Mast 1932-1933

Page 52



Complet� lst R�und , Matches in Tennis

�n.9ltt w.

,.,1 Whllen Defea'" " ui Preus in Ooly Sec""" Rooood M.tch PI.,.­ .. ed; to I. Fi.nishsd on Choi,', Re . . turn •

ne first round of the Pacific LUtheran Col�� tennis toum&mmt saw hard plaY 'wIth talrly e\�n oompet1Uon. The m,tches bt-t"'l!en Carl Matrtn ≪d LyILl S&ndenon. and au Sydow and Vlct.or Knutzen were the highlights of the prel1mlnary round. Martin won after three &ets, 8-3. 4-8. ll-g: and Sydow 'came' out on top \1a the same rou�8-4, 4-8, 6-0. Othu, reault5, are as folIO!!!.: Clifford Opheim defeated Ototye Knutson�_l, 6-3: Frank Elliot forfe!ted to Edgar Larson: Del� MOrtf :�;mPa�� ��b�:= . Pflueger: Paili lArson defeated H&rry MCCormlcll':--8_l. &-3 : Norman J�nsen d:feated . Rolf Preus--8-0. 6-4: BID Wtiah!n defeat:ed Ervin Dammel--8--G, 6-4: Paul Prew defeated Orwoll Dahl7-5, 6-4: George Janssen defeated .u. \'In Lehmann�-2, 6-3 ; Myron Leque defeated Bruce TIiayer--8·1. 8·4; John Stuen defeated JeSse Pflueger�·2. 8-3: . Bob Levlruon defeated Ployd Knu�n by default: Arthur Spencer forfeited to Walter Fnnch: Trygve RUNVO)d de· reated Leo� WeMOn--8·I. 6-3; Wll•.


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By c. __



"BACK TO SCHOOL :.= ) m�' . !: ":''''';;! ""r: NIGHT" FEATU RES. ..- _ by ... ......, '" tho m=- .

c!':ottola e...en· �� ou::� �.,: : I:


ben ot . c� l..... .�' to .. ....biL) "- to f!<hool" '" "'" ,..."'" '" ",. 001 , ""u ��f�C: Sat� hdd ent the entetwnm �th� 7 -

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the TrinIty Lutheran Church ot PArIl:. Yay 12. from S In the � �tll , 12 noon, ' A majorit.y Yo . UI qualify. land. ' dent pr ence Cla to r RoeD. ell During the last two years: the annual tennis tournaments at Pa· � In &tna:ham drtueI &n:d 'with ,Ac:cord.lQI ' �� meetcific Lutheran College have drawn increasing i nterest from the _ . tbdr h&1r � iad1el.' of the Student BodY. .. bel be held m .. apeda1:Student contestants and students alike. Also,. this year, there is an air of cu�·lltue WI o� may Ul. Inc 'b .' � mHUni lit chapel the d� befor:e graveness and determination hanging over the courts. As compared drantnl' theil: more aophlaU.'c:ated . with tournaments' of the i?<'st years (not too many) , our present banda behind them. Iltten!kd the.. foy.r the electlO�: Here. the'candldllU!l w1ll -


--- -


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cJ.assea t&Ul"ht by d�lK1 tet.cben In be � ., chance to deUvu

competition takes on the appearan<::e of a do-or-die melee. . . S. )

and to preeent thelr plat- ' S. fashl�n. . :Orne cl.auN and�hee . Who will follow liII Nym n'.nd CIiH Krop .. the masculine a blla.riowi " co' nsiated 0r p6yehOl�... tau.cht forms. ' hel'1l of the courts for thilrI..lon? AM who .mon, the. ,irll will teac a lit in the hieh chir which '.. uline urson .nd Ru th How.rd form:- by. Mr. �aure ; which � moeUy · . 'Be,ni.' Bi.rma,. .lne,l, held? "Fud" FHII8U .nlll 8i11 Wh.I.n em to be cood bets tem of intelll&en� (OZ' maybe non,ayeLu th.r 'Coach e�.: SchqoI for the boys' championship. Th.n how I�ut �.rVot.w. the .mil. tellll'f!nce) tests: a' �. 1n ·.lU'1thmeUc in, younpter who has tak.n mor. ·th.n on. -upstart to the cl.,�. taught by Mias 8. R. Fowler: � � Bernard W (BemIe) Bierman he&d d,ar, Del Mot'te",on• •� the r�t of In S�mng ta�ht by Mrs. E. �en- , footbal� �� at � university or :na'!��� ::�:F::ty' :a�:e:::'�' E on euquet�ta�ht �y son and a -el . :tn:: c:: ' ��::: S. S. . . :"t��;�c:: hkh ca e l

