Catalog 1981-1982; 1982-1983 v.62 no.5 Aug 1981-82

Page 42

Chemistry Th a dvance of

civi l iza tion

is inseparable


r arch and teach i ng equipment includes: nt/clea r magnet ic reSONance, i l lfra red , u l tra- violet, uisible, a 10111 ic absorpt iOI1 , flame ph 0 toi-t/d ry , em is s io n , and

f ro m lhe

deve l o pme nt of chemishy. Chemistry seeks


the fu nda me n ta l nature of matter, hanges in its composi ti on , a nd the energy ch a n ges acc o m pa n yi ng the e cha nges. Use of this knowledge i n 11 l1 encJs our l ives in many p rofou nd ways . Whether in lc r�s L d in ch m ish'y i tsel f, m o l cu l a r bi logy, Or studying the i nfl uenc ' of s ci nee and understa n d

l'icctnm Spil l rC!'!Ollnl zce spectrollleters; X - ra lf cryst'li!ugrapizic d iffra ctollleter; gas and liql l id

chrom a tographs; precision refractometer; dipo!olllefer; co u nter; zone refi ner; and a complex

scin t illation

lIl icroproce SOT

Fac u lty re search pr j cts involving sL uden t pa rticipation are in progr 55 in man y i m portant uelds Of che mis t ry . Some of the general areas are:

tech no l ogy on the en vironmen t and socie ty,

stu den t will find programs to meet thei r need The cour es , cu rricu l um, fa culty, a n d facili ties are a pproved by the American Ch emjca l Society . .

system .


polymer s l rlKt ll rc and p ropert ies, synthesis of hctcroc1Jclic compo u nds, struct u ral and magnetic s t u d ies ;)f i n o rga n ic complexes, orga n ic kinetics, photochemical reactions, a/ld

D i vers i ty in ca reer pla n n i ng is a key w rd i n the chemi stry cu rricul u m . Prog ra ms a re available which re broadly applica ble to the heal t h, biol ogical , phys i a l , environ men tal and the fundam n ta l che m ica l s icnccs . A s ta ff knowl dgeabJ i n the many a T ( of chemistry u sing modern Equ i p m e n t for t e hing a n d r e arch h i gh light the opportu ni ties


effects on birth


FACULTY Nesset, Chair; C. Anderson, Giddings, Huestis, Kelly, Swank, Tobiason, Tonn.

ava i lable .







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