PRC Annual Report 2012

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Annual Report The Poultry Research Centre 2011-2012 April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012

The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

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Vision Excellence in research and learning through partnerships with the entire value chain to advance the development of value-added poultry products and production practices

Goals To conduct excellent research that leads to the development of innovative and sustainable production systems To serve as a leading source of scientific knowledge that supports the production of safe, high quality poultry products that meet changing consumer needs To foster an environment of learning that incorporates input from industry, as well as teaching, technology transfer and knowledge transfer activities To connect with industry in a continuous manner, both in the receiving of input and the transferring of knowledge

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The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Table of Contents Chair’s Report ............................................................................................................................................... 5 This Year’s Highlights .................................................................................................................................... 6 Technology Transfer Highlights .................................................................................................................... 8 Highlights: Education, Training & Retention of Highly Qualified People ...................................................... 9 Awards ................................................................................................................................................ 10 Graduations......................................................................................................................................... 11 Research Impact.......................................................................................................................................... 12 Organizational Structure ............................................................................................................................. 16 Board ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Operations .............................................................................................................................................. 17 Researchers ............................................................................................................................................. 18 Technical ................................................................................................................................................. 19 Research Associates ................................................................................................................................ 19 Post-Doctoral Fellows ............................................................................................................................. 20 Graduate Students .................................................................................................................................. 20 Visiting Scholars ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Research Projects ($2,865,121) .................................................................................................................. 23 PRC Financials 2011-2012 ........................................................................................................................... 30 Income 2011-2012 .................................................................................................................................. 30 Expenses 2011-2012 ............................................................................................................................... 32 Revenue/Expense Summary 2011-2012 ................................................................................................. 32 Revenue Budget 2012-2013.................................................................................................................... 33 Expense Budget 2012-2013 .................................................................................................................... 34 Revenue/Expense Summary 2012-13 ..................................................................................................... 34 Poultry Unit Financial Report 2011-2012................................................................................................ 35 Poultry Unit Budget 2012-2013 .............................................................................................................. 36 Facility Usage .............................................................................................................................................. 37 Research Facilities ................................................................................................................................... 37 Non-Research Facilities ........................................................................................................................... 37 Evidence of Productivity ............................................................................................................................. 38 The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

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Refereed Papers in Scholarly Journals (N=26) ........................................................................................ 38 Conference Presentations (Abstracts) (N=51) ........................................................................................ 40 Scientific and Industry Presentations (N=66) ......................................................................................... 44 Technical Reports (N=4) .......................................................................................................................... 49 Industry Publications (N=2)..................................................................................................................... 49 Patents (N=2) .......................................................................................................................................... 49 Research into Practice ............................................................................................................................ 49 Books and Book Chapters (N=1) ............................................................................................................. 49 Acronyms Used ........................................................................................................................................... 50

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The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Chair’s Report The 2011/12 annual report is filled with changes that have occurred at the Poultry Research Centre. I will start with the departure of Don Copeland, Chair of the Advisory Board. I would like to thank Don for all his work for the Poultry Research Centre. His wealth of knowledge and insight into the poultry industry were greatly appreciated by the Board and will be missed. The Centre was also most unfortunate to lose Iwona Pawlina, Executive Director of the Centre. I would like to thank Iwona on behalf of the Board for her hard work and dedication to the Centre over the past 7 years. She will be greatly missed. Our board will be realizing changes this year which are yet to be determined. However, the commitment to the Centre of the advisory board members is always evident. The Centre has a uniquely close relationship with the poultry industry and government. Research and education is central to the advancement of our industry. The Poultry Research Centre has realized losses in administration, staff, research capacity and major programs due to reduced funding. Through all of this, the Centre will remain a highly motivated, productive and collaborative organization. The focus on teaching and excellent research will not change but will be more challenging with no in house student assistantships. One of the greatest strengths of the Centre is its ability to attract new students into the department. We will need more highly qualified personnel (HQP) to work in the agricultural industry. Already, there are some reports of more job positions than HQP available to accept them. One of the strengths of the Centre is to train HQP to work in the industry and to do it in an award winning fashion. Congratulations to the students and faculty who won many awards this year. With over 40 grad students in the department, the Centre has exceeded its suggested target. This speaks to the strengths and energy of the researchers working at the Poultry Research Centre. Their enthusiasm exhibited in such productions as “Heifer in Your Tank” is a prime example. These types of initiatives not only attract and engage students to our industry but serve to educate students about our industry in general. On behalf of the Board, I would like to welcome the Poultry Health Services Group into our “Flock”. Their expertise will add great value to the Centre. Collaborations such as these create synergies and efficiencies in our industry. The Banff Egg Forum in 2012 was a great success this year. Congratulations to all who helped organize! The synergy there was in the air. I will be looking forward to hearing about the resulting collaborations! Helen Anne Hudson

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This Year’s Highlights

I would like to start by saying a huge thank you to the Poultry Research Centre funders. Without your partnership, the PRC would not be able to share the successes described in this report. The PRC is widely recognized as an effective collaboration between the University of Alberta, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, and the poultry industry. The PRC agreement supports the basic infrastructure needed to deliver solutions that contribute to sustainable production systems, practices, and value-added egg and meat products. In 2011, the Poultry Research Centre (PRC) celebrated 25 years of success as a model of collaboration and innovation. We grew tremendously over the past 7 years; I counted 94 PRC family members – people with significant contributions to the PRC’s success in this year’s annual report: 12 researchers, 6 farm staff, 2 administrators, 14 technical personnel, 7 research associates, 8 post docs, 42 graduate students, and 3 visiting scholars. This report is full of evidence of the amazing productivity of the PRC team! Some highlights include 8 faculty and 23 student awards, and 40 separate projects with over $2.865 million in project funding received in 2011/12. The end of the 2011/12 year, however, will mark the dawn of a quieter era, with substantially reduced operating funding. We look forward to ongoing success, but expectations must be adjusted accordingly. We are saddened that this funding contraction has affected our personnel. One of the most notable losses is the departure of Dr. Iwona Pawlina, our Executive Director for the last 7 years. We thank Iwona deeply for her commitment to the centre over this time. Key areas of focus for the next five years have not changed. The PRC will be focusing on opportunities in the areas of cost competitiveness, new value-added egg and poultry meat products, by-product utilization, animal health management and food safety, and environmental sustainability. These address key current and anticipated challenges faced by the poultry industry. Poultry Health Services will become a research provider with the PRC, expanding the scope of innovation to include fully integrated science based animal health solutions. Dr. Aman Ullah, a former post-doc with Jianping Wu, will be joining AFNS as an assistant professor, and will undoubtedly collaborate on poutlry by-product utilization work. The PRC is committed to strengthening ties with stakeholders. Interns will become engaged in delivery of science-based answers to difficult challenges in the focus areas identified above. Continued technology transfer efforts, and renewed emphasis on business development will ensure that economic, social and environmental benefits totaling millions of dollars annually will be realized. Through innovations in processing technology, bioactive peptide isolation, Page | 6

The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

poultry management, and by-product utilization, the PRC will improve animal welfare, reduce CO2 emissions equivalent to removing thousands of vehicles from Canadian roads, develop pharmaceuticals to treat heart disease that could generate millions of dollars annually, and other innovative products such as environmentally friendly adhesives and plastics. By working together, the PRC and its partners have a unique opportunity to realize great economic, social and environmental value from discoveries and technologies along the entire poultry supply chain. The PRC remains dedicated to providing value to our stakeholders, and we anticipate continued engagement from government and industry to remain strong and connected. Martin Zuidhof, Academic Leader

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Technology Transfer Highlights Celebrating a quarter century of Poultry Research in Alberta The Poultry Research Centre celebrated 25 years of excellence by inviting 200 school children, government, university, and industry leaders to a PRC Open House in June 2011. The Open House featured interactive displays explaining egg production, meat processing, and other poultry-related issues. Visitors heard about the history of the centre, current research and met graduate students working at the PRC. Many more visitors, alumni and friends attended the open house displays before heading to the Reunion BBQ in the evening where 120 participants enjoyed Dr. Frank Robinson’s PRC stories from the past. Cluck! Walk a Mile in Your Barns Members of the Poultry Research Centre and HIYT presented ‘Cluck: Walk a Mile in Your Barns’ at the Canadian Hatching Egg Producers Summer meeting held in Canmore, AB in July 2011. The program followed Farmer Wedderburn from his inheritance of a hatching egg farm through to sharing scientifically-based finer points of broiler breeder management through skits and songs. PECK! Producer Education Creates Knowledge Preparing the poultry industry for an emergency is a complex task but, who says you can’t have fun while doing it. Members of the Poultry Research Centre, the Heifer in Your Tank team and the Alberta Poultry Industry Emergency Management Team developed a program of interactive activities to engage producers in becoming familiar with their emergency procedures. The afternoon progressed through topics about everyday biosecurity to the first 24 hours of a potential emergency and what to do once an emergency is confirmed. Most participants indicated that it was a valuable day and they left feeling more prepared and aware of shortcomings in their own farm emergency plans. Innovations in Egg Utilization Research and Development Forum The Poultry Research Centre, Alberta Egg Producers and the University of Manitoba are hosted the Innovations in Egg Utilization Research and Development Forum March 28-30th 2012 in the beautiful Canadian Rockies of Banff, Alberta. The Forum explored R&D opportunities, trends, innovations and the future of egg-product development. The Banff Egg Forum 2012 brought together industry experts and scientists from around the world. This international community shared knowledge on markets trends and new advancements in egg utilization and new innovations in science. The discussion and networking at the event contributed to a future road map for scientists, managers, and entrepreneurs to ensure the progressive use of the egg’s value. Valerie Carney Page | 8

The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Highlights: Education, Training & Retention of Highly Qualified People Leadership in teaching The members of the PRC have established a history of excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching, as well as education of stakeholders (poultry producers, feed industry, etc.) and the public. A number of our faculty teach introductory courses, resulting in early and repeated exposure of undergraduate students to topics and issues in poultry science. This often leads to an increased interest in our upper-year poultry courses and independent study opportunities. Experiential learning will continue to be an essential component of the undergraduate poultry courses taught at the University of Alberta. In June 2011, Martin Zuidhof co-chaired the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Annual conference in Edmonton, which promotes excellence and innovation in agricultural teaching. Training of HQP Technical staff members are an essential part of the mission of the PRC, and we will strive to hire, provide ongoing opportunities to increase skills, and retain highly trained individuals in order to further our research, teaching and technology transfer goals. Continuity in technical and Research Associate staff will continue to be essential to maintain momentum in our research programs. Wherever possible, we will encourage our technical and scientific staff to keep current through training opportunities, workshops, and conferences. Recruitment In the previous PRC contract, expansion of the number of graduate students was a stated goal. In the current contract, our goal is to maintain approximately the same number of graduate students, but through the reputation of the PRC and its researchers, as well as the strategic availability of scholarships for excellent candidates, to increase the quality of the graduate students we accept from around the world. This will make our students more competitive for department and university scholarships as well. Our goal is for our graduates to become leaders in developing solutions for industry and society. Integration with industry Engagement of the poultry industry is essential to the success of the PRC. The PRC will continue to engage with stakeholders to provide students with opportunities to interact with industry in the context of industry meetings, seminars and workshops. Doug Korver The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

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Awards Congratulations to our hard working faculty and students who have earned recognition for excellence in teaching and research.

