Mast 1934-1935

Page 39



J. . .


PDRt1A.RY 2'1', 11&5

Vikings Take Glads In Wild Hoop Game

. ""O'lt ·.

Luthet:an Hoopsters Drop . . - . 37-. 16


P. L. C. To Tr.�" North Laot Cam". of S.._




Gladiators ' Defeat Seattle Team, 39-32

Foron" .''"' ...... � ",, . With -'. C .. hoopete tnrnor.u: to 1!f1Dd CORM F,.... lehi.... i. n,i"i", uln .TC:!;.Fi'" Fi . �c!:. " M. n �:� . ��:. Atta �� k: �� �� i . � F.: �. � · ' C .., e. d in C.... eo..... Ie... : t m .. T�. �r.,.. 24:' � . mal squad on, t� .N�ta · ,home . �. . ' ' -. CapKi� Crowd . nocr. BUnIiJlI ,t:om their � point Playin,' their lut home pane of the ' . � aDd h �ne jack p. 1 -.Sol l e ' Lutheran 00l1qe lead Wit de eat Pacltk: the � toO . t , fii) the LUUierans f tera hoops rn. ' ." ' .. ... .inc . the '.....:; the In a wild batUe before capac:lty C . .. K the VUtinp' and ,another. excwn, eoD-, came fiom " behlnd in crowd 01 AlWDt\!. a tilhUnr !Quad or . '. MarUn'i test may be ex�ted: The toUowlnl" h:lrlwtnd rlhiah to .:ore tnt,,!! Potntl . .. 8t.: . _J snOftd und �, .� w Ql&d1aton � ,to the powerful Bell- au: bute�ll' team' wlnda up lUi . b day. March 2. the Oladl.&ton �Ie 1n ta �he lut. three minutes of play and · � � �_:: � � ln::: � p.mea with end at Ingham �Ormal quintet 2'1' to 24 on the schedUle this '�k . a the home map with the U. B. C. �ra. n, Luth- de(eat . &ea.l.t1e �!.1ere, st-:n. lUL nlaht. Dell1ngham and U. B C. 'AlthoUfb �d .nlih� ·Peb. 15. i;"artland maple. Saturday n lIht.. . . erana squeezed out a 14 to 13 win �n A wtld UU'on&' i)f ·enthuaiaaUc. rooterl'\.... n . the lollS 0" "�h" .Moe and .Joh � . --.. Bcor1llf tm.m atte � \tl o tt ne tlrat be an:� , thill ot as came � .t kept" U� on edae thrOUChout the con�at..1J;1a" T ·aerie. :OlacHatm:! ' . P'&dness � been teJi. the � didn t "" In&' Up oft the N�lteer�=ed _ encounter Is lhdl· teet and almost tOre the IY1D dQ,wn crack· when the rolne SO� tourh, and and' sooe defense bt'(li.n cl1c1t.lna �Ui other hard.fou.sht .. · a small lead unW mid iii. the : � d u ot ' ca . ar;! o under thaput. ·barraae ot �ta. :: � � Olson C �t the to �� �!:. _� � �! =-� , Oach . doem . hall when a DUITJ Of e:!ten by T,:: his with . h uPl:rlmented . II all. no�. Olabn ' coac . . . . meno:lk ILDd Ja.elr. Ued the ' at . quarter' wl:ien.Co&ch OtMn-beian .endlineup. havtn� t.wo , �ew men. l'.l the. 8. ,S" �m that pOint the two battled �� iame wu Falcons Take Illf 'ln replaCemmta. '. . tlve. . "Glads starUnl ...... . thai. t.beft e\'enly unW the rea� per10d wben the .eompuuhe aided ' ln p&rison to tbe 'torrid ·The Oli.ds s� ott w1\.h a ban.1 34-33 ' Up lit .Ui d seo� stoocl 15 to 14 lor � .' � IlWe IIfereace· 1a. tbe � of ::tle 'stared ��ew weeks -.o on e se Win the betore poln nlne ecored . �d hAd. . � ' :. ' . __ , The Hormalltee atarted out �� in � Leama. BeIIlDp.a.m. bed. �akbu R&heer Door .�hen the tsaue not Seattleites �Uled. HO_Yer. the Be· the second balt to tnc:reaae tbelr le&d $3. to n wbUe _, beat *beakima da. __ _� decIded un·m .the tlli&l u an t Seattle and up by rradually.·c:rept bOys PaV1ctory. pse attle. &:c*iD1. ' . � . . n. to ' . .. .. S1. U.: B. C. .... Y 'to live polot&. . The dOlI e oll e k the P. 1... O. bute- hal,f't,1me tbe. score was tnottecl at l7 . . to 11. Tbea Jaclt was hlah man �th 12 points cln C q too short. a ttn&i desperaw: 1n8". ':"' cut: -",'bci _ .beat n. � c.. l'twtce. clOie acore or 34-33. Pebru- all. ....... 1 t.e.ers b!':h tlr5t half.. , the in acored . ' all e BdJI.aP,am. neve the V. So' C. baU. part of Olada.. ' .rally In the opener Coach R.p.m5tad s pre, try 18 .at Seattle. seattle Collett 1fI.bbed .the INod l!;l 10Gb like a drde .,wu \ o.t t. ,..,.