2010 2011 v 41 no 1 3

Page 52


pMi O� 'Otv � Ro�, ' �Ut&t-�� � uvJ,� Pf..U '� fAaJdwtv o � �yi.U


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C'aniplI f I (lricm,u ioll \\,eekt'lId this p." r S 'I [('mhcr, orgn 11 1 zcrs m ade 'un! tel



th.1 ( fi r t Satur la). r h �)se stU­

p rom ! rly s"nr nlfcanl pus. )11 rhe Ib.1d program. which rakl's r ia t' '(I -h reM lent!>



It \\'3 f an }[ I'I.U'


hel l first- '1'.11' �rud\' n rs become

fa m ilial with rhl' ciry II

md r�gion th a r LlI l � t hei I' h.'Il1C for thc nt.>xr fou r


Some '''' l' lnr�'\1

i n g .It /\bbey

Cl\', s a t 1\ I t. leafllt,d salsa d..ulc­

rhe l a\':1

St. H lens. l )rht>rs

rr.ld i rillll uf, l·n'ice. "WC'Ve noticed o\'er

dut th,' outdo r rc,- trips and r h e "cn 1Ct' tnps rc a.l ways the fi rst om' tu fill u p , " . aid , leI.m ll! Dea n e ' I 2 ASPLU pwgrams co ,rdll1:1wr and :.tucienr or�an izl'r of On rhe' Road "


rhe \'Ca �

rhl. ear. \I'\! \I',m rcd

thcre Ih'r� l11ure 0pp0rLU­ n l flc!> ill f s[ud,'m . ' One uf rho ' c IrIp:. v. as ttl Ten i no. \Va.sh . . II'I1l'TI' ahour a cloZL'n students ro l l ed u p thelT s lcl.'ws and gor muddy Ln n1.lke !'our '


Ld r f'oOt Orgnni s , n non-profh fnnn

wh i c h aim, tl� promote Self.su tTiCiCIlCY i nclusion and mdependence rmal vomh.

"I J u st likl'd rhe l l m i ssion " Anna

Parton . a fi rsr-�'car srudl'nr

the\' s;ive dis':I.I:h-anraged yourh and P(!l1pic \\;th dJ!>abil i ties rill' opportun i ry

Pavton <lod rhc resr of r he srudcIH i ll her �mllF . pem rhe day IC<lrn 1 llg about Left �'oor' m ission ol nd helpl·d fil l m

And �<'rne pu l l e d " ,'cd s,

pl,Kc when

pan i n .lr 2 .'\ li ffen' n r locations. l' , u r of rh�lse tri ps wa\.' icsigneJ help st uJents find .l f I.lce II h 'r ' they rould vllllll1t�l:r 1I'l:ir ri llle ,md energy �t lll1' rh a n 390 srudent" ro ok



all i ll rhat t,'1'e.1t 1 .1Ili lCrall



workl'!'. pull weeds.

l n th


Puyall u p . \X J.! h., sald " 1 rcall), l i ke rhat

Bali I' om i n T.1·ol11 3.. 1I111 e \'isited Tac.lIna's a rt a.nd glass

museul11 .

for people

v. l th developmen tal d isab i l i ries ,l n d

"Th eir hearrs 'cern to

Ir comes ro

be i ll

[ill' light

hclplllg Olhcrs

and p rovi dmg healthy fCll,d i'0 I l he COm­ mu n i ty: ' �h '



s a I i n le ha rd


work ro h e lp our a \I'ondel fu l calise,"

\\'ho c,lIIn.: (0 Wash becausc of rhe ' [rl1og scml' of com m u n i f)'. said �lll.· rm,r-vc;!r Sarah K i n m e r.

PLU from Wenatchee.


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