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Phi Mu from Knoxville, Tenn. A freshman in the College of Home Economics, Nancy is the attractive daughter of Col. and Mrs. Samuel Rasor. Colonel Rasor is Professor of Military Science and Tactics of the Army ROTC unit at the University of Tennessee. Rush Week in the Fall brought 11 pledges to ALPHA SIGMA. Historian Bill Laster has brought us up-to-date on happenings at ALPHA TAU, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, during last term. Three brothers have attained the highest honors possible for undergraduate students. Brother Harry Zimmer was elected President of the Union. In the sophomore class, Brother Edgar Kersey was selected for the White Key, honorary for outstanding leadership ability displayed during the freshman year. Brother Fran LaGase was selected to the Bachelors of Rensselaer, honorary for outstanding freshman athletes. Fran, a swimmer, set three out of a possible five records. The chapter also had 12 brothers chosen to be Counselors in Freshman Camp. The week end of November 3, members of AI-PHA TAU went up to Clarkson College to initiate KARMA Fraternity into the brotherhood as BETA RHO Chapter. Brother Greg Elam was there to handle pledge training. while the brothers of ALPHA TAU handled the initiation. From 8:30 Saturday night until 6:30 Sunday morning, 62 new brothers were initiated. "We would like to congratulate the BETA RHO men on the dedication and spirit exhibited," Brother Laster wrote. "Their willingness to learn and to cooperate in any way possible assures the fact that they are true Pi Kapps. "Social life at the Paine Mansion reached a new peak this year. At IF Week End, we had Wilbur DeParis at the house. Wilbur is considered by many to have the best New Orleans style Dixieland band in the country. That week end, 1,700 people passed through our front doors. "Sportwise, the Pi Kapps again excelled. We obtained a tie for first in IFC football and a solid first in swimming. The possibilities for a basketball trophy look just as good. "Rushing brought the Pi Kapps a top pledge class. Their number is 20, and they hail from around the world-Bermuda, New York, Oslo, Paris, Alexandria, Houston, Cleveland, etc., speaking French, Greek, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Texan, Rebel Lingo, and Brooklynese. This is a typical Pi Kapp pledge class, the kind that have placed us on top and kept us on top," Brother Laster concluded. ALPHA UPSILON Chapter at Drexel is wishing the best of lu ck fnr Brother Hector Negroni who transferred from Drexel to the United States Air Force Academy and is presently in tra~ning there. The show is over but the memory lingers on. Brothers at ALPHA UPSILON ~re happy over the success of their show, "Bootleggin' Babes," which over 1,800 persons saw in two presentations in November. Historian M . D. Sheri~an declared that " under the brilliant leadership of Brothers Dtck Mensch, Chairman; Walt Koenig. Script, and Dean Beckwith, Production, all of ALPHA UPSILON piled on the bandwagon and pitched in to produce the best yet." Along with their show, ALPHA UPSII-ON had a full social schedule. "Executive Secretary Greg Elam joined us for a few days this term " Brother Sheridan said. "We were pleased to have him visit' us and are looking forward to his next trip this way. Greg managed to see the show Friday nig~t and ~tten~ a dance while here · also he made two house parttes. Wtth Ius trusted banjo, Greg led 'a n enjoyable song fest. Singing can and always does liven up a party. Our national leader turned a ,t:ood party into a gceat party with his banjo. "Drexel is at present deep in talk of expansion. All of the fraternities on campus are intensely interested in this expansion since it will affect us directly. The present expansion pro,t:ra~ entails the school's moving right up to our front door. Thts very possibly will make it necessary for us to move from our present location." ALPHA UPSILON's bowlers retained the Inter-Fraternity Championship . Last year the chapter's team captured the title by a margin of 23 pins; this year they swamped the opponent by over 400 pins. Brothers Dick Mensch (captain), Jack Campbell , Wilson Cassel , Bob Schoenberger, Dean Beckwith, and Charlie McDermott led them to their second consecutive championship. Individual and league records were broken and presently just about every bowling record at Drexel is held by the team from ALPHA UPSILON. 24

