Times journal v 9 no 45 jul 22, 1954

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22, 1954

~'''"''''"'' 18

VOL. 9, NO. 45








Bethel Benefit Big Success; I Proceeds More Than $2,

b Has .. rvu~e

The profesRional wrestling and boxing· .show held P."~ 0 111 house guests of Mr. June 26th at the Bethel High Schon} Gvm. for th~ and Mrs. Victor Bolenbaugh was benefit of the lighted field, ranJrnd high not o~ly ?.R Mrs. Ethel LaFollette, former an r.ntertainment event, but w:as a most prof1ta.!ble schoolmate of Mrs. Bolen. one as well. An ex_cellent crowd Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erickson

Sensing the modern "do it yourself" movement. which ·is sweeping the nation, 0. P. Johnson has opened the Hobby club to give people a chance to do handicraft of all kinds without having to invc·st large sums in tools and equipment. In ad· dition to providing the nf'cessary faciliLies for the various activities which will develop, thr: shop will carry in stock the needed materials and supplies.

was on hand to view the fast moving houts. The committee in charge extends sincere thanks to Charlie McPhail for all that he contributed in making the show the success that it was. Also, th1:rn.ks to Davie Ward and his l'}pys~ Clt!.b, ·Harold Bi~d and Pa:av() ;Ketonen for their participation in the show .. To Pat McMurtry,. Tacoma, and Bi_ll Parker of Fort .Lewis for their fine exhibition bout; and to .the wrestlers, Bronco Lubich, "Scotty" Williams, Al Friedell, Fra:nk Schneider; and to Arnold Snell for his exhibition of strength. And the spotlight rests on Ray Kelly, the m":11 who knows .everyone, for his superb job as master of ceremonies. Also, we wish to thank all those who cooperated so he8:rtily in selling tickPts, donating food and special awards; and especially those worn.en who sacrifired seeing the show to work in the kitchen. We are deeply grateful to The Times-Journal for all the cooperation extended us in PU?· licizing the show, once agam proving its worth as a community newspai:;er. M M tri ,, "Breakfast Wlth . c ur e also gave us ·a 10 t 0 f good advertising which was very much appreciated. anks 'Last, but not least, our th to Moss, Adan;is & Company, Certified . Publi<: Acc~untan,ts,

Mr. and Mrs. Art Crate CPA Report Bethel Athletic Field Fund, Graham, Washington. Atten: Mrs. Art Crate, Ticket Chairman. Gentlemen: We have examined the re'cords of the Bethel Athletic Field Fundfor lhe wrestling and boxing exhibition held June 26, 1954, and have prepared therefrom the summary below. We traced recorded receipts to the bank, examined suppliers' statements for the expenses incurred and count~ ed unused tickets numbering 726, including ten outstanding. Income: Tickets ..........................$1,849.00 Food ............................ 111.66 Cake Auction .............. 98.25 Pop .....:. ........................ 23.20 Total Receipts ........$2,082.11 Expenses: ]food and Supplies .... 8'2.00 Net Receipts In .Nat'l. Bruik of Wash.. $2,000.11 Very truly ·yours, Moss, Adams & Co. By: George F. Fisher.

they graciously donated to our T.aco. m··a·,.·fo··.r.··.•.•.. t.h·'·e.1r a.u·di·..t. w.·hi.·ch worthy cause. . . . The community spmt.·was at an all time 11i(;\h, and tha,t alone,

help 1Jhe · Lacarnas comoand. . .•.f.··.····Do·····n. M•.cL.•.•el..la·.·n.d.'s o.rc.h estra munity have a bigger and bet· ter fair than ever ·· · ' · ·· '

Fern Hill Pioneer Days

Hardy Pi.oneers AH




As their pioneering predecessors might have viewed with delight the en-d of the long, long trail 100 years and more ago as they arrived at the present site of Fern Hill, so these go-getting members of ·the G.reater Fern Hill Association relax in a pleasant Seaman- James N. Elston, son of Mr.. and Mrs.· Lowell E. Elston, Spanaway, recently received the Navy Good Conduct Medal for three years exemplary conduct. Elston· is serving aboard the attack <Urcraft carried USS Essex.

