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+ THREE LAMPS: The changing times of Ponsonby’s High Street BRING ON SUMMER AND OUTDOOR LIVING: Enjoy just being at home

16,987 Published 7 October, 2011

OCTOBER 2011 ponsonbynews.co.nz




DEADLINE – 20TH OF THE MONTH October 2011 PONSONBY NEWS EST: OCTOBER 1989 – Incorporating the Ponsonby Community Newsletter (PCNL) CELEBRATING 22 YEARS OF PUBLISHING HISTORY!

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



Photography: Evotia Tamua











photography: Michael Ng www.ngfoto.com


Andrew, Tricia Reade and Angela Redfern

COVER ILLUSTRATION: Dave Bradley, Design by Ditch


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4 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011


photography: martin leach


photography: martin leach


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THE RUGBY WORLD CUP I just wanted to tell you what a great time I am having here for the Rugby World Cup. As an American, rugby is not generally something I watch, but everyone here is so excited, I find that I am caught up in the carnival-like atmosphere. I could not resist going to the NZ vs. France game. Now I’m a fan. What a great way to see Kiwis in their natural environment. The Fan Trail was a real blast and the best way to interact with the other revellers. The route was dotted with entertainment, everything from French maids to fire twirlers. There was no short supply of hunky exotic males, looking like rugby players. The French fans were sure enjoying themselves too. I was told, “It’s not a chicken, it’s a cock”. Like a true sports fan I say it is how you play the game, New Zealand you could be a world class player. Thanks for the lovely magazine, I picked up a copy and used it as my guide. Ponsonby is the best place to hang out in Auckland. The street fair was the icing on the cake. ANNA RODRIGUEZ-SANSOM, Westmere MARKETING RULES AND MONEY DAMAGING TO SPORT How silly can logos and marketing rules get? World cup organisers have been down like a ton of bricks on anyone in New Zealand breaking the rules by using the name ‘All Blacks.’ Even Motoring legend Colin Giltrap has been hit. “Bloody ridiculous”, was how he described the heavy handed way they made Giltraps in Great North Road remove a large window sign saying “Go the All Blacks”. The car yard is of course on the Fantrail from the CBD to Eden Park. Why does such a patriotic call like that incur the wrath of these marketing boffins? Because sport has become all about licensing and money. I saw the movie ‘Senna’ the other day — a wonderful documentary about the legendary formula one driver — three times world champion. When asked after 15 years at the top of his sport, what was his greatest moment in driving he recalled when he first went to Europe driving go-karts. He explained that that was “pure driving”, with the most skilled driver usually winning. He was dismayed by the fighting, cheating, and manipulation that constantly engulfed the Formula One World. Formula One became all about the money, and the drivers became pawns of wealthy team owners. When we hear Sir Colin Meads talk about his time as an All Black, it’s all about pride in the jersey, pride in performance for self and country — never about the money, because they were amateurs.

www.twitter.com/Ponsonby_News PONSONBY MARKET DAY I just wanted to ensure that those responsible for the recent Ponsonby Market Day got some big ups in print. My friend and I took our three children and were blown away by how much free and cheap fun was available, for the kids but also for their grown-ups. We started at the Jervois Road end of Ponsonby Road where the children were ecstatic to buy homemade peach iceblocks - delicious I’m told - from Fusion. A fitting summery start! We then proceeded round the corner to listen to the amazing Samba band while the patient St Mary’s musicians waited their turn outside the BNZ. The children were able to stray a little ahead of us in a group - there was a wonderful safe feeling in the street - and reappeared with snow-cones (what else do you follow an iceblock with) that they’d bought at the nearby All Saints Church Fete. The littlest bounced on the Bouncy Castle to the sounds of a kind of Big Band while the Mums inspected home-made preserves and bric-a-brac to buy - then we proceeded to satay sticks from the Thai House - this was turning into a culinary tour - and on to an inspection of the Courtyard Sale at Workshop for the Mums - admiring the stilt walkers along the way. As we had time constraints we crossed the road. Devonport Chocolates had super deals on still-fresh dark chocolate bunnies and marshmallow eggs, from there we were soon able to release beautiful heart and star shaped bubble forms into the super blue skies, courtesy of the nearby Cloud Machine. To round off the kids’ delight, they scored balloon Nemos and the little one had his face painstakingly painted at Pumpkin Patch. Oh, and I’m a little embarrassed to confess that pizza and crepes might have made their way into the journey’s menu, too. The children proclaimed the outing the BEST EVER - I for one will be diarising the next Ponsonby Market Day. When is it please? We might even drag Dad along. JULIA GENTIL, Westmere NIKKI, I LOVE YOU! BUT I DON’T LOVE YOUR PARTY Both Jacinda Adern and Nikki Kaye are rising stars in their respective parties. I admire them both. However, while Nikki seems to share Mayor Len Brown’s Vision for Auckland, her party does not. She is committed to increased investment in public transport for Auckland, her party is not. A vote for Nikki and National is a vote for more roads and more road blocks to a liveable 21st century city. Returning central Auckland to Labour will deliver a strong message that we expect central Government to support the Mayor and the agenda that has our mandate. GLENN WHITE, Freemans Bay

On a positive note, it was good to see that the Auckland Council may spend some millions of dollars on artificial fields for winter sport, half in the central area. That will be great for grass roots sport, which has been constantly rained off wet fields in recent winters. Twenty percent of games have had to be cancelled this year alone. In the meantime are we still allowed to say, “Go the All Blacks?” Well I just did. JOHN ELLIOTT, Herne Bay FREEMANS BAY FOODIE My biggest passion has always been food. Good healthy food that is and as always when I receive my beloved Ponsonby News each month I go straight to your eat, drink and be merry section to see if there are any new places I should know about. And hey presto, here it was our very own Foodie Guide in your September issue. I am convinced you put this together specially for me, oh maybe not but how cool of you to include it! Also this couldn’t have come at a better time. I have family from England staying with me during the Rugby World Cup and they have tried many of the cafes on the list. Well not quite but they have certainly given it a good go. Thank you Ponsonby News team for yet another informative and exciting issue. DAPHINE SMITH, Freemans Bay NEW NANDO’S I live in the Ponsonby area; Sheehan Terrace and I love the Ponsonby News! I just discovered a Nando’s has recently opened up on Ponsonby Road. I was very excited to say the least as this is a really cool place to go and eat.Thought you would be the right people to let everyone else know it is now open for business. The owner is an ex rugby player for Manu Samoa and the Harlequins in the UK. AIMEE, Ponsonby

Views and opinions published in Ponsonby News as expressed by their authors are not necessarily those of Alchemy Media Limited.

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As we go to press the Rugby World Cup is in full swing and tomorrow is the match between Ponsonby’s ‘adopted’ team England versus Scotland which will be an exciting one for us. Whether it will be as exciting as the game between the All Blacks and France remains to be seen.

The Ponsonby Business Association (PBA) have a special ‘Ponsonby Party’ on the ‘strip’ planned 22 October. According to Viv Rosenberg this will be a ‘big big big’ Saturday in Auckland as it falls between the Bronze Final on 21 October and the Finals on Sunday 23 October. Check out our facebook page, or the PBA’s new website www.iloveponsonby.co.nz for updates. Timing wasn’t with us last month and we were unable to show anything of New Zealand Fashion Week. Julie Roulston, our fashion ‘eyes and ears’ has made up for it this month with xx pages of highly fashionable reading! The team just needs a hint of sunshine to bring out the sunscreen, hats and shorts! Roll on summer we say and hope you enjoy our feature on ‘Outdoor Living’. Spring makes us feel like a spring clean out of all our winter clutter. This month, our home section has some tips for renovations. Another highly successful Ponsonby Market Day was held last month. The weather was unbelievably good. There was plenty of entertainment and many businesses made an effort to bring the locals and tourists out. And it worked. Well done everyone. The historic Jacobs Ladder staircase in St Marys Bay reopened last month, restoring the popular walking route between Waitemata Street and Victoria Park. Colleague Deirdre Roelants interviewed long time locals Joy and Frank Blomfield who were surprised there are now only sixty steps as opposed to the former ninety!

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


photography: Michael Ng www.ngfoto.com

Because PONSONBY has adopted England as our second team for Rugby World Cup, some people have asked us if we’re also supporting the ALL BLACKS! The answer is a huge YES! So, Jane at Kloser reshot our team photo and we dressed accordingly! But how’s the Rugby World Cup treating Ponsonby is a question being asked in our community? Not all that well, by all reports. But we’re not the only ones missing out. Hospitality owners all over New Zealand are saying the cup has been over-hyped. Our colleague John Elliott talked to some local hospitality businesses to get their feedback.

The high profile Victoria Park Tunnel project is speeding towards an early completion. The NZ Transport Agency will open the project in stages over the next few months, starting with the partial opening of the tunnel under Victoria Park on 7 November. The Election is only seven weeks away – Saturday 26 November. Have you enrolled to vote. Every vote counts, so please do your bit! The older we get the faster time rushes by. Make the most of EVERY day… and we’re sorry to say it Christmas is only 11 weeks away! PN




RUGBY, CULTURE AND TRANSPORT Some aspects of the Rugby World Cup are just delightful. In Queen Street recently, I was stopped in my tracks by 15 young men singing, in te reo Maori, in close harmony. Overseas visitors gathered around them and their gorgeous voices carried me down the street and plastered a smile on my face. It’s great to see our Maori heritage on show during the world cup. The haunting karanga at the opening event, the waka paddlers, the flash mob haka at busy shopping centres – they all assert our distinct New Zealand culture and we should all be proud of it. What’s less delightful is the blame game around the problems of the opening event and the failure of the public transport system to cope. The most convincing case to fast track the CBD rail loop happened on that opening Friday. If we’d had more trains thousands more people could have been shifted safely and effectively and wouldn’t have missed the match. But the train service was at capacity because Britomart is a dead end and trains can’t turn around fast enough. The only solution is to turn it into a “through station” so that trains don’t have to waste time by backing up. Yes, this will cost a lot of money, however it was what was planned as the next stage of developing the rail network when Britomart was upgraded and it has not happened because for decades governments have had a bias towards motorway development rather than investing in public transport infrastructure. Auckland mayor Len Brown supports the CBD rail loop and he and Transport Minister Stephen Joyce have already gone head to head on the funding for this proposal. It’s this poor showing on public transport that makes me sceptical about the Government stepping in to manage events at the waterfront. The RWC is happening 10 months into the new super city which was pushed through by the National Government with unprecedented speed. Their legislation created a bunch of unelected and largely unaccountable Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) to take on council functions and these include Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) who have been coordinating the events and Auckland Transport who are in charge of public transport. Each has their own bureaucracy attached so it’s maybe no wonder that with a silo mentality the opening event at the waterfront wasn’t as well planned or executed as it could have been. Even so, it strikes me as undemocratic for the Government to use special powers to wrest control of Auckland’s waterfront. The city is a lot more prepared after the experience of that first event so we don’t really need the RWC Minister Murray McCully micro-managing the events. Auckland should just be allowed to get on with it. Anything less is just meddling. (DENISE ROCHE) PN

HISTORIC JACOBS LADDER STAIRCASE REOPENED LAST MONTH Auckland’s historic Jacobs Ladder staircase in St Marys Bay reopened last month after being closed since March 2010 for work associated with the NZ Transport Agency’s Victoria Park Tunnel project. Opening at the same time is the staircase to Beaumont Street section of a new walkway beside the State Highway 1 motorway at the bottom of the St Marys Bay cliffs. Both the Jacobs Ladder staircase and the walkway will ultimately connect to a new footbridge being built across the motorway from the cliffs to Westhaven Drive. The truss or framework of the bridge has been installed and it will open early next year after the decking and cladding have been installed. The upgrade of Jacobs Ladder was a joint NZTA and Auckland Council project. “We replaced old wooden steps with metal ones, to bring them up to the same standard as the new walkway and footbridge,” says the NZTA’s State Highways Manager for Auckland and Northland, Tommy Parker. “They will be stronger and also safer because they will also be included in the CCTV surveillance of the area.” Jacobs ladder provides a vital connecting link between the Western Bays, Victoria Park and the vibrant new waterfront area, says Waitemata Local Board chair Shale Chambers. “We are delighted to see the staircase reopen and that this historic pathway is still an important part of the Victoria Park area.” Jacobs Ladder was originally built in the 1800s to provide access down the steep St Marys Bay cliffs to the Waitemata Harbour foreshore. It was once the most direct route between Ponsonby and wharves in St Marys Bay used by cutters and whalers in the 1800s and later by ferries. The staircase was also the main access to HMNZS Ngapona, base of the Naval Volunteer Reserve Unit, from 1925 until 2007. The unit’s headquarters at the base of the St Marys Bay cliffs were demolished two years later to make way for motorway widening as part of the Victoria Park Tunnel project. “In recent years the stairs have been well used by commuters walking to and from work in the Auckland CBD and by runners and walkers as part of their keep-fit regimes and we’re delighted to be able to return this popular route back to the community,” Mr Parker says.

photography: martin leach

The name ‘Jacobs Ladder’ is biblical, referring to Jacob’s vision of a ladder leading from earth to heaven. In naval terms, a Jacobs Ladder is a portable ladder made of rope or metal and used primarily to board ship. Upgrading Jacobs Ladder is one of a series of community-based projects associated with the Victoria Park Tunnel project, which will be the first of the Government’s seven roads of national significance to open to traffic. The first lanes of the tunnel will be opened to northbound-traffic in November ahead of schedule. In January the existing Victoria Park viaduct will be reconfigured to carry four lanes of southbound traffic.

Waitemata Local Board’s PIPPA COOM and Labour List MP Auckland JACINDA ARDEN

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Victoria Park – together with the construction of a new motorway viaduct at nearby Newmarket – will ease congestion through central Auckland, make journeys more reliable for motorists and freight carriers, and improve safety on the busiest section of the city’s motorway network. PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



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AUCKLAND’S REAL ROAD BLOCK AUCKLAND HAS REALLY HIT ITS STRIDE LATELY… AND IT HAS NOTHING TO do with Rugby. In one short stretch, we’ve had the opening of Wynyard Quarter and Q Theatre, the re-opening of the Auckland Art Gallery, more stages of the Britomart Development and, finally, the launch of the Draft Auckland Plan. As I sat this week and listened to the Mayor talk about the bold and ambitious plan for Auckland, one thing occurred to me: the only thing standing in Auckland’s way now is Wellington. We have one Mayor, one council, and one voice at local government level. We have our draft plan; including what our transport, economy, waterfront, and city centre should look like in 20 and 30 years time. We know where we’re going and why. All of that has now exposed our biggest road block: a Government which doesn’t agree with us. Let me explain what I mean… On public transport, the Auckland plan sets out that the city rail link is the ‘foremost transformational project’ in the next decade. I couldn’t agree more. The reality is that it won’t be delivered without central government’s support and the National Government doesn’t believe in this project. A few weeks ago, I asked the Minister of Transport in Parliament if the city rail link was his number one priority. Not only did he reply “no”, he went on to say that no responsible government would invest in the city rail link. Transport isn’t the only area where there is distance between Auckland and the current government. The draft plan has set some fantastic and necessary environmental targets, with higher greenhouse gas emission reduction targets than has been set nationally.

Pictured: JAKE who has produced a series of fabulous t-shirts to promote the city rail link. They’re made to look like famous rail networks but with Auckland station names! JACINDA ARDERN is sporting K’Road in the style of the London underground become an innovation hub. I am incredibly excited by both. The key to job creation and wage growth in the region lies in a strategy like this, but Auckland can’t do it alone. Our exporters have been telling us for years that the key to unleashing their potential is a more stable dollar, and the Government has it within their power to do that through changes to our monetary policy. Likewise, we know from research and what both domestic and foreign companies tell us that the difference between them staying in New Zealand, innovating and growing their business, are incentives like a R&D tax credit. We had one, the National party canned it. It’s time to bring it back for the benefit of our city.

Again, I support this aspiration for our city, but it’s the same aspiration I have for all of New Zealand. We should be world leaders on issues of climate change and we desperately need to rebuild our environmental reputation. The National Government instead has adopted an emissions trading scheme that subsidises polluters and does nothing to genuinely reduce our carbon emissions.

Auckland’s time has more than come. As a city that is home to more than a quarter of the country’s population and the generator of a third of its GDP, there is no doubt it has suffered from under investment. That’s all the more reason why Government must work with council to reach our goals: to build a sustainable, liveable, prosperous city we can all be proud of. And if they don’t, it’s time to send them a message. (JACINDA ARDERN) PN

Auckland is already an economic powerhouse, but it also has the ability to go much further. The draft plan sets out a couple of goals: to increase our exports and to

Labour List MP based in Auckland Central www.jacinda.co.nz Authorised by Jacinda Ardern, 86 College Hill, Ponsonby

GREY LYNN WELCOMES MANU SAMOA AT AUCKLAND AIRPORT The Manu Samoa rugby team helps to bring together different backgrounds from school children to politicians to hip-hop artists. All were awaiting the arrival of the Samoan rugby players to Auckland for their RWC 2011 campaign. L-R: (Back row) Alf Filipaina (Auckland Council), Paul Dalton (Grey Lynn Business Association Chair), Jane Jackson (Grey Lynn RSC), Lui Tusani (Manu Samoa Supporters Club), John-Afi Stowers-Atafu, Sene Atafu, Peter Skelton (Auckland Council), Pippa Coom (Auckland Council). King Kapisi holding the Samoan flag. PN

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



JERRY CLAYTON BMW – LOCATED FIVE MINUTES NORTH OF THE BRIDGE The team at Jerry Clayton BMW want to make purchasing a new vehicle as easy as possible but, above all else, an enjoyable experience. Therefore, from 13 October they will open on Thursday nights until 9pm and hope you make them one of your locals. Jerry Clayton BMW Dealer Principal Steve Hilson has just returned from Germany having visited the M studio in Munich as well as the release of the new 1 Series in Frankfurt. Steve tells Ponsonby News what he is so excited about. “I have just returned from Munich where I got up close and personal with the latest in M product, including the yet to be released M5, as well as BMW individual – the ultimate in personalization BMW has to offer. From Munich, I headed to Frankfurt where we experienced the all-new 1 Series in the amazing venue where the Frankfurt Motor Show was held. Prepare to be taken somewhere new on personalising your own aesthetic tastes. I think the colour coordination options will take the owner on a whole new journey of vehicle owner pride and individuality. BMW’s philosophy is one of creating the Ultimate Driving Machine, an objective which is certainly delivered by the 1 Series. Its size belies its accomplished ride and handling. It is dynamic to drive and yet, thanks to Efficient Dynamics technologies, is an amazing example of green motoring. It has been lauded by motoring press around the globe and we’re eagerly anticipating

its local launch later in October. I think the BMW 1 series is going to change the Auckland land-scape of affordable luxury vehicles in a dramatic way.

Get ready for something special – the all-new BMW 1 Series will be available in New Zealand from 21 October. It’s already turning heads all over Europe, and now it’s set to redefine its class here. Not only is it a leader in performance, technology and comfort, it gives you the opportunity to personalise the vehicle to suit your style and the way you drive. The personalisation comes into its own with the Urban and Sport Lines. Complementing the standard models, the new style Lines offer a choice of exclusive interiors and design details. They offer greater value for money and allow you to add your own personality to the vehicle – but regardless of which model you choose, you can be sure your all-new BMW 1 Series will always stand out from the crowd. Priced from only $46,600 drive away*, the all-new BMW 1 Series is ready to make a big impression. Discover for yourself why it’s 1 of a kind.

While I was in Frankfurt, I also had the opportunity to receive an update about future product from the BMW Group. We were treated to the world-premier of two new electric-hybrids, the i3 ‘MegaCity Vehicle’ and i8, the world’s greenest super-car. These new models go into production in 2013 and are BMW’s answer to sustainable personal mobility solutions. After seeing these impressive new future models, it’s no small wonder the Dow Jones Index has recognised BMW as the world’s most sustainable manufacturer for seven consecutive years. In my opinion, BMW quite literally offers the perfect range of vehicles.” PN

Contact the team for a one on one discussion about the new 1 series. JERRY CLAYTON BMW, 445 Lake Road Takapuna T: 09 488 2000 www.jcbmw.co.nz

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




THE AUCKLAND PLAN – DELIVERING FOR AUCKLANDERS Auckland Council has now released the draft Auckland Plan for consultation. It aims to make Auckland the world’s most liveable city by 2040. Provisions for an Auckland spatial plan were set out in last year’s local governance reform and it is a way Government and our council can work together to ensure the well-being and prosperity of all Aucklanders. Overall, I am really pleased with the draft Plan and the plans to open up our waterfront are exciting. The Wynyard Quarter and Britomart developments have already given Aucklanders a taste of what can be achieved. I am also very pleased with the central city masterplan, particularly some of the proposals for greater green space and pedestrianisation of some inner-city streets. One area that I believe will be quite contentious is the area of housing intensification. While I support greater intensification of housing in parts of Auckland, including central Auckland, it is important that we get the balance right by putting in place plans that are achievable to deliver the hundreds of thousands of homes needed to cope with population growth. This involves a combination of both freeing up land and intensification. The views of the local community and inner-city residents will particularly matter with regard to housing. There are few things that impact inner-city living more than living space and the proximity of your neighbours. I am a strong supporter of the CBD Rail Link as part of developing a robust public transport plan for the CBD. A review to assess the possibility of a CBD rail link in Auckland conducted by the Ministry of Transport and the Treasury in conjunction with the NZ Transport Agency, found that more work needs to be done to determine the full future transport needs for central Auckland. I believe the project will happen and it is a question of what timeframe and how to fund it. Important issues such as funding need to be worked out and we owe it to Auckland ratepayers to carefully consider all aspects of this project before making decisions. While this is being done it makes sense for Auckland Council to move to protect the future rail route and the Government agrees with this.

I have also asked Auckland Council to consider a feasibility study for a tram loop around the Western Bays and CBD. I am pleased that the extension of trams is mentioned in the draft Auckland Plan including the potential to extend them from Wynyard to Britomart and up Queen Street. However, I believe that there needs to be feasibility work done to ensure a tram loop connecting the Western Bays and the central city is properly investigated. I have recently tabled a petition to Parliament of over 1000 signatures to support looking at legislation to extend Auckland’s tram system. In the meantime it is great that the Government has shown a further commitment to Auckland rail by agreeing a package with Auckland Council that will complete the $1.6 billion government-funded upgrade to the Auckland metro rail network. The package agreed last month means that 57 three-car electric trains will now be able to be purchased, 50 per cent more than previously proposed. The agreement will allow a fully electric fleet to operate in Auckland and be owned by the region. As part of the package, the Government will make an additional grant of up to $90 million to ensure Auckland Transport can take advantage of favourable purchase conditions and purchase the full all-electric fleet for the network. Combined with projects like the $340 million Victoria Park Tunnel project, this shows significant progress and investment in Auckland’s transport system. In developing a 30 year plan for Auckland it is inevitable that there will be differing viewpoints. This is part of a healthy democracy and an important part of the process. In the past differing ideas were promoted without any decisions being made so it is good that, for the first time in the history of our city, the spatial plan process means central and local government will now come together and agree on one plan for Auckland. However, our plans for Auckland have to be realistic, affordable, and coordinated. We won’t build the Auckland of anyone’s dreams through a series of ad-hoc and un-coordinated spending decisions. The future of Auckland is not about us all going in different directions. It’s about central and local government working together in partnership to deliver for Aucklanders. People can have their say about the Auckland Plan at www.theaucklandplan.govt.nz or T: 09 301 0101. Submissions will be accepted from Tuesday 20 September to Tuesday 25 October. I urge you to be part of planning Auckland’s future. (NIKKI KAYE) www.nikkikaye.co.nz Authorised by Nikki Kaye MP, 82 College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland

KOKOMO’S ROYAL BALCONY Some familiar faces smiled down on Ponsonby Road to welcome the Barmy Army to the ‘hood last month. Richelle Gott, the owner of Kokomo told Ponsonby News, “we’ve always liked to do things differently. We’ve been here for over 15 years now and are very excited to be ‘adopting’ England for the Rugby World Cup period.”

16 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011


WHAT’S HOT AT STRAWBERRY SOUND DANIEL JURY EVERYONE WHO ENJOYS HOME AUDIO AND HI-FI OWES A LOT TO WHAT happened in the United Kingdom during the late 70’s and early 80’s. Way back then if you had any sort of audio or hi-fi equipment in your home it usually meant you had the title of Sir or Lord before your name. Hi-fi was the domain of the wealthy and only corporations like the BBC had access to the type of pure sound clarity that we all take for granted today. That was until Chris and Dave Evans came along. The two brothers from Hampshire, England, carry something of a legendary status in the hi-fi industry. Chris is widely recognised as being the brains behind the creation of the first mass-produced integrated amplifier that opened up the doors for everyone to enjoy the audio and hi-fi world whilst Dave was at the forefront of designing hi-fi products that could be mass produced without any loss of sound or build quality. These gentlemen are widely considered as key people who started the whole movement of bringing hi-fi affordably into our homes. So why the history lesson? The simple reason is that these fine gentlemen, with their “royal hi-fi pedigree” are the creators and designers behind a new product available at Strawberry Sound in Ponsonby: The Myryad Mi. Myryad may be a new brand in New Zealand but it comes with a proven track record. Chris Evans eloquently stated the philosophy of the brand when he was quoted saying that Myryad’s principles were “to create a complementary range of high quality audio separates which offer outstanding performance, graceful aesthetics, first -class reliability and exceptional value for money.” And the Myryad Mi delivers this by the truckload. The Myryad Mi is a totally digital stereo hi-fi design that offers CD, AM/FM Radio and the all-important iPod / iPhone / iPad connectivity. An amazing use of technology is the way the Myryad Mi delivers its outstanding audio performance: everything is processed and amplified in the digital domain. This means digital audio sources, like a CD, are amplified without introducing distortions usually associated with conversion and analogue processing. And if you’re like me and the other large proportion of the world that use an Apple device to listen to music, then connectivity is a number one priority for you. Myryad’s feature rich iPod interface provides truly unprecedented levels of system integration.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

The Mi utilises data from the iPod to generate menus on its full colour display screen. These familiar menus mirror those seen on the iPod and, thanks to dynamic text sizing, can be easily read from across the room, allowing convenient armchair selection of artists, albums, songs, playlists, podcasts and musical genres. Apple connectivity is provided using the unique M-Port cable supplied. Another link back to Myryad’s form and function philosophy is that the Mi has a high resolution 3.5” colour display with touch-sensitive control keys which preserve the Mi’s sleek styling. Connecting a PC or other digital source? Twin digital inputs mean you can also easily use the Mi as an amplified DAC for high quality audio straight from your PC. The Mi’s in-built Class-D digital stereo amplifier delivers a true 50 Watts RMS per channel into 8Ω so it has plenty of power under the hood for driving loudspeakers. The Myryad Mi offers a modern and complementary solution for anyone wanting the convenience of a single component system with genuine high-end audio quality. The unit is well designed and very sleek and elegant so it doesn’t need to be hidden away. And it seems that the critics love the Myryad MI as much as I do with the unit picking up rave reviews from leading British hi-fi magazines such as Hi-Fi Choice, Hi-Fi World and What Hi-Fi? To make life easy we’ve paired the Mi up with classic British loudspeaker brand Castle, to give you a truly amazing audio and hi-fi experience. Castle was founded in Skipton, England in 1970 and is regarded as one of the world’s premiere manufacturers of loudspeakers. Castle speakers are beautifully handmade from real woods and truly no pair of speakers looks the same. The reason for this is that Castle speakers are made from real wood, not reconstituted pulp, and they use mirror cuts from consecutive slices of wood, which gives a beautiful “butterfly” look. These speakers deliver balance and accuracy while retaining the classic warmth for which British speakers are so renowned, and for this they perfectly complement the Myryad Mi. This month at Strawberry Sound we’re proud to offer a combination deal on the Myryad Mi and a set of Castle Knight 3 floorstanding speakers for only $3999. Visit us in store to demo this amazing combination. (DANIEL JURY/PALMER BAINS) PN STRAWBERRY SOUND, 23 Williamson Avenue T: 09 376 0286 www.strawberrysound.co.nz



RE:AB - FIT + HEALTHY IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH AND WELLBEING WITH REVIVAL MASSAGE THERAPY by Kirsty Wilkinson, owner of re:ab on Selbourne Healers from all walks of life have been using the remedial benefits of massage for thousands of years and while we would all agree that massage makes us feel good, many people don’t know the amazing benefits regular massage can have on their overall health and wellbeing. Massage is too often treated as a luxury and while an hour of remedial touch is fabulously pampering, using massage therapy as part of your regular wellness program is essential and surprisingly effective when it comes to enhancing your health.

As far as holistic therapies go, they don’t get much more complete than a good massage from a trained professional! The dedicated team of expertly trained and experienced massage therapists at Revival Massage Therapy located at re:ab on Selbourne, specialise in remedial massage, deep tissue work, sports and pregnancy massage as well as trigger point therapy and reflexology. No matter what your budget allows, a regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly massage will see you on the road to an enhanced level of wellness after the very first massage. Get in touch with Viv and her team today to discuss your needs and feel the difference now! New clients will receive 30% off their first 60-minute massage at Revival Massage Therapy during the month of October. Simply mention this article when booking your appointment! PN Revival Massage Therapy is now open 7 Days with four late nights! Book online at www.revivalmassage.co.nz or M: 021 816 338 RE:AB ON SELBOURNE, 2 Selbourne Street T: 09-360-2929 www.reab.co.nz

Whether a massage is sports specific, remedial or purely for relaxation, regular treatment has a cumulative effect and can reduce stress, improve performance, prevent and eliminate injury, aid recovery and even enhance your metabolism and circulation. Immediately after a massage you can feel the invigorating effects of healing taking place deep within your body. Among a raft of other health benefits, massage boosts blood and lymphatic circulation and drainage, aids repair of soft tissue damage and may reduce the effects of stress - which can be related to migraines, anxiety, hypertension and depression.

VICTORIA PARK TUNNEL OPENING SOON The high profile Victoria Park Tunnel project – the first of the Government’s seven roads of national significance - is speeding towards an early completion. The NZ Transport Agency will open the project in stages over the next few months, starting with the partial opening of the tunnel under Victoria Park on 7 November. By next March, it will be all over – just 27 months after work started. Since November 2009, a workforce of up to 500 at any one time has been beavering away above and below ground to increase the motorway capacity over 2.2 km between the Auckland Harbour Bridge and central motorway junction. The project will get rid of the long lamented traffic bottleneck through St Marys Bay caused by the under-capacity Victoria Park flyover. It will also leave the communities alongside the motorway with more attractive public spaces and places.

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Next month’s opening of the tunnel will divert the two lanes of northbound traffic from over to under Victoria Park, but the first real traffic improvements will come in January, when the existing flyover opens in a new configuration to carry four lanes of southbound traffic. The two current southbound lanes on the viaduct will become off-ramps only to the central CBD, the Port and the Northwestern Motorway. Drivers going further south along State Highway 1 will need to be in the two lanes that are currently being used for northbound traffic. If drivers make the wrong decision, there is no opportunity on the flyover to switch between the two off-ramp lanes and the two lanes for travel further south on SH1. For drivers, reconfiguration of the flyover is the more challenging of the motorway changes coming up. The NZTA will launch an extensive education campaign before Christmas to encourage all drivers to get in the correct lane for their destination well in advance of the flyover. It includes a new driver education section on the project’s website (www.nzta.govt.nz/projects/victoria-park-tunnel) with links to simulated southbound and northbound drive-throughs. PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



 LOCAL NEWS WALLACE ARTS TRUST PARAMOUNT AWARD WINNER AKIKO DIEGEL Ponsonby resident Akiko Diegel won the Paramount Award at the 20th Wallace Art Awards 2011 with her work ‘Cure’, made of 2,634 bulldog and alligator clips crafted from disprin packets, encased in a Perspex box. The work took four months to complete with each half of the clip hand-cut with a scalpel, then hand-folded and assembled together. She explains that the use of simple materials coupled with an extravagant amount of labour is a reaction to the effects knowledge and technology has had on our lives. Rather than make our lives easier, Diegel believes they have ‘created a world in which stress and anxiety have become the new paradigms of our existences.’ ‘In this brave new world, our neural and corporeal senses become suspended by chemical painkillers which blunt our normal bodily processes. Are these drugs intended to stall time until our anxieties have passed, and become a placebo that we come to depend upon to lead normal lives?’ The detailed labour is also a form of therapy for the angst of social experiences, suggesting perhaps that for Diegel, the act of making is the cure. The Awards were judged by three distinguished New Zealand artists – Philip Trusttum, Sara Hughes and Peter Gibson-Smith. Akiko receives a six month-residency at the International Studio and Curatorial Program in New York. Winners and selected finalists in the Travelling Exhibition are on show at The Pah Homestead, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre in Auckland until 16 October. PN www.wallaceartstrust.org.nz

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



photography: Michael McClintock


Locals flocked to the WEST LYNN TWILIGHT STREET PARTY AND MARKET last month. Below: at the SHOUT FOR SAMOA STREET PARTY in Great North Road

BOHEMIAN URBAN CULTURE IN GREY LYNN HAVE WE MADE IT IN GREY LYNN WHEN A HOUSE IS ADVERTISED WITH THE promise of living in “the centre of bohemian urban culture” as evidenced by “the Grey Lynn Farmers’ Market and Wilton St Community Gardens”? For all those involved it is very satisfying to hear that Grey Lynn 2030’s initiatives are considered to have created a desirable place to live. Because our vision is all about working towards a sustainable, vibrant, resilient community we are paying close attention to the draft Auckland Plan. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to set the strategic direction of Auckland and to influence what it means for Auckland to be the most liveable city in the world. We will be following up on Grey Lynn 2030’s submission to Auckland Unleashed, the discussion document that set out the ideas and initial proposals that went towards creating the draft Auckland Plan. We want to make sure that the Auckland Plan has recognised the challenges of climate change and energy security; has a strong commitment to the environment and a focus on quality urban design. From what we have seen so far there is lots to support in the plan.

photography: Jo Barrett

The consultation period runs until 25 October 2011. You can obtain submission forms from the library, the council service centre or have your say online at www.theaucklandplan.govt.nz. The Auckland Plan is accompanied by plans for the region’s economic development, the city centre and the waterfront. By early October we will be hoping that our adopted team are still in the Rugby World Cup and heading to the quarter finals. Even if the team has not progressed we will have been left with a lasting legacy of the community coming together to support Manu Samoa and host events, like the Grey Lynn Heritage Walk, that will hopefully become annual events. SPRING FESTIVAL SUNDAY 23 OCTOBER The Grey Lynn Farmers’ Market will be putting on a big show for the Spring Festival with extended market hours from 9am-2pm, an MC, live music, extra stalls, and a special guest star: the travelling mobile kitchen. Celebrity chef David Schofield will be cooking up gourmet meals using farmers’ market ingredients and doing cooking demonstrations. The mobile kitchen will be making its last stop on a nation-wide tour of Farmers Markets throughout the Rugby World Cup as part of the Outstanding in their Field event in conjunction with the REAL New Zealand festival. 23 October is of course also the day of the RWC final. The match will kick off at 9pm so there will be plenty of time to come down and soak up the sunny spring vibes of your local community market. We’d love to see you there! (PIPPA COOM) PN www.glba.co.nz

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



 LOCAL NEWS SOCIAL CAPITAL BLOSSOMING IN HERNE BAY VILLAGE The ousting of popular chemist Geraldine Phillips by her nasty landlord last month, supposedly to place a relative of his in a new chemist shop, has backfired badly.

