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One prediction that arises from the

in this study

diagnostic substitution hypothesis is

was small

that the increase in autism prevalence

this research

in recent years will have been

adds weight

accompanied by a corresponding

to the

decrease in the prevalence of other


disabilities. There is some evidence


that this is the case. For example, one


Diagnostic substitution: When one diagnosis is replaced by a different diagnosis because of improved understanding and/or changing diagnostic criteria.

study performed in the United States investigated the prevalence of disabilities

If changing diagnostic criteria are

among children in special needs

largely responsible for the increase in

education from 1984-2003. It was found

identified cases of autism then when

that increases in autism prevalence were

the same criteria are applied over time

significantly associated with decreases

the prevalence of autism should remain

in the number of recorded cases of

the same. Chakrabarti & Fombonne

intellectual disabilities over this time5.

(2005) repeated a study they had previously performed several years before

Other studies have attempted to

of autism prevalence among children

determine whether the broadening

in Stafford. They rigorously applied the

of diagnostic criteria is responsible for

same methods for autism diagnosis

the increase in autism prevalence by

they had previously used to a group

applying modern criteria for autism

of children born during a later period.

to people who had previously been

The prevalence figure for the later study

diagnosed with other behavioural

remained the same which argued

and intellectual disabilities. Bishop

against a genuine increase in the

et al. (2008) applied contemporary

incidence of autism6.

diagnostic criteria for autism to a group of adults who had been diagnosed

Another way of attempting to determine

with language disorders as children .

if there is a real increase in the

Developmental language disorders are

occurrence of autism is to compare the

often diagnosed when a child has major

prevalence of autism among young

problems acquiring spoken language

and old age groups using the same

and as such have a degree of overlap

diagnostic criteria. A real increase should

with the symptoms of autism. Bishop et

be reflected by a higher rate of autism in

al. (2008) found that a number of these

the younger group. A large-scale survey

adults would have been diagnosed with

of autism prevalence rates in the UK by

autism by today’s diagnostic criteria .

the NHS in association with the University

Although the number of people used

of Leicester in 2009 was the first major




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