��s.:":��i; =�;::�de�:

ed Wlllle Smltb-----tI l, 6-4: �orman Swenland defeated Ray ,Hlnc;lerlle---6-1, 6-2; , J0tu:t Fadness defeated Ted ThomJfSOn�-o, 6-2: Hal Votaw defeat� ed Clarence Monaon--8·3, 6-4. This list giveS only flnt-round matche:5, Atte� the choir membeu retum. second matche:5 WiI.1 be played. In . the only second round match played so far, Blll Whalen defeated Paul' PreU&6-3. 6:4.



' v eaaoru And among� the ��-Iooking women aspirants-Ne�ra Dub!gk, Mrs., E. HaaketlOn w. Kathleen Porath, Olcl�le Leland and Oal'ores Roen are al m.lng high . on th� proper way to eat peaa' with a . \ knife, and such. . Mra. Ba\lif! led In Take your pick. . ph�&.1 exerciaea, �· . A. R. LoebS. S. . _ man ' � principal. , V ' If • ,I ii, an .aaea mbly .. ed •• Pollow� the cl ly, was h, • was held. Ope� the cUrec ' on or an ' orcheatra ' under Mrs. Genevieve . Anderson. and containS. . ' . Mr I t . wOUld be a change in spring activity for �hose of. us. """"'0 mg Mr. Ha\lif!: Mrs. Ha\lif!, . Raln. nothing besl�e take tramps here and there. Then, again, It would stad. Mrs. .EdWards• •and . Mrs. Ta-ylor mean ' th� t we c.oul� get a�other thump at the College of Puget awayed the audJence p--ea.Uy (� o a be Sound-In an a !hlet'c way. ' f ou pl ase. :re :, . :u�:n: � �� F1c'.,al. �s. Haure, and saucy Uttle, a duet, MI'1I PnUes:er, ' w� Refreshments, which were in charge • of Mrs. Xavlu, MI'1I. Preua; and MI'1I. C. •• o. A. 'nngelatad. were aerved cafeteria ' style In the basement. ten cents was c� fo A fee ot ' P. C. rectaterlnr tor the claWs: Oraoe Gunt . . ' 5, buatneu manqer. collected the a.a An interocollegiate league maX eve� be arranged.; no one know� money. ---E!ven I don't. ' ' , !he conmilttee �e arrange. menta for th1a deUrhUul humorow . at· 5 Cirl Colferl Remain Beck. Addresses Club

l'� Met.r:


�����.!..' ' ' ' '''..". J : L.... ....".""....?��". .

Pi-inters Stationers . Engravers Specialist i n Office Equipn)ent and Supplies . Fine Office Furniture


RaU,a Cent...,.

J. O. Iwin, Prop.

0I, �






tit .

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" .

WAS H I NGTO,N 'HARDWARE CO. 924. �acific .Ave,

Speci.1 buIHS for". ,I.. elu"', t.�ml, etc.. ; Any

Call ·Mr. Ly.-


Improvement-IT by him of sartorial excellence-to t)e subject to a new species of cul�w1� the mllIt&.nt in a :o:'�o:=� :� � bear on bearda, etc.-wtat ye not, K.•





,..---'----" Islon-the slumber nor sleep.



!em:� sang

according to COUe,e ChI�.· . •

Club to Have �wlm. In Spanlwl, Lake Soon . •


With the advent of a\?r1ntr the aw�rn-

mlng ·club Intende to Plaid a swim at.-

�naway Ulke soon. . ."A aWim in the open. may aoun� cold to many/but--l,ut year st thla Ume the same- type f !�Y. was liven lor the U =� I1lrdl na :e prf!$1dent. 'I1le eui:t date of the awlm cec1 later. will be W C A . Tenor and Mrs ofttonr subeUtuted 'for Beca�n � . . . had Mr.. Knldler 'when she left on the � o� .. a:n th:d::; m · choir trip. April. ...,,.. .. .. ,,.... ...,,. ...,, " ... . ..,,::: :: ::: ",, ":: ..= ",:: "":: :: ::: "...:::: ,", :: .. ;;: Mrs. Dorothy . Orundeberfr of Seattle : ' � . rulted' Sophla Fowler at.the dorm over ,� • ". WM. ' SMIY", � DR the week end. " . . Dentist


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;:'�:r� .