“Thank you so much to our fantastic wonderful community who helped us in so many different ways. You were the wind beneath our wings over the last few difficult weeks. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”

Geraldine and team

The business and residential community was outraged, and has got in behind Geraldine and her staff with gusto and generosity. She has secured premises just up the road and locals have sworn to boycott any new business set up by Jon Sandler, her former landlord. Geraldine has been overwhelmed by the generosity, and admits she has received the sort of tributes usually reserved for funerals. Good on her for getting praise and support right now. She needed it, but most importantly she deserved it. Staff at Herne Bay Pharmacy have received hugs, flowers, muffins, scones, pikelets with jam, coffees, juice, and even champagne. Geraldine told us, “We are feeling totally carried along on a huge cloud of goodwill from all these wonderful people. You are the wind beneath our wings.” This is social capital at its very best. In general terms social capital is the fruit of social relations. (see ‘Bowling Alone: The Collapse & Revival of American Community’ by Robert D. Putnam 2000) The concept highlights the value of social relations and the role of cooperation and confidence to get collective or economic results. If the sort of goodwill towards Herne Bay Pharmacy that this unpleasant incident has created can last in Herne Bay, the inhumanity of this landlord will have spawned a sense of community more positive than ever before. In ‘Bowling Alone’, Putnam draws on evidence including nearly 500,000 interviews over a quarter of a century to show that we belong to fewer organisations, know our neighbours less, meet with friends less frequently. We’re even bowling alone (not in the thousands of league teams that used to crisscross the USA). Our sense of community has diminished. The same thing has happened in New Zealand, as changes to work, family structures, age, suburban life, television, computers, rule our lives. We need to re-connect with each other and with our communities. Herne Bay Pharmacy’s trials and tribulations have helped to remind us of just that. Just look at all the tributes on their Facebook page. Geraldine and team you are a valuable part of our Herne Bay community, and we do appreciate your contribution to our neighbourhood. (JOHN ELLIOTT) PN HERNE BAY PHARMACY, 238 Jervois Road T: 09 376 3339

SEA HAWKE RESTORATION GETS A BOOST THERE’S GOOD NEWS ON THE SEA HAWKE FRONT. ALL CONSENTS have been obtained and stage one has been completed. This was a major. Foundations, retaining walls, and basement facilities were in urgent need of attention and now stage two work on the exterior walls, roof and windows will commence later this year. Stage three work on the interior will hopefully be completed next year, dependent on funding. On Monday 29 August at 8.15am, thirty scouts, leaders, parents and committee members gathered at the ‘ship’ when the local Rotary Club of Westhaven presented a generous cheque of $3000.00 to the restoration project. Elaine Mead, who is the current President of the Club, presented the cheque to Marcel de Witte who is chairman of the fundraising committee. She spoke warmly of the importance of the club to the community and praised the committee’s fund raising efforts. Needless to say the donation was much appreciated and the visitors were treated to a flag furling ceremony by the assembled scouts. The committee members have worked very hard for four years and so far have raised approximately $650,000 out of a total budget of $900,000. They would be more than grateful for any help towards the final $250,000 which would see the completion of the project and a precious building saved for posterity. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) PN

Pictured left to right: Group Leader - CRAIG WHITEHEAD, JILL KITCHEN outgoing president, Westhaven Rotary Club, ELAINE MEAD - Current President, MARCEL DE WITTE - Chairman of fundraising committee

24 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



JOHN ELLIOTT: SOAP BOX NIKKI KAYE TO EASILY HOLD AUCKLAND CENTRAL ELECTORATE BY THE TIME YOU READ THIS, THERE WILL BE ONLY FIVE OR SIX WEEKS UNTIL the general election. By all reckoning, National will cruise back to power, maybe with an overall majority requiring no MMP partners. But a week in politics is a long time, and if we were to lose the Rugby World Cup, John Key would quite undeservedly get some blame. If we win, it will likely, unfairly, help National’s re-election chances. And all sorts of other wild cards can suddenly affect fortunes. The current Auckland Central M.P., National’s Nikki Kaye, beat Labour’s Judith Tizard quite convincingly in 2008 (by 1497 votes). Some attributed Tizard’s loss to her laziness and her inattention to electorate needs, but I never subscribed to that analysis. Tizard attended more local events than most M.P.s around New Zealand ever do. She was beaten mostly by the demographic change in Auckland Central, but also by a vigorous and hard campaigning new candidate, Nikki Kaye. Kaye has worked hard and pretty effectively since her election, and has built up a lot of local support. She has even taken stances against her party on several occasions. However, as a National Party M.P. she must necessarily tow the party line most of the time. Her main opponent this time will be Labour List M.P. based in Auckland Central, Jacinda Ardern. Ardern has set up her office just a few doors up the road on College Hill from Kaye’s office. It will be a strong head to head fight, but those two also have a strong Green Party Candidate, Denise Roche to contend with. Roche has vast experience in Green

issues, especially on her home patch of Waiheke Island. She can hold her own in any debate on environmental issues. She will do her party proud in Auckland central, but can’t win, and anyway is seeking the Party vote for Green. No other party candidates have yet declared for Auckland Central, and none who do will be expected to make much of an impact. All the pundits are predicting a close contest between Kaye and Ardern. I beg to differ. I predict Nikki Kaye will win easily, possibly by 2500 votes. Why? When the tide is out for a Party, as it is with Labour right now, even the very best of candidates have little show. Jacinda Ardern is a highly intelligent, world travelled young woman, who has worked in young international organisations. She is attractive and personable, and a good debater. She is being mentioned as a potential quick mover up the Labour Party ranks. But Ardern has not impressed locally as much as Kaye has done. People are saying that Nikki Kaye has a natural flair for politics, and is using that flair very effectively locally. I have heard die-in-the-wool labourites waxing lyrical about Kaye and saying that they could vote for her. But it is mostly about the demographic. Auckland Central is becoming ever more gentrified. There is a palpable affluence about the place, which is sometimes offensive, but which will work strongly in Nikki Kaye’s favour. I believe if Judith Tizard couldn’t hold the seat, the increased affluence in Auckland Central will make it impossible for Jacinda Ardern to win it back. Mark down Nikki Kaye for a long tenure in Auckland Central. (JOHN ELLIOTT) PN

CAPTION: The old KINGSLAND POST OFFICE comes to life an hour after sundown every Thursday in October during RWC.

HEART OF COMMUNITY UP IN LIGHTS With all the focus on Eden Park and the Rugby World Cup it’s natural that the historic inner city village of Kingsland is also getting its fair share of attention. An upgrade of the Kingsland railway station and an increase of new bars and restaurants to an already popular mix mean’s Kingsland is providing a great meeting place for international visitors and locals alike. But it’s not just on match nights that Kingsland is drawing the crowds. A beating heart in lights that sets off the Kingsland Thursday Night Light Shows linking the historic past with the events of today is bringing more visitors to the village. Every Thursday night during the Rugby World Cup this heritage building in Kingsland village, just a ball’s throw from Eden Park, comes to life an hour after sunset. Kingsland Business Society Manager, Christine Foley, says the heart-shaped crest on the facade of the 1911 Kingsland Post Office building has inspired stunning building projection lighting effects, where the building appears to rearrange itself and crumble. It then explodes into images of Kiwiana, Eden Park and Kingsland. A series of ‘touch, pause, engage,’ themed vignettes make up each 10 minute light show and screen continuously for three hours. Kingsland Business Society created the building projection light shows as its signature event for the Rugby World Cup and is now looking for a sponsorship partner to carry the event into the future. “Interest and public reaction has been huge and we’d love to run light shows for ten nights in a row during Christmas.” says Christine. PN KINGSLAND BUSINESS SOCIETY INC, T: 09 379 5553 www.kingslandnz.com

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LOCAL NEWS  YOU’VE BEEN FRAPED! EMILY SMART IS CO-FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR OF STORY MARKETING & Communications, an agency based in Grey Lynn that provides marketing solutions to New Zealand’s SMEs. News reaches me this week that the word ‘retweet’ has entered the Concise Oxford English Dictionary. In my day, if you retweeted, you turned tail and ran, but hey, I’m forty and spend most of my time playing catch-up with what’s new in the world of lexicology. So just what is fuelling the growth in new words? Social media of course. We share everything, with everyone, across all parts of the globe at any time, using new communication methods that need to be defined. I read with interest that in the recent uprisings in the UK, those rioting and looting were able to converge en masse strategically, using BlackBerry smartphones, iPhones and Facebook to communicate. Not only were the rioters using technology to talk, they were also talking in a different way, using words I had not heard before. The police were referred to as the ‘Feds’ and ‘popo’, Americanisms which have travelled across the Atlantic and made it to dear old Blighty. Whatever happened to ‘Bobbies’ or ‘the old bill’? Last week I was on Facebook (not organising riots I hasten to add), when I happened upon a status update from a chap claiming to be able to place, let’s call it his appendage, into his mouth. I thought that was quite clever, and frankly, if I could do such a thing, I think I too would be shouting about it on Facebook. Reading the comments below the status, it soon became clear that an interloper had been forging his status, with one observer commenting, “Fraped again...wot a twot.” I’m not even sure where to begin with this phrase, but here goes. I googled (when the hell did that become a word?) ‘fraped’ and found this www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=frape A combination of the words ‘ Facebook’ and ‘rape’. The act of raping someone’s Facebook profile when they leave it logged in. Profile pictures, gender and interests are commonly changed. Fraping can also include the poking or messaging of strangers from someone else’s Facebook account. “Dude, did you see Jonny’s Facebook profile, someone fraped him big time.” This was followed by a link asking if I wanted to buy frape mugs and shirts. How behind the times am I? Here we have a whole new word which is in a dictionary and even has its own merchandise! When you think about it, hasn’t it always been the case that the younger generation, or ‘yoof’ as they were called back in my day, have been at the forefront of creating, reclaiming or renewing words? In the days before technology enabled us to spread the new word to everyone, everywhere; word travelled, well, by word of mouth. What an interesting concept in today’s fast-moving, technological universe, the power of the spoken word. PN For more information about Story, go to www.storymarketing.co.nz

EMILY SMART of Grey Lynn based Story Marketing & Communications The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



CHAIR’S WAITEMATA LOCAL BOARD REPORT: SHALE CHAMBERS LIKE MOST OF YOU OVER THE LAST MONTH I HAVE BEEN CAUGHT UP IN THE razzmatazz of the Rugby World Cup or alternatively the marvelous arts, community and cultural events that have been rolled up into this international sporting event that has sent Auckland into event exhilaration and at the same time event exhaustion. It is sometimes easy to forget that at the end of the day this is a sporting event that sits on the shoulders of grass-roots sport and recreation clubs facilities in our community. Community sport and recreation is held together by enthusiastic parents who act as coaches, dedicated committees that serve our community year in year out, bright eyed children who want just to have fun with their mates, and charities like the ASB Trust which has a wide mandate to fund recreation, arts and culture that benefit the community, supported by local politicians like the Waitemata Local Board, whose predecessors over many terms of office, have wanted to help see our communities fit, healthy and engaged. When I spoke at the opening of the upgraded building and facilities of the Western Springs Association Football Club at Seddon Fields last month, I was humbled by the tenacity and enthusiasm of the parents and their executive committee who have fought over about five years to see this project to completion. They are at the ‘coal face’ dealing with the demand in a ‘roll up your sleeves’ way and my congratulations and admiration go to them. The demand for soccer has exploded in Ponsonby and Herne Bay over the last 10 years as our immigrant communities who play the sport want to join local clubs, and as girls, as well as boys take up the sport in increasing numbers. The Club sorely needs three all-weather artificial fields to meet the demand and the Waitemata Local Board has put funding the million dollars needed for the first field into its just-concluded three year Local Board Plan … the first step in the process. Auckland Council has just completed a ‘sports field capacity development strategy’ and has identified that Ponsonby and Herne Bay suburbs will have the second largest projected shortfall in field hours to meet this increasing demand by 2021. Officers have recommended a $10.3 million per year additional investment over the next ten years to

make sure our children and adults can both play and train on fields. The Club may yet see the three all-weather fields in the next 10 years with the support of the Board. I was surprised to learn that there are 777 winter fields in Auckland, with playing capacity at 8,544 full sized equivalent hours. Football takes up 4,407 hours, rugby 2,615 hours and league 1,523 hours! The other ‘big figure’ recreation facility in the Ponsonby area is the Pt Erin Pools in Pt Erin Park. The Waitemata Local Board has identified enhancement to these facilities as a key project to secure funding for and make progress towards building over the next three years and beyond. The key finding in the recent community needs assessment conducted for our Board was that there is strong community support to retain the special outdoor character of Pt Erin and that any redevelop should not negatively impact on this. Users are interested in seeing improvements and a wider range of aquatic activities provided, and thankfully there is capacity to do just that. It is a much loved pool and local users make up 42% of those who visit in the summer. The good news is that the Board is pursuing two broad development concepts: to develop the pool as an iconic outdoor destination fun pool, and to retain the outdoor fun pool and develop a local indoor pool providing fitness and learning aquatic activities. Officers are doing the costing, and that will be between $4-12 million depending on which option is chosen, before the Board undertakes community consultation over the preferred option, and a decision next year. What’s happening over the next month by way of events and activities? Rugby World Cup continues! Look up the Council events website, leaflets in the Leys Institute library, and posters all over the show, as there will be loads of plays, exhibitions and festivals as the whirlwind continues to its business end at the long weekend at the end of the month. Then it’s time to rest up with the family from all the fun (and hopefully not sporting heartache) and over indulgence on Labour Day with the end of the Rugby World Cup extravaganza. (SHALE CHAMBERS) PN Contact me: shale.chambers@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

ENDURING POWERS OF ATTORNEY – DO YOURS TODAY MOST PEOPLE WHO BUY PROPERTY OR RUN A BUSINESS WILL KNOW THE importance of having a power of attorney. A power of attorney is simply a formal arrangement where the donor (the person creating the power of attorney) appoints a person (the attorney) to be their agent to do certain things that the donor has the legal right to do. Unless the donor gives an enduring power of attorney (EPA), the power of attorney stops when the donor loses mental capacity through, for example age-related dementia or a head injury. There are two types of EPA – one for property (this appoints someone to manage and make decisions about your property) and one for personal care and welfare (this appoints someone to make decisions about your personal care and welfare). In 2008 the law was changed so that persons giving EPAs have to have independent legal advice. The change was because of reports of instances of abuse by those given the power, such as relatives embezzling money, abusing the donor, bullying, failing to consult the donor or neglecting the donor’s care and welfare to preserve family inheritances. NOW THE LAW REQUIRES THAT: 1. The donor must receive legal advice and have his or her signature witnessed by a lawyer or legal executive who meets certain requirements. 2. The “advisor” usually has to be independent of the attorney (the person given the power). 3. Before witnessing the signature, the advisor has to explain a number of matters such as the person’s right to stop the EPA in future, the person’s right to appoint more than one property attorney, the person’s right to appoint successor attorneys, whether the person wishes to place restrictions on the attorney’s powers to manage property, whether the power of attorney concerning property takes effect immediately or only when the person becomes incapacitated, whether the person requires the attorney to consult with others when exercising his or her powers, whether the attorney has to provide information to specified people, whether the person in a property EPA wishes to give the attorney the power to benefit himself or herself in certain ways and whether the person wishes to nominate the sort of medical professional who will certify their mental capacity. 4. The advisor is also required to explain what mental capacity means and that in law every person is presumed competent to manage his or her own affairs.

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The attorney’s signature also has to be witnessed. While the law does not require it, many law firms insist that the attorney also obtains independent legal advice. This makes sense: the attorney has to act in the donor’s best interests while encouraging the person to develop his or her competence to manage their own affairs. Property attorneys are also required to keep financial records and failure to do so is an offence punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 for each separate offence. The options available when creating EPAs and the need to select appropriate people to be attorneys need careful thought and planning. It is preferable that much of this is done before you visit your lawyer to give instructions. Most law firms will send you information to assist you make the best choices when appointing attorneys and specifying their powers. Recently, I acted for two elderly frail women in rest homes. They found the plethora of options and information overwhelming and upsetting. My own 85 year old mother who is extremely alert was told by her lawyer that redoing her EPA would be too complex and expensive and she should stick to the simple one she already had. For this reason at Davenports City Law we strongly encourage people to prepare EPAs when they are fully fit and mentally active. Losing mental capacity does not happen just with old age, it may occur through a stroke or car accident. For people who do not have EPAs and become mentally incapable, it is possible for relatives to apply for orders in the Family Court. The Court can make orders appointing people as property managers or welfare guardians. However, the application process is time-consuming and expensive. It involves filing detailed affidavits, consents from relatives and full reports from medical specialists. The process can take many weeks. It is far preferable to be prepared in advance and put in place well planned EPAs. (KEVIN PEARSON) PN DAVENPORTS CITY LAW, 23 Vermont Street, Ponsonby T: 09 917 1650 E: kevin@dclaw.co.nz


GILTRAP AUDI HAS MOVED Giltrap Audi has a new state-of-the-art Audi Terminal in Grey Lynn which is one of only 140 Audi Terminal dealerships operating throughout the world.

With its two-storey aluminium façade and curved interior, the Terminal adds an impressive sense of ‘bling’ to the yards on the Great North Road. The Terminal utilises the site to its maximum potential with two-storeys underground, incorporating a large expansive workshop (beneath the sales forecourt), a parts department and two vehicle storage levels. Proudly specialising in the sale of new and used Audi vehicles whilst boasting the latest technology in their Parts and Service Centre, the Terminal invites you to experience the ultimate in Audi service.

FOR PONSONBY NEWS READERS, GILTRAP AUDI HAS A SERVICE CENTRE SPECIAL OFFER For the month of October Giltrap Audi are offering a FREE ‘pre-summer safety check’ for any Audi. They have skilled factory trained technicians to carefully inspect your vehicle, so you will have peace of mind during the hectic summer months.

Also, if you register for your FREE ‘pre-summer safety check’ and mention Ponsonby News, you’ll be entered into the draw for a chance to WIN a place on the ‘quattro Drive Experience’ at Hampton Downs race track in November 2011. *Terms and conditions apply. PN

GILTRAP AUDI, 150 Great North Road, Grey Lynn T: 09 336 5250 E: info@giltrapaudi.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




GET ON YOUR BIKE MIKE! IF SUMMERS NOT ALREADY HERE IT IS ON ITS WAY. With this in mind I caught up with the awesome people at CYCO on Ponsonby Road to check out some of their latest bikes, so that you can get out and about and take advantage of the extra daylight and explore some of Ponsonby’s hidden treasures. Starting with something for everyone the Scott SUB 25 is a leisure bike like no other. Chris and the team at CYCO think this is the ultimate urban utility bike for everyday use. It’s robust, but retains an easy flow with its 70 cm wheels. Ideal for commuting, trips to the shops or simply to meet friends at a café, this bike is a great alternative to a car without the parking hassles (Salta café on Ponsonby Road even has a bike rack). The eight speed internal hub means simple gear shifting, no derailleurs to get knocked around and minimal maintenance. One might say that the SUB 25 is simply great riding with no drama. If you’re a little more adventurous or places like Woodhill Forest are stored as favourites on your GPS then look no further than the Mamba, made by Trek. The Mamba is part of the 29er Gary Fisher collection. Trek big wheel 29ers are taking over the Mountain Bike world. The bigger wheels roll more easily and flatten out the bumps resulting in a better ride experience. The Mamba incorporates the patented Fisher G2 geometry to overcome the ‘sleepy’ handling of other 29ers and results in a nimble free flowing ride. It’s exceptionally well equipped for its price boasting Rock Shox XC32 forks, Shimano Hydraulic disc brakes, and full Shimano drive train. A versatile bike performing around town and off road equally well. But if you’re more like me and prefer to stick to the tar seal CYCO has one of the best value road bikes on offer in the Scott Speedster S20. This is a bike that won’t break

LET THE PARTY CONTINUE THE RUGBY WORLD CUP WILL HARDLY BE PACKED away before Hockey’s equivalent rolls into town, after New Zealand won the right to host the biggest international hockey event for 2011.The FIH 2011 Men’s Champions Trophy will see the world’s top eight teams compete in Auckland from December the third until the eleventh. India was due to host this event, but with continual issues plaguing India the International Hockey Federation (FIH) confirmed that they had withdrawn the rights and India’s loss is now New Zealand’s gain. “It is the last major event on the men’s calendar prior to the 2012 London Olympics – so to have the top eight nations competing here in Auckland, including our own Black Sticks, will give New Zealanders the chance to see some worldclass hockey, and our men’s team a major boost in their preparations for Olympic glory’’ says Hockey New Zealand’s chief executive Hilary Poole. Poole certainly has an eye on the future, suggesting that “this is not just a one -off opportunity, but part of an on-going commitment to attract world class hockey events to New Zealand for years to come.” When the opportunity came up Auckland’s Mayor Len Brown, along with a raft of others, was quick to lend their support to Auckland hosting the tournament. “I’m determined to make Auckland an events destination, and hosting an event on this scale is another huge boost for our region hot on the heels of RWC 2011.

30 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011

the bank but has the attributes of a proper thoroughbred road bike. Visually, the S20’s hydroformed alloy frameset with carbon fork and Shimano 105 groupset looks like a more expensive bike. A test ride confirms the bike handles predictably and with ease whilst accelerating in sharp response to pedaling effort. It is great to see no compromise in components and trust me it makes those grueling hill climbs feel like a gentle Sunday cruise. This would be a great bike for a student getting into school racing or a Round Taupo aspirant. We’ve gone to a bit of an effort to find a bike that hits the mark for the kids. As kids grow an investment in a quality bike can often be a hard decision to make, but I think the Trek MT60 will be one that impresses the most discerning of buyers. Too many kids’ bikes are heavy, disproportionate and just plain hard to ride. Money wasted as your child gets frustrated and heads back to the TV. Trek make much of their dialed geometry for kids and it definitely makes a difference. The MT60, available in boys or girls frames, features a lightweight, low profile frame and perfect fit so that a child is agile and confident riding it. Adjustable length cranks reinforce the importance Trek place on fit and quality Shimano six speed shifting makes this a lasting bike if you are considering it outlasting several children. This bike could even fit rather well under the Christmas tree at $459.00. If you’re someone who likes something slightly out of the ordinary or not one to be lumped in with the crowd then have a look at a Character Cruiser, like the Electra Super Deluxe 3i. The first thing you notice about the Super Deluxe are its eye catching good looks. Move closer and you see that the appearance is not let down by substandard materials or components. The Super Deluxe features an aluminium frame, three speed hub, quality three piece cranks and full mudguards and rack. The ride is sheer comfort, with the handlebars and seat combining for an upright easy attitude and a geometry that allows you to easily put both feet flat on the ground when you pause to be admired. The three gears mean it is versatile enough for local cruising and is a bike that encourages you to take your time. (GEORGE BERRY) PN

In addition to the sporting and media benefits, this event will inject around $1m of new money into our economy. The teams and officials directly involved in the event will generate over 4,000 visitor nights alone,” said Brown. In world ranking order, the teams competing are Australia, Netherlands, Germany, England, Spain, Korea, New Zealand and Pakistan. There will be 24 matches, with each team participating in six games. The event will be hosted at North Harbour Hockey Stadium (Rosedale Park South) which can comfortably host 5,000 spectators, the teams, event officials, VIPs, media and volunteers. North Harbour hosted the FIH 2008 Olympic Qualification Tournament, so has naturally been given the nod to be the base for the tournament this time around. It is the first time that New Zealand has held an international hockey event of this scale, and boasts a cumulative television audience estimated at 38 million. The news of getting to play at home has been met with huge support in the men’s camp itself, including skipper Phil Burrows. Most of the guys in the team aren’t professional so not having to be away from home is brilliant. Getting the backing of a home crowd is something we don’t get very often so we’ll definitely relish it come October.” “Having your family and friends on the side line is something else, it often helps you play better than you think you can, if you’re behind it spurs you on to keep trying and if you’re in front it does the same to put the game beyond doubt.” The Black Sticks placed 6th at the 2010 FIH Champions Trophy, Monchengladbach, Germany. (GEORGE BERRY) PN


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



photography: Evotia Tamua


GREY LYNN WELCOMES MANU SAMOA AT AUCKLAND AIPORT Grey Lynn locals consisting of business owners, teachers and school children at the Auckland International Airport to welcome their adopted ‘second team’ Manu Samoa for their RWC 2011 campaign. An air of excitement was present as Samoans from the greater Auckland area waited to greet their team. PN

CELEBRATING EVERYTHING RUGBY, RIGHT AT HOME Hasn’t the 2011 Rugby World Cup been an absolute ripper of a tournament so far? As the teams arrived into New Zealand I headed along to the Airport to be part of the many welcomes, but it was the arrival of Tonga that really set things alight for me. Thousands of red and white supporters gathered at both the Airport and Greenwoods corner to welcome the team in from the airport and many of those fans have also turned up én mass to the teams opening training runs. Yes Auckland has had some trials and tribulations with transport and entertainment, but it’s nothing that most other cities that host events like this don’t experience. The majority of the people I’ve spoken with, hung out with, and watched the games with have all had a fantastic time both here in Auckland and around the country. Since the kick off of the tournament I’ve watched games all over the country, and been to remote towns experiencing all the different ways communities are celebrating the tournament. I’ve seen sheep painted to represent the teams playing in that region, flags at gateways, fences and even tributes to specific players like the Andrew Hore exhibit in his home region of the Maniototo. But it’s been in our own little pocket of Ponsonby and Grey Lynn that I’ve been most impressed. Maybe it’s made easier by having Eden Park in our backyard but the display of patriotism is unbelievable,

32 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011

not just for the All Blacks but for every single nation. People are finding any reason to look back into their heritage and find another team to support. Obviously the on the field performances by the likes of the Irish against the Wallabies has made it even easier to, but the way people are celebrating that countries culture is to be applauded. The colourful celebrations have also been brought to the fore by the many nationalities we have here in Ponsonby, and if you can’t get to the game maybe you should try one of our many hospitality venues we have to choose from. One that’s either adopting a nation or showing off some of their own heritage. Like Pane & Vino on Williamson Avenue or Gusto supporting Italy on Ponsonby Road, right beside La Cantine du Torchon supporting France. It’s simple to find someone supporting Japan, all of these establishments make it easy to get in the mood and celebrate our common bond, Rugby. Chapel is the official Heineken bar in Ponsonby and of course there are a significant number of Irish bars going to the enth degree to show off their heritage. Don’t forget places like the Cavalier Tavern (College Hill), the Speight’s Ale House (Herne Bay), Neighbourhood (Kingsland) and the Kingslander are all going gangbusters to show every game live. Don’t forget many of the Polynesian based teams are training at our very own Ponsonby Rugby Club when they’re in Auckland. (GEORGE BERRY) PN


LOCAL NEWS  SAMOAN FLAVOURS IN GREY LYNN A street party and heritage walk were just the beginning of four planned events that helped celebrate Samoan and Pacific culture in the inner Auckland suburb of Grey Lynn. As part of the celebrations surrounding Rugby World Cup 2011, the Grey Lynn Business Association (GLBA) has adopted Manu Samoa through the Adopt-a-second -team programme. To celebrate, the GLBA has been the driving force behind a number of Samoan flavoured events in Grey Lynn. The Shout for Samoa Grey Lynn Street Party saw over 800 locals and visitors sampling the various Pacific Island food on offer while listening to the soulful sounds of Opeloge Ah Sam’s Masque Jazz Quintet and feeling the rhythm to the Grey Lynn ukuladies. Tree Vaifale, the youngest singer drew a large crowd performing contemporary covers from Beyonce to Alicia Keys while established performer Natasha Baker-Urale serenaded listeners with her melodic rendition of traditional Samoan songs. Savalivali means ‘go for a walk’ and is not only the first line of a popular bi-lingual Samoan song but is also the theme behind the heritage walk held last Saturday with a history lesson of the greater Grey Lynn area and its Polynesian influence.

Photography: Evotia Tamua

Lead by local historian and Grey Lynner Sofi Ulugia-Pua, a crowd of up to 150 people aged from two years to 70 years started from the Grey Lynn library. The mainly Samoan, St Josephs Catholic Church Youth leading the walk holding Samoan flags, dressed in lavalavas and singing Samoan songs. Ulugia-Pua says “both events went well and like anything there’s room for improvement. It’s good to see the support for these initiatives and we definitely need to have more. Acknowledging the GLBA’s iniatiative to take it on in just doing it it helps to build better communities.” PN

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




THE THRILL OF THE FIGHT TO MAKE IT TO THE 2012 WORLD AMATEUR BOXING CHAMPIONSHIPS WOULD be a dream come true for Laura Matthews but like most sportswomen in New Zealand she is finding money is restricting her opportunities. After gaining the rank of New Zealand Number One Elite Light-Welterweight Female Amateur Boxer back in May, Laura has been gaining more and more experience in the ring working hard in the lead up to the championships. Her goals are set for the Oceania Championships in Canberra, Australia in March and the Women’s World Championships in Qinhuangdao, China in May. ‘I want to represent my country just like any athlete,’ explains Laura. ‘I look at one fight at a time, but ultimately want to compete in the Women’s World Amateur boxing championships in Qinhuangdao, China in May 2012 and I’m aiming for the podium. Next year is a big international year for Amateur boxing as 2012 will be the first time women’s boxing has been included in the Olympics.’ Fighting with the City boxing team under the management of Cameron Todd, Laura has a major international tournament coming up in Tunisia in November. The Women’s International Tournament of Tunisia runs from 19 - 23 November and will have some of the biggest boxing talent in the world. Being there will be excellent exposure for New Zealand women’s boxing as well as essential experience for Laura. ‘Being in the ring is like no other sport I’ve come across. Good boxers are very smart. It is such a technical game, a lot like chess. You have to be thinking about what you’re doing, what you’re about to do and a little about what your opponent is trying to do as well as pushing through your physical ‘wall’. Everyone’s natural instinct when they are physically confronted is to strike back, but you have to teach yourself to be patient and plan your counter attack if need be.’ ‘It’s a passion. I sacrifice a lot of other things in life to try and be the best. Boxing for me is easy — not many people would happily jump in the ring with some of the best boxers in the world to become better at it themselves — but I love doing it.’

photography: Danilo Santana David

Amateur boxing is completely funded by the fighters; unfortunately Laura doesn’t get paid for her passion and love for the ring and all travel is self-funded. In order to make ends meet Laura works at Boxing Central in Mt Eden as a personal trainer and boxing instructor, teaching one-on-ones or groups of the average Joe (or Jo, as it may be) who wants the opportunity to learn to box. Boxing fitness has been proven as one of the best sports to learn for speed, strength, agility and mental toughness. This makes it a great cross-training activity for anyone who competes in other sports and anyone who just wants to get out and get fit! If you are interested in one-on-one or small group training or with helping Laura get to Tunisia and Qinhuangdao please contact Laura Matthews on M: 021 598 988 or E: ld.matthews@xtra.co.nz PN

34 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011


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CLOCKWISE OCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Qualy ‘Sparrow’ salad bowl $69 @ Askew www.askew.co.nz; Bee Kind Weather wax 230g $19.95 @ ecostore www.ecostore.co.nz; Mercury Bio pots, squarepot $12.27 each, medium pot $6.13 & mini pot $3.07 each bio degrades in soil after use @ ecostore www.ecostore.co.nz; Cane shade $169 @ Republic www.republichome.com; Bear Grylls ‘Ultimate Multi Tool’ $169 @ Askew www.askew.co.nz; Bodum ‘FRYKAT’ portable charcoal barbecue/grill $99 @ Millys www.millyskitchen.co.nz

+ 36 PONSONBY PONSONBY NEWS NEWS+ October October 2011 2011



CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Childrens garden tools $18 each @ Garden Party www.gardenparty.co.nz; ‘Praying Mantis’ garden ties $8 each @ Garden Party www.gardenparty.co.nz; Pip-e chairs by Philipe Starck $385 each @ Indice www.indice.co.nz; Glass Jug $65 Tumblers $15.50 each @ Republic www.republichome.com; Hammer $62 @ Pylones www.pylones-newzealand.com; Portable Ping Pong $89 @ Askew www.askew.co.nz; ‘Apple’ colander/fruit bowl $34 @ Pylones www.pylones-newzealand.com PN STYLING: Jay Platt; PHOTOGRAPHY: Danilo Santana David, Fisher Santanta

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





GROWING TROMBONCINO Last summer I grew tromboncino for the first time - to be more precise - Zucchini Rampicante aka Tromboncino Squash. Botanical Name: Cucurbita moschata. Unlike other summer squash, it’s both a summer and a winter variety. Squash originated in the Americas. However, the varieties of squash typically called ‘zucchini’ were developed in Italy, long after their introduction from the ‘New World’. In New Zealand we often call zucchini the alternative name courgette which comes from a diminutive of courge, French for squash. Zucchini derives from the prevalent name in Italy, zucchina. If I’d paid more attention long ago in Italian language classes instead of flirting with the gorgeous Italian hunk in the back row I may know that rampicante means ‘climbing’ and tromboncino is ‘trumpet’. Kings Seeds, who sell the seeds, and list them as Zucchini Rampicante describe the fruit as “A summer and winter squash that goes by many names in Italy but commonly called a climbing zucchini, little trombone squash or an Albenga pumpkin”. I’d seen this vegetable selling at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market and was fascinated by its cranky curly shape and later I bought my seed there. This vege is the stuff of fairy tales - a large, long, curved sort of ‘caveman’s club’. It has a long neck and bulbous end and most of mine curled. Trumpet or trombone is the perfect name. I start my seeds off indoors in pots of seed raising mix and plant them out when spring is here. They are vigorous growers, very prolific and take up a lot of space. Climbing plants are good for me because my vege garden is small so climbers are ideal – there’s unlimited air space. I have strong tepees and other contraptions made of very thick bamboo or pre-loved useful junk collected from the roadside during the Ponsonby non -recyclables collection. The aesthetics of some of these gathered treasures are a bit dicey but they are practical and become a ‘silk purse’ immediately. I also bought some excellent climbing contraptions off Trademe to discover later that they were former road signs, but they are still with me. I fed my zucchini plants with diluted worms wee (one third wee, two thirds water) from time to time and watered regularly. As the fruit developed, some grew down far enough to rest on the ground whilst still suspended from the tepee. One grew high in a tree hanging down like a snake. Tromboncino can be grown across the ground too. Zucchinis are usually picked when the fruit is young and small and Tromboncino can be picked then - when the squash is young and pale green with soft coloured stripes. At this stage they taste bland but are very tender. Unlike zucchinis which I find turn into huge watery marrows, I prefer to let Tromboncino grow on, and eat as a sweet,

38 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011

SOME OF MY FAVOURITE VEGES FOR OCTOBER PONSONBY PLANTING ARE: basil, beans, beetroot, carrots, cress, cucumber, komatsuna, lettuces, Malabar spinach, Miner’s lettuce, Mizuna, Mustard giant red, Pak choi, radishes and zucchini. winter vege. As a winter vegetable, the skin colour changes from a variegated green to a pale orange brown that is similar to the colour of a butternut squash. These have more flavour and colour. Despite its name; this squash does not taste or look like zucchini and the texture is slightly different than a real zucchini. It’s dryer and denser. I stored some ripe dark ones from March and still haven’t eaten them. A trombone bandit purloined a few from my garden plants so I picked some a little early to thwart the thief but they were too young and did not store for long. The neck has no seeds so it slices into perfect rounds of pure meaty flesh. These are good unpeeled and sautéed in olive oil with garlic, ground salt and pepper. I have a nifty slicer (like a mandolin) and sometimes slice the neck lengthwise to add to vegetarian lasagne. The flesh soaks up flavour well. Try grilling it on the barbecue too. Kings Seeds suggest using “mature Tromboncino in pumpkin dishes based around pasta especially stuffing in gnocchi and ravioli or cooked with yellow tomatoes, the dark yellow flesh will make a delicious soup. The large male flowers are perfect for stuffing or frying”. My next zucchini exploit will be a newish zucchini which is round - Zucchino Tondo Chiaro Di Nizza - from Franchi Sementi, an Italian seed company established in 1783. Watch this space. (FIONNA HILL) PN You can buy Franchi seeds from Italian Seeds Pronto www.italianseedspronto.co.nz and Tromboncino from www.kingsseeds.co.nz


OUTDOOR LIVING JAZZ UP YOUR OUTDOOR SPACE FOR SUMMER With the days getting longer and warmer we will all be looking forward to spending more time outdoors. Ponsonby News has spoken to some landscape designers to get their top tips for how to improve your outdoor space in time for summer. VERTICAL GARDENS Who says that your garden has to be horizontal? Margaret McKegg of Ponsonby based Bradbury McKegg Landscape Architecture knows the limitations often smaller Ponsonby gardens can present. She is currently planning a vertical garden for her Paget Street home and premises. “We have a small courtyard so we are planning to build a fence then put punga logs vertically along it. We will then plant into the punga logs perhaps with bromeliads and ferns growing up the logs to create a vertical garden. This frees up the courtyard space so you can have plenty of room for outdoor furniture but still be surrounded by walls of garden.” illustration: Dave Bradley, Design by Ditch

LIGHTING Solar lighting can be an inexpensive way to give subtle illumination to your garden. But it is how you use the lighting that will make the difference, advises McKegg. “Place the lights perhaps behind a plant as long as you make sure the solar light still has access to the sunlight. This can be a lovely way to illuminate a special plant creating a lovely feature.” BRIGHT SHADE Some of the best entertainment areas can be used all year round because they are designed for protection against the elements. A shade sail is not only practical but can add a splash of colour to your space. DECORATIVE VEGETABLE GARDENS A vegetable garden can become a feature as well as being edible. McKegg suggests combining vegetables with flowering plants to create a vegetable garden with a difference. “Your garden could evolve over the year with bulbs coming into flower in spring, vegetables in summer then autumnal plants or vegetables.” If you don’t have space for a garden in the ground try experimenting with pots or troughs that can be moved around to change the look of the space as you desire. CITRUS TREES Citrus trees are an inexpensive way to liven up your garden space and work on many levels. They release a delicious scent, add a burst of colourful fruit and loads of green goodness to your space. For a different look try planting citrus trees into pots and plant lettuces underneath. CREATE WARMTH For the ‘wow’ factor when the sun goes down consider adding a fire feature to your space. Fire features not only add visual interest but also provide warmth making your space user friendly year-round. Choose a gas operated fire feature or candles in jars for a cheap alternative, suggests Ian Wilson from NZ Garden Design. HERBS IN POTS Jamie Oliver made leaning out the window to pluck a few fresh herbs look easy and

appealing. Herbs are a great way to create interest in your outdoor space as the beautiful scents float through your garden on a warm summer’s night. Select herbs that you think you would use regularly in cooking such as basil, mint, thyme or rosemary and plant in pots and group together on a deck. WATER FEATURES In any outdoor area it’s good to add a focal point. Wilson advises a simple water feature saying that modern water features are easy to install and low maintenance. Water features bring the added bonus of adding sound to your outdoor space with the relaxing trickling of water also helping to mask unpleasant noises such as traffic noise. CREATE MEMORIES For many Aucklanders summer is all about the beach. And inevitably kids, and sometimes adults too, come home with treasures they have found on the shore. Place a bowl on your outdoor table with a candle in the middle. It’s a great place to drop off treasures when you return from a walk on the beach and it makes an instant centrepiece for entertaining. COPY THE EXPERTS For more ideas check out local gardens and the botanical gardens for concepts that you can use in your own garden, advises Wilson. “Write the names down and sketch the combination of plants or take photos so that you can remember how they were grouped.” (KAREN PHELPS) PN

MAGIC HOLE AT KARTELL A SERIES OF OUTDOOR FURNISHINGS CREATED FOR KARTELL BY PHILIPPE Starck with Eugeni Quitllet. Created using a rotational moulding technique, the Magic Hole two-seater sofa, armchair and smaller table-front armchair complete the “Magic Hole” series. The new trio fuses function and style in a clean, light silhouette that is suitable for use in the garden, on the terrace, roof deck, poolside or for public places. The collection takes its name from the flared pocket in the arms, which is available in tone-on-tone white, grey or black, or in contrasting fluorescent orange or green. Add some magic to your outdoor living this summer! PN KARTELL, 35 Teed Street T: 09 522 7099 www.kartell.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




Pallet Sofa by Piero Lissoni for Pierantonio Bonacina

OUTDOOR ESSENTIALS AT ECC ECC Lighting & Furniture brings the finest in European lighting and furniture design to New Zealand and is privileged to represent many of the most sought-after designers in the world. Every year, Mike Thorburn (Managing Director of ECC) travels to Milan to hand pick each product for our showroom with a team from ECC. The Milan Furniture Fair is where the best manufacturers and designers launch their products to the world. The brand new outdoor range has now arrived in store. This year we have something to suit everyone’s needs and budget. The top of the range Royal Botania ‘Outdoor Luxury’ collection features a host of stunning products including the Ninix table and chairs. This fabulous extendable table can reach up to 360cm in length, which makes it a 14-seater. The marine-grade stainless steel and high quality teak will look great for years to come. Ninix has evolved into a Royal Botania design classic. The Ninix range has been a best seller at ECC over the years and is one of the most successful Royal Botania ranges ever designed. Royal Botania recently introduced their ‘light’ Red Label Collection, where they focus on the economic use of material, but still manufacture to the high quality standards we know and love. New to the Red Label collection is the Little-L range. The minimalist look of the Little-L range is achieved with aluminium profiles and outdoor Batyline fabric. Variations include folding director’s chair and glass or wood table-tops. Royal Botania’s XQI table and chairs are also part of the Red Label collection and suit the more affordable budget. This setting features stackable chairs with a stainless steel frame integrated with warm teakwood. XQI chairs offer superb comfort along with a range of matching tables.