-lt . the . .CiU'Ver. Nonnal. center, led loun.d the superior hetatd·of the Brem:- �. by thlrty . peraonal touls. �he the second halt and held Ii u.nW.:wlth . to -..' 'wa, It with 9 points �hUe Sanderson.wU high . , .. erton tao E. team too much ot !l �I- game ....aa. hoUy conteste4 t.hrou(hoI.ll.!:e. minutes remalnlnI and leading" S. 8. tor t.he Lutherans . "1�� 8 marken. cap and went. d01!D to a 24-16 defeat: ....tlb- the Set:,tiIe squad hold.1nI" a .2(i.. 15 S2.27� th�fr defen se eiumbled and they Gent' -play\na ·h1a JUt Kreuen and Messher ot Bremerton -and m4rgln at the haJJ. A d�rate diad- ....ete snowed under The lineups: . . . . ' ormal !P'm� G ene Tl}ompeO� for P. � p. 8a�ay . ( nilht. I (n) .Wn.� of ' P-: 1.. C. Ih&red seprinl lator rt4lY te�1 &hort ....hen .J�k. .NLIaen, The 01 a& miased nine 'out of.tllIr� . P. L C U N �::Ia Tommernk �� f� out. on tftn toul s�ot.s>.nd Nilaen stretched Sa,nderson' (8) ... .F.. . . (4) F1� �s: ::ee�ta:-=t �n �t!e ��= ho�on � � pointa. apl . ven n stral,l'\t misses � n Vandervrtend dunng h1a .three y� ot ba,ltetbaJ.1'J) · fl?i� wasb hllh 1C0re� with �S. polnta �t=:(I�. se tee (16) � :::::::::::::�: ..... (II) Carver �.: (6�2�...::('f) ollowed e laon of and A.J: on the P: � C. colirtll. and wUl be a Ban�enon (l ) ... ..;P Moe y. �ttm1 f In the prellID.tnary pm.e: the P: L. O. (5) H. G Tommervlk. . . ..0 ·. ···(·8 ) (� Stutz hard man � replace. ..F. . .. . (3) �.. Moe 8ea.ltle'Pac1lIc With 10 c.1MIters each. �"� took' the locai preps In. a roulh Nilaen It) .. . Solie m . .. . ' Jack (l? ... . .. . C . . S�ley �e I�eupa : �tUe, 20·13. S. S. Subs: P. 1.. C.-Non�: Delllnit: ': c. t331 (3;') S. P. C. 0. ... . . .. (2) � p. ...... (4) he lineups: Tommervtk 1nItJ.aa.ed were . t kUennen. AU be � eagnon (2) (�) Seattle ColIe.-e Sl!.nderson (2!. ........F. . (10) Loclr.hard . P.T1.. C. (39) into tbe [,eUenMu'a Clnb Bolle (6) . ... . ..O... (6) .Pamondlan ? C.9) Lewis Votaw (5) Ctl Tobin 1.. C.-F:'ord (2). Votaw (4), Nilsen (4) P. Subs: .. .1" '" not and ,ft.t. wtt.Ji atterDOOh t . .. ' .. Melson (10) . ilse . . C . . .. . un . (1), O'Connor . . qt. �hbola (8) P\nn (21. f"ry1! _ 9 N C Some (10) . E n CO oerem nl NF . t:;NCE STANDINGS no J. . t the De 0D7 ";,..' (2) Randell Ja.ek ·(4) . ......0.. BoUe ( 13) . (8) Olmer 'Won I.-t members W"bb Uley bad reaw:mlMftd And"eraon. Haavtk;·St. Mart1ns-Melgp, Tommen:1t . (s) .. .0 . Trepus G �'i') ps, i Hur�y . Phill . .. Carpenter. h. . <p Tommervlk . Lync . . tb . elr maDDers I:aIt week P. L. C, . • .....................8 Subs: P. 1.. C.-Votaw (5). Frye. Ford (2) Refe�rge Wise. ' ......0. (8) Conyne \'Klma .. ... .. . . . S. S. . .. . 4 ye (10) . m Bolle rso�. �e Fr 0>. bs: .Su... . � � ��!��� :� '!�:' :: Bl-emerton n (M) P. UII. m.b L. C. I That F'a.culty-Hlgh School same Is 3 ML Vemo a Rothstein, Carmod:y (SI)j . w Aberdeta ...................... ... :.............3 Bome ot ThomPlOQ.....!.') . . ..F . _ . (4) Parley ' I going to be somethlng to '-.. ' Referee: Bob Levtnso_ .:.P ... .. . (6) Messner Ce"traUa . . .... . _ .. ._ ... ..0 .8S us have been wa.lunl a 101lB time tor r.raon It) (U) Pre1Mi . ad 'Hoopmen Tak e ae.enes (�) just such aq, opportunity. A� the same Hauc'en .. . . .. ... .00_.. . un(4)Kressen · . · Knu�n (2) . . . 7_ .. (2) �. bo Kelby G time we will tind out_whether the bu- 8chlan . .. . .... . . . .. .. Wellon (e) . . :¥ ....... .... (S) Ficulty To BIHI• P�ep HaaVlk f f 22 (4) .... . ... . ,. O_ H , 17 .Hanson ('1') .