Saga 1978

Page 97

Be�ause it says In the FacuUy Handbook that regents are to estab· Iish polocles f"",I,tatmg the stated unl�erSlty oblectl�es. Including de­ velopmenl o f ··creatl�e. retlectl�e. and




woufd a"ume regents wou'd be very concerned w,th the policies that slu· dents felt could lea<! to such person·

"'" Yet the regents. knOWing ,n ad-

fore any thong efse. And b()cause the regents te<>l that donors too� lor a �onservatlve school to give money to. how much caSler It is to maintain


for detendlng oneself dunng

those 15-mlnute study breaks in var· ious

dorms when





thaI Image dunng the devetopment

7) Food Service Meaf. - three

campa'gn. rather than ris� a mOre

defiCiOus meals a day at Food Ser·

I,!)eral image. Suffice 10

v'ce are e.�ellent because " Ihe hne say



art 01 campus lood service IS a v,tal . torce on modern education. ' and !)e·

against the omIHpotent buck. the pohcles desored by students Will like·

CaUse there isn't enough lime \0 go

Iy take a back·seal.

oft'campus to eat.

8) No·Oo. -aren't nearly as good

vance what the tOpiCS of the e�ewng

The regents necd conVincing that

woufd be. Came unprepared to an·

conser�ati5m need not be Ihe malO

for slaymg awake

Swer the carefufly·prepared Ques·

attract,on of ThiS campus. Both they

Keep two tea bags in the old NoDoz

tions ot the student panel on devel· opment. tuition. aid. birth

and admmi,trJtion should conSider

bo. ThOse who reQ",re a stronger

that. years ahead. when they ap'

upper shoutd try 7·Uo II their stom­

Control. and �ISltallon.

proach us ,'IS alumni with their tales

ach 0.,11 ever torglve them.

of development and financiat WOC. tha( we may refuse t o t1S(eO as they

SlOP nOdding·oft heads from gettmg

refuse uS now.


It Seems amaling that the very people ha�ing So mUCh Influence on the un,�ersity woutd present them·

Karen P,erce

selves in so ,nadequate a lash,on.



9) Foam·padded Desk -to soilly

10) Chewing Tobacco -as used lor several days ,n a row They put half a plug or 50 atop their upper

F o r The


a",,�dotes' Regent DaVIS said thaI the board

eyelrds to cement the" eyes open. Rarefy used the�e days due to on·

G ood Of

ooesn ' t have to listen to e�ery oP'" IOn on campus Actuatly. they onty see proposed poficies at lhe" Quar· terly meelHlIlS. when the poliCies are


by cowboys who used to "de hard

Oon't students deserve better re­ sponse to their conCerns than round-about

as most




creased use of numbers lour. five. and eight. If you thin� SOme Or alf of these have

may enhance your own ab,hty to

presented for acl,on (though they

faced the hazards 01 the w,lderness

survive dUrIng finalS bUI can't find

may ha�e gollen prior Information

w,th only the '"Ten Essenhals"

them In Ihe room. look around Ihe

trom memos 01 the Ma.t )

help them sur�IVe

They largely miss the diverse dla' logue



univers Iy factoons


house durong Than�sg'v'ng Break

As Ihe hazards ot finals week ap· proach. the follOWing li,1 or " Ten Es· sentlals tor rinals Week:' as sug·

th�t shape such polieoes. Dr. RIeke sa'd in a recent interv.ew

gested by various

PLU community

that a proposal would need unani·

members. may or may not inWire

mous approval Irom all un,velSlty taellons it il hOped 10 pass Ihe

new ways 01 coping.

Board If the proposal had no such

(0 keep the lingers 10 shape tor typ­


Rubber 8all -to be squeezed

agreement. Ihe Board would I,kely

ing and In spontaneous oul·

send It back onlO procedural grind.


which ollen takes years of work

Ihrown about the rOOm caUSing tittle

Only tor issues il conSiders ,mpor' tant wi'l the Board torm lIs own committee to study (he problem. That. said

Or R'eke. IS rare

I\"s in the sludent and adm'nistra· t..e comm,lIees "ght here on cam· pus that the lorrnat,ve deciSions. Ihe strategiC dec"ions.


made on







2) Metronome· -for plck,ng up the

tempo in reading those last lew nOv· els Can lake Ihe place of Cllfl notes ,n a poncho 3) fall cru. Schedute -to re­ mll,d you ot where the I,nai w,lf be held on thc class you haven't attend·

proposals I I poliCY is to be ch�nged

ed all semester.

at th.s SChool. disagreements muSI be Ifoned out betw"en students and

accompany and stimutate the 'nten·

adml nost ra to rs.

sive study which goes on ror tliose

Cou nt er-m oves.

4) Collee/Tea Cup



perwnal,(y conflicts. and proCeOural

Without any hnals or papers. walking

run·around only creates two enemy camps thaI Ihe Board w,1f not care

around the dorm With one tends to make you somewhal more sOCialty

to reconCile.


The board IS pf"dged to ma,,'taln Ihis school·that p"onty comes be-

uraf. h·gh·energy lood keeps you up

�) Bag of

Prune. -deflclous. nat­

and runni�g.

6) Pillow -usefuf

tor sleeping

I,me allows). Also neces·


Ron Benton

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