XQI Table & Chairs by Kris Van Puyvelde for Royal Botania

40 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011

One of our favourites from the Milan Fair this year would have to be the Pallet Sofa by Pierantonio Bonacina. This exquisitely executed sofa will add a splash of luxury to any outdoor setting. The Pallet collection takes inspiration from the shape and the functionality of an everyday-use industrial object. The beauty of the wooden slats frame is the leitmotif of the project: naturalness and environmental sustainability. Modular elements can be combined to suit your outdoor space. The Pallet coffee table and dining table are also available. An outdoor essential is a good quality, comfortable chair. This is something that Parri know how to do very well. The Bla Bla Bla chair is an example of what the Parri range can offer in modestly priced outdoor furniture. These are stackable chairs, with contoured arms that fit easily under table-tops. Available in a range of colours and with a number of different leg/feet options, these chairs are a great addition to any outdoor space. For all your outdoor furniture needs this summer, visit the team at ECC. Whether it’s the lap of luxury you’re after, or quality furniture at economic prices, we have it all in our showroom. We look forward to helping your furnish your home, indoors and out, this summer. Opening hours: 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, 9.30am-4pm Saturday PN

ECC LIGHTING & FURNITURE, 39 Nugent Street, Grafton T: 09 379 9680 www.ecc.co.nz

Bla Bla Bla Chair by Parri PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



OUTDOOR LIVING FLUTTER CHAIRS - HARD WEARING FOR OUTDOOR, BEAUTIFUL FOR INDOOR Birkenhead Point business Flutter Design have taken the classic ‘butterfly’ chair and evolved it ergonomically using modern materials and fashion styling to suit New Zealand’s environment and lifestyle. Made world famous in the 1950’s for timeless casual comfort and unique styling, the New Zealand made Flutter chairs are now available in a choice of frame colours and custom made interchangeable fashion covers. With Flutter products it’s all about comfort and style. This season Flutter has introduced an exciting range of coordinated hand screen printed, cushions and ottomans. Also Flutter have extended New Zealand print artist Philippa Bentley’s Dragonfly series covers to include a summery marine blue and white colour option. The fashion of ‘nostalgic revival’ for furniture and home-ware is extended to the full Flutter range: Flutter outdoor frames and covers, Flutter leather indoor chairs, Flutter ottomans and cushions, custom covers for vintage New Zealand ‘butterfly’ frames and Basil Bangs- retro fabric sun umbrellas. Flutter covers are made in Auckland to the highest quality using marine grade outdoor fabric and trims plus UV proof inks. The Flutter frames are crafted from steel and powder coated for strength and longevity. Whether printed, plain or leather, indoor or outdoor chairs, cushions or ottomans are your preference, Flutter products are designed to enhance your living space and suit your style. PN FLUTTER DESIGN: All products available exclusively from www.flutterdesign.co.nz

The Plumen 001 is the world’s first designer low energy light bulb, as seen at New Zealand Fashion Week. Available now in New Zealand at www.plumen.co.nz or Douglas + Bec www.workroom.net.nz


42 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011



COAST AND THE OUTDOOR ROOM HAVE MOVED DOWNTOWN! THE ALTRANS BUILDING AT 104 QUAY STREET IN BRITOMART IS NOW HOME to contemporary outdoor furniture and accessories specialists, Coast and The Outdoor Room. With an entrance on Tyler Street and parking for pickups in a loading bay on Quay Street they have a much bigger showroom stocking your favourite outdoor brands and accessories right amongst the Rugby World Cup action. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm and during summer Saturday 10am - 4pm, Sunday 10am – 3.30pm PN COAST and THE OUTDOOR ROOM T: 09 354 4552 or T: 0800 454 545 info@coastnewzealand.com www.coastnewzealand.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



DAVID HARTNELL’S ONE MINUTE INTERVIEW WITH LANI LOPEZ Lani Lopez is without a doubt New Zealand’s favourite and most trusted naturopath, she has brought good health to literally thousands of Kiwis. Lani is also and one of the nicest people on the planet. YOUR FAVOURITE HOLIDAY? Tahiti, with my wee girl and my gorgeous man Giles. WHAT TV SERIES WOULD YOU NEVER MISS? The Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan, I too want to be calm and assertive. The way that man is able to free dogs and ‘train people’ is inspirational. IF YOU HAD A FRAGRANCE LINE, WHAT WOULD IT SMELL OF? Truffle and sandalwood, or maybe an old Spanish red wine. FIRST THING YOU’D GRAB IF YOUR HOUSE CAUGHT FIRE? My two daughters, man, cat, then probably my taonga. My greenstone is the symbol for me of my history, of where I come from and where I am going. GREATEST REGRET? Failing to prevent the Government from introducing legislation to regulate natural health products - it imposes an unwieldy and costly bureaucracy in the Ministry of Health making natural health hugely expensive. There is nil evidence of harm and enduring history of use in natural health so the government’s motivation mystifies me. So the fight goes on! CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOURSELF WHAT WOULD IT BE? At the moment I drink too much coffee. I will go on a hunt for the perfect coffee. I go to Zus & Zo. Roy makes the best coffee. WHAT DRIVES YOU? The aim and reward of helping people get the health they deserve and enjoy. IF YOU HADN’T BEEN A NATUROPATH WHAT OTHER CAREER WOULD YOU HAVE TAKEN? A scientist. I love the rigour of scientific study and research. But I nearly stayed a dancer. I was brought up performing belly dance and polynesian dance, it is still in my bones. WHAT SONGS ARE ON YOUR IPOD? A few mixes: my running mix, my boxing class mix, yoga mix but my favourite is little -known local musician, Tamara Rickett. WHO INFLUENCED YOU GROWING UP? Wonder Woman and my family. THE FIRST THING YOU WOULD CHANGE IF YOU BECAME PRIME MINISTER? Revoke the anti Natural Health legislation and remove a coven of empire-building bureaucrats hiding in the Ministry of Health. WHO ARE YOUR HEROES? The Dalai Lama faith, humility and loving strength. I really admire anyone with the courage to be their own special self. SILLIEST THING YOU’VE EVER BOUGHT? My cat, a fluffy flat-faced Persian with all the health issues of in-breeding. Walked into the pet-shop, fell in love with a mewling ball of fluff. 11 years later she’s still mewling and I’m still constantly picking up fluff. Oh and I’m allergic to cats! MOST ROCK’N’ROLL THING YOU’VE EVER DONE? Danced with my Tahitian dance group for a crowd of 40,000. That was a real thrill and almost won me to a career of dancing. WHAT FREAKS YOU OUT? Snakes, an absurd and irrational fear. Even pictures of snakes scare me silly. BEST THING YOU’VE GOT FOR FREE? My daughter’s love and the surge of power that came with holding her. “Yes I will protect you little girl”. The amazing feeling in mind, body and spirit that came with it, the absolute knowledge that I could and would do whatever it takes to keep her safe. In return the kisses, cuddles and pure love.

44 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011

FASHION WEAKNESS? I love soft fabrics. When I pick clothing I usually run my hand over the racks, then I check the cut and lastly, its colour. HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR FREE TIME? With my gorgeous man eating out (we love dining and each other), spending time with friends and family, walking up Mt Eden, relaxing on the beach, my veggie garden, cuddling my daughter. I love learning, so next are salsa classes and Te Reo Maori. WHERE DO YOU HOPE TO BE IN TEN YEARS? Much as I am now. Spending every day talking, learning and teaching health. I’d love to be able to keep travelling, learning, growing. Keeping my mind and heart open to new things. GREATEST PASSIONS IN LIFE? Family and friends, natural health, food (and wine). HOW MANY TVS DO YOU HAVE? One and it is under imminent threat of eviction. DESCRIBE YOUR STYLE? Eclectic and ever changing. I don’t really have one at the moment, my friends may argue this. Could you help me? WHAT KEEPS YOU MOTIVATED? That person who emails and says Thanks, I am feeling so much better. WHAT DO YOU VALUE IN FRIENDS? A healthy outlook, positivist, curiosity, courage and humour. (DAVID HARTNELL MNZM) PN


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY THE CULINARY EVENT OF THE YEAR COMES TO VICTORIA PARK TASTE OF NEW ZEALAND, THE BIGGEST FOOD AND WINE EVENT THIS COUNTRY has ever seen comes to town this October! Based at Victoria Park in Auckland, the four day festival takes place in the final week of the Rugby World Cup 2011 as part of the Real New Zealand Festival, and will play host to more than 25,000 local and international visitors’ hungry for the very best in cuisine and entertainment New Zealand has to offer.

Guests can sample the best foods and flavours from around the country while they soak up the festival atmosphere, all set to a fantastic schedule of live music performances curated by talented impresario, Peter Urlich. For the full line up of chefs, restaurants and participants involved at the Taste of New Zealand Festival, head to www.tasteofnewzealand.co.nz PN

Just down the road from central Ponsonby, the green expanse of Victoria Park will be transformed into a vibrant village of artisan food producers, wine merchants and top restaurants from around the country serving delicious tapas style dishes.

THE TASTE OF NEW ZEALAND FESTIVAL, VICTORIA PARK Wednesday 19 October – Saturday 22 October Tickets available through www.tasteofnewzealand.co.nz

Cooking stars include our most famous cook and best selling author Annabel Langbein, who will be releasing her new book Annabel Langbein Free Range in the City on the opening night of the festival. Top UK chef and TV personality Rick Stein will demonstrate and share with festival guests his way of adding the flavours of Malaysian cooking to great New Zealand produce in the Malaysia Kitchen. Six time Michelin star awarded chef and legend of British cuisine Gary Rhodes is coming to New Zealand for the first time and will be appearing alongside New Zealand’s own ‘Maori Queen of Cooking’ Anne Thorp, on the opening night of the festival where they will demonstrate their flare for the culinary arts as part of the Fisher & Paykel Chef’s Kitchen. Local chefs appearing at Taste of New Zealand include Makoto Tokuyama of Ponsonby’s Cocoro, Ben Bayly and Michael Dearth of The Grove, Warren Turnbull of the recently opened District Dining, who will be aided in the kitchen by ex pat kiwis and best mates Justin North and Josh Emett. Alisdair Gribben of La Zeppa fame will be bringing his latest project, Marvel Grill to the festival, to sit alongside Monsoon Poon headed up by Ash Visvanathan. Justin Rimmer from iconic venue The Wharf and Marco Edwardes of Waiheke’s Te Whau Vineyard wrap up a brilliant Auckland line up of venues. Jonny Schwass of Christchurch’s Restaurant Schwass, Ben Batterbury of the True South Dining Room from The Rees Hotel in Queenstown and Tim Pickering of Hawkes Bay’s The Farm at Cape Kidnappers bring regional flavours to the culinary festival. While at Taste of New Zealand, guests can watch cooking demonstrations at the Fisher & Paykel Chef’s Kitchen, get up close and personal with their favourite chef talent at the Waiwera Chefs Table or relax in style in the Audi VIP Lounge or even try a spot of whisky tasting!

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Ash Visvanathan (Monsoon Poon), David Hawk (Suite Bar), Ben Bayly (The Grove), Kelly Young (Fisher & Paykel Chef’s Kitchen), Nick Honeyman (Cru at Sales St), Annabel Langbein, Josh Emett, Michael Dearth (The Grove), Alisdair Gribben (Marvel Grill), Makoto Tokuyama (Cocoro), Marco Edwardes (Te Whau Vineyard) and Peter Urlich.




RUGBY MAD WINEGROWER IN NEW ZEALAND YVES CUILLERON IS COMING TO NEW ZEALAND THIS MONTH FOR 10 DAYS, including the day of the final of the Rugby World Cup. Yves is from the French wine making region, the Rhône Valley. The region starts in the south at Avignon, finishes in the North just below Valence and is located either side of the Rhône River. Yves’s home town is the small village of Verlieu– in the Northern Rhône, Yves established his cellars here in 1992. The Northern Rhône is home to the greatest Viognier and Syrah in the world, Yves is the third generation of his family to produce wines in this area. The story starts back in 1920 when his paternal grandfather started the estate; in 1960 his uncle Antoine Cuilleron became the estate manager and then in 1987 Yves took over running the estate in Condrieu and Saint Joseph. As time went on Yves acquired new parcels and built a cellar in 1992. Today the estate comprises of 52 hectares, covering five different Crus (recognised areas for quality wine production). It’s broken down into; 9ha Condrieu AOC – Condrieu wines are made from the Viognier grape variety, these 9ha are among the most prized to Yves. He makes four different dry Viogniers from this area, each representing a specific part of the vineyard, or singled out for vine age. Yves likes to produce wines from individual parcels, sure it’d be a lot easier to market (and explain) if he just put all of his Condrieu together and made one wine, but when you taste through the range, it’s clear to see the individual characters of each of the wines and why they just must be kept separate. In total he has 23ha in Saint Joseph, 18 of these produce red AOC Saint Joseph and 5ha white. The red produced in this appellation are made from Syrah; as with the Condrieu, there’s small parcels of wine made, this time four different Saint Joseph red. The whites of Saint Joseph are made from Marsanne and Roussanne, there’s also three Saint Joseph white, one from straight Marsanne, one from straight Rousanne and one that’s a blend. There’s then 6ha of Côte Rôtie, the varieties used to produce Côte Rôtie are Syrah and Viognier. Côte Rôtie is a red wine, the % of Viognier used is very tiny and used to lift the fruit and give aromatics.

46 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011

Yves makes three Côte Rôtie (there’s a theme forming here!) One that’s 90% Syrah and 10% Viognier, then two that are straight Syrah but from different parcels. The smallest of Yves parcels is his Cornas, 0.6ha, the variety of Cornas is Syrah. Due to the small size of the holdings in Cornas, Yves makes just the one wine. The second to last part of the parcel is Saint Peray, where he has 2ha and makes white wines from Marsanne and Roussanne– two different wines. To complete the holdings, there’s 12ha of Vin de Pays. From all of these vineyards, Yves makes the tiny quantity of 300,000 bottles a year. The style of Yves’s wines is very distinctive and that’s what he is trying to do – he’s aiming to make a wine from a specific place, with distinctive terroir and also a wine that has a stamp of his style. We are of course not letting him come and go from New Zealand without hosting a tasting of his brilliant wines. The details are at www.glengarry.co.nz/events, the important details – Thursday 20 October, 7pm start, bookings are required. Call T: 0800 733 505 or check out the full details on line. It’s not often we get wine -makers like Yves to New Zealand – it seems we needed to hold the Rugby World Cup to do so. (LIZ WHEADON) PN www.e-liz.co.nz www.glengarry.co.nz


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY JULIE LE CLERC’S FAVOURITE CAKES – COOKING CLASS AT SABATO Local resident Julie Le Clerc’s signatures of delicate flavours, clever combinations, great texture and originality are exemplified in her baking. This very special cooking class, to be held at Sabato on 11 October, coincides with the release of her latest cookbook, ‘Julie Le Clerc’s Favourite Cakes’ and is designed to celebrate our love of beautiful and delectable home-baked cakes.

Photography © Melanie Jenkins 2011

Along with divine recipes and finishing tips, Julie will include lots of helpful baking advice and hard -won knowledge gained from her great love of baking and a lifetime spent creating cakes both in a commercial cafe setting and at home. Share in some of Julie’s culinary secrets as she cleverly combines Sabato ingredients, including Valrhona chocolate, and serves up an array of inspirational cakes. PN For bookings contact SABATO, 57 Normanby Road T: 09 630 8751 www.sabato.co.nz Reprinted with permission from Julie Le Clerc’s Favourite Cakes, published by Penguin Group NZ, RRP$50.00.

THE VERY BEST IN MODERN JAPANESE CUISINE Soto Japanese Restaurant is located in St Mary’s Road just a few doors down from the old Ponsonby Post office. Soto presents ‘New Style’ Japanese cuisine and they offer three menus: a traditional platter style luncheon menu, an extensive a la carte dinner menu representing a range of different Japanese cooking styles and a take away menu for lunch and early dinner. Traditional cooking methods and procedures are adhered to by the all Japanese trained staff however to presentation of the food is very much modern in style. They only use locally grown ingredients and produce supplied from across a variety of New Zealand locations so everything is of premium quality and is delivered fresh every day. Open Tuesday to Friday 12pm – 2pm and Tuesday to Saturday 6pm – 10pm PN SOTO JAPANESE GARDEN RESTAURANT, 13 St Mary’s Road T: 09 360 0021 www.soto.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY HOW’S THE RUGBY WORLD CUP TREATING PONSONBY? NOT ALL THAT WELL, BY ALL REPORTS. BUT WE’RE NOT the only ones missing out. Hospitality owners all over New Zealand are saying the cup has been over-hyped. As Richard Bagnall of Longroom on Ponsonby Road told Ponsonby News, “We were urged to gear up for the cup. We’ve spent quite a bit on a new bar, TVs, covering our back stairs, refrigerated container in the carpark, etc etc but we haven’t seen the payoff yet.” Apart from the Australia versus Ireland game, Longroom has had quieter nights than usual, Bagnall told us. The second week has been a bit better. Both SPQR and Prego reported similar uneven patronage, but nothing like the business they were promised. Krishna from Prego told us they cater very strongly to locals, but they usually welcome a good number of visitors each week. They are not seeing many of those visitors at the moment.

traditional visitors, who have stayed away simply because the rugby was on. That sentiment was summed up by one cafe owner’s comment, “It’s difficult to gauge how much effect the World Cup is having on our business, although there is a significant influx of supporters, who were not here last week, there is such a significant decrease in traditional tourists and overall our income is down.” Simon Roche, the Auckland Council liaison person with the Rugby World Cup people, denied the rumour that rugby fans returning from Eden Park on the Fan Trail were being dissuaded from walking down Ponsonby Road, and directed along K’ Road and down Queen Street instead. He agreed to make it clear to marshals directing the walkers that Ponsonby Road had several thousand seats waiting for visitors --- plenty of TV screens too.

Marissa Bidois, chief executive of the Restaurant Association The Ponsonby Business Association will hire buses on of New Zealand, sent us the results of a survey of members quarter final, semi-final and final days to bring fans to taken at the end of the first week of the Rugby World Cup. It Ponsonby from downtown between 2pm and 7pm. That does not make happy reading for most hospitality businesses should be good for Ponsonby businesses. As Mike from throughout New Zealand. What it showed was that only a few Ponsonby Radio says, “We have 1500-2000 hospitality seats REVISED TIMES: A vintage London bus big bars and restaurants at the Viaduct Basin in Auckland, and in Ponsonby and it’s sensible for the Council to promote this will operate between 2pm - 7pm on 6-8, several in Central Wellington, have had better than usual trade. to visitors. We just want our share,” says Mike. We do all 13-15, 20-22 October linking Ponsonby The survey showed just over a quarter indicated an increase hope the Council can help ensure that Ponsonby gets its to the CBD. www.iloveponsonby.co.nz (or significant increase) in sales. Auckland CBD has reaped the share of fans and business for the rest of the Tournament. most benefit. One comment said, “Our outlet in the CBD went ballistic on opening night One thing the RWC organisers could do would be to send two of the buses leaving between 5pm and 7.30pm.” Many businesses had higher hopes of benefiting more Eden Park to Ponsonby after the games, rather than route all of them down to the from this huge tournament — and this may still occur in the following weeks. Viaduct. The Ponsonby Business Association will be handing out Ponsonby maps all over central Auckland. Just under half of the businesses that indicated a decrease in sales were located in Auckland, the survey reported. It would seem that some of those businesses may be Simon Roche assured us it would be a win win situation if Ponsonby gets more visitors. in Ponsonby. One unpredicted outcome of the Rugby World Cup is the downturn in It would take some pressure off the viaduct precinct. Go the All Blacks! (JOHN ELLIOTT)

48 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011


WHAT’S HOT AT SABATO NEW TO SABATO… OUR DELI SHELVES HAVE WELCOMED A NEW ADDITION THIS MONTH: THE Levoni range of cured meats. Loved by chefs’ Jamie Oliver and Paul Bocuse, Levoni meats are seasoned with a delicious array of aromatic herbs and spices, and are available whole and sliced, in an assortment of traditional varieties. Perfect for those antipasto platters! In 1911, Ezechiello Levoni began to make his own salami, having learned the art of pork butchery from local Milanese masters of the trade. Only two years later, his salame ungherese charmed the palates of an international jury of experts, winning gold at a London exhibition - in spite of speculation that Levoni could only win “when pigs grew wings”. Today, Ezechiello’s philosophy has been handed down through the generations, and Levoni still operates according to this unwavering commitment to quality, combined with respect for tradition. So it is fitting that when the company developed a logo, they chose a pig with wings. Furthermore, a creative re-writing of the Italian word for pigs, maiali, as mai ali, reveals the phrase “wings, never!”. PN SABATO, 57 Normanby Road T: 09 630 8751 www.sabato.co.nz

THE PONSONBY NEWS TEAM SAY, life is too short… not to eat the best food and drink good wine www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



THE ‘MISS JONES’ INTERVIEW There are some shops and restaurants on Ponsonby Road that seem to have been around forever, but only a few eating places can claim the longevity of GPK. It’s been a part of the fabric of our street for nearly sixteen years, reinventing and revitalising itself to meet the needs of the locals as the demographics of the neighbourhood have changed. GPK is owned by Dominique Parat who came to Auckland from France in 1981 on a trip around the world. He always intended to return to France but got a job at Orléans Restaurant with Ray McVinnie and never went back. He worked his way up to Head Chef and after four years opened Cafe Zira on Queen Street, a new kind of cafe that was a precursor to cafe’s as we know them today. Then after working with Don Fletcher at Killarney Street in Takapuna, Dom opened Ibiza and Isobar in 1991. “Wood fired pizza was becoming trendy, Ibiza and Isobar were simple to start with, just pizza and salad, but they changed over time, evolving into a la carte. We were very successful but when I saw this site in Ponsonby I decided to open here, I put the isobars on the fluorescent sign and created the GPK formula that still works today,” says Dom. He has since opened branches in Dominion Road, Takapuna and Albany and also Banque restaurant in Remuera. Consistency is the key to the longevity of GPK says Dom and his being in the business everyday ensures everything is working well. “I spend time with our chefs in the kitchen creating new dishes because you can’t keep things the same, you have to come up with new ideas, we try to think outside the square and refresh the menu regularly.” Updating the brand is what keeps things fresh for the customer and staff training is a very big part of what makes it work so well too. Dom has been employing people since he was in his twenties and has seen a lot of people come and go. “I have a big responsibility with four restaurants and all the people who work in them, but I love the challenge of bringing new kids through, I always remember my first day in the kitchen, I was petrified, but if you have the passion for food and wine and you want to please people, then you’re made for this business, if not, then forget it, you’re wasting your time”. There are many obstacles that can get in the way of running a business smoothly and Dom says he is a control freak and likes to know what is happening at all times whether it’s back of house, deliveries, getting the right deal or food costs. “Ultimately it’s about making sure the guests are looked after,” he says, “I just want to be consistent so the customer knows what they’re going to get and they keep coming back”. Small details are what make the difference at GPK, simplicity, organisation, systems that are well balanced and ensuring the back of house is in good working order. “It’s not about shining one day and not the next, anyone can work in a restaurant when it’s quiet. It’s being able to deliver when it’s busy that counts and because we’re only as good as our last meal, I work really hard to maintain the consistency required to make it all run smoothly,” says Dom. He hasn’t seen a lot of changes on Ponsonby Road over the years, except for the faces. The footpath is still the same as when he moved in, SPQR and Prego are both consistent, but the road hasn’t transformed, the council hasn’t contributed much and if

it wasn’t for the businesses, not a lot would get done, but, he says “I don’t see how it could change that much. This area has a bohemian feel and the people who live here and those who move here like it the way it is, that’s part of what makes it special. The community helps make Ponsonby a neighbourhood." And being a part of the neighbourhood has been a wonderful journey for Dom, he’s been here for the highs and lows of the street and watched people and businesses come and go. “In the beginning kids came with their parents, now some of those kids come with their own kids. A lot of people from the Ponsonby area have come through these doors and we’ll continue to be here for them and future generations”. (REBECCA JONES) PN

ATICO-COCINA: NEW TO THE VICTORIA PARK QUARTER Atico-Cocina, an exciting new restaurant and bar from the Colombian born architect Omar Barragan, opens this month in the Victoria Park Quarter. Atico-Cocina will be home to a relaxed dining experience, set in a large historic converted stable-style building that draws inspiration from the Caribbean islands and South America. The all-day restaurant offers a wine and cocktail list alongside a seasonal menu. Diners can enjoy a lazy-sit down over one of the signature dishes - chargrilled prime Angus beef marinated with fresh ground coffee and pepper served with a blue cheese and brandy sauce.

on the menu by Head Chef Tony Eru, who also brings extensive knowledge and experience. Well versed in finishing touches having worked in Auckland’s top restaurants, Tony has now devised an authentic menu reminiscent of Caribbean and Hispanic origins.

Guests can also stop by the bar or the open terrace for a cocktail, glass of wine, south American beers or to try a selection of Caribbean tantalisers.

Atico could be considered a fusion style restaurant, but the real focus is the all round experience - a heritage building, great food and the atmosphere and the hospitality of the Caribbean and south America cultures. A place not to be missed in the centre of the city. PN

From the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula to the north of Colombia and Venezuela passing by large islands such as Jamaica and Dominican Republic, the Caribbean offers a rich mixture of European and African flavours. This has been translated

50 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011

ATICO-COCINA, 19 Drake Street T: 09 354 4030 www.atico.co.nz


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY THE WINE VAULT – TASTE THE DIFFERENCE WEST LYNN SHOPS ARE KNOWN FOR THEIR FEISTY INDEPENDENCE AND representing retail at its most boutique and local. At The Wine Vault, the best wine shop in Ponsonby, we see this as a fundamental part of our philosophy. We want to represent producers of wines, beers, spirits (and food as well) that are about locality, sustainability and, most important of all, that taste bloody good. Nearly all our wines are from small, independent producers, most of them running sustainable or organic vineyards. We stock our European wines from importers who have close relationships with the wineries they represent. The owner, Andrew Goulden and our expert team only choose wines that are good enough to be in the store.

Invivo’s great range of value-for-money, boutique wines are now in store and reflect what The Wine Vault is all about. There’s plenty of activity happening around the store over the coming months so check out our website (with links to both Facebook and Twitter pages). THE WINE VAULT: Think local, buy local. PN 453 Richmond Road, T: 09 376 3520 orders@thewinevault.co.nz www.thewinevault.co.nz

When we buy we’re not influenced by trophies or medals and although we have some extremely low price wines we avoid stocking wines that are promoted simply on price alone, a situation endemic among wine retail now. We try all our wines (unlike supermarkets and chain stores) so we can provide unparalleled advice, everything from matching food and wine, choosing the right gift or what to buy now or put in the cellar. We know many of our customers well enough to recommend what’s right for them for any occasion and will go out of our way to source specific wines if requested. We can deliver all over the country and our website www.thewinevault.co.nz has one of the most extensive ranges of any wine retailer. We run regular tastings from beginners to masterclass level, using our own tasting room. We have a fabulous courtyard that can host tastings and also upcoming market days showcasing wines, beers and food. Our philosophy of good value boutique products extends beyond wine and includes our range of New Zealand craft beers, from Emerson’s to 8 Wired, Renaissance to Epic. We have a great range of malt whisky and speciality spirits, real French cheeses (the one’s that smell so bad they’re good) and handmade chocolates. We’re also pleased to have flowers provided by one of Auckland’s best florists, Yvonne Reid, available both in store and for internet gifts. We’re especially keen to support local producers, whether it’s Hakanoa ginger beer and André’s Kitchen snacks to the likes of Stolen Rum, Thomson Whisky and Invivo wines. Invivo Wines is a premium New Zealand winery producing world class wines from both the Marlborough and Central Otago regions. Invivo was founded in 2007 by two school mates, locals Tim Lightbourne and Rob Cameron (Invivo’s winemaker). Invivo’s current wines include Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Rosé, Pinot Noir and a new low-calorie Sauvignon Blanc called Bella. Over the past 12 months, Invivo has won numerous medals including Gold at the Decanter World Wine Awards and International Wine & Spirit Competition in London, named Export New Zealnds’s 2011 Emerging Exporter of the Year and for the last two years rated 5 stars and Top 10 Sauvignon Blancs in New Zealand by Cuisine. In September, at the inaugural 2011 Marlborough Wine Show the Invivo 2011 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc was crowned Trophy Sauvignon Blanc and Champion Wine of the Show.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




Above left: Chef GAUTAM RAVAT in the kitchen at Grey Lynn’s newest restaurant, The Yellow Chilli; Right: GAMBHIM SINGH prepares Naan bread

THE YELLOW CHILLI SERVING THE FOOD OF KINGS You’d be hard pushed to find anyone who doesn’t enjoy a good Indian Curry. So for all those Indian food lovers out there, pay a visit to the newly opened Yellow Chilli Restaurant in Grey Lynn; they are proudly serving up some fine Indian cuisine. The menu has a selection of 14 vegetarian dishes to choose from with fish, prawn, lamb and chicken dishes as well. There’s a Punjab delicacy Dal Makhani: stewed black lentils and kidney beans, seasoned with butter and spices garnished with a dash of cream. Then there is the Fish Jhalfrezee which is marinated fish cooked with peppers, chillies, spring onions and tomatoes and the Aloo Mattar potatoes and peas cooked in Indian gravy with aromatic spices; all with delicious flavours to tempt the palate. A variety of breads are freshly baked on site to include seven flavours of Naan, a wholemeal Tandoori Roti and crispy Lacha Parantha; the perfect to accompaniment to any meal along with a wide range of wines, beers and spirits to choose from. The Yellow Chilli is inspired by Indian celebrity chef Sanjeer Kapoor. He is well known around the world for using the traditional methods and recipes created by the chefs from the royal kitchens of the ancient kings of India. These recipes are Sanjeer’s inspiration for using fresh produce and high quality spices. The chefs at The Yellow Chilli were trained under Sanjeer’s supervision and they proudly carry on the same traditions ensuring every dish they cook gives their guests the same royal dining experience as those of the kings of India. PN THE YELLOW CHILLI, 2 Surrey Crescent T: 09 376 7006


PONSONBY PIE NIGHT A BIG HIT LOCAL WESTMERE RESIDENT JAMIE MORRISON RECALLS IT WAS A cold and wintry night when a friend reminisced of a family pie often baked at this time of year. And so the ranting started amongst the group of friends all known at times for their competitive streaks. The first inaugural Ponsonby Pie Night was born. “Numerous emails full of bravado and sexual innuendo were to follow before the big night arrived and 18 pies in total were presented” says Jamie, “with a borderline tart as a late entry, but no one minded as long as it didn’t win.” Categories included Best Pastry, Best Filling, and Best Overall. Jamie laughs and exclaims, “The subtle marketing tactics employed by old media hacks saw Lord and Lady Bannerman-Clarke take out the best pastry award with their Steak and Guinness Pie, something about boiling the pastry for two days apparently.” The lovely Miss Connie Miller succeeded in the best filling with her full of sweetness Cherry Pie. But the overall winner on the night was Jamie’s Lemon Meringue Pie. Jamie says, “I dedicated my win to my close friend Trisha Clark who spent two evenings preparing me to take out the competition.”