Time. Any '-'ace . . . ' lOla MIl



doth neither

---CoU�e Chips.

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t-_________� I ��� y:·r:�U�I�:ro��:w.::

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SEAMON'S FLOWER SHOP ' I South Eleventh Rust Building


An, Pot Roa,t lOc Lb.

. 12th &



Brookdale Cash Market

Square A at: �fnce ' Phone MAin 2122


:mTU�P �' Thlane � i�ea

W.lth two of the .seve� eontestant& dropping out by default, there art! now speu,lng at a m�tlng of the Inter- only five co-ed competitors for the : � national club. Mr. A. J. Beck tol� of ,club offered Pacific Lutheran COllege'a � Adolph Hitler'S worll': among the Nazis beat girl golfer by the Parkland Golf w �hee�l��yd:n:�:e o���t�o� d� Cou rse. . With spring- weather 5UcJ:I. a.s there. Is tlons of the German.people. PII,kllll"ld Men llre wonl'to emphaalze God'a love CA OI-tSR2 ! � Because of lacll: of time Mr. Beck Rccordlng to coach. Olaon there la no and fortrCt hIS juatlce.-xavler, ._ . . �': .\':,\\,', \�,',\'" �,,'.'.�•.',�,:,�,::,�':,�',','.�: :,'.\'::.�':,...:::,':. � lot the matches not being played ' .�':,�'::.'::.\...: was unable to f!nlah his speech, ° . . . � will complete It at the next meeting orl 8!'>"aoon as po&alble". The girLa now � REPAIRING . '; o� the Club. . i leH In the tourna.m-;-nt art! Mary lDu Lien & Selylg I SE�VICE Preus. Helen Garbe!l, \.'lrgtnla Boen, Prnc,jpt.� Druuists ! � Kathryn Johnaon.'and Ellen Jjoley, ' Importers of Norwegian . .. - nd Saint ChrLatopher Is with us . Cod Liver Oil new plan for social


P 112"t;i,,�& R

In �inkl Competition

Spelk, on 'Hitler in Cermany' to P: L. C. · Intern.tional �fOUP

Ted Brown MUlic Co. ' 1 LATEST POpU 1 ar M usic


, --


� .�


S Lest we forcet-"The Wirrnin, of larb.ra North,"·.plrdoft)the winnine of th'e pin, pone cla..ic. by Dickie L....nd .nd '.lui Preu. may .eeM mot'e th.n liCCle: The pinl pon, c·r..:e is .till· at lar,e throu,hout the .country. and practically �ery Ich�, frat·hou.e and Y. M. A. in the United St.tea h a table or two, where y.§un, people Coin e.n,ale in inter-cl .... competition. M.ybe .it will become cr..:ier .till·, who knows? If '0, then Dickie and " ui will be "'e pioneen of the .I.p .nd ,funt ,ame here at L. . S.

m!r, accordtna to a.n /UlDOunoement In . COllege Chlp8, orncl4l 'FslubUcaUon of Iowa. .clw6z: t.h�I:' a.n atbletlc coacb of na. tI a1 ' uta.Uon, havtna" been coach . unlverslt.y under htJI lead-' a � 'won 25, out 'of rahI �layed 10 the 8oulbr:rn coon 8 'since lnil Tulane n . lnce U = dC;fe�ted but �Wlce, once b; North. western and once by Southern Call. m1 . fo � lor ,the naUonal eham�p


we had a bolt we could pl.y b.lI ,f we h.d b l . n.t if we were bl . with . few "potatoes," we could t.�e the b eball unifot'mt out of th. mo"'. bill. and m.ybe enl.ce three,.me .eri" with the lumberiacka, .Iii., the 1011en. S.

D.sores Roe _d Jolin Zac:krleon were d�bed in this wee!r.·i "Have




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Wt' Sf1«i.Jk.r m '








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