Faculty Awards (N=8) 1. Doug Korver: North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture 2011 NACTA Teacher Fellow Award 2. Doug Korver: Faculty of ALES Teaching Wall of Fame 3. Doug Korver: Department of AFNS Teacher of the Year Award 4. Lynn McMullen: Faculty of ALES Teaching Wall of Fame 5. Lynn McMullen: Department of AFNS Teacher of the Year Award 6. Frank Robinson, Martin Zuidhof, and Dana Penrice: Alberta Science and Technology (ASTech) Honouree (There’s a Heifer in Your Tank) 7. Martin Zuidhof: Faculty of ALES Teaching Wall of Fame 8. Martin Zuidhof: Department of AFNS Teacher of the Year Award Graduate Student Awards (N=23) 1. Nandika Bandara: Gordin Kaplan Graduate Student Travel Award of Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research for attending 102nd AOCS meeting, 2011 April. $1,100 2. Nandika Bandara: AFNS Graduate Research Assistantship Fund tuition award (GRAF) 2011 Fall term. $3,500 3. Airell DesLauriers: AFNS Graduate Student Teaching Award. $500 4. Paul Elaho: AFNS travel award. $500 5. Yusef Esparza: Becas Chile Scholarship for his PhD program 6. Yuchen Gu: AFNS International PhD Entrance Scholarship. $15,000 7. Yuliya Hrynets: FGSR travel grant. $1,100 8. Carlos Lozano: AFNS Graduate tuition scholarship. $3,500 9. Carlos Lozano: AFNS differential tuition award. $1,050 10. Thania Moraes: AFNS Graduate Student Assistantship Fund. $1,743 11. Thania Moraes: AFNS travel award. $500 12. Thania Moraes: FGSR travel award. $950 13. Thania Moraes: GSA travel award. $250 14. Thania Moraes: Student program (World’s Poultry Congress, 2012). $1,200 15. Jiandong Ren: FGSR travel grant. $1,100 16. Kim Ton: Poultry Service Industry Workshop Scholarship. $500 value 17. Kim Ton: AFNS travel award. $500 18. Kim Ton: Student program (World’s Poultry Congress, 2012). $1,200 19. Cibele Torres: Poultry Service Industry Workshop Scholarship. $500 value 20. He Nan Wang: FGSR travel grant. $1,100 21. Mojtaba Yegani: Graduate Student presentation award (top 10% of student presentations) at the Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, July 16-19, 2011, St. Louis, MO, USA 22. Wenlin Yu: Tuition differentiation award. $1,136 23. Justina Zhang: Queen Elizabeth II (MSc) $10,800

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The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Graduations Congratulations to the following 6 students who earned their degrees in the current year 2011-2012. Student Nandika Bandara Melissa Haveroen

Degree Year Thesis MSc 2011 Extraction of triticale distillers grain proteins for adhesive development PhD 2011 Quantitation and application of bacteriocins in food

Marina Offengenden


Mejo Kuzhitharaiel Remanan Marina Tolchinsky


Anna Ulmer Franco



2011 N-glycosylation and gelling properties of ovomucin from egg white 2011 Antioxidant activity in cooked and gastrointestinal enzyme digested eggs 2011 N-glycosylation and gelling properties of ovomucin from egg white 2011 Yolk sac infections in broiler chicks: studies on Escherichia coli, chick acquired immunity, and barn microbiology

Congratulations are also in order to Kathleen Vail and Huiting Huang, who successfully defended their theses and will receive their degrees in the next reporting period.

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Research Impact

Definition: Beneficial application of research to achieve social, economic, environmental and/or cultural outcomes

This year we asked the PRC scientists to summarize the impact of their research. This is what they said:

Valerie Carney Although our final Best Management Practice project recommendations have not yet been released to the industry we have had an impact through working directly with producers. In order to collect data in a standardized manner we provided producers with standardized data collection materials and protocols. For some producers this was a major change in practice that they have readily adopted. The benefit is that they can now analyze their own data to make decisions as well as have data in a form that will assist experts from breeding companies, the feed industry, hatcheries, and veterinarians to more effectively to identify issues and areas of improvement. Management of a hatching egg farm is a very complex operation that requires effective data management and communication between producers, hatcheries and service personnel to make well informed management decisions. This project has enabled this communication to happen in a more effective, efficient and cooperative manner.

Mirko Betti Can we reduce salt in meat products? Yes we can…with beta-glucans and High Pressure Process Technology. As consumers wish to engage in healthier eating without sacrificing the tastes and textures they are used to, food scientists like ourselves are looking for alternative ingredients and processing methods to create healthier familiar foods. Sodium has recently become subject to much negative attention due to its association with hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and thus reducing sodium content has become a goal Page | 12

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in several processed foods. Reducing sodium content in fast, frozen and snack foods is a relatively simple task. Reducing sodium in processed meats is not as simple. While salt contributes to flavour, it most importantly contributes to arguably the most important characteristic of processed meats: texture. Meat gelation involves the unwinding of salt-soluble meat proteins and their subsequent aggregation. Salt helps to increase protein solubility. When salt is reduced in processed meats, the elasticity of the meat also decreases. High pressure processing is a relatively new technique in the food industry. It is able to inactivate microorganisms and therefore increase shelf life of several different types of foods. In processed meats, it is able to increase water binding and protein-protein interactions, two characteristics important for creating a desirable protein gel. While high pressure processing can aid in gel formation, it does not suffice on its own. Our study looks at beta-glucan as a partial salt replacement in high-pressure processed chicken. Beta-glucan is a dietary fibre (polysaccharide) naturally derived from several foods; in this case, oats. Fibre has many pronounced health benefits and the FDA recommended daily intake is 3 g. Protein/polysaccharide complexes can increase protein solubility; a necessary step in the formation of a desirable meat gel. Our studies published in Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies and Food Chemistry showed that a chicken meat gel with 1% NaCl and 0.3% beta-glucan has comparable hardness to a gel with 2.5% NaCl when processed at 40 C and 400/600 MPa. This is promising evidence suggesting that beta-glucan can be used as a partial salt replacement in processed meats while maintaining the mouthfeel of full-salt products. The findings have been highlighted in several news magazines (see for a list).

Jianping Wu An integral part of the research program is the training of HQP. This year I welcome new PhD student, Yusef Esparza, with four years Becas Chile Scholarship to support his research on plastics/composites from poultry feather and other waste products. Dr. Aman Ullah was awarded $100,000 as the recipient of 2011 “Rising Star in Global Health� from the Grand Challenges Canada for his bold idea of removing toxic metal arsenic, using filters developing from poultry feather, from contaminated ground water in developing countries. I wish him the best as taking the new position of Assistant Professor at AFNS. Research on fining alternative

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uses of poultry waste and byproducts such as plastics/composites, adhesives, and other bioproducts will have a significant impact on the poultry industry by reducing the cost of disposal and its environmental footprint, and generating revenue return by developing value-added bioproducts.

Doug Korver The impact of my research program is because of the outstanding people that make up the team. Mojtaba Yegani is finishing up his PhD research, in which he developed an in vitro (lab bench) digestibility technique that allows us to predict, with 99% accuracy, the amount of metabolizable energy in a wheat sample. This is important because there is currently no reliable way to predict how much useful energy for birds there is in a sample of wheat until it is actually fed. This technique will allow the development of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy techniques that can be used in real time, to predict energy content of wheat before mixing a diet. In past studies we have shown that 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 (a natural vitamin D metabolite), or canthaxanthin, a carotenoid antioxidant pigment, when fed to broiler breeder hens, allows the broiler chicks to have a stronger innate immune system at hatch. Misaki Cho began her PhD studies in January of 2012, and will be following up on that research by investigation the mechanisms of these effects. Melissa Johnson’s PhD research focuses on how feeding antioxidant nutrients to broiler breeder hens affects the development of the immune system of broiler chicks early in life. Melissa has shown that certain antioxidants in the hen’s diet can increase the innate immune function during the first few days of the chick’s life. This may offer greater protection against infection when the chicks may be most vulnerable. In a related project, Cibele Torres is investigating the role of organic trace minerals in breeder hen diets on the development of chick embryo bones. By understanding the role of trace minerals on embryo bone development, we may be able to produce chicks with increased resistance to In each of these breeder studies, one of the most interesting effects we saw was that breeder hen age had a huge effect on many aspects of chick biology at hatch and in the following days. This led to a new collaboration with Jacob Hamidu, who recently completed a PhD program with Gaylene Fasenko. Jacob’s expertise in embryonic metabolism has been a natural fit in a project to start to understand why breeder hen age has such a dramatic effect on immune function, bone development and chick quality. Jacob’s research (in collaboration with Melissa Johnson and Cibele Torres) looks at how embryo temperature during incubation affects embryo metabolism, measures of chick quality, immune function and bone development. Jennifer Saunders-Blades has been a major force in my research into nutrition-immune function interactions and bone metabolism in poultry, and has played an important role in investigating the effects of 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 on turkey production, meat yield and bone strength. Page | 14