JAMIE MORRISON (far right) and team at their Ponsonby Pie Night

52 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011

Well done to all contestants. PN


ZUS & ZO FIRST BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS; Herne Bay, 17 September Above: Zus & Zo owners JOOST and CLARE VAN DEN BERG; Below: Photographer Rob Trathen and Peppin Boutique's Kath Waite and son Jet

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



ALICE LEONARD: ANGEL FOOD CREAMY CAULIFLOWER AND BROCCOLI SOUP Like all of my recipes, this is delicious and dairy-free! Angel Food Vegan Cheesey Sauce Mix is available online from www.angelfood.co.nz or from organic stores. INGREDIENTS 4 cups water 1 head of broccoli ½ a cauliflower 1 large onion, roughly chopped 1 cup water 1 pack Angel Food Vegan Cheesey Sauce Mix METHOD 1. Trim the florets off the cauli and broccoli and set them aside. 2. Slice the stalks and stems of the cauli and broccoli and simmer, with the onion, in the first measure of water for about 15 minutes, until tender. 3. Blend until smooth (using a food processor, liquidiser or stick blender). 4. In a bowl, mix the Cheesey Sauce Mix with the second measure of water. Add to the blended soup in the pot, along with the reserved florets. 5. Simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring often, until the florets are tender. 6. Season with salt, pepper and freshly grated nutmeg before serving. PN www.angelfood.co.nz

COOK THE BOOKS RELOCATION PARTY No, this is not about cooking the books to cheat investors or the IRD. This is about a whizz bang of an opening party to celebrate the move of a culinary bookshop a few minutes from Ponsonby Road to Richmond Road, the former site of Tully & Gardener. Yes, the historic cottage on the Ponsonby shopping strip has had to give way to the developer’s hammer but Tully & Gardener’s move away has been to Cook the Books advantage because the premises could not be more suited to Felicity and Michael O’Driscoll’s multi tiered enterprise. Cook the Books opened in April 2003 in Mt Eden and is the first store in New Zealand devoted entirely to books of a culinary theme. The move to our part of the city has been welcomed by those of us who are into serious cooking because Cook the Books is more than just another bookshop. Felicity teams up with chef, Grant Allen in a brand new state of the art kitchen fitted out with Bosch appliances that opens onto the courtyard at the rear of the store. The potential for this arrangement is manifold. They are able to accommodate up to twelve people for cooking demonstrations in the kitchen/dining area and once summer arrives the courtyard presents further opportunities. Interested parties can register for their newsletter at www.cookthebooks.co.nz and find details of the late winter/spring workshop schedule. The O’Driscolls also run book launches and events, hosting local and international food writers and chefs. Some of the greats have been Rick Stein, Anthony Bourdain, Julie Le Clerc, Lauraine Jacobs and Al Brown to mention just a few. Well known faces were sprinkled through the opening party crowd. Wendyl Nissen, Julie Buiso and Angela Redfern were spied along with a number of food writers and famous blogger, Graeme Beattie was also in attendance. The front window was filled with a veritable cornucopia of every vegetable imaginable and in the kitchen a sumptuous repast was laid out on the dining table for the large number of guests. All in all a great ‘bit of a do’. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) PN



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In this series, I’ve been talking with people who are quietly holding the fort at home giving support to those who front our favourite Ponsonby eateries. We know Chris Rupe from the iconic SPQR which we have been enjoying for nearly twenty years. Most of us have eaten there at one time or another and it is known as a great place to get Italian food; to have a bit of fun and to watch the world go by. This month I spoke with Meegan Rupe, wife and friend to Chris and mother to six month old Jacques Romeo. Meegan has been in the fashion industry all her life, growing up with her parents in the international rag trade and spending much of her adult life forging a career in fashion. She is a senior fashion buyer and has taken a year off to enjoy with her family. Meegan and Chris met about eight years ago. Even though both have very high powered jobs, they have always made the time to talk through their ideas and spend time with each other. “We’re really into health and fitness and walk every morning, talking non-stop about what I want to do in the fashion industry or what new ideas Chris has for the restaurant” she says. You’ll see them at the Saturday markets checking out fresh produce and on Sundays they will be reading cookbooks and trying out new recipes. Meegan says she has no day to day input in the restaurant; instead, she makes sure the house is warm and inviting, the toys are put away, the lights are dimmed and candles are lit for when Chris comes home. “I’ve always tried to have it that way, but I was off on buying trips every six or eight weeks, now, because I’m home with Jacques, I have more opportunity to do nice things for him”. SPQR is like a second home for Jacques and it’s where his older sister Courtney works. Chris is determined Jacques will be a foodie and wants him to try all sorts of different food. He gets handed around the kitchen and all the staff dote on him. “He’s a real hospo baby” says Meegan.

MEEGAN and CHRIS RUPE with six month old JACQUES ROMEO Chris loves everything Italian and maintains travel and experiencing the real Italy is the key to keeping his interest in the restaurant. On their last trip they were married in a small village by Lake Como. “We were there with some really close friends and family and had to walk through the village from the church to where our reception was held. All the people came out of their houses and shops, they were clapping and cheering, it was an amazing experience and like a dream come true” says Meegan. Fashion and hospitality share some similarities, both being fast paced and customer focused. The difference is, in fashion, competitors are quite secretive, not wanting to give away their latest creation, whereas, in hospitality there is real camaraderie. Megan says, when she met Chris she was surprised there was such a tight network. “It’s great he can ring up other restaurateurs and ask how things are going. Everyone looks after each other and is willing to help each other out. Sometimes it takes us over an hour to walk down Ponsonby Road because of all the people we stop and talk to along the way. We are such a great community and I don’t think I could ever move out of the area”. A few years ago, Meegan and Chris almost lost their lives in the Tsunami following the earthquake in Samoa; they literally ran for their lives with only the clothes on their backs. Meegan says “It was a life changer for us. We literally changed our lifestyle, took a look at how we were working and realised what’s important is family. I was so involved with my career and hardly ever saw my parents, now I see them three or four times a week. You can’t get that time back and I’m never going to get this time again with Jacques and Chris so I’m making the most of it”.


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Having a baby has also taught Meegan patience, openness and to stop, listen and appreciate the moment. “I was working really hard in my career, going push, push, push. It was always about ‘what’s next?’ When you take a step back, the opportunities just come to you. I have to remind Chris of that, he’s always planning the future. It’s great to have goals, but you have to enjoy the moment, otherwise, life will pass you by.” (REBECCA JONES) PN





UNDERSTANDING THE INS AND OUTS OF THE LAW ALAN AND JEREMY CLARK OF CLARK & CO HAVE THE EXPERIENCE AND resources to help you with most of the legal problems you are ever likely to encounter. They can advise you on all the do’s and don’ts when either selling or purchasing a property guiding you every step of the way. Even if you prefer to conduct your own a private sale, they can help and before you sign any document Clark & Co will make sure it’s safe to sign.

JUSTIN KEEN, Director, Cloud Accountants

A NEW AGE APPROACH TO ACCOUNTING Located at 283 Ponsonby Road in Three Lamps and in the same office as Clark & Co Lawyers, is Ponsonby’s new local chartered accounting firm Cloud Accountants. Cloud Accountants are a new age accounting firm, with a strong emphasis on technology and doing things smarter. The firm choose to solely use ‘best of breed’ software Xero, which is a secure online accounting system, designed to make your life easier and take the stress out of running a small business – you can even do some of your accounts from your iPhone!

They understand how Trusts, Wills and Relationship Property Agreements work and will help you with yours. If a family member has passed away, they will apply to the Court for probate and help you administer the estate. If you’re already in business, thinking of going into business or buying or selling a business, they will help you with your lease, terms of trade and bank loan documents. If you’re a landlord or tenant, they will help you with your lease. Perhaps you are considering selling or purchasing a franchise. Talk to Clark & Co as they fully understand how franchises work and will guide you with the sale or purchase agreements. Even if you have had a quarrel with a neighbour, employer, contractor, or anyone else they will help you sort it out. “Our fees are reasonable,” says Alan, “and we guarantee to see you quickly, give you our full attention and personal service with a free initial consultation.” PN CLARK & CO, THREE LAMPS LAWYERS, Level 1, 283 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 2413 www.clarklawyers.co.nz

Director Justin Keen says he’s trying to break the mould of what has traditionally been seen as an accountant, and drag accounting into the 21st century. “Cloud Accountants is ideal for people who want regular contact with their accountant, but without all the formality and no hidden costs. People often dread going to see their accountant, and we’re definitely breaking that train of thought with our clients.” “We have agreed monthly fees, and so depending on the monthly plan you decide on Cloud Accountants can take care of the processing of your business or rental property statements in an efficient manner, giving you the time to spend developing your business.” Cloud Accountants can assist small businesses with a vast array of accounting services, such as end of year statements, GST returns, PAYE and companies office administration. As well they offer expert accounting and business advice to include timely management statements with commentary on areas of concern, comparisons to budgets/forecasts and tax management.” PN CLOUD ACCOUNTANTS, T: 09 889 0866 M: 021 799 890 www.cloudaccountants.co.nz twitter - @cloudaccountant

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



THREE LAMPS: PONSONBY’S HIGH STREET HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL TEACHER BECAME HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL REALTOR AS A YOUNG SCHOOLTEACHER SIMON DAMERELL WAS EARMARKED FOR rapid promotion. He was a Principal in his fourth year of teaching, going first as the relieving Principal at Ngaiotonga on the Northland Coast, and finishing his short teaching career as Principal of Remuera Primary School. Before he left teaching he helped save the failing Ponsonby Intermediate, which the Ministry of Education was about to close - its roll had fallen to 70 odd. As administrator Damerell was instrumental in hiring Iain Taylor as Principal, a bold choice, given he was in his mid-twenties and there were 70 or more highly experienced teachers seeking the position. Taylor was a ‘game changer’ for Ponsonby, and he pulled it back from the brink. Despite his success and obvious talent as a teacher, the young Damerell never wanted to remain a government servant. He yearned for his niche in private enterprise, and it was at least partly for this reason that he sought the Remuera job. This would give him the opportunity to mix with successful business people - both parents and Board of Trustees members. He was not disappointed, and loved his time at Remuera, more convinced than ever, that his future lay in business. Back in the sixties and seventies Simon Damerell had made a good living from leather work - remember the hippy sandals and belts? He did his O.E. and worked in London at this craft. So when commercial real estate was suggested to him as a career option, he thought “Real Estate - yes, but commercial no”, remembering his first job with the valuation department, where he worked for a time on Ponsonby house revaluations, and knowing his personality wasn’t suited to number crunching. Now, some years later Simon Damerell is arguably the most successful real estate leader in Ponsonby.

I told Simon Damerell the story of Canadian environmentalist Professor David Suzuki, who received a flyer urging him to upgrade - prices were high in his area. So he walked around his property adding up its value to him and his family. The little pet cemetery under a large oak tree, a lovely carved knob on the back gate carved by his closest friend many years ago. “These things and many others mean more to me than money,” Suzuki concluded, “this is not just a property to cash up…it’s our home.” Simon Damerell took the point, and wrote home/house on the whiteboard. “That’s for our next sales meeting to discuss.” I tackled him on another modern Real Estate innovation - home staging. He defended the policy, saying particularly for vacant houses, staging gives potential purchasers an idea of what the house could look like with nice furniture. He agreed a tidy home showing off some family treasures, like children’s art, could also add value to a sale, by showing a house off as a well-loved family home. Ray White agents are well schooled in their art. They know selling a family’s most valuable asset is very stressful, and their job is to manage those stresses as well as possible. Damerell insists home owners should never be pressured into selling if they change their mind for any reason during the sale process. “Take it off the market,” is always his advice if vendors have doubts. “If you’re bored, take a holiday.” He may say that the same philosophy and principles apply that saw him so successful as a teacher, but he is first and foremost a private enterprise entrepreneur, and while he says it’s not about the money, it is about success, and he’s not shy to drive around Ponsonby in his Mercedes. After all Ray White Ponsonby is number one in New Zealand (of 140 or so offices), and Simon Damerell is rightly proud of that. He’s come a long way since those sandal-making days, but nevertheless, he retains vestiges of those old 1960s hippy characteristics - sense of humour, making time to linger, and not taking himself too seriously. Of course these days he can afford to. I could still imagine him down at Cook Street Market flogging his hand-made leather roman sandals. (JOHN ELLIOTT) PN

photography: Jo Barrett

I asked him if the principles and ethical questions that surround teaching are different from those pertaining in Real Estate. He said they are not. “The philosophy and practical systems needed to get the best results, are the same,” he told us. “Everyone wants to be the very best they can be.” It is clear that at Ray White Ponsonby, Simon Damerell places high priority on training and professionalism. He credits his business partner, Bryce Earwaker, with being a far more adept business person than he will ever be. They share the same values of commitment to excellence.

Those of us who live in the greater Ponsonby area are used to marketing flyers arriving in our letter boxes. “Now is the time to trade up…We have cash buyers waiting for properties in this area…”

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



THREE LAMPS: PONSONBY’S HIGH STREET MAYOR IN THE CHAIR AT THE LEYS AUCKLAND MAYOR LEN BROWN LAST MONTH VISITED THE LEYS Institute for his ‘Mayor in the Chair’ meetings. This initiative allowed locals to raise issues with the Mayor on a one to one basis. Eight locals discussed issues ranging from art installations, the draft local board plan, the welfare of geese in Western Springs, Auckland Transport infringements, Auckland Plan and community resilience and the 015 bus service. The Mayor in the Chair idea was Len Brown’s own idea and he plans to hold meetings all over Auckland in the months to come.

PONSONBY WELCOMES REPUTABLE WATCHMAKERS - PONSONBY TIME 22 February 2011 was a life changing experience for most Cantabrians and especially for owners of Nairns Swiss Watch Service, Mike and Sandy Nairn and their family. With their retail store and service centre being located in the heart of central Christchurch they were badly affected by the earthquake. After eight weeks of not being allowed in to the city and then with only three hours to retrieve goods from the site, their old store was eventually demolished.

Local St Marys Bay resident MARU NIHONIHO discusses issues with Auckland Mayor LEN BROWN

With more than 30 years in the watchmaking business Mike and Sandy made the decision to move to Auckland to support their Queen Street branch and open their new store Ponsonby Time. Their extensive background within the watch industry has earned them the distinct reputation for being a leader and premier supplier of brand name watches and watch repairs. They are arguably the number one source for high quality watch sales, repairs and servicing. They have some of the most highly regarded and experienced experts in the business so can guarantee that even the most demanding customers will always be well catered for. Conveniently located on the corner of Ponsonby Road and Redmond Street in Three Lamps, Ponsonby Time have watchmakers on site to cater for all watch repair needs, from batteries, pressure testing, servicing, straps, overhauls, bracelet refurbishing, clock repairs to name a few. They have a fantastic range of Gucci, Longines, Rado, Tissot and Mondaine watches in store. PN PONSONBY TIME, 304 Ponsonby Road T: 09 376 9505 www.ponsonbytime.co.nz enquiry@ponsonbytime.co.nz

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PONSONBY TIME team, SHAUN THORNTON, SANDY NAIRN, MIKE NAIRN and DANIEL NAIRN. Shaun, Mike and Daniel are qualified watchmakers and Sandy helps manage this family business


LOCAL NEWS  GOODBYE DYMOCKS AND CASA DEL GELATO We were truly sorry to see the closure of Casa Del Gelato last month... this was one of THE places in Three Lamps for a 3pm sugar rush! Sadly, Andrew Rumble at Dymocks is also closing his book store later this month. With a rent increase and a tough retail climate, their last day of trading is Labour Day, Monday. “Do rush in for closing bargains,” he told us. PN

OCCHIALI SUPPORTING BLIND WEEK BLIND WEEK IN NEW ZEALAND IS FROM 25 – 31 OCTOBER AND IT NOT only celebrates the blindness and sight loss causes, it also raises much needed awareness and donations to support the services the RNZFB provides. Guide dogs, puppy training, mobile talking book libraries, computers, equipment to help the blind become more independent, employment for the blind and so much more. Occhiali Optical is helping out by donating $1.20 of every eye exam they do for the month of October and if you bring in your old glasses, we will donate them to VOSO. This means your old glasses are used to give sight to people in need in the Pacific region. In return Occhiali will give you a $50.00 gift voucher towards a gorgeous new pair of glasses from Occhiali. **Conditions apply see instore for details And to make it easier to choose new glasses, the new seasons’ collections are in store from Gucci, Dior, Sass n Bide, Cheap Monday, Paul Smith, La Eyeworks and Anne et Valentine. If like Occhiali, you would like to help raise donations for Blind week check out www.rnzfb.org.nz on how you can join up for ‘Bake for a difference’. PN OCCHIALI OPTICAL is located at two great locations, 303 Ponsonby Road T: 09 376 3073; Shop 16 Nuffield Street T: 09 524 8828 www.occhiali.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

NEW FOOTBRIDGE ACROSS MEOLA CREEK ENHANCES SAFETY A new footbridge across Meola Creek in Western Springs will make the area safer for pedestrians – particularly students walking to and from Western Springs College. The 17-metre footbridge, behind the Auckland Zoo, officially opened last month. Auckland Transport worked with Western Springs College and the Waitemata Local Board on plans for the new footbridge – first identified in a 2009 school travel plan as a potential safety improvement for students crossing the busy Motions Road. The new bridge enables college students to make their way up Old Mill Road to Surrey Crescent without having to cross Motions Road. Waitemata Local Board Chair Shale Chambers says the new footbridge will benefit the community by making the area safer for pedestrians. “The Meola Creek footbridge is a great example of Auckland Transport working closely with the local board and community to ensure that the highest standards of pedestrian safety are implemented. It will also benefit students from Western Springs College who will no longer need to cross a busy road.” It follows other recent safety improvements on Motions Road, including two speed tables (speed humps with a raised, flat section in the middle) to reduce vehicle speeds and a pedestrian refuge island. PN




THE GREAT SUMMER SHAPE UP The hotter the weather gets the more likely we are to start peeling off the layers, and there are more than a few of us out there who are living in fear of what we’ll find beneath! It’s that time of year when new exercise goals start being set, and there is a multitude of ways to get yourself on the right track. I personally am a long-time advocate of a varied fitness routine, and found that when I stepped up my Pilates classes at Re:ab on Selbourne Street and added some cardio and circuit classes into the mix, I started to see some real results. A lot of people ask me, “but will Pilates help me lose weight?” and speaking from personal experience and observation over the course of a few years, I can say with some certainty that anyone who commits to Pilates workouts will create a trimmer appearance, and most will lose significant weight. It creates lean muscle mass, so is one of the best ways to increase your calorie-burning potential, but how much one applies oneself to their Pilates session determines how much weight they will or will not lose! The media has touted Pilates as a wonderful weight loss regime, but if people do not apply themselves to their workouts when exercising (be it Pilates or any other workout regime), results just won’t happen! I sat down one afternoon to get the low down on shaping up for summer from an expert: Personal Trainer Monique Jackson, who I met at Re:ab and has worked in the industry both here and in the UK. Monique is a walking billboard for fitness and good health, and has the kind of effervescent energy and toned bod that we’d all love to achieve. She begins by saying that, “it’s good to have a goal – be it a holiday, a wedding or anything you’re looking forward to – and to be committed to it.” Depending on your fitness level you could start with three sessions of exercise a week she says, “then build it up week by week when your body starts getting used to it. And variety is essential to stop yourself getting bored and to challenge your body.” She says that my combination of Pilates, strength training cardio is a good one, “and because a lot of women worry about bulking up, increased reps of lighter weights and strength work like Pilates and yoga that stretches your muscles is a great thing to do.”

She says that ‘core focus’ is essential, and working that area in some way every day to make sure that it stays strong. “And cardio of all kinds is really beneficial,” adds Monique, “be it walking the dog or going for a run. And as the weather gets warmer it’s ideal to get outside to exercise, or even join a boot camp for some seriously fast results and a whole new challenge again.” She says that hiring a trainer is a great way to get motivated if you’re just starting a fitness regime or want to ramp yours up, “and seeing them two or three times a week really helps you commit. They’ll also look at your diet and make you keep a food diary, so you feel responsible for what you’re doing when you’re not with them too.” After you’ve reached your goal “seeing them maybe once a fortnight is a good idea to keep you interested and energised with new workouts.” She’s also a strong advocate of Power Plate workouts, “which give you amazing results when you do them correctly.” (HELENE RAVLICH) PN

THINK PINK THIS OCTOBER AT MORE THAN SKIN As we all know, October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the streets will soon be filled with pinkgarbed and beribboned volunteers raising funds for The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. More Than Skin Spa & Beauty has been an enthusiastic community supporter of the NZBCF’s efforts for the past decade with our ‘Think Pink’ facial, and our team is thrilled to be involved with such an important cause again this year. The ‘Think Pink’ offer is one of the most successful events on our calendar and clients are always delighted to join us in the fight against this disease.

Our ‘Think Pink’ package includes a Joyce Blok Signature facial, a FREE lash tint and brow shape, and a FREE Joyce Blok Gentle Facial Exfoliant (15ml) to take home – all for only $100 (a total value of $185). Plus with every ‘Think Pink’ facial, More Than Skin will donate $5 to The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation! For the second year running, Megs has also organised an additional fundraising competition, exclusively for our Ponsonby clients, where you can win extra treats for your support. And as always, we’re involved in the 2011 Pink Retail appeal with NZBCF pink ribbon pins for sale. So this October grab your girlfriends, enjoy a spring beauty boost with our ‘Think Pink’ facial, and help support the NZBCF at the same time. This offer is always extremely popular and books out quickly so call Megs today. T: 09 361 2231 to make your appointment. PN

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1. Nothing but the best in VENICE for Franklin Road resident ROSS THORBY, seen enjoying breakfast at the legendary Danieli five star luxury hotel located next to St. Mark’s Square. He told us, “I haven’t cracked reading Ponsonby News underwater yet...but I do have a plan!” 2-3. Local resident LORETTA VERRY sent us these shots of her brother MADISON about to enter Angkor Wat in CAMBODIA with her brother Mitchell behind her. The second one shows MITCHELL, DAVID, LORETTA and MADDIE VERRY at Ta Prohm ruins. This is the temple where Angelina Jolie was filmed in the movie ‘Tomb Raider’, she explained, “It was abandoned for 400 years and the jungle literally grew over it. The trees are enormous. It was amazing and very hot 36 degees. 4. ALASTAIR GUNN emailed us with a photo taken recently of himself in the MIDDLE EAST floating in the Dead Sea reading the Ponsonby News.

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PONSONBY NEWS READERS ARE EVERYWHERE DEAR READERS Please keep sending us your holiday snaps reading your favourite magazine, we love getting them! Photos need to be in high resolution (300dpi), so please email them to info@ponsonbynews.co.nz without reducing the size. 5. Ponsonby residents VIV and PJ BURROWES climbed to the top of the ancient fortress above the historical town of Kotor in MONTENEGRO while on a recent sailing holiday in the Adriatic. A really nice place and we had not originally planned to go there but popped in while we waited for wind to get us from Croatia to Corfu. 6. ANNA HOFFMANN, Napier resident and part time Grey Lynn resident in INDONESIA spreading the word of Ponsonby News. Anna uses our magazine to teach English she tells us.. 7. GINNIE DENNY wrote, “Here is my chance at getting into the social pages! I was on holiday recently with my PN in NUSA DUA, BALI. PN

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CHRIS LYONS, a Director of WORLD JOURNEYS Ponsonby is back from escorting a small group tour around South America, one of the highlights of which was a cruise in the Galapagos Islands where the charmingly named Blue Footed Booby is one of the many unique species

GET CHIC IN SYDNEY CITY YOU MAY THINK A SHOPPING TOUR IS JUST ANOTHER WAY TO SPEND MONEY - but they can also reveal some of a city’s charming secrets. When arranging to do such a tour in Sydney, I was quietly afraid that my host would be an uber-rich, frighteningly groomed creature who would take me to Double Bay where I would have to convince her I may not actually buy any of the hugely expensive items she was bound to show me. Au contraire. CHIC in the City owner Fleur Marks - while impeccably groomed - is a personable New Zealander - long time resident in Sydney - who I suspect has also high ‘Q’s of both the I- and E- kind. After a quick discussion of my interests at groovy Oxford Street bar/cafe The Wine Library, we agreed to do a walking tour of Oxford Street and its side streets focusing on emerging designers that I may not have found otherwise, and visiting about six stores for 20 minutes each. First stop was Lazybones who offer vintage-inspired dresses for women and girls, as well as sleepwear and jewellery. I couldn’t believe it when I found myself in the fitting room of my own volition at this, the very first stop - probably should have bought that black lace top which as I recall came in under NZ$100.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

We proceeded to Mauborg (a deft mix of established and new-gen designers), Valerie Tolosa (super-girly, sexy dresses) and Herringbone (pristine, sharply tailored classics). At Tessarella House in William Street I was greeted with a champagne cocktail and a 10% discount which I swear had nothing to do with me purchasing beautiful hand beaten silver earrings. Nat-Sui shoes in Queen Street Woollahra had very fresh, deliciously over the top shoes at affordable prices. But thanks to Fleur I discovered that my heart belonged to Di Nuovo and Pelle - very high end recycle stores where the biggest international names are available at ever-so-slightly preloved prices. This discovery - plus a sweet goodie bag - justified the price of the tour for me and you can bet I’ll be sniffing around those Eastern suburbs ladies’ cast-offs next time I’m in town. PN A CHIC in the City 3 hour walking tour costs AU$125. www.chicinthecity.com.au




THE ROCKIES BY RAIL by Kim Houston, Director, World Journeys

Some destinations deserve to be travelled by rail. For the ultimate experience in the Canadian Rockies, take a train! No car can get you in amongst the towering mountains and panoramic views offered by the Rocky Mountaineer - known as the ‘Most Spectacular Train Trip in the World’. You can choose from five rail journeys leaving from Vancouver, Banff, Calgary, Jasper or Seattle. Travelling by daylight only ensures you don’t miss out on any of the scenery; you spend the night in either Kamloops or Quesnel, and then set off in the morning to your final destination. The popular ‘Journey through the Clouds’ route takes you from Vancouver along the Fraser River, through Fraser Canyon and the Cariboo Plateau to the small town of Jasper in Alberta’s stunning Jasper National Park. En route you catch great views of Mount Robson, the highest peak in the Rockies. They say the Canadian Rockies are like our Southern Alps on steroids, so we’re talking about some pretty outstanding views. Lush green forests, sparkling rivers and the beautiful Pyramid Falls complete the picture.

Time aboard the Rocky Mountaineer is not only about the scenery, however. Choose your level of service and surroundings to suit your budget. RedLeaf service offers large picture windows in a single level rail coach, fresh chilled meals service at your seat with complimentary wine or beer at lunch.

Alternatively, ‘First Passage to the West’ travels from Vancouver through the Rockies to the small alpine town of Banff, or the cosmopolitan city of Calgary. Again, awe -inspiring mountains, canyons and lakes pass you by. Keep your eyes out for Moose and black bears along the way.

SilverLeaf service gets you into a dome car with oversized windows, delicious hot meals served at your seat, and complimentary wine or beer at lunch. For Kiwi’s, Rocky Mountaineer is often a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so I highly recommend upgrading to GoldLeaf service. You’re in a two level domed rail car, with panoramic dome window views upstairs, gourmet a la carte meals served in the dining room on the lower level, and complimentary ‘open bar’ throughout the journey. Sink into in your luxurious seat, order some champagne, and watch the wilderness go by.

For those staying in Vancouver I would highly recommend taking the ‘Whistler Sea to Sky Climb’ along the scenic Sea to Sky Corridor. The resort of Whistler is a European inspired alpine village with great restaurants, a new ‘Peak to Peak’ scenic Gondola and a plethora of outdoor activities. You can continue on through Quesnel to Jasper on the ‘Rainforest to Gold Rush’ rail route.

A Rocky Mountaineer rail journey is a ‘must’ for any visit to Western Canada. Only fitting then that we’ve included it in our ‘Breathtaking Canada & Alaska’ 27 day escorted journey in July next year, along with the Calgary Stampede and a wonderful cruise of Alaska’s famous Inside Passage. Hope you can make it! PN

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A NIGHT-IN WITH TIM There’s nothing better than a night at home, a glass of something delicious, a favourite take-away and a selection of well-chosen DVDs says Ponsonby News freelance scribe Tim Wakely. Here are his picks of some recent releases.

JUST GO WITH IT ONCE AGAIN DIRECTOR DENNIS DUGAN AND COMEDIAN/ actor Adam Sandler team up to create a screw-ball comedy that will satisfy any funny-bone. This comedic affair centres on plastic surgeon Danny Maccabee (Adam Sandler) who continually uses a past event to attract women. However, this dog’s old tricks soon bite back at him when his much younger love interest Palmer (Brooklyn Decker) discovers his old wedding ring. To help maintain his façade Danny ropes in his ‘good girl’ assistant Katherine (Jennifer Aniston) to pose as his ex-wife. However, everything soon spirals out of control as this domino effect causes huge implications on both of their lives. Watching this film I was surprised to find myself hysterically laughing as I loathe both Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler. The plot value of “Just Go With It” is rather thin, but the comedic merit mostly makes up for this shortfall. In regards to the acting, Nicole Kidman is the real winner of this hoopla as she effortlessly brings to life Katherine’s over achiever nemesis Devlin Adams. This is because Kidman’s natural screen presence and wit far out-shines the down-trodden class clown persona of Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston’s, good girl who has been done by wrong, star image. Unlike Sandler’s try-hard comedic ‘Devlins’ “Just Go With It” is a naturally hysterical piece of work. If you are like me and could never fathom enjoying a film that included both Aniston and Sandler; this film will leave you in shock in how un-believably funny it is.

SOMEWHERE SOMEWHERE, SOPHIA COPPOLA’S FOURTH DIRECTORIAL endeavour, contains all of the soft nuances that you have either enjoyed or loathed about her work. What is interesting about Coppola’s latest instalment is that she has chosen to explore the mindset of a male energy rather than the thoughts of the usual young female. The film centres on popular movie star Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) who is dissatisfied with his life despite achieving professional success. After spending some much needed time with his daughter Cleo, Johnny realises that he needs to step up to his role as a father to help himself grow as a person. If you want a fast-paced action or a slapstick comedy this film is not for you. However, if you do want some food for thought then I highly recommend this film. Overall I liked this film, but at times its thin and ambiguous plot line did leave me a little dazed and confused. I do advise that if you have never watched a Sophia Coppola film before, rent out Lost in Translation instead as it is far superior but in saying that this film is definitely watchable. (TIM WAKELY) PN


photography: Michael McClintocs

PUBLISHED: Friday, 4 November COPY DEADLINE: Thursday, 20 October (Please be on time, as any advertising material arriving after deadline may incur a 20% surcharge)


Jo Barrett on 021 324 510 or T: 09 361 3356 or 09 378 8553 E: joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz W: www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

New advertisers receive 250 words of editorial when booking a minimum of a quarter page advertisement.



ANGELA LASSIG: LETTERS FROM MAUDIE The monthly jottings of a free-spirited Ponsonby dressmaker of the 1920s, as imagined by Angela Lassig. VERMONT STREET, PONSONBY 9 OCTOBER 1925

I have just finished a fitting with one of my best customers, the delightful Ninette. How I LOVE my French clients! They are my true artistic soul mates! It is only the true Parisienne who understands the art of dressing. For her, a dress is much more than a mere garment. She understands her body perfectly, and knows exactly the strong and weaker points of her silhouette. I find that my French clients usually like to work with me on a design and appreciate that a good dress is a creation of an educated mind - even if I do say so myself ! I find that they prefer simple lines and through them I have come to appreciate that to be boldly simple can producee stunning results. But this is not for everyone. These sses need to be worn by the right woman and I will not kinds of dresses attempt to suggest uggest them to the majority of my clients. For many of them, a severely simple design will look too hard. For them I need to add movement to the dress to allow it to flow and float and to provide more grace to the figure. Ninette always ays chatters to me about the latest Paris gossip that om her friends and reads in her imported magazines. she hears from During her last fitting she told me about a new craze for unusual jewels. Not ones that cost a fortune, but curious and interesting d up by poking about in old curiosity shops. She showed pieces picked me her latestt find, an unusual necklace of ge coral that looked simply bright orange ainst her apple green silk delicious against hink that there might be blouse. I think n this new fashion. I wonder something in how many of these treasure shops we have in Auckland. I don’t think I’ve seen one in Ponsonby. out jewels, Ninette also told me about Speaking about hion that is amounting to a craze – jeweled another fashion ncing slippers! I can almost see your ears heels for dancing pricking up at this news! Apparently every good jeweller’s shop in Pariss stocks piles of these jeweled beauties, all ready to be fixed onto one’s favourite shoes. Most of them are set with imitation diamonds but Ninette saw ome very expensive ones set with colourful pictures of some us stones. I’ve ask Aunt Lily in Bath to look semi-precious out for somee when she is next in London, and to tell e. I do hope that she gets the hint and me the price. air for Christmas! I don’t mind you buys me a pair ow much I love them when you telling her how o her! next write to ring is in the Now that spring ing lots air I’m making ses for of little dresses the garden parties om the to come. From number of orders in my ing to be a very book, it’s going ew months, at social next few least for my clients.

+ 2011 70 PONSONBY 9 October 1925 PONSONBY PARISH NEWS+NEWS October

While sewing away in my workroom, I find myself thinking about all sorts of things, from fudge to fashion and all in between. Yesterday I was thinking really hard about that very alluring word “little”. It struck me that it’s used quite a lot in the fashion magazines to convey a certain quality or style that is very hard to define. It makes me imagine a frock that is both strong yet delicate and somehow encapsulates all that is chic. It is all that one imagines the perfect dress to be. It seems from the magazines that nowadays every woman is twenty years old and in love with the shapeless styles designed to accentuate their own shapelessness, whether or not their silhouette is artificially enhanced by a tiny bit of corseting. There is so much that can be done with a simple tub tube-like frock to achieve the perfect ‘little’ dress. One ca can completely overlook sleeves, collars, curves and overly complicated concentr constructions and concentrate on more subtle accents. Floating panels, de delicate pockets, a pert ribbon, a scarf floating from the shoulders, a posy of poppies at the belt, or even an embroidered monogram so placed that it its discovery is a delight. For me, these form the esse essence of ‘littleness’. s I think I told you my story about amputated toes. Well, I’ve anothe another shocking shoe story for you! Not that I’m ttrying to dissuade you from wearing those tow towering heels that you so love! This piece of research comes from the President of th the Illinois Association wh insists that modern of Chiropodists who evo woman is fast evolving feet similar to T danger apparently horses’ hoofs! The weari of very high heels lies in the wearing that cramp the toes, causing them to shorten, and forcing the arch up sho which in turn shortens the calf muscles. This might well be so, but to compare the result with equine extrem extremities is going a bit far c don’t you think? In any case, I’m sure that this won’t happen in our lifetim lifetime so you may as well continue to indulge yourself. Even if your children will have hoofs! Speaking of children, I must finish my letter as I’ve promised to look after a friend’s little girl this evening while they go out to the theatre. Tiger will be coming with me to avert the tan tantrum that would surely ensue if I turned up without him. He’s also quite useful as a distraction while I make some scones for our supper. n Do send me some news soon dear, affec Your affectionate friend,

Maudie x


illustration: 99designs

Dear Lucy


SPRING’S “DIFFUSION” COLLECTION AT TAYLOR BOUTIQUE THIS SEASON AT TAYLOR, INSPIRED BY WHAT WE SEE AND CREATE, WE BEGIN with neutral, muted tones of caramel and graphite. These blend and merge with the palest vapour greys and creamy ivories, and strengthen in depths with linear dark tones. Like a fog these lift by mid-season to reveal bright pigments and clarity of colour. Persimmon reds blend with lava and orange, emerald greens strengthen and brighten, and strong mineral blues round out the colour palette. Natural fibres: silks from featherweight tulles to heavier suiting weights. Cottons and natural linens of different densities focus my attention. Linen Mesh knits are edged in soft draped cupro. Graphic stripes play off against plains to make differentiation between each difficult. Silhouettes are soft and billowing, juxtaposed against long and lean linear lines. Pod and ovoidal shapes still dominate my pattern-making, as do sharper-edged geometric shapes placed on the body to create measured lines. A new silhouette with contained volumes reshapes the expected figure. There is a play between fabrication and created textures with gathers and ruches, folds and tucks, all bringing individuality to each garment. Taylor have fabulous new cotton and linen knitwear arriving in October ready to take you through the summer months in style. PN Shop in style in Ponsonby or online at www.taylorshop.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





8 HOURS BACKSTAGE WORLD have a reputation for delivering exquisite and dramatic show hair and makeup, and their GOOD v EVIL offering was no exception. Models had 10am call times to allow their hair, makeup and nails to be created and perfected in time for the 7.30pm live show. Michael Beal of Wellington’s Buoy was in charge of hair under the auspices of ghd. With a brief that married all thing 1940s wih a futuristic Russian princess, Michael styled 25 models with 25 different hair looks split into three fashion chapters - ‘Future World’, ‘World Future’ and ‘Russian Future.’

photography: Sam Lee

James Leuii at Shiseido directed the elaborate and meticulously concepted makeup. Different looks along the three themes included WORLD’s now-signature Swarovski crystals, luminescent skin tones, uberarched brows and enormous false eyelashes. PN

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photography: Michael Ng www.ngfoto.com

WORLD GOT THE POWER Over 1.200 people crammed New Zealand Fashion Week’s big venue to catch a glimpse of WORLD’s gloriously theatrical show, ‘Good v Evil’. The show incorporated the finale of New Zealand’s Next Top Model and as such was watched on live television by an extraordinary 916,000 viewers. Eventual winner Brigitte and co-finalists Rosanagh and Bianca walked the catwalk not only in WORLD’s new winter collection, but also in the brand’s new ‘WORLD Made Me Do It’ shoe collaboration with Number One Shoes. The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




JULIE ROULSTON – NZFW 2011 PONSONBY AT NEW ZEALAND FASHION WEEK Ponsonby Designers were out in force at early September’s New Zealand Fashion Week. The move to the sparkling new Viaduct Events Centre venue was proclaimed a success by all we spoke to, and most fashion media struggled to limit their favourite show to just one. 1


NZFW first timer Ingrid Starnes took out the coveted Fashion Week opening spot.



