Bsd 09 2013

Page 31

FreeBSD Programming Primer – Part 8

// Check selected table is valid $s = $sql[0]; // Replace the marker in the SQL statement with the chosen value

$s = str_replace ( ‘---P0---’ , $t , $s ); $result = mysql_select($s);

// HTML form definition echo ‘<div id=”content”>’; echo ‘<div id=”php”>’;

echo ‘<div id=”h1”>1: Select content</div>’;

echo ‘<form action=”amendcontent.php” method=”post”>’; echo ‘<select name=”table”>’; foreach ($tables as $t){ // $tables is an array - split each value out

$valid_table_count = $result[‘COUNT(DISTINCT TABLE_NAME)’];

if($valid_table_count == 1){ // Valid table selected - present form to edit data


} // Finish form and add footer echo ‘</select>’;

echo ‘<input type=”submit” value=”Select content to

}else{ // Send user to first page build_page_1($tables);

echo ‘</form>’;


echo ‘</div></div>’;

echo ‘<div id=”licence”>’;

echo ‘<a href=”licence.txt” title=”Copyright and licence


details”>Copyright © 2013 Rob

} }elseif(isset($_POST[“update”])){ // Save the input. As we have not validated this, just display for now

build_page_3($_POST); }else{ // Invalid value - return to start build_page_1($tables); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////// function build_page_1($tables){

echo ‘<option value=”’.$t.’”>’.$t.’</option>’;

echo ‘</div>’;


} function build_page_2($t,$sql,$skiplist){ // HTML form echo ‘<div id=”content”>’; echo ‘<div id=”php”>’;

echo ‘<div id=”h1”>2: Edit <?php

echo $t;

?> content</div>’;

echo ‘<form action=”amendcontent.php” method=”post”>’; // Get the schema for that particular table $s = $sql[1];

$s = str_replace ( ‘---P0---’ , $t , $s ); $result = mysql_fetchrows($s);

$divstart = ‘<div class=”inputname”>’;


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