Mast 1933-1934

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IDbt> moori ng ma�t Publl$td e\'ery two weeks durtn.. the school year by the students of Pacific






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. Lutheran CoU�e. Parkland, W�lnrton f1lattn. October 2. 1925, at the Post Office at P.rkland. as second . . Washlnrton. under tbe, Act ot March 3, la:N.


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' . For: three ;mort yean. MLv Fa... )· . er I\-orlr.ed at PLC,.wlth' h�r belov!fl r. e€l the and memtlers faculty fellow ehanglnl student body. She, p� . her time ,and � freely. In EDITORIAL STAFF ' rale: "What party do;;ci�nce :��, ": -::�:�: :���rt�!r1:�� Stranger .speaklns at PLC) : ·'My � Editor HAZEL MONSEN ?" . . Milton Nesvig Associate Editor thls 15 a lure buUdlnz. I bel1e�e I be!one to probably nevtt be prlvtleged to kno..' Irene: "I'm' t�r:�ty:' William Jack a mor:e beautiful character. Her In. Sports Editor CO��r�!:<;:�. :ei:ur yla� ..�. and . will atWaY' be felt. In the 'Fea tures Edi tor �'m not out �' . " : Evelyn Eklund I e t : tluenti � :"LA . . ot £:,LC. She will never 'be rorDaniel Flotre . Editorial .Writer � � �:�: :o� o!:=.� � Y.) t\a.Jls "!�i, pten. Ye &u'to!': "I �ow 'wby editoR call Mr�. Krleclleri "That will proba 1]ly . Typist . Jack Hudson Ouon � !le driving h1a bu" be enough.n thern.seIYa ·we·... . ' . ( RetCo&ch . . ball players � hard. ':8w«1t!" wuReporters -LAWillie: "Why?" Ye �: '"So t.hI! man l'J:I&t doesn',t Marie . PeterllOn rcporta that she � lard. ".Levi" LevUUon 'and "M.utch Doe" Eunice Arneson. Virginia Boen. Margaret Craft . Jean-Marie Fowler. like tlle .article wtll think theN' are d�\'eN'd that the flu Is both afftryna. (pardon. we .mean' .. "OUtch.� M�:II: Wilma O·Brien. Emory Whi taker in ad a t?O many to II� _ e e �; BUSINESS STAFF What. �;:e- �l a::: !:�tI= ��::: YN �r:�:aa v;ry��J::. a !;Iuzz ' ..-onderful aceompanlmeht for a 'h£'althy -LA.... · Marvin Hansen Busi ness Manager. Pror. Pflueger: "You'N' t hl k no 1s ' N' ' Bert Myhre y th Asst. �us. Manager ��:b":�: '�:I;: l';��l�':.:�?�)' trouble. ll:« � :"t�� :: "��=d� ) Tho love ' stUd�P� $&;��; �heI!, .e I . · Clifford Mesford AdvertiSing Manager l· medium." . . -LAsleep In ev'ry c1au. And cause the proCirculation Manager ·Prof.: ':WH,:tr\'rr 15 that?". Evelyn Monson Mr. Monson: ;:So yoti "'ant to matTy lessors all to S:In&'. They.ah&l1 not ��� . . my d�ugbt.rr--rh? My answer depends Due LO the Instructo(. absence.�fC .the Louise Jackson. Asst. Cire. M�nager Herb: "I'm too heavy for light ....ork cy Lemming conducted one 011 your financial . pusIU6n." and too light for 'heavy ....ork.'· O. J . Sl uen and N . Ho ng" Fac ulty 'Advisers . -LA-:Norm Jrn.scn: "whai .. coincidence. classes Tuesday of last week.. loA.Jan . -; '-----------'---- 'Osten Eliason and Madge Harmon my flnan�I�1 jJOll· ition depends on your lnstructor. be w.. very efflcl!!nt.d -J,,�e --'---""t"'"'\--'---r'-' l - e ! g to "let Me Call You SY;'eet· nns\\;£'r:' Student Body Tribute . LA :!:�r�..� ' :::P���::II;�r�f l:: !�Ud��� :� . In the sacr�� rvemory of Miss Soph ia Rae Fowler. who was " I like I-hat "!;O·ng." : She 1'11. Juana's log1. Iihat�N'd by . IO,lId Bronit �lleer. F'rom Aunt YO'Jr fnlthful ; dst to' her heavenly home. we. the members qf the . .... thick and c�lled from our mr H£': "Why?" cal dt'ductlon for this ....eek Is: TIlry then on . ....Isecracka .4 ....nehoe . .she ls, Sh(': "00 J. need 10 tell you?" Associated Student Body of .pacific Lutheran College. do e)(press our say that 10\'1' Is _ blind and t.h&t .the fast. Pa.ndemonl�m I re ge l e s l e O l ' �eep sorrow in her passing from us. and our great joy � n kno�� rig she f to ..the down ':; ��h ; � :7h:�:\II -�al T.. " I ha�:;';-�n you for five ��u:: t!; :, ���tlt��i�I��:r ��e �I�� IS not really lost to us. but has only gone before. and .s awaiting our ""1" say ladyiy) upprr . -LAlordly 40r should �'I'ars. old mall. Whrre han�' )'ou be1.>n' . Utile redeemed. the of homeland the in arrival . . u.h .... Yo omrnl? ... ' . da�men this' nil doing twen and what hat'l" you · . Boss Barber_ "Whal. late l41'aln?" Her scholarsh ip. her understanding love. and her high devotion time?" I!:rripl�yee-"WI"I1. you see. I shan"d Eula-Mar OoH last ' her 1000lter key R,ollnr M.: "Ph'r Years!" 