Link Newsletter July 2015

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July 2015


The Link PLEASANT HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Connecting People to Jesus Christ

Inside this issue: Thoughts from Pastor Dave & Other Information


UMW & Other Opportunities

Rainbow Kingdom


Children & Youth

Missions & Prayer & Harvest Dinner



5 6 -7 8


The deadline for the August LINK is: Wednesday, July 15th Please turn in all articles to the Church Office or email them to


Thoughts from Pastor Dave: A year ago Kristina and I came to meet you. It’s been an exciting year as we have gotten to know one another. This is a great place, a loving church and wonderful community. We are so very glad to be here at Pleasant Hill UMC. When I first arrived I started asking questions, lots of questions. I wanted to learn the heritage and personality and priorities of the church. By asking questions I learned many of our people were involved in our community and several volunteered to deliver meals, work in the food pantry and rebuild the Tucker that today houses the food pantry. I discovered the people setting up the worship space every week in the CLC were tired and when I asked about using the sanctuary for worship at 8:30 they jumped on the idea. I learned that people here had great ideas about ministry and a passion for others and when set free they represented the Love of Christ and together we have provided shoes to Della Lamb, bibs to senior citizens, raised money for the Lay Clergy, helped lead the way for Bright Futures, sent students to nursing school in India, built a well on Mozambique and are adopting families that live in Nicaragua. It is our pleasure to serve Jesus at the Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church. I wonder what the next year will bring? Dave

Connecting People to Jesus Christ Every so often we need to be reminded of something we already know but had forgotten or had not paid attention. A few years ago our bishop wrote a book about the practices of fruitful congregations. Jesus expects our church and all churches to be fruitful, to make disciples and to transform the world starting in our own community. Bishop Schnase said there are 5 practices of fruitful congregations and some churches needed to work on these practices if they hope to become fruitful. The five practices he identified are:  Radical Hospitality  Passionate Worship  Intentional Faith Development  Risk-Taking Mission and Service  Extravagant Generosity Radical Hospitality is more than shaking someone’s hand on Sunday morning; it includes making a space for every person who wants to come into a new or deeper relationship with Jesus through our church. We wear a nametag so others will know our name. We set in the middle of the pew so others who come later can fill in the sides. Those of us who can take the parking spaces farther away from the door do, so visitors and those who need a close space (those with mobility problems or families with young children) can find them. We escort people to a classroom or the nursery instead of pointing that direction, and radical hospitality includes making our church building comfortable, welcoming and accessible to every person. A year ago we had approved plans to move a wall that was limiting the size of the foyer and would return the sanctuary to its original concept. The plan included freshening the ceiling and flooring in the center hallway and foyer. Quickly it became apparent we needed to relocate the library so we could build a refreshment center. But these plans did not meet your standards for hospitality. At a meeting I could not attend, your church council impressed me with a desire to improve our restrooms an build an area for refreshments and conversations. Since then I too have noticed our seniors who use a walker or a cane attempt to use the restroom only to realize it was impossible to navigate the space, and because the distance to the ADA restrooms is too great– I have heard some say they would need to wait until they got home. In the heritage of this church I understand why you feel we must fix this. Someone asked me about the CLC, if we don’t use the space for Sunday morning worship why do we have it? I wasn’t here when the church built the Community Life Center but its more than one large room; it is a complex that also provides classrooms and ADA restrooms and a great kitchen. The CLC allows for 6 classrooms, the hospitality room, a large fellowship-gym area and a small chapel. It allows us to provide space for the youth loft, the music room for the choir and bell choir, adult and children’s classrooms. Many groups including the Snappy Seniors used the hospitality room. The fellowship/gym houses the Sharing of the Green for the Lay Clergy, the Harvest Dinner, Baccalaureate for the high school, Zumba on Tuesday & Thursday, Men’s basketball on Monday evenings, Scout banquets, Volleyball, Pinewood derby, Wedding receptions and the list goes on and on. Pastor Dave



It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to our friend and staff member Maurice O’Neill. We will miss him but we also wish him the best as he moves into the next phase of his life. Thank you Maurice for your many years of service. What a blessing you have been and what fun we have had. PHUMC will continue to pray for you and your family. God bless you !!!

