The Practical Printer

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as far as lies in his power, to rethove all ofth~ organic matter from the bath, so that it will not deceive him. FAILURES IN SILVERING THE PAPER.

Paper Silt;erecl too Loog a Time.-Result: The paper will discolor very quickly, according to temperature, and the prints will have a sunken-in appearance, and with a strong bath bronzing is very plainly indicated (even when the prints are finished) in all of the slight shadows, even those under the eyebrows, the latter result being more evident in the case of the albumen paper, the former (sunken-in appearance), both in plain and albumen paper. Paper Silvered too Slwrt a Time.-Result: Weak; flat prints, without any boldness, prints red, and red spots of various sizes are very noticeable. The bath is either too weak or the paper is floated too short a time, or both, when the above results appear. Plain paper, if silvered too short a time, will act similarly to albumen, and then if it had been swabbed when this result occurs, the strength of the silver solution is too low, and should be increased. Do not lay flat and red prints to the paper being undersilvered, unless you are sure that the paper has been thoroughly dried before and after fuming, as the same results occur by printing upon paper that has not been dried, as said before. Bubbles on the Paper while Silvering.-Blow at them, or touch them gently with a glass rod. Paper curling over while Silve1·ing.-Breathe gently (don't blow) on it, and it will flatten at once. G1·easiness to the Solution on the Paper after Floating.-The paper was either too dry before floating, solution too cold, or the paper was floated too short a time. Uneve·" Silvering, see Silvering the Albumen Paper, Chapter II, Part I. Stains on the Paper after Silvering, and while Dry·ing.-Caused by the paper coming into contact with dirty places while you are hanging it up, by dirty hands, and stains running from the corners where the paper is suspended either by common pins, tacks, &c. Remedy: Carefulness in hanging up the paper, and by the use of spring clips. FAILURES IN DRYING THE PAPER.

Swinging and sticking together of the paper while drying, caused by draughts. Curling of the paper while drying can be prevented by obtaining a piece of stick as long as the lower side of the suspended paper, and

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