Times journal v 7 no 44 jul 17, 1952

Page 3


Billings, Mo., to see Mr. Bolte's father and mother, who had just celebrated , their 60th wedding anniversary, going by way of Spokane and through IdaBarbara Cordes, 5-2511 ho,'Montana and Wyoming. While in (Continued from Page One) Karl E. Cordes, father of Karl H. Wyoming, they visited Yellowstone Cordes, passed away at a local hos- Nat10nal park where the; saw the ereign state of Washington." The eoitor of the ·Spokesman-Re- pita! last Saturday morning following Emerald pool, Mormng C'.lory pool, view, another anti-Ike paper, called a sudden illness. Mr, Cordes lived here Yellowstone lake, Old Faithful and Eastv0ld a "39-year'old boy wonder." for the past three years, coming from many other geysers. From t.herc they went through (Actually he's 32.) However, he ad- Holyoke, Mass. He is survived by his mitted that Don "bested such veterans mother, Mrs. F. D. Cordes of New ~~uth _DaKota and the Back Hills. York Ci.ty; two sons, Karl of Puyall hey VlSltcd the famous Mount Rusha1 Senator Everett Dirksen in the 'now lup and Wayne of South Hadley Falls, rnorr; and sa':' !he four faces. Tl:ey bi~toric fight before the convention." One AP dispatch circulated across Mass.; a brother, Frank, of Holyoke, contmued their Journey to Rush Ci~y, j\.f mn., where they stayc_d a week visthr. nation, said, none mnn to eme.1·ge and four grandchildren. During his illness his son, Wayne, itmg re!ativcs there. 1hen wci.1l. to suddenly .into prominence in the fight · t b y U n1"t·ecl A" l' t o b P Des Momes, Iowa, where was Statq Senator Donald· Eastvold of came wcs · ·l" . h they · ~)'l vmtcd . . 1 r\11 "th l · B · 1 ·11 h .· trS1nesth H cl tic s great-aunt, w o is . · · yen IS SEATTLE.' (How about that?) WI urn. una WI ~ in ou a ~ old. 'From' there they went to. Billings, Hundreds of telegrams and letters ley Falls cemetery. His son Karl re- M d · 't d M B It ' f ti' r.. 0 . cs . a_ 1 c~ have poured Jn"' on the senator from turne<l east Saturday night on the J. o., an _ visi c_ United Airlines to attend the services. and mothc':" While staymg m Missoun people who liked what they saw. Most ·"th h" f ·1 they cxpenencecl temperatures of 105 of them misspelled his name. One ad- an cl b c WI IS ami Y· .in the shade. dressed his \vlre sin1ply. "Eisenhower Celebrate Birthday On the way home, they went :Supporter, Chicago." Miss J anct Swalander celebrated through Greensburg, Kan., where they Eastvold, who returned with his her sixth birthday with a party. The saw the largest hand-dug well in the wife end Gov. Langlic amid consider- aftci-noon was spent playing games and world, and also saw tlw largest palliable fanfare Monday night, is invit- ca.ting ir.e f'.ream and r:ake. The follow- site meteorite, vvhich w_as on display ing Republicans of the 29th district to ing- children attenclccl: Cindy Woods, there. The hand-dug well_ was cona picnic in his yard tomorrow night Forry and Gail Thompson, Caren and strueled in 1887 and finished in 1888. at 5:30. Randy Hess, Carol, Danny and Chris- The huge excavation, 32 feet in diaty Cordes, Donnie, Candy and Mary meter and 109 feet deep, bas 25 feet Rushton, Pnry and Debbie Rushton, of fresh. pure water in it tocl:w. They Rev. Graham and wife, who 1·0- Kathy and Teddy Mullins and Janet went then to the world famous Boot cently returned from n1issionary \vork Swalander. Also attending- were Mes- Hill in Dodi.;c City, Kan. This is in Brazil, ·wi11 show a n1ovie on their dames Kathryn Thompson, Maudine where the cowboys were buried with work in Brazil to n1en1bers of C~alvary Rushton, Evelyn Hess and Oscar Swa- their boots on. They visited Estes park in Colo, Pentecostal church and friends Friday, fonder. Long Vacation Trip raclo, which is one of the most bcau.July 1 7, at 7 p. m, The public is invited. Frcd Bolte and three daughters, tiful parks they 5'~w; !hey w;nt Alice, Esther and Freda, arc· home through Salt Lake C1ty,,Utah; gomg Good luck of some men consists in again after a long vacation trip to up Un·?ugh Idaho and mto Oregon. not getting what they deserve. · the East. They left June J4. to go to While m Portland, they attended, one ::;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;";;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;";;;~ clay of the Apostohslic Faith Camp •' d Meeting convention which is being held at this time. They returned home July 6, after a very enjoyable trip, in time lo celebrate Mr. and Mts. Fred .Bolte's own wedding anniversary, which was their 30th. Vacation News Three members of the Robert Collier family, Mr., Mrs. and daughter, Mrs. Sylvia Johnson, took an extensive trip during the last quarter.of June, totaling- 1,800 miles. Their first stop was Coulee Darn, Wash .• vvhcrc they rested a day at the home of their daughter, Violet, and son-iu-la\V, A. R. BrechtbilL Violet joining them the next day, they proceeded as a quartet to Vale, Ore., visiting friendly neighbors of 4·0 years' standing-. • On their return, they took in all the natural and man-made grandeur of the finished Columbia River Basin project. They had nude the same trip a decadl'. ago, when the vast £.!Crcagc that recently came under C. R. irrigation wns p:1rchcd land, and no\v, throug·h harnessing· that n1ighty river, by the creation of Coulee dam-commonly called the 8th World Wonderhas become an astonishingly fruitful cxpansr. Various shades of green crops arc relieving each other: alfalfa, peas, sugar beets, onions and potatoes. This colossal lransfonnalion calls lo mind the prophecy for our time: "The desert shall blossom as the rose." When the eye beholds a prophecy, it becomes a physicol fact.

