Peoria Day Trip to Starved Rock 72443
Tu: 10/11
Choice of Chicago: Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, or Shopping 72424 72425
$58 $58
Sa: 10/15 Sa: 12/3
Four Guys and A Gangster Tour, Chicago 72413
W: 10/19
Parke County Covered Bridge Festival, IN 72438
Sa: 10/22
Zombie Cruise, Spirit of Peoria Riverboat 72459
Sa: 10/29
Gifford Country Christmas Craft Show, Gifford, IL 72470
Sa: 11/19
A Fireside Christmas, Ft. Atkinson, WI 67838
Th: 10/6 • t •
F: 12/2
Extended Trips
A Week in New York City
Spirit of Peoria Overnight to Starved Rock
New York City: The Big Apple
Athens and the Greek Islands
Las Vegas, NV
Branson, MO in September
Treasures of the Pharaohs, Egypt
New Orleans, Louisiana
Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam
Shawnee Forest Fall Getaway, Southern Illinois
French Lick Resort and West Baden, IN
72389 72392 67946
Tu: 9/6-9/12
Th: 9/15-21
$608* Th: 9/22-9/25
$1198* Th: 9/22-10/3
Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard, MA 67953
$849* Sa: 10/1-10/9
Fall Foliage in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine 70617
$1899* Sa: 10/8-10/18
69987 69983
A Special Branson Christmas, Branson, MO
$380* M: 10/10-10/11
$3250* Tu: 10/11-10/19 $3419* Th: 10/13-10/22
72416 72418
67943 72393
$317* Su: 10/16-10/18
British Panorama
$622* Th: 12/3-12/6 $588*
Su: 11/6-11/10
$695* Su: 11/6-11/12 $390*
W: 11/16-11/18
Colonial Williamsburg and Virginia Beach
67970 $1367+air* F: 10/21-30
The Splendors of Italy
Christmas at the Palmer House, Chicago
67972 $1403+air* Sa: 10/29-11/7
Su: 12/4-12/9
Sa: 12/10-12/11
* Denotes double occupancy rate. Call for single and triple rates.
Dog Parks 682-6684
Vicary Bottoms Dog Exercise Area Hours: Sunrise to sunset
The Peoria Park District has designated Vicary Bottoms, (a section of property off Kickapoo Creek Road, north of Farmington Road) a dog exercise area. It is highly recommended that this area be used only by welltrained dogs and their handlers as this area is not fenced. Complete rules are posted at the site, and are also available online at
Bradley Dog Park
Bradley Park - south entrance off Park Road This fenced facility includes dog water fountains and trash stations and welcomes well-behaved dogs 4 months and older. Please be sure to review rules for this park at Generous contributions made this park a reality, and we thank you! Donations for future needs are still being taken. Send an email to: for details.
2016 Fall Playbook • Vagabond Tours
Volunteer Department
Lanada Cunningham, Volunteer Coordinator • 681-2827 •
Special Events Tawny Oaks Workdays
Sa: 9/3, 10/1, 10/29 • 9 am • Tawny Oaks 10 volunteers (14+) needed to help with various outdoor projects. Bring gloves and water.
PNC Worldwide Day of Play
Sa-Su: 10/7-8 (shifts available) • 5 pm and later both days • Camp Wokanda 20+ volunteers (age 14+) Volunteers help with the craft areas, scavenger hunt, and admission gate.
Sa: 9/10 • Glen Oak Park • 8:30 am-4 pm (shifts available) • 75+ volunteers (age 14+) It’s a family fun day that includes various activities throughout Glen Oak Park! Some examples are Touch a Truck, obstacle course, estimation game, and more!
Seed Collection Workdays
Semi-Annual Book Sale
Th: 9/15 and Sa: 10/15 • 10 am Tawny Oaks • Ages 10+ Join us as we collect the seed from this treasure trove of native flora.
Sa-M: 10/15-17 • Noble Center Auditorium Various shifts available • 6-15 volunteers (age 18+) daily Help organize, stock and price books!
Oktoberfest on the RiverFront
ZooBrew and Wine Too!
Th-Sa: 10/6-8 • Peoria Zoo • 5-8:30 pm 40-60 volunteers (age 16+) Kids, treats and surprises abound at this event. Family-friendly costumes encouraged!
Candlelight Walks
F and Sa: 11/18-12/23 • Luthy Botanical Garden • 6-9 pm • 2 volunteers (age 16+) Help assist Luthy Botanical Garden with their evening candlelight walks!
Civil War Winter Quarters
Sa-Su: 11/19-20 • Sommer Park 10 am-4 pm • 3 volunteers (age 18+) Sommer Park travels back to the Civil War days! Come enjoy while helping with a variety of demonstrations.
Yule Like Peoria
Sa: 11/19 • Downtown Peoria 7:15 am-1 pm • 35 volunteers (age 16+) Help decorate downtown Peoria for the holiday season! Free lunch provided after.
Turkey Trot
F-Su: 9/16-18 (shifts available) RiverFront • 75+ volunteers (age 14+) Celebrate German culture through song, dance, food, drink and exhibits by being a Freiwilligen (volunteer). Help with the kids area, food, drink, gates or with First Aid!
Th: 10/20 • Peoria Zoo • 4:30-8:30 pm 12 volunteers (age 21+) Assist with set-up, barbacks for bartenders, washing dishes and clean-up during the social event of the fall!
Su: 11/27 • 10:30 am-2:30 pm 10+ volunteers (ages 16+) Get some voluntary exercise at Detweiller Park (no running required for volunteers). Set-up, registration, water and tear-down would all love your assistance for this race!
Illinois River Sweep
Habitat Restoration Workdays
Holiday Shop and Stroll
Sa: 9/17 • Forest Park Nature Center 8 am registration, 9 am-12 pm sweep 20+ Volunteers (age 14+) Be a part of this annual Illinois River clean up day! Gloves and trash bags will be provided.
Sa: 10/22 • Seed Collection Sa: 11/19 • Honeysuckle Removal 10 am-12 pm • Ages 14+ Forest Park Nature Center Help us to maintain Forest Park’s ecological integrity. Please dress for the weather and bring water. Gloves and tools are provided.