1 \>it Brother William Malone was initiated into ALPHA l sur SILON December 8. t:! "After being humbled in a chug-a-lug contest at our ann F~unders' Day Banquet held at the Stockyards Inn, our al~ vmdicated themselves in basketball," Historian Jim Lef10~ of ALPHA PHI wrote. "Height and experience told the 5 as the alumni won the game 52 to 20." Brother Roy Schaufelberger, Union, N. ]., brought thhoOf to himself and BETA ALPHA when he qualified for d Kappa Phi Scholarship Award. The scholarship pendant an tation were presented to Brother Schaufelberger at the f()IV ders' Day Dinner. 111 BETA ALPHA wishes to remind alumni brothers who ;1 in the Northern New Jersey area that the recently reorgan 11 . Northern New Jersey Alumni Chapter is striving _f~r ett higher membership. Brothers who are interested in jotntn!l ~ group are asked to contact Brother Art Sikora, Secretary,;:~ address is 429 First St., Westfield, N. ]., telephone ll' 2-3637. Brother Jim Gomes is President, and Brother Tomaro is Treasurer. ell' These brothers at BETA BET A have been selected for Jllpei bership in Omicron Delta Kappa : Brothers Guy D. ChaP James Conner, Henry Bartlett, and Louis S. Bonsteel. w• At BETA EPSILON, Philip E. Gray, Kirkwood, Mo., initiated into the chapter November 17. 11 The chapter's outside activities this year have centered ~~f cipally around bowling. As this report goes to press, the c ~' ter is tied for fourth place in its division of the IFC LC•':0) Members of the team are Brothers Alan ]. Adams (Captnt{P Robert Paden and Henry M. Curry, North Kansas City, J~ ci Brothers Kenneth W . McWade, and Richard ("Smoke") p~ man, Kansas City, Mo.; and Brother Edward ("Ned") mody, Mexico, Mo. d BETA EPSILON had a team, Brothers Adams and Mc\Xfa ~ an All-Campus Bridge Tournament in December. The t ended in a fourth-place tie. ~· Officers of BETA EPSILON have been elected as folio~· Archon, Brother James Wiley Scott, Hughesville, Mo.; 'fb~~ urer, Brother Adams; Secretary, Brother Robert F. Dob ~~ St. Louis, Mo.; Warden, Brother Hubert D. Osteen, SuJil{~ S. C.; Historian, Brother William H. Baker, St. Joseph, ~ and Chaplain, Brother Gray. Jl1 "In November, BETA PI Chapter at Eastern Michigan '~·!') en masse to our fair University," a report from BETA J0 111 said. "They had high hopes of grinding their brother ch~t1~ BETA IOTA, into the dust of our football £elds. Weii ,_ B r IOTA, in a bloody and brnising battle bested their netgh~ in an hour-long contest. Spartan efforts were turned in bYShl' Cowen, Jack Cummings, Bill O'Shea, Tom Grasley, Dick d''t man, Jay Wodrich, Gene Blair, Bill Shook, and Jim Stan '· all brothers in BETA IOTA Chapter." 'fl BETA IOTA's December 9 initiates were Brother Lance ~ mage, 2611 Packwood Ave., Toledo; Brother Carl M . ~on~O: 9251/2 Sherman St., Toledo, and Brother Nicholas Fergadts, "' W . Bancroft, Toledo. BETA LAMBDA's Rush Party for the Fall semester Ji under the direction of Brothers Norman Douglas an~ (, Gable. This was a "great evening of fraternal friendshtP the prospective rushees," Historian Nick Nichols d~cl~red. oilAs this report goes to pre~s BETA ~AM~D~ ts m seclef place in the Intramural standmgs after JUSt wmnmg the vol,i ball championship. This chapter had last year's Intra""' Championship team . rC' BETA XI, co-sponsor with Zeta Chi Zeta Sorority, capt 0f111 a second place award in the judging of Ao~ts during ~he lfohtl coming Parade. A Coffee Hour for returntng alumnt was after the game. . stal· Historian Philip Campbell of BETA ETA at Fl~mda 11' 6 University is one of those men who sent an except10oalll' report on chapter activities. We quote this report below:h(lll "BETA ETA has taken one of its greatest steps in its 5 ,. history by the purchase of the adjoining house. Last year h~ were one of the few fraternities on ca~pus that owned I61'' house. This year we are the only fraterntty that ow~s two e · mansions. We are really proud of the tremendous stnde, on tltl the many that we have undertaken in the past and one of many we will undertake in the future. . tltl "The first week of the semester was a busy one, wtth ef painting and repairing of the houses, the moving in of 0 ¢ furniture, such as a new living room suite, new beds and drei1' ers for the new house and new chairs for the dining robh When classes started, we were all settled down comfortn THE






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