Don Eastvold

CANYON ROAD Mrs. K. W. Struensee - GR 5742

Mr. and Mr;, Harvey Dodd, general chairmen of the Canyon Road Community club smorgasbord dinner that was held July 13, wish to thank all con11nittec 111c1nbcrs and the 1nany friends who participated in making this affair a success. Rccovcrlnv; W c arc glad to report that Mrs. L. R. Field, of East 72nd St., is doing very well after her recent accident, in \.vhieh she sustained bru_iscs and a cracked rib. Take it easy, Mrs. Field. ,. Vacation for Clubs The Canyon Road Community club and the Ladies auxiliary have decla rt>d n varation for the gumrncr. The fall activities for the auxiliary will begin September 25, and the Community club October 9. Mark your calendar. No Dance 'This Month Mrs. Raval Latterell announces that there wi'll be no dance this month. The next dance will be held August 16.

One--Coat Wall and Ceiling Finish 97c0f. ·S2.98Gal. Outside White 97c Of. S2.98GaL Also Special Prices General Paint Close-Out Items 0-CELLO SPONGE



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b. cing.,used in Korea as troop and car-1 go Larriers. Its cargo capacity exceeds 15 tons and its capacity as a troop carrier is 62 fully armed men. One of the details in which the. Flying Van differs from the :Flying Boxcar is that all its fuel is carried in two. pods suspended from the wings··· When the Van is used in cambnt areas the ~xternal tanks will.be covered with a self-scaling substance designed to reduce greatly the fire hazard. The new plane has much larger wings than the Boxcar, thus reducing the required take-off run and landing speed and 'increasing the payload. Other new features include .a "beavcrtail" rear door, which divides horizontally ratlwr than vertically and can he opened in flight. The C-119H is powered by 3,500 horsepower Wright turbo-compound engines and has four-hbclcd propcllors 15 feet in diameter. The wingspan 1+8 fret. (AFPS)

You're Losing Money If You_ Ignore Waiver Rrrnrds of each Service reveal that tens of thousands of scrviccn1cn arc 1of;ing n1oney hy fnilin~ to \vaivc their .NSLl terrn insurance prerniun1s. If )''Ou are_ an NSLI tcnn insurance policy holder, you should request a \vaivcr of prcn1iun1 )if you have:: nnt aln·ady done so) from yonr personnel officer. Al the same ti111c you .~hou)d discontinue your -prcrniu1n a1lot1nc-nt. If you don't, you're needlessly thro\Ving away tnoney. Servicemen who held NSLI term