Pioneer Days
Pumpkin Bash
Su: 9/25, 10/30 • Sommer Park 12:30-4 pm • 3 volunteers (age 12+) Help with this hands-on History lesson to see what it was like back in the mid-19th century. Volunteers will provide information and demonstrations!
Hayrides & Hotdogs
Thursdays in October • Sommer Park 4-8 pm • 8 volunteers (age 14+) Join the fun with the Percheron Horse team, bonfires, s’mores, sack races, fortune telling and more! Costumes encouraged!
Sa: 10/29 • Peoria Zoo • 9:30 am-12:30 pm 20-30 volunteers (age 14+) Help with games and crafts at this spooky event!
Trunk or Treat
M: 10/31 • Proctor Center • 4:30-8 pm 4 volunteers (age 14+) Bring candy with you to hand out!
Proctor Center Talent Showcase
Sa: 11/12 • Proctor Center • 3-5 pm 6 volunteers (age 14+) Come and enjoy some of Peoria’s finest talent while helping with set-up, tear-down, concessions and ushering!
F: 12/2, 12/9, 12/16 and Sa: 12/10 6:00-8:30 pm • Forest Park Nature Center Ages 16+ Experience a nighttime stroll on a forest path lit with luminaries; enjoy live holiday music, storytelling and caroling, hot wassail and homemade goodies. Experience an evening guaranteed to get you in the spirit!
Candy Cane Hunts
Sa: 12/3 • Glen Oak Park • 2 pm 6-8 volunteers (age 14+) Sa: 12/3 • Northtrail Park • 12 pm 6 volunteers (age 14+) Make these festive hunts extra cheerful by helping to hide candy canes and set-up/ tear-down!
Critter Christmas
Sa: 12/3 • Peoria Zoo • 8:30-11 am 5-7 volunteers (age 14+) Get in the best kind of holiday spirit by helping out with the crafts and games at this festive Zoo event! • t •
Community Children’s Theatre presents “Bugsy Malone”
Calls from Santa
Su: 12/11 • Noble Center • 1-4 pm 30 volunteers (age 16+) Th-Sa: 12/8-10, 6-9:30 pm • Sa-Su: Spread holiday cheer to area children as Santa, Mrs. 12/10-11, 12:30-4 pm • Peoria Players Theatre • 4 volunteers per shift (age 14+) Claus or a North Pole operator! Male (for Santa) and Enjoy “Bugsy Malone” while helping with bilingual volunteers are especially helpful during this event. Refreshments provided. ushering and ticket sales.
Proctor Center Holiday Party
Th: 12/15 • Proctor Center • 6-7:30 pm • 4 volunteers (age 14+) Volunteers with a lot of holiday cheer are needed to help with crafts and games.
Ongoing Opportunities Youth Sports Coaching
ould you like to have some fun developing teamwork skills in W youth? Give coaching a try! Training for coaches is provided. Youth Soccer League and Youth Basketball League coaches are needed in September through December. See pages 71-72 for program descriptions. Call 681-2867 to volunteer. Youth Basketball League coaches at Proctor Center are needed to keep boys playing during the off season. Call 673-8193 to sign up.
Peoria Zoo
Adult Opportunities (ages 18+) include: • •
Interpreters: An exciting opportunity for those who love animals! Volunteers are stationed at exhibits and talk to the public about animals, answering any questions they may have. Assistant Zookeeper: Shifts from 10 am-1 pm. A great opportunity to work with animal environments. Volunteers assist in the cleaning of animal displays, windows, floors and other items as necessary. Animal Handlers: Love working with animals? Then this is the perfect opportunity! Volunteers learn how to handle and present selected education animals to use in programs and during talks at the Zoo.
Luthy Botanical Garden
Got a little time on your hands? Come volunteer at the Garden and learn new skills, meet great people, help beautify the grounds and have fun at the same time. Volunteers are needed year-round and gardening experience is not necessary. We also have opportunities with education, special event planning and grant writing.
Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association
If you are interested in helping with regular HISRA opportunities, such as camps, Special Olympics, FOCUS Program or Bowling, please call HISRA at 691-1929 for details.
Proctor Center After School Program
Our structured programs include field trips, homework help, basketball, skating, computers, pool tables, ping pong and more during the school year. Activities are offered Monday-Friday from 2:45-5:45 pm. Call 673-8193 to see how you can help out today!
Job Hunt at Logan Center
Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum
To apply for all PlayHouse volunteer opportunities, visit The Peoria PlayHouse is a hands-on, interactive children’s museum where children and their families can dream, explore, and learn through play. Be a part of this brand-new museum by applying to become a volunteer today! • In Real Tools: Assist and instruct safe tool use techniques in the Real Tools exhibit as kids use hammers, saws, drills, and other tools to create and build. Volunteers in this position should be comfortable with basic carpentry tools and interested in working hands-on with children. • For Programs: The PlayHouse offers lots of family, kid, and tot programming as well as field trip options for schools around the Peoria area. Volunteers can help in facilitating these on a regular or occasional basis; however it works for your schedule!
Moonlight Coalition
Tutors for our GED Program at Proctor and Logan Centers Moonlight Coalition is looking for tutors to help adults achieve their GED by helping with math and reading skills. Call Hedy at 673-9183.
Environmental Facilities
Peoria Wilds Restoration - Volunteers remove woody brush, collect and sow seed, monitor vegetation and more. Check out or see page 23 for location details. Forest Park Nature Center - Volunteers (ages 16+) needed for trail maintenance. Hike the trails, keep them clean and stay on the lookout for regulation violations. W.H. Sommer Park - Volunteer opportunities in Woodland Stewardship, Rental Hosting, Gardening, and Woodworking/ Carpenter. (Age 14+)
Book Court •
Volunteers are needed to interact with the public, make change, and love books. Volunteers may sit and read/work at a desk when no one is there. Can’t volunteer on a regular basis? Substitutes are needed Monday through Friday from 8:30 am-12:30 pm and 12:30-4:30 pm. Volunteers ages 18+ are needed to sort, price, stack and box books from 9 am-1 pm on weekdays.
Assist others in their job search! Call 676-8179 to volunteer on Wednesdays from 12-2 pm.