Juliette Hogan delighted fans with an immaculate collection - we want her leather collars! ‘The highlight show of day one’ - Angela Lassig, fashion writer & historian.



Hailwood was busy! He designed the volunteer tees, won the Arthritis NZ ‘design a vest’ competition, inspired an ABSOLUT cocktail and a trashy Stuff.co.nz review. He’s also reported to have been picked up by David Jones in Australia and be in talks with US department store Bloomingdales.

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Above left: Zambesi was named by many - including top international press - as a highlight of the week; above right: Starfish was one of the week’s most upbeat shows - a happy collision of luxe with sportswear; below right: “I am wearing the best socks ever”, said model Lili, per fashion blog katherineisawesome.com





Ruby was a favourite and really stepped up a notch with a super strong show - they also launched new label Liam which met with media approval. The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied







ABOVE AND TOP RIGHT: Workshop/Helen Cherry was the grandest show of the week, offsite at the Auckland Town Hall; RIGHT: Miranda Brown wowed with sexy colourful outfits in the Merino show.



Crane Brothers: launched their Escorial range of ‘made for royalty’ suiting PHOTOGRAPHY:


Michael Ng/NZFW 2011 www.ngfoto.com (7, 18) Katherine Lowe www.katherineisawesome.com (3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14) Sam Lee in_the-sky@hotmail.com (1, 13,16, 17) Nikau Hindin www.fashionphotos.co.nz (6, 10,) Cleo Barnett www.cleobarnett.com (2, 12) Christina Whitley/NZFW Photography Competition (15)

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taylor’s super polished show (part of the Merino show) was picked up by international press like Facehunter and Stylecaster.


Michael Ng

Nikau Hindin

Michael Ng

Nikau Hinden

SNAP HAPPY Fashion pages would be nothing without photographs. At Ponsonby News we’re fortunate to work with some of the best (and nicest) photographers in the industry, as well as talented up-and-comers. Meet four of our favourites, with different specialities and at different stages of their careers.

MICHAEL NG International Runway photographer WHAT IS AN INTERNATIONAL RUNWAY PHOTOGRAPHER? HOW DID YOU COME TO BE ONE? That’s me - someone who travels the world photographing supermodels walking in shows by the best fashion houses. Seriously, it involves a lot of hard work and long hours editing on the computer, but along the way you have a lot of fun and get to see amazing shows and lots of beautiful people. Getting here was a bit of an accident really, and a bit of luck. I was given a ticket to a show at London Fashion Week and loved the excitement and energy of that single show. That’s when I decided I wanted to specialise in photographing fashion shows. I learned my craft shooting on film and when I arrived back in New Zealand, I went to every fashion show I could get into, just to practise. One morning, I met a photographer at a lab and we got talking and he invited me to Mercedes Australian Fashion Week in Sydney. I was the second shooter and after each show I had to drive to two labs to get the films processed and be back ready for the next show within an hour. While in Sydney I met another photographer who said come to New York, and on to London, Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks. I jumped at the opportunity and have never looked back. I thought Sydney Fashion Week was tough doing 16 hour days in a week, but in Europe it was 16 hour days over six weeks.

DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE DESIGNER TO SHOOT? Some of my favourite designers are Prada, Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Valentino, Gucci, Kenzo, WORLD, Burberry, Yohji Yamamoto, Miu Miu, Versace, D Squared, Victor & Rolf, McQueen, and Rick Owens. WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE VENUE? I love Paris Fashion Week. It’s the most over the top with big budget productions, but any show which takes place in the Grand Palace or Petit Palace is going to have the WOW factor. Saying that, Milan and Berlin have some amazing buildings and they are both very cool cities which I enjoy visiting. ANY ADVICE FOR AMATEUR SNAPPERS OR ASPIRING PRO’S? Shoot what you love but also respect your photographic industry by putting a value on your own work. Fashion photography is the hardest genre in photography to break into, making the competition intense, so you to have a good business plan to pay for all your cameras, travel and computer equipment.

NORRIE MONTGOMERY Social photographer HOW DID YOU COME TO BE A SOCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER? I was offered the job some eight years ago, when the Sunday Star-Times started having proper social pages in the newspaper. Bridget Saunders was the gossip columnist and I was the photographer. We would go to all the best parties in town and she would do writeups of the events, and I would make the people who attended look beautiful.

WHAT MAKES AN OUTSTANDING RUNWAY PHOTO? When you have great models and hair and make-up, the right lighting and of course an amazing designer.

I now freelance for the Herald on Sunday and Rachel Glucina is the columnist. I also saw a gap in the market. People would comment to me that I had taken their photograph at a certain event but that their picture didn’t make it to the paper. Obviously a newspaper has limited space for photos, and not every shot is going to make it in. That encouraged me to set up my website www.thealist.co.nz. Now when I am commissioned to cover an event for a PR company I can upload the images the very next day. Everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame.

WHAT’S A HIGH POINT IN YOUR CAREER TO DATE? Having the opportunity to shoot fashion shows in Europe and visiting venues which are otherwise not open to the public. It helps to appreciate the interiors as I studied architecture before changing professions.

WHAT’S THE BEST PART OF YOUR JOB? That’s easy. The best part is actually attending all these events and taking the photos of course. The worst part is when you have been to a great event and you have around 400 images to edit.

One show which does stand out is an Alexander McQueen show which was like a game of chess - the floor was lit up in a checkerboard pattern and the models moved into location as a robotic voice announced the position like a game of chess.

WHAT MAKES AN OUTSTANDING SOCIAL PHOTOGRAPH? Capturing that moment. The thing is you don’t have a lot of time and the light is never the best where the parties are being held. So you have to think on your feet, and know

WHAT’S THE BEST PART OF YOUR JOB? THE WORST PART? The best is experiencing the shows first hand, seeing what the designers and their productions teams create and being part of it. The worst is when the taxi driver gets lost trying to find an address or when you’re rushing from one big show to another. You’re literally running with all your big heavy cameras and lenses and that’s when you can make mistakes, so you have to be organised.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




continues from page 78

your equipment and how to get the very best out of it. Canon are at the forefront of technology when it comes to dealing with tricky light situations and have never let me down. You also have to make the people in your photograph look good and show they are enjoying themselves. WHAT’S A HIGH POINT IN YOUR CAREER TO DATE? The high point would have to be setting up the website and watching it thrive. It has firmly entrenched itself in the market and is still growing. When I load up the galleries and I see the number of hits the site is getting, it’s good to know that all my hard work is being appreciated. DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE PERSON TO SHOOT? To be honest, red carpet events with well known International celebrities are good, but an average person who has gone out of their way to dress up for, say, a black tie dinner - the kind they probably go to once every five years - is just as important. I have had numerous people email me and say ‘that photo you took of me and my wife that was in the paper was amazing.” That probably means more to me than shooting Kim Kardashian on a red carpet. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy shooting Kim Kardashian. WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE LOCATION/EVENT TO SHOOT? Fashion week is always a good event because it has so many different angles. It has the fashion shows, backstage, front row, celebrity and after parties all to cover, which makes for long days and early starts. It leaves you exhausted in the end, but elated at the same.

WHAT’S A HIGH POINT IN YOUR CAREER TO DATE? Gaining a degree with honours when I had struggled so hard at school, not passing School Cert even the second year around. I remember having a blub of tears of joy behind the lens at a Betsey Johnson show in New York...I felt so proud of myself, not so much in terms of my ability to take a photo but more where the confidence and faith came from that got me there. DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE PERSON OR SUBJECT TO SHOOT? I love shooting old school on a large format (‘Horseman’ - where you have the blanket over your head). I’ve started a series of extraordinary New Zealand women in their private worlds, Hollywood Cinema/Vanity Fair style. ANY ADVICE FOR AMATEUR SNAPPERS OR ASPIRING PRO’S? Always work with pure intent. You are looking to capture the subject’s magic in whatever form - it’s their story. The photo never lies unless you manipulate it! Know your language and know how to achieve it in the camera, so you don’t kill the moment fighting with your tools. As for fashion, it’s an open playing ground, so go play and have fun! It’s always easier to critique your work after it’s shot.

NIKAU HINDIN Student photographer

ANY ADVICE FOR AMATEUR SNAPPERS OR ASPIRING PRO’S? Shoot every day. It has never been easier for people to see your work with digital and the online presence we have today. Years ago you could be a talented photographer but very few people would know about it. If you wanted to show your work to an agency you would have to make an appointment and get yourself to the agency to show your portfolio. Now, at the push of a button your portfolio can be on the picture desk of every agency on the planet. Shooting digital is so cost effective. Gone are the days where you would buy your roll of film, shoot it, spend money on getting it printed and then find out the whole shoot is underexposed. There is no reason to shoot badly anymore as you can check as you go. However that is a two-edged sword as a lot of photographers don’t realise the basics of making a good photograph - exposure and composition. Too many depend on Photoshop to correct their own shortcomings.

AMANDA BRANSGROVE Model turned photographer HOW DID YOU COME TO BE A PHOTOGRAPHER? Since I was a teenager I’ve always had a point and shoot on me for fun documentary shots of my party central. But It was a process of elimination in my first year of Unitec - a great tutor, who inspired me with what a creative medium photography is. They took what had been love at first sight, to a new level! WHAT’S THE BEST PART OF YOUR JOB? It’s that I’m the visionary behind my work - apart from the bread and butter which is still incredibly awesome as I shoot a lot of A-listed actors’ headshots and high powered, successful women in business. The creative side of my own projects is always mind consuming as I fantasize about the possibilities. AND THE WORST PART? Not making the time for my personal projects and the backlog of processing images. I like to do my own Photoshop, but my systems and software give me grief and slow me down.

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HOW DID YOU GET INTO PHOTOGRAPHY? I’m also a painter, so my initial motivation for buying a camera was to take photos for my painting (I am obsessed with photorealism). But I immediately discovered there is much more to photography than simply pressing a button. I love that photography allows you to create a certain atmosphere in a situation and gives you a chance to share a perspective that others may not normally see. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? At the moment I’m inspired by the fashion of strangers on the street, they might be wearing something a little bit kooky or bright or fun. I’ve created fashionphotos.co.nz so I can share these kinds of photo with the subjects. But I am also inspired by people, objects of everyday life and nature - I am always taking photos. WHAT DRIVES YOUR PASSION FOR PHOTOGRAPHY? Capturing a significant event or a totally random special moment is always exciting for me because it’s so hard to do. People really appreciate these types of images because their immediate reaction is ‘wow, how did she take that photo?’ That’s what I am always trying to achieve. WHAT STYLE OF PHOTOGRAPHY BEST DEFINES? Travelling has really opened my eyes to documentary style photography, because as an outsider looking in, the mundanity of normal life is really exciting for me. I try to capture the natural beauty of the environment, with the simplicity of everyday life in the particular country, to create images of local people and places to admire and be thankful for. RECENTLY YOU WERE A FINALIST IN THE NEW ZEALAND FASHION WEEK PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION. WHAT STOOD OUT? One of the most fun people to photograph is Colin Mathura-Jeffree - and not just because he is always wearing something fabulous. Over the course of the week I took so many photos of him that by the end, whenever he saw me he would pout and pose for me whether I was taking a photo or not! (JULIE ROULSTON) PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

FASHION + STYLE CRANE BROTHERS’ NEW LINES FIT FOR ROYALTY Never a business to stand still, Crane Brothers has launched two new luxe lines in recent weeks.

The ESCORIAL fibre has an extraordinary three dimensional helical crimp, acting like a natural spring to create wonderfully light, naturally flexible, crease resistant garments. Crane Brother’s show (part of the New Zealand Weddings Magazine show at New Zealand Fashion Week) was the first time ESCORIAL - a favourite at Hermes and on Savile Row - has ever been showcased in New Zealand. “We are very honoured to have been selected” says Murray Crane, Crane Brothers’ owner. Escorial fabric is now available at Crane Brothers in made to measure suits - entirely handmade in New Zealand. The second new line is Ettinger of London - handmade leathergoods steeped in history and tradition.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Founded 77 years ago by Prussian-born Gerard Ettinger, Ettinger of London is one of only two luxury leather goods companies to hold a Royal Warrant. The company has made bespoke items for royalty, diplomats, celebrities and high profile individuals around the world including the British Royal Family and former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, and their products are sold only in stores of the highest quality, the latest of which is Crane Brothers.

photography: Michael Ng/NZFW2011 www.ngfoto.com

The first is a collaboration with luxury wool company ESCORIAL, producers of the world’s finest natural fibre. In 1340, Spanish royalty took a unique flock of sheep from North Africa to nurture on the Escorial plains North West of Madrid. In the sixteenth century King Phillip II built the magnificent Escorial palace where he kept his flock, prized for producing the softest and finest fleeces. King Phillip’s flock became known as the Royal Escorial flock. Today, ESCORIAL is so rare there are only three remaining flocks in the world that directly descend from the original Royal Escorial flock - two in Australia and one in New Zealand.

Crane Brothers owner Murray Crane had been aware of Ettinger of London and its beautifully crafted collection of goods for a number of years. His interest in the brand was rekindled after he saw the collaborative work they did recently with Monocle Magazine, which included a series of luxurious leather card cases and a jotter, amongst other gentleman’s essentials. Crane Brothers will be stocking key elements from Ettinger’s Bridle Hide and Cut Edge collections, including a selection of billfolds, coin purses, visiting card cases and coat wallets - “…heirloom pieces that will be retained and cherished and will never date” says Crane. PN CRANE BROTHERS, 2-4 High Street, Auckland City T: 09 377-5333 www.crane-brothers.com




ANNEX IN THE DESIGN FOUNDRY ANNEX OPENED IN JULY IN THE E REAR OF THE DESIGN FOUNDRY IN MAIDSTONE Street, in a light and lovely space overlooking Grey Lynn and the Waitakeres. Shaken out of Christchurch in February, Annex offers a beautiful, lovingly edited collection of clothing and homeware, boasting simple clean lines and enduring design qualities. Annex has an extensive range of Petit Bateau, as well as ‘3 dots’ and ‘won hundred’ with more to come as the business becomes established in its new home. There are also accessories, scarves and rosaries from Regan Kehoe in Wellington. Homewares include Katherine Smyth domestic ceramics in glorious colours, Fornasetti cushions, Euorpean linen, Donna Wilson knits, and greeting cards. And of course Annex is famous for the Travel Wardrobe - exclusive and exquisite paper dresses, shirts and handbags made from real map paper, by owner/designer Anne Wilson. If all that’s not charming enough - prepare to be greeted by Noodle, the world’s friendliest poodle cross - already a firm fixture at Annex. PN ANNEX @ The Design Foundry, 14 Maidstone Street, Ponsonby T: 09 378 6018 www.annex.net.nz

CLAIRE KINGAN-JONES – RUGBY CONNECTIONS It may come as a surprise to some but when the lovely Claire Kingan Jones, of iconic New Zealand fashion label – Kingan Jones, takes a break from working on next season’s range – she just might be running around a rugby field in gumboots cheering her team on! Claire has had a lifelong passion for rugby and it runs in the family – with the boys playing it and her husband having coached. Their club of choice is of course Ponsonby, with Claire currently managing both the under nine black team and the under 12 blue team for them. Rugby is a big part of the weekend for Claire’s family and she loves the opportunity to relax and forget about fashion for a couple of hours on a Saturday morning, while supporting her teams from the sideline. She also appreciates the sense of community around rugby volunteers, where even supporters of opposing teams become acquainted and offer each other a grudging respect. Another exciting aspect of working with the young teams is that many of these youngsters will go on to play rugby at the highest levels while some may even become All Blacks. As a potent example, Ponsonby old boy Ali Williams is part of the All Blacks world cup team. Claire noted that the Ponsonby Rugby Club has had an extremely busy and exciting time in the last month. The club hosted both the Tongan and Samoan teams for a week each in September – opening their facilities up for the visitors to train. The open training sessions during these weeks were particularly popular with fans. Other activities the club is running during the world cup include a game zone with live games on the big screen and entertainment, a rugby memorabilia display, and two big games on 13 October (Barbarians vs Ponsonby invitational team and Northern United vs Ponsonby Premiers). The team at Kingan Jones are also celebrating the Rugby World Cup by running a free champagne and chocolate hour every Friday evening. The team are even planning a special window display in store as we approach the cup finals. In another example of her two passions (rugby and fashion) colliding, Claire tells us that she has designed a rugby themed dress for the upcoming Style Pasifika event. The garment is called ‘to have and to hold’ and takes inspiration from the Webb Ellis cup and includes rugby ball lacing and detail from rugby training padding. Style Pasifika takes place on 18 and 19 October at Vector Arena and will include rugby themed garments from top international designers (including Yohji Yamamoto, John Rocha and Tigerlily) alongside our top New Zealand talent. Finally, we asked Claire which team she’d be supporting for this tournament. Reflecting on the recent match between the All Blacks and Springboks in her old hometown of Port Elizabeth, Claire realised that any remaining doubts about where her loyalties lay were gone. All Blacks all the way! (RICHARD GRAVENOR)

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



TIM WAKELY SPOTTING LOCAL TALENT My role as a VIP host at New Zealand Fashion Week 2011 is an experience that I will never forget. Throughout my adventure at this fashion filled extravaganza, I was surprised to meet so many amiable people, go to many spectacular shows and be there to witness a monumental television moment. Instead of boring you with every minute detail of my week I will only elaborate on a few of my favourite moments. Before my week of fashion had even begun; I got to see first hand the actual reality behind our nation’s guilty pleasure - New Zealand’s Next Top Model. The whole ordeal outside of the Viaduct Event Centre amused me as the constant re-shooting of the girls walking into the building seemed a little trite to me. However, a wandering paparazzo quickly ruined the scripted moment by attempting to unveil some of the mystery that had been concealed from the public. Interestingly enough my most humbling moment of the week was witnessing Top Model Judge Colin Muthura-Jeffree interact with wheelchair bound Josh who was the opening act for the Mister show. Initially, when I signed up for this role never did I imagine that I would actually get to watch the actual shows. After discovering that my pass allowed me this opportunity I made sure that I did attend a few. The shows that I saw ranged from large-scale affairs at the Westpac stadium to the more intimate surroundings of Shed 2. They may have been on a smaller-scale but they were no way out-shone by their big brother counter-parts. For example, Juliette Hogan’s show delivered a small intimate affair that showcased a more grown up identity in association with her female aesthetic.

kept you focused as there was always something going on. The production was pretty much everything you would expect from a night out such as Cool Clothes, Party Music and Aja Rock jumping out of a cake. During my week at this fashion extravaganza I met many fascinating people who ranged from workers, industry professionals and iconic fashion superstars. I must admit that the time I actually got to talk to a ‘celeb’ or industry icon was in fact very brief as I was often leading them to their seats. The person that I was most excited to talk to was Tina Moore the editor of Remix magazine. The conversation that we had was basically about what the publication represented, however, before we had the chance to talk about anything else she had a photo taken and then entered the Mister show but let’s just say after talking to her I felt my ‘coolness’ level go up. The best part of my week was having the opportunity to work with an incredible group of people. The team I worked with all came from different working backgrounds to help bring this week of fashion. After getting acquainted with my VIP co-workers I soon found myself enjoying the fashion and the chaos associated with my role. I do not regret anything that I did that week and it is sad to imagine that the opportunity that I had may not be around next year. Overall, I had a great time at Fashion Week. (TIM WAKELY) PN

The bigger productions of the week will remain memorable because of the creation debacles that occurred before the winter 12 collection made their debut. Trelise Cooper who made her fans wait for over an hour due to the structural difficulties that her show had during its initial set-up gave us a show that was definitely worth the wait and matched her iconic status. Stolen Girlfriends Club’s decision to have their showcase in two distinct parts, I felt, destroyed the overall flow of the show. However, the effects, music and the fashion soon made up for this slight annoyance.

Above: LIZ MITCHELL, ANGELA LASSIG and Liz FINDLAY. Below and right: M.A.C celebrated art, fashion and the naked form at MODERN ART: The Official Opening Party for NZFW 2011.

photography: martin leach

My two favourite shows of the week were The New Zealand Weddings Magazine Bridal Show and Huffer. I enjoyed these two particularly as the overall aesthetic of both shows constantly retained my attention. I enjoyed the New Zealand Weddings Bridal Show due to the warm and charming vibe that was projected throughout the whole event - the soft music, beautiful brides, handsome grooms, pretty bridesmaid frocks, cute pageboy and flower girl outfits and even a mother-in-law ensemble facilitated the warm and charming vibe. In regards to Huffer I liked how the high-energy production

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FASHION + STYLE DOVE ANNOUNCES ‘DOVE PINK AT THE PICTURES’ SIMULTANEOUS, NATIONWIDE SCREENINGS OF ‘BREAKFAST at Tiffany’s in honour of the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation will be shown later this month.

Sharon Parker, Unilever Marketing Director, says, “We are thrilled to be taking the Dove Pink activity countrywide. Our hope is that this event will bring together more New Zealanders than ever before in united support to win the fight against breast cancer. “ Over the past five years, Dove, a Pink Ribbon Platinum Partner of The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation, has raised more than $300,000 through its annual Dove Pink Star Walk and limited edition Dove Pink Range.

The all new Dove Pink at the Pictures will feature a simultaneous, nationwide screening of the movie classic Breakfast at Tiffany’s and will be sure to include all the fabulous theatre and pinkness Dove Pink occasions are renowned for.

Tickets to the Dove Pink at the Pictures event are $20 per person, with the full ticket price donated to the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. Tickets are available for online purchasing through the Event Cinemas website www.eventcinemas.co.nz PN

photography: martin leach

Beauty brand Dove has announced ‘Dove Pink at the Pictures’ as their annual fundraising initiative for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. To be held on 26 October at Event Cinemas nationwide, ‘Dove Pink at the Pictures’ aims to raise a total of $100,000 to aid research to find a cure for breast cancer.

OBI, Chocoat & HSL essentials. Available at ZEBRANO. www.zebrano.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




JULIE ROULSTON PONSONBY DESIGNERS HELP FIND A CURE FOR BREAST CANCER Ponsonby designers have joined forces with other top names to design products for ‘Cure Shop’ - dedicated concessions stores at Glassons and online, which opened on 22 September. Hailed as the world’s first stores dedicated to finding a cure for Breast Cancer, they offer products and signature tees from Ponsonby designers Karen Walker, Zambesi, Ruby and Cybele, as well as Twenty-Seven Names, Trelise Cooper and Huffer. What started as a creative fashion collaboration with the Breast Cancer Research Trust and Karen Walker in 2004 has turned into a full-scale shop, dedicated to selling products to raise money to fight Breast Cancer in New Zealand. Tony Moffatt, CEO of the Breast Cancer Research Trust, says “Thanks to the generous and stylish women of New Zealand, over the past eight years, Glassons’ creative partnership with the Breast Cancer Research Trust has raised over NZD$3.5 million, aiding some of the world’s most important research findings about breast cancer to date.” In 2010, the chair sponsored by Glassons at The University Of Auckland discovered that there was a gene in women that caused breast cancer. This was a world-first breakthrough and the money raised through Glassons’ BCRT creative drive was instrumental in the discovery. The Cure Shop stores are to remain open for a total of six weeks till early Novemberr - we recommend you get in quick to get some fun summer essentials from topp designers at great prices. (PS If you’re shopping for teenagers and young women thiss Christmas, you can’t miss with Cure Shop gifts - get it done early!) You can shop Curee Shopp online at www.glassons.com/cure-shop. g p PN

CYBELE nail polish $29.99

KAREN WALKER poolside inflatable chair $29.99

KAREN WALKER sunhat with love heart scarf $34.99

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CYBELE tee $29.99

ZAMBESI tee $29.99

ZAMBESI candle $24.99

RUBY mug $16.99

CYBELE scarf $24.99

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



DENISE L’ESTRANGE-CORBET THE DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE (NEAR HAMILTON!) ARMIN AUERHAMMER IS A MAN WITH ENOUGH MONEY TO SINGLE HANDEDLY clear the Greek debt, and unfortunately, the majority of it will be coming from me in one form or another. Currently, he has to make do with a lot of I.O.U Post It notes stuck all over his office wall, in varying amounts. After setting up the ‘swear jar’, which I bitterly regret as it was one of the more stupid ideas I have come up with, and one which Armin had never heard of before, he is now almost giggling with joy and no doubt looking at local real estate to purchase. “Who is that man, the Chef man, the famous one, the one who swears a lot?” Armin asks. Gordon Ramsey, I reply. “Ah, yes! You are the Gordon Ramsey of the gym world,” he laughs. I am guessing that this is not a compliment. I am sitting on the bike doing my 10 minute warm up and decide to mightily impress Armin, as he often seems very unimpressed with my efforts, and has even verbalised this to me. I would never recommend as a wise move if I am holding something that can be used as a weapon in my hand. So, I decide to cycle as fast as I can for as long as I can to really show him how dedicated I am. My heart rate on the machine was showing 115, which I think is nearly dead. I could not watch the Living Channel on the built in TV, as when I yanked my earphones out of my bag, I pulled the connection out of the earpiece like an idiot, so decided I would watch the screen as I worked out.

Armin walks over. Oh my God, I yell at him, pointing at the screen. Will you look at that? I have a heart rate of 157 and have used 51 calories instead of the usual 50”. “Why did you do that?” Armin asks, puzzled. Because my heart rate is faster, it will burn off more fat, of course! I reply. ‘No”, he says, “it makes no difference, let’s go over to work on your abs.” Deflated is an understatement. Is there nothing that impresses this guy?

ARMIN AUERHAMMER, Denise’s coach at ANYTIME FITNESS, Ponsonby Road

I lie on the mat on the floor, and have to put my arms in the air and my head up, and he throws me a 4kg ball, and I have to throw it back, with gusto. I mention that he has to be careful, in case the ball hits me in the face when he is throwing it. “Don’t worry”, he laughs “I know a good plastic surgeon.” Well, that’s alright then, and makes me feel mightily comforted. We keep doing this and I complain, so he goes down to a 2kg ball and still on my back with my head up, I am throwing and he is catching, and I miss the catch, and the ball lands on my skull. I do not know why, but things like this make me laugh. It makes me laugh if it happens to me, and I laugh even louder if it happens to others. Luckily it missed my face, or it would probably have not been quite so funny. We chat, and the dreaded rugby subject comes up. I tell him I have just seen the Russian Rugby Team on television, and say the average age was 90, and they did not look like they could pull a plug out of a bath, let alone a woman in a bar. What do German men call ‘Hot babes’ when they go into a bar? I ask. “Oh”, Armin replies “Hot babes are called ‘Snails’ in Germany”. WHAT? “Snails. That is what they are called, and it is a term of endearment, like darling is the word Mouse”. I am just staggered how any men in Germany can get a woman at all! If a man called over to me and said, “Hey, hot snail, wanna drink?” I would reply, hey Slug, fancy a thump? I mean, you are either a slimy garden creature, or vermin, either way, not impressive. Honestly, language barriers are funny, but fat is fat in any language, and I have to shift some. I am not sure where to shift it to, overseas would be preferable, but I do know that I have had ‘a Big Booty’ since giving birth, and now people like Beyonce and Kim Kardashian are applauded for it. Problem is, their booty does not seem to wobble as much as mine, otherwise, we are equal, (apart from the amount of money I owe Armin). (DENISE L’ESTRANGE-CORBET) PN ANYTIME FITNESS, 100 Ponsonby Road T: 09 360 5488 www.anytimefitness.co.nz

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photography: martin leach

My heart rate was steadily going up as I peddled furiously, 120, 125, 130, the sweat was starting to form on my brow. Faster, faster, 135, 140. Keep going, faster still. I could be in Australia if I was cycling on the road at this rate, 145, 150, more, more I am telling myself as my heart almost bursts out of my chest and my thighs are going into shock. 155, 157, 157 was tops, and the buzzer sounds to let me know my ten minutes of coming close to death is over.

FASHION + STYLE IT MAKES US HAPPY TO MAKE SHOES THAT MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY We are a family owned company from Scandinavia whose success has been built on uncompromising quality and innovative technology. ECCO products can be found in 4,000 branded sales locations in over 90 countries, a growth fuelled by ECCO’s consistent aim of making the best shoes in the world. As an independent shoe company, we can pursue quality in a way that would be impossible for most other companies. We love taking on new challenges and finding ways to make better, more beautiful shoes. ECCO is the only major shoe manufacturer to own and manage every step of the shoemaking process. We own all our production, from our tanneries to our factories, and its employees are the life force behind its products, designing, developing, producing, and taking responsibility for every detail. We believe in the Scandinavian design principle that form follows function. So, all our shoes are designed to follow the foot. It seems to us, the more free your feet are, the more free your life is. Feel free starting with your feet and enjoy our comprehensive Spring Summer Collection of Ladies’ and Men’s Business, Casual and Performance shoes. Our shoes are designed to go everywhere and anywhere. (DIANNE COOPER) PN ECCO STORES: Auckland: 192 Broadway, Newmarket • 43 High Street, CBD • Milford Shopping Centre; Wellington: 100 Willis Street

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





I notice that I wake up in the mornings feeling tired and sluggish, like I haven’t had enough sleep. I need a hot shower and coffee before I feel even half ready to face the day. I do have a stressful job, which sometimes means late nights but I normally get at least six hours sleep. Do you think I am deficient in something? JO KELLY, Mt Eden

The symptoms you are experiencing are not unique. Many people feel this way every day but most of us just accept it as a fact of our busy and stressful lives. Even if we feel there might be an underlying problem, we often don’t have time to deal with it and so will take a multi-vitamin or two and keep going. But according to Ayurvedic science, these symptoms are key indicators that our bodily intelligence is affected and it means some serious problems are on the way!


Ayurvedic science tells us that each individual has a unique bodily intelligence and as long as that intelligence is in a balanced state it has the ability to flush out the toxins that accumulate in the body on a daily basis. These toxins are just waste products, the result of cellular metabolism that the body normally excretes. However, when this bodily intelligence is affected, these toxins start accumulating in the weak areas of the body (perhaps the site of a previous injury where the tissue is damaged) and can be the cause of illness and disease. Our bodily intelligence becomes affected when we eat the wrong foods, live in an incompatible environment or have an incompatible lifestyle that doesn’t allow us to maintain a harmony between our mind and body. Ayurveda recommends that to keep our bodily intelligence in balance we need to regularly de-toxify and cleanse our body. That is why it gives us daily and even seasonal cleansing routines (many of which you may have read in my previous columns). However, if the toxins have been allowed to accumulate in the body for a long time a specific de-toxification programme is required.

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Ayurveda has such a de-toxification and rejuvenation programme. Called Panchkarma, it is one of the most profound and systematic cleansing and rejuvenating programmes available to complementary medicine. In this procedure the body is prepared with daily massage and herbalised steam so the toxins can be safely dislodged from the tissues. These toxins collect at various sites in the digestive system, where, through a number of treatments, they are collected and removed from the body. Finally and most importantly, changes to your lifestyle and diet are recommended to prevent the buildup of more toxins in the future. Ayurveda recommends that everyone should have a seven to 10 day Panchkarma treatment at least once a year as it helps to eliminate the build up of toxins and rejuvenate the body’s intelligence. In the past, people wanting this treatment would have to travel to India, but I am pleased to advise that my clinic in Newmarket is one of the few places outside India where you can receive this profound and healing programme. In the past 15 years of my clinical work here in Auckland, I have guided hundreds of people through this de-toxification programme so I know that its effects are profound. I would encourage you to experience a Panchkarma treatment in the belief that you would find many of the symptoms you are experiencing would disappear. I know that we all try to live healthy lives. Many of us practice yoga and mediate every day. We all try to eat organic food and go to the gym regularly but we still experience problems such as anxiety, depression, insomnia and arthritis so we feel more stressed than before. From an Ayurvedic perspective, it is the build up of toxins in the body that are the root cause of most of these problems. Thankfully, Ayurveda also provides us with a solution. (DR S AJIT) PN PLANET AYURVEDA, 41 Gillies Avenue T: 09 522 5390 www.planetayurveda.co.nz


DEBORAH KELLAND: LIVE AND DIE WELL WHEN WE SOLD OUR CHCH HEART BLACK T-SHIRTS I PROMISED EVERYONE that I would find real in need grassroots people in Christchurch, but I seriously did not believe that there would be so many, who for whatever reason, had “fallen between the cracks” and would not be eligible for other grants.

One such victim is Summer, a gorgeous 23-year-old who was nearly left for dead in the PCG building with six tonnes of steel on her back. After numerous failed attempts and one final effort they moved the steel one inch to drag her out. She was not supposed to walk again but is now on crutches and making progress.

As of last week we have raised an incredible $300,000, which is being given out by two passionate women assisting us meeting recipients and assessing their extraordinary needs – and there are hundreds!

During her time in hospital Summer saw how many children were visiting their injured parents and others who had lost their parents and were not getting any time out or the support they needed. So she decided to create the Great Quake Escape – and give 16 such children/teenagers a two-night break in Auckland this November.

With referrals from many organisations in Christchurch including a direct line to the Mayor’s office, we are finding there are young families who cannot pay power bills or buy firewood. Others who cannot afford to pay bonds for their non red zone rental accommodation, elderly people who cannot buy furniture having lost all their possessions, or afford the transport costs to move, even if they did still have them. There are many single and double amputees and others with serious crush injuries who are still in hospital and families that are visiting them every day trying to show love and support (and are in need of it themselves).

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Any assistance that anyone can give for transport or suggestions for fun please email me as we are committed to putting an itinerary together that will give them the time of their lives. Thank goodness for our little fund that is helping hundreds get a little money and emotional support for their plight. Thank you everyone who supported our initiative by buying and selling our little black ChCh heart T-shirts. (DEBORAH KELLAND) PN E: deborahkelland@gmail.com




THE ART OF YOGA Melodie Bachelor, is a senior Iyengar Yoga teacher who owns Herne Bay Yoga and has been teaching there for 15 years. This month she shares her perspective on Yoga. Yoga is an ancient art that was originally developed as a path to enlightenment. Today yoga is more widely used to help people mentally and physically in an everyday way. At any level you can experience the benefits yoga provides. After a class of yoga you should feel calm, refreshed and energised. Even though it’s tricky to find time for a yoga class, the mental clarity yoga provides allows you to save time by acting with greater efficiency. I always encourage people to establish a regular practice, even if it is just one class per week, to fully benefit from yoga. We have classes at all times of the day and have introduced a lunch hour class for super busy people. Most of us are involved in other activities such as walking, running, cycling, golfing and the like. Yoga can bring balance to your body so that you can remain pain free in your sport. It strengthens and stretches tight muscles and creates ease in your joints. All of us need alignment. Alignment is the way we stand, where we place our weight, how we position the shoulders and hips to create an effortless way of moving. Iyengar Yoga teaches this alignment which brings ease to the body and ease to the mind. When the body is comfortable the mind is at ease also. There are a lot of misconceptions about yoga, the best way to gain insight is to just give it a go! TIPS FOR NEWCOMERS • Talk to your teacher. Everyone has weak areas, accept what your body can do and work with it. • Make time in your week for one or two classes • Yoga props will help you access poses from day one and protect the body from injury • Look for a certified Iyengar teacher • Be open to it, yoga can heal body and mind. PN HERNE BAY YOGA, 230c Jervois Road (next door and upstairs from Zus & Zo) www.yogahernebay.co.nz

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




MEET BAZZA THE CLOWN photography: Deirdre Roelants

Or rather meet Guy Langford from Ponsonby who is a Graduate from Toi Whakaari Drama School in Wellington.