Fern Hill Pioneer Days

Builders Of

Homes, Garages and Farm• Buildings..

&aaniii 8669

s LUMBER CO., Work is like play

when you use


material from Brookdale Lumber.

Per 100 Sq. Ft.


Regular No. 4


" " " "



.. $2Q95 Each


12c .. . " 5c .. .. $1J)0 " .. 10c " l3c 1ill

" "'

Sq. Ft.

Per Bunrl'e









" Ill

Sq. Ft.


.. " ..


Free Estimates low As $5~00 Per Month


.M. "d·1· •..·.· .· . ,J ·news g I· anu

136th & Pcmific

Avi.· ·.


T ·--·


nhn.ne::ti 1••-••-

GR 3221

Smorgasbord Dinner Su.mday. July 25 Rodger Lunde post No. 5052, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and its auxiliary \vill hold a smor· gasbord dinner on Sunday, July 25, from 1 until 4 p.m. in the Veterans hall, 11102 South Yakima Ave. The menu will include ham, spaghetti, home baked beans, salad, rolls, cake and coffee. Working on the committee are Mr. and Mrs. Guy Steele, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ake;s.

esters 25c lb~

I •

North of the Bank Corner


Values to 5.00

Whole or Half

(Gay Espadrille. Patio Cool, Sunny Step, Capri Shell)

Regular 5.95


Mens Booster Keds and Ladies Booste:rettes 3.99

'"'--JJ. .. ~-g's




'Reg. 2.99

Reg. 3,95

----··---Boys Tennis Shoes -···------'--·-------------··--········-----2.99. -

.. -Girls Strap Reds -·----···------··--·~-----·-----· ........ !.2.49 --------·- - - , · - - - - - - · - - ------------------


Values to 8.00

Ladies Wedges ·----------·--·-·--·-------------------·-------·3.99 ---Ladies & Teenage Flats -------------------............. 2.99 ·---------------.-------------



]\/[ens Oxfords --------'----··--·----·------- .. 4.99 and 6.99 '·-----·-···-- ------- -Childrcns Cowboy Boots .. : ............. 2.99 and 3.99


Savings Up To 80o/o


11230 Pacific Ave.



Children's Barefoot Sandals ... c....... .11.99 --'--

GR 5524



Ladies U.S. Kedettes _____________ ·--·--·····-·----------.. 2.99

.Fresh Fryers


ii r'


38c lb .

[ THE onster


Canvas and leather Summer Sho~s For All The Family .••

Cut-Up Hens


11 004 Pacific: Ave.


New Daughter

HElP KEEP WASHINGTON GREfN HOME FIRES! Place your cleaning in experienced hands. Cleaning fluid is a hazard in any home. For fine deaning and courteous

di•·.··.. ·.·.·•·.·•.·.• ·•.•

Howie •Sno\Vd~n, !11anager• of the Parkland branch of Nation- · al Bank of Washington, has been passing out cigars in celebration of the arrival of a new daughter Wednesday, July 14. She has been named Wendy Ann and is welcomed into the home by two· brolhcrs and a Sister. Mr. and Mrs. Snowden and family live at 7924 Golden Given road.

First Meeting



tor. Go where they ~ choosing·a·.·f·u·n era·l . park-out of th(! traffic, Trav Dey« · · · '

j " 1'ir:-and Mrs. Ray Corbett'

Professional Directory


Benefit DW'l!ce The Lacamas Community club is sponsoring a benefit dance Saturday evening July· 24 in ' ' the Lacamas Community. hall. Proceeds will be used in financing the 19th LlfCamru; Com· munity fair and .. the public is , . urged to turn out, elljoy an Consnder Cogv:emence evening of dancing to th.e music · .for your friends wheJI




&R 8669

o :·

baugh's at · nurse's training school.· They had not seen each other since 1931. Miss Edna Homan of Milton has also been visiting at the Bolenbaugh home. Register Nowl Now is the time before election day to register to vote, or to chµnge to your right precinct if that is necessary. Mrs. Martin Gibbons, of Gibbons Food Center, next to the post office, is regis:trar for Spanaway precincts. Suncl<iy Mass St. Benedict's parish will have 8 a.m. mass . at Marymount chapel and 10:30 a.m. mass at the field house. Attends Girls State Miss Joy Barsotti, popular daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Joe Barsotti, · is home from a marvelous week at Girls State at Ellensburg. Joy was chosen from a group of girls to represent this district. While there, she was elected State Representative of Girls State. We !l.l'e all very proud of Joy!