7 THINGS WE SHOULD SAY TO GUESTS by Thom S. Rainer 1. “Thank you for being here.” It’s just that basic. I have heard from

numerous church guests who returned because

they were simply told “thank you.”

2. “Let me help you with that.” If you see someone struggling with

umbrellas, young children, diaper bags, purses and other items, a gesture to hold something for them is a huge positive. Of course, this comment is appropriate for member to member as well.

3. “Please take my seat.” I actually heard that comment twice in a church where I was speaking in the Nashville area. The first comment came from a member to a young family of five who were trying to find a place to sit together.

4. “ Here is my email address (or phone number). Please let me know if I can help in any way.” Of course, this comment must be used with discretion, but it can be a hugely positive message to a guest.

5. “Can I show you where you need to go?” Even in smaller churches, guests will not know where to find the nursery, restrooms and small group meeting areas. You can usually tell when a guest does not know where he or she is to go.

6. “Let me introduce you to _______ .” The return rate of guests is always higher if they meet other people. A church member may have the opportunity to introduce the guest to the pastor, other church staff and other members of the church.

7.”Would you join us for lunch?” I saved this question for last for two reasons, First, the situation must obviously be appropriate before you offer the invitation. Second, I have seen this approach have the highest guest return rate of any one factor. What if our church members sought to invite different gests 6 to 12 times a year? The burden would not be great; but the impact would be huge.

Summer School/Parent’s Day Out is up and running! We’ve had a great first month and are making new friends and enjoying the opportunity to play and craft together. We have been walking to the library on Wednesdays for story time and it has been lots of fun! We hear a fun story, make a craft and have a special snack. For the month of July we will have Patriotic fun and do some fun American (red/white/blue) crafts. We are also going to learn about reptiles and amphibians and Ocean animals. We will end our summer school with a “Beach party” during the week of July 21st. We will be closed during the month of August for teacher training and room set up and then classes will start back up in September. We still have some openings for our Pre-K and Preschool classes for fall. If interested, please feel free to call the Rainbow Kingdom office for more info. Please like our Facebook page to see some of our activites. We are also on the PHUMC website. I am still looking for someone who would be willing to paint our Rainbow Kingdom girl in front of the church. Please let me know if you might be interested in taking on this task. Thank you! Yours Truly from the Rainbow, Teresa Vaughan and the Rainbow Kingdom Staff God Bless You! 3




Richard Ingels is compiling a list of adults who would like to use their chainsaw skills to raise money to help send our church members on mission trips. He has a lot of seasoned logs that can be sawed, split, stacked and sold in the fall as firewood. If you are interested in the sawing phase of this project, please let him know. He will try to schedule this when the summer temps allow. His phone number is 540-3983

VBS MISSION PROJECT Money for Secondary School Educational Scholarships will be collected as part of our VBS program this summer. Rainbow Network has a high school sponsorship program with 1,000 kids currently in that program. Most rural areas have no or low-performing grade schools and no high schools at all. High School students are sent to the high school in the nearest city. Transportation, supplies, and tuition is more than poor families can afford. The congregation will also have opportunities to help with the collection for this project on July 26 th and August 2nd. Once the money has been sent, we will have the opportunity to communicate with these students and to meet them when we take our mission trip in January.

HOUSE BUILDING PROJECT Just as the houses through RainbowNetwork are built one concrete block at a time, we continue to collect one concrete block at a time. We have over $1600 to build our first house. Special donation envelopes are in the bulletin the 2nd Sunday of each month. If you feel led to give on another Sunday, there are envelopes available in the foyer by the two house representations or find one in the back of the pew..

BICYCLE CART GARDEN MARKET This will be a available every Sunday beginning in July for anyone to bring their surplus garden produce. Donations will be accepted for the Missions Program.

