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One of the women participating in the 10,000 Women program sponsored by Goldman Sachs to help build female entrepreneurship in the developing world at her fashion design business in Lagos, Nigeria.

U . S . I N T E R N AT I O N A L P H I L A N T H R O P Y

Private Aid at Work

U.S. philanthropic organizations continue to reinvent international development assistance. From the innovative use of business techniques in the philanthropic model, to the growing involvement of individuals, corporations and religious congregations in development projects, to an increased emphasis on sustainability and accountability, private giving continues to evolve at an astounding pace. The following pages measure the giving by key segments of private donors—foundations, corporations, private and voluntary organizations, colleges and universities, and religious congregations. They also contain stories that illustrate innovative philanthropy projects around the world that are successfully challenging the paradigm of poverty. FUNDING INNOVATION

Foundations: $3.3 Billion Independent, community, and grant-making operating foundations in the United States gave a total of $3.3 billion to developing countries in 2007, according to Foundation Center research conducted for the Center for Global Prosperity. This represents a three percent increase over a revised 2006 total of $3.2 billion 22

The Index of Global Philanthropy and Remittances

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