2016 Fall Playbook • Volunteering
Paths and Trails The Peoria Park District has many opportunities for walking, hiking and biking. The paths and trails in the Park District range from paved, level walkways to rough, steep hiking trails. There’s something for everyone! Below is an overview of trails and paths in the Park District. Visit our premier hiking facility at Forest Park Nature Center! FPNC has trails for all ages and skill levels, as well as educational offerings in the Nature Center itself. See pages 22-26.
Grand View Drive sidewalk: 1.75 miles Glen Avenue to Grand View Drive Park Becker Park: 0.6 miles 3400 Woodhill Lane Northtrail Park: 1 mile 1621 W. Meadowview Drive
PPD Rock Island Greenway: 13 miles To the North, connects to State of Illinois Rock Island Trail. To the Southeast, connects to the River Trail of Illinois.
Chartwell Park: 0.6 miles 2828 Willow Lake Road
Stadium Park: 0.45 miles 500 East Lake Avenue
Glen Oak Park Roads 2218 N. Prospect Sommer Park North: 1.25 miles 6600 N. Basket Oak Drive
Illinois River Bluff Trail Oakbrook: 0.4 miles Access at 720 W. Brookforest Dr.
Illinois River Bluff Trail Deerbrook Plateau: 0.4 miles Access at 720 W. Brookforest Drive
Charter Oak Park: 0.6 miles 5802 Orange Prairie Road
Franciscan Rec Complex: 0.5 miles 908 Sterling Avenue
Illinois River Bluff Trail Wokanda Purple: 0.65 miles 620 Boy Scout Road
Bradley Park Roads 1500 N. Park Road
Detweiller Park - Dry Run Trail: 0.6 miles 8327 N. Galena Road
Illinois River Bluff Trail - Robinson Hill Prairie Loop: 0.35 miles
Detweiller Park - Ridge Top Trail: 0.5 miles 8327 N. Galena Road
Illinois River Bluff Trail Wokanda: 0.2 miles 620 Boy Scout Road
Forest Park Valley and Valley Loop: 1.75 miles 5809 Forest Park Drive
HIKING-NATURAL SURFACE-MEDIUM Detweiller Park - Trail: 0.25 miles 8327 N. Galena Road Forest Park Bee Tree and Deer Run: 3 miles 5809 Forest Park Drive
BICYCLING PPD Rock Island Greenway: 13 miles To the North, connects to State of Illinois Rock Island Trail. To the Southeast, connects to the River Trail of Illinois.
Tawny Oaks Prairie Path: .5 mile loop 715 W Singing Woods Rd.
HIKING-NATURAL SURFACE-DIFFICULT Detweiller Pimiteoui: 3.2 miles 8327 N. Galena Road Forest Park Pimiteoui: 1.25 miles 5809 Forest Park Drive Forest Park Wake Robin: 2.75 miles 5809 Forest Park Drive Illinois River Bluff Trail - Wokanda to Detweiller: 7 miles Trailheads at 200 W Mossville Rd and Detweiller Park
Trail maps are available at
86 • t •
REGIONAL PARKS / FACILITIES 1. Bicycle Safety Town: 6518 N. Sheridan, 682-6684 2. Bradley Park: 1500 N. Park Road 3. Central Park Pool: 415 W. Richmond, 686-3370 Corn Stock Theatre: in Bradley Park (#2), 676-2196 4. Detweiller Park and Playground: 8327 N. Galena Rd. 5. Detweiller Marina: foot of Caroline St., 673-6523 6. Forest Park Nature Center: 5809 Forest Park Dr., 686-3360 7. Franciscan Rec Complex & Park: 908 Sterling Ave., 677-6705 8. Galena Marina: 8414 N. Galena Rd. 9. Glen Oak Park: 2218 N. Prospect Rd. Glen Oak Amphitheatre: in Glen Oak Park (#9), 681-2851 10. Gwynn, John/Park & Aquatics: 807 W. Second, 676-2891 11. Heart of Illinois Special Rec: 8727 N. Pioneer Rd., 691-1929 12. Kinsey Park: 7999 W Southport Rd 13. Lakeview Park: Intersection of Lake & University Lakeview Family Aquatic Center: in Lakeview Park (#12), 686-3377 Lakeview Recreation Center: in Lakeview Park (#12) Logan Rec Center: in Logan Park (#37), 676-8179 Luthy Botanical Garden: in Glen Oak Park (#9), 686-3362 14. Mossville Soccer Complex: Old Galena Rd. Noble Center: in Lakeview Park (#12), 682-1200 Northmoor Observatory: at Donovan Park (#33) 15. Northtrail Park: 1621 W. Meadowview Dr. Owens Center: in Lakeview Park (#12), 686-3369 Peoria Players Theatre: in Lakeview Park (#12), 688-4473 Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum: in Glen Oak Park (#9), 686-3365 Peoria Zoo: in Glen Oak Park (#9), 686-3365 16. Proctor Recreation Center: 309 S. DuSable, 673-9183 Registration Offices: in Lakeview park (#12), 688-3667 17. RiverPlex: 600 N.E. Water St., 282-1700 18. Robinson Park: 2825 Mossville Rd. 19. Rocky Glen: Kickapoo Creek Rd. 20. Rolling River Playground: adjacent to RiverPlex (#16) 21. Sommer Park: 6329 Koerner Rd., Edwards, 691-8423 22. Tawny Oaks: 715 W Singing Woods Rd., Edelstein, 418-7051 23. Trewyn Park: 2219 S. Idaho, 637-3211 Tri-Centennial Playground: in Glen Oak Park (#9) 24. Wokanda, Camp: 620 Boy Scout Rd., Chillicothe, 579-2157 GOLF COURSES 25. Detweiller Golf Course: 8412 N. Galena Rd, 692-7518 26. Golf Learning Center: 7815 N. Radnor Rd, 690-7162 27. Kellogg Golf Course: 7716 Radnor Rd., 691-0293 28. Madison Golf Course: 2735 W. Dr. ML. King Jr. Dr., 673-7161 29. Newman Golf Course: 2021 W. Nebraska, 674-1663 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS 30. Becker Park: 3400 W. Woodhill Lane 31. Bielfeldt Park: 5906 N. Galena Rd. 32. Charter Oak Park: 5802 Orange Prairie Rd. 33. Chartwell Park: 2828 Willow Lake Rd. 34. Columbia Park: 300 McClure 35. Creighton Woods Park: off of Creighton Ter. 36. Donovan Park: 5805 N. Knoxville, 691-8361 37. Endres Park: 5100 Willard Rd. 38. Giant Oak Park: 426 W. High St. 39. Iris Park: Intersection of Allen & Northmoor 40. Logan Park: 1414 S. Livingston, 676-8179 41. Manning Park: off of Queen Court Rd. 42. Markwoodland Park: 6001 N. Frostwood Pkwy 43. Martin Luther King Jr. Park: 825 W. McBean 44. Morton Square Park: 901 N.E. Monroe 45. Schmoeger Park: 3400 N. Western 46. Woodruff Park: foot of Grant St.