Thanks again to each and .• e"ery'one ·1 ma····.·· •. • . ·•.• ·.·d . •. •.•.e...·.•. .·•.•t···········tun··· .· ·••·•·of · .•.·f·.· · · ·you. o· r.• e•. v.e· ·.r· ·.y· · ·.·.·.o·n· ·.e•. . ·.·..... · ···.···•··.•. .· .

.. A.· ful..l.da. Y... o.f ex.citing evente; . . • discus.·s. . .i·o·.n.•. was he....l.d 011·. · . th.e·.· •.j•.u. . dg·..•.., , M..ai:I~?...~• .c. orrl!Jlln is ass.ured for A~g..1, "?th base, ing at Elk Plain • and Fors · GRanite· 8545 ball, Jamboree, p1cmc dm:ier an.d Hatchery. Leader, . ]'v1rs. Bert · . . , . . foot races at Harmon Field. . Badham assisted them on their 4-H: Campsters will leave August 2 through 7 will find record 'book and · President next We(!k for five days of funthe Greater Douglas Sh?ws Gaty Lincoln' presided over the ~med c~mping _at Millersylvanproviding all kinds of carm:-r~l business meeting. The next tp. State park, sit~ of the Pt~rce features, at So. 88th and. Pac1f1c meeting will be at the home of Count:i: Camp. Midland 4-H ers a.venue, the same loca~1on oc- Bob McMann. Members Present attendmg_ arc Carolynne B~rk cupied by the Fern Hill cele- were Bob McMann, Steven and of the M1.dland Girls 4oH; Nma bration last year. . Gµry Fors, Gary Lincoln, Dick Ayers, Eh~abeth Well' an~ Mar-. There will also be ?oaths dis,- and Bob Badham, Ronald lene Corrigan of the Midland pla;,ri,ng the merchandise of b:im- Brown and Mrs. Badham. Re- C:lover club; Mrs. Walter Corness houses of the commumty. freshments were served at the r1gan, chaperone, and son, Pat. Tom Stone and Roy Fromader close. Cruise h'1.ve charp;e of the booths and . . Pierce County Senior 4-H'ers C. L. Drew is button chairman. Entertain Friends enjoying their cruise on the A detailed program of PiThe Gerald Root home \Wis Gallant Lady recently and one.er Days will appear in next host to the Pinochle club last couldn't have picked a better week's Times-Journal. Saturday. The evening was spent date. The next big event schedplaying cards with Mr. Cordes ulcd for this group is their anthe winner of the evening prize. nual picnic to be held at Lake Refreshments were served at V\Tilderness, Sunday, August 8. An afternoon games party the close of the evening. Those Save the date and come out and will be enjoyed by the Tacoma present were Mr. and Mrs. have a grand time. Midlanders Toddlers Cootiette club No. 227 Thomas Elsdon, Mr. and Mrs. seen on the cruise were Sharon Thursday the 29lh in the William Westman, Mr. and Mrs. ron Eshpeter, Marline Spearhome of Mrs. Robert A .. O'Bryc John Harber, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. man Janet Spearman Lorant, 1624 South 113'.h street. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Ar.t Lincoln, rain~ Beshal!'r and Marlene .Preceding the party, luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Bert Badham, Mr. Corrigan. Chaperones on the will be served by the hostess and Mrs. Karl Cordes, and the cruise were Mr.· and Mrs. Ernie hostess. Hopp and Mrs. G. Haakenson. at 12 o'clock noon. Back From Camping Sympathy Neil Hanson, Asa Pronovost Deep sympathy goes out to ii.nd Karl Cordes just returned . the H. Lanz family from their from a week of camping at the: many friends on the death of Pierce County Y.M.C.A. Camp their mother and father the at Lake Tapps. Swimming and past week. Funeral services were hilting and handicraft, plus held for the mother Wednesday plenty of good food, kept the morning and for the father FriINSURANCE boys busy and happy. day morning from the St. John CLAY ROLEY AGENCY of the Woods church. Besides Been Anywhere? Luke, Ann, Theresa and Kath98th and Portland Avenue Have you been anywhere this leen of the family home, there GR. 8501 summer? Have you had any out are seven children married. of town company? Did you have ROY V. ROSTEDT AGENCY a nice vacation? We would like 8201 Park Avenue to have more news il'bout more Phone HA 2342 people here in our Woodland The first meeting of the Spandistrict and we would especial- away Outboard association will ED MAREK ly like: to hear from our new- be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Farmers Mutual of Enumclaw comers, so call mr: at 5-2511 so July 23, at the Spanaway fire FIRE· AUTO I may ~include you in our col- hall. All interested persons are invited. The association was orGR 4000 u.mn. 12909 Pacific Ave. ganized recei1tly to work out a program for use of Spanawav lake which will insure its enjoyment by all.