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Jennifer and her husband Charles recently had a son, Lukas. Jordana Williams is a laboratory research technician that provides important analytical support for all of my projects. Jordana and her husband Tom recently welcomed their second child, daughter Rosara. Both Jennifer and Jordana are taking well-deserved maternity leaves. Kerry Nadeau continues to provide outstanding support at the Poultry Unit, ensuring that all of the projects we have on the go are running smoothly. In addition to her tireless and excellent animal care work, Kerry is the expert in running my Quantitative Computed Tomography equipment, which allows us to measure changes in mineral density and distribution within bone tissues. This has led to collaborations with researchers across Canada, the United States, Brazil and recently, Thailand. Other projects I have been working on include a collaboration with the Egg Farmers of Alberta to reduce the levels of medium-sized eggs, studies with international feed companies investigating nutritional supplements for broiler, broiler breeders, laying hens and turkeys, and a new way to enrich eggs in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

Martin Zuidhof Most research is reductionist in nature – it looks closer and closer at less and less. In that context, my integrative research program is quite unique. I encourage my team to think about a big picture systems approach to problem solving, using mathematical and statistical modeling tools to support practical decisions. There is so much information out there – the poultry industry needs better ways to use it to their advantage. My team’s passion is applying the principles of Precision Agriculture to the problems faced by producers (broiler hatching egg producers at the moment). The industry and funders are excited about this project, describing it as a transformational technology change for the hatching egg industry. Much of the last 2 years has been spent setting the groundwork (planning and securing funding totaling over $800,000 in cash) for the development, building, and testing of a novel precision feeding technology that if successful, will contribute enormously to broiler breeder industry productivity. An important part of the impact equation is the positive environmental benefit, which for Canada is 25,000 tonnes of reduced CO2 emissions per year, the equivalent of removing 4,600 cars from Canadian roads. The technology will also be the basis for a revolutionary data acquisition system for research. The precision feeding system will enable researchers at the PRC (not just my research group) to collect high resolution phenotype data that can be used for studying responses to nutrient intake (efficiency; RFI and RMEm), and the genetic and physiological basis for differences in efficiency and nutrient partitioning. Already many external partners are lining up to work with the system!

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Organizational Structure Board

Board Member


Term end date

Helen Anne Hudson, Chair

National industry


Government of Alberta








Chicken industry


David Stahl

Egg industry


Susan Schafers

Egg industry


Roelof Meijer

Turkey industry


Ashley Rietveld

Hatching egg industry


Ed Rodenburg

Processing industry


National industry


Wes Johnson, Vice chair Martin Zuidhof, Academic leader Jianping Wu, Ex-officio Brad Fournier Karen Kirkwood

Tim Nelson

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The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012


Staff Member



Iwona Pawlina

Poultry Research Centre

Executive Director

Martin Zuidhof

University of Alberta

Academic Leader

Valerie Carney

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

Technology Transfer

Doug Korver

University of Alberta


Laurie Heidebrecht

University of Alberta

Administrative Support

Lyle Bouvier

University of Alberta

Poultry Unit Manager

Nigel Davidson

University of Alberta

Poultry Unit Technician

Gilles Hinse

University of Alberta

Poultry Unit Technician

Randy O’Hara

University of Alberta

Poultry Unit Technician

Chris Ouellette

University of Alberta

Instrumentation Technician

Shawn Rankin

University of Alberta

Poultry Unit Technician

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Researchers Name (N=12)

Position (% FTE, if less than 1.0)




Post doc

Research Associate

Visiting Scholar

Grad U/grad Visiting Eduardo Beltranena

Research Scientist, ARD; Adjunct Professor (33%)

Monogastric feeds and feeding

Mirko Betti

Associate Professor

Biochemistry of muscle foods

Valerie Carney

Research & extension specialist, ARD

Applied poultry research

Ellen Goddard


Agricultural marketing and business

Leluo Guan

Associate Professor



Poultry nutrition


Professor (10%)

Food microbiology


Douglas Korver Lynn McMullen Robert Renema

Wendy Wismer

Assistant Professor (10%) Associate Professor (10%)

Jianping Wu

Associate Professor

Martin Zuidhof

Associate Professor

Bodo Steiner


Assistant Professor

Value added poultry science Economics of value chain Sensory and consumer science High value egg utilization Poultry systems

2 7.5



1 1
























Co-supervised students are counted as 0.5 The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

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4 0.5






Technician (n=14)

Job Title


Alexandra Acero Lopez

Research Technician


Dustin Banks

U/G Research Assistant


Michelle Beveridge

U/G Research Assistant


Breanne Chmilar

Research Technician


Ken Fahner

MSPRU Manager


Messle Fentabali

Research Technician


Erica Holm

Research Technician


Krishna Kandel

Research Assistant


Monika Kozelkovรก

U/G Research Assistant


Ross Lowe

Research Technician


Kamila Moquin

Research Technician


Kerry Nadeau

Research Technician


Marina Offengender

Research Technician


Jordana Williams

Laboratory Technician


Research Associate (n=8)

Job Title


Dileep Ayyappan Nair Omana

Research Associate


Takuo Nakano

Research Associate


Maurice Ndagijimana

Research Associate


Matt Oryschak

Research Associate


Ali Pishnamazi

Research Associate


Jennifer Saunders-Blades

Research Associate


Brenda Schneider

Research Associate


Irene Wenger

Research Scientist


Research Associates

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Post-Doctoral Fellows

Post-Doctoral Fellow (n=7)



Satyanarayana Bejiani

Value added egg science


Jacob Hamidu



Zied Khiari

Meat Science


Petr Miller

Food microbiology


Aman Ullah

Value added egg science


Chanchan Wang

Value added egg science


Jaipei Wang

Value added egg science


Graduate Students

Student (n=42)


Degree Research focus (general)

Ali Akbari







Nandika Bandara



Amir Behrouzi



Jacky Chan



Misaki Cho



Airell DesLauriers



Mavis Du



Paul Elaho



Yusef Esparza



Yuchen Gu



Liyana Arachichilage Chamila Koushalya Nimalaratne Mohannad Badawi

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The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Functionality of egg white protein Antioxidants in laying hen eggs Functional ingredients from low value proteins Adhesive from proteins Broiler breeder precision feeding Protein functionality in turkey meat Maternal nutrition and broiler chick quality Broiler breeder precision feeding High quality gelatin from poultry sources Broiler nutrition (antibiotic use) Plastics from poultry byproducts Structure and function of antioxidant peptides

Student (n=42)


Degree Research focus (general)

Melissa Haveroen



Applications of bacteriocins in food

Huiting Huang



Quality based broiler pricing

Yulia Hrynets



Melissa Johnson



Mejo Kuzhitharaiel Remanan



Qiyi Li



Christine (Xiaoji) Liu



Yang Liu



Carlos Lozano



Kaustav Majumder



Thania Moraes



Sandeep Nain



Sahar Navidghasemizad



Dulal Paul

Zuidhof/Renema MSc

Broiler breeder management

Hong Pui Khoon



Functional ingredients from low value proteins

Jiandong Ren



Phosvitin extraction from yolk

Sandeep Singla



Black bone syndrome

Xiaohong Sun



Ovomucin derived peptides

Edith Tanjong Mba



Marina Tolchinsky



Kim Ton



Cibele Torres



Increasing functionality of food proteins Breeder antioxidants and broiler immunity Antioxidant activity in eggs ACE inhibitory peptides from eggs Safety of low salt processed meats High pressure processed poultry meat safety Broiler nutrition Antihypertensive peptides from eggs Maternal nutrition and broiler performance Omega-3 enriched poultry products Extraction of egg phospholipids

Broiler breeder carcass conformation restriction Properties of egg white ovomucin Broiler nutrition (antibiotic use) Trace minerals and embryonic bone development

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Student (n=42)


Degree Research focus (general)

Ana Ulmer-Franco



Yolk sac infections in broiler chicks

Soledad Urrutia



Broiler metagenomics

Kathleen Vail



Filamentation of Listeria monoctygoenes

Henen Wang



Spent hen protein extraction

Mojtaba Yegani



Nutrient variability

Wenlin Yu



Bioactive peptides from spent hens

James Zhang



Post-packaging pasteurization

Justina Zhang



Fermentation to reduce egg white allergenicity

Visiting Scholars

Visitor (n=3)




Lenka DiblĂ­kovĂĄ


VSCHT Prague

PhD student exchange

Shirin Honarbakhsh



Visiting student

Davide Gottardi



University of Bologna

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The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Research Projects ($2,865,121) Project Title

Primary Investigator & Collaborators


Amount in 2011/12

Meat and Egg Products and Processes Integrated utilization of leftover egg yolk after antibody extraction Antioxidant peptides from egg proteins Protein-based biomaterials from spent hens Utilization of Protein-Containing Agriculture Waste and By-Products for Adhesive Development Development of bioplastic from feather Health-promoting components in Laying Hen Eggs Antihypertensive effect of cooked whole eggs in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) Learning from grandma: developing valuable functional food ingredients from spent hens

Wu, J., Temelli, F., Curtis, J. and Korver, D. Wu, J.

$1,691,644 ALMA/AI-BIO




Wu, J and Betti, M

Canadian Poultry Research Council Wu, J. Betti, M. Che, ALMA/AI-BIO L. Qi, H. and Carney, V. Wu, J. Alberta Advanced Education and Technology Wu, J. Agriculture and Agri-Food Council (CAAP program) Wu, J. JacobsEgg Farmers of Kaufman, S Canada Wu, J. and Catherine, F.