27 41
33 32 21
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45 34 9 29 3
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5 17 20
40 23
LINEAR PARKS / TRAILS 47. Constitution Garden: located along RiverFront 48. Grandview Drive 49. North End – PPD Rock Island Greenway 50. Festival Park at the RiverFront 51. RiverFront Trail / Bike Path
2016 Fall Playbook • Facility Map
Great Spaces For Your Next Event! Camp Wokanda: 579-2157
Camp Wokanda offers rentals for family or group camping, weddings, day camps, and social gatherings. The camp, complete with dining hall, cabins, program buildings and tent camping sites, offers rental options seven days a week. See page 28 for more options.
Dining Hall (capacity: 250)
Over 4,000 sq. ft. facility for large groups. Tables, chairs, benches, restrooms, kitchen and Iroquois cabin are included in rental. Available: Spring, Summer & Fall $700/day (8 am-midnight), $1200/weekend (Friday 8 amSunday 12 pm)
O.A. Lodge (capacity: 75)
A quaint older building with high wood walls and ceilings and two wood stoves. Kitchen use, restrooms, tables and chairs are included in the basic rental. Sleeps 18 in upper room. Availabl year-round; call for pricing.
Forest Park Nature Center: 686-3360
Our beautiful “A” frame building adds rustic charm to events at an affordable price. With seating for up to 80 people, plus audio-visual equipment, rentals start at $90. The adjoining grounds make this a special setting, ideal for outdoor weddings and other gatherings.
Franciscan Recreation Complex: 677-6705
Clubs, groups and families can rent out any part or all of FRC for meetings, showers, weddings or other special events. Fees will vary depending on attendance and the length of the event. Our large carpeted room features an attached kitchen and 8-foot tables with chairs.
Logan Center: 676-8179
Logan Center features lighted basketball courts, a soccer field, two picnic pavilions, playground equipment, indoor lounge with cable TV, VCR and DVD, computer availability and a multi-purpose indoor recreation area. Rental Fee: $35/hour to rent the entire facility.
Gateway Building: 494-6713
The Gateway Building has become Peoria’s premiere facility, located directly on the RiverFront. It houses two rooms specifically designed for a variety of uses. The Grand Ballroom holds a maximum of 260 guests with dance floor, or 440 guests theater style. The full-length walkout balcony offers an array of views along the beautiful Illinois River. The second floor seats up to 90 guests banquet style, or 140 guests theater style. Call 494-6713 or email gateway@peoriaparks. org to set up an appointment!
Lakeview Recreation Center: 681-2867 or 681-2866
Lakeview Recreation Center features several opportunities for your group’s next event including a gymnasium with two basketball courts (wood floor) and three carpeted multipurpose rooms varying in size. Fees will vary depending on space, event type and length.
Luthy Botanical Garden: 681-3507
Luthy Botanical Garden has pricing packages to meet various needs. Our gardens are able to accommodate from 10 to 300 people. You can select one of six areas for your event: Woodland Garden, Crab Apple Cove, Wildlife Garden, The Learning Circle or The Rose Garden (all located outside). The Conservatory is an indoor venue available for small evening events. We also have our newly renovated “Orangery Greenhouse” available for small events and as a rain back-up for weddings up to 170 people. • t •
Noble Center: 681-2862
The Noble Center Auditorium is available for wedding receptions, anniversary parties, showers, conferences and more! The facility can seat 300 theater style or 250 banquet style. Contact Alex Larson at 681-2862 or alarson@
Proctor Center: 673-9183
Proctor Center has an auditorium, two gyms, a full kitchen and a stage with plenty of tables and chairs. Prices range from $20-$50 an hour with half hour free set up time. Deposit must be made 1 week in advance.
NEW! Bridal Paint Parties at the Noble Center - see page 65.
Glen Oak Amphitheatre: 681-2854 With a full sound system, two-tier stage, park bench seating for over 500 and lawn seating for many more, we can help make your event stand out. We even have a concession stand to help feed all those hungry visitors! Call for additional details!
Peoria Zoo: 681-3519
At the Zambezi River Lodge you see a panoramic scene of Africa!. The Lodge is surrounded by a smaller, open-air pavilion and courtyard. The Lodge provides a complementary reception site for many outdoor weddings held at Luthy Botanical Garden next door. This space is ideal for weddings, receptions, corporate outings, class reunions and fundraisers. One of the most unique locations for a wedding and reception in Central Illinois. The Lodge can accommodate up to 200 guests. By combining the areas available, we have hosted events for up to 1200 guests. Call (309) 681-3519 or email to arrange your tour today. Now also booking for wedding showers!
RiverPlex: 282-1700
Book your next event at the RiverPlex! We have several different areas to choose from: CLASSROOMS: The RiverPlex offers three expandable classrooms with seating for up to 120 people, providing a nice escape from the office for off-site meetings or programs. Tables, chairs and kitchen access are available. Rates range from $25-$75/ hour. THE ARENA: With 18,000 square feet, the arena includes three basketball courts with partitions, bleachers with seating for up to 300, accessible restrooms and locker rooms, as well as two separate entrances. Hourly rates depend on group size and range from $60/hour per court to $165/hour for the full Arena.
Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum: 323-6895
Rent the Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum! A full museum rental is for a minimum of 3 hours, including set up and clean up. $300/hour with a 25% deposit due at time of booking.
Sommer Park: 691-8423
Sommer Park is the ideal setting for your group’s outing, whether it’s a wedding, company picnic or family reunion. Enjoy a rural, peaceful atmosphere within the city with open space to have a fire to cook your own hotdogs and s’mores. Groups may obtain permission to supply their own beer and wine. Hourly rates from $25-$50. Call to learn about our Prairie Shelter, Woodland Shelter, Porch or Fire Circle.