Standings as of Saturday night in the Pee Wee Baseball league of Franklin Pierce district .are 'as follows: Parkland Fuel Oil W L McCay's ............................ 4 1 Johnson's Drug ................ 2 2 Parkland Active Club .... Z 3 Parkland Fire Dept. ........ 1 2 Parkland Area Kiwanis..... 1 2 Playground Hours New playground hours at Parkland school !l,re: Mond,ay, Wednesday, .Friday, 10 a.m, to 12 noon and, 1. to 4:30 p.fu.; Sat' !lrday, 10 1,1.m. to 12 noon. .

president, is general chairman for the affair. A big parade is planned for· July 31, starting at 1 . p.m. at ···South 85'th and Park ·avenue, Mrs. Carl Ce>rdes thence north on Park to 72nd, P!.!yalllJP 5:.25.11 east to Pacific, south to 84th · and back. . to . the Fern Hill Members of the Breckon 4-H school. f!arry Hold~en is par- group .held a meeting at. the , i:u:!e .chairman, Entpes .·!\re wel- hq;ri:ie of 'R.onald J3rown \,Vhere ·1 •; C()IJ1e_; anythi?g, in westem 0~.future pl!ins for camp'3,t]'v1illp.r- . ..• . . ·· old•time lJ].C!t!f lf! ay}frgpnl\!(!, ~s)V]vania were discussim, af:;<' •.• • • ·.•



Pee Wee Baseball

Fern Hill Pioneer Days, the annual com~unity celebration sponsored by the Gre:;i-ter Fern J:Iill aR~ sociation, will .offer a we~k of fme entertam:nt;nt, July 31 to August 7. Claude Stafford, as&oc1ation



rustic scene as they complete plans for the 3rd Annual Fern Hill Pioneer Days, July 31 - Aug. 7. Left to right are pictured: Krteeling, Garry Holdren and Mrs. C. L. Drew; on horses, Harry Holdren and Claude Stafford, president of GRHA and general chairman for Pioneer Days; stand.irtg, Mrs. Holdren, Mrs. Claude Stafford, C. ·L. Drew, Mrs.. Waldren, Carl Waldren and Thomas Stone. Photo by McKewen Studio

Fern Hill Pioneer Days lebratio11 Coming Soon

Lin. Ft.


Mrs. Oliver Omat GRanite 6466

This week marks the opening the Tahoma Hohhy club at 820 South 107th St., a projed which is sure to be of interest to a lot of Parkland peoplf'.

advertising appearing in week's Times-Journal there will be found su~gcstions for ma:ny interesting and worthwhile arts and crafts. Anyonl'.' with a little spare time ma:v find a hobby which will be both pleasant and rewarding.


Spanaway News

SHOE· STORE. ~· ~ f'A]WILY .· CR3$26 Open 10~6


411 Ca.di~h:I

across fro:gi

Parkla,~d ]?Q,st


I I r


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