The BLOMFIELDS told DEIRDRE ROELANTS, they had ventured down JACOBS LADDER since she’d interviewed them and were surprised there are only sixty steps as opposed to the former ninety! Frank didn’t even need his walker.

A GOLDEN OLDEN AGE THEY AREN’T AS VISIBLE AS THEY ONCE WERE BUT PLENTY OF THEM ARE out there in the community, not tucked away in rest homes or retirement villages. Holding pens, as one lively octogenarian I know describes those institutions. Many would be surprised at the number of the very old who continue to live enjoyably in their own homes, managing very nicely thank you. Joy and Frank Bloomfield are such a couple. Joy started life eighty seven years ago in number eight Dunedin Street. To accommodate a growing family her parents then moved to a larger house in Waitemata Street where Joy and Frank are still in residence today. The Dunedin Street house has long been replaced by a younger edifice. Joy’s father, who hailed from Scotland, was chief engineer on the tugs of Auckland. They had to stay in the area because it was within walking distance of town. Workers on the tugs were called out at any hour of the day or night and were never given any transport. They would just receive a phone call and had to get in there pronto. Consequently many likewise employed also lived in the area. Joy was the youngest in the family and wasn’t allowed to go up and down Jacob’s Ladder like her older brothers. They were off on adventures, climbing up all over the surrounding cliffs and swimming down in St Mary’s Bay. Across the road cows grazed when St Mary’s School was a working farm and the house had views right out to the Chelsea Sugar Works till some of the outlook was later blocked by more development. Joy went to the then Curran Street School and Auckland Girls’ Grammar. Her brothers went to Auckland Boys Grammar and their social life centred round the church on the corner of Shelley Beach Road. There was plenty going on. Cricket, badminton, indoor bowls, dances, balls and sports competitions against other churches in the Domain. They were very happy, carefree, and unlike today, safe days. Frank didn’t appear on the scene till later. He worked for the Union Steamship Company for forty years and knew Joy’s father long before the two of them met. He must have been drawn to the area because every weekend he would ride his bike from St Heliers to Cox’s Bay and back again. It was a regular routine. The two were introduced to one another in 1953 by mutual friends and after a suitable courting period, married and had two children. They bought the Waitemata Street house from the family and Frank has lived there with Joy since 1956. He is a sprightly ninety year old but his knees now let him down and he uses a walker, but only when venturing abroad.

During his third year he took a month’s internship at the international Clown school École Philippe Gaulier in Paris, which is known as a clown school but is not one officially. Students there do lots of different workshops run by Philippe, who was formerly a clown but has been a drama teacher for more than fifty years. His school was founded in 1980 in Paris and the focus was to have fun while creating live theatre. In 1991 the Arts Council of England invited him to move the school to England. It was based there for eleven years but returned to Paris in 2002. Guy loved his month at the school and found it totally influenced him as an actor and a person. He came back and completed his final year at Toi Whakaari then devised a quirky solo show “Wannabe” which was about a boy band from the nineties. He also formed a theatre company named Silly Productions because being a little silly frees him as an actor. After six months working as an actor throughout New Zealand he felt compelled to go back to Philippe’s school, this time for a whole year. He’s very grateful to the Todd Trust and the New Zealand France Friendship Fund for sponsoring his return. While in Paris Guy met some Canadians in his class who travel the world doing street performances for a living. Another friend also makes a very tidy penny doing street circus shows. Guy intends returning to Philippe’s school for another year and because he would be back here for only a few months and unlikely to find a real job in that time he resolved to have a go at doing a street performance himself. He decided that during the Rugby World Cup he would become Bazza the Clown, the All Gold’s most improved player. He shopped in Monmartre for his costume and bought a few things on TradeMe while he was there, then when he came back, put everything together and painted it gold. Bazza has been performing in Queen Street and in Wellington and the reaction has been fantastic. He realised that what he was doing has international appeal. Tourists really appreciate his caricature of a rugby bloke and join in the spirit of it, laughing and taking photographs of him. He makes jokes, pays compliments to ladies and having learned all the different national anthems breaks into appropriate song when a group from whatever country approaches. Money wise it’s been surprisingly successful with his little gold icecream container providing funds to help him get back to France. Guy is most anxious to spend more time at the École because Philippe is not well and at sixty nine his teaching days might not continue for too much longer. Though frail he is still full of life and his great teaching method is of immense value to Guy as a performer. Work is very difficult to find in France so Guy is thinking of taking Bazza back with him. Another idea is a caricature of a snobby French waiter with a big nose that might go down well and earn him some francs. Guy’s dedication to his oeuvre is most commendable so it’s “Go, Bazza, go!” from all of us. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) PN

Joy doesn’t much care for the way Three Lamps has changed over the years. There once was a material shop, a hardware, a haberdashery, a wool shop, a furniture store in fact just about everything a household would need. Now all that draws her there is the bank and she buys food at New World. For anything else she drives, not to the city but to St Lukes. Frank no longer drives but he has retained his driving license. Joy says she would be lost without her car because there is no suitable public transport. (Take note, Stephen Joyce!) Frank’s hobby still keeps him busy. He loves working with wood. Nearly every house in the area has had a makeover and whenever ripped out kauri landed in the bins he rescued it, turning it into furniture which people simply loved. He has designed and built every piece of furniture in the house and no cabinet maker could do better. He still has stacks of kauri stored under the house ready to be turned into something both useful and decorative. This happy couple have grown old together and their affection for one another is very apparent and heartwarming. Clear evidence that growing old isn’t necessarily all that bad. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) PN

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HAIR: ALL NATURAL, ALL GOOD I AM A PASSIONATE ADVOCATE OF BEAUTY PRODUCTS that are as kind on the environment and my body as possible, but am definitely not of the seaweed sandal, “I make my own moisturiser in the tub” sector of society, preferring to leave that side of thing to the conscious experts out there. There are quite a few rather clever types around, especially in the area of haircare. One of these experts is Jim Markham, who created the Pureology haircare line in California in 2001. The very clever chap revolutionised colour care and gave it a conscience, launching the first 100 per cent Vegan formulas and ZeroSulfate shampoos for colour-treated hair. Jim identified a need among professional colourists and their clients for gentle, naturally-based products that deliver superior performance and keep colour looking great for longer, and today, Pureology is the number one colour care brand in the USA. As an added bonus, the company are committed to delivering superior hair colour care through the most indulgent products and services, while preserving and promoting environmental sustainability. That’s about as eco luxe as it gets! It launched here in 2009 and has gone from strength to strength, and has finally expanded into styling products. Needless to say, they are good for the planet, good for you and work hard to give you seriously fabulous hair. There are six offerings in the new collection, including Nourishing Nectar - a lightweight gel that’s perfect for using pre blow dry, with zero dulling residues and concentrated Keravis to strengthen the hair fibre.

working. I was introduced to the brand by Lucy Marr when I was pregnant and looking to steer clear of anything with an ingredient list that read like a science project, and O&M was the brand she held up as being one of the best. The O&M product range is proudly free of sulphates, parabens, MIT, phthlates, Triclosan and Proplene Gycol. The range also contains a UVA protectant, helping to keep hair healthy and happy. Even their award -winning packaging is both recyclable and ridiculously good looking, and their product list is growing by the day. And last but not least – and with Lucy Marr in mind – is the SANS range created by the aforementioned super stylist, passionate greenie and mum of two. Constantly expanding and a definite contender when it comes to purity and performance, this range is one of the best out there and proudly New Zealand made. (HELENE RAVLICH)

Another favourite haircare range that is good for you and the planet is by Australian super stylist Kevin Murphy. A new offering of his that really got me excited is ‘Young. Again’, which is an anti-ageing product for your locks. Summer brings all sorts of hair “issues”, including colour changes due to the sun and sea, overprocessing and overstyling once the party season kicks in. What we all need is a product that nourishes and revives the hair but doesn’t take precious time out of our day, and it seems Mr. Murphy has answered our call. In all honesty, how many women have a spare half hour or so twice a week to shower, apply a treatment mask, step out and wait ten minutes to process and then jump back in and wash it out again? Not me! ‘Young.Again’ is a treatment oil with exfoliation properties that expose fresh, clean hair every time you use it. Key to this incredible product is the herb Immortelle, from whose flower you can extract a water dispersable essential oil that can perform some pretty clever tasks. He’s added to this the likes of Bur Oil to improve hair strength and Sugar Cane Extract, a gentle exfoliate that prepares the hair to receive nutrients and gives a smooth shiny surface to the hair. It is also heatproof up to 220 degrees and contains sunscreen. Original & Mineral is another Australian brand that are true pioneers when it comes to creating hair products that care for your body and the planet, as well as actually

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




SODASHI’S MEGAN LARSEN: NATURAL WONDER Considered by many to be ‘the purest skincare brand in the world’, Sodashi is an Australian skincare company that has successfully harnessed the benefits of natural ingredients to produce effective, chemical -free skin care products and spa therapies since 1999. As a lover of those rare moments when all natural-meets-high performance in the world of beauty, I for one was very excited to find out that their products and treatments have arrived in New Zealand – at the Sanctuary Day Spa at Mollie’s boutique hotel, and soon also at Lucy & The Powder Room. The extensive range of Sodashi products are formulated using a unique combination of biochemistry, aromatherapy and Ayurvedic principles, and are all produced at the company’s own laboratory in Fremantle in Western Australia. A Sanskrit word, Sodashi translates to ‘wholeness, purity and radiance’ – the values on which the company and its products are based. As well as producing beautiful, desirable products, their absolute commitment to working in harmony with nature is reflected across all areas of the business, a factor you can’t help but admire. Not a single synthetic chemical, preservative or fragrance is used in the Sodashi manufacturing process. Products are never tested on animals and Sodashi packaging is recyclable and printed with natural vegetable dyes, and they must be doing something right as the range is available at many of most exclusive resorts and spas worldwide. Kiwi Megan Larsen founded Sodashi, and is an absolute joy to spend time with. She has never lost sight of the fact that wholeness, purity and radiance cannot be attained via products alone, but requires a genuine balance between mind, body and spirit.

Megan practices what she preaches, too. Her staff are given time to meditate every day and people are hired for their passion as well as their expertise. When I ask her what the three key principles she was determined to stick by were when she first started working on Sodashi, she says, “it had to be high performance, chemical-free and made using the finest therapeutic grade essential oils and plant actives,” and she was most definitely on to something – today Sodashi is stocked in over 60 luxury resorts and spas in over 25 countries around the world with very good reason. We talk about the “green washing” that happens in beauty today, which I’m sure has gotten worse and worse in the years since Sodashi launched. Does the practise upset her as much as it does me? “Well, whilst the green washing in the beauty industry is huge, I think we are now talking to an increasingly savvy customer base who are demanding authenticity from beauty brands,” says the petite dynamo. “A growth of the LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) demographic is testament to this. People are questioning ingredients such as parabens, GMOs, petrochemicals and phthalates in products and are becoming aware that around 60 percent of what is applied to the skin is absorbed into the bloodstream. More and more consumers are experiencing sensitivities to synthetic chemicals and are seeking chemical-free alternatives.” She says that the Sodashi customer is “anyone who cares for their skin and the environment, or is concerned about using chemicals on their body and wants to use high performance, effective skincare products” and adds that it has also been interesting to see how many men are now firm fans “and our Mankind range now has a very large following.” Despite the fact that she is someone who travels almost constantly throughout the year training therapists in how best to use her beautiful products, Megan’s skin is absolutely incredible, and her energy infectious. She says the key is travelling with a jar of the company’s luxurious Samadara Ultimate Age-Defying Crème - a new high-performance anti-ageing formula that is packed full of antioxidants to counteract that nastiness that longhaul can wreak! “Throughout the flight - and always in my handbag - is also our Rose Calming Mist,” she adds, “which is hydrating, uplifting and especially handy in hot climates to cool and refresh.” Lastly, I ask the creator and purveyor of most wonderful things what truly makes her feel beautiful, to which she replies: “I think feeling beautiful comes from within; beauty on the inside is beauty on the outside so that’s what I am always working on. Giving love, appreciation and empowerment to others – that’s what makes me feel truly beautiful.” (HELENE RAVLICH) PN www.sodashi.com

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





I can’t believe it’s a year since the last Pain Awareness Month! September 2010 saw the launching of a first in New Zealand – an on-line interactive website for those who deal with chronic pain and (most importantly!) included an art competition for people to express how dealing with chronic pain manifested in their lives. Amazingly, as some might remember, I won this competition! My painting ‘Broken Wings’ now replaces Frida Carlo’s to promote the event for this year. The theme for 2011 is “Metamorphosis - showing how pain has helped or forced us to grow, become stronger”. When all allopathic and alternative interventions have been exhausted, or give only temporary relief, dealing with this invisible, hard to diagnose condition forces us to find resources both within and without. Chronic pain, if not challenged, has the proclivity to drag us down into a world of hopelessness, inertia, depression and despair. One resource is inside our head. Our minds are incredibly powerful, manipulating and colouring our experience of every passing moment. By developing a stance of ‘mindfulness’ i.e. being fully present, we begin to see choices can be made. Do we remain helpless victims of the pain, allowing it to diminish our confidence, abilities and sense of self-worth, or do we turn it around and learn to utilise it? Often brain function feels compromised - how many of us lament the loss of memory and laugh about ‘brain fog’? The challenge here is to embrace rather than fear the activation of other, often more expansive systems of thinking and being that can kick in...or just wait for a while! Finding inner resources many people will never have to search for (nor benefit from), creates new growth and a new kind of self-reliance, strength and insight. Discovering ways to transcend this condition are many and varied and not without their challenges! It means adopting a sort of daily Art of Living manual: Moments of happiness must be held on to and savoured in every detail: When encountering what is sublime, beautiful or sacred, take a moment to transcend the pain-body by allowing the spirit to fly. Be creative at every opportunity! Make love often! Body can’t move? Find another way! By experiencing tools to continue to live meaningful and productive lives in spite of the pain (and sometimes better ones because of it) we can go forward with a new confidence, believing that goals are achievable. It takes patience, tenacity and imagination...and thinking outside the square. This to me is the gift – the promise of metamorphosis – that out of one life-form emerges another - breathtaking, beautiful, free. CLARE (CLAUDIE) CALDWELL is a Creative Arts Therapist who runs a small private practice from home. She is Voluntary Team Leader of Creative Therapies at Mercy Hospice Auckland, College Hill where she has worked for the last ten years. She is also a Freelance Artist. PN Enquiries: T: 09 836 3618; M: 021 293 3171 clare.e.caldwell@gmail.com

LES MILLS SEMINAR: SHUT YOUR MOUTH, BOOST YOUR FITNESS! Glenn White, director of the Buteyko Breathing Clinic, will give two seminars on breathing to boost sport performance at Les Mills in November. This is an approach to health and fitness that you’re unlikely to have heard anywhere else. Glenn will show you how to take your fitness to the next level with breathing techniques used by elite athletes, suitable for everything from your daily walk up to high-level performance. Optimal breathing can also help reduce stress, provide greater energy and produce snore-free, restful sleep. Glenn has helped over 4,000 New Zealanders overcome breathing-related disorders to enjoy better health and fitness. If you want to increase your performance and fitness, feel more invigorated after exercise, enjoy greater energy levels, be snore-free, have restful sleep and learn simple stress-reducing techniques then you should not miss this seminar. Thursday 3 November, 7:30pm - Les Mills Auckland Pilates Studio; Thursday 10 November, 7:30pm - Les Mills Britomart Group Fitness Studio For bookings contact: Les Mills Auckland or Britomart Reception, Email: isaac.mcgregor@lesmills.co.nz Phone: 0800LESMILLS PN

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LIVING, THINKING + BEING Waitemata local board member, ROB THOMAS, at the BIG SLEEP OUT on Thursday 7 July, catching up on all the local news

LOOK GOOD FEEL BETTER CELEBRATES 20 YEARS CANCER CHARITY LOOK GOOD FEEL BETTER (LGFB) HAS REACHED A major milestone – celebrating 20 years of helping women with cancer around the New Zealand. The charity has put the sparkle back into the eyes of more than 24,000 New Zealand women over the past two decades, as they face the challenge of a lifetime. Look Good Feel Better helps more than 3000 women every year, who are undergoing treatment for cancer, across 23 New Zealand locations. The charity runs free ‘pick me up’ workshops where women get a pampering treatment and hair and skin advice, along with the chance to have a friendly chat with others going through a similar experience. More than $2 million of cosmetics and toiletries are donated for workshops by the New Zealand cosmetic industry and 460 volunteers work for the charity donating 66,000 hours of their time annually. To mark the milestone, NZ Dream Week – 7 days of Hope was launched in July where ‘Feel Good’ hubs at Westfield Malls were setup to raise awareness of the charity. $1 of every mascara sold in Farmers stores during the campaign week went to the charity along with money raised from cosmetic and toiletry bags sold at beauty counters. It was so successful in highlighting the charity that it will become an annual event. General Manager of Look Good Feel Better, Yvonne Brownlie says the public responded with great generosity. “The funds raised will help us to organise more workshops in more areas around the country. We want to reach out to a many women as possible because we know the positive effect a few hours of pampering can have on a women’s self esteem, confidence and strength,” she says. The public can purchase the Look Good Feel Better lipstick pens from the LGFB office or call T: 09 308 0246. They make great Christmas stocking fillers and help a good cause at the same time. PN For more information on LOOK GOOD FEEL BETTER go to www.lgfb.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Scorpio (the Scorpion): 24 October - 22 November

You’re feeling motivated this month so if you do what you do best and focus on your ideas, you

Taurus (the Bull): 21 April - 21 May

You can expect any routine to suffer this month as you have been running around after everyone

will see the results of your labour soon after.

else and your own health is now suffering. Everything you do is with love but at what price?

♊ Gemini (the Twins): 22 May - 21 June

Sagittarius (the Archer): 23 November - 22 December

Be aware of any surprises that might pop up unexpectedly as they could be a catalyst that

You’re eager to make a good impression and by starting work early you’re already on

ignites a chain reaction of events this month. Fortunately for you this could release some

your way. However make sure you are able to maintain the stamina needed to keep up with

dormant feelings for someone unexpected.

your workload.

♑ Capricorn (the Goat): 23 December - 20 January

♋ Cancer (the Crab): 22 June - 22 July

accept some new conditions. The one thing you won’t be able to do is ignore the change that

the nostalgia has been an enjoyable experience. You need to maintain your focus in the present

will occur.

though because you have people depending on you.

A simple mix up at work this month will benefit you in a positive way if only you are willing to

Aquarius (the Water Carrier): 21 January - 19 February

You really don’t need to let everyone know everything there is about you all at once, sometimes

Revisiting the past is something that you have found yourself doing recently and getting lost in

Leo (the Lion): 23 July - 21 August

Making important decisions is something that you have always been able to do but you’re

keeping back a little something can make you appear more interesting.

feeling the strain of all this responsibility. You need to look for a solution to ease the stress that

you feel builds every time something negative happens.

Pisces (the Fish): 20 February - 20 March

You feel like your buttons are being pushed too far this month when you find yourself slightly out of your depth in a situation at work. You don’t have to jump straight in anymore thinking you’re

Virgo (the Virgin): 22 August - 23 September

You have a lot to look forward to this month with changes happening for you in all the right

on your own, remember that you’re part of a team now.

places. Try and think what this might mean to your close family and friends who might have

trouble keeping up with you.

Aries (the Ram): 21 March - 20 April

Try being a little bit clearer when your communicating your needs as you might be giving out mixed messages again. On the other hand someone who’s been blowing hot and cold around you won’t be helping matters.

Libra (the Scales): 24 September - 23 October

You need to take time away and be by yourself if you can this month otherwise you are likely to get a headache from the constant bickering going on around you. The chaos isn’t the result of anything you have done. You’re just caught in the middle. PN

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ARE YOU RUNNING IN THE AUCKLAND MARATHON? Achy joints and muscles? Sprains or strains? Doing your stretches correctly for the right muscle groups? You know if you are pain and injury free you will be able to run or walk your distance to your maximum speed on the day (assuming you have done some training!) It’s not too late to get some advice and make sure your body is in optimum form for the big event.

ZEE SHARIF, Return to Form, Three Lamps

Small niggles can hang around the body and attack just when we’re feeling vulnerable and fatigued. So it’s good to know you can avoid the disappointment of not achieving your best time by addressing any problems you have now!

Return to Form physio’s have experience in sport to a national level. Don’t delay call today and mention Ponsonby News for FREE PHYSIO (if you have had an injury and are entitled to ACC cover) or 50% DISCOUNT until 10 November 2011. Get back to form and stay on top form. PN RETURN TO FORM, Level 1, 334 Ponsonby Road T: 0800 R2FORM (0800 723 676) or 09 551 4460 www.returntoform.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




A FEW THOUGHTS ON HOMOCYSTEINE THE HOMOCYSTEINE STORY IS ONE WELL WORTH TELLING. IT’S A STORY about research into a cause of heart disease which resulted in a collision between a brilliant pathologist and researcher and a world that has been conditioned to think only about cholesterol when it comes to heart disease. Homocysteine is an intermediate product that we produce in our bodies when we metabolise (break down) an essential amino acid called methionine. Typically the western diet supplies large quantities of methionine and thus there is potential for significant amounts of homocysteine to build up unless we have adequate reserves of the essential nutrients required for enzymes to convert the homocysteine back to methionine and cysteine which are harmless. At this point in the homocysteine story, we need to turn the pages back to the mid 60s to a young pathologist and researcher Dr Kilmer McCully. Dr McCully had graduated from Harvard Medical School and had become interested in the relationship between biochemistry and disease. This led to prestigious positions at Massachusetts General Hospital where he was associate pathologist and Harvard Medical School where he was assistant professor of pathology. Early on in his research Dr McCully looked closely at a disease known as homocystinuria. This disease was noted in retarded children who had a genetic problem which prevented them from breaking down methionine. As a result, these children showed a huge buildup of homocysteine in their bodies. When Dr McCully reviewed two cases of young boys who had died of heart attacks before their eighth birthday he discovered damage to their arteries which was similar to the damaged arteries of an elderly man. Further Dr McCully noted that there was no cholesterol or fat deposited in the damaged arteries. These findings got Dr McCully’s attention and caused him to conclude that a minor or moderate increase in homocysteine levels over a lifetime could be responsible for heart attacks and strokes in the general population. An excited Dr McCully went to print in a number of prestigious medical journals to report his theory on homocysteine in the late 1960s and early 70’s. At first there was significant enthusiasm for his work and Dr Benjamin Castle - Dr McCully’s departmental head - was similarly excited by the findings. A Scientific Advisory Committee at Massachusetts General praised McCully for his research.

However when Dr Castle retired the ‘climate’ changed for the worse and Dr McCully found his research funding withdrawn and his positions at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital terminated. He was told that his theory about homocysteine was not proven. A former classmate from Harvard Medical School who was at the time a director of the arteriocsclerois department described Dr McCully’s findings as ‘errant nonsense’ and ‘a hoax being perpetrated on the public’. Dr McCully was literally ‘out on the street’. A promising career had been cut short. For two years Dr McCully couldn’t get another position; 51 attempts to find a new position were fruitless and it was only when he retained a lawyer to represent him he successfully gained work. He took a position at the VA Hospital in Providence Rhode Island where he still works today. In the foreword to Dr McCully’s superb book “The Heart Revolution” author Michelle Stacey says “the cholesterol bandwagon was loaded up and ready to go, and nobody wanted to change direction”. Dr McCully had challenged the cholesterol-heart attack theory. The impact on Dr McCully’s life was huge but in the 1990’s the doors would once again open for the man who has become known as the ‘Father of Homocysteine’. Other researchers in Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands and Ireland were beginning to confirm Dr Mcully’s theory. The Physicians Health Study (15,000 doctors) and the famous Framingham Study in Massachusetts turned up a strong correlation between high homocysteine levels and heart disease. Perhaps the most personally satisfying moment for Dr McCully came when he attended a pathology department re-union at Massachusetts General. One of those involved in his demise some 20 years previously said “It looks like you were right after all.” The good news for us is that Dr McCully’s research has identified three simple answers to preventing a buildup of homocysteine in our blood: Vitamins B6, B12 and Folic acid. Dr McCully maintains that cholesterol is a symptom of heart disease not a cause. Dr McCully says that a high level of LDL cholesterol is correctly associated with heart disease because homocysteine is carried in the LDL. It delivers the damaging homocysteine to the artery walls. A simple blood test is all that it takes to measure homocysteine. Just ask your doctor. An ideal level is less than seven micromols/litre of blood. (JOHN APPLETON) PN APPLETON ASSOCIATES T: 09 489 9362 www.johnappleton.co.nz

LETTER TO THE EDITOR IS YOUR DOG AS HEALTHY AS YOU? - SEPTEMBER ISSUE I felt compelled to emerge from my ivory profit-driven tower long enough to warn PN readers of the dangers of following the advice of your latest ‘health correspondent’, Deborah Kelland, who I believe is a real estate agent. Putting aside her odd belief that the liver is the ‘root of all wellbeing and disorder’, I am deeply concerned by her advocating the use of Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) by people on either themselves or their pets (Is your dog as healthy as you? September issue).

DEBORAH KELLAND RESPONDS: I am responding to the concerns about my support of this “snake oil” which has been used in Europe for some 80 years as a water purifier. Strauss and I have been on MMS for some weeks now and neither of us have had diarrhoea. Strauss did, however, have black tarry poos for days whilst it clearly cleared out the fungus that he has been plagued with for years. Similarly, a recurring bladder infection was dealt with in a matter of days with very smelly discharge.

It is certainly true that MMS, which is the rather grandiose name for what is essentially bleach, is capable of killing the malaria parasite and other nasty microbes. However, it is not widely used as a treatment not because of a global conspiracy by the medical establishment against ‘science for people’, but because it is a dangerous chemical capable of killing the patient as well as ‘curing’ the disease. I am relieved that Ms Kelland administered a low enough dose to her Giant Schnauzer to only cause him to have some diarrhoea and I hope that the animal does not suffer any lasting damage.

Strauss has suffered from all sorts of allergic reactions to eating blood and bone two weeks ago - bladder infection, ears and eyes and it cleared up the lot in a couple of days-all with my vets blessings and no antibiotics which would have put him back on a downward spiral of bacterial overgrowth. The beauty of MMS is that the good bacteria stay whilst the bad are eliminated.

It saddens me that someone would choose to discuss the health of their pet with a modern day snake-oil salesman over Facebook instead of consulting a vet. I’m afraid MMS is more a case of ‘pseudoscience for profit’ and would urge PN readers to more thoroughly research the subject if tempted to give it a try. I would like to declare that I have no competing interests - I am neither a vet nor medical doctor and do not make a living selling an alternative to bleach to cure all ails. I am a scientist who passionately believes it is important to raise the dangers of believing poorly researched pseudoscientific health claims, regardless of whether they are made by alternative health practitioners or the medical establishment. DR SIOUXSIE WILES, Ponsonby resident and University of Auckland medical researcher

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I am treating a minor skin cancer spot on my face and now treating Strauss with it topically for a small melanoma. My spot has nearly gone (numerous other treatments had not nailed it). I will continue with this treatment as I have satisfied myself with the product in great depth. Unfortunately, conventional medics think that drugs are the only option and in my experience they can be even more dangerous to health, but for some reason people accept this. I am only speaking from my own experience and suggest before your reader comments any further that they try it. I would not administer anything to my dog without checking with my vet and trying it fully on myself first. PN


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



FUTURE GENERATION CHILDREN’S BOOK REVIEW Northwood by Brian Falkner, illustrated by Donovan Bixley. (Walker, $22.99) Walker Books Australia has recently released Northwood a stunning new novel by award-winning author Brian Falkner, illustrated by Donovan Bixley. This highly recommended new novel is by a kiwi author and illustrator aimed at mid to upper primary children. Northwood is a fantasy/adventure with many fairytale elements and features a young heroine called Cecilia Undergarment. It is a quirky tale involving a daring dog rescue, an extraordinary balloon house, a mean villain and an adventure in “a mist shrouded forest maze inhabited by ferocious black lions”. This is where the adventure really begins and I have already had tales of a seven to eight year olds being totally silent and riveted while this magical tale unfolds day by day. Northwood is a departure from Falkner’s usual style and proves his talent in more than one genre. Bixley’s illustrations are scattered throughout the book and his use of half toned drawings add atmosphere and perfectly complement the text. This novel will win awards. PN

PONSONBY NEWS RECEIVED A GREAT DEAL OF FEEDBACK ON LAST MONTH’S front cover from a number of readers. We thank 12-year-old Annabelle Rennie-Younger for her efforts - the brief was to include both Rugby and Ponsonby. Ponsonby News has made a donation of $500 to Ponsonby Intermediate’s art department. Below is a photo of Wim Boxen, the head teacher and several teachers along with Annabelle. PN

photography: martin leach

DOROTHY BUTLER CHILDREN’S BOOKSHOP, 1 Jervois Road T: 09 376 7283 www.childrensbookshop.co.nz



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FUTURE GENERATION SENIOR SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS INTRODUCED AT KRISTIN For 38 years Kristin School has been redefining independent schooling on Auckland’s North Shore. Now, thanks to a new package of financial assistance offered by Kristin’s Foundation and its business partners, a limited number of Scholarships are available for students entering the Senior School in Term 1 2012. Kristin students consistently produce impressive results, achieving at local, national and international levels. Kristin offers both the National Curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Programme throughout all year levels. Senior School students can choose between completing their NCEA levels in Years 12 and 13, or the International Baccalaureate Diploma. A co-educational, service focused school catering to 1600 students from Kindergarten to Year 13, Kristin students travel from all over the wider Auckland region. In a new and exciting initiative, Kristin has announced its first Scholarship Programme. Kristin is inviting applications for assisted Scholarships, available to students entering the Senior School in Term 1, 2012. A Kristin education is recognised and respected amongst the world’s leading tertiary institutions. It opens doors and creates opportunities for students as they embark on the next stage of their education or career. Applications close on 28 October and places are limited. PN For Application Forms, contact the Registrar, Linda Teagle T: 09 415 9566, Ext: 2324 or email admissions@kristin.school.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



FUTURE GENERATION LOOKING TO FULFIL YOUR CHILD’S POTENTIAL? KADIMAH SCHOOL IS NOW ENROLLING FOR 2012 KADIMAH SCHOOL IS LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE CITY, AND IS A STATE integrated co-educational day school with Jewish values for Year 1 to Year 8 students. Committed to providing educational excellence, the school welcomes families of all denominations and combines the benefits of being small and intimate with the opportunities and facilities offered at larger schools. Students benefit from the individualised attention afforded by smaller class sizes, whilst highly trained educators provide a solid foundation for academic excellence and personal achievement. The individuality of each student is highly valued and the development of special interests and talents is encouraged, along with a love of learning and a strong sense of community. • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE – Kadimah School has a well-known, proven track record of delivering confident and well rounded young people who go on to excel in the secondary schools they attend after completing their years at the school. • THE NEW ZEALAND CURRICULUM IS TAUGHT – English, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, The Arts, Social Sciences and Technology. In addition Jewish Studies and written and spoken Hebrew as a second language is part of the curriculum from Year One. Music classes are taught by a specialist teacher and in addition to the core music programme, students have the opportunity to take up weekly tuition in a range of instruments. • CENTRAL CITY LOCATION – Kadimah’s location on Greys Avenue affords it ready access to the cultural facilities offered in Central Auckland including the Aotea Centre, the public library and the Auckland Art Gallery. Children at Kadimah enjoy being part of the city community and regularly visit these facilities as part of their learning. • DISCOVER THE BENEFITS – We invite prospective families to visit us for a personal tour to discover the benefits of a state integrated school that focuses on educational excellence and the fulfilment of the potential of every child. LIMITED PLACES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE NEW ENTRANT AND YEAR ONE CLASSES. Families are encouraged to register interest for 2012 and 2013 enrolments now. For further information please contact the Principal, Robert Minahan via email: robm@kadimah.school.nz or T: 09 373 3072 extn: 330 www.kadimah.school.nz

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



RENOVATIONS MAKE YOUR HOME RENOVATION PAY RENOVATIONS TEND TO FALL INTO TWO CATEGORIES: THOSE THAT COST a lot of money which you never get back when it comes time to sell and smarter renovations which are a good investment and actually increase the value of your home. So how do you make sure your renovations fall into the second category? With any renovation a lot depends on the location and the worth of your home versus how difficult or costly the renovation will be to achieve. “You have to be careful you are not over capitalizing in the wrong location,” advises Sue Hatton from Bayleys Ponsonby.

INCREASE SPACE Adding on an extra room, particularly in the inner city area, can add real value to a home, says Dew. This may be a physical addition to the house if you have the land or otherwise consider whether you could perhaps extend underneath your house. INSULATION According to Dew potential buyers are increasingly asking if a house is insulated. Consider at least insulating under the floor and ceilings. Creating a warmer, dryer home will be a good investment when it comes time to sell, he advises.

Simon Dew, co-owner of Harcourts Ponsonby says that the key question to ask when planning a renovation is – will it increase your audience when it comes time to sell? In other words will the renovation make your home appealing to a wider range of people?

DECKS Adding a deck if you have the space is a great bang for your buck investment. It creates much needed indoor-outdoor flow, particularly to older style bungalows and villas that were often not built to maximise the sun.

“If you can make an improvement to the live-ability of a home then you will get your money back. If it is just something that looks pretty you probably won’t,” he advises. “For example a new vanity looks nice but as soon as you’ve bought it then it becomes second hand and has de-valued. But something, such as a deck, that actually increases the live-ability of the home will continue to add value.”

RE-PAINTING An obvious way to freshen up your home for little investment. But make sure any painting work is done properly, advises Dew. “Painting on top of flaking paint, drips and painting over windows can signal to a buyer that there might be things underneath that are less than desirable,” he says.

So is now a good time to renovate? The current economic environment means that there are fewer people building and therefore more competition amongst builders for that work. This means you should be able to secure better deals than normal right now. Without a lot of other jobs to distract your builder the job could be completed quicker.

EXTRA STORAGE Is there a way you can create extra storage space in your home? If you have an older style bungalow or villa perhaps you can add access to the roof such as a ladder to increase the storage space of the home, which will be attractive to future buyers.

Materials will be your biggest cost and pressure on world resources has been driving prices up. In May 2009 steel was US$562 per tonne. In February this year the price was US$897 per tonne. This trend looks set to continue so buying materials sooner rather than later is also a smart move.

ENSUITES AND WALK-IN WARDROBES Hatton says adding an ensuite bathroom or walk-in wardrobe can enhance the value of a home. “A lot of expats are coming back to New Zealand who are demanding quality and have the money to pay for it,” she says.

When considering renovating Hatton suggests asking a trusted real estate agent for advice: “Any professional real estate agent should be able to give you some advice whether you are planning on selling now or in the future. Also go to a few open homes and get ideas. There are some incredible designs and renovations going on.”

OFF STREET PARKING AND GARAGING If you can add a carport or garage then watch the value of your home increase when it comes time to sell. “It can be a small outlay for big advantage,” says Dew. (KAREN PHELPS) PN

A KITCHEN CRAFTED FROM START TO FINISH CUCINA KITCHENS DESIGN, BUILD AND INSTALL KITCHENS MADE OF THE finest ingredients. With five years under their belt, husband and wife team, Andrew and Lynda, have the expertise to take your existing plans or ideas and deliver a tailor -made, quality result. Whether it is contemporary, minimal, traditional or innovative in flavour, Cucina Kitchens work to your brief and budget. Every one of their kitchens is unique and individually built. Andrew prides himself on total craftsmanship and expert configuration. In practice this means the ability to provide bespoke solutions to suit any kitchen design and the flexibility to action changes at any stage of the process. In fact because Andrew works with the client throughout the entire project, from initial consultation through to manufacturing and installation, the communication lines are always open and the job is always completed within the agreed timeframe.

