Jindu Research Book

Page 26

A7 A 7.4a


b u i l d i n g i n t e g r at e d p h o t o v o lta i c s


c ry s ta l i n e s i l i c o n e p v g l a z i n g

BIPV refers to the application of PV cells to the building skin: walls, roof, and glazing, as opposed to installing PV arrays on the rooftop. PV glazing is made by sandwiching PV cells between the two layers of glass in an otherwise traditional window or curtain wall panel. Crystalline silicone cells are arranged in a grid-like pattern, which allows light to enter the building through the voids. In addition to producing electricity, the PV cells create a shading screen, which reduces heat gains.

BIPV 是指将 PV电池应用于建筑的表面:墙, 屋顶,和幕墙, 它和在屋顶安装PV 系统不同。PV涂层玻璃是在 双层玻璃之间添夹PV电池,传统玻璃窗或者玻璃幕墙都可以安装这种玻璃。晶体硅电池以网格式排列, 此结构 可允许光线通过空隙进入建筑物内部。PV 电池除了产生电能,还可用来制造遮阳帘降低热量摄入。

A 7.4b

b u i l d i n g i n t e g r at e d p h o t o v o ta i c s


thin film pv glazing

Thin film PV glazing refers to glass that uses amorphous silicon. This type creates an aesthetically more uniform building skin than the crystalline version. Although thin film silicon is not as efficient, it is less costly to manufacture, less wasteful of high-grade silicone during the production process, and collects diffuse and reflected light better than crystalline silicone. Photocells which assess the daylight level can be integrated into both types of PV glazing and connected to interior lighting systems so that electric lights are dimmed or brightened as needed.

薄膜PV涂层玻璃是指使用非晶硅的玻璃。这种涂层可制造出比晶体硅从审美角度更加均一的效果。虽然薄膜硅效率较 低, 但制造成本低, 在制造过程中不要求高级硅,比晶体硅能更好的收集散射光和反射光。 光电池可与以上两种PV涂 层结合,通过与内部照明系统连接跟据需要自动调解照明的亮度。

A 7.5a

d o u b l e s k i n c u rta i n wa l l


b u ff e r fa c a d e

A double skin curtain wall is a pair of glass skins separated by an air corridor ranging in width from centimeters to a meter or more. The main layer of glass acts like part of a conventional structural wall or a curtain wall, while the additional layer, usually single glazing, is placed either in front of or behind the main glazing. The double skin is advantageous because is acts as a thermal and sound insulator. Additionally, shading devices inside the cavity can control thermal gain and are more easily adjusted and better protected from the elements than devices on the exterior of the building. In the oldest typology, the buffer facade, both skins are sealed, and air circulates from the bottom to the top of the air space. This type of double skin has existed for over 100 years, and a modern example is the Occidental Chemical Center (Hooker Building) in upstate New York.

双层玻璃幕墙两层玻璃之间有几厘米到一米甚至更宽的距离中间充满空气的中空玻璃。玻璃幕墙的主玻璃层可以当作传统结构的墙或者 幕墙,另外一层一般是单涂层玻璃通常会被安装在在主玻璃层的前面或后面。双面玻璃幕墙还具有隔热保温个隔音的优势。另外,安装 在室内的遮阳设备可控制热量的吸收,便于调节,比安装在建筑外部的遮阳设施更能得到保护。 老式的的缓冲外墙板两面都是密封的, 空气在内部在底部与顶部之间循环。 这种双层幕墙已有100多年的历史,近代的范例是位于纽约 的欧美化学中心 的Hooker 楼房。


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