Who Benefits

$20,000 $136,504




Alberta Livestock Meat Agency (ALMA)

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Project Title

Antihypertensive Activity of Laying Hen Eggs Functional egg bioactive peptides: scale-up processing and in vivo efficacy Safety of low salt meats

Quality of low salt meats

Development and validation of strain cocktails for the evaluation of high pressure processes in food production Isolated proteins from low value poultry meat: potential applications

Preparation and characterization of high quality gelatin from different poultry sources

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Primary Investigator & Collaborators Wu, J. and S. Jacobs

Wu, J., Davidge, S. and Jacobs, S McMullen; P. Shand and D. Korber, University of Saskatchewan P Shand (U of S), McMullen and D. Korber (U of S) M G채nzle, McMullen and A. Gill (Health Canada)


Agriculture and Agri-Food Council (CAAP program) ALMA




Sask Ag Development Fund ALMA/AI-BIO

M. Betti; Z. Pietrasik ALMA (ARD); M. Gerlat (ARD); K. Erin (ARD) AI-Bio ACP M. Betti; Z. Pietrasik ALMA (ARD) ACP Rossdown Natural Farms

The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Amount in 2011/12

Who Benefits




$70,375 Chicken producers, Turkey producers and Processors $70,375 $2,500 $48,013 Chicken producers, Turkey producers $1,250 and Processors $7,500

Project Title

Functional ingredients from poultry bone biomass: extraction, isolation and purification of chondroitin sulfate Innovative functional ingredients from underutilized poultry proteins: salty and "kokumi" peptides

Primary Funder Investigator & Collaborators M. Betti, Z. Pietrasik ALMA (ARD), J. Jao (ARD)

M. Betti; M. Gaenzle; A. Schrieber; M. Ndagijimana

Amount in 2011/12

$110,000 Chicken producers, Turkey producers and Processors


$83,750 Chicken producers, Turkey producers and Processors



Metabolism and Reproduction Management Strategies to increase Alberta egg farm revenue

Precision Broiler Breeder Feeding System

Temperature and protein:energy ratio linkages between breeder and broiler energetics, performance, and carcass quality

Who Benefits

$342,693 D. Korver (U of A), B. Schneider (ARD), V. Carney (ARD), R. Renema (U of A). M. Zuidhof; C. Bench


$18,612 Egg producers

M. Zuidhof; R. Renema

ALMA; PIC; Aviagen; ACP

Alberta Egg Producers ALMA; Ag&Food Council; AI-Bio; Danisco; AHEP; CHEP; PIC; Xanantec; ACP


Feed and Nutrition

$319,081 Hatching egg producers, chicken producers, egg producers, turkey producers, feed industry $0 Hatching egg producers, chicken producers


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Project Title

Creating a Canadian Poultry Science Cluster for sustaining industry competitiveness and addressing societal issues Effect of a highly available Ca source for turkeys on bone development and Ca digestibility In vitro determination of the effects of xylanase on broiler energy digestibility from wheat

Feed Grain Quality Evaluation

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Primary Investigator & Collaborators CPRC on Behalf of D. Korver & 21 other researchers


D. Korver

AB Vista Feed Ingredients

$39,948 Chicken producers, Turkey producers

D. Korver

Danisco Animal Nutrition

J. Helm, ARD; R. Zijlstra, U of A; E. Beltranena, ARD; D. Korver, U of A; T. McAllister, AAFC


$37,920 Chicken producers, Egg producers, Hatching egg producers, Turkey producers, Feed companies $6,000 Chicken producers, Egg producers, Hatching egg producers, Turkey producers, Processors, Breeders, Feed companies

The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Amount in 2011/12

Who Benefits

$0 All sectors

Project Title

High inclusion levels of conventional brown-seeded canola meal vs. highenergy yellow-seeded canola meal in animal feeds: I. Graded dietary inclusion of B. napus and B. juncea meals for growing broilers

High dietary inclusion levels of conventional and high energy canola meal in animal feeds: II. Comparison of AME content among B. napus and B. juncea meals and their airclassified fractions Safety, efficacy and nutrient digestibility in camelina (Camelina sativa) meal and oil for broilers Nutritional mitigation strategies for antibiotic free broiler production: Performance and economics

Primary Investigator & Collaborators E. Beltranena; B. Slominski (U of M); M. Nyachoti (U of M); D. Anderson (NSAC)

E. Beltranena; B. Slominski (U of M); M. Nyachoti (U of M); D. Anderson (NSAC) E. Beltranena; M. Betti; C. Christensen (U of S); T. Scott (U of S) M. Zuidhof; D. Korver; V. Carney


Amount in 2011/12

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canola Council of Canada, Alberta Canola Producers, Saskatchewan Canola Producers, Manitoba Canola Producers Canola Council of Canada, Ag & Food Council, Alberta Canola Producers

Chicken producers, turkey producers, processors, feed mills/nutritionists

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

Chicken producers, turkey producers, processors, feed mills/nutritionists $52,325 Chicken Producers; Feed industry

Chicken producers, turkey producers, processors, feed mills/nutritionists

ALMA; ACP; PIC; Cobb-Vantress

Management and Physiology Protein metabolism during the acute phase inflammatory response in the domestic fowl

Who Benefits

$266,434 D. Korver

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Project Title

Links between feed- and geneticsbased shifts in gut microflora and broiler susceptibility to enteric disease Restriction of broiler breeder body composition: A new management paradigm to support growth and yield potential of broiler offspring Chicken Environmental Benchmarking Survey

Primary Investigator & Collaborators R. Renema; M. Zuidhof; L. Guan


Amount in 2011/12

ALMA; AI-Bio; ACP; PIC; BioLargo; Danisco

$102,434 Chicken Producers; Feed industry

R. Renema; M. Zuidhof; A. Pishnamazi

ALMA; Aviagen; PIC

$0 Hatching egg producers; Chicken producers

T. Prout, V. Carney, and B. Schneider

Growing Forward

$135,000 Chicken producers, processors, and chickens

Bacteriology / Food Safety Bacteriocins for food safety Micocin to control Listeria in delis

Physiology of Listeria at low temperatures Post packaging pasteurization

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Who Benefits

$335,607 LM McMullen McMullen, D. Carlson (CanBiocin Inc.), M.E. Stiles (CanBiocin Inc.), D. Smith (Griffith Laboratories Inc.) T. Jones and McMullen Z. Pietrasik (FPDC, ARD), McMullen, Janz (FPDC) and 2 others

The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012


$34,000 $154,100





Project Title

Primary Investigator & Collaborators Discovery and Structure Activity of J. Vederas, Dept. of Bacteriocins Active Against GramChemistry, negative Pathogens McMullen (40% to McMullen) The role of biofilms in maintaining K. Liljebjelke antimicrobial resistant bacterial (UCVM); T. Inglis; contamination of commercial poultry M. Zuidhof production and processing facilities


Amount in 2011/12

NSERC CRD/Griffith Laboratories


ALMA; UCVM; Inovotech; Vetoquinol

Chicken producers; Meat processors

Learning/Teaching projects Improved Production Efficiency Via Data Handling Best Management Practices

The PRC R&D Strategic priorities forum

Who Benefits

$92,550 V. Carney, ARD; B. Schneider, ARD; N. Robinson - Alberta Hatching Egg Producers; F. Robinson; R. Renema; M. Zuidhof I. Pawlina; M. Zuidhof; D. Korver


$77,850 Hatching egg producers, chicken producers $11,200

Growing Forward


The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

$3,500 All sectors

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PRC Financials 2011-2012 Income 2011-2012 Income 2011 - 2012 Industry Alberta Turkey Producers Alberta Hatching Egg Producers Alberta Chicken Producers Egg Farmers of Alberta Egg Farmers of Canada Lilydale Sparks Farm Eggs Burnbrae Farms Maple Leaf Sub-total Opening balance TOTAL INDUSTRY

Actuals as of March 31, 2012 Cash In-Kind 24,957.00 30,071.00 80,419.00 31,890.00 31,890.00 13,010.00 7,765.00 7,765.00 13,010.00 240,777.00 157,426.85 398,203.85

AARD Opening balance TOTAL AARD

100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00

ALMA AI- BIO Sub-total Opening balance TOTAL ALMA/AI-BIO

0.00 0.00 0.00 940,542.41 940,542.41

UofA UofA/AFNS Poultry Unit (Internal revenue) Poultry Unit (External revenue) Sub-total Opening balance Total UofA

181,009.44 21,135.73 150,197.44 352,342.61 1,675.23 354,017.84

Total Income

Cash 1,792,764.10

Total 24,957.00 30,071.00 80,419.00 31,890.00 31,890.00 13,010.00 7,765.00 7,765.00 13,010.00 240,777.00 157,426.85 398,203.85





0.00 940,542.41 940,542.41



2,198,509.44 21,135.73 150,197.44 2,369,842.61 1,675.23 2,371,517.84

In-Kind 2,353,500.00

Total 4,146,264.10


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Industry Base Funding Received in 2011-2012 ($240,777.00) Burnbrae Maple Leaf 6% 3% Sparks ATP Lilydale 3% 10% 6% AHEP 13% EFC 13%

EFA 13%

ACP 33%

PRC funding - All Sources Received in 2011-2012 ($3,046,619.61)* Poultry Unit Poultry Unit (external) (internal) 5% 1% Industry 8%

ARD cash 3% ARD in kind 11% ALMA 0%

AI-Bio 0% UA/AFNS 72%

*Note: carryovers of $157,426.85 (Industry); $940,542.41 (ALMA and AI-Bio); $1,675.23 (U of A). The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

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Expenses 2011-2012 Expenses 2011 - 2012 Salaries and benefits Professional and technical serv. Supplies Travel Equipment Total Expenses

Actuals as of March 31, 2012 Cash In-Kind 1,299,459.87 48,363.36 145,595.77 39,853.16 116,577.29 1,649,849.45 2,353,500.00



Revenue/Expense Summary 2011-2012 Revenue/Expense Summary 2011 - 2012 Actuals as of March 31, 2012 Cash In-Kind Total Total Income (incl. carryover) 1,792,764.10 2,353,500.00 4,146,264.10 Total Expenses 1,649,849.45 2,353,500.00 4,003,349.45 Total carryover to 2012/13 142,914.65 0.00 142,914.65

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The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Revenue Budget 2012-2013 Income 2012 -2013 (Budget) Industry Alberta Turkey Producers Alberta Hatching Egg Producers Alberta Chicken Producers Egg Farmers of Alberta Egg Farmers of Canada Lilydale Burnbrae Farms Maple Leaf Poultry Health Services Sub-total Opening balance TOTAL INDUSTRY

AARD Opening balance TOTAL AARD

Cash 27,225.00 32,777.00 80,419.00 32,000.00 15,000.00 14,181.00 8,464.00 14,181.00 0.00 224,247.00 156,407.85 380,654.85

43,000.00 0.00 43,000.00

ALMA AI- BIO Sub-total Opening balance TOTAL ALMA/AI-BIO

440,000.00 100,000.00 540,000.00 0.00 540,000.00

UofA UofA/AFNS Poultry Unit (Internal revenue) Poultry Unit (External revenue) Sub-total Opening balance Total UofA

