5 minute read

One Woman's Story of Choosing Financial Freedom

by Susan Scotts

While it is true that career ownership through franchising can create an opportunity to fulfill your professional goals and build wealth and equity for your future, there are many other benefits you might not be aware of.


In particular, women franchisees can experience freedom of time through work/life balance so they can live the life they desire by being able to focus on family, enjoy self-sufficiency or simply have time to enjoy life however they choose. A good example is my personal client, Elis Salamone, whose story I’m delighted to share with you.

Elis enlisted in the Army right out of high school looking for adventure and funds for college. This decision led to a successful 27-year military career – one that spanned the entire globe and included a combat tour in Afghanistan and dual service in the Air Force. She retired from the Air Force in 2014 as a Lt. Colonel and nurse practitioner. She beams when she shares that her military career has been her proudest professional achievement to date.

After retiring from military service, Elis moved cross country to Washington state for a government job – one she thought was her civilian dream job. What Elis did not realize at the time – but would enthusiastically suggest now – is that she should have taken time some time off after retiring from active duty to reflect and figure out who she was as a civilian professional.

Fast forward a few years and a couple more civilian jobs, being laid off and terminated (for no reason!), Elis explains, “I was tired of not being able to control my own schedule or outcomes based on my work. As a multi-faceted professional, I was involved in the community and often did public speaking work and community work that required me to be away from my job, not to mention being there for my son who is unable to drive due to his epilepsy.”

Her son, while an adult, has dealt with multiple setbacks due to his epilepsy and has needed a great deal of support, which was challenging when working away from home. Having the ability to work from home has been a great advantage not only for her son but for Elis. She’s even included her son in the business, giving him the ability to work during the pandemic, which really helped expand her client list.

Elis realized that she needed to shift her mindset and consider working for herself. Investing in a franchise was not only a great option, but a journey of self-discovery for Elis. She always thought about business ownership but shared she “never knew where to start.” Once I introduced Elis to franchising and she learned about different possibilities, she knew she had found her next path!

“What I love about TES (The Entrepreneur’s Source) is the ability to do what I love, which is helping others fulfill their potential.

The added bonus is I get to do this while having control over my schedule and being rewarded for my work, while making a difference in the lives of others.

“Career ownership has been a huge learning curve, one with so many rewards. When I get frustrated, I remind myself that I’m still in the baby stages of career ownership.” There is also a great resource in the support team at TES to provide guidance and ongoing training.

“The ability to fully control my schedule and how I manage it has been one of the most empowering benefits of career ownership. Recently my mother needed me back East and I was able to block my schedule and take the time off to go visit my family without having to ask for anyone’s approval. It just does not get any better than that.”

Elis’ big “why” is helping others, particularly women and minorities, explore possibilities and believe in the power of self-sufficiency.

“I truly believe our country and communities will not thrive until there is more diversity in business. Empowering clients and seeing the mindset shift is the most powerful outcome I can guide my clients through,” Elis said.

Elis’ very first client, was a female U.S. Navy veteran from the Caribbean who dreamt of business ownership. This client is now thriving post military career as a business owner and making a difference in her own community.

“Controlling my schedule means I can accommodate all the other parts of me, like working on my house, being involved in other ventures, writing and podcasting, traveling the world, spending time with friends and family or simply adding ’take a nap’ or ‘workout’ on my calendar.” She adds, “Business ownership is not for the faint at heart, but if you’re going to hustle and work hard, why not do that for yourself?”

By helping others to achieve their dreams, Elis is realizing and achieving hers. She has professional control over her activities and her time, as well as achieving personal work/life balance that she craved after the military. Now that’s living!

Susan Scotts is a multiple award winning career transition coach with The Entrepreneur’s Source® and possesses three decades of experience in helping empower individuals to become entrepreneurs through franchise business ownership. For a complimentary consultation, she can be reached at 561-859-9110 or SScotts@Esource- Coach.com.

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