111),5("1( this morning and talkt'd my�lf again. �uch fOl'JeUuhleMl After .t�ndlng will be missed keenly by the student body -LAit she �nrll at her locker partn.ers.feet mto a !l.hampoo." Beautiful in ' life. in death an inspiration. she was loved by all l Senior. not the feet) and rracetully . -I..A:"'" Mr 8t'ck In Hlstorr Cla.......· "What . . in life: and her memory will be ever hallowed by those of us who g a nuLsance . a log1zed fo btl h:P�'11."d in 1483?" r' te o. I . t o knew her so well. born."'d K£'nn JO���� "c::� \\�� :�� th:�h:�::� �r.���· �e PeW �)s�c Allya : "Hav;nj: .... w\l'es Is bllamy. Having one- 15 monotrl'<'t : \\'hat happt'ned n 14871" Alter a en. . "Luth£'r four rears. old." ' ''Ne...·. . rellllf'd unll Norby. !on� ony.'· · In Memoriam-Sophia Rae Fowler _4Blg Shot) -LA101r. Sturn: "No I'll put a 'K' In A short tlme 141'0. Cliff Although we know that no words of ours can fully allay the ood !n....yer is 011 .\\'ho can makl' front It nnd .....h ' havr ....r?.. Mestord .staled. that one-ha.lf · (.It the A g of · \ great sorrow that the une)(pected death of Miss Sophia Rae Fowler It sound Is mildly Insane. We heartily \\'orld I had th� jumped train Norby: "Caner:' f· and demanded that he rr-LA� has brought upon our schoolmate and friend. Jean.Mar i e Fowler. and thl' trR('k and chased the automobile .. rej.)C'�t.s luelt to me," tnlct his stateinent'. He k101,IIy con· hit te ...der thenl .. II "ntll It we wish relelivc:!I. ro'wlcr':5 other, of �i " . dn h t er . O led pu she d our heartfelt sympathy. This is the second time within a year that zz \' :: e:�r�; IS �:t �l:i; �::n��e;���� :� h�:;:I:�:� . 'as death has visited tlie Fowler , home. and no one who has nOl been HAVE YOU MET? that awful!) affl.icted by similar losses can understand the poignant grief su ffered We spose you'...e heard t.he Jokes Shc's attractlve and has very pleas.Open Secrets by the Fowler families. about people �haslng haa on a windy illg perwnallty . Her dark curly hair day. etc. Il really happened to.a:� h� While. naturally. the blow fell most on Miss Fowle}'s lind flashing bro\\'ll e}'t'S cause mally'a AIN'T IT THE mUTH : our �tudentli. �ank Elliot cha near relatives. It also af .fect�� deeply all who knew her. In her de� th llIasculine heart to nut�er. Last year for several bran That Nrsvig surt'ly tumbled ne.... hat dovm Ma.rket. SUeet last her colleagues lost an Insplflng coworker. and her students. an In- sllr flll('{\ tht" office of secrtllary of Irl.'i h ther day.. ' g ....�k. IAn obliging truck drlvrr caught . valuable teacher and friend. To the students of Pacific 'Lutheran th(' school's largest organlz.atlon At s College a teacHer means more than to those of a larger school. and pre�nt. lhr Drama Cilib dema�ds much That Blolot!y ....a n·t � \'ery popular It-un.der �he hl�d wheel of his v _ � the loss is more keenly felt. But greate�perhaps than to an one of her attrnt:on. At the last. presenta- cour.;e the day the cards weN' handed hlele. F'nUlk did!! t seem to mind. b t � out: . the hat lrlt all broken up' about It. ' outside of Miss Fowler's immediate re:atives . wa the loss t� her . \V!leg �Ia.ney �mml.n g wa.s teulng former students. The contribution ..he made to the success of the tlon o� Ihal soc]£'ly-t.hls Is a broad hint That e\'en Melba dldn·t. kno..· all the Ella Johnson about a «rtaln person, graduates of our Normal depa(tment in their work as teachers. 'only -shr was I£'ader of til£' ....'Innlng group. music test: they can fully know. With them. Indeed. no one can take her place. Not onl), 11' �hr actit'r In elllra-currlcu- '! lIRt F'I'tInk ElIIot·s t.a.blr manneR ....eN' the poor girl. In desparaUon. cried In the rrcent d�matl.c.otfertng. "Leonard, .stop It." Her blUSh Woul� They have lost the one person who Detter than any other knew a nd lar act h1ties. but her name is numbered �irrd have put the sun to ahame as ah e bea TIlr Mild BrrakJut . . understood their problems. thei r' strengths. and their weaknesses. among thr best scholars of Pa�lfl� , and who better than any other could advise them and h�lp them and Lutherall Colleg£'. Hrr namt' 15-"'1"11. That Mesford and Martin ... ent Tan.aQ a hl!