187,800.00 60,000.00 150,000.00 397,800.00 -17,357.62 380,442.38

Total Income

Cash 1,344,097.23



Total 27,225.00 32,777.00 80,419.00 32,000.00 15,000.00 14,181.00 8,464.00 14,181.00 35,000.00 259,247.00 156,407.85 415,654.85





35,000.00 35,000.00




1,740,280.00 60,000.00 150,000.00 1,950,280.00 -17,357.62 1,932,922.38

In-Kind 2,046,036.00

Total 3,390,133.23


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Expense Budget 2012-2013 Expenses 2012 - 2013 (Budget) Salaries and benefits Supplies Travel Equipment Total Expenses

Cash 1,042,934.85 178,143.00 9,141.00 26,630.00 1,256,848.85





Revenue/Expense Summary 2012-13 Revenue/Expense Summary 2012 - 2013 (Budget) Cash In-Kind Total Total Income (incl. carryover) 1,344,097.23 2,046,036.00 3,390,133.23 Total Expenses 1,256,848.85 2,046,036.00 3,302,884.85 Total carryover to 2013/14 87,248.38 0.00 87,248.38

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The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Poultry Unit Financial Report 2011-2012 Unit Financial Report 2011 - 2012 Income 2011 - 2012

Actuals as of March 31, 2012 Total 181,009.44 21,135.73 150,197.44 352,342.61 1,675.23 354,017.84

UofA/AFNS Poultry Unit (Internal revenue) Poultry Unit (External revenue) Sub-total Opening balance Total Income Expenses 2011 - 2012

Actuals as of March 31, 2012 Total 275,697.26 69,499.14 470.38 25,708.68 371,375.46

Salaries and benefits Supplies Travel Equipment Total Expenses*

*There was an additional $65,000 of supplies costs that were moved to the ARD funding and an additional $23,081.56 of salary costs transferred to ALMA/AI-Bio grant

Income/Expense Summary 2011 - 2012 Total Income Total Expenses Carryover (deficit) to 2012/13

Actuals as of March 31, 2012 354,017.84 371,375.46 -17,357.62

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Poultry Unit Budget 2012-2013 Income 2012 - 2013 (budget) UofA/AFNS Poultry Unit (Internal revenue) Poultry Unit (External revenue) Sub-total Opening balance Total Income

Total 187,800.00 60,000.00 150,000.00 397,800.00 -17,357.62 380,442.38

Expenses 2012 - 2013 (budget) Salaries and benefits Supplies Travel Equipment Total Expenses*

Total 281,527.00 71,143.00 1,142.38 26,630.00 380,442.38

*Additional unit costs of $100,000 have been budgeted in ALMA, Industry and ARD funding

Income/Expense Summary 2012 - 2013 (budget) Total Income Total Expenses Carryover to 2013/14

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The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

380,442.38 380,442.38 0.00

Facility Usage Research Facilities Utilization Rate (%) Facility


Brooder house (48 floor pens) Breeder hen cages (288 individual cages) Breeder male cages (60 individual cages) Nutrition house (32 pens) Specht pullet cages (64 group cages) Environmental chambers Test house - Floor pens (rare breeds) Test House - Conventional cages Test House - Colony cages Broiler Processing Plant (3 days per use) Hatchery Setter use AVN Hatcher use AVN Setter use BIG J Hatcher use BIG J

Broiler & Turkey Trials


Breeder Trials

Layer Trials



Unit Operations 39













100 100




26 8 2 2

18 1 1

93 100

8 8 1 1

Non-Research Facilities Facility Lilydale Room

Alberta Turkey Producers Computer Lab

Description Combined producer meetings Processors PRC alumni, exec group & educational institutions U of A, safety, animal care, animal handling, HACCP Industry related workshops (swine, dairy, AAF, etc.) Student presentations & community learning Heavy use by graduate students, undergraduate students, technicians and researchers

The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

Utilization 3 days 2 days 66 days 6 days 2 days 47 days 25 person hours /d

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Evidence of Productivity Refereed Papers in Scholarly Journals (N=26) 1. Bamdad, F., Wu, J. & Chen, L. (2011). Effects of enzymatic hydrolysis on molecular structure and antioxidant activity of barley hordein. Journal of Cereal Science. 54(1): 20-28. 2. Bandara, N., Chen, L. & Wu, J. Protein extraction from triticale distillers grains. Cereal Chemistry 88(6): 553-559. 3. Chan, J., D. A. Omana and M. Betti. 2011. Application of high pressure processing to improve the functional properties of pale, soft, and exudative (PSE)-like turkey meat. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 12 (2011) 216–225. 4. Chan, J., D. A. Omana and M. Betti. 2011. Effect of ultimate pH and freezing on the biochemical properties of proteins in turkey breast meat. Food Chemistry 127:109-117 5. Chan, J., D. A. Omana and M. Betti. 2011. Functional and rheological properties of proteins in frozen turkey breast meat with different ultimate pH. Poultry Science 90:1112-1123. 6. Cook, N. J., A. L. Schaefer, D. R. Korver, D. B. Haley, J. J. R. Feddes, and J. S. Church. 2011. Minimally-invasive assessments of the behavioural and physiological effects of enriched colony cages on laying hens. Open Agriculture Journal 5:10-18. 7. Gu, Y., Majumder, K. & Wu, J. (2011). QSAR-aided in silico approach in evaluation of food proteins as precursors of ACE inhibitory peptides. Food Research International 44, 2465-2474. 8. Hrynets, Y. D.A. Omana, Y. Xu and M. Betti. 2011. Comparative study on the effect of acid- and alkaline-aided extractions on Mechanically Separated Turkey Meat (MSTM): Chemical and functional properties of recovered proteins. Process Biochemistry 46:335-343. 9. Hrynets, Y. D.A. Omana, Y. Xu and M. Betti. 2011. Impact of Citric Acid and Calcium Ions on Acid Solubilization of Mechanically Separated Turkey Meat (MSTM): Effect on Lipid and Pigment Content. Poultry Science 90:458-466. 10. Lei, B. & Wu, J. (2012). Purification of egg yolk phosvitin by anion exchange chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 1223, 41-46. 11. Liu, X., J.C. Vederas, R.M. Whittal, J. Zheng, M.E. Stiles, D. Carlson, C.M.A.P. Franz, L.M. McMullen and M.J. VanBelkum. 2011. Identification of n-terminal formylated bacteriocins from Enterococcus faecalis 710C. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59:5602-5608. (NSERC) 12. Liu. Y, M. Betti and M. Gaenzle 2012. High pressure inactivation of Escherichia coli, Campylobacter jejuni, and spoilage microbiota on poultry meat. Journal of Food Protection 75(7):497-503. 13. Martínez Michel L, Anders S, Wismer WV. 2011. Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for value-added chicken product attributes. Journal of Food Science. 76(8): S469-S477. 14. Martínez Michel L, Punter PH, Wismer WV. 2011. Perceptual attributes of poultry and other meat products: A repertory grid application. Meat Science. 87:349-355. 15. Nimalaratne, C., Lopes-Lutz, D., Schieber, A. & Wu, J. (2011). Free aromatic amino acids in egg yolk show antioxidant properties. Food Chemistry 129, 155-161. 16. Offengenden, M., Fentabil, A. M. & Wu, J. (2011). N-glycosylation of ovomucin from hen egg white. Glycocojugate Journal. 28:113–123. DOI: 10.1007/s10719-011-9328-3 17. Omana D. A., G. Plastow and M. Betti. 2011. Effect of different ingredients on color and oxidative characteristics of high pressure processed chicken breast meat with special emphasis on use of β-glucan as a partial salt replacer. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 12 (2011) 244–254. 18. Omana D. A., G. Plastow and M. Betti. 2011. The use of β-glucan as a partial salt replacer in high Page | 38

The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

pressure processed chicken breast meat. Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 768–776. 19. Romero, L. F., M. J. Zuidhof, R. A. Renema, A. Naeima, and F. E. Robinson. 2011. Effects of maternal energy efficiency on broiler chicken growth, feed conversion, residual feed intake, and residual maintenance metabolizable energy requirements. Poult. Sci. 90:2904-2912 20. Schneider B. L., R. A. Renema, M. Betti, V. L. Carney and M. J. Zuidhof. 2012. Effect of holding temperature, shackling, sex and age on broiler breast meat quality. Poultry Science 91:468-477. 21. Ullah, A., Vasanthan, T., Bressler, D., Elias, A., & Wu, J. (2011). Extruded feather quill-based bioplastics. Macromoleculars 12(10), 3826-3832. 22. Wang, J. & Wu, J. (2011). Effect of operating conditions on ovomucin extraction. Process Biochemistry 47(1): 94-98. 23. Wang, J., Omana, D. A. & Wu, J. (2011). Effect of shell eggs storage on ovomucin extraction. Food and Bioprocess Technology (DOI: 10.1007/s11947-011-0558-y 24. Wang, J., Omana, D. A., Liang, Y., Kav, N. N. V., and Wu, J. (2012). Proteomics analysis of egg white proteins from different varieties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60(1):272282. 25. Wu, J. & Acero, A. Ovotransferrin: structure, function and preparation. Food Research International 46, 480-487. (Invited paper) 26. You, S-J. & Wu, J. (2011). Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant peptides produced with gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal enzymes. Journal of Food Science 76 (6), C801-C807.