We also offer reasonable room rental rates for baby showers, office meetings, and more! Call Tiffani McNeese at 3236895 for more information. Please note, room rentals do not include admission to the museum’s exhibits.
Bicycle Safety Town: 682-6684
Rent the Bicyle Safety Town shelter for $25 per hour. See what’s available at Bicycle Safety Town on page 31. Reservations can be made by calling Carrie Bottrell at 682-6684.
2016 Fall Playbook • Rentals
Park Shelter Rentals Call 682-1200 for reservations.
Unless otherwise noted, rental fees are as follows: Mon-Fri - $50 • Sat, Sun & Holidays - $75 Please note that ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are NOT ALLOWED in our parks. 1. Detweiller Park Moose Shelter
Non-ADA accessible shelter: seats 150, has 5 grills, electricity and water. Located at south end of park. Non-ADA accessible restrooms located approximately 168 feet across grass from shelter. Two designated parking spaces in front of shelter. Access to the shelter is across approximately 85 feet of grass. Playground close by.
2., 3.
2. Detweiller Park Pine Shelter and 3. Dogwood Shelter
ADA accessible, identical shelters that are adjacent to each other: each seat 50, have 2 grills, electricity and water. Located in middle of park. ADA accessible restrooms located approximately 375 feet across asphalt parking lot. Two designated parking spaces in front. Playground close by.
4. Glen Oak Park Shelter
ADA accessible shelter; seats 96: has 6 grills, electricity (lights up in evening) and water. Located across from Glen Oak Pavilion. ADA accessible restrooms located by using accessible sidewalk. Parking available on street/no designated parking spaces by shelter. Access provided by asphalt walkway. Playground and ball diamond close by. Extra tables can be moved for $5/table ($25 minimum). Guests may move tables as long as they are returned to original positions.
5. Bradley Park Shelter
ADA accessible shelter: seats 150, has 3 grills, electricity and water. ADA accessible restrooms located 100 feet across asphalt parking lot. Two designated parking spaces in front of asphalt walk that leads to shelter. Playground, tennis courts and sand volleyball courts are close by and may be reserved for a fee by calling 688-3667.
6. Robinson Park Shelter
ADA accessible shelter: seats 75, has 3 grills, electricity (lights up in evening) and water. Located in rear of park. ADA accessible restrooms. One handicapped parking space by the shelter. Gate may be opened to allow for closer access to the shelter. Swing set and large grassy area in front. Robinson Park is located on Mossville Road in a secluded wooded area complete with hiking trail.
7. Grand View Drive Shelter
Non-ADA accessible shelter: seats 150, has 2 grills, electricity (lights up in evening) and water. Gate may be opened for closer access. Non-ADA accessible restrooms located across parking lot. There are two handicapped parking spaces in front of the shelter. Swing set and slide next door.
8. Trewyn Pavilion • • • •
Under 50 people: $40/hour 50 people or more: $75/hour (includes security) $150 deposit Trewyn Pavilion is not available to rent on holidays.
This is an indoor rental: ADA accessible hall on second floor, holds 100; includes air conditioning, kitchen, long tables and folding chairs. Handicapped spaces in parking lot. Doors leading into hall from ramped access are 28 inches wide. Restrooms are ADA accessible. No alcoholic beverages permitted. Arrival/departure time must be preset.
OTHER PARKS have shelters available on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis:
Becker Park, Bielfeldt Park, Endres Park, Charter Oak Park, Franciscan Park, John Gwynn Jr. Park, Markwoodlands Park, MLK Jr. Park, Northtrail Park, Schmoeger Park, Sommer Park North, and Stadium Park.
90 • t •
Our Birthdays Are a Blast! Almost every Peoria Park District facility offers birthday party packages. Children (and adults!) can swim, canoe, play, paint, roller skate, encounter animals, dance, and more! Check out the specific packages on pages 91-93 and call a facility for more information.
AT PEORIA PLAYHOUSE CHILDREN’S MUSEUM: 323-6895 • The PlayHouse Party Member price $125 • Non-member price: $150 Our basic party includes everything you need for a great party! The PlayHouse Party includes admission for 20 people, a decorated, reserved classroom for 90 minutes, a Party Pal to help coordinate, paper products, digital PlayHouse-themed invitations, AND you and your guests can play all day! • The Deluxe Party Member price $200 • Non-member price: $225 Our Deluxe Party includes admission for 25 people, a decorated, reserved classroom for 90 minutes, a Party Pal to help coordinate, paper products, digital PlayHouse-themed invitations, a t-shirt and gift for the birthday child, “Rhyme-Time PlayHouse hunt” activity, AND you and your guests can still play all day! • The After-Hours Party Member price $325 • Non-member price: $350 For a really special experience, have your party after regular hours, and give your guests special access to our exhibits! After-Hours PlayHouse Parties last two hours and start after we close to the public. After-Hours Parties include two hours of playtime for up to 35 people, a decorated classroom space for your celebration, paper products, a Party Pal to help set up your room and greet guests, a t-shirt and gift for the birthday child, “Rhyme-Time PlayHouse Hunt” activity, and digital PlayHouse-themed invitations! * Please note, while the museum closes to the public at 4 pm the PlayHouse does not promise exclusive use of the museum. There may be concurrent programs or events with After-Hours Birthday Parties.
Nature Center Birthday parties are 1½ hours in length, including a 45 minute hike/program with a naturalist and 45 minutes indoors or at the picnic area (depending on weather). Parents must provide their own refreshments. The birthday child receives a $2 gift certificate from the Trailhead Nature Store and each child receives a small prize. The Nature Center provides invitations. Fee: $60 for up to 20 people. A $30 non-refundable deposit is required to book a date.
Canoe with your friends at Camp Wokanda for your birthday! Cost is $10 per canoe. Life jackets and paddles are provided.
