AGEING IN PLACE. Narratives and Memories in the UK and Brazil. Book.

Page 277

Essa aí é a nossa garagem. É o cantinho do churrasco, do assado dos colorados. Aí tem TV, tem coisa para o café. A gente faz o churrasco, põe a mesa ali (na rua em frente a garagem). Os amigos, o pessoal do bloco, todo mundo que tem garagem fica ali, a gente come tudo junto. Fica bem legal, fica bem bom! Às vezes até dia de semana. Feminino, 60 anos, Fragata, Pelotas, Brasil.

That is our garage. It is the barbecue place, the beef roast of the Colorado [soccer team name]. There is TV, there is something for drinking coffee. We make the barbecue, put the table there (on the street in front of the garage). The friends, the people on the block come here, everyone who has a garage is there, we eat together. It's really cool, it's good! Sometimes even during the week. Female, 60 years old, Fragata, Pelotas, Brazil.

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