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Conference Presentations (Abstracts) (N=51) 1. Beltranena, E. 2011. Fractionation of canola meal to increase its energy value. Canola Council Meeting at 32nd Western Nutrition Conference, Edmonton, AB, Sept 16. 2. Beltranena, E., and R. T. Zijlstra. 2011. Feeding value of western Canadian oilseed and biodiesel co-products. Proceedings of the 32nd Western Nutrition Conference, Edmonton, AB, pp. 217 – 238. 3. Bench, C., B. Chmilar, M. Oryschak, and D. Korver. 2011. Evaluation of a lignite-coal water additive designed to reduce ammonia emissions on broiler performance, carcass attributes, selected welfare measures and ammonia emissions. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):119. 4. Bennett, D. C. , Y.-J. Rhee, D. R. Korver, and K. M. Cheng. 2011. Effect of diatomaceous earth on bone mineralization in free-range organic laying hens., Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):30. 5. Chan, J. T. Y., D. A. Omana and M. Betti. 2011. Application of high pressure processing to improve the functional properties of pale, soft, and exudative (PSE)-like turkey meat. Poultry Science Annual General Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, July 16-19, 2011. 6. Elaho, P. O., R. A. Renema, A. Pishnamazi, and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Effect of maternal energy and protein and egg storage on egg quality, broiler embryonic development, residual yolk sac and early growth. Poultry Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):291. 7. Gu, Y., Majumder, K. and Wu, J. (2011). In-silico aided study of angiotensin I- converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides from soybean proteins. Poster presentation at 2011 Institute of Food technologists (IFT), July 17-20, Chicago, USA. 8. Henan, W., M. Betti and J. Wu. 2011. pH-shifting processing of spent hens mince: protein extraction optimization. Poultry Science Annual General Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri. July 16-20, 2011. 9. Hong, P.K., I.V. Spevackova, D.A. Omana and M. Betti. 2011. Fatty acids and cholesterol oxidized products in turkey breast meat with different ultimate pH. Poultry Science Annual General Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, July 16-19, 2011. 10. Hrynets, Y., D. A. Omana and M. Betti. 2011. Improving the functionality of mechanically separated turkey meat protein isolates by enzymatic cross-linking using transglutaminase. Joint Meeting of the Poultry Science Association and the American Association of Avian Pathologists, St. Louis, Missouri, July 16-19, 2011. 11. J. Zhang, M. Ganzael, and Wu, J. (2011). Egg whites show reduced allergenicity in sourdough after lactic acid bacteria fermentation. 2011 International Conference on Food Factors, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-23. 12. J. Zhang, M. Ganzael, and Wu, J. (2011). The reduction of egg allergencity by fermentation. Therapeutical Applications of Functional Foods, Winnipeg, Canada, May 30-June 1, 2011. 13. Johnson, M. L. , J. L. Saunders-Blades, and D. R. Korver. 2011. The effect of canthaxanthin and hen age on chick innate immunity. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):13. 14. Liu, X., P. Miller, P, Shand, D, Korber and L.M. McMullen. 2011. Improving the safety and competitiveness of lean, low sodium meat products. Canadian Meat Science Association Technical Symposium. May 4 to 6, 2011. Halifax, NS. 15. M. Betti. 2011. In vitro meat possibilities: a food scientist’s perspective. ESF Exploratory Workshop on In vitro meat: Possibilities and Realities for an Alternative Future Meat Source. Gothenburg (Sweden), 31 August – 2 September 2011. Workshop funded by the European Science Foundation. (Invited; travel accommodations costs were covered by the European Science Foundation).

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16. Majumder, K., Chakrabarti, S., Huang, W-Y., Davidge, S. T. & Wu, J. (2011). Ovotransferrinderived ACE inhibitory peptides show antiinflammatory activity in endothelial cells. Oral Presentation at 2011 International Society of Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods. November 1417, Sapporo, Japan (Invited speaker). 17. Mba, E. T., A. Pishnamazi, T. G. Moraes, M. J. Zuidhof, and R. A. Renema. 2011. Broiler breeder composition restriction: 2. Does altering dietary protein and energy to limit muscling affect egg production traits? Poultry Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):100. 18. Moraes, T.G.V., A. Pishnamazi, E. T. Mba, R. A. Renema, and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Effect of maternal energy and protein on broiler carcass yield. Poultry Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):380. 19. Nandika, B. and Wu, J. (2011).Triticale Distillers Grain Protein Extraction: A Possible Protein Source for Industrial Applications. Oral presentation at the AOCS annual meeting, May 1-4, 2011, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. 20. Nimalaratne, C., Lopes-Lutz, D., Wu, J., & Schieber, A. (2012). Carotenoids in Egg Yolk: Effects of Domestic Cooking Methods on Their Stability and Improved Analysis by LC-MS. 243th American Chemical Society National Meeting Symposium “Carotenoid Cleavage Products”San Diego, CA, March 25-29, 2012. 21. Omana, D. A. and M. Betti. 2011. Effect of simultaneous use of high pressure processing and transglutaminase enzyme on spent hen protein isolate (SPI). Poultry Science Annual General Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, July 16-19, 2011. 22. Oryschak, M. and E. Beltranena. Summary of results for AARD studies involving canola meal fed to broilers (2010 – 2011). Canola Council Meeting at 32nd Western Nutrition Conference, Edmonton, AB, Sept 15. 23. Oryschak, M., D. Korver, and E. Beltranena. 2011. Nutrient digestibility of 4 varieties of triticale compared to that of Canadian Prairie Spring wheat for broilers. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):60. 24. Oryschak, M., D. Korver, and E. Beltranena. 2011. Nutrient digestibility in canola meal for broilers: Effects of oil extraction method and fractionation by air classification. Poult. Sci. 90(ESuppl. 1):59. 25. Oryschak, M., D. Korver, and E. Beltranena. 2011. A comparison of nutrient digestibility in wheat distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and 3 wheat DDGS fractions produced using a 2-step dry fractionation process for broilers. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):58. 26. Oryschak, M., D. Korver, and E. Beltranena. 2011. A comparison of nutrient digestibility in wheat distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and 3 wheat DDGS fractions produced using a 2-step dry fractionation process for broilers. Abstract #208 presented at the 2011 Poultry Science Association Meeting, July 16th-19th, St. Louis, MO. Poult. Sci. 90 (E-suppl. 1):58. 27. Oryschak, M., D. Korver, and E. Beltranena. 2011. Nutrient digestibility in canola meal for broilers: Effects of oil extraction method and fractionation by air classification. Abstract #211 presented at the 2011 Poultry Science Association Meeting, July 16th-19th, St. Louis, MO. Poult. Sci. 90 (E-suppl. 1):59. 28. Oryschak, M., D. Korver, and E. Beltranena. 2011. Nutrient digestibility of 4 varieties of triticale compared to that of Canadian Prairie Spring wheat for broilers. Abstract #212 presented at the 2011 Poultry Science Association Meeting, July 16th-19th, St. Louis, MO. Poult. Sci. 90 (E-suppl. 1): 60. 29. Paul, D. C., M. J. Zuidhof, R. A. Renema, and A. Pishnamazi. 2011. Impact of environmental temperature on core body temperature and performance of broiler breeder hens. Poultry Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):286.

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30. Pishnamazi, A., E. T. Mba, T.G.V. Moraes, R. A. Renema, and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Broiler breeder composition restriction. 1: Do attempts to shift body composition using dietary protein and energy affect early production traits? Poultry Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):390. 31. Ren, J. and Wu, J. (2011). Extraction and characterization of phosvitin from egg yolk. 32. Renema, R. A., A. Pishnamazi, E. T. Mba, and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Broiler breeder composition restriction: 3. Can carcass traits at the end of lay be used to judge the effectiveness of modifying dietary protein and energy levels during the rearing and breeding phases? Poultry Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):101. 33. S. Nain, R. A. Renema, B. L. Schneider, M. Betti, and and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Relationship between ground flaxseed-based omega-3 PUFA enrichment of broiler breast meat and meat quality attributes. Poultry Science Annual General Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, July 16-19, 2011. 34. S. Singla, D. R. Korver, and M. Betti. 2011. Black bone discoloration in bone-in broiler chicken thighs. Poultry Science Annual General Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, July 16-19, 2011. 35. S. Singla, D. R. Korver, and M.Betti.2011. Interrelationships among diet, bone growth and black bone discoloration in broiler chickens. Poultry Science Annual General Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, July 16-19, 2011. 36. Saunders-Blades, J. L., K. L. Nadeau, and D. R. Korver. 2011. Effect of dietary 25-OH-D3 on commercial turkeys. 1: Production, innate immunity and bone quality to 12 weeks of age. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):82. 37. Saunders-Blades, J. L., K. L. Nadeau, and D. R. Korver. 2011. Effect of dietary 25-OH-D3 on commercial turkeys. 2: Production, carcass yield and bone quality from 14 to 22 weeks of age. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):82. 38. Singla, S., D. R. Korver, and M. Betti. 2011. Black bone discoloration in bone-in broiler chicken thighs. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):185. 39. Singla, S., D. R. Korver, and M. Betti. 2011. Interrelationships among diet, bone growth and black bone discoloration in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):163. 40. Ton, K., J. L. Saunders-Blades, D. R. Korver, and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Effects of broiler strain and antibiotics on innate immunity. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):31. 41. Ton, K., J. L. Saunders-Blades, D. R. Korver, and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Effects of broiler strain and antibiotics on innate immunity. Poultry Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):102. 42. Torres, C. A. and D. R. Korver. 2011. Maternal broiler breeder flock age and dietary Cu, Zn and Mn form affect embryonic bone development. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):83. 43. Ullah, A. and Wu, J. (2011). Effect of polar and amphiphilic plasticizers on quill keratin-based theremoplastics. Oral presentation at 19th Annual Bioenvironmental Polymer Society (BEPS) Meeting September 28-30th 2011 Vienna, Austria. 44. Vail, K. T. Jones and L.M. McMullen. 2011. Filamentation of Listeria monocytogenes. Canadian Meat Science Association Technical Symposium. May 4 to 6, 2011. Halifax, NS. 45. Vail, K.M., L.M. McMullen and T.H. Jones. 2011. Filamentation characteristics of cold-adapted log phase Listeria monocytogenes under conditions of salt and temperature stress. International Association of Food Protection Annual Conference, July 31 – Aug 3, 2011. Milwaukee, WI. 46. Wang H., J. Wu and M. Betti. pH shifting processing of spent hens mince: protein extraction optimization. Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, July 16-19, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 47. Wang, C. and Wu, J. (2011). Effect of denaturation agents of spent hen protein for use as wood adhesive. The 65th Forestry Products Society International Convention, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 19-21.

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48. Wu, J. (2011). A new strategy for identifying novel bioactive peptides from food proteins. Oral presentation at the 78th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST)” and “International Symposium” with the theme of “Food Biosciences: Promise & Challenges in the future” in EXCO, Daegu, Republic of Korea, June 8 - 10, 2011. (Invited speaker). 49. Wu, J., Nimalaratne, C., Lopes-Lutz, D., Schieber, S. Tryptophan and tyrosine are the major antioxidants in egg yolk. 2011 International Conference on Food Factors, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-23. 50. Yegani, M., M. Swift, and D. R. Korver. 2011. Prediction of nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy values of different wheat samples in broiler chicks by an in vitro digestibility technique. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):59. 51. Yu, W., Field, C. and Wu, J. (2011). Bioactive peptides with immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities from spent hens. Poster presentation at 2011 Institute of Food technologists (IFT), July 17-20, Chicago, USA.