For all PlayHouse Birthday Party Packages: • A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your date and time. • Groups must have a 5:1 child to adult ratio. • Parties must be booked at least 10 days in advance. • Space permitting, additional guests are welcome at a discounted rate of $6 per person for ages 1+, 0-1 year olds free. Maximum number of guests for the PlayHouse Party and the Deluxe Party cannot exceed 30. Maximum number of guests for the After-Hours Party cannot exceed 40. Additional space may be rented based on availability • PlayHouse Party and Deluxe Party packages are available Mondays-Saturdays at 9:30 am, 12 pm, and 2 pm; Sundays at 12:30 pm and 3 pm; and Thursdays at 4:30 pm. The After-Hours party is available Fridays at 5:00 pm and Saturdays at 4:30-6:30 pm. Add to any PlayHouse Birthday Party package: • Let Them Eat Cake: 20 cupcakes and lemonade to make your party extra sweet! Price: $35 • Workshop: Your choice of a 30 minute hands-on workshop for 15 guests to add to your experience. Price: $40 Fees and options subject to change in 2017. Want to invite more than 40 people? Rent the full museum! See page 89 for details.
AT SOMMER PARK: 691-8423
Throw a two-hour party in the great outdoors for your child or yourself! Our Country Birthday Parties include a half-hour hayrack ride (accommodates 20-25 people), use of picnic area and a campfire with roasting sticks. Our Ga Ga Ball Party includes use of the Ga Ga Ball pit, picnic area and a campfire with roasting sticks. Fee: $85
See more party packages on the next page!
2016 Fall Playbook • Birthdays
Have Your Birthday Party With Us! AT THE AQUAPLEX AT THE RIVERPLEX: 691-1550
These parties are available on Fridays from 5-7:30 pm and 6-8:30 pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from 12-2:30 pm, 1-3:30 pm, 2-4:30 pm, 3-5:30 pm, and 4-6:30 pm.
The Basic Party includes:
• 75 minutes in the pool • 1 hour in the party room • Cake, ice cream and punch • White table coverings • Plates, napkins, cups and utensils for up to 18 or 30 guests, depending on the number of guests in attendance. Basic Party for 18 Guests RiverPlex Member Price: $155 Non-Member Price: $175 Basic Party for 30 Guests RiverPlex Member Price: $175 Non-Member Price: $195
The Deluxe Party includes: Everything in the Basic Party PLUS: • 1 cluster of balloons • Birthday wall hangings • Colored table coverings Deluxe Party for 18 Guests RiverPlex Member Price: $190 Non-Member Price: $210 Deluxe Party for 30 Guests RiverPlex Member Price: $210 Non-Member Price: $230
No party bookings will be made less than 10 days before the date of the party. Deposit is due at the time of booking. All children, adults and chaperones are included in the guest total.
The Ultimate Party includes:
Everything in the Basic Party PLUS: • 3 clusters of balloons, including one themed mylar balloon • Themed birthday wall hangings • Themed plates, cups, napkins and utensils • Colored table coverings Over 50 Themes to choose from! Ultimate Party for 18 Guests RiverPlex Member Price: $230 Non-Member Price: $250 Ultimate Party for 30 Guests RiverPlex Member Price: $250 Non-Member Price: $270
Enjoy both the Climbing Wall and Exergame Studio on your birthday! This three-hour party package includes two hours to use the climbing wall and exergaming studio, with the last hour in the party room. These parties are only available on Saturdays and Sundays from 3:30-6:30 pm. Please note, the party room has a capacity of 30 people. Price: $300 • Cake, ice cream and punch • Plates, cups, napkins and utensils • White table coverings • PRINCESS JASMINE/MIDDLE EASTERN THEMED PARTY! Your child will be crowned Princess • OPEN GYM PARTY: This private two-hour Jasmine for the day as our dance studio is party includes 1½ hours of open gym time transformed into her Palace room for your for basketball, soccer, scooters, hula hoops, special party! Package includes: 40 minutes tumbling and more! During the last ½ hour, of dance instruction by Thais Banu for up to you’ll have a private room for cake and ice 12 guests, instruction in the Dance of the Veil cream. FRC provides a ¼ sheet cake with and Ribbon Wand Dance and 1 hour’s use your choice of decoration and ½ gallon of ice of party room at the Franciscan Recreation cream. The party includes cake, ice cream, Complex. Party renter is responsible for plates, napkins, candles, drinks and forks. supervision of the children in the party room. Fee: $120 for up to 20 children; add $1 for Packages start at $125. Cake, ice cream each additional child. Add an extra ½ hour of and accessories can be provided for an playtime or cake time for $25. Or, just rent the additional charge. space for $95 and provide your own cake and accessories.
• DANCE PARTY: Treat your guests to “Swan Lake” or “All That Jazz” by having them participate with you in a ballet and jazz class as part of your party. Package includes 40 minutes of dance instruction for up to 12 guests and one hour’s use of a party room at Franciscan Recreation Complex. Party renter is responsible for supervision of the children in the party room. Packages start at $125. Cake, ice cream and accessories can be provided for an additional charge.
AT LAKEVIEW REC CENTER: 681-2867 or 681-2866
Open Gym Party: Come have your party at Lakeview Recreation Center, located at 1013 W. Lake Avenue in Lakeview Park! Package includes 1.5 hours of free time in the gymnasium where kids can play basketball, soccer, football, floor hockey and volleyball. The last ½ hour you will celebrate in a private room with cake and ice cream. Package includes ¼ sheet personalized cake, ice cream, plates, napkins, forks, drinks and table covering. Fee: $120 for up to 20 guests ($2 for each additional guest). Or, just rent the space for $95 and provide your own cake and accessories.
Add a Fun on the Run bouncer to any Franciscan Recreation Complex or Lakeview Recreation Center birthday package for an additional $125! Please specify this option when making your reservation. • t •
AT PEORIA ZOO: 681-3513
• Deluxe Package Cost: $225* Includes either our Treetop Classroom or Tropics Classroom. Each deluxe party includes your room choice for 2 hours, invitations, 1/2 sheet cake, punch, plates, cups, napkins, a visit from our animal ambassadors, a tour of the Zoo, a t-shirt for the birthday child, and a party coordinator to facilitate the party. *Price includes admission for up to 15 people. Everyone in attendance over the age of 2 is included in your final count. Additional adults are admitted at $9 per adult. Additional children are welcome at $10 per child. Treetop room holds 20-25 people; Tropics holds 25-30. $50 deposit is required at time of booking party; the remainder of the balance must be paid 1 week before that party.