405 Garfield






Leave Parkland Post Office to Spanaway

Leave Spanaway

Leave 96th and Pacific

A. M.

A. M.

A. M.





P. M.

P. M.







s s

6:48 via A & Eye *7:00 via A & C 7:28 via Croft & Eye 8:05 via A & Eye 8:41 via Ains. - 96th 10:13 via A & Eye 10:50 via 9&th - Ains. 11:58 via A & C

P. M. M-Comiects with McChord Field Bus.

1:12 via Eye & Croft 1 :45 via Ains. ~ 96th S-Through to Spanaway via Loop Road 2:35 via Eye & A 3:4-5 via Eye & A (*) Monday through Friday only 4':23 via Ains. - 96th 4:59 via Eye & A (All others daily except Sum:lays) •·5:00 via Eye & A M 5:38 via C & A 6:25 via C & Croft 6:52 via C: & A


s s

1:30 via A &. Eye 2:10 via. A & Eye 2:53 via 96th - Ains. 4:05 via Croft & Eye 4:41 via A & Eye 5:18 via A & C *5:20 via Ains. ~ 9Pth 5:48 via Croft & C 6 :3 5 to Garage 7 :02 to Garage


46 Oz.



Large Pkg.

t\eUogg' sCorn Fetti

Flapjack FL I LE

• 2Y,



• •



• 12 Oz.

Strawberry Preserves 29c GARDEN

Yakima fll'esh


CORN . •



• Solid White Heads

1 bunches 13c BACON

• Graded Good





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er cousin of the "Flying Boxr...-'lr" now·

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6:00 via Eye & A 6:30 via Ains. - 96th *6:4·7 via C: & Croft 7:10 via Eye & A 7:4·6 via Ains. - 96th 8:23 via Eye & A 9:55 via Eye & A 10:31 via Eye & A 11:40 via Eye & A

P. M.

AF Tries Out 'Flying Van' Cargo Plane

Plumbing & Heating

• Just a touch of a dial . . . warm, clean air pours through your clothes.


prcmiuni, you're entitled tp aµproxi-. matdy 50 cents a month per ::;1,000 insurance in . d'ividends. You paid $6AO. You get b.ack $5.00. What ha.pprnccl to the difference of .$1 AO? You lost it without getting any additional rights or benefits. On a yearly basis that would amount to $16.l:lJ in n<Tdless loss. At other ages you pay The "Flyin,g Van," one of the larg- higher premiums and therefore woiilcl est twin-engined planes in the world, lose more money. (AFPS) is currently being tested for the Air Force for future 111ass product.ion. Designated the C-119H, it is a largo-\

2046 6th Ave.

The drying wcaL11cr you want, WHEN you want it.


Lakewood Community Center

A. M.

' Greenville, S. C.-A new excuse 1 "VVhcn a 1nan hath taken a new for re-classification from a 1-A sta.tus.j wife, . he shall not go out to war, . · .neither shall he be charged with any was offered recently by a .newly-mar· 1)tt.s1nt:.ss,. 1)ll t h e s h a 11 b c f rec at h omc . . . ncd youth to his Selective Service one year and shall cheer up his wife hoard here. which he hath taken." The husband cited the fii;th verse The Bo~rd turned down the request, from the 2·lth chapter of Deuteron- deciding- that Selective Service laws omy, which reads: must take precendence. (AFPS)

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Leave Parkland Post Office to 96th & Pacific

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SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 21ST, 1954 IT CAN BE DONE (getting into a parachute while wearing kilts) though it takesa little Seaforth Highlander ingenuity and exposes alittle more than a pair of wcll-roun.dcd knees, demonstrates C<ipt. Charles Donnelly of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada. Captain Donnelly was at McChord when the above photo was taken. Watching is Capt. Warren A. Robcwald of the 313th fighter-Interceptor Squadron .









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