108 PONSONBY NEWS+ October 2011

He is comfortable liasing with architects, designers and builders when required so all the hard work is taken out of the process. Cucina only use the highest quality hardware. The parts are guaranteed to work seamlessly for years and because all the kitchens are handmade and hand adjusted on-site, they fit perfectly and look beautiful. The gastronomic revolution of the last decade has led to a real desire to have a kitchen that works efficiently. Most of us could point to some area within our own kitchens that could be configured more thoughtfully whether it’s a full re-design or just better organised storage system. Whether you have existing plans or require the design component too - talk to Andrew and Lynda about a kitchen for you. They’re there to work with you from start to finish. CUCINA KITCHENS, T: 09 361 1574 cucina@xnet.co.nz www.cucinakitchens.com PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


A recent residential alteration project in Herne Bay by DARREN JESSOP of JESSOP ARCHITECTS, Franklin Road www.jessop.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



TYRONE LE ROUX UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Tyrone runs his property development business Urban Space Ltd in and around Ponsonby. A South African by birth, he met his Kiwi wife in London and after a couple of amazing holidays in New Zealand, the pair relocated for good and settled here almost six years ago. His father is a builder so the entrepreneur has been around building sites and property development from a very young age. Having a background in design and after working on some amazing residential conversions in central London, he has been working professionally in the property industry for almost 18 years. WHO IS YOUR PARTNER? WHAT DO THEY DO? Bridgette Johnstone – Recruitment Consultant. DO YOU HAVE ANY CHILDREN? AGES? WHERE DO THEY GO TO SCHOOL? Two year old son who goes to Bayfield Early Learning Centre on Jervois Road and a baby daughter due in October! DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Yes, a tabby called Tally who had to be fostered out to her grandparents in Hawkes Bay as we move house too often for her to settle in Ponsonby. HOW DO YOU KEEP FIT? On the job, fishing and having a very active two year old! YOUR BEST FRIEND WOULD SAY OF YOU... He is bloody determined, has a good sense of humour and is addicted to fishing in the Hauraki Gulf. YOUR MOTHER WOULD SAY OF YOU... He is a man of his word, who you can always rely on and whenever he puts his mind to something he does it with gusto. VIRTUES? Straight up, honest, reliable and a perfectionist in my work. VICES? Apple Crumble …actually anything Apple! First it was an iPod then the Macbook and now I have the whole family… Good coffee and a lot of good food, fishing gear..living so close to Westhaven definitely doesn’t help SECRET PASSION? I used to DJ in my spare time in the UK and don’t anymore but I still love electronic music and have finally given in to buying music online with iTunes rather than vinyl and CDs in shops. It has become so addictive as it is so instant. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? In and around Ponsonby...we are constantly moving due to the nature of my job. WHERE DO YOU SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS? My wife and I were avid travellers in our heyday but these days it tends to be with family in Hawkes Bay although we try to get overseas at least once a year – normally to a Pacific Island. WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? An entrepreneur of some sort! All I wanted to do was finish school and start my own business. HOW DID YOU COME TO BE A PROPERTY DEVELOPER? My father is a builder and we used to move from house to house when we were kids as he used to renovate them to sell. Vowing not to repeat this lifestyle I wanted a career in design and after my studies I moved to London and ended up working for a successful property developer. Over there I was involved with transforming and restoring old buildings in central London into amazing architecture which led me to do what I do today. IF YOU WEREN’T A PROPERTY DEVELOPER YOU’D? Go light tackle sport fishing around the world (in all countries situated along the equator) and with my family of course! FAVOURITE PONSONBY CAFE? I have more than one for different reasons. Ripe for the lunch time wraps, Richmond Rd Cafe for the five star hotel like service and great breakfasts and Bambina for the best coffee in Ponsonby.

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FAVOURITE PONSONBY RESTAURANT? The Jervois Steakhouse & Saloon – for their amazing King Crab claws, quality beef, stellar service and relaxed ambience. FAVOURITE PONSONBY STORE? Mag nation... I am a magazine addict and am always keeping an eye on international and local design trends. Mag nation have the best range. FAVOURITE PONSONBY FASHION LABEL (IF DIFFERENT FROM STORE)? Zambesi – timeless and inventive fashion. YOUR BEST KEPT PONSONBY SECRET? Urban Space Ltd do renovations for individual clients too. YOUR DESERT ISLAND DISTRACTIONS: SONG? MOVIE AND / OR TV SHOW? BOOK? If I was stuck on a desert island my fishing rods and tackle box would be by my side. Song would be ‘Come back’ by chicane. I would love a whole new series of ‘Australian Grand Design’ and would not be without my iPad. ONE THING YOU HAVE LEARNED ABOUT LIFE IS...? Always follow your passion, keep it simple, be honest and don’t take life too seriously. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR STANDOUT DEVELOPMENT? To date they have all been special so it is difficult to pick one. Every site is different but I strive to make my next one better than the previous. I am really excited about my latest project in Clarence Street as it will be a property that ticks ALL the boxes on an amazing site. I know my wife will be reluctant to sell! WHY DO YOU ENJOY DEVELOPING PROPERTY IN PONSONBY? I love villas and contemporary design so it is great having the opportunity to combine the two. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANYBODY CONSIDERING RENOVATING OR DEVELOPING PROPERTY IN PONSONBY? • Know the rules of Res 1 • Use a good architect • Respect Heritage • Respect your neighbours and their boundaries • Expect the unexpected • It’s not as easy as it looks • Build with a conscience • Enjoy the process – the end result will be worth it! PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied







We are planning to renovate the bathroom in our villa and would like to retain some of the character of the house but at the same time create a modern functional bathroom in terms of fittings and fixtures. Can you provide some advice about how to best achieve a suitable balance.

There are certainly more choices for contemporary bathroom furniture and fittings, but there are a number of things you can do to retain a sense of character while still enjoying the benefits of modern technology and design. Bathrooms in character properties are often treated in isolation from the main house creating a contemporary space within a traditional house. It’s hard to ignore the benefits of modern tapware, minimalist bathroom furniture design and large tiles to create a luxurious, functional bathroom. But you can also create a classically styled bathroom which feels right at home in a character property without compromising on how the room will function.


There are a number of companies which make bathroom furniture and tapware in a traditional style or modern interpretations of classical designs – some more successful than others. There are very few options for single lever mixers which are undoubtedly easier to use than separate hot and cold taps. Not such a problem for the bath or vanity, but most of us prefer the ease of a single lever mixer in the shower, and for that reason I often prefer to treat the shower a little differently to the rest of the bathroom which we’ll come back to. A freestanding bath is often the focal point of a traditional bathroom and again there are a range of classical designs available made from composite stone which is warmer to the touch and retains water temperature better than a steel bath. Add to this a classically styled floorstanding or wall mounted bath & shower telephone mixer to create a stunning feature. The next piece to select is the vanity and again there are many options to choose from with tapware to match the bath.

separates the two. Wall paper above tongue and groove paneling is a great way to introduce colour and patterns to traditional bathroom design. I prefer to stick to subtle colour schemes rather than strong colours which place focus on the more ornate fittings and furniture of a traditional bathroom. The shower is one area where you can introduce modern, but sympathetic fixtures. A modern shower enclosure may not seem right for a traditional bathroom, but the simplicity of a tiled or ceramic shower base with frameless glass set against tiled walls which fit the classic look is a good fit. Not many people are willing to have separate hot and cold taps in a modern shower and although there are some classical design single lever mixers, we generally tend to use the Methven Minimalist Shower Mixer with the Kiri Satinjet Slide Shower or Showerheads which look at home in a classic bathroom and provide the very best of modern shower technology.

Polished timber floors are great with traditional bathroom design, but if you plan to tile it’s important to choose tiles which fit the period. This generally means smaller tiles from mosaics up to about 45 x 45cm for floor tiles. White rectangular tiles look great on the walls for showers and splashbacks especially laid in a brick pattern and with a contrasting grout colour.

Selecting a mirror with traditional frame and even works of art will complete a traditional bathroom design. Like the shower, there will be other elements like heated towel rails which don’t strictly fit the traditional theme because they are modern inventions. The key is to be subtle with your choice of modern fixtures and let the classical design elements stand out so you can enjoy a traditional bathroom without sacrificing any modern conveniences. (ROB HOOK) PN

Tongue and groove panels add texture to walls and provide the opportunity to include colour variation between the panels, the flat walls above and the dado rail which

BUILDSPACE KITCHENS AND BATHROOMS – Design Build Install T: 0800 455 556 info@buildspace.co.nz www.buildspace.co.nz

EASY BLINDS MAKING BLINDS EASY BECAUSE EASY BLINDS MANUFACTURE Roller blinds themselves, they are able to offer these for around 50% below what most retailers are quoting. The blinds are sold online, all you need to do is go to www.easyblinds.co.nz, send details of the type of fabric you would like and your window measurements through the ‘Request a Quote’ page. Roller blinds are easy to measure and install yourself, but if you do not have the confidence to do that, or you are just too busy, Easy Blinds can offer measurement and installation services for a small additional charge. Although only the basic lines are shown on their website, Easy Blinds have one of the biggest and most exciting ranges of roller blind fabrics and colours available in New Zealand. You’ll find everything from transparent voiles and sheer metallic’s, to textured and flocked block-outs. As well as Roller Blinds they also supply most other types of blinds including Velux and those suitable for skylights. Roman blinds are another popular product. If you require curtains to match they can provide those too. The fabrics featured on the Easy Blinds website, have been carefully selected to offer good looks and an excellent colour choice at affordable prices. If you want a wider selection of fabrics the website has links to James Dunlop and Warwick ranges. To talk to an Easy Blind representative call into the workshop located behind the Profile Building in 2 Wagener Place, St Lukes. Plenty of parking is available outside. HOURS: Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm Most Saturdays 10am – 1pm. PN EASY BLINDS, T: 09 846 8175

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




MY FAVOURITE ROOM LIAM BOWDEN Liam Bowden designs the high fashion Deadly Ponies range of bags and leather accessories. He has lived in the Ponsonby Area for a number of years and had a workroom on Karangahape Road before moving to Deadly Ponies’ current space over a year ago. His favourite room is his workroom in Wynyard Quarter. “I refer to this as my workroom, but it is really an office/second home manufacturing plant/studio. This is where I design new collections and do all my office administration. Also, all our manufacturing is done in-house, so this is where we make all our Deadly Ponies products as well. It’s my favourite room because we have been in the process of moving house, and this has been the only place that’s not in chaos. It is also warm and comfortable. I love the brick wall and the wooden floors - it is the perfect place to spend my days.

photography: martin leach

My favourite things IN the room are my desk, artwork, workmates and the stray cat we have adopted called Hershey. PN

TOI TOI’s window last month showed a great sense of good will in support of HERNE BAY PHARMACY’s relocation

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RENOVATIONS A BRAND SPANKING NEW BATHROOM FOR CHRISTMAS WITH CHRISTMAS FAST APPROACHING IT MAY BE TIME to get moving on that bathroom renovation you’ve been putting off during winter. Phil Dean and the team at Bathroom Concepts are currently fast filling their order book with bathrooms to be completed before Christmas but don’t fret there is still time for your dream bathroom to be installed. “An average bathroom renovation will take three to four weeks so it pays to be thinking ahead about timeframes in the run up to Christmas,” says Phil. “We know how hectic that time can be for people but our aim is to make sure their renovation experience is a pleasure not a chore. We take the time to ensure clients are 100% happy with the design and fittings before starting which ultimately results in a much smoother renovation process for all involved.”

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Bathroom Concepts provide a full turnkey renovation service from the design phase through to final handover of the completed bathroom. With over 23 years industry experience in bathroom renovations there’s not much they haven’t seen. “Because we are out there renovating bathrooms every day we have a huge amount of on the job experience particularly when it comes to unforeseen issues that may arise during the course of the job. “More than likely we will have come across it before and be able to quickly assess and determine the correct solution to keep the renovation on track,” says Phil. PN Contact Phil at BATHROOM CONCEPTS for your free consultation T: 09 486 3800 www.bathroomconcepts.co.nz



RENOVATIONS OVER-DYED VINTAGE RUGS – CREATING EXCITEMENT TO ANY INTERIOR What began as a vision to salvage old-fashioned and traditional vintage carpets has now resulted in a complete and exciting contemporary new product. One only needs to look at any major design blog to see how much interest these rugs have created. Each old rug has had much of the pile shaved off however the original pattern still peeks through. This gives it the trademark slightly battered and thread-bare appearance. The rug is then bleached and over-dyed with solid natural colour to create a wonderful contrast between vintage and the power of colour. At the same time, the essence and dimensions of the original design remain the same. The finished effect is unique to each rug as the dye behaves a little differently with each one. The strength and durability of these rugs remains; they are strong, sturdy and suitable for use in a variety of interiors. As Patrizia Moroso, the eminent Italian Designer puts it, “The past meets the present in a mixture of ancient manufacturing skills and contemporary design. The over-dyed vintage rugs are available exclusively from Mary Kelly Kilims. They are reasonably priced and typically are approximately 3 metres x 2 metres in size. Contact Mary to discuss individual design ideas, as it is possible to choose from a wide palette of colours. PN MARY KELLY KILIMS, 53 Wood Street Freemans Bay T: 09 361 6130 www.marykellykilims.co.nz

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smalls. They’ll create a walk-in dressing room for you so full of fabulous features you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

WHEN IT COMES TO BUILDING OR RENOVATING, IT IS OFTEN PROPER SPACE planning of storage areas and wardrobes that is overlooked or is a last-minute thought, which leads to compromises in functionality and design.

Let them design the latest in entertainment units, book-shelving, and wine storage for your home and their qualified tradesmen will build it and install it to the highest standard.

Now’s your chance to include all of those storage options you always wished you had with Innovative Interiors extensive range of quality custom-designed products.

They can even make your laundry a room you’ll want to spend more time in with features and fittings to make ‘doing the washing’ so much easier.

Generally older homes severely lack sufficient or suitable spaces to accommodate the trappings of modern life, but if you’re planning a renovation project then you have the perfect opportunity to call on their expertise to solve your storage dilemmas.

The experienced design team work closely with their clients (including many of Auckland’s leading interior designers and architects) to provide creative storage solutions that delight the most discerning home owner. PN

They can transform those cavernous old wardrobes by utilising the space with efficient, stylish shelving and drawers to hold anything from the short to the tall, the large to the

INNOVATIVE INTERIORS Unit 4, 93 Ellice Road, Glenfield T: 09 570 5049. E: Auckland@innnovative-interiors.co.nz www.innovative-interiors.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



ASK AN ARCHITECT: PAUL LEUSCHKE Each month Grey Lynn resident and Architect Paul Leuschke of Leuschke Kahn answers readers’ property related questions. Email yours to jane@leuschkekahn.co.nz part of our recent house alteration we landscaped our back garden. The Q: Aslandscape design created two flat areas connected by four garden steps. The council wants us to install a handrail to the garden steps. Is this correct? it. Under the New Zealand Building Code, Clause D1 Access routes, A: itYes,statessillyif isn’t the stairs are essentially an outdoor architectural feature and not required to be an accessible stairway (an accessible stairway typically relates to public areas and disability access) they require at least one handrail. Generally speaking for private homes, all stairs, whether inside or out, with a width of 2.0m or less and having three or less risers do not require a handrail. However in all other situations a handrail is required on at least one side.

Schedule 1 of the Building Act lists exempt building works not requiring a Building Consent. Platforms under 1.5m in height don’t require Building Consent, in your case the flat area. So if you built your landscaped areas with your four steps without a building consent, which you can do, you could leave the handrail off as a matter of choice. Having said all that, all building work must comply with the New Zealand Building Code. So even though it is exempt from requiring a Building Consent, a handrail is required. Basically for work carried out under schedule 1 without a Building Consent, the building work is self policed by the people doing the work. Who is held liable for this work if something goes wrong is another matter for discussion, no doubt a heated one. PN (PAUL LEUSCHKE) www.leuschkekahn.co.nz

A NEW ZEALAND FIRST THE FIRST PASSIVE HOUSE WAS BUILT IN DARMSTADT, GERMANY IN 1990 and this type of building has caught on in other European countries big time. Over the last ten years more than 30,000 structures from family residences to school, factories, and offices have been designed and built or remodelled to the International Passive House Association standard. So what is a passive house? It’s a very well insulated, virtually air-tight building that maintains a minimum temperature of 18C all year round without the need of heating appliances. A home or building of any architectural style can be Passive House certified. The Passive House Institute NZ was officially launched this year to support the design and building industry and improve the quality of health in housing. Darren Jessop of Jessop Architects in Freemans Bay has designed a Passive House which will be the first of its kind in New Zealand. At the outset his client hadn’t considered a passive house but once they had a conversation around making the house energy efficient the concept was sold. Darren and his team then had to go and do their research and the client also researched buildings in Germany. Making sure the design met the strict International Passive House Codes was paramount. The key standards in the project are High insulation, Airtightness, and Air circulation to optimize the use of natural resources for thermal comfort. Darren’s design achieves these components with the use of high insulation in exterior walls so the interior temperature of the building is not affected by exterior conditions. Secondly, condensation is avoided by a new membrane product that eliminates air transition between the outside and inside of the house. To control air exchange between the rooms and the exterior, he has specified a European HRV system that circulates air throughout the building, preventing condensation without affecting the temperature. Darren believes New Zealanders are behind the ball when it comes to good insulation. If the framing around windows isn’t airtight, heat is lost even if they are triple glazed. A concrete floor slab is no better. If it touches the ground, heat is just lost down through the shingle bed. In his design the house will be on a bed of very high density foam that doesn’t compress any further and provides protection from the earth’s fluctuating temperature.

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An airtight vapour proof skin called Performer will be used in the construction of the outside walls and the window framing. This material comes from overseas but the insulating foam and normal building products are all here. Carter Holt Harvey are right behind the project and want to be the supplier. This house is the first in New Zealand to receive full certification under the International Passive House standards, and the Auckland City Council is right behind it. The Passive House Institute NZ has helped make the consent process very streamlined and it could well be a benchmark for future housing construction. Building in accordance with the Passive House requirements does cost more than building to the New Zealand Building Code standard, but just think of the savings to be made on energy consumption, the price of which rises inexorably year by year. Most importantly, if Passive House requirements were generally followed this would result in better health and comfort for New Zealanders. The owner has been in touch with Grand Design Australia who shows signs of interest and once everything is ticked off, building will probably commence November or December. Jessop Architects is an award winning practice and both Darren and his client are to be congratulated for introducing a method of building that is energy efficient and if widely implemented will go quite some way towards reducing New Zealand’s ecological footprint. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) PN JESSOPS ARCHITECTS, 84 Franklin Road T: (09) 360 7110


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




STREET NAMES: FIRTH ROAD Josiah Clinton Firth was a force to be reckoned with. Flour miller, politician, pastoralist, writer he was more than an entrepreneur. He was a visionary who achieved much success in his lifetime, even though his vision was sometimes flawed. “The Golden Age of Josiah Clifton Firth” written by one of his descendants, Mona Gordon is a fascinating read. She recounts how his father, Benjamin was born in the hamlet of Oakenshaw, just a few miles away from Thornton, the birthplace of Emily Bronte. There’s even an undocumented connection between Elizabeth Firth of Kipling House in Thornton, who Reverend Patrick Brontë wanted to marry. Whether or not she was related to Benjamin remains just a supposition. Benjamin, a gifted teacher, opened an Academy for boys named Manor House where Josiah was an apt pupil. By the time he was twenty he had gained proficiency in farming, teaching and accountancy. Following the death of his father in 1853 and unhappy managing his maternal uncles’ ironworks, Josiah looked further afield than Yorkshire for opportunities. He considered Australia but the goldfields weren’t an enticement so with £350 in his pocket he came to Auckland where his native Yorkshire shrewdness and tenacity were attributes ideally suited to the infant settlement of the 1850s and 1860s.

The first thing Josiah did when he arrived was to attend a Government land sale and buy a piece of dirt at the bottom of a steep gully on Cook Street where he established a brickyard. Shortly after, he met Ann, daughter of William Williams who lived at the top of Cook Street. One day while walking to church, she happened to get caught in a pelting shower of rain. Fortuitously Josiah was nearby and sheltered her under his large umbrella. Love was in the air and not long after this incident they married, remaining devoted to each other and to their large family till the end of their days. Josiah with two partners, next went on to build the Wharf Steam Flour Mills, the largest in the Auckland Province and his pride and joy. As miller, speculator and investor he multiplied his original £350 many times over. With his accumulated wealth it was time to leave the family home in Onehunga, which was an exclusive suburb back then but eight miles distance from the growing inner city. To accommodate his large family he first leased then bought a two storied gabled house set in eighteen acres of land on the eastern slopes of Mt Eden. He added a miniature baronial castle in concrete, complete with a turret, which became the setting for much lavish entertaining.

photography: Jo Barrett

These years were times of great prosperity. Queen Street ran to the water’s edge to a jetty where cargoes were unloaded and passengers disembarked from sailing ships. Thousands of canoes brought Maori grown produce from the eastern bays of Hauraki and sold to colonists for next to nothing. Fish from the sea was abundant and settlers grew their own choice of fruits and vegetables not cultivated by Maori. Income tax and rates were non-existent. It was indeed a ‘Golden Age’.

Josiah was a very likeable man who made no enemies. He was a tall, athletic figure with clear blue eyes and a penetrating gaze. An early conservationist, he warned of the dangers of deforestation and soil erosion. His self-confidence led him into schemes that were his undoing but his innovations and investments benefited his colonial successors. Attendance at his funeral was huge. Every institution he had connections with was represented. Flags flew at half mast and sons of old employees bore him to the highest angle of St Stephen’s cemetery facing Judge’s Bay. Lines in Maori are set on the obelisk plinth. The translation - “This hill is for Josiah, In the wind that blows from the breaking sea”. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) PN

He also became a key member of a group of merchants, financiers, and land speculators who were intent on confiscation of Waikato territory by the Crown. Now we arrive at his complex relationship with the Maori people. First he advocated the involvement of military forces in a struggle to win land for the benefit of the settlers. When the war ended in 1865 he leased 20,500 acres in Matamata from Chief Tamehana who agreed to put an end to fighting in the Waikato and became his close friend. Josiah then poured loaned money into developing the lands with modern rural technology. He rather overstepped himself and with the 1888 recession, lost the Matamata estate and began to slide into bankruptcy. Once discharged, with commendable vigour, he embarked on a new enterprise, applying pumice as an insulating material in the frozen goods industry, and promoting reinforced concrete construction techniques. By 1897 his product started to gain acceptance but it was too late for Josiah. He died of heart failure at Clifton House 11 December 1897 still in straitened circumstances.

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



THE BOYS’ BOOK CLUB WHAT WE’RE READING Books us blokes on the Ponsonby News team are reading, or have recently enjoyed. We LOVE reading in the bath, or in bed. A real stress buster! MARTIN LEACH SEX ON THE BEACH By Ben Mezrich (William Heinemann/Random House) This is a true story of love and adventure. Nothing can stop Thad Roberts from keeping a promise to his girlfriend Rebecca - not even NASA security. When he’s in the lab, Roberts is a brilliant NASA co-op intern, but the other interns know him better for devising thrill-seeking activities, like cliff diving and sneaking into the shuttle simulator. When he realises that scientists consider moon rocks worthless once they’ve been in experiments, Roberts starts to wonder… if they’re worthless, how could stealing them be wrong? Ben Mezrich, author of The Accidental Billionaires (which inspired the movie The Social Network), starts each section with excerpts of Roberts’ love letters to Rebecca from prison, providing a love-drunk context for Roberts’ journey as the moon rock heist balloons from idle fantasy to stark reality. Behind-the-scenes looks at NASA’s Johnson Space Center and thriller-like action that ranges from the States to Belgium make for an enthralling read for anyone who ever dreamed about being an astronaut--or promised to give someone else the moon. BLOW BY BLOW: THE STORY OF ISABELLA BLOW By Detmar Blow and Tom Sykes (Harper Collins) Eccentric people were everywhere in London. I used to see an old man who walked the length of Oxford Street daily with a huge sign. He was quite mad. But nothing could prepare me for the sight of

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Issy Blow walking in Bond Street! She was an incredible sight. Rupert Everett, in his eulogy at her funeral summed it up, “She was original, impactful, generous -minded and spotted some of the greatest talents.” Geordie Greig, editor of the Evening Standard and formerly editor of Tatler, said “She was the most intelligent and creative person in fashion. In many ways she was the British queen of fashion. She was intoxicating. You could never get enough of her.” She was a free spirit, continued Philip Treacy, “She discovered Sophie Dahl sobbing in a doorway; she bought Alexander McQueen’s entire degree show, and I designed her wedding hat when she married Detmar Blow in 1988.” She was also credited with discovering Hussein Chalayan and Stella Tennant. “Over the years, whenever Issy would call me up to urge me to see someone new, I would do it because she thought it was important”, said Anna Wintour, Editor-inChief of American Vogue “She was a one off, a genius friend, her own creation in a world of copycats and I will miss her for the rest of my life”.

JAY PLATT THE DEVIL COLONY by James Rollins (Orion) During a sweat lodge ceremony in an Indian cave in the Rocky Mountains, a horrible massacre ensues. Bodies are found blistered and burned and specifically arranged to form two distinctive shapes: a five-pointed star and a sickle-shaped moon. One man recognises the warning behind the gruesome murders, Painter Crowe, director of Sigma Force. An elite and secret arm of the U.S. military. He has seen these two symbols before, tattooed into the skull of a traitor. He knows the deaths were a personal threat especially since one of the dead is his beloved cousin. Seeking revenge as well as answers, Crowe joins forces with Commander Gray Pierce and an unlikely ally, a woman who may have had a hand in the murders, to penetrate the shadowy heart of a dark cabal that has been manipulating American history since the founding of the thirteen colonies. But can Crowe discover the truth, one that could topple the government before it destroys all he holds dear including the woman he loves? PN


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



photography: Michael McClintock


ON THE LEVEL WITH REBLOCKING.CO.NZ MICK DALY OWNER AND OPERATOR OF WHANGAREI BASED HIGHWAY HOUSE Movers has been moving houses from the top to the bottom of New Zealand since the age of 18. With experience that spans over 35 years this family owned business has now branched out into other specialist areas. Mick’s son Luke Daly has worked along side his father since the age of 13 and now Luke has taken all those skills and knowledge passed on by his father and formed his own company, Reblocking.co.nz Ltd. Reblocking.co.nz can offer you a totally professional service and provide a free quote for your specific project. However this is not where their service ends! Reblocking.co.nz will also offer some sound practical advice when needed and has a list of professional sub-contractors available to complete your dream project - whether that project requires re-blocking your villa or bungalow, building a retaining wall, moving your house on to another site or removing unwanted brick chimneys they will see the job through to completion. Don’t take this young man Luke lightly he is an inspiration to the industry. To make your project run smoothly, stress free and investment guaranteed call or email him he’ll take care of all your requirements when it comes to getting your house back on the level. PN REBLOCKING.CO.NZ LTD, Luke Daly T: 09 378 8288 or M: 021 702 430 E: admin@reblocking.co.nz

OBJECT ROOM OPENS IN GREY LYNN It was a combination of a recent move into the neighbourhood and inspiration gathered whilst travelling overseas that gave owners Luke McCarthy and Timond Chu (pictured above) the motivation to open their own boutique store. Finally it’s all go; The OBJECT ROOM opened its doors just last week on the corner of Richmond Road and Surrey Crescent in Grey Lynn. A brand new and ultra-modern space with concrete floors, industrial ceilings and floor to ceiling glass frontage it is the perfect blank canvas to create a ‘room’. The Object Room will be filled with ‘objects’ hand selected by Timond and Luke sourced both locally and from around the globe and to keep things fresh and exciting the plan is to continue introducing new collections to the store. The concept is to bring you everyday objects that are both useable and stylish, items for the home and all chosen for their simplicity, functionality and good quality craftsmanship. There really is something for everyone. Thailand’s best aromatic oils and scented candles, wallets and bags in leather and canvas and amazing colours, wooden and ceramic vases and beautifully detailed tea-light holders, double wall coffee/ tea tumblers, and even for your cat there are designer toys and scratch pads constructed in water hyacinth – simple objects that look great and keep life simple. A full website is on its way but in the meantime ‘like’ them on facebook, and pop in to meet Timond, Luke and friends. PN


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THE OBJECT ROOM, Corner Surrey Crescent and Richmond Road T: 09 889 0767 www.theobjectroom.co.nz facebook.com/theobjectroom


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS PRIZE WINNER GIVES BACK TO OTHERS Popular ceramic artist Bob Steiner recently ran a promotion where his customers were asked to show how they display his works in their homes to be in to win a prize of more gorgeous Bob Steiner pieces for their efforts. Little did he think that a fellow artist would be the winner! Catherine Melo, an Auckland designer, who simply loves the organic shapes that Bob creates for our walls, had over the years purchased a selection of ‘Leaves’ which are now cascading artistically of course, down the wall of her West Auckland home. “I love the colours and the subject matter. I make my own range of jewellery that focuses on natural shapes like leaves, so I’m always drawn to the same subject matter in different forms,” says Catherine.

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“I was delighted to win the prize, and am feeling very lucky. I’ve decided to auction some of the prize products I was given from Bob Steiner Ceramics in association with Mixt in Kingsland, and include a piece of my jewellery to the value of $450, to benefit people I know in Christchurch who have been affected by the quakes. I’d love as many people as possible to take part in the online auction – it’s the least we can do. One of my associates was badly affected and her home was ruined, so we’re all pulling together to make a difference and cheer her up,” says Catherine. To see the installation in Catherine’s home follow this link: www.facebook.com/pages/Bob-Steiner-Ceramics/129449120400383 To bid on the product and jewellery search “Bob Steiner Ceramics and Catherine Melo Jewellery Charity Auction” on Trademe. The auction runs until 23 October. The funds raised will be donated to the Red Cross 2011 Earthquake Appeal. PN For more information please contact Catherine Melo on catherine@cmjewellery.co.nz


MORE FREE COMPOSTING COURSES TO HELP AUCKLANDERS Auckland Council is increasing the availability of free composting courses so more Aucklanders can learn how easy it is to put their food and garden waste to good work, rather than sending it to landfills. In 2011/12 council will fund 100 Create Your Own Eden courses around the region with the aim of increasing the amount of organic waste diverted from landfill and composted by households instead. Auckland Council Waste Minimisation Advisor Sue Martin says about 50% of what Auckland households put out for rubbish collection could be recycled via composting bins, bokashi fermentation and/or worm farms. “The biggest barrier is lack of knowledge on how to compost effectively – which the practical, three-hour Create Your Own Eden courses facilitated by the Kaipatiki Project helps people overcome,” says Martin. “By providing these courses free of charge, including information on low-cost solutions and offering participants a discount on composting systems purchased through the Kaipatiki Project we are also addressing the hurdle of cost,” she says. Auckland Council’s Environment and Sustainability Forum Chairperson Wayne Walker, (Walker has professional and personal composting experience) says “The Create Your Own Eden courses show people how easy and rewarding it is to compost, and increasing their availability for the benefit of Aucklanders and our environment, has my full support.” Create Your Own Eden courses for 2011/12 are scheduled around the Auckland region over the next few months. Bookings are essential. Contact the Kaipatiki Project on T: 09 482 1172 or email admin@kaipatiki.org.nz PN For more information: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz or www.createyourowneden.org.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Email Michael with your question and include PONSONBY NEWS in the subject line. Michael Hemphill, a partner of the firm will answer one topical question each month.

Q: A:

I saw on the news that two doctors were taken to court by Inland Revenue for operating through a company. I also provide services through a company. How will this judgement affect me?

The case you are referring to is Penny v Commissioner of Inland Revenue SC 62/2010. In 2000 the government increased the top income tax rate from 33% to 39% for individuals while leaving the company and trust income tax rate at 33%. This seemed to allow business owners to move their operations into a limited company or trading trust to effectively reduce the amount of income tax they were required to pay. The doctors had been self-employed until 2000. They had each been making an annual profit of about $500,000 each year. In 2000 the doctors restructured their businesses, selling their practices to limited companies and reducing the salaries which they received to approximately $100,000. The doctors acknowledged that the salary the companies were paying them were substantially below what they would accept working for a company which was not closely controlled by them.

allows Inland Revenue to disregard or reconstruct a transaction when the reduction of a tax liability is more than a merely incidental purpose of that transaction. The Supreme Court accepted that the reduction in income tax obligation was more than a merely incidental purpose. The Supreme Court was at pains to point out that there was nothing wrong with the business structure that the doctors chose to use. Nor did they accept that the doctors paying themselves a below market salary was in itself tax avoidance. What caused this transaction to be tax avoidance was the degree by which the doctors had reduced their salary without any real justification for doing so. There is nothing wrong with working within a company provided that you are paying yourself a market salary. If you are paying yourself below your market salary this is not necessarily tax avoidance provided you have a suitable justification for that lower salary. A good justification for being paid a below market salary is that the business does not currently have a revenue stream large enough to pay you a market salary. It is important to choose the correct business structure when you start your business. Changing your business structure after establishing a business may result in Inland Revenue paying closer attention to your business and any change in structure.

A profit of approximately $400,000 was paid to the shareholders of the limited companies. The shareholders of the limited companies were trusts who then used various mechanisms to pay most of the money to the doctors. By doing this the doctors each paid $30,000 less in income tax per year.

If you are worried about your business structures you should seek professional advice.” (MICHAEL HEMPHILL) PN

The doctors both claimed that the restructuring was done to protect against personal liability for medical misconduct, property relationship claims and creditor protection. Inland Revenue alleged that this transaction was tax avoidance. The Income Tax Act

Disclaimer - This article is for general information purposes only. If you have a legal problem you should seek advice from a lawyer. Metro Law does not accept any liability other than to its clients and then only when advice is sought on specific matters.

METROLAW, Level 2, 36 Williamson Avenue T: 09 929 0800 www.metrolaw.co.nz

PONSONBY U3A - SEPTEMBER 2011 JOAN MACDONALD AND JUDITH CRIMMINS SHARED THE 10 MINUTE SPEAKER role when each spoke passionately about the plight of the land and people of West Papua. Both have had a long association with West Papua, Joan through the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and Judith through Pax Christi. Judith also saw and heard first-hand the difficulties faced by the people when she attended a Justice and Peace meeting there in 2008.

The next U3A meeting will be held on Friday 14 October at 9.45am at the Leys Institute. The 10 minute speaker Nancy Keat will talk about her visit to Syria earlier this year followed by Guest speaker Greg Whittred, Dean of Teaching and Learning at the University of Auckland Business School. Visitors Welcome. (NOELINE CREIGHTON)

They told of the 1969 Act of Free Choice when elders appointed by the Indonesian Government voted to be ruled by Indonesia and of the resulting conflict ever since. We heard of the strong military and police presence, the destruction and exploitation of the forests and the rich mineral resources. Holding aloft a banner ‘Act now for West Papua’ which depicted a row of Morning Star flags (banned in West Papua) they spoke of how earlier in the week they were part of a protest gathering opposite Queens Wharf as leaders met for the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ meeting. They were heartened by the statement of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, that the West Papuan issue should be discussed by the Decolonisation Committee of the United Nations General Assembly. Their group issued a statement calling for action to the following: The United Nation Secretary-General, The Pacific Island Forum Leaders, The New Zealand government and civil society. There was plenty of food for thought and action. Following morning tea, we were fortunate to have Guest Speaker John Hudson, TVNZ correspondent with the ‘Sunday’ programme. Because of the nature of his work we were aware that a breaking story could prevent his attendance. He took us on an interesting, entertaining and often nostalgic journey from his birth in Freemans Bay and early life, to his first job as a cadet reporter with the New Zealand Herald which began his 36 year career in journalism. He studied at Auckland University while working at the Herald and following a stint with Radio Hauraki he did his OE. While working in London he learned the craft of script writing at a television agency Visnews. Back in New Zealand he worked as a reporter for radio station 89FM before moving into Television on the programme Top Half. Since 1984 he has worked on many current affairs programmes: Holmes, Frontline, 60 Minutes and Assignment followed by ‘Sunday’. He described the News as being the How, When, Where and What and Current Affairs as being the Why? He feels passionate about his work as a journalist which he regards as a calling and more fun than work! He gave examples of stories which achieved high ratings, some amusing and some cutting edge in the medical and scientific fields. We discovered how stories were selected and positioned and he spoke about the changes in his evolving industry with the Internet, TV On demand and the explosion of social media. Following his talk he fielded many questions ranging from the proposed cutting of TV7 to questions around legal issues. He posed the questions...Is it true? Is it fair? Is it balanced?

