PLUS Model Magazine - July 2014 Issue

Page 94

Kris: I had an amazing time during the shoot... I absolutely

has helped me r

love to get dolled up! The part I love the most about my

are, as long as y

profession is being a positive role model for girls and women

confidence will s

all over the world and letting them know that sexy does not have a specific size!

Maddy: Size div

How do you feel Maddy: Your figure is absolutely amazing. Can you give us

your work mark

some insight into your beauty and health regimen? | jul 2014


inspiration + style

Kris: I love it! I t Kris: Thank you! I try and eat a healthy diet. Although I do

are now acceptin

indulge, I indulge in moderation. I work out at the gym at

too! I love bein

least 3 times a week, and enjoy my veggie greens!

girls to see and

my picture and Maddy: There are many beautiful plus size models around

very rewarding.

the world, what qualities do you believe you must have to really make it?

Get to Kno

Kris: In order to really make it, you have to really want it! Success takes hard work and you have to be able to commit

Can’t leave the

yourself and push through the rejections that come along

Chapstick, purse

the way. Maintaining a positive attitude is also a huge part of this business and can take you far. You need to be self-

The last movie I

motivated and try and push for your goals, while stopping

“That’s My Boy”

at nothing.

If I were not a m Maddy: You exude happiness and confidence, how do you

An advertising s

maintain a positive attitude towards your body?

My personal sty Kris: I have struggled with an eating disorder in the past.

Very girly

I used to think that to be considered beautiful I had to be skinny. It took a long while, but I realized that beauty

My idea of a pe

isn’t just on the outside; beauty comes from within. Once

Relaxing and spe

I learned that, loving and accepting myself followed, and

and my boyfrien

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