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Scientific and Industry Presentations (N=66) 1. Bandara, N., Wu, J. (2011). Adhesive Properties of Triticale Distillers Grain Protein. Oral presentation at the 3rd Annual BCN Strategic Retreat, November 30-December 2, 2011 at the Rimrock Resort near Banff, Alberta. (#audience 150) 2. Behrouzi, A., C. Bench, I. Wenger, and M. J. Zuidhof. A very cool way to feed chickens. Poster presentation at Alberta Poultry Research Centre 25th anniversary Annual General Meeting, Edmonton AB, June 2, 2011. 3. Carney, V. L., F. E. Robinson, and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Cluck. Walk a mile in your barns. Invited Edutainment event for Canadian Hatching Egg Producers Annual Meeting banquet, Canmore AB. July 13, 2011. Audience of 120. 4. Chan, J. T. Y., D. A. Omana and M. Betti. 2011. Application of high pressure processing to improve turkey meat quality. Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, June 1-3. (Poster) 5. Elaho, P., M. J. Zuidhof, D. R. Korver, and A. Pishnamazi. Nutritional mitigation strategies for antibiotic free broiler production: Performance and economics. Poster presentation at Alberta Poultry Industry Annual General Meetings, Red Deer, AB. March 1, 2011. 6. Geiger*, C. and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Getting engaged… no, really… getting engaged! Pecha Kucha Presentation to NACTA Annual Meeting, Edmonton AB. June 15, 2011. Audience of 125. 7. Gu, Y. and Wu, J. (2011). Identifying antioxidants from egg proteins. Poster presentation at the PRC annual meeting, June 2-3, 2011, Edmonton, Alberta (# audience ~ 120). 8. Henan, W., M. Betti and J. Wu. 2011. pH-shifting processing of spent hens mince: protein extraction optimization. Poultry Research Centre, Edmonton, Alberta. June 3, 2011. (Poster) 9. Hrynets, Y., D. A. Omana and M. Betti. 2011. Improving the functionality of mechanically separated turkey meat protein isolates by enzymatic cross-linking using transglutaminase. Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, AB. June 3, 2011. (Poster). 10. Hrynets, Y., D. A. Omana and M. Betti. 2011. Improving the functionality of mechanically separated turkey meat protein isolates by enzymatic cross-linking using transglutaminase. Joint Meeting of the Poultry Science Association and the American Association of Avian Pathologists, St. Louis, Missouri, July 16-19, 2011. (Poster). 11. Huang, H., M. J. Zuidhof, and B. Steiner. How to provide producer incentives for specific chicken meat quality traits? Poster presentation at Alberta Poultry Industry Annual General Meetings, Red Deer, AB. March 1, 2011. 12. Korver, D. R. 2011. 25-OH vitamin D3 in poultry diets - Immunity, Performance and Bone Health. Informal presentation given to Dr. Marc DeBeer, Regional Marketing Manager for DSM Nutritional Products. June 23, 2011 Edmonton, AB. 4 people in attendance. 13. Korver, D. R. 2011. Poultry Nutrition Research at the University of Alberta. Informal presentation given to Dr. Mitch Abrahamsen as part of the Poultry Research Centre’s meeting with the VP research of Cobb-Vantress, Inc. October, 18, 2011 Edmonton, AB. Approximately 20 people in attendance. 14. Korver, D. R. 2011. Broiler Breeder age: Bones and immune function in broiler chicks. Informal meeting with a group of poultry company nutritionists, managers and veterinarians from Hungary. Sponsored by Aviagen, Inc. August 24, 2011. Edmonton, AB. 15. Korver, D. R. 2011. Edad De la reproductora pesada: Huesos y función inmune en los pollos BB (Broiler Breeder age: Bones and immune function in broiler chicks). Associacion de Medicos Veterinarios Especialistas en Aves (AMEVEA). Lima Peru. May 11, 2011. Page | 44

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16. Korver, D. R. 2011. El efecto de la edad de la gallina reproductora en los huesos, la funci贸n inmune innata y la calidad de los pollitos (Broiler Breeder age: Bones and immune function in broiler chicks). Federaci贸n Nacional de Avicultores de Colombia, Cali, Colombia. November 11, 2011. 17. Korver, D. R. 2011. Unintended consequences: The effect of genetic selection on immune function in broilers. Poultry Breeders of America meeting. January 27, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia. 12 people in attendance. Although a small audience, this group is comprised of the geneticists from the main poultry breeding companies in the world. Therefore, the impact of this group is enormous on the worldwide poultry industry. 18. Korver, D. R.*, R. H. Fleming and R. J. Heck.. 2011. Manejo de densidad 贸sea en gallinas de postura (Bone Density Management in Layers). Associacion de Medicos Veterinarios Especialistas en Aves. Lima Peru. May 13, 2011. 19. Korver, D. R.*, R. H. Fleming and R. J. Heck.. 2011. Manejo de la densidad osea de las gallinas ponedoras (Bone Density Management in Layers). Federaci贸n Nacional de Avicultores de Colombia, Cali, Colombia. November 11, 2011. 20. Korver, D. R., 2011. Desarrollo Oseo del Pollo y de Reproductoras Pesadas. DSM Technical Symposium, Buga, Colombia. December 21, 2011. Approximately 40 people in attendance. 21. Korver, D. R., 2011. Efecto de la edad de la reproductora en la calidad del pollito de un dias. DSM Technical Symposium, Buga, Colombia. December 21, 2011. Approximately 40 people in attendance. 22. M. Betti. 2011. Research Developments in Turkey Meat in Alberta. Alberta Turkey Producers Research Symposium, March 1, 2011. (Attendees: over 50) 23. M. Betti. 2011. Value Added Poultry Meat: Recent Developments. Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, AB. June 3, 2011. (Oral) 24. M. Ndagijimana, Z. Khiari and M. Betti. 2011. Preparation and characterization of high quality gelatin from different poultry sources. Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, June 1-3. (Poster) 25. Majumder, K., Wang, W., Chakraborti, S., Davidge, S. and Wu, J. (2011). Egg Protein Derived Compounds Can Reduce Heart Diseases. Poster presentation at the PRC annual meeting, June 23, 2011, Edmonton, Alberta (# audience ~ 120). 26. Matt Oryschak, Doug Korver, Ali Pishnamazi and Eduardo Beltranena. 2011. Can Feeding Diets Containing up to 10% DDGS Maintain Broiler Performance while Reducing Feed Costs? Poster presentation at the 2011 poultry industry annual general meetings. March 1st, 2011. Capri Hotel and Convention Centre, Red Deer, AB. 27. Matt Oryschak, Eduardo Beltranena and Doug Korver. 2011. Can Fractionation Technology Enhance the Nutritional Value of Wheat DDGS for Poultry? Poster presentation at the 2011 poultry industry annual general meetings. March 1st, 2011, Capri Hotel and Convention Centre, Red Deer, AB. 28. Moraes, T.G.V., A. Pishnamazi, E. T. Mba, R. A. Renema, and M. J. Zuidhof. How to feed the mom for a great broiler breast. Poster presentation at Alberta Poultry Research Centre 25th anniversary Annual General Meeting, Edmonton AB, June 2, 2011. 29. Moraes, T.G.V., M. J. Zuidhof, E. Mba Tanjong, and R. A. Renema. Impact of maternal nutrition on broiler weight and carcass yield. Poster presentation at Alberta Poultry Industry Annual General Meetings, Red Deer, AB. March 1, 2011. 30. Nain S., R. A. Renema, B. L. Schneider, M. Betti, and M. J. Zuidhof. 2011. Relationship between ground flaxseed-based omega-3 PUFA enrichment of broiler breast meat and meat quality attributes. Poultry Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):655 The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

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31. Nakano, T., Z. Pietrasik and M. Betti. 2011. Extraction, isolation,and analysis of chondroitin sulfate from broiler chicken by-product produced by mechanical deboning. PRC Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, June, 2011. (Poster) 32. Navidghasemizad, S., Temelli, F. and Wu, J. (2011). An Easy Method to Separate Low Density Lipoprotein From Egg Yolk. Poster presentation at the PRC annual meeting, June 2-3, 2011, Edmonton, Alberta (# audience ~ 120). 33. Offendenden, M. and Wu, J. (2011). Ovomucin shares the gelling property of gum. Poster presentation at the PRC annual meeting, June 2-3, 2011, Edmonton, Alberta (# audience ~ 120). 34. Omana, D. A. and M. Betti. 2011. Effect of simultaneous use of high pressure processing and transglutaminase enzyme on spent hen protein isolate (SPI). Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, June 1-3. (Poster) 35. Omana, D. A. and M. Betti. 2011. High pressure processing of chicken breast meat: Effect of beta-glucan on the properties of prepared products. Alberta Chicken Producers Annual General Meeting, Red Deer, Alberta, March 1, 2011. (Poster) 36. Paul, D. C., M. J. Zuidhof, A. Pishnamazi, and R. A. Renema. Effect of ambient temperature on core body temperature and growth performance of broiler breeder pullets. Poster presentation at Alberta Poultry Industry Annual General Meetings, Red Deer, AB. March 1, 2011. 37. Paul, D. C., M. J. Zuidhof, A. Pishnamazi, and R. A. Renema. Why birds eat more in the winter. Poster presentation at Alberta Poultry Research Centre 25th anniversary Annual General Meeting, Edmonton AB, June 2, 2011. 38. Renema, Robert, Doug Korver, and Martin Zuidhof. 2011. Breeder nutrition and early growth traits of broiler chicks. Proceedings of the 18th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition of the World’s Poultry Science Association. Oct 31-Nov 4, 2011. Çeşme - İzmir, Turkey, pp. 1-8. (Peer reviewed paper) 39. Renema, Robert, Doug Korver, and Martin Zuidhof. 2011. Breeder nutrition and early growth traits of broiler chicks. Proceeding of the 18th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition of the World’s Poultry Science Association. Cesme-Izmir, Turkey, pp. 1-8. 40. Robinson*, F. E., D. C. Penrice, and M. J. Zuidhof. There’s a Heifer in Your Tank: Free range learning. Invited keynote team presentation to North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Meeting. Edmonton, AB. June 15, 2011. Audience of 250. Received standing ovation. 41. Robinson*, F. E., D. C. Penrice, M. J. Zuidhof, and the Heifer in Your Tank team. 2011. There’s a Heifer in Your Tank: A story of student impact. Invited team presentation to Mount Royal College faculty for professional development. Calgary, AB. February 23, 2011. Audience of 75. 42. Saunders-Blades, J. L.*, K. L. Nadeau and D. R. Korver. 2011. What are the benefits of dietary 25OH D3 (HyD) for commercial turkey production? Alberta Turkey Producers and their Annual General Meeting on March 1, 2011 in Red Deer, AB. 43. Ton K., J. L. Saunders-Blades, D. R. Korver and M. J. Zuidhof. Antibiotic or management: Which one do broilers prefer? Poster presentation at Alberta Poultry Research Centre 25th anniversary Annual General Meeting, Edmonton AB, June 2, 2011. 44. Torres, C. & D. Korver. 2011. Un complément maternel en éléments organiques Cu, Zn et Mn affecte le développement osseux du poussin à l'éclosion. Proceedings of the 9èmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole, March 29th and 30th, 2011. Published electronically by World’s Poultry Science Association. 45. Ullah, A. and Wu, J. (2011). Bioplastics from Poultry Feathers for Various Applications. Oral and poster presentation at the 3rd Annual BCN Strategic Retreat, November 30-December 2, 2011 at the Rimrock Resort near Banff, Alberta. (#audience 150) Page | 46