-. . .., C_ ... ....Thom,*," �etbal1 talent shown around here H.udsOn Y ::� ;. ... . B&upn • . .Grays a. Secon�1 .n Benef.t Came comes from dormers or the day stu- . Subs . . 1.. Crvare (2). deraon (2) ......0- (S) �h . . . ' d�nl.1. End I. C. Conference s..SOft With � r .� � • . · Are"::� S. s. ��;e ����d, As a means of � lu:nds l� per _ . rla�g . ..Eichth .Str�ilht ViCtOry Teams Girl manen.t awards to the Junior Collep TODla"bt at 8:30, t..bree ..� 01 j , H. S.-8vare '2). . ru• ht Replnlnl th.-e lr arly fo , Conference Championship team . l{irl bUIleteers wtU taDa"1e wtt.b C: P. s� rm � . Reteree: Bob Monson. To C. P. .S · . 'g the p, L. C. hoopeterB defeated the Ojaon ho.s a.nnounced two benellt baa- rlrIa. The rtrb feel ave the,. -Grays Harbor J. C. Cagen on the Hat_ GIRLS' .-aoLic. MAItCII 15 ketball ga.mes to be held March 6 in triO . pia,. better before a crowd. u& ' Three C.m .. Slated: Fint to barites floor on Wednesday. February · the P. L. C. �. . merrier. lIerr"' a moft �. by. B 22 to 17 count. , . St.rt ·at 6 :30 On Friday enaiq Mareb is, the Th� old r�va.b, the day students to buke':b-ll It alIoouid be Pla,.. ' Faced by ', the Oladlators took ,trl" . IJDl c� w1� combine In Ul -Don't mlu It. and dorm �tudenl.ll ....til battle tor ed. an early lead and wcr� pever he�ed. aU-rIrls IJDl lraile ... be' bOdd Ia ibe Three girls basketball teams The I) In the preliminary to the S. S. at elP.t o·cIeek. · aaI Harborltes f�d d�mculty In pen- qollep "...aam un� been selected by �. Dapper to. tq�t . drUIa, "game of games:' Faculty ve�us High Prel1ininary a.rrangementa .rating tht; Lut.herans deteDR, and Tbe nhibUion wtn featilre folk- . ' School Reserve.. "I:he hllh school Is- r way tor rorming a P. 1.. C. GoU the CoU.ege 01 Puitt Bound telUllll thls etored many ot the counter:a trom danee tambllq, and .. . dlmu: ir in �e C. P. S. gymnasium sc evening nd s a sued a public challenge and Coach 01- de Association. The Parkland Golf Club tartlnl at six-thirty. TIle lineup Is mld·court. In the c105ln1 minutes of of ibe neniq", a baaItetJ)aD same be· :IOn tells us contidentlaUy that the hils offered a special rate for 20 or !l . .ht:! game, Aberdeen rallied to come ,_ the day· ..d the d_ stria. Faculty ..ill be out If! tull torce and more members. A committee h&s been as follows: Firat year. eenter5.. HeM, twithin three polnts ot knotting the .. . are ."out to ba� dOVo'n their (hllh pointed to make 8J'T1Ulgementa. and J. Benson: Forwanls, Hauke. 0dell; score, but NllIIen " Iced" the game with Second school's) ears."' 80 11 yo.u -;"ant to ':::06e interested ·should watch the bu]. Guards; Tobiason. Hagerup. ' ul m th;: ,�a: leUn boards· for further information. ��j::SO� =,.!����o;e�: :a=��.:n!t�h����::,:O.a � . The Bug ��urco: :�t :: ��h-:. u s. s. Manousos. Third year. Cent.ers, Hoir.: Lutherans' led 14 to 4 at halt time. Jack Coftee. · ClpreUea, � 'em. um. ' yOU LIKE rr =:= ::�! =:� I:e� r"".SERVICE: LIKE \� . .. .... .. � '· :�.�� :: �n:=e:w�=� . ��:io:m �:t:� ... � (l'J) 9'raya' lIU'bor J. C. L C. IU) lh P. _to aetJ'fc .orpnbaUona at p. L. Contlnuinl lel!oi"Ue PlaY' the . . .F' c., made sped&I, � to weI- SChool Girls deleated the Secon(l. · year NUsen (8) i (2 ) ftterson � . SWEATERS ! ' Quality �niHjn·, Co. e ' . �r::aJ!::m� = :::. �::a�.I�b::. a �; 3:= ;:,�� ��: �� .::::::::::::::::�::::::.::::::...�9�� uth!r $wUhlrt Our s,-Wty . . "

li,.. n. Out' 21-24 Win


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924 Pacific Ave.



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,Rust Bu;ld;ng : MA�n 9





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