• ROCK & ROLL: Invite up to 50 of your best friends and celebrate on roller skates to the latest music. Parents must provide refreshments. Rental is $30/hour for parties of up to 25 people and $50/hour for parties of 26 or more (skate rental is included).
• Peoria Zoo Party Pack Cost: $50 (Add t-shirt $8) Make a birthday even more special by spending it at Peoria Zoo. Peoria Zoo Party Pack includes admission for the birthday person, birthday button, unique animal art bag, stuffed animal, a coupon for a soda at our Zambezi River Lodge, and an animal encounter during your Peoria Zoo visit! Must be booked and a non-refundable deposit made at least one week in advance.
• Zooper Package Cost: $200* Each zooper party includes our Tropics Classroom for 1.5 hours, invitations, 1/2 sheet cake, punch, plates, cups, napkins, a visit from our animal ambassadors, a t-shirt for the birthday child, and a party coordinator to facilitate the party. DOES NOT INCLUDE ZOO ADMISSION. *Price is for up to 25 guests, any additional guests will be $2/person. Tropics room holds 25-30 comfortably. $50 deposit is required at time of booking party, the remainder of the balance must be paid 1 week before that party. Zoo Birthday Add-ons available: • Gift bags - $3.95/person. Ideal for ages 4-9. • Food available at lodge April-September (call for details).
Kids Birthday Paint Party: Ages 6-13 can paint a masterpiece at their next birthday party! Each participant will be led through the process by instructor Kristin Gentry of painting a work of art to be adored for years to come. By reservation only on Saturdays and Sundays. Fee: $15/person (4 minimum, 15 maximum)
• OPEN GYM PARTY: Let kids be kids! Use our facility to run, jump, shoot hoops, tumble on mats, use tricycles and scooters, and much more. After the fun, gather in our party room for refreshments provided by you. Free half hour time before the event to decorate the party room. Rental is $30/hour for parties of up to 25 people and $50/hour for parties of 26 or more.
• ZUMBA BIRTHDAY: If you’re looking for a fun, entertaining, and energizing way to celebrate your special day, then a ZUMBA birthday party is just what you need! Zumbatomic parties are perfect for kids ages 5-15. Kids will have a blast celebrating by playing interactive dance games and learning different international dances, including: Cumbia, Salsa, Merengue, Reggaeton, Belly Dance and Soca. Children’s birthday package includes: 45 minutes of Zumbatomic, birthday certificate, personalized routines to popular songs, and Zumba rubber bracelets.
This air-conditioned space is perfect for baby showers, birthday parties and family reunions! Rental Fee: $35/hour to rent the entire facility.
Treat your friends and family to a round of FootGolf at Detweiller Golf Course! FootGolf is played with a soccer ball on the golf course. Bring your own soccer ball or rent one at Detweiller Golf Course. Green fees are $5 for children and $9 for adults (9-holes).
Planning ahead? Don’t forget these fun locations! AT LAKEVIEW FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER: 686-3377 • AT GWYNN FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER: 676-2891
Lakeview and Gwynn are open early June through mid-August. Basic Package - $125: During public swim, includes cake, ice cream, soda, table service, ½ hour table time, and swim admission for up to 15 children. $3.50 for each additional swimmer. Deluxe Package - $145: During public swim, includes cake, ice cream, soda, table service, ½ hour table time, appearance by Gus and Goldie and swim admission for up to 15 children. $3.50 for each additional swimmer.
2016 Fall Playbook • Birthdays
Registration Policies and Information
Peoria Park District • Registration Questions? Call (309) 688-3667
Registrations are processed in the order they are received starting AUGUST 29, 2016.
Set up an online household account and password (see page 95), then register online starting AUGUST 29 at midnight.
2. MAIL IN: AUGUST 29-Season
Complete the registration form on page 96 and return it starting AUGUST 29. Confirmation of class registration will NOT be sent unless a self-addressed STAMPED envelope is enclosed. You can also review course information and print out additional registration forms online:
3. FAX: (309) 686-3384
Register beginning AUGUST 29 when using a credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express) payment only. When registering by fax, it is understood that the faxed document received (including the waiver and release of claims) shall have the same legal effect as the original form.
4. IN PERSON at the Noble Center
Register in person at the Noble Center, located at 1125 W. Lake Ave. HOURS: M-F August 29-September 23, 2016 8:00 am-5:00 pm M-F September 26-January 6, 2016 8:00 am-4:30 pm Closed 9/5, 11/24, 11/25, 12/23, 12/26, 12/30, and 1/2/17.
5. DROP BOX at the Noble Center
There is an after-hours drop box located outside the front entrance of the Noble Center, located at 1125 W. Lake Ave.
SORRY, phone-in registration is not available.
GENERAL REFUND POLICY The Park District must receive a written request to drop or transfer at least two business days in advance of the first program meeting. No refunds will be issued after that time. A $5 service charge is made for each session dropped or transferred. DAY CAMP POLICIES PLEASE NOTE: Peoria Park District Day Camp policies are different from those stated on this page. Please call (309) 688-3667 for camp registration and refund details. Registration Regulations • Programs have minimums and maximums, and are filled on a first come, first served basis. The Peoria Park District (PPD) reserves the right to add, omit or change any or all of the program provisions (including advertised fees and charges) outlined in this brochure when deemed in the best interest of participants. Changes may also be made due to circumstances that are beyond our control. • The PPD reserves the right to modify, postpone, or combine programs, or change instructors. If the PPD cancels a program, you will receive a full refund. • Before buying supplies, check before the start date to make sure class will run. Registration Exceptions For programs at Peoria PlayHouse, Owens Center, Peoria Zoo, Proctor Center, Luthy Botanical Garden, Logan Center and Day Camps, refer to registration information on that facility’s page. Scholarships The PPD realizes that there are people in the community who may suffer from economic setbacks which could prevent their participation in programs. The PPD has a limited amount of scholarship funds available. Applications are available at the Noble Center. They are awarded only to PPD residents and on the basis of financial need. Scholarship applications must be brought in person to the Noble Center (1125 W. Lake Ave). Call 688-3667 with questions. Fees R = Resident fee paid by those who live within PPD boundaries NR = Non-resident fee M = Member fee paid by those who are members of a facility Americans With Disabilities In keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act, recreation programs offered by the PPD are available in the most integrated setting possible to facilitate participation. We will make reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities who meet essential eligibility requirements for the desired program.