-Sty rrt� h u lifted d Marie . y r:(' encourage them in their di fficult wort(. you guess. �:�:�n�: ����n� . . and C�« G� M�Chare _ To Pacific Lutheran College as an institution the death of Miss ' Mo�n w�re �escr1bed in u...: �'. Fowler was. hu,:"anly speaking. the severest blow that could have PersOnaUI>-and ho\t ' This )oung ThatbAlvrnr hI\! a ddlnltelv misplaced "Har,e You Met." befallen i t a t this time. Miss Fowler's position as head of the teach- man radiates good fello 'shlp Hrs a -r::) � ;:""' 1 t Seh Id Iih Id' hang I o: (i!=====::::===� ers· train� ng department was �ne of g,reatest re�ponsibili ty--<)ne regular lh·e-wlre. . HIs \'o"l�e 15 \'ery dJi) . J o:'t a ::�ty ope�:to;�s sh�:gle : . t�t. requIred !act. Jodg�ent. kindness. �nd consclentlousnes� lm hlp r mem n . of bringing a fecUt· 'h brrs £. . I Th t Lemming rang the ball too soon high order, traits that· MIss Fowler possessed ," a large measure. Her thr coUrge chOir and in thr school's Ing and a th boys mo th th r Holes Nine 15cfor tact and wisdom. her abili!y to adjust herself !o people an� circu� - "Hot�ha Trio." He Is a man among a �o�ge; hilt;"tha'; the� :e..n� : . stances, these. together w�th her e)(cellent tralntng an� long e)(perl- me.n ·M 15 shown by his reco�d o� thr That we'd hate tof ha've Lyal San der . . . 25c 'for 18 Holes e.nce by w.b ,ch she had galn �d a thor?ugh understandlfg of profes- football team. By the way. he Is one .son dish up Ice cream. .. �� as Normal of those · graduates ....ho will receive a . Slonal ethICS. ma&te her eminently fitted for her work ' , . supervisor. Such persons are rare. and her prace at Pacific Lutheran swea�r tor Ihe grid sport at the an· ;.$1.50 Studenl monthly r,te ColI�ge will be diHicult to fill. nual f�t.ball banquet. His executive , $1 .50 Ladies "te monthly BROOKDALE Miss Fowler. however. did not confine - her interests to her ability wa.s prQ\'en last year when he­ $2.00. Men', monthly teaching alone. Quietly but effectively she identified herself with· prmdent of b1s class. He ' haa SHOP BARBER the Christian interests of her sChool and .community. She was dee�ly journalistic talelll,.too. for besdes being Parkland Coif CoU",! Brookdale . interested in the welfare of her fellow citizens . and her . philanthro- an ex-member of 'the Mooring Mast pies. both public and private. were many. She hel'ped gladly and gave staff. he holds a position y.1th a -clly generously of' herse!f and of h'er means.. n�ver letting her left hand newspaper. And 15 he popular! ...... ---;,-. -..,...--k.nOw r i · B��': sh�7: :� .� l� s�ems strange that she is with us no TypewrIters. su C PARKLAND LICHT 6' WATER CO.' . All Steel P1l.1nc EquiJlml!ntmore. and hard to understand that she should be t�ken away when P,rkl,nd. WlShingtbn . . School Boots. SUppU" we'needed her' the �t. The loss'seems overwhelming. but in the A Mutual CompanY--:Or.s:ani;ed 1 9 1 4 '."'is.... w,..... up.! ,.., �oWet' '' M____ . o.I, midst of it all there is one great consolation: That in all her conVer· . , J. F. VISELL CO. .... W..... .""IIII....(-;-ect� �";%� ::.1-:111':'.1 ':. c._ ft sa.tion she wal�� with C?od. Di .fficult as .i.t is . to �on�le ourselves &aUeaen . •


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OU v h h e �re e Miss Fow.ler was for us while her.e. for the golden threads she wove into the lives of those who came' under her influence. for the bless. ings that' God through her has bestowed upon our school.

. A Happy Chnotnia.


Phone �� ��Pac . Ave.




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further inform'lio,n

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,pply ·lo· 8URT H. RAYMOND. Mir.



Let us keep in mind the stOrt told by Missionary Carfford Qf a on Pacific HipwaY . hospit'al. Standing on the sunny side Qf young Christian in a Malagasy - OIL CAS RE�AIRING a looking glass, reflected the this young man. by means r� the' the sun to another patient lying' in a dark ·comer. t life·givi",g rays e n ! OLYMPIC DAIRY PR DUCTS !r u i l d i �'lfis� vacatiQh. try to bring light especially during· our coming O . 'to thoSe in the shadOw,. .warmth to thoSe . in the cold. and happi ness �'others· to. those - who are in misery. Milking q,risrmas happy· ' makes it ' happie r for ourselves.










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