plaid reality.

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photography. Swirling Light by Camille Petricola 5 6XQÁRZHU E\ &DPLOOH 3HWULFROD Gate by Lisa Fierstein 9 Women by Camille Petricola 10 Inside Flower by Josh Loevner 13 Beads of Light by Benjamin Chait 14 Lily by Aaren Barge 19 0LFURSKRQH E\ 0LFKDHO &XUU\


1 Marbilized Paper by Lisa Fierstein 2 Fantasy Drawings by Tori Hirata 17 Skeleton by Josh Loevner 20 Watergun Photograms by Melissa Rostek 22 Designs by Carly Heywood 22 Designs by Tori Hirata 24 Flower by Blake Uretsky 25 Spoon Bracelet by Tori Hirata 25 Piano by Lisa Fierstein *UDIÀWL E\ %ODNH 8UHWVN\ 34 Mosaic by Melissa Rostek 39 Dotted Pot by Blake Uretsky 45 Portrait by Josh Loevner 54 Mask Collage by Alli Kunkle 58 Woman by Carly Heywood 0DWLVVH &XWRXW E\ /LVD )LHUVWHLQ 71 Charcoal Woman by Josh Loevner

Rowboat by Kaila Yallum 29 Honey Bee by Josh Loevnver 31 Faucet by Lisa Fierstein 37 Bright Light by Benjamin Chait 40 Firework by Rick Thompson 43 Actor by Ari Schuman 47 In Rememberance by Aaren Barge 48 Paper Cranes by Lisa Fierstein 51 Lantern by Ally Bartlett 52 7KH (QVXLQJ $IWHU E\ /LVD )LHUVWHLQ 'LYLQJ 3HQJXLQ E\ $OO\ %DUWOHWW +RUURU 0RYLH 7UHHV E\ %HQMDPLQ &KDLW +RUURU 0RYLH :RPDQ E\ %HQMDPLQ &KDLW 3RODURLG 3KRWRV E\ 1RDK 9LWR &UDE E\ 5LFN 7KRPSVRQ Drummer by Elizabeth Friedman 73 Wood and Newspaper After a Fire by Aaren Barge 74 0RQNH\ E\ $UL 6FKXPDQ Returning Boy by Camille Petricola 79

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