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



PONSONBY PEOPLE + THEIR PETS ANIMALOSOPHY: DR MEGAN ALDERSON IT’S HUMAN NATURE TO CHAMPION THE UNDERDOG. WE’RE ALL INCLINED TO root for the weaker team (except when Backing Black of course), anyone but Australia, right? But what is it about the underdog that makes them so endearing? Why do we want the weak, the disabled, the quirky and the not so pretty to rise up victorious, become the hero of the story or be chosen to join the family when nature’s law dictates survival of the fittest? We naturally empathise with the underdog as at some point we have all suffered, been pushed around, been ostracised or made to feel unwanted and small. No matter how popular and successful you are, there was once a time when you weren’t. Noticing the lame duck, picking the runt of the litter, rescuing the seagull with the broken wing is part of human nature. How will they survive if not for our help? Our empathy with their situation, the capacity to recognize and share what they are going through, leads on to compassion-a wonderful thing to demonstrate and teach to our children as they develop and make it part of their daily lives. As a veterinarian I now understand that empathy has a scale. We’re not all the same when it comes to our pet care needs.

On the far left are the clients I will never see, those in which animal health care is not a consideration. On the far right the animal hoarder, a complex addiction to care for unusually large numbers of animals. Most of us sit somewhere in the middle and enjoy the companionship and mutually beneficial relationship people can have with their pets. With spring now sprung and love in the air it’s not only the lusty two legged species out enjoying the surge of testosterone the warmer weather brings. The most important decision any type of pet owner can make is to get your pet de-sexed. From our point of view ‘if you’re not going to breed from them then they don’t need them’ and you will have a healthier and happier pet. For every pet booked for de-sexing in October (mention you read this in the Ponsonby News) we will offer a complimentary micro-chipping to help keep them safe and at home. For more information on The Strand Veterinarian, be a fan/member of The Strand Vet Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TheStrandVet (DR MEGAN ALDERSON) PN THE STRAND VETERINARIAN, 114 The Strand T: 09 377 6667 www.thestrandvet.co.nz

AUCKLAND GOES CUPCAKE CRAZY TO SUPPORT SPCA ‘Cupcake Day for the SPCA’, raises vital funds for the animals. Auckland cupcake chefs supported the annual ‘Cupcake Day for the SPCA’ national fundraising event on a Monday in late August by baking and selling 5,800 cupcakes at nine street sites around the city to raise a total of over $12,000. SPCA Auckland CEO Christine Kalin is absolutely delighted with the level of support the event attracted. “We’re completely blown away by the generosity of Auckland’s bakers and cupcake fanciers,” she says. “We would like to heartily acknowledge our long-standing sponsors SkyCity, Icing on the Cake, Auckland University of Technology, Delish, Milly’s Kitchen, Bidvest, New Zealand Women’s Weekly and More FM and warmly thank our newest sponsors Au Bon Coin, Spitroast and the City Cake Company. We simply couldn’t do this event without your assistance.” “Thanks also to all the sweet-toothed people who bought and scoffed a cupcake on the day – the money you’ve contributed will go towards the vital work of the SPCA, caring for abused and neglected animals. Finally, on behalf of the animals, thank you so much to all the individuals, teams, businesses, workplaces, schools, and families who baked up a storm or volunteered their time and sold cupcakes to their friends and colleagues. This year, 2300 people nationwide registered to be cupcake chefs, up from 1500 last year – that’s a huge increase!” If you missed out on ‘SPCA Cupcake Day’ but would still like to support the SPCA Auckland in their vital work you can donate at www.spca.org.nz If you have any queries about ‘Cupcake Day for the SPCA’, please contact our Fundraising Co-ordinator, Catherine Davies, on T: 09 256 7300. PN

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PONSONBY PEOPLE + THEIR PETS SPCA MOBILE ANIMAL ADOPTIONS – MATCHING AUCKLANDERS WITH LIFELONG COMPANIONS SPCA Auckland’s launch of its unique Mobile Animal Adoption concept on Saturday 3 September at 130 Ponsonby Road was a sensational success. More than 50% of the cats found homes on the day and the dogs on display attracted great interest, with many families planning a visit to the SPCA Auckland Village to check out the full selection of dogs available. “The event has succeeded beyond our expectations and will be the first of many,” says SPCA Auckland CEO Christine Kalin. “These events are just a wonderful opportunity for people to get up close and personal with potential lifelong companions as part of their Saturday morning relaxation. “And they’re a great opportunity for us to outreach into the community, let people know more about what we do, and find loving homes for adorable animals. “Many thanks to all the members of the public who kindly made a donation to SPCA Auckland, without your support we simply could not function. Thanks also to locals Lesley and Ruth Hawes from Ray White Kingsland for their sponsorship of the advertising for the event and to Team McMillan for providing the MINI Garage carpark site for free.” The next Mobile Animal Adoption will be held on Saturday 1 October, 10am to 12noon at the MINI Garage carpark. Members of the public who might be thinking of adopting a cat, kitten, dog, or puppy should come along and check it out. PN For more information about animal adoptions or supporting the SPCA Auckland, please go to our website www.spca.org.nz

Some of the team at HARVEY WORLD TRAVEL Ponsonby helping the RSPCA in Three Lamps on Cup Cake Day The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Raising funds for SPCA CUP CAKE DAY in Ponsonby




GIRAFFE SETS SAIL ON HIS OE THE PONSONBY NEWS TEAM WERE IN MT EDEN VILLAGE LAST MONTH WHEN we noticed an unsual sight! We thought we spied a glimpse of a giraffe with its head sticking out of the back of a truck. A call to Auckland Zoo’s Jane Healy informed us, “He was off to Australia” and we’d spied him en route to the Ports of Auckland. Jane informed us that Auckland Zoo is part of an Australasian regional breeding programme, and 18-month-old Jelani was crossing the Tasman to live in a giraffe bachelor herd alongside rhinos, zebras and antelope at Werribee Open Range Zoo in Melbourne. “It was sad to see Jelani go, but Jelani’s dad Zabulu is the Zoo’s breeding male. If we had more than one male, we wouldn’t have the space to enable us to continue breeding here. Zoos like Werribee Open Range Zoo hold bachelor groups of animals for this purpose,” says Pridelands team leader Nat Sullivan. Moving giraffes between zoos requires considerable preparation both prior to boarding, and during the voyage. Jelani had been vaccinated and micro-chipped with identification information, and been ‘crate trained’ to enter his 4.2m high crate and be

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as comfortable as possible. Onboard ‘giraffe luggage’ for Jelani’s trip also includes food, enrichment devices like boomer balls, and medical supplies. “I’m hoping that the weather will be fairly settled on the trip over. But I will be onboard and checking on him regularly, which will hopefully help him feel secure,” says Nat. Nat Sullivan and Dr Craig Pritchard, veterinary manager of the New Zealand Centre for Conservation Medicine, will accompany Jelani onboard. Maersk Line New Zealand Ports Manager Sunil Thakur says the unusual cargo presented some unusual challenges. “To minimise disruption for Jelani we will load him last, so we’ve had to organise the rest of the loading around that. We also need to keep him safe and well-protected, and make it easy for Nat and Craig to get to him during the voyage. “It’s rare for us to transport live animals, but we’re delighted to have the opportunity to support the regional breeding programme,” says Mr Thakur. Early next month, a female giraffe from Taronga Western Plains Zoo will be making the return voyage across the Tasman to join the two giraffes at Auckland Zoo. PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

PONSONBY PEOPLE + THEIR PETS ASK ALEX A PONSONBY FELINE’S WANDERING DAYS ARE OVER SPIRO, THE CAT THAT MANY would remember whiling his days away in the garden at One2One café, (formerly Atomic Café) in Ponsonby passed away last month and is now buried in the garden under the pohutukawa tree. Original owner Chris Priestly adopted Spiro and his brother Ronin about 15 years ago to stem the sparrow problem in the garden. From the day they turned up even as very young kittens the sparrows all but disappeared. They only ever caught a couple over the years which they proudly paraded around the café much to Chris’s horror! Several years ago, Spiro was spotted inside an empty building that at the time was closed for renovations, so Chris called the business’ Takapuna branch manager who kindly drove across the bridge to let Spiro out – Spiro should have known better than to be alone in a place called One Red Dog! Two years ago Peter Marshall bought the café from Chris and with it came Spiro and Ronin. On the odd occasion Peter had to rescue Spiro from across the road at Satellite Media and AB Auctions. Peter says Spiro would cross Ponsonby Road, walk past Video Ezy into Douglas Street, go up two flights of stairs and then wander past the reception area at Satellite Media looking for a nice sunny spot to lie in. His other favourite hangouts were of course Yuzu, Chapel Bar and The Woman’s Bookshop. Rest in peace Spiro.

Each month Dr Alex Melrose answers readers’ pet related issues. e-mail yours to: alex@vetcare.net.nz Thanks for all your advice about my cats during the earthquakes. My female has now stayed around home, has reverted to kitten-hood, is forever playing with her toys, and is no longer eating like it is her last meal, so lovely to see. Unfortunately my male cat, Muffin, now has a problem. He’s licked out much of his hair under his tummy. I didn’t notice straight away as I never realised cats mainly lick when they have skin problems (compared with dogs who mainly scratch).


After re-housing all the extra quake cats, I have regularly de-flead and de -wormed all my cats with products from my local vet. I have even used Rescue Remedy on him in case the quakes were still getting to him. However, he is the first to emerge after a reasonably large shake, and for the small ones he basically now just sits up and looks at the floor and then goes back to sleep. Do you have any idea what is causing this skin problem? Regards, GAIL. I’m so glad things are improving for you and your menagerie down in Christchurch. With your treatments having largely ruled out parasites as a cause, stress is the probable trigger for Muffin’s over-grooming, and understandably so while the ground keeps moving on him. Rescue remedy (a naturopathic) is popular, and safe for mild stress situations like a car trip, I think considering what Muffins is going through, it’s not suprising he’s continuing to over-do the licking. “Psychogenic Alopecia” is what he is experiencing.


When cats groom it releases endorphins, producing a natural mild high, much like horses biting their cribs. In high stress situations these behaviours, and their resultant good-feeling, can become obsessive compulsive, potentially doing harm to the animal. As environmental triggers disappear i.e. the shakes ease off, and the extra cats are re-homed, things will improve for Muffins state of mind and for his skin. Feliway pheromone spray, Clomicalm and tons of TLC may all be of assistance. PN (DR ALEX MELROSE, BVSC MRCVS) VETCARE GREY LYNN, 408 Great North Road T: 09 361 3500 www.vetcare.net.nz


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



ARTS + CULTURE SHOWING AT MASTERWORKS GALLERY ‘Reclining Bobs’ by glass artist Nick Mount

TOP DRAWER 8 September – 26 October A group exhibition showcasing new work by 20 of Masterwork’s top artists working across the fields of ceramics, glass and sculpture. To coincide with the Rugby World Cup, the exhibition promises to offer an overview of some of the best in innovation and contemporary applied arts that New Zealand has to offer.

Artists include Stephen Bradbourne, Emma Camden, Christine Cathie, John Edgar, Luke Jacomb, Ann Robinson, John Roy, Katherine Smyth, Christine Thacker, and Merilyn Wiseman. Also included will be a selection of work by Australian artists including Jeff Mincham, Nick Mount, Kirsty Rea, and Emma Varga.

THINKSPACE JACQUI CHAN – HOST A BROOCH 6 - 26 October Preview and Artist Talk Wednesday 5 October from 5.30pm

With the support of The National, following the loss of their High Street premise, a shipping container placed in Hagley Park was used as a makeshift exhibition space. There the public were invited to ‘host a brooch’, by wearing their brooch of choice on a two hour adventure around the city, recording their journey and interactions with the urban environment. The idea was that the brooches would alter wearer’s experiences of the City, producing new sensory experiences, routes and encounters, and ultimately (re)connecting them with their urban surroundings. The project, which took place over six weekends, resulted in hundreds of photographs and stories which were compiled into a catalogue. Masterworks will host a summary exhibition of the project, which will include an artist talk at the opening night. To find out more about Host a brooch, visit: hostabrooch.blogspot.com

JEWELLERY BOX SHOWCASE BARRY CLARKE – SOME BIRDS 6 - 26 October Preview Wednesday 5 October from 5.30pm The jewellery box programme this month showcases new work by Barry Clarke, a well-established maker whose work leans towards abstraction. Characteristic of his romantic oeuvre is simplified figuration from nature. A note from Barry: “Birds seem to pop up in my work. The ones I see out of my workshop window, blackbirds, starlings, sparrows. I like their behaviour and they amuse and entertain me as well as give me subject for my work. The world is better for having them. Like birds my work is simple. 18ct gold and sterling silver mix, hammered and with stones I cut myself.” For the month of October any purchase from the gallery will allow you to go in to the draw to have the opportunity to win a set of five black champagne flutes, made exclusively by Lukeke Design for Deutz. Please contact the gallery for further information. PN masterworks gallery, 77 Ponsonby Road T: 09 378 1256 www.masterworksgallery.com

Brooch by Jacqui Chan on wearer This month’s THINKspace focuses on ‘Host a Brooch: An Urban Jewellery Project’, a recent collaboration between contemporary jeweller Jacqui Chan and Christchurch Gallery The National. Visitors to Masterworks last month will remember seeing a THINKspace exhibition of brooches that Jacqui made from olive oil cans while living in Ramallah, Palestine in 2010. In August 2011 Jacqui took her practice of exploring jewellery’s relation with urban environments to earthquake torn Christchurch. Jacqui gathered materials around Christchurch and transformed them into 16 intricate brooches.

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Necklace by Barry Clarke


ARTS + CULTURE SHOWING AT WHITESPACE Philip Trusttum 4 - 22 October Now in his 70s, celebrated New Zealand expressionist painter Philip Trusttum shows no signs of slowing down - whether he is weilding a tennis racket, a paintbrush or rolling out another canvas, his eye is always on the ball, placing the next shot (or next refinement in a painting series) with his mind well ahead of the game. He unleashes a driven combination of physical and analytical dedication to the process of winning the game, and applies the same dedication to his painting. Trusttum grew up with rugby. His father, who played for King Country in the 1940s, was an All Black trialist and in the opinion of many should have been selected to represent his country. Philip also had a great command of the game and played for North Canterbury in the early 1970s. *Essay excerpt Bill Millbank, Art News, Spring 2011 PN WHITESPACE, 12 Crummer Road T: 09 361 6331 www.whitespace.co.nz

AUCKLAND ART GALLERY TOI O TÃMAKI HERITAGE BUILDING RESTORED LAST MONTH THE AUCKLAND ART GALLERY TOI O TĀMAKI OPENED THE doors to its restored and expanded heritage building which now offers 7194sqm of public space in the heart of the CBD. A civic ceremony to officially reinstate the Auckland Art Gallery, took place at its original site, the Gallery’s Kitchener Street forecourt. Hosted by Gallery Director Chris Saines, the ceremony included speeches from Mayor Len Brown; Minister for Arts, Culture & Heritage, Chris Finlayson; and Chairman Regional Facilities Auckland, Sir Don McKinnon. Among the Gallery’s opening exhibitions is a rare eight-week opportunity to view the 15 work Julian and Josie Robertson collection, which is on display in the newly named Julian and Josie Robertson Galleries. PN For further information T: 09 379 1349 or visit www.aucklandartgallery.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



ARTS + CULTURE SHOWING AT LETHAM GALLERY GROUP EXHIBITION - A PUZZLED TAME-TIKI Until 25 October A Puzzled Tame Tiki presents a unique look at New Zealand culture through the eyes of 13 of our finest artists. Buzzy-bees, No. 8 wire and Chelsea Sugar tins adorn canvases and sculptures lovingly created especially for this exhibition, each of which we have adapted into a series of limited edition jigsaw puzzles, collectively boxed and exclusive to Letham Gallery. Uniquely packaged, each puzzle is individually numbered, limited to just 30 puzzles per artist’s work and affordably priced – the perfect addition to your art collection. Each original work is also available to collect. BAD FAITH AND THE FALLEN - TIM WHITE 27 October – 8 November Preview 27 October, 6pm BAD FAITH AND THE FALLEN - TIM WHITE

Tim White’s stunning new body of works, Bad Faith and the Fallen is a series of 14 pieces, which explores connotations of the ‘fallen’ woman as well as reflecting on Jean Paul Sartre’s notion of bad faith and the responsibility associated with personal freedoms. ”The project was originally conceived as a figure study. As the project developed I became increasingly fascinated by how isolating a figure and even altering its orientation can significantly change its connotations”. The female nude is a significant departure from photographer Tim White’s traditional documentary style. His previous exhibition featured imagery from his book True North, a four year documentation of the Far North and its inhabitants. The unique photo lithographs were printed by John Pusateri at the Auckland Print Studio. A diptych from the show has made the final selection for the Wallace awards 2011. PN LETHAM GALLERY 35 Jervois Road T: 09 360 5217 www.lethangallery.co.nz

PUBLISHING – THE INSIDE STORY LONGTIME PONSONBY RESIDENT, GEOFF WALKER knows a great deal about publishing. He’s spent a lifetime at it, first with the family publishing house Reed, in Wellington then with Penguin where he was Publishing Director for twenty-five years. He was awarded a gong in 2005 for his services to New Zealand Literature. In earlier days when Graham Beattie, was Managing Director of Penguin, the business distributed only overseas published books then suddenly the word came from London, ‘start publishing’. The New Zealand operation started off as a small enterprise with the only publishing staff, a part-timer, which was the state of play when Graham hired Geoff. There followed some fairly rapid expansion with many of New Zealand’s finest writers such as Maurice Gee, Patricia Grace, Albert Wendt, Witi Ihimaera, and Joy Cowley to name just a few. Each year Geoff identified new talent and brought them on board. They were golden times in New Zealand publishing and for Penguin in particular. Last year Geoff decided it was time to move on from his role with Penguin and try something different while he still had the energy. He’s now enjoying life as a freelancer. No more having to commute, no working with spreadsheets, no long protracted meetings. Instead he is working as a writer and editor. Among other projects he is co-writing the memoirs of a reasonably significant political figure and editing and structuring a book by a well-known entertainment industry person. He also advises authors and assesses manuscripts and says he is having a very happy time. The fount of wisdom Geoff has accumulated over the years will now be put to good use at John Cranna’s writing workshop, The Creative Hub, which has been running for several years. This unique centre has traditionally held courses for creative fiction and non-fiction writers with top-flight tutors such as Paula Morris, Tessa Duder, Roger Hall and Graham Reid. Recently The Hub has extended the number of courses to include screen and travel writing, and children’s fiction.

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Another new addition to the curriculum is a course run by Geoff, which is called Publishing: The Inside Story and promises to demystify the Book Publishing process. This will be invaluable for writers, would-be editors or anyone interested in books and publishing. The course won’t tell people how to write but is aimed at people who want to get published, people who want to work in publishing, and those who love books and love talking about them. It will look at the publishing process in some detail, at how publishing decisions are made, and how to approach publishers. It will test the students grasp of the commercial publishing process by having them come up with book proposals that will be tested in the class. There will also be much discussion about the digital future, self publishing, the internet and whether books will survive or not. There’s no doubt the digital revolution is an agent of radical change,and rivals Gutenberg’s press by changing the way words can be presented. Geoff finds this absolutely fascinating, and says we haven’t seen the end of the process taking place by any means. He reads e-books regularly and sees exciting possibilities in the future digital packaging of information. their future lies in highly illustrated content and convenient access to information. Nevertheless there remains the tactile appeal of books and we have a strong emotional response to them. An e-book is great for travel information, cooking, gardening, reference information and even a straight novel. But people will still want to hold and keep a beautifully produced illustrated book. All of this and much more will be examined and discussed during Geoff’s course, which promises to be stimulating and will raise many questions.The eight two hour weekly sessions commence Wednesday 12 October 6 - 8 pm and will end on 30 November. The Creative Hub rooms are on Princes Wharf and parking in the surrounding streets is free of charge after 6pm. To enroll, simply go to www.thecreativehub.net.nz and ‘save’ the form then email it to enquiries@thecreativehub.net.nz. The course fee is only $495 and payment is by direct credit to ASB 12-3035-0696240-50 (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


WORDS ON A SMALL ISLAND – THE WAIHEKE BOOK FESTIVAL 2011 Friday 4 – Sunday 6 November The Waiheke Book Festival returns with a feast of literary events. Booklovers should not miss this one! From outrageous red-head Peta Mathias with her new book Beat till Stiff, to legend Lloyd Jones in conversation with Finlay Macdonald. From Laurence Fearnley, winner of the 2011 New Zealand fiction award for The Hut Builder to acclaimed artist Euan McLeod with Gregory O’Brien and much more. Sold out last year, the Waiheke Book Festival utilises a variety of Waiheke’s intimate venues to match a wonderful mix of art, literature and entertainment. FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS: • Friday Gala Art Gallery opening with Euan Macleod and Gregory O’Brien Saturday Artworks Theatre - Lloyd Jones, Laurence Fearnley and Jenny Bornholdt • Deck Chair readings at The Owhanake Barn • Sunday Lunch with Peta Mathias at Mudbrick Vineyard Restaurant • High Tea and Bubbles at The Boatshed with antiquarian rare books expert Anah Dunsheath Catch the Fullers ferry to Waiheke for Words on a Small Island the Waiheke Book Festival, welcome the start of summer and make a weekend of it. Earlybird bookings open now. Tickets from $15. Don’t miss out. PN For information, to register and book online visit www.WaihekeBookFestival.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



RHYTHM REVIEWS WHIRIMAKO BLACK - THE LATE NIGHT PLAYS Whirimako Black steps right out in front of the mic on this album and bares her soul. Her first album sung entirely in English is a giant leap for her as she has always been identified as our leading Te Reo singer; eloquent, charming and grammatically correct. The album is made up of great songs from the past and recorded in the old way at Roundhead on vintage equipment that creates the sounds of magnificent hi-fi albums from the 60s with Diana Washington or the Oscar Peterson Trio. Whirimako puts the soul into Sting’s ‘Fragile’, Stevie Wonder’s ‘If It’s Magic’, Billie Holiday’s ‘Lover man’ and even adds a twist to Leonard Cohen’s ‘Dance Me to the End of Love’. This is Whirimako as you have never heard her before - a timeless global triumph.

MINISTRY OF SOUND - UNCOVERED VOLUME 3 This immaculate series has breathed new life into old gems giving a whole new twist on the ‘covers’ concept. Take a great song, give it to someone who is going to take it apart and re assemble it in their own light, and you get some highly inspiring songs. Volume 3 takes songs from Nirvana, The Jackson 5, Radiohead, New Order and even Sinatra and gives them to Johnny Cash, Julia Stone, The Killers, Mayer Hawthorne and Cat Power and you get the wackiest collection with a total underground vibe that has people asking “What’s that track?” Featuring 38 tracks on two CD’s it makes for variety and long nights of enjoyment.

HOTEL COSTES COMPILATION - VOLUME 15 After the success of the number 14, Volume 15 returns to the freshness and the values of the first numbers with a touch of modern vibes. Always concerned about quality, the line stands out once again with its collection of fresh and exclusive down/mid tempo tracks.

The compilation Hôtel Costes continues to sit on top of the trends and reveals talents such as Brigitte, Pink Martini, Jehro, Angus and Julia Stone, General Elektrik and Variety Lab. Also included are Slackwax, Intergalactic Lovers, Dj Cam, Osunlade, Lanu, Kid Loco, Brigitte Fontaine and Grace Jones as well as Zahed Sultan, Tom Fire, Jürgen Paape, Maceo Plex, Soulstice and Dj Click. Unreleased tracks from Stéphane Pompougnac, Second Date, Deluxe, Scratch Massive and Variety Lab are also included. PN RHYTHM, 299 Ponsonby Road, Three Lamps T: 09 360 0455. E: rhythmponsonby@xtra.co.nz

FLOX COLLABORATES WITH FLY MY PRETTIES CELEBRATED CONTEMPORARY VISUAL ARTIST AND PONSONBY LOCAL HAYLEY King - a.k.a. Flox - is collaborating with “New Zealand’s most loved musical collective”, Fly My Pretties, on their upcoming national tour. Lead by Black Seeds frontman Barnaby Weir, the 16-strong cast are to stage a completely new production. In the first of two Acts, Flox will interpret each song from the new album into iconic images, which will be brought to life both during the performance and as an exhibition of limited edition prints in the theatre foyers. There’s also a local fashion connection, with designers Cybele and MisteR (of which Marvel in Ponsonby Road is the country’s largest stockist) designing the costumes. Cybele has already worked with cast members Anna Coddington and L.A. Mitchell in the past and will be designing for the female cast members, while MisteR - a huge proponent of kiwi music- will take care of the men’s tailoring. Fly My Pretties will also be working with the ‘Heart Strings’ project. Heart Strings have created seven guitars from the timber of iconic Christchurch buildings devastated by the earthquakes. Fly My Pretties will be adopting the Epicentre Guitar, playing it onstage and including it in the exhibition. All seven guitars are to be auctioned on 24 November with proceeds going to a fund set up to support the Christchurch Arts and music community. Auckland dates are Thursday 10, Friday 11 and Saturday 12 November at the Mercury Theatre - visit www.loop.co.nz for more information. PN

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A FIESTA IN WESTERN PARK THE INAUGURAL TOI ORA TRUST FIESTA IN THE PARK WAS SPONSORED BY the Mental Health Foundation in 2009. Now with the help of Council funding the Trust is staging a second fiesta that will be bigger and even better than the first. Once again the venue is Western Park with music and performances that will bring the community together for a great day of free entertainment. This year World Mental Health Day falls on 10 October but Saturday 8 October is the closest and most suitable date for our Fiesta which will create an awareness that such a day exists.This year the Trust has engaged an events management team, the Experience Group to help with the co-ordination of artists. Together they have co -opted an amazing line-up of national and local bands and performers. There’s Andrew Fagan, Jupiter Project, Jan Hellriegel, Emma Paki, Ben Lummis and DJ Reminis, Abby Lee and Jae’O, Latin Aotearoa, sam \RB and special guests. Artist and animator, Johnny Angel who has worked in the mental health sector, has offered to MC the event and the organising committee is made up of members from Pathways, the Mental Health Foundation, the Toi Ora Trust and supporting families. There will be an information tent on site, as well as food and entertainment for children. Of course this all happens during the final days of the World Cup, but competing interests aside, it’s an added attraction for visitors, showcasing the colour and vibrancy Auckland has to offer. People gravitated towards the 2009 Fiesta because all the activities at the top of Western Park were very visible from Ponsonby Road and the committee expects the same will happen this year.

SHOWING AT SMYTH GALLERIES Dick Frizzell and Rugby World Cup 2011 Dick Frizzell, New Zealand’s iconic artist has excelled himself again by producing a series of typically striking screen prints to celebrate Rugby World Cup, 2011. These consist of a limited edition, boxed set of six (plus one free) hand-signed prints as well as separate images, ‘Haka Lyrics’ and ‘Old Boots.’ These commemorative prints are highly-collectable as striking mementos of this wonderful tournament. And immediately Richie McCaw holds the Webb Ellis Trophy aloft on 23 October, they will double in value! PN SMYTH GALLERIES, 41 Jervois Road T: 09 360 6044; M: 021 598 009 www.smythgalleries.co.nz

Andrew Fagan performed at the first Fiesta and looks forward to doing so again. He loves playing in public for free because he is not preaching to the converted, but to a different audience that is given the opportunity to see artists they wouldn’t normally seek out. He says some will like what he is doing and some won’t because music is very subjective. I also spoke to Martin Richard from Jupiter Project who agreed. His trio plays alternative Indie rock, a genre that not everybody at the Fiesta will be familiar with. All in all there will be ten different performances so there’s bound to be something for all musical tastes. The mission statement of the Toi Ora Live Art Trust is “Inspiring Well Being through Creativity”. It runs programmes by qualified teachers that aim to develop people’s artistic interests that include creative writing, painting, print making, life drawing, computer studies, music, mosaic, and drama in a safe environment for those who suffer or have suffered mental illness. Artist, Tricia Hall’s first solo exhibition opening at the Toi Ora Gallery on 11 October is at 5pm to 7pm and will run till 11 November. ‘interpretations of text’ explores ways of telling her journey to wellness through creativity and is part of Mental Health Awareness Week. All are welcome and for further information on this and other MHWA events please contact Erwin van Asbeck on T: 09 360 4171; M: 021 141 9555 or Erwin@toiora.org.nz (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



PONSONBY MARKET DAY Saturday 24 September

It was a beautiful uplifting spring day for last month’s Market Day. There was plenty of entertainment, stores had bargains galore and people were happy and glad to be part of the vibe. The next street party is planned for Saturday 22 October. For more information, see the PBA’s website www.iloveponsonby.co.nz PN

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Starring: Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Kathy Bates; Director: Woody Allen; Season starts: 20 October; Rating: PG - Sexual references

Woody Allen’s film warmest, mellowest and funniest venture in years is a romantic comedy set in Paris about a family that goes there because of business, and two young people who are engaged to be married in the fall have experiences there that change their lives. It’s about a young man’s great love for a city, Paris, and the illusion people have that a life different from theirs would be much better.


Starring: Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon and Claire Keelan; Director: Michael Winter -bottom; Season starts: 20 October; Rating: M offensive language, sexual references and drug use

Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon reprise their hilariously fictionalised roles from Tristam Shandy: a cock and bull story and reunite with acclaimed director Michael Winterbottom for an acerbically witty, largely improvised ride through the English countryside. Tapped by The Observer to review fine restaurants throughout the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales, Steve finds himself without a travelling companion after his girlfriend decides not to go at the last minute. After being turned down by everyone else he knows, Steve extends an invitation to Rob, and together the pair attempt to navigate the winding back roads of rural England, impersonating popular celebrities such as Michael Caine, Woody Allen and Liam Neeson (among many others) and bickering along the way. RIALTO CINEMAS, 167 – 169 Broadway T: 09 369 2417 www.rialto.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




photography: Sandra Mu/Roving Pictures

ANNIE GET YOUR GUN Until 12 October WHEN BARBARA SMITH APPROACHED BLACK ASTERISK GALLERY OWNER and photographer, Stuart Broughton, she revealed she was something of an amateur photographer, having as a young woman worked in the darkroom of an aerial mapping company. As a result she had a large collection of images from around rural North Island, including the Coromandel, from the 50s and 60s. Within a few weeks Broughton and Smith were meeting on a park bench in Thames and a box of albums were handed over.

Left to right: artist NATALIE STAMILLA, PETER HARRIS - CEO of Contractors Bonding Limited, MICHAEL JONES and SIR BRIAN LOCHORE

MICHAEL JONES SCULPTURE AT EDEN PARK AUCKLAND ARTIST NATALIE STAMILLA’S BRONZE SCULPTURE OF EX ALL BLACK Michael Jones diving across the try line at the inaugural 1987 Rugby World Cup was unveiled on 26 August by rugby legend, Sir Brian Lochore at a ceremony that took place at Eden Park. Also in attendance at the event were Michael Jones and John Hart. The sculpture design is based on a photograph of the iconic image that was captured by Geoff Dale, Natalie’s father, who worked as a press photographer during the 1987 Rugby World Cup tournament and is the result of more than two years of efforts by the artist to design, secure funding and sculpt.

photography: Jo Barrett

The sculpture stands more than three metres high, and 4.2 metres long and weighs close to 1 tonne – which is approximately three-times the combined weight of the current New Zealand rugby team’s forward pack. The sculpture is placed on permanent loan and displayed at the redeveloped Eden Park just outside Entrance C of the ASB Stand on Walters Road. PN

These black and white images of small town New Zealand, lifted directly from the family album had a point of difference, a sense of unexpected documentary about them; observations from within the daily fabric of life at that time, with Barbara bringing a softer view than perhaps an outsider with a more socially critical eye or taste for sensationalism might have bought. “I chose these images,” Broughton says, “because of their ability to narrate, for unusualness for the time, or peculiar expectations of the taker, the idea they step outside the standards of the time. For the swagger, spirit, coolness and, what I guess I’m summing up, for ‘an attitude’ The family photograph album is a means by which we reconstruct our past where memories are forever lodged in each, mostly ordinary and occasionally extraordinary. This is Barbara Smith’s story: family, friends, cars, walks in the country, ski trips, Christmas parades, high-jinx, autumn harvests. Memories of a gentler time and place, where people are, as Stuart puts it, ‘getting on with the hard work, having a good time where possible’. Hard work and simple good fun, Annie Get Your Gun reveals images of mid-century New Zealand rural life. PN BLACK ASTERISK GALLERY 10 Ponsonby Road, M: 021 040 1168 www.blackasterisk.co.nz





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photography: Jo Barrett

Ponsonby, Thursday 8 September 1. Ponsonby Primary School band ‘The Marimbians’; 2. Jonny Brooking and Stella Sillamaa; 3. Rita Luck and Geoff Maddock; 4. Jacqui Sturm, Sean Sturm and Darryn Harkness; 5. Kate Parsons, Rachel White, Lisa Crooke and Keren Blakey; 6. Darryn Harkness and Stuart Broughton; 7. The Band - ‘Salon Kingsadore’. PN

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STEPPING OUT WITH EDWARD K’ROAD IS HALFWAY BETWEEN BEING AN URBAN street and a small town centre, having an example of every type of building that has historical importance. When the K’Rd Business Association asked local resident, Edward Bennett if there was anything he might suggest that would be an improvement, his response was “well you could get the fountain going.” A fountain in K’Road? Yes, the Greer Twiss bronze sculpture on the corner of Symonds Street and K’Road is actually a fountain. It hadn’t been operating for eighteen years and everyone except Edward had forgotten about it. Subsequently he started writing pieces of history in the Association’s newsletter that he hopes to eventually have published in book form. The next logical step was to do guided Heritage walks along the famous, and at times, infamous street that have proved very popular. The Ponsonby Business Association decided to sponsor similar tours by Edward around the Three Lamps area. He believes his book and tours are essential in preserving the history of early Auckland because so many older buildings have survived here, unlike the destruction that has occurred in the city centre. The two walks seem to go hand in hand because the two roads are obviously interconnected and actually complement each other. K’Road has lost most of its residential buildings because of the advent of the motorway and the development of light industry whereas Ponsonby still has older houses that are occupied by families. Apparently Grey Lynn with nine hundred acres is the largest concentration of wooden Victorian Houses in the world, which seems unlikely till you look at a city such as San Francisco where former continuous stretches of wooden houses are broken up by a large number of buildings from the fifties and sixties. The number of substantially unaltered Victorian houses in Grey Lynn is worthy of note. Because Ponsonby Road is so long Edward concentrates on Three Lamps and its close environs. The K’Road walk is very condensed because there’s a lot of visual variation in a relatively small area and there’s much to expound upon within virtually a quarter of a mile round trip. Most importantly, the verandahs provide shelter when it rains.

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On the other hand Ponsonby’s historic buildings and sites are very spread out which can be quite problematic give the vagaries of Auckland’s climate. The Ponsonby tour starts at Three Lamps by the former Post Office where the Post Master, Mr Braithwaite was murdered with a gunshot fired by a robber, who was eventually apprehended and convicted by fingerprint evidence, the technique used for the first time in New Zealand. Edward imparts a wealth of historic information about name changes. How Ponsonby was once named Dedwood and Ponsonby Road was called Van de Leur. He surmises that people probably came to the conclusion it would be easier to sell real estate in an area named Ponsonby rather than Dedwood. From Three Lamps he proceeds down St Mary’s Bay Road and talks about the Roman Catholic complex that Bishop Pompallier established then back towards the Leys Institute, the former Gluepot, the Alhambra, which started life as a roller skating rink, and other points of interest winding up at Franklin Road. Edward’s free guided tours last for a maximum of two hours which is about as long as people can concentrate, especially in the open air with traffic noise and possibly inclement weather. He has been fascinated by history ever since he was a small boy and feels very strongly about the need to preserve tangible examples that still stand. There’s one he is particularly concerned about, a significant building on Richmond Road, Carlile House. Out of all the buildings that need attention in Auckland, Carlile House is the one that is in most danger. Once an orphanage for boys, next a home for recovering alcoholics administered by the Salvation Army, then sold to The Tongan Church next door for a pittance. It’s in a state of hideous disrepair but restored, would be an asset to Grey Lynn instead of a crumbling ruin and eyesore. It’s unbelievable that it might stand for only a few more years unless the disintegration is stopped. Perhaps a petition to save it might be mounted and Council persuaded to address the problem. Whatever, something should be done to save this unique building of historical significance. Edward’s free guided tours run throughout the year and bookings are essential. For K’Road walks call T: 09 377 5086 or Ponsonby Walks call T: 09 360 9301 (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) PN



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