DESSERT AUCTION WOW, $1,054.00 received from our dessert auction. A huge thank you to all who brought desserts and all who bought desserts! This is a real blessing for those who feel God leading them to visit La Quesera. Their stories when they return will be living proof

Current Prayer List: M.E. O’Neill Elton Leimkuehler Elizabeth Garry Barbara Ross Shyann Jellison Bollinger Family David Leimkuehler Maurice & Janet O’Neill Rick Wallace Stacie Beneze Abby Oltman Judy Somerhiser Teresa Mullin Kathy Simms Wanda Adams Teresa Mullin Davis Family Clint & Amber Ralston Caitlyn McVey Shanon McVey Jamie Kelly

Kayla Kelly Charlotte Ron & Julie Allee Beverly Cunningham Grant Carver Jim Niebaum Marjorie hurst Nadine Ingels Marietta Prewitt Ed Russell Brenda Willis Tom Hess

Our Military: SFC Jon Robert Nicholls Ben Williams-Iraq MM@ Jordan Crofut-Oahu, Hawaii Jared Schlenker Alaska Josh Riemer-Mooresville NC Anna Chandler Missouri National Guard Chris Swett-Japan Mason Palacek-USMC South Korea Travis Franklin– National Guard Trevor Williams Robert Ragsdale-USAF Brett Wheeler-USAF– New Jersey MM2 Kevin Harrald, USS Enterprise

Baker Brenda Sanders Baker

Mark your calendars! Our Harvest Dinner is Saturday, November 7th! I am looking for volunteers to help me in different areas of the dinner as well as an assistant coordinator (aka partner in fun!). Let me know if you would like to be a part of this important part of our church history and out-reach to our community. Tracy Young 913-980-2348. 4


United Methodist Women Thank YOU! I would like to thank all of the ladies that helped on UMW Sunday! I would especially like to thank our speaker for the morning worship services, Kara Myers! I would also like to thank the following ladies for their help in the worship services: Beverly Kincaid, Denise Ingels, Nancy McConnell, Sandy Carroll, Linda Supulver, Kit Maynor, Charlotte Dennis, Bobbie Connell, Donna Hofschild, Darlene Mayfield, Beth Brant, Arduth Baker, Jeanie Moore, Susan McCombs, Zoan Burris, Tracy Young, Joyce Neibaum, Jennifer Comstock, and Jaylene Graham. I would also like to issue an invitation to any lady in our church family that would like to be a part of UMW. If you have questions or just want to attend a circle meeting, I would encourage you to contact me or any of the other leaders. Thanks, Enid Lawson Chandler 816-987-5794

UMW July Schedule: July 12: Gabe's Babes will have a field trip to the Country Keepsake Tea Room in Belton. Lunch will be at 1 pm. Contact Enid Lawson Chandler for info and reservations. 816-987-5794 July 16: Bookies, contact person Jeanie Moore July 20: Friendship Circle, contact person Susan McCombs July 23-26: Mission U

OTHER OPPROTUNITIES & HAPPENINGS AT PHUMC Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church Scholarship Application Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church is offering scholarships to Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church members who are attending a college or technical school this fall 2015. Applications are due July 15, 2015 and will be awarded in August. If you are interested in applying, applications are available in the church office.

Snappy Seniors Come enjoy lunch and a patriotic program with us on July 17 th in the Hospitality Room. Lunch is served at 12 noon and the program will start at 12:50. We don’t care if you’re 55 or 95! Come have fun with us!!!!

Food Pantry Update Thank you for your generous donations of food, money, & delivery of food to the pantry. We served 89 families last month and with the kids home for the summer the need has increased. Our needs this month are: spaghetti, canned pasta, tuna, soup, peanut butter, and juice. The drop box is marked “Food Pantry” in the foyer. Thank you again! LOOKING FOR PEOPLE to come start a new class! 50 Plus Dance/Exercise: We will stretch, and incorporate some easy dance moves mixed with some Zumba moves, doing a gentle workout, FRIDAY 10:30-11:20 a.m. STARTING JULY 17 in the CLC. $3:00, FIRST CLASS IS FREE. Let’s get moving!!

Prayer Walks @ 7:00 the 1st and 3rd Mondays of July and August. We will begin by reading from one of the gospels and having a devotion, then we will walk and pray somewhere in town and come back together at the end for a short time of discussion and reflection. Meeting locations will be announced. Please welcome Mike Beckner to PHUMC. He is taking the Director of Music Ministry position. Mike is a near life long resident of Cass County. He grew up in Harrisonville, and after spending some time in Iowa & the Northland of KC, he settled in Pleasant Hill with his wife and family in 1997. Before joining the staff at PHUMC he served 16 years as Minister of Music at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Independence. Prior to that, he was tenor section leader and then Director of Music at Hillside Christian church in Gladstone. His “Day job” is in information Technology. Please welcome Mike to our worship team.