Other Fee/Payment Information • Residents 65 and over receive 10% off regular fees. Senior/50 Rock programs and golf lessons are excluded from this discount. • No pro-rated class fees. • In the event that a check is not honored due to insufficient funds or an account closure, the drawer shall be liable for the amount of the check plus $30 (per check) for costs incurred by the PPD. If PPD commences a collection action in the court, the drawer shall be liable for all costs and expenses incurred by the PPD in connection with the collection and any other damages permitted under Illinois law. • When you provide a check as payment, you authorize the PPD to use information from the check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. If you register in person, you will receive your check back. Equal Opportunity The PPD will not exclude anyone from or deny anyone the benefits of participation, or subject anyone to discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship status, age, marital status, disability, military status or unfavorable discharge from the military, protected veteran status, ancestry or on the basis of any characteristic protected by law. Customers With Hearing Impairments The Peoria Park District recommends the use of 711 Illinois Relay for our customers with hearing impairments. To complete a TTY call using 711 Illinois Relay, dial 7-1-1 or 800-526-0844. When the Communications Assistant answers, type the telephone number you wish to call. When the person answers, proceed as you would with a regular TTY call. For more details on 711 Illinois Relay, please visit, and follow the link which reads “How 711 Illinois Relay Works.” • t •
Online Registration
Peoria Park District • Registration Questions? Call (309) 688-3667
An online account IS NOT NECESSARY to register for classes. See page 94 for multiple other ways (fax, mail in, walk in and drop box) to register. However, the Peoria Park District does offer online registration to those who have previously set up online accounts and obtained PIN numbers.
Set up your account NOW in order to register online beginning Monday, August 29! BEFORE you may register online for the first time, the Park District will need to MAIL YOU AN ONLINE HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNT NUMBER AND PIN after you provide some information. Here’s how it works: STEP 1 - EMAIL US: Send an email to with the following information: • • • • • •
Full names, birth dates, and genders of ALL household members Home Address (not a PO Box) City, State, Zip Email address you check regularly Home Phone Cell Phone
STEP 2 - WE’LL RESPOND: Because residents receive discounted rates, you may need to provide proof of residency. NOTE: If you’ve never participated in a Park District program, you will NEED to come in with a current utility OR tax bill to establish residency. STEP 3 - WE’LL MAIL YOU YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER AND PIN within 5 business days and you’ll be ready to register online, 24/7!
Browser Security Information Do you use the Peoria Park District website? Please Take Note of Our Updated Internet Browser Requirements One of the essential ways to stay safe online is to make sure your web browser is up-to-date. Up-to-date web browsers help combat identity theft, viruses, spyware, adware, and other possible security problems while you surf the web. In the coming months, the Peoria Park District will enhance the security of web services we provide. In order to continue using our web services after the upgrade, it will be important that you are running a modern web browser that supports the secure technology. Many browsers update automatically, but if you’re using an older browser, would you please take a moment to update it? Not sure how to update? A free service, provided by Qualys, can evaluate your web browser and help you update it. Go to to check your browser today. Please note, Qualys is not affiliated with the Peoria Park District.
2016 Fall Playbook • Registration
Registration Form
Peoria Park District • Registration Questions? Call (309) 688-3667 Registering for Owens Center, Peoria Zoo, Peoria PlayHouse, Proctor Center, Logan Center, or Luthy Botanical Garden programs? Please see their individual pages for how to register.
1. Registration Information. Please fill out completely and attach an additional sheet if necessary. Class Code Program Name
Participant’s First & Last Name
Grade & School
I would like to donate $______ to the Scholarship Program to enable disadvantaged youth to participate in programming.
*NOTE: R = Resident (of Park District) Fee • NR = Nonresident Fee • M = Member Fee (where applicable)
2. Parent/Guardian Information OR Participant Information for ages 18+ First and Last Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Birthdate: _______________ Street Address, City, ZIP:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Work Phone: ________________________
Cell Phone: ________________
3. Let us know of any special needs.
4. Coaching Information
We welcome individuals with disabilities. Please describe any accommodations needed for successful inclusion in the program(s).
PARENTS: Can you serve as a volunteer coach? YES / NO If YES, which sport? (circle) Soccer • Basketball
Head or assistant coach? (Circle one)
Your name and phone #: __________________________________________________ We will consider team requests for carpooling purposes. Detail your request on a separate sheet of paper.
5. Please read and sign the waiver.
Please read this form carefully and be aware in registering yourself, your child or ward for participation in this program you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries you or your minor child/ward might sustain arising out of this program. As a participant in the program or the parent/guardian of a participant in the program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, including death, damages or loss which I or my minor child/ward may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with such program. I agree to waive and relinquish all claims I or my minor child/ward may have as a result of participating in the program against the Park District and its officers, agents, servants and employees. I do hereby fully release and discharge the Park District and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damage or loss which I or my minor child/ward may have or which may accrue to me or my minor child/ward on account of my participation in the program. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the Park District and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages and losses sustained by me or my minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of the program. In case of accident or sickness, I consent to emergency medical care provided by ambulance or hospital personnel. I hereby consent to the use of my photograph, or that of my minor/child, in Park District brochures, social media, advertisements, etc. I have read and fully understand the above Program Details and Waiver and Release of All Claims as well as the “Registration Regulations” as listed on the opposing page.
____________________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________ Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian Printed Name Date
Check* Cash
Credit Card Number:
3 or 4 Digit Code on Back of Card: ________________
7. RETURN By Mail: Peoria Park District Registration 1125 W. Lake Avenue Peoria, IL 61614 By Fax:
686-3384 (Credit cards only)
Expiration Date:
Authorized Signature: ________________________________________ Printed Name on Card: ________________________________________ •PLEASE NOTE: When you provide a check as payment, you authorize the PPD to use information from the check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. • t •
Saturday, September 10 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. in Glen Oak Park • Free entertainment
• Free family friendly activities • Touch a Truck • Children’s Resource Fair • Photo Booth and Bounce Houses • Discounted admission to Peoria Zoo
Free admis sion to the Peoria PlayHouse!
Thank you to our partners!
Peoria Park District 1125 W. Lake Avenue Peoria, IL 61614
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