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46. Wang, C. and Wu, J. (2011). Adhesive from Protein-Containing Agricultural Waste and byProducts. Poster Presentation at the 3rd Annual BCN Strategic Retreat, November 30-December 2, 2011 at the Rimrock Resort near Banff, Alberta. (#audience 150) 47. Wang, C. and Wu, J. (2011). Making Adhesives from Agricultural Waste and By-Products. Poster presentation at the PRC annual meeting, June 2-3, 2011, Edmonton, Alberta (# audience ~ 120). 48. Wu, J. (2011). I love eggs. Oral presentation at the PRC annual meeting, June 2-3, 2011, Edmonton, Alberta (# audience ~ 120). 49. Yegani, M., & D. R. Korver. 2011. Dietary Enzymes Affect Ileal Energy and Amino Acid Digestibility of Corn-Soy Diets in Broiler Chickens. Proceedings of the XIIIth European Poultry Conference, Tours, France. August 23-27, 2010 Published electronically by World’s Poultry Science Association 50. Yu, W., Field, C. and Wu, J. (2011). Immunomodulatory Potential of Spent Hen Derived Bioactive Peptides. Poster presentation at the PRC annual meeting, June 2-3, 2011, Edmonton, Alberta (# audience ~ 120). 51. Z. Khiari, Y. Hrynets, M. Ndagijimana and M Betti. 2011. Development of functional proteinpolysaccharide complexes from low value poultry meat. Poultry Research Centre Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, June 1-3. (Poster) 52. Zhang, J. and Wu, J. (2011). Reduction of Egg Allergy Through Fermentation. Poster presentation at the PRC annual meeting, June 2-3, 2011, Edmonton, Alberta (# audience ~ 120). 53. Zuidhof, M. J. 2011. Alberta poultry research – highlights and directions. Presentation to Wageningen Agriculture University Animal Science Faculty and guests. Wageningen, NL. June 29, 2011. Audience of 6. 54. Zuidhof, M. J. 2011. Building better broiler breeder bodies. Invited presentation to the Saskatchewan Poultry Industry Conference. Saskatoon, SK. March 3, 2011. Audience of 45. 55. Zuidhof, M. J. 2011. Chicken Systems Research. Presentation to Dr. Mitch Abrahamsen, VP of R&D, Cobb-Vantress. Edmonton, AB. Oct 18, 2011. Audience of 12. 56. Zuidhof, M. J. 2011. Implications of weather for broiler and broiler breeder management. Invited presentation to Aviagen and some of their Hungarian producers and processors. Edmonton, AB. August 24, 2011. Audience of 18. 57. Zuidhof, M. J. 2011. Leadership and innovation at the Poultry Research Centre. Invited presentation to Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Livestock Business Development Branch Meeting. Lacombe, AB. October 12, 2011. Audience of 30. 58. Zuidhof, M. J. 2011. Poultry Research and Teaching at the University of Alberta. Presentation to Olds College students and faculty members, Edmonton, AB. Nov 16, 2011. Audience of 65. 59. Zuidhof, M. J. 2011. Poultry Research and Teaching at the University of Alberta. Presentation to Lakeland College students and faculty members, Edmonton, AB. Dec 1, 2011. Audience of 45. 60. Zuidhof, M. J. 2011. Poultry Systems. Poultry Research Centre 25th anniversary Annual General Meeting. Edmonton, AB. June 3, 2011. Audience of 100. 61. Zuidhof, M. J. 2011. The Poultry Research Centre: Excellence in production efficiency and product utilization 2012-2017. Presentation to the PRC board at the PRC Fall Retreat, Edmonton, AB. November 2, 2011. Audience of 15. 62. Zuidhof, M. J. and D. R. Korver. 2011. The PRC: Current priorities, accomplishments, and capabilities. Presentation to the PRC Strategic Research and Development Forum, Edmonton, AB. February 3, 2011. Audience of 60. 63. Zuidhof, M. J. and I. I. Wenger. 2011. Precision broiler breeder feeding system: update. Invited presentation to Canadian Hatching Egg Producers open board meeting. Canmore, AB. July 13, 2011. Audience of 45. The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

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64. Zuidhof, M. J. and L. F. Romero. 2011. Recent developments in measuring efficiency in chickens (RFI and RMEm). Presentation to the RFI Round Table Meeting, Edmonton, AB. October 13, 2011. Audience of 35. 65. Zuidhof, M. J., I. Wenger, E. Tanjong Mba, D. C. Paul, D. E. Holm, F. E. Robinson, R. A. Renema, Y. Ren, T. Moraes, and A. Pishnamazi. 2011. The PRC: Research highlights and priorities. Invited presentation to Chick ‘n’ Chat meeting of Alberta Hatching Egg Producers. Strathmore, AB. June 21, 2011. Audience of 22. 66. Zuidhof, M. J., I. Wenger, E. Tanjong Mba, D. C. Paul, D. E. Holm, F. E. Robinson, R. A. Renema, Y. Ren, T. Moraes, and A. Pishnamazi. 2011. The PRC: Research highlights and priorities. Invited presentation to Chick ‘n’ Chat meeting of Alberta Hatching Egg Producers. Edmonton, AB. June 22, 2011. Audience of 27.

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Technical Reports (N=4) 1. Doug Korver, Mirko Betti, Wendy Wismer, Sandeep Singla and Debrah Yu. 2011. Factors affecting the “black bone” discolouration in broiler chicken thigh meat. Final report submitted to the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency. 17 pages. 2. Jennifer Saunders-Blades and Doug Korver. 2011. Effect of dietary yeast extracts on broiler chicken performance and immune function. Final report submitted to the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency. 29 pages. 3. Jennifer Saunders-Blades and Doug Korver. 2011. Effect of 25-OH vitamin D3 on performance, immune function and resistance to bone abnormalities in turkeys. Final report submitted to the Agriculture & Food Council. 19 pages. 4. Mba, E. T., A. Pishnamazi, T.G.V. Moraes, M. J. Zuidhof, and R. A. Renema. 2011. Broiler breeder composition restriction: Can feed manipulations turn breeders to better mothers? Canadian Hatching Egg Producers. August 15, 2011. 28 pp

Industry Publications (N=2) 1. Nudds, K. Managing What You Can’t See: Building better broiler breeder bodies. 2011. Canadian Poultry 98(10):18-22. Available from 2. Yegani, M. M. L. Swift and D. R. Korver. 2011. Evaluating Feed Quality. Canadian Poultry Magazine September, 2011 pp. 14, 16.

Patents (N=2) 1. Wu, J. and Wang, C. (2011). Adhesives derived from canola and spent hen proteins. Provisional Patent Application (#61/498,311, June 17, 2011). 2. Wu, J., Bo, L. and Ren, J. (2011). Methods of phosvitin extraction from egg yolk. Provisional Patent Application (#61/495,505, June 10, 2011).

Research into Practice Lynn McMullen was invited by Maple Leaf Foods to participate in a two day event (October 3 – 4, 2011, Toronto) to present her views and debate the eradication of foodborne disease by 2020. She gave two 10 minute talks and participated in 2 hours of debating each day. This was a very challenging event but it was one of the highlights of the year. There were approximately 200 people in the audience.

Books and Book Chapters (N=1) 1. Wu, L., Chanput, W., Wu, J., Aluko, R., Horimoto, Y., Nakai, S. (2011). Computer-Aided Optimization of Peptide Sequences and Integrated Delivery of Selected Peptides to Targets: A Case Study on Blood Pressure of Oldest-Old Patients. In: Bioactive Food Proteins and Peptides: Applications in Human Health, Eds. N. Hettiarachchy, K. Sato, M.R. Marshall. New York: CRC Press. 2011, pp. 311-331

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Advanced Education and Technology Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences Agriculture Agriculture and Agri-food Canada Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development Alberta Chicken Producers Alberta Crop Industry Development Fund Alberta Egg Producers Alberta Hatching Egg Producers Alberta Innovates Bio-Solutions Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Alberta Livestock Industry Development Fund Alberta Turkey Producers Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program Canadian Hatching Egg Producers Canadian Poultry Research Council Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science Egg Farmers Canada Food and Drug Administration (US) Food Processing Development Centre (ARD, Leduc) Highly qualified personnel Meat Safety/Processing Research Unit National Science and Engineering Research Council Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Discovery Grant North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Nova Scotia Agricultural College NSERC Collaborative Research and Development Grants NSERC Discovery Grants program Poultry Industry Council Research and development Scholarship program (The Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, CZ) The Poultry Research Centre There's a Heifer in Your Tank To be determined undergraduate student University of Alberta University of Calgary, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Manitoba University of Saskatchewan Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology

The Poultry Research Centre Annual Report 2012

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