PACTO EDUCATIVO GLOBAL. Una educación de, con y para todos.

Page 102

Escuchando a Niños y jóvenes ENVIRONMENTAL CARE

We should try and produce as little garbage as possible. And the garbage we still make, should be strictly sorted. We should try, to not waste water and electricity. And to not let warmth out of the classrooms, while they are being heated. But the most important thing is, that we should raise awareness about how big of an impact our «little» deeds can have on the environment. Because I see this as a big problem. People think it is not worth doing the little things to save the environment, because they supposedly don' t have an impact. A great thing we should do as well is, that we should teach each other about all the different ways we can help the environment, like supporting organizations, that have good means, buying local food, or being mindful about all the things we buy, etcetera. Schools shouldn’t' t be scared to show films, studies, videos and other materials that show what is happening to nature, during class. And it could greatly help if we would make «being green» easy and accessible on school territories.

Uno de los equipos participantes españoles en la «I Can Children's Global Summit»


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