Participative Assessment Report Project, Building Sustainable Livelihoods Through Agriculture

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Setbacks for producer participation in the research actions along with the SAT students, as this interfered several times with their productive activities and their adequate participation was not achieved. Changes of Tutors assigned to community SAT groups has caused some level of lack of continuity in the accompanied processes. The work related to the vegetable gardens was not considered in its full weight as an activity of curricular content. The limitations of access to land on behalf of the families of some of the SAT students.

External Constraints • The greatest obstacle of the production of raising chickens was the dependency on accessing the chicks for raising and concentrated feed strongly control by monopolized businesses, as well as lack of access to electricity and market. • Interaction difficulties with other institutions, as sometimes efforts are duplicated and there is a lack of coordination of execution calendars that interfere with programme sequence as well as the isolation of the communities and available resources of the SAT Programme. • Dependence on personnel from other institutions for accompanying the implementation of the activities related to putting into practice the management plans of the micro-basins. • The same constraint is found regarding research using the CIALs methodology, which requires the support on behalf of personnel from other institutions and the establishment of another organizational process parallel to SAT. • The persistence of conflicts regarding clandestine lumber use in the micro-basins where management plans have been developed.

Lessons Learned and potential for Future Application The contextual analysis of the whole Pilot Project experience has allowed us to identify some lessons learned: •

As the management experience progresses of the 4 micro-basin management plans included in this Pilot initiative, it is possible to garner lessons learned for the preparation of teaching material tailored for supporting the implementation of the experience among other participating communities of the SAT Programme. The implementation experience of the water-producing management plan must be transversally cross-cut by a vision of Alternative Conflict Management. It is convenient to be aware of this perspective, because within the complexity of the reality of the management there are situations of conflict that appear for which solutions are sought while working, that generally leave many lessons learned that are worthy of being recorded to enrich the management proposal within the local initiatives and for exchanging and promoting other micro-basin initiatives. The participative management of the micro-basin management plan under the leadership of the SAT Programme students and the community is an opportunity without precedent for establishing the different levels of students within a proposal of conservation actions at short, medium and long term, that surely will enrich the resources and opportunities for the SAT Programme curricula development, with solid foundations on local issues, generating the conditions for on-going learning, not only for the SAT Programme participants, but also for the local people.

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