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2.5.3 Updating and revision of texts The texts are innovative and engaging. The maths is integrated with the other core SAT areas, communication, technology, science and most importantly, service to the community. The constant application of the maths to worthwhile practical applications is motivating. This is demonstrated by the vast majority of tutors37 reporting that studying with SAT had made them feel much more positively about maths and generally giving the practical nature of the texts as one of the reasons. However there are some concerns:

Box 19 Lo mismo que las otras unidades hay un énfasis en el desarrollo de actitudes positivas, como las siguientes: compromiso personal en el aprendizaje proprio y del grupo; satisfacción por enfrentar y vencer retos; reconocimiento del valor de lo que se aprende para la formación personal y para la solución de problemas; honestidad en la búsqueda de soluciones, convicción en las respuestas; reconocimiento de los propios errores y interés por corregirlos

* Most coordinators interviewed spontaneously complained about the number of errors in the texts Source: Bosquejo General, Manejo de because they undermine tutor/student confidence Variables, Unidad 4 in the texts38. Some of the information is out of date, and therefore now incorrect. For example, in Matematicas 1 Conjuntos y Numeros, (revised by Asociación Bayán in 2008), the number of species is given as about a million. Current estimates are between two and one hundred million (an interesting fact in itself) and no mention is made of the rate at which species are judged to be disappearing. * Other opportunities to engage tutors and students with current issues are missed. Examples of this are: the balance between using animals for economic gain and humane treatment, and the limitations of double entry book keeping e.g. it does not record the social or environmental cost/benefits. In Para Salvar las Barreras it is suggested that additional material is introduced where appropriate but this was rarely observed. * The study and practice of maths offers many opportunities for the development of a range of attitudes/qualities/skills, for example patience, perseverance, courage, attention to detail, etc. Trainers/tutors rarely referred to this. These are sometimes mentioned in the Guides to Learning and Evaluation and in the introductions to the texts, as in Box 19. This example is from the second year of Bachillerato but it would be beneficial to give more emphasis to attitudinal development from the first text/guide.


Percentage For example in Manejo de Variables: Unidad 2 (adapted and contextualised by Asociación Bayán 2004) there are at least 14 typographic errors, while some are minor (e.g. omission of question marks) six could impede understanding (e.g. incorrect answer) 38


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