ellipse magazine volume 1

Page 87

by TYLER MONICA photographed by ADAM ANTALEK

Applause rang for miles around It didn’t matter what anyone Voyager–5, the vessel that would release thought now. Just outside the a lucky hundred from the bonds of Earth. window to Molly’s left, the red Thousands had gathered to watch the planet was coming into view. She passengers part. Some onlookers came could faintly make out mountain out of envy, others curiosity, excitement, peaks from so far above. A few scarce or simply sorrow over saying goodbye to clouds were the only other discernible a loved one. The ship that would carry sights. Mars still had a long way to them was massive in scale. It was designed go before regular rainfall would be to comfortably hold the migrants as well feasible. On that day, people would be as an entire crew. Food would be prepared able to walk freely without airtight suits three times a day while entertainment or visors that always seemed to fog up. events occurred bi-nightly. It was to be Homes would be able to be built with the journey of a lifetime. windows that opened to allow in the martian breeze. There would be no That day was long gone, though. Since limit to what the world allowed. Molly then the ship’s halls had been filled had no trouble waiting for that day to with the merriment of strangers, days come. Neither did any other passenger of drinking, sleeping, and plenty of of Voyager-5. It would be more than philosophy. There had also been a worth the wait. surprisingly long period of getting used to the artificial gravity. Barreling through A new journey was offered for those who space at near 18,000 miles per hour allowed had the heart to leap over the canyon’s edge. a great deal of time to reflect. How did A scary jump for someone who didn’t know life come to be on Earth while remaining what lurked at the bottom. But, for those seemingly absent everywhere else? What who leapt, for those that were willing to would it take to recreate that elsewhere? gamble on chance and survive the descent, Would humanity eventually be able to the bottom offered endless possibilities. create barges over Jupiter and Saturn as well? Molly kept those questions in her Then Voyager-5 touched down. Molly thoughts alongside countless others. She didn’t even realize they had gotten so near. knew the passengers sitting around her She was too entranced by her thoughts. would look at her funny if she started Nothing could distract her from the landing asking such things aloud. now, though. Spacesuits descended from 85

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