e wh e S . re … p e h s gi ng u i n i p r p Sp po

Children &

Be in prayer for our LOGOS Campers— A great team of adults and youth will be travelling to the YMCA of the Rockies for GenOn/LOGOS camp, July 12th -18th. Please be in prayer for them as they travel, as they experience the mountains, and as they renew and refresh their faith. Our group includes: Julie McBride, Robert McBride, Susanne Dierking, Aly Knisely, Lizzie Bohon, Cole Serage, Dylan Ryerson, Jake Winger, Fletcher Reeves, Kaitlin Dierking, Tory Long, Tara Conrad, Amanda Wesche, Jaryd Smith, and Derek Smith. A special treat—This group will be sharing their week with us after they return. Maybe they will bottle up some of that cool, crisp mountain air, too! Amen!


“Oh the Places we will Go…”

Summer Mission Trip to the Quad Cities—July 5th-10th

Mission trips bring our “faith to our fingertips.” Please be in prayer for our awesome summer mission team as they travel to “the Quad Cities”—Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa and Rock Island, Illinois. They will be working in local neighborhoods doing community gardening, volunteering in food pantries, and serving in many ways. Our team is: Cliff Conrad, Nancy Miller, Elias Peters, Emily Peters, Fletcher Reeves, Tory Long, Tara Conrad, Dawson Sivils, Evan Miller, and Kirsten Thompson. We are SO PROUD of this team and are excited to hear their stories when they return.


for all of your love and support of our youth, their fundraising efforts, and for your prayers as we are a part of these special camps and trips this summer. The biscuits and gravy breakfasts…the sub sandwiches…and all the wonderful donations, have helped us on our way! We love being part of the PHUMC team!!

What’s the SUMMER-DEAL with Sunday Youth? Senior Highs: *Sunday morning Sunday school---JOIN US with Jeff and Carrie or Keith and Tina (9:45-10:45) for lots of super-cool conversation and studies! *Wednesdays with Julie McBride—Julie’s Bible studies are HISTORIC! It’ a “Wednesday deal” from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Junior Highs: *Sunday morning Sunday school---SUPER AWESOME and AMAZING with Kim Cleveland! (8:45-10:45) Definitely don’t wanna miss this! *Working on a couple of special “extra” things, too! We have been having a blast with Sunday FunDay events with our friends from Hope Methodist in Lone Jack. We will have a mid-summer event with them on Sunday, July 19th. Be watching for details coming soon! AND—there are promises of some special SURPRISES ahead! Really!



VBS 2015 What is G-Force? Let’s just say it is all about movement! What does it mean to MOVE, ACT, CARE, FOLLOW, and SHARE? That’s G-Force! Register TODAY and practice using GOD’S FORCE in YOU! It’s VBS 2015!! Learn a special Bible verse each day…make crafts…hear great stories…play games…enjoy science experiments…experience great lessons…sing and dance…WOW!!! Who are we looking for to join us on this adventure? * “Older” 3 year olds-4th graders * 5th & 6th grade newspaper reporters, editors * 7th-12th grade activity assistants ~class ages are determined by the grade JUST COMPLETED in school

* Adult volunteers to help with snacks, recreation, hospitality, Bible studies, decorating, “comforting,” and everything yummy!

Sunday, July 26th -Thursday, July 30th VBS Opening at 5:55 p.m.— Evening ends at 8:30 p.m. SUNDAY, August 2nd will be - a VBS program in both worship services Registration forms for children, youth AND volunteers are now available…on displays in foyer areas. INVITE FRIENDS! You are not gonna wanna miss this! Questions? Contact Nancy 699-3371 or e-mail at




We’re on the Worldwide Web at: Rev. David Owsley, Senior Pastor

Pleasant Hill

Services: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

United Methodist Church

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

1300 Lexington Road Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 816-540-2072

Mailed at


Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Pleasant Hill, MO Permit No. 41

Pleasant Hill, MO July 1, 2015


July Sunday



Wednesday 1







Church office closed

Church office closed

Happy Birthday America!!!


























G-Force VBS 5:55-8:30 pm

G-Force VBS 5:55-8:30 pm

G-Force VBS 5:55-8:30 pm

G-Force VBS 5:55-8:30 pm

19 Youth Group Mid Summer-event

26 G-Force VBS 5:55-8:30 pm


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