Reflections 1967 october

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CRUSADER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY The Most Reverend Arthur Michel Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury, is one of the most courageous, visionary and dedicated Christian Church leaders of our times. A crusader for Christian unity, he is using all the power of his office to bring the household of the Christian faith under one roof. He has visited prelates all over the world, made searching pronouncements, and braved storms of criticism in striving for his goal. gical w r itings are noted for their c l a rity of exp ressio n . They e m phasize the authority and message of the Holy Scriptures.

Born November 14, 1904, he was edu­ cated at Repto n, Madgalene College at Cam bridge, and Cuddesdon Theological College. He then served in the parish and educatio nal ministry of the Church o f Eng­ land as deacon. priest, curate, vicar, lec­ turer, Sub-Warden, canon and professor of div inity. In 1952 he was elected Bishop of Durha m; a n d in 1956 he became Arch­ bishop of York. On June 27, 1961, he was enthroned as the 100th Archbishop of Canterbury, the highest position in the Anglican Church.

To im plement his driving ambition to make the Ch ristian message relevant, he is fearless in presenting his views on the vitally i m portant issues confronting man­ kind. A man of conviction, he has faced up squarely to the profoundly d ifficult­ soc:ial problems of ou r times, includi ng war and all the m ajor social concerns. Because of th e exemplary leadership whic h this man of God has exerted in the many facets of his pasto ral office, I am p leased to present to you, Mr. P resident, H i s Grace, the Most Reverend Arthur M ichael Ramsey. Archbisr,op of Center­ bury, for the degree, Doctor of Divin ity,

This distinguished ch urchman has made sign ificant and far-reaching cont ributions to the spi ritual life of his nation and the world in his career of se rvice. His power­ ful sermons and eloquent speeches h ave evide nced deep concern for the spiritual welfare of his flock. His profound theolo-

honoris causa.


-from the doctoral citation

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