Equal magazine may june issuu

Page 40

ic r their first publ ar preparing fo ye st la e th t spen .” ucky After Dark exhibit called “L s e historical root rk” illustrates th 20th century “Lucky After Da in bs ian social clu , private social of gay and lesb r Repeal in 1933 of Prohibition. te Af Pittsburgh. cy ga the mixed le clubs inherited clubs were populated by s ur ho rranging from These afte ght characters ili tw of re tu ix le providing am to vice cops whi ment for its numbers kings in rta tion, and ente privacy, protec aces” helped burgh’s “gay pl e where tts Pi . clientele sc cturnal land ap lped forge he create a new no f, and members proprietors, staf set the stage for future at a community th blic life. pu engagement in the oral s closely from The exhibit draw ted with Lucky, a club uc interviews cond nder who became a key rte ba d an steward


E q u a l M a g a z i n e. o rg

ith many project, along w ralleled e th r fo t an rm info er pa ts. Lucky’s care other participan Pittsburgh and his extensive y , the history of ga raphs, videos, publications otog use Ho e th , collection of ph ub Cl . s from the T.C and other item hich vividly avelers all of w Tr d an , of Tilden rk. da r y world afte illustrate the ga May 30-June 29 Future Tenant ue 819 Penn Aven n Downtow history.com pittsburghqueer

provided exhibition was cky After Dark’ onal and Charitable Trust ‘Lu e th for ing Fund . Mellon Educati The Pittsburgh Foundation, of @ in part by the A.W ott Noxon Fund e Fund for Art Fund and the Sc llon University Frank-Ratchy gram at Carnegie Pro Me s ie lar eg ies Scho the Carn d the Humanit the Frontier, an ty. Mellon Universi

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