2010 2011 v 41 no 1 3

Page 104

PLU Scene, Tacoma, Washington 98447-0003 Address change: If this copy of Scene is addressed to your son or daughter who n o longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the OHice of Constituent Relations with his o r her new mailing address. You can reach us by phone at 253-535-741 5 or

1 -800-ALUM-PLU. You can also lax us at 253-535-8555 o r e-mail alumni@plll.edll with the new information. Thanks!

perspective C o n s o l i d ati n g o u r stre n gths a n d a d d re s s i n g n ew c h a l l e n g e s

PLU President Loren J . A n d e rs o n greets students d u r i n g o p e n i n g c o nvocation. H e bel i eves the next few years will be critical as PLU plans for its future.

By L01'en]. Anderson he public announcemen[ lasr

cam paign success will hel p transform


monrh of rhe u niversity'S new

the universi ty. My response is always

fu nd-raising effon, " E ngage the

the same. I don ' t k now, because the

At PLU we l i ke who we are and what we do. Said more formally, there is

Wo rld: The Campaign for PLU," sets

long-range plan will be shaped and

broad s u p port both on and off campus,

out one o f twO critical initiatives that

II'r,irren by the PLU commu nity. And

the campus com m u n i ty will be u n der­ taking over the next two years. The

o u r donors will p l ay a determining role

for our c u rren t mission and our aca­ demic program.

in the nature and pace of our campaign successes.

You know o u r mission statement well: "To educate studenrs for l ives of

orher is work on rhe long-range plan PLU 2020. Together they will set the

stage for the u n i versity'S progress In the

Bur I have been listening to the cam­ pus community on the topic of long­

though tfu l inquiry, service, leaders h i p and care, for orhers, for their communi­

range planning and I have been listening

ties, and for the earth." It was formally

In recen[ months, I have been asked

to donors on their vital interests in the

accepted by our Board of Regents when

many times for my views on new direc­

university'S future. Here are some of the key perspectives that I have heard

decade ahead.

tions thar will arise out of our long­ range planning process and how o u r

emerging fro m these conversations.

the PLU 20 1 0 long-range planning

contilwed 0 1 1 page 62

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